1950/12/26Anaheim Californid, December 26 1950 The City Council off the 'City e£ Anaheim met in regular session. PRESENT: COUNCILMEN: PearsOn, Wisest, Eeying and Boney. ABSENT : COUNCILMAN: va~ Wagoner. CITY ATTORNEY TLrRNER: Present ~HS. MINISTRATIVE OFFICER : Ko,th Murdoch, present. The Min~-.,tes of the Adjourned Regular Meetings held December 19, 1950 at 3:00 o'clock P.M. and December 19, 1950 at~8:00 otclock P.M.', 195-0 were approve~l on motion by Counc~.lman Heying, seconded b~ Councilman Boney. MOTION CARRIED. DEMANDS AGAINST THE CITY: c°~ncilman Heying reported demands against the city amounting to $69,026.?6. Councilman Boney moved that the repo'rt of the Finance Committee be accepted an~d tha~ warrants Be drawn upon the TreasUrer to pa~v Bai~[ demamds' in accordance with reRort. Councilman Wlszer seconded the motion. MOTION J.O.S. F~CUTIVE COMMITTEE N~TING: The Minutes of the meeting o£ the Executive Board of the Joint Outfall SeWer, held December 7, 1950 were approved on motion by C ~ouncilmem Heying, seconded B~ Councilman Wisest. MOTION CJkRRI~ED. CANCELLATION OF PROPERTY TAX. ANAHEIM UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT: It was move~ by Councilmam Heying, seconded bY Councilman Wisest, th~.t th~ 1950-51 t~es on property recently purchased by the, Anaheim Union High School District, for school purposes, be ca, celled, and the Tax Collector be mo instructed. MOTION CARRIED. LETTER TO HIGHSCH~OOL re; FENCE ON CITRON ST.: The City Clerk_w~e dir_ected to write a letter to the High School B~ard requesting that the ffence on the Oitron Street side be set Back 10 Feet. ffo~ aidewa~ purposes. It is also re~est~ arr~ements be m~e to secure ~%oot strip on Syc~ore Street~ fq~ street ~poses, from the High School District~ ~:::..'~' ~ ~ ..... ~: ~':'' PLUMBER'S BOND: E. A. Ray and w. R. Collins; Pl'~mbers~ Bonds for E. A. Plumbing and Heating Company , 'l and W. R. Collins, form Costa Mesa were ordered received and Filed, on motion !B~ 0ouncilmam Boney, seconded by Coumcilmam Heying. MOTION CARRIe. VAHIANCE NO. 136: Charles V.~chuSz: The City Planning Commission, on December 18, 1950, denied application for VarianCe to Charles V. $chutz, 226 North Clementine Street, to enlarge pre~ent Dextral Office by unit identical and size with present unit, which w&s granted by Va~ lance in 1937. 'Councilman Boney moved that inasmuch ~.s .applicant now ha~ an e~tab] i~ed den,.al business, under permanent variance, on .m lot for which th~ere is, n~ other use, applicant should Be permitted to enlarge hie present facilitie~ to care for ~i~ ~uaimess re~ulrememta, which are ia mewise detrimental to any other busiaess in the area, that Variance No. 136 'be grante_~. Councilman Wi~aer seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIe. (Granted) VAi~:,'LANCE NO. 131: AI~AHEI~i GARDENS Mr. Whitney, Anaheim Gardens, ~ppeare~ Before the Council in regard ~o Variance No. 131 on lots 1 to 5, inclusive, in Tract No. llYO. Said variance was held over aw&itin~ the passage ~£ new zoning ordinance. BIDS: WELDED STEEL PIPE AND DREssER COL~L!NGS: SOUTHERN PIPE & CASING CO,: of the Southern Pipe and Casing cor.'qpa~y covering ?600! 18" O.D. ~lO gauge Automatic Electric Fusion Welded Steel Pipe, double asphaltum dipped and spirally wrapped with 2.3~ asbestos, in $0 or ~8 ft~ Joints, with ends prepared for Dresser Couplings, $3.29 per ft. and 190 Style 35 Dresser Couplings wit~" x ?" middle ring, $13.66 each, or an alternate Bid off 76OO' 18" I.D. or O,D. ~lO gauge Automatic Electric Fusion Welded Steel Pipe, doulbe aephaltum~dipped and spirally wrappe~ with 23~ asbestos, in $0 or ~8 ft. j0i~ts, with ends prepared ~0r use with Southern Pipe and Casing Co. Utility Couplings, $3.29 per ft, and 190 Southern Pipe and Casing Co. Utility~Couplings for 18" I.D, or O.D. welded steel pipe, $12.03 each.