Resolution-ZA 2004-38• •
APPLICANT:. Guillermo Aguirre.
1925 East Lincoln Avenue
Anaheim, CA 92805
LOCATION: 1920 East Center Street
REQUEST: That the applicant has submitted a letter requesting termination of Conditional Use
Permit No. 3316.
MEETING DATE: December 23, 2004
Having been appointed Zoning Administrator by the Planning Director to decide this request pursuant to
Anaheim Municipal Code Section 18.60.210 (Termination of Permits), I do hereby find:
1. That on August 16, 1990, the Zoning Administratordid, by her Decision No. ZA 90-60,
approve, in part, Conditional Use Permit No, 3316 to permit a day care center for 70 children at 1920 -East
Center Street with waiver of maximum fence (a waiver of required parking was denied because it was
deleted following public notification).
2. That on September 7, 2004, the Zoning Administrator did, by her Decision No. ZA2004-34,
approve Conditiona{ Use Permit No. 2004-04901 to establish the sale of beer and wine for on-premises
consumption at a new restaurant at 1920 East Center Street; that said Decision was amended on
October 2T, 2004 by Decision No. ZA2004-36; and that Decision No. ZA2004-34, as amended by
Decision No. ZA2004-36, includes the following condition of approval
"35. That the property owner shall submit a letter requesting termination of Conditional
Use Permit No. 3316 (to permit aday-care center for 70 children with waiver of
maximum fence height) to the Planning Services Division.
3. That this request to terminate Conditional Use Permit No. 3316 complies with Condition No.
35 of Conditional Use Permit No. 2004-04901.
Based on the foregoing findings, I do hereby terminate Conditional Use Permit No, 3316. This Decision is
made, signed, and entered into the file this 30th day of December 2004.
Annika M. Santalahti,: Zoning Administrator
DECLARATION OF SERVICE BY MAIL: I do hereby declare under penalty of perjury that on the date set
forth below;l did deposit, in the United States Mail, a copy of the Decision. to the applicant and did
forward a .copy to the City Clerk.
DATE: December 30, 2004
Tracking No. CUP2004-04934
anielle C. sc' I, ord Processing Operator
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