Resolution-ZA 2002-38~..
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4 :..That theaize and shape of the site.for ti?e proposed. use is adequate to allow fuli development
of the proposal in .a manner not detrimental o the particular area noc to tiie peace, health, safety, and
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general welfare .
. 5 That the traffic generated by the ground-mounted amateur-operated, radio transmitting tower
and antenna' in:conjunction with a single family residence. will :nvt~lmpose an undue burtlen upon the ~, .
streets and highways designed.and improved to carry traffc in the area because no traffic increase is
.: •``associated:with said..use. ~ ~:; .. . .
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6 :That granting of this Conditional Use Perm'it,.under the:conditians imposed, will no# be
'detrimental fo_the peace, health; safety and general welfare of the citizens of the City of Anaheim.
7 That Planning staff will obtain the telephone number forahe Federal Communications' `
Commission {"FCC")division that oversees amateur radio communicafrons/equipment and investigates
`complaints regarding possible radio frequency interference with.nearby electronic egiaipment,such as .
• teie4isions, radros;.felephones, etc.; :.and .that said telephone number will be provided to the concerned
neighbors who, were present at the public hearing;. and ttiat~ as conditioned herein, a `sta#us report' wits
lie submitted to the Zoning Administrator rn°six months to• provJde an update regarding~any FCC
investigation.and findings concerning whether this specific. installation is causing :any radio frequency
interference probiems for neighbors.and; if so, hov-r said:problem is.being resolved
• Based on the evidence and testimony presented to me, I do hereby determine to approve Conditional .: ,:
Use Permit No. 2002-04598, subject to the following conditions: `
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1. That the appropriate permit(s) for the radio transmitting tower and antenna shaft be obtained from'the:; :. .
.Building Division.
2. That the radio transmitting tower and antenna shall maintain G.O.95 clearances from. any overheatl
electrical lines, as required by the Etectcical Engineering pivision of the City Utilities Department.' .:
3. Recommended Condition No 3 was intentionally deleted at the October 31, 2002 public hearing:
4. That the subject property shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and specifcations
submitted to the City of Anaheim by the petitioner and which plans are on file.with the Planning ' ' .
Department marked Exhibit Nos.1, 2 and 3 and as conditioned herein (Condition Nos: 2 and 7).
5. That within a period of.six (6) months from the date of this decision, Condition.Nos. '1, 2, 4 and 7;
herein -mentioned; shah be complied with. Extensions for further time fo complete said conditions' '
may be granted in accordance with Section .18.03.490 of the Anaheim Municipal Code.:
6. That approval of this application constitutes approval.of the proposed request oniy tb the extent that it
complies with the Anaheim Municipal Zoning Code and any other applicable City, State and Federal
. regulations: Approval does not include any action or findings as to compliance or approval. of the :~
. request regarding any other app{icable ordinance; regulation or requirement ~ ..
7. That the existing antenna in front of the house shalt be relocated to the back yard; into. close proximity
with the 55-foot transmitting tower and, if feasible, attached to the 55-foot transmitting tower; .and that
a plan showing where said antenna will be relocated shall be submitted to the Zoning Division for
review and approval. ~ '
8. That the fifty five (55) foot transmitting tower (which is a telescoping tower] shall be lowered when'not - •
in use by the operator.
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CUP2002=04598.doc:..... .- :: - 2 of 3 -: ~ 7.~ 2002=38: