Resolution-ZA 2004-23City of Anaheim
August 12, 2004
Kent C. K. Wu, Architect
1274 East Center CourtDrive, #211 .
Covina, CA 91724. ZA DEC151,ON N0~ 2004-23,
1.a. CEQA CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION (previously approved)
1 ~b. VARIANCE N0.2002-04544 =Request for a retroactive extension of time to comply with
the conditions of approval.
LOCATION: 1127 and 1137 Pointe Premier: 5.8 acres having a frontage of 233 feet on
the west side of Pointe Premier and a maximum depth of 791 feet, and being located 287
feet south of the centerline of Avenida De Santiago.
At the meeting of August 5, 2004, Annika M, Santalahti, Zoning Administrator, considered your
request for a time extension for Vbriance No. 2002-04544, approving waiver of maximum
structural height to construct a 3-story, single-family.residence in the RH-2(SC) "Single-Family
Hillside Residential-Scenic Corridor Overlay' zone (the former RS-HS-22,000(SC) zone).
ACTION: In connection with the original approval of this variance on February 13, 2003, it was
determined that the approved project was Categorically Exempt under Section 15303, Class 3
(New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures) of the California Environmental Quality
Act Guidelines; and the Zoning Administrator has, therefore, determined that this request for a
time extension is also Categorically Exempt.
Ms. Santalahti granted the time extension (retroactive from February 13, 2004) to'expire on
Februa"ry 13, 2005.
This decision shall become final unless an appeal to the City Council, in writing, accompanied by
the appropriate appeal flee, is filed with the City Clerk within fifteen (15} days from the date of.this
letter, or unless members of the City Council request a review of this decision within said 15
Please note that this Variance No. 2002-04544 was origina}ly approved by the Zoning
Administrator before the effective date (i.e., 30 days after adoption) of Ordinance No. 5920 which
was adopted by the City Council on June 8, 2004 to amend Title 18 "Zoning" of the Anaheim
Municipal Code in its entirety. The approved project shall; therefore, be permitted provided such
project shall commence within the time frame specified in Decision No. ZA 2003-04 approved by
the Zoning Administrator; including any time extensions granted in accordance with Section
18.60.170 (Extension of Time to Comply with Conditions of Approval) of the Zoning Code (which
specifies that not more than two (2) extensions shall be granted). If a building permit is required,
construction shall have. commenced and shall be completed within a period of three hundred
sixty five (365) days from the date the building. permit is issued, unless said time period,is duly
extended by the Bui{ding Official
Danielle C. Masciel
Word Processing Operator
Tracking No. VAR2004-04615
200 South Anaheim Boulevard
P.0. Box 3222
Anaheim, California 92803
TEL (714) 765-5139
ZA Decision ZA2004-23