Resolution-ZA 2002-35:.. _
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' DECISION N0. ZA 2002-3'i
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Eric A. Rerlrrfan-
. 1771 V11s La Palma Avenue; .
_: .« Anaheim;.CA.92801
AGENT: Brad Knypstra `
307 EastChapman
Orange, CA 92866
LOCATION: 1771. West.La Palma Avenue '
'. CEQA STATUS: CE(~A CategoricaL:Exemption, Class 3
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HEARING DATE: October 3; 2002
_ .` OPPOSITION: ~ No one indicated their presence at the public opposition to the proposal and no .
correspondence'in opposition was received.
REQUEST:. Petitioner requests waiver•of the following to construct.a new 3-car garage:for an existing ,
commercial retail center in the CL (Commercial, Limited) Zone:
Sections -. Design and layout of off-street narking areas:
-.~~ 18.06A20.010 f 13 fully accessible aar~kina spaces required;
' and 18.44.066:040: 14 spaces proposed consisting of 11 fully accessible spaces and a 3-car
ara e
Having been appointed Zoning Administrator by the Planning Director, pursuant to Anaheim Municipal Code.
. Section 18.12.040, to decide the above-referenced petition and a public hearing having been duly noticed for
and held on the~date setfocth above, l do hereby find:
1. That the waiver of design and layout.of off-street parking areas is hereby approved on the basis
of special circumstances applicable to the property consisting of its size, location and surroundings, which do
not apply to other identically zoned properties in the vicinity; as well as privileges enjoyed by other properties
under identical zoning classification in the vicinity because other nearby commercial properties have similar
secured areas at the rear of their properties; that subject site is limited in size relative to other properties in ;
the same zone, and it has no direct vehicular access to La Palma Avenue and has no side yard setbacks .
(i.e., the building abuts the side property lines).
2. That granting of this waiver will .not be detrimental to the peace, health, safety or general welfare
of the citizens of the City of Anaheim because the proposal wiI! visually improve the subject property by
removing chain-link fencing visible to adjacent residential properties and by providing additional parking
spaces to the benefit of the existing commercial use of subject property.
3. That the proposal will provide secured parking to the rear of the commercial building, which area
is not easily visible from the interior of the building.
Sased on the evidence and testimony presented to me, ! do hereby determine to approve Variance No.2002-
4533, subject to the following conditions:
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. 1, That any:proposed roof mounted equipmentshall tie subject to the screening requirements of Anaheim .
Municipal Code Section pertaining to the:GL (Commercial, Limited) zone: Said
.information shali;tie specifically shown on the plans subrriitted for building permits.
2 ; That the property shall be permanently maintained in an, orderly fashion through the provision of regular
lardscaping maintenance, removal of trash or debris, and` removal of graffiti within twenty four (24)
hours from time of occurrence.
-3 That the parking'lot: serving the' premises shall. be equipped with lighting ofaufficient power to illuminate -
arid make easily discernible the:appearance and conduct of all persons on or about the parking lot. Said
lighting shall be directed, positioned and shielded in such a manner so as not to unreasonably illuminate
the windows of nearby residences.
4, That the' applicant shalt be responsible for maintaining he premises free of litter at all times..
5: Ttiaf there shall be no public telephones on the property that are located. outside the building and within
the control of the. applicant:
6: That any tree planted on-site shall be replaced~in a timely manner in the event fiat it is removed, .
damaged, diseased and/or. dies.
7. ,That the landscape planters shall be permanently maintained with, live and healthy plants; and that all
- existing.mature landscaping shall be maintained and immediately:replaced in the event that it becomes
diseased or dies.
8. .That the proposal shall comply with all signing requirements of the CL (Commercial, Limited).Zone
unless a variance allowing sign waivers is approved by the Planning Commission or City Council.
9: That, except as approved herein, no required parking area shall be fenced or otherwise enclosed for
storage or other outdoor uses.
10. That no `compact' or `small car' parking spaces shall be permitted.
1.1. That a trash storage area shall be provided and maintained in a Location acceptable to the Public Works
Department, Streets and Sanitation Division. Said storage area shall be designed, located and`'...
screened so as not to be readily identifiable from adjacent streets or highways. Such trash storag$.area,~
shall be specifically shown on the plans submitted for building permits.
12. That the legal property owner shall provide a covenant on the property to the City.of Anaheim Planning
Department, specifying that the three (3) car enclosed garage in connection with the existing commercial
building on the property shall be permanently utilized for enclosed parking purposes only.: Said covenant
shall be in a form satisfactory to the City Attorney and shall be recorded with the Office of the Orange
County Recorder. `
13. That all building, plumbing, electrical, mechartical and/or other necessary permits for the garage addition
shalt be obtained from the Building Division.
14. That the subject property shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and specifications
submitted to the City of Anaheim by the petitioner and which plans are.on file with the Planning -
Department marked Exhibit Nos. 1, 2 and 3, and as conditioned herein.
15: That prior to issuance of a building permit or within a period of one (1) year from the date of this
:decision, whichever occurs first, Condition Nos. 1, 11 and 12, above-mentioned, shalt be complied with.
Extensions for further time to complete said conditions may be granted in accordance with Section
18.03.090 of the Anaheim Municipal Code. . -
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16. 'That approval of this,application constitutes approval of the proposed request only to the extent that it
`complies with the Anaheim Municipal Zoning Code and any other applicable City, State and Federal
regulations.. Approval tloes not include any action or findings as to compliance or.approvai of the .
.request regarding any. other.applicable ordinance, regulation or. requirement.
.This decision is made, signed, and entered into the file this 10~' day of October, 2002.
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- Annika M. Santalahti; Zoning Administrator
NOTICE:' This decision shall become final unless amappeal to the City Council, in writing, accompanied bye
an appeal fee, is filed with the City Clerk within 15_ days of the date of the signing of this decision or unless
members :of the City Council shall request to review, this decision within said 15 days,
DECLARATION OF SERVICE.f3Y MAIL:, I do hereby declare :under penalty of perjury that on.the date set
` forth below, I did deposit,'in the united States.Mail,.a copy of the decision to the;applicant and did forward a the City Clerk:
DATE: October 10, 2002 ~ f
- ~ Patricia Koral, Senior Word Processing Operator ~-
ZA~ 2002-35