1950/12/12C~i~~ ~_Ral_~!,~ Ana~aeim, California;_ December 12;_~950 ................. 8;00 The City Attorney reported that he ~ the Cit~ Tre~s~er, ~s direct~ b~ the City 0o~cil, ~ com~ted the bids ~d t~t the bid of ~K 0F ~RICA N.T. & S.A. ASSOCIATES bidding par, acc~ed i~terest to date of delivery, ~ a premi~ off $ 889.00 for said bonds, Bonds Nos. 1 to 320, inclusive ~d Bonds Nos. ~21 to 10~0, inclusive, to bear interest at the rate of 1 3/$% per ~~, payable semi~~liy, ~d Bonds Nom. 321 to 720~ both inclusive, to b~r interest at the rate of 1 1/~ per ~~ p~aBle seminally, is the best bid, ~ reco~e~ t~t the City C~cil a~rd the bo~s to said bidder. After considering the recommemdation and the computation of the bi~s. on motion of Councilman Heying, secomted by Coumcilmam Van Wagoner, Resolution No. 1797, entitled "RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TEE CITY OF ANANEIM. GALIFOI~;LA, AYARDING $1,0~0,000. SEWER BONDS, 1951, OF SAID CITY TO THE BEST BIDDER AND FIXING THE INTEREST RATES THEREON", was adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pear,om, Wisser, Heying, Boney and Van ?a~oner, NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. A~HEET: COTJ]~CILM~: None. . The Mayor declared Resolution No. 1797 duly pass~ .amd a~ep, te~l. RESOLUTION NO. 1797: RESOLUTION (1F THE CITY COUNCIL, OF THE CITY OF ANA~M, CALIFORNIA, AWARDING $1~O~O,000, SEWER BONDS, 1951,' OF SAID CITY TO THE BEST BIDDER AND FIXING THE INTER, EST RATES THEREON. . WHEREAS, at the time a~ place fixed for the opening of bi'de for the $1,0$0.000. SEWER BONDS, 1951, of the City of Amaheim, all bide were publicly openei, examined amd rea~, a~ a ta~ralatiom thereof h~s been entered in the mimxtes$ WHEREAS, the bid of the bidder hereinafter named is the highest and best bid m~e by a responsible bidder £or ~aid NOW, THEREFORE, the Cit~y Council of the City of A~beim, California, DOES HER~Y RESOLVE. DETERMINE A~D ORDER as follows: . ~ Section 1. That the bi~[ of BANK' OF AMERICA N.T. & S.A. & ASSOCIATES offering par, accrued interest to date of deliver~, amd a premium of $889.00 for said bonds, Bond~ Nos. 1 to 320, inclusive, amd Bonds Nos. 721 to IOA~O. i~clusive, to bear interest at the rate of 1 3/4% ~er annum, l~ayaBle semiammuall~, amd Bonds Nos. 321 to clusive~. to bear interest ~at the rate of 1 1/2~ per annum, payable semiannually, is the highest and best bid for said bombs. Sai~ Bid is hereby accepted ax~ the Bond~ awarded to sa~.d bid~ler in accordance with the t~erms of its proposal. Section 2. That all Bids, other than the one acceptecl in Section 1 hereof, are rejecte~ and the City Clerk is directed to return the checks accompanying said re- jecte~ bids to the respective bid~lers. Section 3. That the interest rates on said 5EWER ~OND$, 1951, be amd they are hereby fixed as follows: Bonds numbered 1 to 320, inclusive, and Bon~s numbered 721 to 10~0, inclusive, shall Bear interest at the rate of 1 3/$% per annum, payable ~emianmu~lly, and Bond~ mmmbered 321 to 720. inclusive, shall bear interest at the rase of 1 1/2% per annum, payable semiannually.