1950/12/07 54 .City~Ha_,ll,. Anaheim,. Califor, nia, N0~emb. e.r.30' 195.0 ...... 2:00 P.M, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM REQUESTING THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION TO ~KE CERTAIN CHANGES IN THE PROPOSED CO~[PREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE AND REQUESTING FURTHER A REPORT FRON THE CITY PLANNING C0~94ISSION ON SUCH PROPOSED CtiANGES. refer to Resolution Book, page 517. (Poultry & domestic animals shall be subject to provisions of Ord. No. 512, and conditions set forth a to e inclusive. (Sec. 4. "R-A" Residential Agricultural Zone A. Use. 9.) (Sec. 4, Para. C Area, sub-para. ~ (b)- Sec. 5, Para. C. Area, sub- para. 4 (c) - Sec. 6, Para. C. Area, sub-para. ~ (c) - Sec. 7, Para. C. Area, sub- para. 4 (d) - Sec. 8, Para. C. Area, sub-para. 4 (d) the words "of record" stricken out.) (Sec. 9, Paragraphs B. Height and C area be omitted.) (Sec. ll, Para. C. Area, sub-para. 5, Parking Areas, a. Required public parking area. (1) the word "or" be inserted between "Street" and "Lincoln" and the word "and" be stricken out.) (Sec. 22 Enactment and Repeal, the words "Anaheim Gazette" be changed to "Anaheim Bulletin".) (Sec. 22, Enactment and Repeal, the following Ord. Nos. 63~, 651, 689, 692 and 698 be stricken out and Ordinance No. 718 be added.) On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by th~ following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wisser, Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. The Mayor declared Resolution No. 1794 duly passed and adopted. Councilman Van Wagoner moved to recess. Councilman Boney seconded the motion. RECESS. AFTER RECESS. The City Council convened for the purpose of meeting with the City Planning Commission for the considerati~on ef the Resolutions and. Ordinances before them on the proposed ~ew zoning map and ordinance. Councilman Van Wagoner ~f£ered to the City Planning Commission Resolution Numbers, !791, 1792, 1793 and 1794. _ _ ' ~ 6ouacilman Van Wagoner moved to adjourn. Oouncilman Boney seconded ~he motion. MOT i ON O-A~.E'-ED. ~ - - ADJOURNED. SIGNED __.~ ~.~.~. ~/ 'C~ Cler~ City Hall, Anaheim,-0a!iforx{ia, December 7, 1950 3:00 P.M, The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in Special Meeting to consider the matter of authorizing, and 'bo authorize if necessary and proper, the publication of anc. ti,~ inviting sealed proposals for furnishing 18" 1Q-gauge Welded Steel~ Pipe, Steet "Dresser" tsq0e Couplings for steel pipe, 2 Electric ~Motors and 2.Sewa, ge ~Pumps for the Magnolia Trunk Sewer Project of .the Orange County Joint Outfall Sewer, and to consider and act upon such other~ matters as may be unanimously agre~ed upon and con- sented to during the course of said Special Meeting. PRESENT: COUNCILMEN: Pearson:, Wisser and Boney. ~ ABSEI~T : CGUNCIL~N: Heying and Van Wagoner. CITY ATTORNEY TURNER: Present. ADMINISTP~ATIVE OFFICER : Present. All members of the City Council consented to the holding of this Special Meeting. 5ES©LUTiOE NC~ 17~6: ~f~ouncilman Boney offered Resolution No. 1796 and moved for its passage. Councilman ~m~~r seconded the motio~n. MOTION ~RRI~. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AUTHORIZING THE CITY CLERK TC PUBLISH A NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS FOR FURNISHING 18" 10£GAUGE WELDED tl I! ~TmEL' PIPE STEEL DRESSER TYPE COUPLINGS FOP. STEEL PIPE 2 ELECTRIC MOT[iRS & 2 SEWAGE PUN[PS. refer to Resolution Book, p~age _ . On roll call the foregoing ResolU{'i°n No. 1796 was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pear~on, Wi~er and Boney. NOES: COUNCiLMA/~: None. ABSENT: COUNCILN[EN: ~{eying and Van Wagoner. The Mayor declared ResolUtion No. 1796 duly passed and adopted. Hall AD~dy_~e ~m_,_ C_a~%fornia ,. December F,. l_~0 .... _ 3:00 P.M. C~J!~i~i~l~!' DEFk,~,~'SE: CHIEF OF THE COM~ib~ICATiC~S DIVISION: The matter of Civilian Defense was discussed. Acting upon the recommendations of the Administrative Officer, Mr. Murdoch, Mayor Pear,on appoi~ted Mr. Robert Mungal~ as ChieT of the CoE~ications Division. Council- man Boney moved to ratify said appoiutmemt. Council~n Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CA~i~. Ci~V.