Resolution-ZA 2005-16•
OWNER: Christy Clow
Turner Anaheim, LLC
1500 Quail Street, #150
Newport Beach, CA 92660
LOCATION: 4875-4887 East La Palma Avenue, 1260 North Hancock Street and 1251-1265 North
Manassero Street
CEQA STATUS: CEQA Categorical Exemption, Class 15
PUBLIC HEARING DATE: August 18, 2005
OPPOSITION: No one indicated their presence at the public hearing in opposition to the proposal
and no correspondence was received in opposition.
REQUEST: Approval of a tentative parcel map under authority of subsection
(Tentative Parcel Maps) of the Anaheim Municipal Code to establish a 1-lot airspace
condominium for an existing 7-building industrial complex.
Having been appointed Zoning Administrator by the Planning Director, pursuant to Anaheim Municipal
Code Section 18.60.020 (Establishment of Zoning Administrator Position), to decide the above-
referenced petition and a public hearing having been duly noticed for and held on the date set forth
above, I do hereby find:
That the proposed tentative map is consistent with the applicable General Plan.
2. That the design and/or improvements of the proposed tentative parcel map are consistent
with the applicable General Plan.
3. That the design of the tentative parcel map and/or the proposed improvements are not likely
to cause substantial environmental damage or to substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their
4. That the design of the tentative parcel map and/or the type of improvements are not likely to
cause serious public health problems.
5. That the design of the tentative parcel map and/or the type of improvements will not conflict
with easements, acquired by the public at large, for access through or use of the property within the
proposed subdivision.
Based on the evidence and testimony presented to me, I do hereby determine to approve Tentative
Parcel Map No. 2005-176, subject to the following conditions:
1. That the property owner shall irrevocably offer to dedicate to the City of Anaheim, on the final parcel
map, an easement sixty (60) feet in width from the centerline of La Palma Avenue and thirty-eight
(38) feet in width from the centerlines of Hancock Street and Manassero Street, including corner cut-
offs, for road, public utility and other public purposes.
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2. That an improvement certificate shall be placed on the final map to construct street improvements
along La Palma Avenue to the width required by the City of Anaheim Planned Roadway Network map
and Public Works Standard Detail No. 160-A (Street and Highway Sections) prior to final building and
zoning inspections for future building or grading site development plans.
3. The developer shall submit street and landscaping improvement plans prepared by a licensed Civil
Engineer to the Public Works Department, Subdivision Section, to improve Manessero Street and
Hancock Street. Sidewalk, parkway landscaping and an ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act)
compliant curb ramp with truncated domes shall be constructed in conformance with Public Works
Standard Detail Nos. 110 (Sidewalk) and 111-2 (Curb Ramp). Additional street widening is not
required. Parkway irrigation shall be connected to the on-site irrigation system and maintained by the
property owner. A bond to guarantee the improvements shall be posted in an amount approved by
the City Engineer and a form approved by the City Attorney prior to final map approval. A Right-of-
Way Construction Permit shall be obtained from the Subdivision Section for all work performed in the
right-of-way. The improvements shall be constructed prior to final map approval.
4. That a maintenance covenant shall be submitted to the Subdivision Section and approved by the City
Attorney's office. The covenant shall include provisions for maintenance of private facilities and a
maintenance exhibit. The covenant shall be recorded concurrently with the final map.
5. That a final parcel map shall be submitted to and approved by the City of Anaheim and the Orange
County Surveyor, and shall then be recorded in the Office of the County of Orange Recorder.
6. That prior to final parcel map approval, Condition Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 8, herein-mentioned, shall be
complied with.
7. That approval of this application constitutes approval of the proposed request only to the extent that is
complies with the Anaheim Municipal Zoning Code and any other applicable City, State and Federal
Regulations. Approval does not include any action or findings as to compliance or approval of the
request regarding any other applicable ordinance, regulation or requirement.
8. That an unsubordinated restricted covenant providing reciprocal access and parking approved by
planning services division and in a form satisfactory to the City Attorney shall be recorded with the
Office of the Orange County Recorder. A copy of the recorded covenant shall then be submitted to
the Zoning Division. In addition, provisions shall be made in the covenant to guarantee that the entire
complex shall be managed and maintained as one (1) integral parcel for purposes of parking,
vehicular circulation, signage, maintenance, land usage and architectural control, and that the
covenant shall be referenced in all deeds transferring all or any part of the interest in the property.
This decision is made, signed, and entered into the file this 25'h day of August 2005.