~ Section ~. The City Treasurer i~s hereby directed to deliver said bonds to the succee~ful Bidder upon the payment of par, accrued inte~e~st to date of delivery, and the premium above stated, ADOPTED, SIGNED AND APPROVED this 12th day of December, 1950. RESOLUTION NO. 1798: Councilmsm Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 1798 and moved for its adoption. Councilmam Heying seconded the motion. MOTION GA/~IED. RESOLUTION GRANTING A VARIANCE. W~EAS, Harold Berlin, as Lessee of certain real property situated at llO East Center Street, in the City of ~eim, CO~ty of Cremate, State of Cm~lifornia, ~escril~e~ as Lot 6 of Block A, of the 0enter Tract, has filed with the City Plaw~ing Oommimeio~ of the City of Anaheim, a petitiom requesting that a variance be granted permitting him to u~e the second floor at said address for ~he manufacture o~ la~iee~ Ga~me~tm, am M-2. light ma~acturing use; and ~ I~. the City Council finds from consideration an~ investigation of the facts and the report amd recommenAation of the Cit~ Pleasing Commission that: (1) Sl~ecial circumstances and exceptiomal conditions do exist as to the pro- perty or classes of uses in the same zone or district; (2) That a, variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a eul~- stamtial property right of said petitioner; ~(3) That the granting of such conditional variance will mot be detrimental : to the lr~blic welfare or injurious to the property¢ or improvements in the district where- in said property is located, provided, the coz~!itions, hereinafter set forth are complied with: 56 :0it~_Ealll, ~__~e~i_m~z California. December. Li2,.., 1950 NOW, T~~, BE IT ~SOL~ BY T~ CI~ CO,OIL OF T~ CITY OF t~t a co~itio~l warimnce be, ~d the s~e is hereby, ~t~ to ~rold Berlim permittinE him te use the ~eco~ fleer at llO ~t Center Street for the of l~iee' ~rments, ~ ~2, liEht ~~mct~ing use upon the followimE co~itione: 1. T~t maid ~sinee~ e~ll Be operat~ in accord~ce with ~l laws of the State off C~ifo~im ~ O~in~cem ~ Re~atione off the City of A~e~; 2. T~t ~aid vari~ce be gr~t~ for one year ~ Be subject to review the end of this period. 3. T~t the mppear~ce of said re~ property, including ~1 buildi~s thermos s~ll be kept ~ ~intained with a satief~tory a~ear~ce in keeping with t~ uses herein permitt~. ~ ~. T~t the ~intemce ~d o~ration of said building s~ll co~ly with all requirements of the 0bier of the Fire De~rtment of the City ,.of An~eim · afety ~d fire prevention. ~. ~t the 01ty 0ouncil hereb2 reserves the right to revo~e said v~i~ce ~rmit for go,d cause. ~ ~ ~ roll call the foregoing Resolution was d~y ~as~ ~ ~opt~ by ~the following vote: A~S: CO~CI~N: Peasen, Wiener. Heying. Boney ~d V~ W~oner. NOES: OO~CI~~: NOne. · ~S~: CO~CI~: None. The ~or declared Resolution ~, 1~98 duly ~ae~ ~d ~t~. RESOLUTION NO. 1799: Councilman Heying offered Resolution No. 1799 and moved for its passage and adoptiom. Councilman Wisser ~econded the motion. MOTION CA.~bRIED. A 1KESOLIITION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE O~TY OF ANAHEIM AUTHORIZING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH A NOTICE INVITING SEAJ~ED PROPOSALS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE NAGNOLIA TRUNK SEWER PROJECT AND FOR FURNISHING ALI, LABORs AND MATERIALS THEREFOR. ~ WHEREAS, the City of Amaheim is the Contracting Agent for the cities of Amaheim, Fullerton and ~Orange, and the sanitary Districts of Buena Park, Garden Grove, La Nabra ancl Placentia; a~ ~ WHEREAS, said Cit'ies a2~!' Sanitary Districts have heretofore duly passed and adopted resolutions ~uthorizing the C~t¥ of~ Anaheim to act aa contracting agent , for and on behalf of said Cities and Sami~ary Districts in, the constr~ction of said Magnolia[ Trunk Sewer' Pro,oct, and authorieing maid Cit~ o~ A~_a_beim, aa much eo~xtract~ lng agent', to advertise for bid's for the purchase of materials, end for bide for ,the conmtruction of said ~olia Tru~ Sewer Project, ~ t~ award contracts therefor, and to do and perform all things necessary for the construction ami completion of mat~ M~olia Trum~ Sewer Project; amd WHEREAS. the 0ity 0ouncil of the 0ity of Anaheim finds and determines that it is necemsary to publish a notice inviting sealed-proposals for the censtructtom of maid ~mgnolia Tr~ SeWer Project, and for the furnishing of all labar amd materials necessary and required to complete said' Magnolia Tru~ Sewer Project ia accordance with the designs, pl~aam and mpecification~ hereinabove memtione4: . , NOW. THER~OPE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE ~CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AKAHEIM AS CONTRACTING AGENT for the cities of Anaheim. Fullerton amc% 0range, and for the Sanitary Districts of Buena Park, Garden Grove, La Habra and Placentia, that the Ci~t~ Clerk of 'the City of Anaheim be, and he ia hereby authorized and directed to publish a notice inviting sealed proposals for the furnishing of all labor and materials aaa for the construction of 'the Magnolia Trunk Sewer Project of the 0ramge County Joist Outfal] Sewer: and BE IT )T~RTHER RESOLVED that the detailed designs, plans anA~ specifications. estimates of quautities and costs of labor and material for the Magnolia Trunk Sewer .Project as prepared and submitted by Koebig and KoeBig, consulting engineer~ Be approved amd adopted by ssi& cities and Sanitary Districts be placeA on~ file in the office of the City Clerk of the Oity of Anaheim, and made available to all prospective bidders for the furnishing of said laB.~r and materials for the const~ructio~ of said Magnolia~Trunk Sewer Projects and ~ BE IT ~q{THER RESOLVED that the prevailing wage scale or per ~iem wages heretofore adopted By the City Council by resolution and now on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, be set forth in the notice inviting bide; ann BE IT FURT~, RESOLVED that said not,ce specify t_hat the successful bidder or bi~derm will be required to enter lute a contract with the 0ity of Anaheim, as such contracting agent, in the form to be approved by said City of Anaheim$ aaa BE IT F~,~,THER RESOLVED that the 2nd day of January, 1951, at the hour of 8:00 P.M. of said day in the City Council Chambers of the City Hall of Anaheim, be --and the same is here~y est as the &ay, time and place for opeming of said bids, amd that the City Clerk of the City of Anahe~ give due ~ legal notice by publishing said notice in the Amaheim Bulletin, a neWspaper of general circulation, published in said City and County. amd that the first publication of such notice shall be at least ten (10) days before the time of opening of bids. and that said notice shall 'be published at lease twice in not less than five (~) days apart. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was ~[uly passed and adopted by the fell owing vote: California, December 12, 1950 8:0o A~S: COUNCILMEN: Pear,on, Wisser, Heying, Boney ~ Van.Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. , ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution No. 1799 duly passed and adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 768: Coumcilman Haying offered Ordinance No. 768 ami moved for its~ passage. Cou~cilmau Wisser seco~ied the motion. MOTION CARRIED. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY CO~CIL OF TEE CITY OF ANAHEIM TRANSFERRING THE DUTIES OF TEE CITY TREASURER AND THE ASSESSMENT AND TAX COLLECTION DUTIES PER~GRMED BY THE. CITY 0LERE AS EX-OFFICIO ASSESSOR AND TAX COLLECTOR TO THE TREASURER, ASSESSOR AND TAX COLLEOTOR OF THE COUNTY OF IgHEREAS, the City Counetl finds that it would be more economical, and would result in a savings to the taxpayers of the City of Anaheim and would be for ~the best interest and welfare of the City of Anaheim and the residents ami taxpayers thereof to transfer to the treasurer, assessor, and tax collector of the County of Orange all duties and functions of the City Treasurer and Tax Collector and City Cle,rk as Ex- officio Assessor relating to the~ assessment and ccllection~ of City Taxes in the City 0£ Ana~eim~ NOW, THER~0P~, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE C~TY OF ANA~IM ORDAINS'AS NT)LLOWS: SECTION. i: That all ~f the fumction~ and ~ut~es of the ~ity Treasurer, Tax Co!lector amd cf the City Clerk as Em-officio Assessor relating to the assessment, levy and collection of City Taxes for the City of Anaheim imclu~ling the collection of del- inquent taxes and penalties and the sales of property for no~-pmyme,nt Of taxes be amd the same are hereby transferred to the County Treasurer, .Assessor, and Tax Collector of the~ County of 0rauge pursuant to the provisions of ~tatutes of 1949, Chapter 81. ~ECTION 2: That said functions and duties be taken over a~ performed ~y the County Treasurer, Assessor, and ~ax Collector of the County of Orange for the fiscal year 1951-52 and for the succeeding years thereafter. SECTION 3: T.hat all taxes collected or received by the County Assessor, Tax Co,.lector or AuditOr of the County of Orange for and on behalf o£ the 0ity of Anaheim s.hali be deposited with the County Treasurer o£ the. County of Orar4~e to t~e cre~lit of -said City of Amaheim and shall ~e remitted to the 0ity Treasurer of the City of Ammhetm in such amount a~d. aa o~ten as cam reasonably be done, and upon receipt thereof.fy the City Treasurer o£ the City of Anaheim, the ease shall be ~eposite~ ancl ~is~mrse<~ in accordance with law and the ordln~cez and resolutions of the City of Ax~eim. ~ECTION ~: That all assessments ma~e ~y the 0curry Aeeeasor and eq~alize~ or corrected by the Board o~ Supervisors of the Oounty of Ore~uge or the ~tate ]~oar~ of ~ualizatlon shall be the basis o£ levying 0ity Taxes an~ that aai~ City Taxes shallbe collected whez Oounty Taxes a~e collected. ~EOTION 5: Ail ordinances an& parts of ordinances of the Oi~y of'Anaheim in conflict with the provisions of ~i, ordinance are hereby repeale~, ' ~¢TION 6: The City Clerk shall certi£¥ to the passage o£ this ordinance and cause the same to be p~lisheel once in the Anaheim Bulletin, a daily newspaper printed, ~blished and circulated generally in the City of Anaheim within fiftee~ (15) ~ay~ after the passage hereo~ an~ the game shad~i ta~e effect and be im force thirty (30) d.ay~ from and after its final passage. ~$ECTION 7: That the C~ty Clerk of the~ City o£ Anaheim shall certify and file certified copies of this Ordinance with the County &ssemsor, County Auclit0r, 0ouaty Tax Collector amd 0ounty Treasurer of the County of~ Orate following its acloption a~ on or before the first Monday in February, 1951. On roll czll_ the foregoing Ordiu_ance was duly passed and s~iopte~ by the following vote: ' AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wieser, Heying, Bone~ a:~ Van'Wagomer. NOE~: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMNN: None. The Mayor declared Ordinance No. ?68 duly pamse~ and acloptet. ORDINANCE NO. 769: Councilman Van Wagoner of£erecl Ordinance No. ~9 ~ move~ for i~a passage am~ a~epttez. Councilman Winner ascended the motion. MOTION OAERI~. A~. ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANA~IM AMF~ING SECT~0N 1 OF ORDINANCE NO. ~55 ENTITL~ "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANANEIM ESTABLISHING CERTAIN REGULATIONS GoVERNING ERECTION, CONSTRUCTION AND ALTERATION OF CERTAIN BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES AND IMPROVEMENTS A~ TO CERTAIN USES OF LAh~D, PEN~ING THE ADOPTION ~ TEE CITY COUNCIL OF SAID CITY OF A NEW, ~OISE AND COMi~SI~ ZONING PLAN FOR SAID CITY, AND PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF ANY OF THE PROVISIONS HEREOF, AND DECLARING THIS ORDINA~O~ AN URGENCY MEASURE.TO TAKE EFFECT IMMEDIATELY". THE CITY COUNCIL OF TEE CITY ~F-ANAEEIM, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS*. SECTION 1: That Section 1 of Ordinance No. 755 entitle~ "AN ORDINANC~ 0]~ TEE CITY OF ANAHEIM ESTABLISHING CERTAIN REGULATIONS GOVERNING TEE ~0TION, ~ONSTRUOTI(~N AND ALT~TION OF CERTAIN BUILDINGS,~ STRUCTURES AND I~mRO~~ AND TO CERTAIN OF= I~, P~DI~G T~ ADOPTION BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF SAID CITY OF A N~,PREOI~ AND COMPRE~SI~ ZON_IN_G PLAN FOR SAID CITY, AND PRESCRIBING PENALTIE~ ~OR TEE VIOLATION OF ~ OF TEE PROVISIONS H~OF, AND DECLARING THIS GRDI~NCE AN URGENCY MEASD'R~ TO TAKE EFFECT IMMEDIATELY''~ be and the ease is here~y amended, to ,re~A ~s follows: 58 C__it~ ~!,..'_Anaheim,_ California, ...DecemBer 1.12, 1950 , Sec. 1. No person, firm, corporation or a~$ociation ~hall her~ter within the following describ~ area: Between the S~th line off West North Strut ~ %he North li~e of We~t . Wilhelmi~ Street ~& the East line of North 0itron Street ~d the West line of North P~m Street in the City of ~eim erect, const~ct or locate m~e t~ one ai~le f~ily dwelli~ ~d its accessory buildi~s upon ~ one lot or ~ilding site in the above mentioned area, nor erect, conat~c~ or locate ~y dwelling on ~y lot thereon with a minims gro~ floor space of less t~ twelve ~r~ (1200) aq~re feet. ~d in co~ti~ the area ~r~e s~ce s~ll not be incl~ therein, SECTION 2: T~t the City Clerk of the City of ~eim $~ll certify to ~he pa~e of this Ordi~nce and cause the m~e to be ~blished once in the A~eim Bulletin, a newspaper of general cir~lation, published a~ circulat~ in the City of ~eim, California, wlthim~ fifteen (15) d~s from the date hereof, ~d thirty (30) days from ~d ~ter its fi~ pae~age it ~11 t~e effect ~d be in full force. On roll call the foregoing Ordtn~ce No. 769 was d~y passed ~d ~opt~ by the lolling vote: A~S; CO~OILI~N; Pearson, ~i~ser, Heying, Boney ~ V~ W~oner, NOES: OO~OI~N: None, ~ ~S~T: CO~OI~N: None. ~ The ~or declared Ordi~nce Nm, 769 ~uly ~maed a~ ~opt~. O~IN~ NO. 770: 0o~cil~ Wisest of~er~ Ordi~ce No. ~70 ~d mov~ for its paeans ~ ~opttom. Co~cil~ V~ W~oner seco~ the motiom. MOTION C~I~. ~ O~I~NOE OF T~ 0ITY OF ~IM ~ING SECTI~ 30 OF O~I~~ NO. ~7, ~ITL~ ~ O~I~CE OF T~~ CITY OF ~IM ~G~TING ~ ~V~ ~ USE OF ~LIO $~TS, · S~LISHING A BUSI~SS DIS~ICT ~ ~O~IDING A ~ALTY FOR B~CH OF ~ OF T~ R~S ~ ~~TIONS OF THIS O~I~OE", ~ ~C~I~ IT TO BE ~~G~CY~$~ ~CT I~IAT~Y. ' - refer to O~in~ce Book, ~e .,. (sec. hour ho r. of om ~bltc parking lots o~ ~y City. POst On roll ~ll the foregoi~ Ord~nce was d~y ~~ a~ ~oDt~ by the follow- t~ vo~e: AYES: C0~CI~: Pear~on. Wisser. Heyi~g, Boney ~d V~ W~oner. NOES: OO~CI~N: None. ~~: ~OIL~N: No~e. The ~yor declar~ Ordi~ce No. ~70 duly ~ss~ ~ ~op~e~. OBDINANCE NO. 771: Oouncilmam Heying offere~ Ordinance No, 771 and moved for its passage aha ~op~iem. Oe~eilm~ Wi~eer ~econd~ the mottom. MOTION ~I~. ~ O~I~OE EST~LI~HING SUITING .LI~ S~-~AOKS ALONG 0~TAIN S~~S IN T~ 0I~ OF ~~IM, DECKING T~ ~OSE ~OF, ~OVIDING ~R T~ ~MINI~T~TION T~OF, ~ ~OVIDING PE~LTIES F~ T~ VI0~TION T~~, ' refer ~o Ordi~ce ~ook, p~e _ _. ~ ~ roll call the foregoing ord~ce N0'~:~771-~ duly pa~sed ~ ~opted ~y the following vote: A~S: O0~0I~: ~e~eon, Wia~er, Heying~ ~oney ~ V~n W~oner. ~ . ~S~T: CO~0I~N= None. The ~yor declare~ 0r~l~nce ~o. ~?1~ ~y p~ss~ ~ ~op~e~. OP~ii~NCE NO. 772: (First Reading) Councils_an Van Wagoner introduced Ord.inamce No. ??2 and moved' for its adotpion. 0ouncilmam Wisger ~econaed thee motion. MOTION C~I~. Said , O~i~ce wa~ re~ in ~blic for the f~rst time. AN O~I~OE OF T~ 0I~ 0F ~IM ~GU~TING T~ DP~TION OF ~I0~S ~N ~ST S~T ~ ~ PAL~ S~T IN T~ 0I~ OF ~A~IM, FIXING T~ ~I~ SPE~ LIMITS ~ ~0VIDING P~LTIES FOR T~ VIO~TION T~OF A~ PROVIDING FOR T~ GIVING OF CITATIONS ~OR SUOH VI OI~TI ONS. . WA~TS A~' D~~S: Oo~cilm~ N~ W~oner reporte~ De~a ~ainet the city ing to $$7,599.~2. 0o~cilm~ Boney mov~ t~t warrants be dra~ upon the Treaaurer to ~y said dec,ds ~ accord~Ce with report. Co~cilm~ Heying seco~ed the motiom. MOTION C~I~. Fi~NCIAL A~ OP~TING ~:ORTS, MONTH OF,NO~N~: City Treasurer reported bal~ce in the General ~, $105,00~.~, total ~neral Accosts, $237,405.92. Tot~ f~s in Trea~, $287,074,75. - The 01erk's report corre~po~ed with that of Treasurer. - - Olty Auditor deposited with Treasurer, $18,%22.78-- Tax collections 1950/51 t~es totalS, $75,604.21 - - License collector deposite~ with Treasurer, $~9.00- - ~blic Service deposit~ with Treasurer, $76,115.28 of which $3,~7.33 was Industrial Waste ~d was $~itation - - City Electrict~ collect~ $278.~0 -- 0ity Clerk deposit~ with Tream~er, $337.77-- City Librari~ Bal~ce, Dec. 5, 1950, $19,799.5~-- Building Departmemt i~sued 142 permits, of which ~0 were Building Permits, valuatiom $575,580.00 fees col~ct~, $1,488,~ - - Parking Meter collectiona, $1,800.00 - - City J~ ~1~ 493 cases, collectS,~ $2,387,00-- Activities of PoliCe, Fire, ~r~e Departments were ., t City E!, Amah_sim, ~_.!i.f..ornia.., December 1.2_.,.~0 .... 8:~0 Report of Garbage and Trash collections - - Recreation Department Attendance and Financial Statement, balance in fl,~, Nov. 1, 1950, $?,690.00-- Expense paid by City o£ A~aheim, on J.O.S. $1,101.22, Amaheim total flow, 58,$32,300 gallons or 35.9%- - Light, Powe~ and Water, 24 Water connec.tions, 36 Light connection~, £ Range connections, 5 Power connections, -Water pumped by City, 14,72A~,000 gallons, lmurchased from M.W.D. 52,883,600 gallons, water level city wells, Dec. 1, 152 feet 4 inches. Councilman Heying moved the foregoing Fimancial ami Operating Reports Be rece~.ved and placed on file. Councilman Boney seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. CHLORINE CONTRACT: SMALL COBTAINERS: The City Clerk submitted Bids for Chlorine in sm_all 150 lb. containers for the year 1951: Stevenson Chemical Co., $11.00 per Cwt. McKesson & Robbins Inc. $11.00 per Cwt. Luippeld Engineering Sales Co. $11.00 per Cwt, It was moved by Councilman Heying, seconded by Councilman Van Wagoner, that all bids being equal, the bid be awarded to Stevenson Chemical Co. $ $11.00 per Cwt. 150 lb. cylimders. MOTION CARRIED.