-- The ~Administrative Officer recommended the use of Utility Pipe of the 5eut~h~?ipe and Casing Compnay, if the bid cam be accepted, and provided approval is given by Koebig & Koebig, Consulting Engineeze. Councilman Heying moved that the bid of the Southern Pipe and Casing Company be accepted. Councilman Boney seconded the motion. MOTION C..ARRIED. It is understood that the foregoing bid is approved By Koebig & Koebig, Consulting E~4gineers. SILOS: SEWAGE P~ & ~OTO~: FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO: Each pump to h~le 2700 · gallons per minute o£ raw sew; · parsllel. 5~00. g.p,m, at 115 ~ 8" Fig. 5~25, FairBanks-M. complete with cast iron, two- ~e against 55 ft. TDH at 860 RPM. Pumping in ft. TDH at 1150 RPM. ' ~r~e, horizontal, Ball bearing, sewage and trash pumps ~ort impellers, passing 5" diameter solids.: Pumps equipped with 1~% chrome stai'~lems steel shafft sleeves through the stufffing boxes and moumted on Sturdiweld steel subba~es including rubber cushion type flexible couplings and direct connects~ to: ~ _ 66 Cit~_Hmllj_.~naheimz California, December~26~, ~!950 8:00 P.M. 2 - Type "K", frame 6335S, 125/60 HP, 6/8 pole, 1200/900 RPN, 440 volt, 3 pha~e, 60 cycle 55 deg. C ~ise totally enclosed fan cooled Class I Group "D" e~lo~ion proof, horizontal, two ~peed, ~wo winding, variable ~or~e, b~l bearing motors. ~peci~ delivery letter calling att~ntio~ to c~orrection on motors, ~d correctin~ "CO~ITIONS" to re~: "Under the caption of "CO~!TIONS", we s~ow each ~ to handle 2700 gallons at 55 ft. ~H at 860 ~M ~d when ~ping in parallel llS0 Those speeds should re~ 1200 ~ 900 ~M, which are 6 pole ~d 8 pole speeds." Each motor ~to ~ve cas~t iron sub-base. Councilm~ Heying moved t~t the bid be 'awarded Fair~s, Morse & Co. provid~ the s~e meets requirements of Consulting E~ineers, Koebig & Koebig. Oo~cil~ Boney seconded ~he mo~ion. MOTION CA~I~. Bi~ of Howard Supply Comp~ was receiv~ late for consideration. ~SOL~ION NO. 18~: O~ncilm~ Boney offered Resolution No.' 154 ~d move~ for passes ~d ~option. Co~cilm~ Heying seconded the motion. MOTION ~I~. A ~SOLUTI~ OF T~ CITY OO~CIL OF T~ CITY OF ~~IN ACC~TING S~~ PR~O~S A~ A~ING CON~CTS TO T~ LOWEST RES2~ONSIB~ BIDD~S FOR T~ F~ISHING OF ST~ PIPE, D~SSE TY~ C0~LINGS, HORIZONTAL SEWAGE P~S ~ ELECEIC MOTORS. WHEB~S, the City Council~ of the City of Amaheim as contracting agent for the Cities of Anaheim, Orange and ~ullerton, and flor the*~ Park, Garden Grove, La Habra and Placentia Sanitary Districts did cause to be published in a newspaper of general circulation, to-wit, the Anaheim Bulletin on the 8th amd 14th days of December, 1950, a no,ice inviting sealed:.proposals for the furnishing of the follow- ing steel pipe, couplings, sewage pumps and elecSric motors: Approximately 7,600 linear feet of 18" 10-gauge Welded Steel Pipe as specified on pages $-8 to $-13 of the aforesaid plans and specifications. 190 Steel 'Dres~er" type Couplings for said 18" _10-gauge Welded. Steel Pipe above mentioned, conforming to the aforesaid plans and specifications as set forth on pages 2 Horizontal Sewage Pumps conforming to the plane and specifications for the Magnolia Trunk Sewer above mentione~[, capable of disch~__rgtng 2,700 gallons of raw sewage per minute when operating individually against a total dymamic head of 55 feet aud. when operating simultaneously in parallel capable .of discharging 5,~00 gallons per minute against a ~ynamic head of 115 feet. 2 Electric Motorm coz~forming 'to the plans and mpeeificatione of the ~olia Truak Sewer above mentioned, to be Comuected to, amd capable of operating, the sewage pumps above mentioned. Said'motors shall be two ,pearl similar or equal to General Electric Company Type K frame 6335S, 125/60 Horsepower, 6/10 pole, 1200/900 