1956/03/20The City Council of the City of Anaheim met In Adjourned ReguLar Session. The City Planning COmmission, purer to their Resolution No. 133, recom- mended the reclassification be approved subject to the following coudition~ . 1. The reclassification of the frontage on Manchester Avenue to a P-L, PARII~-~~~ ZONE and the balanoe to the rear to N-l, LI~ NANUFACTURIN~ ZONe. The lqayor ~sk~ if ~tyone w~ t~ ~ddress' t~ Council on the matter 1~. Bolte, o~ner of the property to the north, addressed the Council withd~awin§ ~n~ objections he might have had to the recla~sification~ q~esting the follovin~ co~dit~ he ~scle a p~rt of the 1. That a masonry ~all of 6 fleet minimu~ height be constructed alon9 the north: boundary of the property and a lesser height to the approach of the street with the approval of the City. 2. That the wall shall be erected bef~ ~ny other construction on the project ~ done. 3. That the wall be set back a ~tt'ficient distance to allow malnteaance work on the applicsntms o~n p~opertY. The Mayor asked iff a~4~one else wished to address the Coancil on the hatter. No one present objected to the reclassification, and no ~ritten protests to the proposed reclassification were received in the office of the City Clerk. lit. Ernest W. Noeller, 3ecret~ry of the Amaheim Char of ~erce, ~essed the ~~cil ~9i~ the rec~sificati~ off this ~cel ~d s~t~9 ~t the ~ea w~ t~ l~ge ff~ ~e c~s~cti~ of a hotel or mo~l. ~ ff~t~r-s~ted t~t this ~~~nt w~ ~ attr~ti~ ~ it ts a nice cle~. ~s~. ~ ~vised ~he Co~cil t~t it w~ld not ~ve ~ the~ reception to al~ ~is use ~ ~ not ffelt it ~ould be ~ ~se~ to ~ ~~~ c~~lty. ~. ~ell~ b~ tion re.est. There be in9 ~o furt~ disc~sstoa on ths ~atter, the Nayor declared the hearing closed. R~(I~UTION NO. 3187: Council~sn Wisser offered Resolution lqo. 3187 and ~oved its passage and adoption, ~uthorizin~ the chan~e of zone subjeCt to the condition as outlined by the City Planntr~ ~isston ~ to the c~nditions as requested by Mr. B01te; and further subject to the condition that the be extended alan0 ,the ~est boumlary ~hen that portiOn o£ the property is developed if requested by the City. Refer to Resolution Book, page ...... A Ni~OLUTIOlq OF THE CITY COUBC~ OF ~ CITY OF ANAHEIN FIIIDING AND DL~~]~ THAT A_~~ ~ Z~ ~ ~~ IN ~TA~ ~~ ~ ~ CI~ ~D ~T ~TI~ ~, ~ 2 OF ~ ~~ ~~~ C~ ~~ ~~~ ~A~~L~ ~~ On roll call the foregoing resolution ~as duly passed and adopted by tl~ foxing vote: COINCL_~~ Pearsm, Fry, ~ Wisser. C(3U~ILME~. lqone. ~II~i: Schutte and Van Wagoner. The lqayar declared the faregof.ng resolution duly pass~ smd adopted. 