Resolution-ZA 2006-07~ r
OWNER: Wescom Credit Union
123 South Marengo Avenue
Pasadena, CA 91101
AGENT: Hok Interiors
9530 Jefferson Boulevard
Culver City, CA 90232
LOCATION: 5601 East La Palma Avenue -This irregularly-shaped, 3.25-acre property has a
frontage of 489 feet on the north side of La Palma Avenue a maximum depth of 409
feet, and is located 591 feet west of the centerline of Imperial Highway (5601 East La
Palma Avenue).
REQUEST: Waiver of the following to expand an existing credit union office building:
Minimum number of parking spaces.
399 spaces required; 397 spaces
Maximum floor area ratio (FAR)
(50% permitted; 52.4% proposed)
Having been appointed Zoning Administrator by the Planning Director to decide the above-referenced
administrative adjustment, and subject petition having been duly noticed and no written objections having
been received, I do hereby find, pursuant to Section (Findings) of the Anaheim Municipal
1. That the request is hereby granted in accordance with paragraph .0201 of subsection (Types of Adjustments) of Section 18.62.040 (Administrative Adjustments) of the Anaheim
Municipal Code which permits waiver of the dimensional requirements for minimum number of parking
spaces and maximum floor area ratio if the deviation does not exceed 10% of the requirement; and that
the proposals are for 1 % and 2.4% deviations, respectively.
2. That no written opposition was received during the required 10-day notification period which
ended on April 26, 2006 at 5:00 p.m.
3. That the proposed adjustment is consistent with the purposes and intent of the Zoning Code.
4. That the same or similar result cannot be achieved by using provisions in the Zoning Code
that do not require the adjustment.
5. That these adjustments do not conflict with the provisions of the California Building Standards
Code or other codes, as adopted by the City.
H:~ZAdecision~ZA2005-34 adj2005-282.doc ZA Decision No. 2005-034
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6. That this adjustment will not produce a result that is out of character or detrimental to the
surrounding area.
Based on the evidence presented to me, I do hereby determine to grant Administrative Adjustment No.
2006-00286, subject to the following conditions:
1. That subject property shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and specifications
submitted to the City of Anaheim by the petitioner and which plans are on file with the Planning
Department marked Exhibit Nos. 1 (Site Plan) and 2 (Elevations).
2. That within a period of one (1) year from the date of this decision, the appropriate permit(s) shall be
obtained from the City of Anaheim for the proposed office expansion. Extensions for further time to
complete this condition may be granted in accordance with Section 18.60.170 (Extension of Time to
Comply with Conditions of Approval) of the Anaheim Municipal Code.
3. That approval of this application constitutes approval of the proposed request only to the extent that it
complies with the Anaheim Municipal Zoning Code and any other applicable City, State and Federal
regulations. Approval does not include any action or findings as to compliance or approval of the
request regarding any other applicable ordinance, regulation or requirement.
This decision is made, signed, and entered into the file this 2nd day f May, 2006.
William Sell, Zoning Administrator
NOTICE: This decision shall become final unless an appeal to the City Council, in writing, accompanied
by an appeal fee, is filed with the City Clerk within fifteen (15) days from the date of the signing of this
decision or unless members of the City Council shall request to review this decision within twelve (12)
days from the date of signing.
DECLARATION OF SERVICE BY MAIL: I do hereby declare under penalty of perjury that on the date set
forth below, I did deposit, in the United State Mail, a copy of the decision to the applicant and did forward
a copy to the City Clerk.
DATE MAILED: May 2, 2006
i+ ~
Pat Chandle , for Secretary
H:~ZAdecision~ZA2005-34 adj2005-282.doc ZA Decision No. 2005-034
City of A~heim
May 1, 2006
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
Tower Fund Asset MGR SSR
28202 Cabot Road, Suite 445
Laguna Niguel, CA 92677-1249
Mike Gallups
American Sports Centers
1500 South Anaheim Boulevard
Anaheim, CA 92805
On April 27, 2006, William Sell, Acting Zoning Administrator, considered your request
for waiver of special event permit requirements to permit two banners on the American
Sports Centers building from May 8, 2006 to August 8, 2006. The property is located at
the southeast corner of Cerritos Avenue and Anaheim Boulevard with frontages of
1,260 feet on the south side of Cerritos Avenue and 530 feet on the east side of
Anaheim Boulevard (1400 South Anaheim Boulevard -American Sports Centers). He
made the following findings:
1. That such modification or waiver would serve the public interest, safety, or
general welfare or that extraordinary circumstances are present.
2. That the proposed banners will not impact any parking circulation, nor any
streets and highways in the area that are equipped to handle large traffic flows.
3. That the proposed banners will not adversely affect the adjoining land uses
and the growth and development of the area in which it is proposed to be located.
On the basis of the above findings, the Zoning Administrator approved Special
Circumstances Waiver No. 2006-00033 for the herein-described special event for the
period of time from May 8, 2006 to August 8, 2006, subject to compliance with the
following conditions:
That the banners shall be installed as indicated in attached letter of operation.
That this Special Circumstances Waiver shall expire on August 8, 2006.
3. That the banners shall be kept clean, neatly maintained, with no missing sign
copy, or ripped or faded material. An un-maintained or damaged portion of the banners
shall be repaired or replaced immediately. Noncompliance shall constitute a public
nuisance and shall be subject to termination of this permit.
200 South Anaheim Boulevard
P.0. Box 3222
Anaheim, California 92803
TEL (714)765-5139
Mike Gallups
April 28, 2006
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4. That not less than five (5) days prior to the commencement of the activity
authorized by Special Circumstances Waiver No. 2006-00033, the applicant shall obtain
a Special Event Permit from the Development Services Division of the Planning
5. That approval of this application constitutes approval of the proposed request
only to the extent that it complies with the Anaheim Municipal Zoning Code and any
other applicable City, State and Federal regulations. Approval does not include any
action or findings as to compliance or approval of the request regarding any other
applicable ordinance, regulation or requirement.
Sin rel
Pat handler,
Senior Secretary
Anaheim Zoning Administration
(714)765-5139 Extension 5355