~ The Clerk and Mayor were authorized to sign said contract on behalf of the City of Anaheim. DOG POUND: Councilman Heying move~ that the offer of the Real Gold Citrus Products contained in their letter dated Se]~tember 19, 1950, for the use of their property by the city in maintaining the Oity Dog Pound be accepted, embJect to the conditions contained in their letter. Councilman Van Wagoner seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. TP~i~'S~ OF FU~S: LIBI~_RY FUND TO LIBRARY BUILDING FUND: It was motioned By 0~euncilmam Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Heying that the City Treasurer be ins, tructed to transfer $2,500.00 from the Library Fund to the Library Building FunA. Said tramsfer is hereby authorized. MOTION CARRIED. ~ REMODELING CITY CLERK'S OFFICE: Bid on reconstruction and proposed .chamges in the office of the ~City Clerk By the Rex Conatruction Co. was referre~ to the Emgineering Departmemt on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilmau Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. MILLS DRIVE i~ROVEi~ENT: Councilmam Heying recommemded after checking with the Park Superintendent, that the islands on Mills Drive be planted with material requiring minimum care and water, and that the installation of neceasary water c6nnecttons, at approximate cost of $12~.00 be made. ~ It was stated that maintenance would 'Be very little after plants are started, and can be taken care of by the present park dgpartment crews. Authorization to make this ch~__nge was ~..ade on motion by Councilman Boney, seconded by Councilman Wiss~r. MOTION CARRIe. CO~$flJNICATiON: BROADWAY PARENT T~CHEI~ ASSO.: Communication from the Broadway Parent Teacher Asso. in reference to the Halloween cele~ratiom was submitted and-read. Ii~Sb~b~NOE POLICY: LOS AEGELE5 AIR~AYS, INC.: The. City Attorney approved Certificate o£ Insurance o£ Lo~ Angeles Airways, Inc. insurance for the Helicopter operation at La ?alma Avenue and Citron Street. Said policy approved anti.fi!ed on motion by Council- man Van Wagoner, seconded by Coumcilnmm Wieser. MOTION CAI~RI~. VARIA!~CE NO, 134: (Held over) Application for Variance No. 13l~ submitted by Mr. Joseph A.Lieb, Jr., as Agent for Walter & Nazel Bailey, ownerm, was ordered held over again for study om motion by Councilmam Heying, seconded by Councilman Boney. MOTION CARRIED. VARIAJ~CE NO. 135~ (D~nied) Application for variance No. 135 to permit Edward B. and Mrs. Jewel M. Clement~ to operate a Commercial Poultry Farm at 151A~ East Center Street, (Former Variance No. 106, expried November 9, 1950). The City Planning Commission at their Adjourned Regular Meeting held December 12, 1950, referred said application back to the t!ty Council. It was moved by Councilm~u Van Wagoner, seconded by Oouncilmam Wt~ser that the application for variance No. 135 be ~ented, and that the City Attorney prepare required notices to cease operations of Commercial Poultry Farm at this location. MOTI ON CARRIED. EMPLOYI,~EET: The City Council approved the hiring of Richard L. Weaver, in the capacity of Lineman and Gerald L. Cooley, in the capacity of Laborer, or Lineman's Helper, on motion by Councilmam Boney, seconded by Councilmam Van Wagoner. It ie understoo~ that ~__ministrative Officer and Superintendent George Oelkers will work out necessary details as to their employment and rate of salaries. The hiring of P.B.X. Operator, Mrs. Sue Kelly $ $175.00 per month wac approved by the City Council. CONTEI, 3-LATED PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT: The purchase of a 1950 Chevrolet for use by the Fire Chief, at cost of $1,595.00 warn considered on the recommendations by Mr. Murdoch and T. K. Cuehmam, Superintendent of Shop and Garage. T. E. ~astunau advised that the oldest Police Car now shows mileage of ll2,000 and recommended replacement of it &t am early date. 6o ~¢E OF ABSENCE: Chas. Mesloh: Request for Leave-of-Absence by Chas. Mesloh and also request for transfer to another, department was referred to the A~ministrative Officer for co~sAderation. Mr. Mesloh has~ been continuously off the payroll since May, 194~. ~ request further leave-of-absence to March or April, 1951, due to ill health. ~ ~iE~.~; OF ABSENCE: Ed. Mens: Ed. Mene was, gra~ted an additional 30 days leave-of"absence on uotion by 0ou~cilman lteying, seconded' by 0ouncilma~ Wisser. MOTION OARRI~. .~LEQUEST TO LEASE CiTY ACRF. AGE: Request of Mrs. Toussou to lease about two acres of the University Site, south of the Riding Club, for raising corn was referred, to the Admini,trative Officer.. KOE~iG & KOE~IG: COMPLETE P~NS: Koebig & Koebig requezt~ authorization to proce~ with the completiom of 25 sets of,Pl~.. ~. Wilkin, on of Koebig & Koebig present~ the ~tter to the City Co~cil. ~ motion by C~cil~ Boney,. seco~ ~y C~cil~ Heying the request was approv~ by the C~cil, ~ the ~or ~d City Clerk were authoriz~ also to ,i~ the origi~ docents. MOTION ~I~. ~SOL~ION OF CONDO~NCE: (Thomas H. Hollingw0rth) W~S, Divine Providence ~s ~een fit. to remove from our midst ~ good frie~ ~ fellow citizen, Tho~. H. Hol!~orth, ~_~S, "Tom" efficiently ~d falt~ully served the City of A~eim from Feb~ry 5, 1932 to the date of hie retirement W~S, the City of A~eim ia' grateful for ~vi~ ~ Tho~s H. Ho!lin~crth ~o~ its employees, .a~ W~S, Tho~s H. Holli~orth wa~ a loyal ~eric~, ~bscribin~ to, exemplifying the finest c~racterietics of ~eric~ citizenship which will remain a moment to hie memory: NOW, T~FO~, BE IT ~SOL~ by the City O~cil of the City of ~eim, t~t i~ deeply mo~ns the ~esing of Tho~e on beef off the People of the City of ~eim, it extols to his wife, Rosette Ho!li~orth, hie three daughters, Mrs. Zella J. Com~ove. Mrs. ~rtle Tipping, ~ hie two ~one, Dale J. Hollin~zorth ~ Theodore W. Holli~ert$ his two sisters, Mi~e Ai~ Holli~orth ~ Mrs. Aimee Worrell ~d other memberm of hie f~ily, its de~e~t a~thy in their ~ereav~ent, BE IT ~T~ ~SOL~D, t~t a copy off this re~olution Be fer~rded to hie widow, MrS. ~eeetta Nollin~orth. The above Resolution of Co,circe ~s offffer~ by Oo~cil~ V~ N~oner who move~ For its paae~e ~d ~option. ~cil~ Neying seco~ the action. MOTION ~I~. ~ roll c~l the feregoine Res~utlon of Oondolence ~e duly pass~ .~d ~opt~ by the following vote: A~S: CO~CIL~: Person, Wlaler, Beylng, ~oney ~ V~ W~oner, NOES: 00~CI~: None. '- ~SENT: CO~CI~: None. . The ~or declar~ the fforegoi~ Resolution of 0o~olence GIFTS TO ~LOY~S~ Action t~e~ on December 7, 1~0 a~ to Directive bei~ ~e in regard to accept~ce of gift, By Officer~ a~ ~ployees was order~ wit~el~'~til further notice. 'Co~cil~ ~oney moved to ~jour~ to ~=00 P~,/_~.cemBer 19, 19~0. Motion aecO~ by Co~cil~ V~ W~oner. MOTIOE ~I~. _ __ -