RPM, ~A~0 volt, 3 phase, 60 cycle, ,55 ~eg. C. rime, totall~ enclosed, f~u cooled, Glass I, Group D explosion pr6OT horizontal motors: 2-winding, ~-speed variable torque ball bearing motors, and '~qIEREAS, at a regular adjourns& meeting of the City Council held on the 19th day of December, 1950, at 3 o'clock P.M. cf said date and which ~said meeting was recessed until 8 o~clock P.M. of said date, the 0ity Ooumcil of the City of Az. abels did hold a public meeting and hearing for the purpose of opening all sealed proposals received up to that time for the furnishing of the Steel Pipe, Oouplin~s, Sewage Pumps and Electric Motors a~ specifie~ in said notice, and did at said time and place open all sealed proposals received, which amid sealed proposals so ~eceived were from the following persons, firms or corporations to furnish the amount of said Pipe, Couplings, Pumps ~and/or Motors eot opposite their names and at the ~following prices: N~_e: q~ Bi~de~r - SOUTHERN PIPE & CASING CO.~, ~Azusa, 'California ~ _Amoun_t _of, .P,,i~e a~_d~_ ,CouDlin~s,._to b.e.,.,,.furni, z~ed - 7600 ft. 18" O.D. '~10 gauge Automatic Electric ~sien Welded Steel Pipe, double asphaltum dipped and spirally wrai~ped with 23~ asbestos, in 40 or ~8 ft. joint~ with ends prepared for Dresser Couplings - per linear ft. 190 Style 38 Dresser Couplings'with ~" x 7" middle ring- esch $13.66 Alternative ~- ~ 7600 ft. 18" I.D' or O.D. ~10 gauge A~tcmatic Electric Fusion Welded Steel Pipe, &euble asphaltum dipped ~nd spirally wrapped with 23~ asbestos, in ~0 or 48 ft. Joint~, with end prepared for use~w~th Southern Pipe and Casing Co. Utility _ 0ouplin~.~ (az illustrated by the enclosed sketch),-- per linear ft. $3.29 190 Southern Pipe and Ca~tng Co. Utility Couplings for 18" I.D. or O'D. Welde~ Steel Pipe. - each $12.03 Hall,.. AnaheimL__~Californ~ December; _ 26, 1950 8:00 ,. To be delivered within ninety (90) to one hundred twenty (120) days. N~_~e cf Bidder - ARMCO DRAINAGE & METAL PRODUCTS CO., Los Angeles. Amount of Pi~e and Couplings toi_.b.e Furnished- 7600 ft~ 18" O.D. ~10 gaug~ Armco Spiral Welded Steel Pipe, double asphaltum dipped 23~ asbestos wrapped. Plain ends for Dresser Couplings, $0 lengths - per linear ft. $2.98 190 - 18" ~8 Dresser Coup~ings - each $17.04 , Delivery date to start in March, 1951, and be completed in 60 days. Name of Bidder- FAIRBANKS, Type .and_ Mum_ ber.~o.f Not,rs... to. 2 Horizontal, Ball Beari.ng notice inviting sealed pro] two units, each unit conta: proposal a~ follows: CO. , Los Angeles, Calif. _ed - Sewag,e Pumps, and 2 electri& motors az specified in ~osals, and the pleas and specifications, consisting of ,ning one pump and one electric motor described in said -COND i TI ONS: Each pump to handle 2700 g,llons per minute of raw sewage against 55 ft. TDE at 900 RPM. Pumping in parallel. 5400 g.p.m, at 115 ft. TDH at 1200 RPM.? 2- 8" Fig. 5425, FairbankS-Morse, horizontal, ball bearing, sewage and trash pumps complete with cas. t i~on, two-port impellers, passing 5s diameter solids.. Pumps equipped with 14% chrome stainless steel sheaf ts sleeves through the stuff ing boxes and moUnted on S~ur~iweld steel sub-bases including rubber cushion - type flexible couplings aris direct connected to: 2 Type "K" frame 6335S 12~/60 HI?, 6/8 pole, 1200/900 RPM, ~0 volt, 3phase, 60 cycle, ~ ~eg. 0. rise,! ~otall~ enclc.