1950/12/19~Ci%~L__Eal!~_Anaheim, Californi&j_ D_ecember 1.9, 1950 61 The City Cc,.mci! of the City ef Anaheim met in Adjourned Regular Session at 3:00~.P.M. December 19, 1950. , PRESENT: COUNCILMEN: None. f~: COUNCII~: Pearson, Wisher, Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. ~ITY ATTORNEY TL~: Absent. ' ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER MURDOCH: Ab,tent. Due to lack of quorum, t}~e Ci%y ~lerk adjourned 'the meeting ~o 8:00 P.M. December 19, 1950. ~ City Hall, Anaheim, California, December 19, 1950 8:00 P.M. The City Council of the City ef Anaheim convene~ in Adjourned Regular Session. PP~_~SENT: COUNCIL~,~EN: Pearson, Wisser, Heyi,mg, Boney and Van Wagoner. ABSENT: COUNCIL~[EN: None. ~ ~CITY ATTORNEY TTYRNER: Present. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER MURDOCH: Present. BIDS: 18" STEEL PIPE & COUPLINGS: Om motion by Councilman Eeyimg, seconde~ by Couacilmam Wiseer, the 0ity Clerk was instructed to open bids for the f~i~hl~ of 18" l~ga~e wel~ Steel ~i~e, steel ~Dresser" ~e 0~plings for Steel Pipe, ~o Electric Motors ~ Two ~e~e ~ps, as Contracting ~ent for the aever~ cities ~d E~itary Districts e~ Section 2, of the Joint ~tfall Sewer. (~olia T~ Sewer Project). MOTION C~I~. ~ide received~ Southe~ Pi~e~& Casin~ O~_. of A~ea, O~ifornia, accomp~ied by bi~ Bond of 1~' - 7600~t. 18" 0,D~ ~10 gauge Automatic Elect~ric ~elon - Welded Steel Pipe, double azp~lt~ dipp~ ~d spir~ly wra~~ with 2~ asbeetoa in $0 or ~ ft. Joint~, with end~ prepar~ for Dresser Coupli~s, $3.29 per ft. - 190 S~t~le 38 Dresser Couplings wi~h ~" x 7" middle ring, $13.66 each. Al~o alternate bid of 7600 ft. 18" I.D. or O.D ~10 ga~e Auto- ~tic Electric ~sion Welded Steel Pipe, double asphalt~ dipped a~ spirally ~rapp~ with 2~ asbestos, %n $0 or ~ ft. Joint~, with e~a prepared ~or u~e with Southe~ Pipe ~d Casing Co. Utility Couplings, $'3.29 per ft. 190 S~thern Pipe ~d Ca~ing Co. Utility C~pling~ for 18" I.D. or 0.D. welde~ steel pipe, $12.03 each. Armco Drair~e & Metal P~L~_u.c_3t~,, Los A~geles, California, no cashier's check nor bid bond submitted. - 7600 lin. ft. 18" OD $10 ga. Armco Spiral Welded Steel Pipe, Double Asphalt Dipped - 23~ Asbestos Wrapped, Plain Ends for Dresser Couplings - ~0~ lengths, $2.98 per lin. ft. - 190 18" ~38 Dresser Couplings, $17.05 each. ~air~b.ax,k.s, Morze..~&~.C.0., Los Angelea, California, accompanied by certified check in the amount of SE,000.O0. - Each pump to handle 2700 gallons per minute of raw aewage against 55 ft. TDH~at 860 RPM. Pumping in Parallel. 5~00 g.p.m, at 115 ft. TDH at 1130 RPM. - 2 - 8", Fig. 5425, Fairbanks-Morse, horizontal, ball bearing, sewage and trash.pumps complete with cast iron, two- port impellers, pam~ing 5" diameter eo!id~. P~~ equipped wi~h 1~ chrome stainless steel shaft sleeves through the' stuffing bo~es and mounted on Sturdiweld steel subbasee including rubber cushion type flexible couplings and direct connected to: 2 - Type "K", frame 63555, 125/60'EP, 6/10 pole, 1200/720 RPM, ~A~O volt, 3 phase, 60 cycle, 5 deg. O. rise, totally enclosed fan cooled, Class I, Group D, ex~. ]loeion proof, horizontal, two speed, two winding, variable torque, ball bearing motors. Net cost each unit f.o.b. your pumping plant, $9,290.00, total, two units, $.18,580.00, plus C~iforni& State Sales Tax. If cast iron sub-base is pre£erred for the above equipment, the pti,ce of each unit w~uld be $9,2A~0.00; total for two units, $18,880.00, olus California State S~es Tax. .