1 26 OI?J)IMgliCE NO. 10~ 'Councilman Fry oflNrred Ordl~ce NO. 10~ for first reading and moved for its passage ~nd adoption° VIDI~ FC~ ~T, AJIXII]~MT~ AMD ~iWFIRCHIq]~I ~IIG PHIALTI. I~ F(R VIO~ LAT W AID P. I EALI:I AIL S CTIOIS Ill lCT W1THo After hearing read in full tie title of Ordinance NO, 10~6 and having knowledge of the contents therein, Cou~otlman WisSer moved the reading in full of said ordtns~ce be waived° Councilman ~ seconded' the motion. Motion ~animOUsly cart led. KATEI2~ ANHEXATIOM~ Orange County Bomjdary Comaiss ion' s report dated March 12, 19~6, finding and determining that the ibounda~ies of the proposed annexation of territory to the City of Anaheim known ins Katella Annexation are reasonably defi~ ni~e and certain; vas sutsaitted amd read and ordered received and filed, on motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Couneilman F~yo MOTION CARRIED. PE~~L~ The City Administrative O£ficer, Keith A. Murdoch, reported the appoint- m~nt of the following personnel~ ]hr~a j o Wood, Clerk-Typis~ II, City ¢lerk*s Off ice RosemM~ Fri, Reci'eation-Leador II, l~trt Time Edwurd A o Wr i~ht, St., Meter IReader Eva Mae Baker, S%eno-Matron, Police Department Said ~intm~nts were ratified by the City Council, on motion by Council- man #lsser, seconded by Councilman Fry- MOTION CARRIED. RES(LI~]I)N ~. 31880° Councilnn Fry offered Resolution No, 3188 and moved for its and adoption. Refex' t,o Resolution Book, page On roll ,all the foregoing resolution ets d~ly passed and adopted by foil,win9 vote oo C(NIJCILNEN~ Pearson, Fry, and Wissero ~TI_MEN~ None° C~UEDAEN~ Sclmtte end Van Wag, nero The Mtym~ declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. RES(LUTIOM BOo 318900 Councilman Wisse~ offered Resolution No. 3189 and moved for its passage ~md adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RES(H/IT~N OF THE CITY ~KIIL OF TH~ CI1Y OF ANAHEIM AIITH~IZIM} THE CITF OF ANA~IH TO EMI'E~ IMID A L~ WITH TIiE LEA~~ OF ~IM PARK AMI) RECREAT~~ FACILITIES FiR THE USE CF T]~ HZ~Ht SCHOOL ATHLETIC AMD RECRP. ATIOBtL PR~. (Hi~JH S(lliOOL*S PiRTION OF PAI'lqE~ FIR (X)IISTRUC- ~ TIOll OF STEEL-DECK GRAND STAND). On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote ~ COtIMCILMEM~ Pearson, Fry, and Wtsser. ~~N.- Wone. ~]IZIENs Schutte amd Vsm Wagoner. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. ~tty lt~ll~ ~ei~i Cali.[~la~ Narch 20~ 1956 = 7~00 P~I. .......... -~ ...... ~._. ........................ . ..... ~. ~ ....... ,.~ ...... ~,~.~_~ .... ~ ........... ~ ....... , ............. , ~ ~.~ .... ~ _.~.~ ~ ....... ~__~ ~~~ ~. 3170~ ~~cl~ ~ts~ offered Resolution ~. 3190 ~ moved' its ~s~e ~d ~op%tono A RESOI ION OF CITT CC IL OF CITT OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTII A (iRANT DEED Oa roll call ~nhe foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the fo llowin9 vote ~ COUNCILMENt None. resolution duly passed and adopted. J.O,S. REPCRT~ Joint Outfm. l.l Sewer R~port for Maintenance and Expense incurred for SectXons 3 and 4 and treatAn~ Section~ 5 mad 6 of the Joint Outfall Sewer durin~ February~ 19~6 was submitted and ordered received and f~led~ on motion by Covnciiman W~ss~ seconded by Coun¢~lmaa Fry. ltOT'~'.