~ed, fan coole~, 01ass~ I, Group "D" explosion proof, horizontal, two speed, two winding, variable torque, ball bearing mo toro. Net cost each unit, f.o.b, pumping plant - - - $9290.00. Total for two units $15,5~0.00, plu~ Claiforni~ State sales t~x. Delivery 30 wee~ after reee~_~t of order wi t~ ~ull information to proceed' if oa~t iron web-base i~ preferred for the above~ equipment, the price of each unit would be $9440.00; to'al for two units, 018,880,00, plus California S~ate ~ales~ tax. Wt[~S, the City CoUncil did thereupon refer said bids to the Engineering Committee flor examination and report to the City C~ouncil at its regular meeting to be held on Tuesday, December 26, 1~50, at 8 o'clock P.M., and WHERF_~S, the City council did meet on the 26th day of December, 1950, at 8 o~clock P.M. and did find that the above mentioned sealed proPOSals were the only proposals received by the City Cf Anaheim for the furnishing of said pipe, couplings, pumps and motors; that they did further find that the said proposal submitted by Armco Drainage & Metal Products Company did not co~ply with the notice lnvitin~ semled proposals for the reaaon that it wa~ not accompanied by a bond a~ specified in said notice, and the Oity Council of:~ the Oity of Anaheim did £urther find that the sealed proposal · received,from Southern Pipe & 0msing Company is the lowest responsible bid r eeived for thc furntchinE ?.600 feet of Steel ?l e and 190 Dresser ty e 0'cuRlings specified in said notice inviting sealed proposals, and di~ further find that the sealed proposal of Fairbanks, MOrse & Company for the furnishing of said sewage pumps and electric motors as specifie~[ in the notice inviting sealed ~proposals, im the lowest responsible bid received for the furnishing of said pumps and motora, Wt~S, the City Council does find that the alternative proposal submitted -by Southern Pipe and Casing Company to furnish 7600 ft.-18" I.D. ~10 gauge Automatic Electric ~sion Welded Steel Pipe, double asphaltum dipped and spirally wrapped with 23~ asbestos, in:$8 ft. Joints, with ends prepared for use wit~ the Utility Couplings, at a price of $3.29 per linear foot, and 190 Southern Pipe and Casi~g Co. Utility Couplings for 18" I.D. Welded Steel Pipe at $12.03 each wa~ the lowest responsible ~id received for the furnishing of said Pipe amd Couplings, 68 City_ 'Eal!, ..Anaheim ,.,. californiai .~ecemb~e.r 26. 1950 81 O0 ~.bi. and further finds that said Utility Couplings~are Dresser type Couplings as specified in said notice inviting sealed proposals, and that said alternative bid of Southern Pipe and Ca~iug Company should, be accepted a~ the lowest responsible bid to furnish pipe and couplings of the best quality and fitness for the construction of the Magnolia Trur~ Sewer Project, and ~:]]~EAS, the~Oity Council further finds that the ~ealed proposal submitted by-Fairbanks, MOrse & Company to furnish: 2 Sewage Pumps and 2 Electric Motors aa hereinabove described, was the lowest reeponsib!e bid to furnish said Pumps and Motors of the quality andfltness required in the construction of the Magnolia Trunk Sewer Project. ' - - NOW,~TEEREFORE, BE IT RESOL'~ED: by'the City Council of the City of Anaheim as contracting a~.ent for the Cities of A~eim, Fu~lerton, ~ 0r~ge, ~d for the Due~ Park, Garden Grove, '~ ~bra ~ P~acentia S~it~y Districts, t~t the ~te~ ~tive ee~ed propoe~ o~ Southern Pipe & Casing Comply flor the f~niehing off ~.600 linear feet of 18" I.D. ~10 g~Ee Welded St~el~ipe as specified in said notice _ inviting sealed proposals, ~d in enid ~ter~tive propomal for the price of $3.29 per linear foot flor said pipe in ~ foot[ Joints, ~ $12.03 each for~ 159 Utility Couplimge deliver~ as close as practicable to the trench si~e of the M~olia T~ Sewer Line off the Or,ge Cowry Joint ~fall Sewer within ninety (90) to one h~dred twenty (120) d~s from the date hereof, Be accept~ ~ t~t a contract for furnishing the Steel Pipe ~ Couplings as ~oreeaid be awarded to ~aid Sout~ Pipe & Casing Oo~~ upon the te~e ~d conditions specified in said notice inviti~ se~e~ pro- poaala. ~ that the ~or ~ the City 0lark of the City of ~eim be a~ they are hereby ~t,h~iz~ to exe~te a cont~e,Ct~for ~ 0n ~e~lf of the 0ity of A~eim as ~ch contracti~ ~ent, w~.th eai~ Southe~ Pipe & Caei~ 0om~~ ~or the ~niehing of said Steel Pipe ~d Coupli~a in accord~ce with the notice inviti~ sealed- p~opoaala ~ the pl~e ~d ~ecifficatioSa of 2he ~olia T~.Sewer Project ~ this Resolution, in the ~orm to be appro~ by the Oity Attorney, BE IT ~T~ ~BOL~ by the 01ty O~cil of the 01ty of A~eim az c~ tracti~g ~ent fo~ the Cities off A~eim~ ~lerto~, ~ 0r~e. ~d for the Pa~k, ~rden Grove, La ~bra a~ Placentae S~itary Districts, t~t the propoa~ of Fairb~a, Morse · Oo~~ for the ff-~miehing off 2 Electric Motors ~ 2 Horizontal, B~l Searle, Bowie ~s aS specified In said notice lnvlti~ ee~e~ proposals ~d pl~e ~ epecifficatione fief the ~olia T~ Sewer Project, ~ aa described in said sealed propose, for the price of $9,290,00 for each ~it, consist- ing of one ~ ~ one electric mo~o~,-~eliver~ as close aa pr~ticable to the tr~ch side of the ~olia T~ Se~er Line of the Or~e Oo~ty Jo~n~ ~tf~l ~e~er within 30 weeks from the date hereof, be accept~ ~ t~t a contract flor ff~niahi~ the Electric Motors ~ ~a as ~oresa~d be a~rd~ to said ~airb~e, Morse · Cc~~ upon the terms ~d co~itiona specifi~ in said notice inviti~ ae~ pr~ poaala, ~ enid seal~ proposal, ~ t~t the Mayor ~ the Ci~ Clerk of the City Clerk of the City of A~eim. be ~ the~ are hereby ~thoriz~ to ~e~te said contr~t for ~ ca be~!f off the City of ~eim aa ouch contr~ting ~ent, with Fairb~e, Morse · 0omp~ for the furnishing of said Electric Motors ~d ~s in acco~ce withthe notice inviti~ ~eal~ propoaal~ ~ the plea a~ e~ecificatione of ~he ~olla T~ 5ewer Project, said sealed proposal, ~d this Resolution in the form to Be approved by t~e 0ity Attorney; ~ ~ BE IT FURTH~ RESOLVED that said Southern Pipe & Casing Company an~ sai~ Fairbanks, Morse & Company each furnish a surety bond in an amo~t of no~ lesm tha~ f~ifty (50) percent of the estimated payments to be made to each under the contra~t awarded, as a guarautee that it will furnish said pupe and coupling~ or maid 1~~ and motors in accordance with the specifications and terms and conditionm of the notice inviting sealed propo~a!s, amd in accordance with the proposals submitteA By it and execute contracts in the require~ form with the Oity of Anaheim as con~r&ctlng agent within a reasonable time, and with its contractors, and for the faithful per- On roll call, the foregoing Re~olution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wisser, Haying and Boney. NOES: COUNCII~N: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMAN: Van Wagener. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution No. 1804 duly passed ancl adopted. RESOLUTISN NO. 1802: Councilman Boney effered Resolution No. 1802 and mcved for its passage and adoption. Councilman wisesr seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AS CONTRACTING AGEN~ FOR THE CITIES OF ANAHEIM, FULI~TON ARiD ORANGE AND THE BUENA PARK, GARDEN GROVE, LA HABRA AND PLACEETIA SANITARY DISTRICTS AUTHORIZING THE ' EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT WITH AMERICAN PIPE AND CONSTRUCTION COMPANY FOR THE F~ISHING OF CONCPJ~TE PIPE AS. SPECIFIED IN TEE NOTICE INVITIEG SEALED PROPOSALS DATED ~EPTEMBER 22, 1950. 69 ...... ;City Hall,... Anaheim, i California, December '26, 1950 8&00 P.M, ! ' '~ "" ..... -P-- : .... · , f "~-.£L' -, ,.., . , _, WHEKEAS, the Cities of Anaheim. Fullerton and Orange and the ]~uema Park, Garden Gro~e, La Hmbra and Placentia Sanitary Di~trlcta have heretofore a~opte~ resolutions authorizing the City of Anaheim to act as contracting agent .for said Cities and Sanitary Districts in the construction of the Magnolia Trunk Sewer Project of the Orange County Joint Outfall Sewer re.nd authorizing the City of Anaheim as such contracting .agent to advertise for bids for the purchase of materials and for bids for the construction of Said Magnolia Trunk Sewer Project and