Resolution-ZA 2002-29(a) Sections 1812.060.
(b) ~ Sections
- .Minimum lot width.
70 feet required; 61 feet proposed for Lot 2)
- Orientation of residential structures.
(Single-family dwellings required to rear onto arterial
i hwa s;
Single-family dwelling on proposed Lot '1 will side onto
East Street)
Having been appointed Zoning Administrator by the Planning :Director, pursuant to Anaheim Municipal
Code Section 48.12.040, to decide the above-referenced petition and a pubtic hearing having been duly
noticed for and held on the date set forth above, I do hereby find: ~ -
' 1. Thatwaiver (a), minimum letwo th~Ivilee sbenj yed by other propertiesaunder Identical on
of the Zoning Code would deprive the prop rty p g
.zoning classification in the vicinity because 12 of the 14 residential properties on the south side of
Wilhelmina Street between East Street.and Hawthorne Street have totwidths between 60 and 62 feet.
2, That waiver (b), required oouid de rive the propetrty of privteges enjoyed by otherbas~s
that strict application of the Zornng Code w p
. properties cinder identical zoning classification in the vicinity because existing residentially-zoned tots in
the area, including amorelStreet and Wilhelm na Street fbront on East Street); ~that~the nararower dimension
Street between Syc
of a cornerlot is considered the: f {hat' arod osed Lot 1 will have a'reversed buildi gfropntagegwhe eby thee
orientation of a house on the lot, p p
house faces Wilhelmina Street (the cttraffic from EasttStreet is reduced~because the proposeld house on
.East Street; that any.patential
Lot 1;has;a.building setbac5 feetto the dwee lings nd 20.#eetto the gaaages with o{I Up d00PS WhICh
St eet will be 2
- Wilhelmma , r. - .
- - 7200 oned single family dwellings. -
setbacks are. typical for RS- z . - - .
:: ~ . ~ -: ~ ~~ :~ .. ~ ~ -1 of 3 - ~ ~-. ZA 2002-29
V2002-04528:doc : ' . ~ ` ~ . ~ ..
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3.._ _ That based on the existing property's irregular'E.'.-shape and its location at the intersection
of a secondary arterial highway and local Street; the poten6ai subdivision configuration is restricted; and .
that the proposed 2-lot configuration is optimum and creates two lots which are larger than required in the
RS-7200 Zone (Lot 1 is 37% larger [9,912 versus 7,200 sq.ft.] and Lot 2 is. 20%. larger [8, 687 versus
7,200 sq:ft.] resulting in useable open space on eachaotwhich exceeds the Code standard.
-- - '4: `~:- _ ` •That-the proposal creates two.rectangularaots whicti;exceptfor the_61-foot lot width •
• waiver for Lot 2; corriply.vrith the minimum size: and dimension requiiemerits of the RS-7200 Zorie; ~ and
-that the proposal is compatible and corisistenfvrith the character and density of the surrounding. residential "'
neighborhood, and will. have no adverse impacts.
Based on the evidence and testimony presented to me, t do hereby determine to approve Variance Ho.
~' 2002-04528; subject to the following conditions: ~ _
1. That the. Final Map for Parcel Map No. X002-175 shall be approved by the City and then recorded with
the Office of ttie.,Orange County Recorder. (Tentative Parcel Map No. 2002-175 was processed .
concurrently with this Variance:) ~ .
2. That trash storage area(s) shall be provided and maintained in location(s) acceptable to the Public
Works Department, Streets and Sanitation.Division; and in accordance with approved plans an file
with said Department:
3. That subject property shat{ be developed substantially in accordance with plans and specifications
submitted to the City of Anaheim by the petitioner and which plans are on file with the, Planning .
Department marked Exhibit IVos.1(Site Plan), 2 (Floor Plans) and 3 (Elevations), and as conditioned
herein. -
4. (a) That if a fence or wail exceeding three (3) #eet in height is proposed to be constructed within
twenty five (25) feet of the ultimate right-of-way along East Street, such fence or wall shall
comply the standards and requirements regarding maximum fence height set forth in subsection (pertaining to Fences, Wags, Hedges and Berms in Front Yards) or subsection (pertaining to Fences, Walls, Hedges and Rear and Side Yards within
the street side setback of any reversed building frontage on a corner lot) unless a waiver offence
.height. is approved in connection with an Administrative Adjustment or Variance; and
(b} That if a proposed tence or wall exceeding three (3) feet in height is approved by the city to be .
constructed within twenty five (25) feet of the ultimate right-of--way along East Street, any setback
between said fence orwall and the ultimate right-of-way. shall be appropriately landscaped
.including clinging vines andlor fast growing shrubbery to screen the fence or wall and eliminate
graffiti opportunities (subsection "Landscaping for Screening of i=ences/Block
Walls"); and that a landscaping and irrigation plan.shali be submitted to the Planning
Department for review and approval specifying the landscaping and irrigation tacilties.
~5. That prior to issuance of the first building permitor within a period. of one (1) year from the date of this
Decision, whichever occurs first, Condition No. 1, above-mentioned, shall be complied with.
Extensions for further time to complete said conditions may be granted in accordance with Section
18.03.090 of the Anaheim Municipal Code.
6. That approval of this application constitutes approval of the proposed request rytyStiate andtFederal tt
complies with the Anaheim Municipal Zoning Code and any other applicable Ci ~ royal of the
reputations. Approval does not include any action or findings as to compliance or app .
request regarding any other applicable ordinance, regulation or requirement.
•: ' ~ ~ ~ .- 2 of 3 - .. ~ ~ • ZA 2002-29
V2002-0452$.doc ..
i"his decision is made,: signed, and entered into the file this 12'~ day of September, 2002.
Anntka M. Santalahti, Zoning Administrator
NOT4CE: 'i'bis decision shall become final unless an appeal to the City'Council'in wrifirig; accompanie
by an` appeal fee; is filed with the City Gerk within 15 da s of the date of the signing of this decision or
unless: members of the City Counciishait requeat to review thisdecision within said 15 days.
DECLARATION OF SERVICE BY MAIL: t da hereby declare under penalty of.per}ury that on the date set
• .forth below, l,did deposit; in the United States Mail, a copy of.the decision to the applicant and did forward
a copy to .the City Cferk.. .
DATE; September 12,' 2002
Patricia Korai, Serno~ Word P. ceasing Operator
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