~r. Bert Ellis addressed the Council stating that eight companies had been contacte~ for ~ubmiesion of bide. Councilman Boney moved to refer bids to. the Engineering Department and the City Attorney for tabulation and report at the next meeting. Councilman Eeying seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC VOUCHER (Advance payment) Mayor Pear,on was authorized to sign Public Vbucher, PROJECT: Oalif.~-P-1l?$, for advance payment of $A~,330.00, on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Oouncilman Wisser. MOTION 0AP. RIED. JoLUi~ER BOi~': William B. Boaz: On motion by Councilman Heying, seconded by Council- man Yam Wagoner, Plumber's Bond for William B. Boaz, doing busine~ as Golden Arrow Plumbing Co. was ordered accepted, MOTION CARRIED. MAGNOLIA TRUNK SEWER: R. A. WATTSON CO.: (Damage) R. A. WaStson & Co. invoi¢® covering cost of repairing the damaged portion of the Santa Ama 'Freeway crossing; $1,224.86 pins the added cost of replacement 'of pipe l~illed to the City of Anaheim By the Pacific Clay Products Company, at half price, or $531.17, making a total cost $1756.03 to the' citi:es and sanitary districts, of which Anaheim is the Contracting C~ty. Ammheim's share of the cost, $391.24. The foregoing billing was disproved l~y Koebig & Koebig, Consulting Engineers. O~uncilman Bomey moved that the expenditure be authorized. Coumcilmam Heying seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 1800: Councilman Boney offered Resolution No. 1800 and moved for its passage ama adoption. Councilmam Van Wagoner seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANA~IM APPROVING THE DESIGNS, PI~NS ANIY SPEC IFi~CAT IONS ~ ESTIMA~EB OF QUANTITIES ~ CO~TS ~BOE AND MATEP. IAL FOR THE MAGNOLIA TRUNE SEWER PROJECT OF THE OI~kNGE - - - COUNTY JOINT OIITFA~ff? S"E~ AB ~ A~ SU~~ BY KOEMI~ AND- CONSULTING ENGII~$. WHERF, AS, the Cities of Anaheim, Fullerton and Orange, and the Sanitary Districts of Buena Park, Garden Grove, La Eabra and Placentia~ have hereto fore adopted Resolutions authorizing the employment of Koebig and ~Eoebig, consulting engineers, to make surveys and to prepare detailed ~eeigns, plane and specifications, estimated of quantities and costs of labor smd materi~l for the construction of the Magnolia Trunk Sewer project of the Orange County ~oint Outfall Sewer, and WHEREAS, Eoebig amd Eoebig have made such surveys and haw;e prepared and submitted detailed designs, plans and specifications, estimates of quantiti~eS and costs of labor q~ material for said Magmoli~a Trunk Sewer Project of the Orange County Joint Outfall Sewer, and ~ WNEREAS, i~ i~ necessary that eai~l designs, plan~ and specifications, estimates of quantities and costs of labor and- material for sai~ Magnolia Trunk Sewer Project b~ eXamimed an~.:-alrProve~:, bY,the~ ~tties<'~s~ita~ district~ ~ore- said i~ order t~t notices ~ be ~blizhe~ inviting hods ~d contrite a~rd~ for the co~t~ctio~ of ~aid ~olta Sewer Project. - NOW, ~~, BE IT ~SOL~ BY T~ CITY ~CIL OF T~ CITY OF ~~IM that the detailed de~i~, pl~s ~d speelfications, estimates of qu~tltles ~ cost~ off labor ~ ~teri~ for the ~olia T~ S~er Project eft the Or~e ~tfall Sewer am prepared ~d submitt~ by Koe~ig ~d Koebig, con~lting e~ineers, be ~ the s~e are hereby a~rov~ and ~opt~ in all ~spects ~d t~t they Be used ~by the 0ity of A~eim as contracti~ agent for the above n~ed citie~ s~itary districts in ~verti~sing for bids {or l~bor ~ ~terial ~d the awaking of contract~ for the conet~ction ~' ~ai~ ~oli~ ~~ Sewer Project ~ t~t said ~olia T~ Sewer Project be conztffucted in accordance with the said detail~ desire, plus ~d ~pe~ica~ons, eati~te~ of q~iti~ ~ co,ts of labor On roll call the foregoing Resolution w~s duly passed mhd adopte~ by_the following vote: - ' ~ AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wisser, Heyimg, Boney and Van Wagoner. ~ - NOES: COUNCIEMEN: None. - - ABSENT: COUNCIL~N: None. ~ , The Ma~-or declared Resolution No. 1800 duly passed amd adoptecl. RESOLUTION NO. 1801: Councilman Heying offered Resolution No. 1801 and move~ for its passage and adoption. Councilman Van Wagoner seconded the motion, MOTION CARRIED. A RESOLUTION OF TEE CITY COUNCIL OF TEE CITY OF ANAHEIM AUTHORIZING TEE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH A,NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS FOR THE CONSTRUCT~0N OF TEE MAGNOLIA T~ SEWER PROJECT AND FOR FURNISHING ALL LABORS AND -~ATERIALS THEREF~. ~ · ~ ' ~~, the City of Anaheim i~ the Contracting Agent for the Cities of Anaheim, Fullerton and Orange, and the $mmitary~Districts of Buena Park, Garden Grove, La Habra and Placentia; and WHEREAS, ~id Citie~ and Sanitary Districts have heretofore duly l~SSed and a~opted resolutions authorizing the City o£ Anaheim to act as contracting agent for and on behalf of said 0ttle~ and Sanitary Districts in the construction of said Ma~noli& Trunk Sewer Project, and author[zing said City of Anaheim, as such contract,, ing agent, to a~lverti~e for bids for the ~urchmse of materials, and for bids for the construction of ~ai~ Ma~olia Trunk Sewer Pro, eot, audte award con.tracts therefor, mhd to do and~perform ali thin~s necese~ for the construction and completi&nof Hall I Anaheim,_ California_~ December .Magnolia ~runk Sewer Project; and 63 8:00 P,.M., WEERF~S, the City Ooumcil of the City of Anaheim finds an~ determines that it is necessary to publish a notice inviting sealed proposals for the construction of said Magnolia Trunk Sewer PrO, oct, and for the furnishing off all labor and materials necessary and required to complete said Magnolia Trumk Sewer Project in accordance with ~he designs, plans amd specifications hereinabove mentioned; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAEEIM AS CONTRACTING AGENT for the Cities of Anaheim, Full erton and Oram~, amd for t~e Sani~tary Districts of Buena Park, Garden Grove, I~ Eabra and Placentia, that the City Clerk of Anaheim be, and he is hereby autherAzed and directed to publish a notice ~ inviting sealed propos&l,s for the furnishing of all labor and materials and for the construction of the Magnolia Trumk Sewer Project off the Orange County Joint Outfall Sewer; and ~E I~ FL~R~EER RESOLVE~ that the 8etailed designs, plans and specifications, estimates of quantities and cost~ of labor amd material for the Magnolia ~ank Sewer Project as ,prepared and submitt~ by EoeBig and Eoebi~, consulting .engineers, approved and adopted by said Cities and ~anitary Districts, be Placed on file in the office of the Ci~ty Clerk of the City o£ AZ~eim, and made available to all prospective bidders for the furnishing off said labor and materials for the construction of said Magnolia Trunk Sewer Project; and BE IT FURTHER RESOL~]~ that the prevailing wage scale or ~per diem wages heretofore adopted ty the City Ocumcil by resolution and now on file in the o~£ice of the City Clerk of the ¢it2 of A~aheim, be set forth in the notice i~viting bi~s; and BE IT FURTHER ~E~OLVED