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Annika M. Santalahti, Zoning Administrator
NOTICE: This decision shall become final unless an appeal to the City Council, in writing, accompanied
by an appeal fee, is filed with the City Clerk within ten (10) days of the date of the signing of this decision
or unless members of the City Council shall request to review this decision within 7 (seven) days from the
date of signing.
DECLARATION OF SERVICE BY MAIL: I do hereby declare under penalty of perjury that on the date set
forth below, I did deposit, in the United States Mail, a copy of the decision to the applicant and did forward
a copy to the City Clerk.
Pat Chan er, Senior Secretary
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CHAPTER 18.120
18.120.070 Zoning and Development Standards-Expanded Industrial Area
Development Area 2}
The intent of this Development Area is to provide increased opportunity for development of a
mix of light industrial and corporate headquarters, research and development uses with essential
support services at strategic locations. The underlying, base zone for this area is the I Industrial
Zone and unless otherwise indicated, the standards of the I Industrial Zone shall apply. In areas
where the Scenic Corridor Overlay Zone already applies, it shall continue to apply to this
Development Area.
.010 Permitted Primary Uses and Structures. The following buildings, structures and
uses, either singly or in combination, may be permitted in the Expanded Industrial Area subject
to the limitations provided hereinafter.
0101 Agricultural crops.
0102 Aircraft firms.
0103 Ambulance service firms (without living quarters).
.0104 Automobile/vehicle parking lots and structures in conjunction with uses
permitted under this Chapter.
.0105 Bakeries, wholesale.
.0106 Banks.
.0107 Bottling plants or breweries.
.0108 Broadcasting studios, radio or television (including rehearsal studios) without
.0109 Cabinet or carpentry shops.
.0110 Cleaning plants (including carpets) including dyeing.
.0111 Corporate headquarters as defined in Chapter 18.92 (Definitions).
.0112 Dairy product processing.
.0113 Electronic assembly.
.0114 Exterminating or disinfecting services.
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.0115 Helistops located not less than one thousand (1,000) feet from any
residentially zoned parcel.
.0116 Hospitals or medical clinics serving the industrial area.
.0117 Laboratories; medical and dental.
.0118 Ice and cold storage plants.
.0119 Laundries.
.0120 Machine shops.
.0121 Mail order firms.
.0122 Manufacturing, including but not limited to; aircraft, autos, campers, trailers,
mobile homes, batteries, boats, ceramic products (from previously pulverized clay only), signs
(electric or neon), electrical, electronic or electromechanical machinery, food products (including
processing, canning, preserving and freezing), furniture (including upholstery and refinishing),
apparel or garments, glass, prefabricated buildings, plastics, shoes, soap (cold mix only), textiles,
.0123 Metal working firms, including plating, fabrication or welding.
.0124 Motor vehicle assembly plants, new.
.0125 Newspaper establishments.
.0126 Offices, professional, medical and dental.
.0127 Outdoor storage of equipment, materials, finished products or refuse basic to
the operations of permitted uses subject to the site enclosure and screening requirements of
.0128 Packing houses, fruit and vegetable.
.0129 Paint mixing plants.
.0130 Printing or reproducing services, including but not limited to printing shops,
photoengraving, copying, processing, and blueprinting.
.0131 Product fabrication. The fabrication of products from previously finished
products such as paper, plastics, rubber, sheet metal, etc.
.0132 Public works or public utility service yards.
.0133 Research and testing firms such as architectural and engineering service firms.
.0134 Small equipment storage or rental yards.
.0135 Telephone exchanges, office and equipment buildings.
.0136 Tire rebuilding, including retreading.
.0137 Training centers (industrial).
.0138 Warehouses.
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.0139 Wholesale businesses, including but not limited to, storage buildings and
warehouses, provided that all such sales are to retailers or merchants for the purpose of their own
business use or resale only and not to consumers or the public in general.
0140 Woodworking shops.
.020 General Requirements for Permitted Uses and Structures. Notwithstanding any
other provisions of this Chapter, the following general requirements shall apply for the conduct
of any use permitted in this Development Area:
.0201 All uses shall be maintained in such a manner that they are neither obnoxious
nor offensive by reason of emission of odor, dust, smoke, gas, noise, vibration, electromagnetic
disturbance, radiation or other similar causes detrimental to the public health, safety or general
.0202 Except as otherwise provided in the listed use, all uses shall be conducted
wholly within a building.
.030 Permitted Accessory Uses and Structures. The following accessory uses are
permitted only where they are integrated with and clearly incidental to a primary permitted use
listed in this Development Area. All uses shall be conducted wholly within a building except as
provided hereinafter.