~N C~IED. RE~EST FCR AN~TION~ Request from property owners (R. M. Parks~ et al) was sulk- matted requestin9 ~~t~on cf theLr ~ep~ty c~~s~n~ a~ox~te~ 10 acres north of ~e~ ~dens on the ~et ~ tde of ~ A~e, locat~ on ~e north b~~ li~ of the ~o~sed ]est ~e~ ~~tton No. 2. Dls~ssion of this re,esi w~ held ~d the l~tai~etive Offf~cer w~ re~ested to advise ~e ~o= ~ es~lished with ~e ~~sed We~t ~e~ ~e~tion ~. 2. C~PO~ENCE ~ 1. Commu~ieation ~a M~. Ac E. gcbamacher accepting a~oin~ent on ~he City Pl~tng Commission was ~Al~Itted and read. 2. Communica~iom nottfyin9 the change of address of the Social idmtntst~ation t~ 1~17 lo~ Na~n $~t~ ~~ ~ ~lif~l~ ~ ~ltted ~d 3. Co~u~catton notifying the meeting Na~ch 22, 19~6 of khe Orange Oom~y 19~6 CEI~U$~ Official c,~tificate f~m ~he l~paria~a~ of Cm~erce, B~re~ of t,lle Censtis certifying the census to be 42,230 pers~s as of Jantu~ l4 l~ was ml~ted~ re~d~ and ordered receiwd and -TRAI~I~ OF FUI~ O~ aotion by Couacl~ Fry~ secmded lp~ ~ilsaa ¥1sse~, City T~easure~ was a~tho~i~d ~o ~sfer $3~000.00 f~a ~he (~eneral 1~ ~o t~ Special Iml~ovemont F~. MOTIDN CARRIED. COUI~CIIIIAN SCN~ E~ ~ l~l~Tl_il~ AT 8~0 P.N. II~iWE~Y PERNIT~ Request ~tt%ed hy Nt~hael K~ie for a ~i~ ~o o~~;t a 26~t ~tv~ at 10~ We~t ~tar S~t w~ ~ttted ~ ~t~ ~ ~ City ~cil, on ~tion by ~ct~ Wiss~ seceded ~ Co~ct~ S~~, H~N 1RAIISFER OF FU~ On motion ]my Councilman ~/tsser, secoflded by Councilman Schut~e, the City Trea~er was authorized to ~r~nafer $1,400.00 fr~a the 201 Conttn~enc~ Pmnd to the 209 Account. NOT~N CARRIED. TRACT I~0. 2468~ A representative of the deve~s of Tract No. 2468 addressed the Ccuncik stating that this t~act wa~ ~Pl~Oved by the City of Anaheim ap~oxi- mately a ymal' ago, and since that time an ordinance had been enacted requiring a mim~ ho~e size ~f 1,~2~ s~r¢ feet. He f~rther requested a waiver of this requirement f~ 26 of the ~~ t~ tl~s ~t fr~m I~225 square feet to1~13~ square feet~ and stated that the balance of 40 homes wo~ld be well over ~Jxe 1,22m sqaare foot minimua requirement, Mr. M~gall~ Se~etary of ~he City Plaan~ Coa~aission, rec~amended the waiver allowtn~ the saalle~ hc~e~ as requested. This ~equest ~as held over ko allow further stugF of Ox~ltnance Nco 982. 143o ~L~%~ $CUI~ OF ~T~_-R STI~-ET ~t~TIWF~.N OLIVE A~D_ ~Rn~E ST~-RTS~ Councilman Fr~. repaet~d ~he condition of t~h~s alley, a4d the mat~,e~ was referred to t~he Adainis- ti-afire Officer for investigation, ST(I~ SIb'l~i Chief off Police recca~endeii the places~nt of stop-signs on Narth ~~;"at'-l~est Street and on L_~__~ Street at S~c~e Street. On ~o~lon by Council- ~ Wi,Y, secmded'by Ceunet~ {{laser, the plaee~ent, of stop signs ma ;North Sl~eet at l/est Street was ~thor/zed, and the Places~nt of stop sLgns an Lemon S~t at Syc!ore Street vas withheld for further investigation. NOTIIYl{ 'CA~IED. (~rY-~R_k~r _P~_RKTIr. LOTSa Discussion w~ held re~/~ to t~ all~ ~k~g on ~e City's f~e~k~ lo~ ~ t~ p~~nt of metes ~ said 1o~. '~ ~ ~re~t~ a r~~ti~ ~m ~ I~C~ts~ Associag~n r~~~g'thls s/~ation, ~d'~.~ ~st ~. loell~, ~e~ ~! ~e ~~ '~~ ~ ~eree, ~~ted Comcilmm ¥isse~ moved ~ ~ourn. motion, l{lOT~J~)]l ~IED. Councilman Schutte secu~ded the city Clerk