that said notice specify that the '~successful bidder or bidder~ ~ill be required to enter into a contract with the City of Anaheim, as such contracting ~gent, in the fca tO be approve~ by said 0ity o~ Anaheim; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the 9th day of January, 19~1, at the hour of § o'clock P.M. of ~aid day in the City Council Chambers o~ the Oity Nell o£ Anaheim, be amd the same is hereby set as the da~, time and place for opening of said bids, and that the City Clerk of the City of A~aheim give due and legal notice by publishing sai~ notice in the Anaheim Bulletin, a newspaper or'general circulation, published in said City and County, _a~ that the first publication o£ such ~otice shall be'm2 least ten (10) days before the time of opening of bids, end-that said notice'shall be published at lea~t twice ~ot le~s than five (5) dayc apart. On roll call %he ~oregoing Resolution wee duly paese~ a~ a~epte~ By the ~ following vote: AYEE: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wieser, Ee~ing, Boney ~ Van Wagoner.~ NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ~ ~ ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. The Mayor declared Resolution No. 1801 duly passed and a~opte~. POLICE CARS: AWAPJD OF BIDS:Infformal bide on cars for the l~o!ice Department were submitted. Bids Received: ~ MIDDLETON MOTOR SALES: Specia~ De Luxe ~ Door Sedan, $1939.13, less ~xcise Tax · $79.25, less allowance for 1947-Plymouth Sedan, $750.00, plus California State Sales Tax, $55.77- Final cost, $1164.85. (Plymouth) DUNN MOTOR CO: 1950'Plymouth De Luxe ~ door sedan, $1842.8A~, plus $7.90 air foam ia front cushion_ and $13.15 wheel covers, lees $89.00 excise tax, plus $53.22 California State Sale~ Tax- Final cost, $1828.11, ~ McCOY MOTOR CO: Ford 6 Cyl DeLuxe Fordor, $1681.90, plus $50.45 State Sales Tax, Final coot, $1,732.35 -- Ford 8 Cyl DeLuxe Fordor, $1~51.90, plum $52.55 State Sales Tax, - final cost, $1804.~.5. (Federal EXcise tax. has been d e~uc t ed ) CONE BROTEERS: 1951 Chevrolet 6 Styleline DeLuxe A~D Sedan with Powerglide: $1915.75, plu~ Powerg!ide $1~8.50, lees excise tax $88.35, plus State Sales Tax~ $.5 9.8~. - ~r ~a.~ co,~, $zo.5~+. 7.5, _ ]Side were awarded to Middleton Motor Sales, and Dunn Motor Co. respectfully on motion by Councilman Haying, seconded by Councilman Boney. MOTION CARRIED, ORDINANCE NO. 772: Councilman tteying submitted Ordinance No. 722 and moved for its passage and adoption. Councilman Boney seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. AN ORDINANCE OF THE C~TY OF ANAHEIM REGULATING THE 0P~ATION OF VEHICLES ON EAST STREET AND LA PAL~A AVENt~ 2N TP~ CITY OF ANAEEIM, FIXING THE MAXIMUM SPEED LIMITS AND .~ROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF AND PROVIDING FOR THE GIVING OF CITATIONS FOR SUCH VIOLATIONS. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP ANAHEIN DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, associatiom or corporation or any s~ent thereof to drive or operate any vehicle upon East Street in the City of Anaheim be- tween Center Street and the northerly city limits of the City of Anaheim or upon La Palms Avenue between Ea.~t Street and Liberty Lane in the City of Anaheim at a speed greater than thirty-five (35? miles per hour except authorized emergency vehicles as defined by Sections 4~,A~4.!, ~.3, ~.