.0301 Caretakers quarters, one (1) only, where used by a proprietor, manager or
custodian of a use permitted in this Development Area provided the requirements for minimum
floor area and minimum number of parking spaces as required by the RM-3 Multiple-Family
Residential Zone are complied with.
.0302 Employee cafeterias or coffee shops.
.0303 Exhibition of products produced on the premises or available for wholesale
0304 Offices.
.0305 Retail distribution and sale of products or portions of products produced on
the premises where not the primary retail outlet for said products.
.0306 Reverse vending machines and small collection facilities (inside or outside)
for recycling purposes subject to the requirements of Chapter 18.48 (Recycling Facilities).
.0307 Signs, other than billboards, in compliance subsection of this
.0308 Storage of class "C" explosives, not to exceed twenty (20) pounds of said
explosive, and stored in compliance with the Uniform Fire Code.
.0309 Roof-mounted mechanical/utility equipment (including, but not limited to,
compressors, condensers, conduits, pipes, vents, ducts, etc., as found in Title 15 of the Anaheim
Municipal Code and in the Uniform Mechanical Code) and receiving antennas; provided that
these devices shall not be visible in any direction (360 degrees) from any public right-of--way,
public property or any property zoned residential, commercial, open space, or Development
Areas 3, 4, 5 or 6 of this Specific Plan area, as may be seen from a point six (6) feet above
ground level on said adjacent property. Screening of equipment shall be provided by acceptable,
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permanent building materials, the same as or similar to those which are used in the construction
of the underlying building, or equipment shall be screened from view by acceptable architectural
features of the building itself. Wood lattice shall not be used as a screening device. The
screening method and screening material used shall not be recognizable as a screening device but
shall be designed as an integral component of the building design. Permanent, mature
landscaping may also be utilized, but only if it provides a complete and sufficient year-round
screen. All equipment screening shall be retained and maintained in good condition.
.0310 Ground-mounted radio, television and satellite dish receiving antennas,
mechanical/utility equipment and other such similar equipment; provided that any such
equipment shall be screened from view in all directions (360 degrees) from all public rights-of-
way, public property or any property zoned residential, commercial, open space, or Development
Areas 3, 4, 5 or 6 of this Specific Plan area, as may be seen from a point six (6) feet above
ground level on said adjacent property, by landscaping (except for screening of mechanical
equipment), fencing or architectural building features. Said equipment shall not be located in a
required setback area abutting a public or private street.
.0311 Outdoor seating for restaurants, as defined in Chapter 18.92 (Definitions) and
in compliance with the provisions of Section 18.38.160 (Restaurants -Outdoor Seating) of
Chapter 18.38 (Supplemental Use Regulations). (Ord. 5565 § 49; June 11, 1996.)
.040 Permitted Temporary Uses and Structures. The following temporary buildings,
structures and uses may be permitted subject to the conditions and limitations specified herein:
.0401 Christmas tree and pumpkin patch sales lots and/or stands shall be subject to
compliance with the provisions of Chapter 6.42 (Christmas Tree Lots and Pumpkin Patches) of
the Anaheim Municipal Code and Section 18.62.050 (Special Event Permits) of Chapter 18.62
(Administrative Reviews).
.0402 Contractor's Office and/or Storage. Temporary structures for the housing of
tools and equipment or containing supervisory offices in connection with major construction
projects may be established and maintained during the progress of such construction on such
projects in compliance with Section 18.38.105 (Contractor's Office & Storage) of Chapter 18.38
(Supplemental Use Regulations).
.0403 Real Estate Tract Office and Tract Sign. One (1) temporary real estate office
and temporary real estate tract sign may be located on any new subdivision, provided that such
office shall be removed at the end of two (2) years from the date of the recording of the
subdivision map or the sale of the last subdivision, whichever is earlier and the tract sign shall be
in compliance with Chapter 18.44 (Signs).
.0404 Special Events and Temporary Signs, Flags, Banners and Balloons. The
temporary use of premises for special events as defined in Chapter 18.92 (Definitions) shall be
subject to compliance with the provisions of Sections 18.62.050 (Special Event Permits) of
Chapter 18.62 (Administrative Reviews) and 18.38.240 (Special Events) of Chapter 18.38
(Supplemental Use Regulations).
.050 Conditional Uses and Structures. The following buildings, structures and uses shall
be permitted in this Development Area subject to a conditional use permit in compliance with
Chapter 18.66 (Conditional Use Permits).
0501 Ambulance services with attendant living quarters.
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0502 Animal foods processing.
0503 Automobile car washes.
.0504 Automotive vehicle repair, overhaul, installation of parts and accessories,
modification, painting, body work and other similar vehicular activities, including incidental
retail sales of accessories. For purposes of this section the words "automotive vehicle" shall
include, but not be limited to, automobiles, boats, recreational vehicles, trucks and motorcycles.
0505 Boiler and tank manufacturing.
0506 Bowling alleys, with or without alcohol sales.
0507 Building material storage yards.
0508 Buildings or structures in excess of sixty (60) feet in height.
0509 Bus depots.
.0510 Child day care facilities which exclusively serve one (1) or more businesses
located in this Specific Plan area.
.0511 Churches, subject to the following limitations:
(a) The limitation in hours and days of operation and length of time of the
church use shall be specified in the Conditional Use Permit.
(b) Churches may include educational facilities as an accessory use,
provided such facilities are approved in the conditional use permit. The permissible hours of
operation for the educational facilities shall be as specified in the Conditional Use Permit.
(c) Churches which are not the exclusive use of the property shall, with
the exception of national holidays, limit activities prior to 6:00 p.m. on Mondays through Fridays
to church office staff and such educational facilities as may be approved in the Conditional Use
.0512 Communications stations and antennas (other than those permitted by
paragraphs and including amateur-operated radio
transmission towers and cellular communications facilities/towers whether ground mounted or
mounted on a structure. Maximum structural height shall be determined by Conditional Use
0513 Concrete hatching or mixing (indoors or outdoors).
.0514 Contractor storage yards.
0515 braying, freighting or trucking yards or terminals (I ndoors or outdoors).
.0516 Explosives. Storage of any class "A": or class "B": or in excess of twenty
(20) pounds of class "C" explosives.
0517 Feed and fuel yards.
0518 Freight classification yards.
0519 Health spas and physical fitness centers.
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.0520 Helistops located less than one thousand (1,000) feet from any residentially
zoned parcel; Heliports.
.0521 Large collection facilities for recycling purposes subject to the requirements
of Chapter 18.48 (Recycling Facilities).
0522 Large equipment storage or rental yard.
0523 Lumber yards.
.0524 Manufacturing operations not otherwise listed as a permitted use in this
Development Area, including, but not limited to: acid, alcohol, ammonia, bleaching powder,
chlorine, asphaltic concrete, cement, lime, gypsum, plaster of Paris, explosives, fertilizer, gas,
glue, lampblack, synthetic rubber, and tar distillation or processing, brick or concrete products,
paint, oil, shellac, turpentine or varnish, oil cloth or linoleum, paper pulp, polish, soap, soda and
other compounds.
.0525 Metal smelting, refining or processing operations not otherwise listed as a
permitted use in this Development Area including, but not limited to, high temperature smelting
by blast furnaces or coke ovens, metal foundries, drop forge operations or the rolling and
extrusion of ferrous metals.
0526 Petroleum or its fluid products, indoor or outdoor, wholesale outdoor storage.
.0527 Private clubs, lodges, and meeting halls.
.0528 Private educational institutions, including but not limited to private
elementary, junior and senior high schools, colleges and universities.
.0529 Private recreational facilities, indoor or outdoor, including, but not limited to,
golf driving ranges, recreation fields and fishing pools.
.0530 Public utilities or utilities operated by mutual agencies consisting of electrical
substations, gas or conversion plants with the necessary buildings, apparatus or appurtenances
incident thereto, but not including distribution mains or electric or telephone wires or cables or
City-owned public utilities.
.0531 Restaurants: Enclosed or Semi-Enclosed (with or without cocktail lounges
and/or on-premise sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages; with or without public
entertainment), including drive-in, drive-through, take out, walk-up or fast food.
0532 Retail carpeting and/or petroleum based flooring businesses.
.0533 Retail sales of household furniture provided the retail sales portion of the
business shall be a minimum of fifty thousand (50,000) square feet.
0534 Rubber products; reclamation or processing (natural or synthetic).
.0535 Sales businesses which primarily serve and are compatible with industrial uses
and which are not otherwise permitted uses in this Development Area pursuant to subsection For purposes of this section, any use which is found to encourage retail of
products or merchandise or to attract customers other than industrial users for industrial purposes
permitted in this Development Area shall not be deemed a use which primarily serves and is
compatible with industrial uses.