to award contracts therefor, and WEE~EAS,i the City ~f Anaheim as contraci~'ng agent ~or ihs citiGs of Anaheim, Orange and. Fullerto~lan~ for the ]3usaa Pa~k, Garden 'Gro~e, La Ha. bra Placentia Sanitary Districts '~[id cause to be published in a newspaper of general circulation, to wit, the Anah$im Bulletin, on the 23d amd 29th day of September, 1950, a notice inviting seale~ proposals for the furnishing of Amer-Plate T-Lock Plastic Lines or equal reinforced 0oncrete Pipe, 1600 D-load. per linear foot, in the £ol~lowing approximate quantities: ~ ooo 10000 Lin. Ft. ~2" ~., 2/3 li~ea; o 27~0 Lin. Ft. ?8" d~., lined; h~r of 8 o~clock P.M. on the City Co, oil of the City of ~ Co~cil Ch~bers .of the City t~t bids would be received u] WHEREAS, at aU adjo~ of .Amaheim held on October 3, of _A-_a_heim did hold a public J sealed propoeals received up speci£ied in said notice and ~ proposlas received, which said persons, firms or corporation~ their name an~ at the followi~ NAME OF BIDDER: UNITED CONCP~ Quantity amd Type of Pipe did e~ate tha~ said proposals would Be opened at the 3d day of O~ctober, 1950, fat a public meeting of the ~eim, State o£ California to be held'in the City ~11 of said city and notifying all peoepective bid~era to .the ho, ur of ~ o~clock P.M. of said date, and .rned regular meeting of the City C~uncil of the City 1950, at 8 o'clock P.M., the City 'Council of the City ~eeting and hearing for the purpose of opening all ;o that time for furnishing the concrete pXpe as .id at said time and place open all o~ said sealed sealed proposals so received were from the following to furnish the amount of said pipe set opposite ~ prices: PIPE CORPORATION 0~ BALDWIN PARK, OALI~0RNIA . . 42~ diam., 2ii lined; !0,000 l~n ft " - 23,550 lxn. ft. ~" di~., 2/3 line~; 2,770 lin. ft. 78" di~., 3/4~lined; NAME OF BIDDER: ~I~'PI::~l~ .tL1¢3 CONSTRUCTION 5,000 lin. ft. 39" diam. 2/3 ,!ined; 1~,000 lin. ft. 42" di~., 2/~ lined; ,77o in. ft. 76 di ., 3/ iline Price per linear ft. $ 16.60 $ $ co $ 16.80 $ and did thereupon refer said ~ids to the City Eng~ineer for exami~tion and report to the City Council at its regmlar meeting to be held on October 10, 19~0, ~ WHEREAS, the City C,m~ucil did meet on October 10, 1950, amd Aid fixEl that the American Pipe and Constru,.~tion Company i~ the lowest responsible bidder and that the sealed proposal submitted.by it is the lowest responsible bid received for the furnishing of said concrete p:.pe and that the proposal of said American Pipe and Construction Company should b~ accepted and a contract awarded to them in accordance with the terms of the notice!nviting ~ide and subject to the sale of the ~onds voted by ~aid cities and sanitary districts to obtain funds ~ith which to construct said Magnolia~ Sewer Project, and WHEREAS, the City COuncil of the City of Amaheim az such contracting agent did on the lJth day of 0etchers, 1950, adopt Re~olution No. 1779 awardimg the contract for the furnishing of said pipe to American Pipe and Construction Compamy, for the quantitie~ and size~ 0f pipe and at the prices hereinbefore set forth; an~[ WHEREAS, a contract has been prep'areal pursuant to said proceedings and said resolution, a copy of which contract i,z attached hereto and the City Council finds that said contract is in proper form and should be e'xec~te~ by the City of Anaheim as such contracting agent; 7o . . ~ C_it~ El, Anaheim,. C ~ali£0rnia, D~cem~b~er.._26,__. 