$, 44.5 and $4.8 of the Vehicle Code of the State of Oaliformia. SECTION ~2: A vio]ation of the provisions of this Ordinance is hereby declared to be a misdemeanor and every person who violate~ the provis~ions of this Ordinance shall, upon convic- Sion, be punished %y imprisonment in the Q~ty Jail for not more t~han 30 days or pay a fine ~ of not more them $100.00 er by both such fine and imprisonment. SECTION 3: (a) Whenever any ~erson is arrested for violation of this ~Ordinance, the arrested per,on shall, i~ the judgmemt of the arresting officer, either be gi~ven a five &ay notice to appear as hereinafter provided, or be immediately taken ~efore the City Judge of the City of Ana~heim or any magistrate within the City who has jurisdiction of such offense and who is nearest and most accessible with reference to the place where such arres~ is made. (b) Sections 738 and 739 of the Vehicle Code of the State of California are hereby adoped and ~ncorporated herein by reference the ease as though set forth in full, and the iss- uance of citations ~o appear in court shall be governed %y said Sections ?35 and 73~ of the Vehicle Code of the State of California. SECTION 4: The City Engineer is here~y auth$~me~ and directed to post signs upon East Street and La Palms Avenue above mentioned designating a speed limi~ of ~hirty-five (35) ~les per hour as herein provided. SECTION 5: The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this Ordinance by a two-thirdz vote of all the members of the City Council of ~he City of Anaheim and shall cameo the same to be Publishe~ once in the Anaheim Bulletin, a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in ~he Oily o~ Anaheim, Callfornia~ and ~hir~y days from an& after its £tnal~passage it shall ta~e e££ec~ an~ be in £ull force. I ~ On roll call the £oregoing Or&inance wa, s duly l~assed and a~opte~ 'b~ the following AYES: COUNCILMEn: Pearson, Wtseer, He~.ing, Boney ~n~ Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ~.BSENT: COUNC!L~: None. ~ The Mayor declared Ordinance No. 772 duly passed and adopted. , i TEACT NO. 1~96: TENTATIVE MAP: (Approved) The City Planning Commission on December 18, 1950 at their regmtlar meeting approved the tentative map of Tract No. 1496 owned By Dr. Jown W..Truxaw located at the ~outhea~$ corner of La Verne and Citron S~reets, containing , 16 lots. Co, mci!man Heying moved that the ten'afire map. of Tract No. 1~+96 be approved. 0ouncilman Boney seconded the motion. NOTION CARRIED. LEA~ OF ABS~.~CE: Chas. Mesloh: Continua%~on of Leave-off-Absence of Mr. 0has. Meeloh was brought up by Mr. Holyoke for discussion, for continuance off discussion of December 12, 1950. No cha~ge off employment with the City being available, and agting upon the recommendations of Mr. Holyoke that the Leave be discontinued altogether, it'wa~ moved by Co~ncilman~Boney, seconded by Councilman Eeying that the leave-~-absence of Mr. N~sloh be cancelle~, MOTI ON 0ARRIED. ~ ' NEW ZONING ORDINANCE: Discussion was held on Re~olution No. 1794, request the City Planning Commission to ma~e certain c.[mages in the proposed comprehensive zoning 6rdinance as ~o poultry, domestic animals, and aa to the c.hangin~ of R~A l~ack to R-1. Councilman Boney moved that a Reso!~tion be passe& authorizing the City Planning Commission to change the zoning map wherein it refers to R-A, back to R-l, and instructing the City Attorne~ to prepare such esoluti~r~scindSng Resolution No. [7~4. Councilman Va~ Wagoner seconded the motion. 0TI ON CKPJIIED. . _ ~ Councilman Bcney moved to adjourn. Councilman Heying seconded the motion. , ADJOURNED.