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.0536 Sand, gravel, rock and other nonfuel mineral operations including excavation,
processing, storage, wholesale outdoor storage and/or distribution thereof, and accessory offices,
weighing stations and caretakers' quarters, subject to compliance with provisions of Chapter
17.20 of the Anaheim Municipal Code.
0537 Self-storage facilities.
.0538 Service stations, automobile or truck, with or without convenience markets,
subject to the requirements of Section 18.38.070 (Automobile Service Stations) of Chapter 18.38
(Supplemental Use Regulations), provided that as a condition for the granting of a conditional
use permit for an automobile or truck service station, the property owner shall record an
unsubordinated covenant, satisfactory to the Planning Director and City Attorney agreeing to
remove all structures, including underground storage tanks, in the event that the station is closed
for a period of twelve consecutive months. A service station shall be considered closed during
any month in which it is open for less than fifteen (15) days.
.0539 Stone monument works.
.0540 Towing services, including vehicle impound or storage yard.
.0541 Training centers, non-industrial.
.0542 Transit, transportation and construction equipment storage.
.0543 Transmission stations, radio or television, including amateur-operated radio
transmission towers. Heights of antennas and/or towers associated with these uses shall be
determined by Conditional Use Permit.
0544 Vehicle sales agencies and lots. (Ord. 5574 § 3; August 20, 1996.)
.060 Site Development Standards -General. Site development standards are intended
to provide for the continued orderly development of this Development Area, to assure adequate
levels of light, air and density of development, to maintain and enhance the locally recognized
values of community appearance, to promote functional compatibility of uses and to promote the
safe and efficient circulation of pedestrian and vehicular traffic, all of which are found to be
necessary for the preservation of the community health, safety and general welfare.
.0601 Prior to issuance of any demolition permit or building permit, whichever
occurs first, property identified by the City as an historical resource shall comply with all
applicable federal, state and local laws, ordinances and regulations relating to historical
(a) Proof of compliance shall be submitted to the Planning Department
prior to issuance of said permit.
(b) The property located at 1500 N. Lakeview Avenue (APN 346-291-01
and 02), bounded on the north by Orangethorpe Avenue, on the south and east by the Orange
County Flood Control District channel and on the west by Lakeview Avenue, has been identified
as a historical resource.
.0602 Prior to issuance of any grading permit or building permit (whichever occurs
first), property identified by the City as a paleontological resource shall comply with all
applicable federal, state, and Local Laws, ordinances, and regulations relating to paleontological
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resources including, but not limited to: having a qualified paleontologist present during any
subsurface disturbance or grading.
(a) Proof of compliance shall be submitted to the Planning Department
prior to the issuance of said permit.
(b) The thirteen (13) acre parcel bounded on the north by Landon Drive,
on the east by Kellogg Drive, on the south by La Palma Avenue and extending approximately
seven hundred seventy four (774) feet westerly from the centerline of Kellogg Drive, has been
identified as a paleontological resource. (Ord. 5585 § 1; November 19, 1996.)
.070 Building Site Requirements. The size and shape of the site proposed for the use
shall be adequate to allow the full development of the proposed use in a manner consistent with
the stated purpose and intent of this Development Area.
.0701 Adequate provision shall be made for the safe and orderly circulation of both
pedestrian and vehicular traffic between the proposed site and all streets and highways, and
between coordinated facilities, accessways or parking areas on adjacent sites.
.0702 The proposed development shall not limit or adversely affect the growth and
development potential of adjoining lands or the general area in which it is proposed to be
.080 Structural Height and Area Limitations.
.0801 Maximum Structural Height: Except for projections as permitted in Section
18.40.030 (Structural Height Limitations) of Chapter 18.40 (General Development Standards),
the maximum height of any building or structure shall be sixty (60) feet, except as may be
permitted by conditional use permit; provided further, that:
.0802 The height of any building or structure shall not exceed one half (0.5) of the
distance from said building or structure to the zone boundaries of any residential zone.
Dedicated streets or alleys may be included in calculating distance.
.0803 No site may be developed to an intensity greater than a Floor Area Ratio
(FAR) of five-tenths (0.5).
.090 Structural Setback au,d Yard. Requirements. Every building, structure or addition
thereto erected in this Development Area shall be provided with setbacks and landscaping in
conformance with the provisions of Section 18.40.040 (Structural Setbacks and Yards) of
Chapter 18.40 (General Development Standards) and Chapter 18.46 (Landscaping and
Screening) except as follows:
.0901 Setback Adjacent to Public Rights-of- Way. All properties abutting a public
street shall have an open setback area for the full width of the property. This setback shall be
parallel to the centerline of the street and shall be measured from the planned highway right-of-
way line as designated on the Circulation Element of the General Plan or the ultimate right-of-
way line of a local street, and shall be of a depth as indicated below.
.0902 Abutting any arterial highway other than collector streets, setbacks of fifty
(50) to sixty-five (65) feet shall be provided as follows:
(i) If no parking is to be provided in front of the building, the minimum
building setback shall be fifty (50) feet. The first ten (10) feet of setback immediately behind the
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public right-of--way (ROW) line shall be planted with a minimum of one (1) tree per twenty (20)
linear feet of street frontage and must include a minimum three (3) foot high shrub screen
planted parallel to the ROW. The remaining forty (40) feet of setback area, which may be used
for adrive-aisle (parallel to the street) but not for parking, shall be planted with a minimum of
one (1) tree for every thousand (1,000) square feet of required street setback area, not including
the ten (10) feet of setback area located immediately behind the ROW.
(ii) If parking is to be provided in front of the building, the minimum
building setback shall be sixty-five (65) feet. The first ten (10) feet behind the ROW shall be
landscaped with a minimum of one (1) tree planted for every twenty (20) linear feet of street
frontage and must include a minimum three (3) foot high shrub screen planted parallel to the
ROW. There shall be no parking within the ten (10) foot wide minimum landscape setback area
located immediately behind the ROW. In the remaining fifty five (55) feet of setback area, a
minimum of one (1) tree shall be planted per four (4) parking stalls, and a minimum of one (1)
additional tree shall be provided for each two thousand three hundred (2,300) square feet of area
in the remaining required street setback area.
.0903 Abutting collector streets, a structural setback of not less than twenty-five (25)
feet with a minimum ten (10) feet adjacent to the ROW fully landscaped including a minimum of
one (1) tree planted for every twenty (20) linear feet of street frontage and must include a
minimum three (3) foot high shrub screen planted parallel to the ROW. There shall be no
parking within the ten (10) foot wide minimum landscape setback area located immediately
behind the ROW. The remainder of the required setback area shall be limited to parking and/or
vehicular circulation.
.0904 Abutting local streets, a setback of not less than five (5) feet, fully landscaped
with a minimum of one (1) tree for every twenty (20) linear feet of street frontage,
.0905 The provision for side and rear yards specified above shall not apply when the
lot is adjacent to any T Transition zoned property upon which a resolution of intent for
nonresidential uses has been approved.
.0906 Service Station Setbacks. Pump islands may be placed within the setback area
and may be sheltered by either a separate structure or a sheltering structure attached to the main
building. All required landscaping shall be in accordance with adopted service station site
development standards in Section 18.38.070 (Automobile Service Stations) of Chapter 18.38
(Supplemental Use Regulations).
.0907 Sidewalk Waivers. In those areas where applicants have been granted
temporary sidewalk waivers, the landscaping shall extend to the curb. Trees shall be planted so
as not to conflict with future sidewalks. Plants within the public right-of--way, with the exception
of trees, shall not exceed thirty-six (36) inches in height and further be subject to the City of
Anaheim Engineering Standard No. 137 entitled, "Commercial Drive Approach."
.100 Permitted Encroachments into Required Yards. The following features and
structures may be permitted to encroach into yard areas required in this Development Area, in
compliance with the provisions of Section 18.10.060 (Building Setbacks) of Chapter 18.10
(Industrial Zones) and as provided herein:
.1001 Decorative screen walls, not exceeding thirty-six (36) inches in height, where
located at least ten (10) feet from the front property line along arterial streets and highways.
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.1002 Entrance and exit drives and walks into parking areas.
.1003 Flagpoles subject to the provisions of Section 18.10.060 (Building Setbacks of
Chapter 18.10 (Industrial Zones).
.1004 Fountains, ponds, sculpture, planters and walkways (open or covered) where
they are an integral part of a landscaping scheme comprised primarily of plants.
.1005 Signs other than billboards, in compliance with subsection
.110 Off-Street Parking and Loading Requirements. All vehicle accessways and
parking and loading areas shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 18.42 (Parking and
Loading) of the Anaheim Municipal Code, except that any vehicular storage or parking area
visible from public rights-of--way or freeway shall be screened from view by landscaping or
architectural devices to a height of thirty six (36) inches in accordance with City of Anaheim
Engineering Standard No. 137 entitled, "Commercial Drive Approach."
.120 Sign Regulations -Advertising and Identification. Any signs or billboards with
the provisions of Chapter 18.44 (Signs) for the I Industrial Zone."