1.950_ ....... NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TR~E CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF A/~AHEIN ms contracting agent for the citie~ of Anaheim, Fu!levtcn and Orange, an~ the Buena Park, Garden Grove, La Hal~rm and Pl~centia Samite. ry Districts, that a contrmct in the manner and £orm hereto attached be entered into and executed by the City of Anaheim aa such contracting agent with American Pipe and Construction Company for the furnishing of the following quantities and s~zes of pipe at the foil. owing prices: 5,000 lin. ft 39" diam. 2/3 lined at o,ooo 23,550 lin. ft. 48" di~., 2/3 lined at 2,770 lin. ft, 78" di~., 3/$ lined et 16.80 per lin. ft. 17.95 per lin. ft. 21.30 per lin~ ft. ~0.40 per lin. ft. ~elivere& along the t~ench aide of the M~aolia Trunk Sewer of the Orange County ~oint Om~fall Seger, an~ that the Mayor ~d the City Clerk be ~ they are here~y authorized to exerts said cgntract ~or ~d on be~lf of the City of ~aheim a~ contract- ing ~ent for the c~tiee of A~eim, ~llerton, :~d Or~e ~d the Bue~ Park, Garden Grove, La ~bra ~ Placentia S~itary Districts. On roll call, the foregoi~ Reeelution was ~uly ~eeed ~d ~opte~ by the fo13 owing vote: ~ A~S: CO~CILI~N: Pearson. Wi~ser, Heying, Boney. NOES; 00~OlL~: None. ~~: OO~CIL~: ~ Van W~oaer. , · ~e ~yor aeclar~ Re~olutton ,No. 1~02 duly pa~ed ~ ~opt~. Bid Bo~ in the ~ount of $95,000.00 ~s-receiv~ Octobe~ 13, 1950. R~SOL~ION NO. 1803: O~ncilm~ Boney o~ferea Re~olution No. 1803 a~ moved for it~ passes ~d ~optien. Oo~cilm~ Wisser ~econded the motion. MOTION ~I~. A ~SOL~ION OF T~ OlTY CO~CI~ OF T~ ~ITY OF ~~I~ AS CON~CTING AG~T FOR T~ CITIES 0F ~~IM,' E~TON, ~ O~NGE~ T~ B~ P~. GA~ GRO~, ~ ~ ~C~TIA ~IT~Y DISTRICTS A~HORI$ING T~ ~YOE ~ T~ CITY O~ TO EEOU~ CON~CTS FOR T~ ~NISHING 0F 39" EX~ S~GTH VIEIFI~ C~Y PIPE F~ T~ ~GNOLIA ~~ SE~ PR~CT. ~SS, the Cities of A~eim, ~llerton ~ Or.ge ~d the Bue~ Park, Garden Grove, La ~ra ~a Placentia S~itary Diatrict~ ~ve heretefoze ~opt~ authorizing the City of ~~eim to act aS con, racking ~en$ for said ci~ies ~d s~i~ary distrfc~s in the const~ction of the ~e~ia T~ Sewer Project of the Joint ~tfall Sewer ~ authorizi~ ~he City of A~eim a~ such contracti~ ~en~ to ~ver~ise for 'bids for ~he ~rchaze of ~terialm ~ for bi~ for ~he conz~ructiOn ~of said ~olis~'T~ Sewer Projec't ~d to a~rd Contracts therefor, ~d , , ~S, the City off ~eim as contracting ~ent ~or the cities .of A~eim, Orauge, ~d ~llerton ~d for the Bue~ Park, Garden Grove, La ~bra ~d Placentia S~t~[ Districts ~id cause to be ~bliehed in a newepaper of general circulation, to w~t. the ~aheim Bulletin, on the 17th ~ 22~ d~$ of November, 1950, a notice inviti~ seal, ed proposals for the fu~ishing of approximately 23,000 linear feet o~ .39" extra atre~th vitrtffi~ cl~ pipe; ~d ~~S, said notice did ~tate t~t said proposala.wo~d be opened at the hour of 8 o'clock P.M. on the 28th da~ o~ November, 1950, at a ~blic meeting of the City Oo~cil off the City of ~eim, State of California to be held in the City Go.oil Cl~ber~ of the City ~l of said city ~ notifying all prospective bi~dere that bide would be received nD to the hour off 8 o'clock P.M. of said date; ~d ~E, a~ a ~e~la~ meeting of the City Oo~cil of the City of A~eim held on the 28th d~ of November, 1950, at ~ o'clock P.M., the City Co. oil of the of A~eim did hold a public meeting ~d hearing for the ~oee off o~ning all ~ealed propoaa!~ received, up to that time for f~niehing the pipe as specified in zaid notice and did at said time ~d place open all seal~ proposals received, which maid me. ed propoeale so received were from the following persons, firms or corporations to f~n~.eh the ~ount of maid pipe set o~oeite their n~e a~ at the following prices: N~e of Bidder ~o~t of Pipe to Price per Linear Ft. =:be ~urni~h~ _ (~eltvered ~lonE Trench,Side) Pacific Clay Products Co., Los Angeles, California Gladding McBean & Company, I,o~ Angeles, Californi~ 6.400 feet $ 14.80 10.000 feet $ 15.50 71 __ city .