Resolution-ZA 2002-44
DECISION N0. ZA 2002-44
.OWNER:: Orange C. North...
. 2360 W: l.a Aalma Avenue .
Anaheim, CA 92803
AGENT: • Western Pacific Housing INC ~ _ .
'16940 Von. Kerman
Irvine, CA 92606. ,
LOCATION: 9.50 North Gilbert Street aril 2360 West l.a Palma Avenue
CEQA STATUS:.Categorically Exempt, Class: ~
DATE NOTICES MAILED:' November 15, 2002 < .
.REQUEST: Waiver of the following to construct a new 7-fo"ot high perimeter block wall along the
.south and east property lines'of a proposed 63=unit single-(amity residentiai:subdivision in .
the RS.-5000, ~Resideritiai, Single Family) zone:
Sections - Maximum fence height.. ` ` 6-foot hi 'li wa[I permitted in minimum required.side .:
18:27.063.020 and rear yards in the RS-5000,zone; ~ .' ':` 7-foot hiph wail proposed along;the so~th.and east
and boundary lines of Tentative Tract No. 16359)
Having been appointed Zoning Administrator by the Planning Director to decide the above-referenced.; .~ ::::.
Administrative Adjustment, and subject petition having been duly noticed and, no written objections having ' .
been received,) do hereby find, pursuant to Section 18.12.080:
1. That this request is hereby granted in accordance with. Section 18.12.080 of the Anaheim. _ .
Municipal Code which permits waivers of maximum fence height in any required yard in connection with
administrative adjustments if ho written objections to such a petition is received during a 10-day. ~.
notifieatiort period;' and that na written objections to this petition were received during the required 10-day '
notification period which ended on Tuesday, November 26, 2002 at 5:00 p.m.
2. That although this property. is currently zoned RS-A-43,000 (Residential/Agricultural), a
proposed 63-unit, RS-5000 zoned, single-family residential subdivision was recently approved in
connection with.Reciassi5cation No. 2002-00077; Variance No. 2002-04512 and Tentative Tract No.
16359; and that the proposed 7-foot high wall is proposed in connection with said residential tract. , , .
3. That submittal of this.petition is related to Condition No. 31 of Resolution No. 2002R--215, ..
adopted in connection with Variance No. 2002-04512, which specifies "That the proposed decorafive ~ `
block walls along.fhe easf and south property lines, except In required fronf.yards, shalt be limited ta. `,
seven (7) feet in height, subject to the approval of an Administrative Adjustment fn compliance with : ~.. •
Section 18.92.080 of the Anaheim Municipal Code.. °; and that if this petition were denied, the decorative
block walls along the east and south property lines would be limited to six feet in height:
Based on the evidence presented to me, l do hereby determine to grant Administrative.Adjustment No.
232., subject to, the#oilovring conditions; ~. '.
Ad}'2002-00232.doc -1 of 2 - . .... ~ ZA 2002-44 ....
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1.~ That within a .period of two '(2) years from the date of this decision; ae appropriatepermlt shall have .'
been obtained from the Building Division for.the proposed 7-foot high decorative block wall:
. Extensions for further time to complete this condition may. be granted in accordance with Section;
18.03.090 ofthe Anaheim Municipal Code.
2: "That subject property shall be developed substantially in accordance with.plans and specifcations
submitted to the City of Anaheim by the petitioner and which,pians are on file with the Planning .
Department marked Exhibit Nos:1 and 2.
3. That approval of this application constitu4es approval of the proposed request only to the_.extent that it
compiies.with the Anaheim Municipal Zoning Code and any other applicable City; State and FederaF
.:regulations.. Approval.does noY include any action ar findings as to compliance:or approval of the
request.regarding any.other applicable ordinance; regulation or requirement:
This decision is made, signed, and entered into. the file this 5th day of December, 2002.
j ~, r
nika M.,Santalahti; Zoning Administ ator
NOTICE: This.decision shall become final unless an appeal to the City Council, in writing,`accompanied~. :.':. ,. ~.
` by an appeal.fee; is filed with the City Cieri<,within 15 davs of the date:of the signing of this decision or ~ .
unless members of the City Council shall. request to review this decision within said 15 days:;
DECLARATION OF SERVICE BY MAtL: I do hereby declare under penalty of perjury that on he date set ;';-:,
forth below, I did deposit, in the United State Mait, a copy of the decision to the`applicant :and: did forward..:,;
a copy to the City Clerk. ~ ,
GATED: December 5, 2002
Patricia Koral; Sr. Word: Processing Operator