.130 Site Enclosure and Screening Requirements. Industrial sites and/or uses shall
provide effective site screening from adjoining properties and public rights-of--way as follows:
.1301 Required Enclosure of Outdoor Uses. The perimeter of any portion of a site
upon which any outdoor use of an industrial nature is permitted shall be enclosed to a height of
not less than six (6) feet either by solid masonry wall, chain link fencing (interwoven with
redwood, cedar or PVC slats), or building walls which incorporate live plants with adequate
growing area, planted along and adjacent to said wall or fence. No outdoor industrial use or
enclosure thereof shall encroach into any required setback area adjacent to any public right-of-
way, nor shall any storage of products or materials exceed the height of any such enclosure.
(Ord. 5517 § 2 (part); September 12, 1995: Ord. 5565; June 11, 1996.)
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City of A~eim
August 25, 2005
Christy Clow
Turner Anaheim, LLC
1500 Quail Street, #150
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Re: Variance No. 2005-04661 -WITHDRAWN
On August 18, 2005, Annika M. Santalahti, Zoning Administrator, considered your
request for approval of Variance No. 2005-04661 to waive the minimum landscaped
setback along Manaserro Street. The variance was filed in connection with Tentative
Parcel Map No. 2005-176 to establish a 1-lot airspace condominium for an existing 7-
building industrial complex at 4875-4887 East La Palma Avenue, 1260 North Hancock
Street and 1251-1265 North Manassero Street.
Following the public hearing Planning Department staff determined that the requested
waiver of minimum landscaped setback was unnecessary because the proposal (to
permit a 6-foot landscaped setback along Manassero Street) is in compliance with
paragraph .0904 of subsection (Structural Setback and Yard
Requirements) of Title 18 (Zoning) of the Anaheim Municipal Code, which permits
minimum 5-foot landscaped setbacks abutting local streets in Development Area 2
(Expanded Industrial Area) of the Northeast Area Specific Plan No. 94-1 (Manassero
Street is designated a "local street"). For your information a copy of Section 18.120.070
(Land Use and Development Standards -Expanded Industrial Area (Development Area
2) of the Zoning Code is attached, with the applicable setback standard high-lighted.
On the basis of the preceding paragraph, Variance No. 2005-04661 has been withdrawn
by staff and no further action will be taken.
A copy of Decision No. ZA 2005-16 approving Tentative Parcel Map No. 2005-176 is
enclosed. Approval of the tentative map is not impacted by the withdrawal of Variance
No. 2005-04661.
If you have any questions regarding the withdrawal of Variance No. 2005-04661, please
contact Amy Vazquez, Associate Planner, at (714) 765-5139.
Pat Chandler, Senior Secretary
Anaheim Zoning Administration
Decision No. ZA 2005-16
A.M.C Chapter 18.120.070
200 South Anaheim Boulevard
P.O. Box 3222
Anaheim, California 92803
T ~:~1 g~~l~~22005-04661. doc
City of A~heim
September 6, 2005
PGP Partners
Attn: Peter Vanderburg
21068 Bake Parkway
Suite 200
Lake Forest, CA 92630
Larry Gates
8175 E. Kaiser Boulevard
Anaheim, CA 92808
1 a. CEQA CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION, CLASS 15 (previously approved)
(Tracking No. SU82005-00020)
LOCATION: 313-373 North Euclid Wav and 1741-1745 West Penhall Wav - 11.6 acres
located southwest of the I-5/Santa Ana Freeway between the northerly
terminus of Euclid Way and the easterly terminus of Penhall Way, located
approximately 814 feet east of the centerline of Crescent Way, and having
frontages of 339 feet at the terminus of Euclid Way and 260 feet at the
terminus of Penhall Way.
REQUEST: Retroactive extension of time to comply with the conditions of approval for a
previously-approved 3-lot industrial subdivision in the I "Industrial" Zone.
At the meeting of September 1, 2005, Annika M. Santalahti, Zoning Administrator, considered
your request for a time extension for Tentative Parcel Map No. 2002-231.
Ms. Santalahti granted a one (1) year extension of time (retroactive from July 31, 2005 and to
expire on July 31, 2006), based on the following findings:
1. That in connection with the comprehensive update to the Zoning Code adopted on
June 8, 2004 under Ordinance No. 5920, the underlying industrial zoning of the subject
property was renamed 1 "Industrial" (replacing the ML "Limited Industrial" Zone); and that no
modification of the tentative parcel map is proposed in connection with this request and that the
map is consistent with the zoning and development standards of the I Zone.