~Li~h DE?'~L~SE: SETT!~G ~ WARDS: Setting up Wards, Block Wardens ~d the n'~ber of ward~ required warn discussed for the Defense Progr~. It was stressed that h~d-picked selection of the best men available to act as Wardens in the major capacity in Ctvili~ Defense. CiViLiAN DE~ESE: POLICE AND FIP~ A~ILIARIES: Police and Fire A~i!iary Units to be built up at the earliest opportunity wa~ recommended. ~ order to the State Printers for 3,000 ~ditional bul].etins "Survival Under Atomic Attack" was made. BULLETIN: GIFTS TO CITY E}.,~PLOYEES: A BUlletin Directive against the acceptance of gifts by Officers and Employees of the City of Anaheim and Officers and Employees of the Joint Out,all Sewer wherein the interest of the City of Anaheim is involved or affected, and it was ordered by the City Council that sai~ Directive be set up immediately on motion by Councilman Boney, seconded by Councilman~Pearson. MOTION CAPJ~IED. SIDEWALK REPAIRS: Discussion on the repair of sidewalks which have been damaged by street- trees and otherwise was held. No action was taken in the matter. The City Clerk was requested to reply to~ the communication from the A~nerican Legion a~ to what is being done in the line of Civilian De~ense in the City of Anaheim. Mr. Murdoch, Administrative Officer will announce tha~ he will be present at the meeting to give the American Legion Membership the ~et up a~ it now stand~ in the City of Anaheim. No other busines~ before the Council, thS meeting was adjourned on motion by Councilman Boney, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. AD JO%T/~ED. 0ity El, Anaheim, Califormia, Deceml~er 12, 1950 ~ ~mm m ,mm mm ,,mm. -- .m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m m ~ ~ ~e 0try Oo~cil of the Ott~ o~ A~eim met ~n Re.ar So,mien. P~S~: C~CI~N: Pear,on, Wiss~, HeyinE, Boney ~d V~ W~oner. ~SE~ ; OO~OI~~ None. CITY ATT0~Y ~: Pre~ent. ~NINIS~TIVE OFFIOE: Present. 8:O0 P.M. The Minutes of the Regular Meeting held Noyes%er 28, 1950, 8:00 o'clock P.M. and the A~l~ourned Regular Meeting held November 30, 1950. 2:00 otcleck P.M. am~ AdJourmed Regaiar Meeting held December 7, 1950, 31:00 o~clock P.M. were read and approved on metiom By ¢oumcilmam Van Wagoner, seconded by C~cilmam Boney. MOTION CARRIED. $~,040,000. SEWER BONDS, 1951: Thiz bei~ the time a~ place £ixeA for the opening of on the $1,040,000. SEWER BONDS. 1951, of the City of A~eim, ~ateel Jammary 15, 1951, the City Clerk reporte~ t~t twe (2) bids ha~ been file~, There~Apon the l~ids were l~al~licly epene~, examined an~ declared. Sai~ bids are aa follows, to wit: BAtiK OF ~JRiCA N.T. & S.A. & ASSOCIATES, bid par, accrued interest to date of ~elivery, premium of $889.00 for said $1,040,000. SEWFiR BONDS, 1951, Bonds Nee. 1 to 320, imclmsive an8 ~ends Nee. 721 to 1050, inclusive, to bear interest at the rate of 1 3/~% payable semiannually, and Bondz Nos. 321 to 720, both inclusive, to bear interest at the rate cf 1 1/2 % iper annum, lm~yable semiannually. SECbRITY Fit~ST iq'ATiOlqAL BANK OF LOS ANGELES BLYTH & CO., CALIFORiqIA BANK, R. H. MOULTON & CO., REDFiE~ & CO., WILLIAM R. STAATS CO. and WAGENSELLER & DURST, l~id par, accrued interest to date of delivery, and a premium of $728.00 for eai~ $1,0A~0,O00. SE~ ~ Bonds Nee I to 10~O inclusive, te bear interest at the rate of 1 3/~ ~er l~l, · payal~le semtammually, Each of said bids was accompamied by a c&ehter~m check in the sum of $31,200. e,s provided in the notice inviting bids. The City Attorney reported that each of said bids was regular amd in accordance with the notice. Thereafter, upon motion duly t~ade by Councilman Boney, seconded by Councilmam tIeying and carried, said bids were referred to the City Treasurer and the City Attorney flor checking, said officers to compute the bid. amd to report back to the City Council immediately after such computation with their recommendation as to the Beet