1960/04/084013 _CitY.' Hall, A.naheim, California - ~OUNi¢ILi,M.I ,N~. ~S - ap_~i.l 6,. 19.60, logo0 .A.~ The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in adjourned regular session. PRESENT~ COUNCILNtENz Coons, Fry, Pearson and Thompson° ABSENT~ OOUNCILMEN~ Schutteo PRESENT~ CITY N~NAGER: Keith Ac Murdocho CITY ATTORNEYs Preston Turner° CITY CLERK~ Dene Mo Williams° CITY ENGINEERs Thornton Piersallo Mayor Pro Tem Fry called the meeting to order° TRACTS NOS. 3446 AND 2446; Further consideration was given to the matter of water service in Tracts Nos° 3446 and 2446, which is an area included within the Dyke Water Company contract, and in which the tract water distribution system has been dedicated to the city of Anaheim by means of the tract maps° Mr. Murdoch reported that since April 17, 1958, all the subdivision tracts in the City, including those in this area and not in this area where Dyke Water Company serves water, the City has obtained dedication of the distribution system by means of an offer of the owner and a certification on the tract mapo prOvisions of the agreement with the Dyke Water Company were discussed, together with the public utility order that specifically establishes the area they were to serve o RECESS~ At the request of Mro Griffith, the developer~ Court ilman Pearson moved that there be a fifteen minute recess° Councilman Coons seconded the motion o MOTION CARRIEDo AFTER RECESS~ The meetin9 was called to order, all Council members bein9 present except Councilman Schutteo The provision of the City of Garden Grove, the proposed purchasers of the Dyke Water System, was considered, and the question was asked if this area was included in the proposed purchase° The Council felt that additional time would be necessary to check further, to determine the ultimate effect of this agreement to the proposed purchase~ and thereupon, Councilman Pearson moved that the meeting be adjourned to Friday afternoon, April 8, 1960, 2~30 P.Mo Councilman Coons seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED~ SIGNED~ ~~. ~, ~ City C]~ rk . G...i.ty Hal.l, Anaheim, .G.alif..o.r. nia -..OpU~..OIL' ..~..INUIES- Apr!l.8, 19.60, 21.30 P..M .... The City Council o£ the City o¢ Anaheim met in adjourned regular PRESENT: COUNCILMEN: Coons, Fry, Pearson and Thompson (entered the meeting 3~10 ABSENT: COUNCI LNtEN ~ Schutte o PRESENT: CITY ~ANAGER: Keith Ac ~urdocho CITY ATTORNEY: Preston Turnero CITY ~NGINEER: Thornton Ptersall. The Meeting was called to order by Mayor Pro Tem Fry. COMPREHENSIVE LIABILITY INSURANCEz On the recommendations of the City Manager, purchase of comprehensive liability insurance from United Pacific Company, was approved, and payment of premium in the amount of $47,500.00 was authorized, 4014 City Hall,. Anah._eim,= Ca.l.i..f.qrnia..- COUN. CIL .MINLr[.ES.- ~.ADril on motion by Councilman Pearson, seconded by Courc ilman Coons. MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 5929..- COUNTY lAND USE PERMIT NO. 45088 Councilman Coons. offered Resolution No. 5929 and moved for its passage and adoption, recommending to the Orange County Planning Commission that Land Use Permit Noo 4508 be denied for the reason that this is an intrusion or'commercial uses into a, predominantly residential area, thereby establishing a precedent. Refer to Resolution Book, page ._.___ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY QOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM URGING THR ORANG~ COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION TO DENY APPLICATION NO, 4508 FOR A UC~E VARIANCE ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT BROOKHURST STREET AND GUINIDA LANE. On roll call the.'foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following votel AYES, COUNCILMEN, Coons, Fry and PearS°n. NOESt COUNCILMEN ~ None° ABSENT8 COUNCILMENi Thompson and Schutte. adopted. The Mayor PrO Tern declared Resolution No. 5929 duly passed and (Councilman Thompson entered the meeting, 3110 P.M.) · TRACTS 3446 AND 2446~ The mater o£ water service to Tract No. 3446, as originally brought up by htr° John Griffith, developer, was again considered. Ntt. Murdoch reported that investigation was made and it was found that the same method o~ dedication o~ easements were used by the cit~es of Westminster, Garden Grove and Buena Park as are used by the City of Anaheim. It was {urther determined that Tract No. 3446 Was not exclUded from the agreement with the Dyke Water Company. RHCESS: Councilman Pearson moved to recess five minutes. Councilman Coons seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. AFTER RECESS~ The meetin9 was called to order by Mayor Pro Tern. Councilmen Coons, Fry, Pearson and Thompson being present. Mayor Pro Tern Fry 'announced that due to the fact that Garden Grove was in the process of purchasing the Dyke facilities, more information. should be obtained before definite action t~ taken by. the City Council. (Councilman Coons le~t the meeting, 3~45 P.M.) Mr. GrifEith expressed concern With ~urther delays, due to the time limits on pending sales of property, and requested that the question of abandonment of the easements he resolved as soon as possible. At the conclusion of the discussion, it was agreed by the City Council that further consideration to this problem would he given Tuesday afternoon, April 12, 1960, 3t00 P.M. · : SPECIAL USE PERMIT NO. 291 'Request of Mr. Bill Troutman for an extension of time to allow their financing for the construction of the mortuary building to clear .escrow, was submitted. ,-~ 30 day extension" of time was granted by the City Council on~ motion by Councilman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Pearson. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOuRNMENTi Councilman Pearson moved to adjourn' to Tuesday, April 12, 1960, 3~00 P.M. Counc/~lman Thompson seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. SIGNED~ ~_~~. . _ City Clerk