2. That this tentative map was considered at a public hearing on July 24, 2003 and that
Decision No. ZA 2003-27 conditionally approving the map was signed on July 31, 2003; and
that the applicant filed a request for an extension of time on July 8, 2005 prior to
the expiration date (July 31, 2005) in accordance with Section 17.08.110 (Expiration of
Tentative Map Approval), which specifies that any request for an extension of time shall be
filed within 24 months after the approval date.
3. That this is the first request for an extension of time and that Section 17.08.110
permits a time extension, or extensions, not to exceed a total of three years.
200 South Anaheim Boulevard
P.O. Sox 3222
Anaheim. California 92803
TEL (714) 765-5139
This decision shall become final unless an appeal to the City Council, in writing, accompanied
by an appeal fee, is filed with the City Clerk within ten (10) davs from the date of this letter, or
unless members of the City Council request to review this decision within 7 (seven) days from
the date of this letter.
Pat Chandler
Senior Secretary
h:\ZA\TPM2002-231-time ext letter.doc
City of A~heim
September 22, 2005
Diocese of Orange
2811 E. Villa Real Drive
Orange, CA 92867
Joe Steinmetz
St. Justin Martyr Church
2050 W. Ball Road
Anaheim, CA 92804
On September 15, 2005, Annika M. Santalahti, Zoning Administrator, considered your
request for waiver of special event permit requirements to permit a canopy for congregation
assembly during reconstruction of an existing church, which was damaged by fire. The
property is located at 2050 West Ball Road in the T (Transition) Zone. She made the following
1. That a letter requesting this special circumstances waiver and describing the
proposal was submitted by Michaei Shaffer, Director of Risk Management for the Diocese of
Orange; that this request is for waiver of subsection (Regulations for Conduct
of a Special Event), which allows four special event permits during a calendar year with each
permit not to exceed nine days for a total of 36 days annually; and that the proposal is to
permit the canopy (enclosing 900 seats) for total a period of about 220 days with the
reconstruction estimated to be completed by the end of April 2006 (when the canopy will be
2. That the property is developed with a church (St. Justin Martyr Church) and
private school.
3. That approval of special circumstances waivers (allowing modification and/or
waiver of regulations pertaining to special events) is authorized under subsection (Special Circumstances Waiver) of the Anaheim Municipal Code when such
modification or waiver would serve the public interest, safety or general welfare or that
extraordinary circumstances are present.
4. That the proposal will not adversely affect the adjoining and nearby land uses
(single and multiple-family residences, a church, offices, a public school, a public park and a
city maintenance yard) or the growth and development of the area in which it is located.
5. That approval of this special circumstances waiver will serve the public interest
and general welfare by providing shelter for church services while the church is being
reconstructed, and that extraordinary circumstances are present in that the church was
damaged by fire.
On the basis of the above findings, the Zoning Administrator approved Special
Circumstances Waiver No. 2005-00031 for the herein-described special event for the period
of time beginning September 22, 2005 and expiring April 30, 2006, subject to compliance with
the following conditions:
1. That no hot-air balloons or roof-mounted inflatable devices shall be permitted. Any
violation of this requirement shall result in the immediate termination of this Special
Circumstances Waiver.
200 South Anaheim Boulevard
P.0. Box 3222
Anaheim, California 92803
TEL (714)765-5139
~ ~
2. That a minimum twenty (25) foot wide clearance shall be provided in the main driveway
area and parking lots at all times for vehicle back-up and fire lane purposes.
3. That all outdoor activities associated with any banquet-type events shall not occur after
10:00 p.m. on any day of the week.
4. That the appropriate permits, including the special event permit (or permits), shall be
obtained from the Zoning Division and all other applicable city departments for the
proposed canopy; and that the appropriate fees shall be paid.
5. That subject property shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and
specifications submitted to the City of Anaheim by the petitioner and which plans are on
file with the Planning Services Department marked Exhibit Nos. 1 (Site Plan), 2 (Plot
Plan) and 3 (Canopy Layout), and as conditioned herein.
6. That this Special Circumstances Waiver shall expire on April 30, 2006.
7. That approval of this application constitutes approval of this request only to the extent
that it complies with the Anaheim Municipal Zoning Code and any other applicable City,
State and Federal regulations. Approval does not include any action or findings as to
compliance or approval of the request regarding any other applicable ordinance,
regulation or requirement.
Pat Chandler, Senior Secretary
Anaheim Zoning Administration