Resolution-ZA 2002-281. That within'a perrod of one (1} year from the date of this decision, the property. owner/developer shall
obtain a~building .permit for the.proposetl rgofed entryway; :and #hat~the plans submitted forthe -- - -
..building permit shall show that;the required landscaped setback provided the front
_. ,.
property tine.a~ong Muller Streefin.accordanee with subsection "Structural
Setback and Yard Requii-emenfs (Abutting:collector/commu#er streets)" of the Anaheim Municipal
Code: Extensions for further time to complete this condition' may be granted in accordance with
Section 18.03:090 of the,Artaheim Munictpat Code. ~ -
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2.. That priorao:final, kiu.itding and 2ontng ,inspections;: subject property shat! be developetl ~substantiaily - .
in accordance withplans and specifiications submitted to the,City of Anaheim by.the petitioner and -
which ~piahs are on fiie;with the Panning Department marked Exhibit Nos: 1, 2 and 3:
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2. That approval of this applicatiorrconstitrites:approval of~the proposed request only to the extentthat :. .
it complies, with the Anaheim Municipal Zoning Code and.any-other applicable City; State and ; . -
FederaC regulations: Approvat'does not include any action.or findings compliance or approva[
- ~ of the request regarding any,other applicable ;ordinance; regra(ation or requirement. -
.. .. , .
This decision is-made, sigrted;~and entered;into the fite;this 12th day of,September, 2002. - . ~ -
Annika M. Santalahti, Zoning Administrator
NOTICE: This decision shall become final unless an appeal to the.. City -Council, in writings accompanied -
by an appeal fee, is filed with the City Clerk within 1 da s of the date of the signing,of this decision .or ,_ ~ -
.unless members of the City Council shall request to review this decision within said 15 days.: .
DECLARATION OF SERVICE BY MAiL: t do hereby declare under penalty of perjury that on the date set
forth below, I did deposit, in the United State Mail, a copy of the decision to the applicant and did: forward ..
a copy to the City Clerk: -
DATED: September 12, 2002
Patricia Koral, Sr. W d Processing Operator