1956/07/17 ~//. City Hall. Anaheim, CaliforniaJ. }Jul~ 1l2.L-1:956 ~ 7~OO p~M. I DOGGJE KOTEL~ TheA.dministrative Officer .Iwas requested to investigate and recomm.end necessa.ry action with reference ita the Doggie Motel BusI'ness:rJ.~e'nsa." 1 PLUMBER BOND~ Plumber Bond submitted by ~en Baker "WaS ordered received and filed when approved by the City .Attorney on mot~on by Councilman Schutte, seconded by Councilman CoonSe MOTION CARRIEDo ! R-AZONING~ The suggestion to eliminate th~ nChurch Usel! from the R~A zone was ordered referred to the City Planning ICommission for recommendationo .~ Councilman Schutte moved to adjju.rn to .July 17, 1956, 7~OO PoMCiI' Councilman Fry seconded the motion@) MOT40N CARRIEDo ADJOURNED. ~ . SIGNED: ~ ~. -V-~~ Se8sioDo City Hall. Anaheim. califor~~17. 1926 - 7&00 PoMo The City Council of the City of iAnaheim met in Adjourned Regular PRESENT~ COUNCILME.~ Pearson, Coons, FrJt, Schutte and Wissero ABSENT: COUNCILMEN~ None 0 ACTING CITY ATTORNEY~ Joseph Geisler, Pr~sento ASSISTANT CITY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER~ A~bert Hair, Present 0 PUBLIC HEARINGa VARIANCE NO~ 575~ SUbmit~.ed by Arthur Hart,elt, requesting permission to erect a Service Station at ~he Northwest corner of Lincoln Avenue and Gilbert Street<i . r The City Plarming Commission, p-qrsuant to their Resolution NOn 226 granted said Variance subject to the follqwing conditionso 1" Arranging with the State Highway Department for the 10 feet required for the "Widening o:(r the North side of Lincoln Avenueo The deeding to the City of 4naheim of 10 feet for the widening of Gilbert Street" The installation of curbs aIid gutters on both streetso 2e 30 Appeal from action taken by the !City Planning Commission, was flIed by Bernard Weissner, and public hea~ing orderedo The Mayor asked if anyone wisheq to address the Co~il on the mattero Mr~ Val Zajec, o~ the Joe F@) Purr Realtor~, address the Council urging the granting of the Variance and read a petit~on containing 25 signatures favoring the granting of the Variance of Resident property owners in the immediate area 0 Mr~ Weissner, addressed the Council and referred to a petition contalning 9l slgnatures of home owners o~posing the granting of the Variance. Others addressing the Council i~ oppos~tion to the granting of the Variance were; MrCll Castagna, Mro Morris Bltrt, Mro and Mrs@ Marshall Wo Cone~ ~t i l Those addressing the Council fa~oring the granting of the Variance were; Mr8 Vance Hill and Mre Hartelt0 After further discussion on the!matter the Mayor declared the Hearing closede COlliJciJman Coons moved tqat petitions for and against the granting of the Variance be referred to MIto Mungal1J Secretary of the City Planning C...OmmiSSiOn for plotting on a map~ also that a check of the services to this area be made, and that action on ~he matter be deferred to Julv 31. 1956e' Councilman Wisser seconded the Im.otion() MOTION CARRIEDo 1595 / City-Hall. Anaheim. Californi~ July 17. 19?6 - 7:00 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING SPEC to establish a Trailer Park 0 between Magnolia and Gilbert T~ Submitted by Fred L. Lipp~ for permission property described as being North of Lincoln Avenue venues, South of Crescent Avenue$ The City Planning C;mmiSSiOn, pursuant to their Resolution No. 228 A, granted said Variance subjct to the presenting to an instrument showing that access rights to the proerty had been obtained from Magnolia Avenue on the West, which will be the o~y ingress and egress to the Trailer Park. Review of action ta~en by the City Planning Commission was ordered by the City Council so that drlair~ge ar~' oTher Engineering problems could- ~ worked out. The Mayor asked if ~nyone wished to address the Council on the matter. Mr~ Lipp, presented a map of the proposed location and showed the City Council approximately wh~re he intended to locate the Trailer Park. He further advised that the Trai:4er Park would have 35 spacese A gentleman from th~ audience addressed the Council opposing the granting of the variance and qalled attention to the new school now under construction in the immediate iarea and the increase in traffic and other conditions resulting should tHe variance be granted The City Council felt that a plot plan of the proposed Trailer Park showing intended construction ishould be presented as this area is undeveloped and the establishment of any Unprovement at this time would tend to color future development. Councilman Coons mo~d that the matter be held over for two weeks (Ju~v 31. 