__Hall, .Anaheim, Cali~f~ornia, ~ecember __2.6, ~WUKEP..EAS, the City 0ouncil did thereupon refer said bids to the Engineering Committee for examination and report to the City Council at a regular adjourned meet- ing to be held on Thursday, l~ov~mber 30, 1950, at 2 o~clock P.M.; and WHEP~,S, the City council of the City of ~naheim as :such contracting agent ~d or_ the 30th day of November, 1950, adopt Resolution No. 1795 awarding contracts For the furnishing of said pipe to Pacific Clay Products Company of Los Angelee, 0alifornia, and Gladding Mc. Bean & Compan~ of Los Angeles, Cadifornia, for She quantity' of pipe amd at the prices hereinbefore set forth; amd WEEREAS, contracts have been prepared pursuant to said proceedings and ~aid resolution, copies of which contracts are attached hereto and the City Ooumcil fin~s that said contracts are! in proper form and should be executed by the City of Anaheim as ~uch contracting agent. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TEE CITY COUNCIL OF THE .CITY OF A~IM as. contracting agent for the .Cities of Anaheim, Fullerton and Orange, ~ the Buena Park, ~,arden Grove, La Habra and Placentia Sanitary Districts, that contracts in the manmer and form hereto attached be entered into and executed by the City of Anaheim a~ such contracting agent with Pacific Clay Products, a corporation of Los Angeles, California for the furnishing of 6,~00 feet of 39" e~tra-strength vitrified cl~y pipe at the price of $15'80 per linear foot, delivered along the trench side of the Magnolia Trunk Sewer amd that a contract be entered .into and executed with Gladding, McBean and Co., s cOrPoration of Lo~ Angeles, California, for the furn~ish- !ng of 10,0o0 linear feet of 39" extra strength vitrified clay pipe at a price of . $15.30 ]per 'linear foot delivered along the trench side .of the Magnolia Tr,~W Sew_er of the Orange County Joint Outfall Sewer, in the manner amd form of the agreement hereto attached and that the Mayor~ and the City Clerk be and they are hereby _ authorized to execute said contracts for and on beb_~alf of the City of Anaheim as contracting agent for the cities of Anaheim, Fullerton an~ Orange and the Buena Park, Garden Grove, La Ha~ra and ?lacentia Sanitary Districts, On roll call the foregoing Resolution No. 1803~Wae dulY passed amd _ adoptsd by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN.: Pear,on, Wisser. Heying.and Boney. NOES: COUNOILMEN~ None. _ ABSEnt: COUNCI~4~N~ Vsm Wagoner. The Mayor declare~ ~he foregoing Resolution No. 1803 ~ul~ passed adopt~. TRACT NO. 125~: Final Map: Final Map on Tract No. 125~ covering 105 lets, located on Vermon~ Avenue, east of EaSt Street, Mr. Solomon. Ooumcilmam Heying moved that the' Final Map of Tract No. 12~k be accepted, subject to Engineering approval by the City Engineering Department; Councilman Wisser seconded the motion, MOTION 0ARRIND. TRACT NO. 1~68: Final. Map: Final Map of Tract No. 1~68, on which the City Plammlng Commission recommended the Map be accepted, subject to an~ additional Engineering requirements, together with Certified Checks, dated December 26, 1950, Check Nc. 3152, in the amount of $1160.00 for Water Meters, Check No. 31~3, inthe amount of $4200.00 for Water Mains and ~heck No. 3125 in the amoumt of $9,640.00 for Streets, Sidewalks and curbs (Morris I~d Co.- Bamk of America) were submitted. Councilman Boney moved that Final Map on Tract No. 1568 be accepted. Councilmam Wi~ser seconded the motion. NOTION CARRIED. BOhr)S: GLADDING,McBEAN & C0 - PACIFIC CLAY PRODUCTS 00: Bond in the mmoumt of $77_,500.00 wa~ submitted by the Gladding, McBean & Co. in support o£ their contract, and Bond of Pacific ~ lay ProdUcts Co. in the amount of $50,000.00 was submitted in m~pport of their contract. Said bonds were ordered accepted and filed on motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded b~ Co,iucilman Boney. MOTION CARP. LED. Councilman Keying moved to adjourn. Coumcilman Boney seconded the motion. ~OT I ON CARR IFAD.