Resolution-ZA 2002-31REQUEST: 'Waiver of the following Ito construct a 6-foot high :black wall iri ~tiie required .fronfi yard :~ _ - _ ; :.=` :.:; setback of a praposed single-family residence•!n the R&7200 (Residential;:Smgie - Family) Zone: Sections - Maximum fence height 18:26.63.010 (3 foot High wail permitted iri front 25-foot setback along a .:.. ~ ; : : ~. ; . and secondary arterial highway; - 6=foot high waif proposed 10 fee from East Street) - ; Having been appointed Zoning Administrator, by the Planning Director to.decide the above-referenced - ..:.. ; ~:~ '`. ~..;'.~._ ~_`:= : `. _=~• Administrative.Adjustment, and subject petition having been duly noticed and no written objections having been received; t do hereby find, pursuant to Section :18.12A80: _ " 1. That the request is hereby. granted in accordance with Subsection of the `., :. '.: ~ .:. ` :.: ~ • - ,Anaheim Municipal Code which permits waiver of maximum fence height in connection with an '° administrative adjustment if no opposition. is received during the,l0-day notification period; and that no written apposition to the proposal was received. 2. That the request is similar to a Cade provision which, by Administrative Adjustment, permits" ,' _ - "~ maximum 8-foot high fences or walls on single-family residential lots which front.an major arterial: highways if a .10-foot landscaped setbacK is maintained: between the fencelwali and.the major arterial highway and if the line-of-sight visibility associated with said fence/wait is reviewed and approved by the City Traffic.and Transportation Manager.. • `>3. That a 10 foot wide landscaped setback is proposed'between the 6-foot high block wall and ~ • ~. '° .;: ~,. :: East Street (a secondary arterial highway); and no lines-of--sight are adversely impacted by the proposed wall because there are no nearby intersections of.vetiicle•trafficond driveways ar pedestrian.walkways: • Based on the evidence presented to me, t do hereby determine to,grant Administrative Adjustment No~ ... 2002-00228, subject to the following conditions:: ~ • 1. Thaf in connection with submittal of plans for:the new douse on subjecf.propertq, the developer shail~ : :; ~ ', : '' ~>;.~:; _.. _ ... .. . • . • a._ _. .i _ II A\ 2..L __1L~~I..L~L..-..-•LL~ rr~r..wwJ w..i .. - _.