1956} to allow the a~plicant time for the preparation of plans and also to allow time to determi~ if he will have access to the property. Councilman Wisser seconded the' motion. MOTION CARRIEDe RIBLIC HEARING. liECLASSIFICATIpN NO. F-55-56-48: Submitted by Carl F. and Vivian O. Will, requesting C-3i zoning on property located at the Northeast corner of Lincoln and Grand Avenues& The City Planning Co~ssion, pursuant to their Resolution No. 229 recommended the granting of sa~d Reclassification. The Mayor asked if anyone wished to address the Council on the matter, and Mr. and Mrs. Will, togethe~ with the Council discussed the proposed Reclassification~ The City Council co~idered this use should be granted by Variance instead of a zone change. The applicant was relunctant to consider the Variance however stated that any protection he could offer the City that only a Service Station could be erected at this location he would be willing to do. The City Council did not object to the Service Station use at this location and on motion by Coun~ilman Schutte, seconded by Councilman Wisser, ordered the matter continued t~ July 31. 1956. to allow necessa~ time for the working out of an agreement by. the City Attorney to entered into by the applicant to protect the City and confine only this use to the property. MOTION CARRIED. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEA.RING~ PROpOSED ABANDONMENT OF EASEMENT FOR STREET PURPOSES: Proposed abandonment of easement for Street purposes within Tract No. 796, pursuant to Ordinance No.. 1066 was continued from the July 10, 1956, meeting. ~~Q Alessi addressed the Council and referred to the two petitions submitted cG the previous meet!ng requesting the Council take no action on the proposed abandonment and reque$ting the construction of a wdll between their properties and the subdivision~ Mr8 George E. Holyok~, City E!~ineer, presented a map of the area and stated that the offer of easem~nt for road purposes was made to the Cou~ty of Orange however it 'was never ac~epted by them. He further advised that the title company would not clear title to this property until the offer for easements that were never accepted are abandoned~ 1596 City Hall~ A.naheim5L~forrriF. {~l.~ lla., 1956 ~ 7~OO P?Mo The mtter 1IGS ordered held aver to Julv 31.. 1956. and the City Attorney was requested to cheek 'with the title oompany on this matter and also submit a legal opinion-and recommendation at this meetinge WEED ASSES_NT~ Report of the City Trea,sure:r of City Lots cleaned under the direction of the Director of Public Works totaled $9710000 The report was distributed.a.s follow8~ The amount collected $574000, amount cancelled $12000, amount charged to the State of California $6000, the a,m.ount of $379000 to be transferred to the County Auditor for e~ension by h.in\ to the tax roles and collected in the Same manner as County ~axes~ \ ~ RESOLUTION NOG 3384~ Councilman Fry offered Resolution NOe 3384 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page On roll. call the foregoing Re$oluti.on was duly passed and adopted by the following vote0 AYES ~ NOES ~ ABSENT~ COUNCILMEN;; COUNCILMEN;; COUNCILMEN~ Pearson. COOTIS;t Fry, Schutte and WisserG> Nonee None<!l The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted~ 'WEEDS~ At the time l.ots were cleaned pursuant to Resolution Noo 3181, certain areas were in the process of subdivision and the weeds were to be cleaned off by the developer\! RJ(.qOUJTION NOo 33a5~ In view of the fact that some of the areas not cleaned are not yet developed>> Council.ma.n Wisser a.f.tared l2~!lIf:n luI.; LW Jio r) J3S5 .aa:i..".ed for its passage and adoption!) Refer to Resolution Book, page ~~~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CIn COUNCIL OF THE CIn OF ANAHEIM DECLARING ALL WEEDS AND RA.NX CJRCMTH GROWING UroN PUBLICSTBEETS AND VACANT LOTS TO BE A NUISANCEa On roll call the foregoing resolution 'was ~ ~~gAd and adopted ~ the following vote0 .A YES ~ NOES g ABSENT ~ COUNCILMEN;; COUNCllJ{ENg COUNCILMEN~ Pearson, Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wisser@ None 0 Nonee The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. CANCELLA'.rrON OF COUNTY TA.XES~ It was moved by Counc~boan Coonst seconded by Couneilman Wlsser, that the Orange County Board of Supe~sors be requested to cancel County Taxes on property purchased by the City of Anaheim .for- Public purposes from the Altec~Lansing Corpo:rationo (Fire Station N00 J Site) MOTION CARRIEDo PLUMBER BONDS ~ Plumber Bond submitted by Red IT s Plumbing C ompa.ny was ordered received and filed when approved by the City Attorney on motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Fry0 MOTION CARRIEDo SOLICITOR LICENSE~ ~"1r0 Frank Lay, Attorney representing the Avon Products Inc$ addressed the Counci"L with reference to section 610002 of the Anaheim Municiple COde, which requires a license fee of $lOeOO per day for solicit.orse He advised the City Council that 52 Anaheim'women were engaged in this part time business of selling Avon products in this City and that in the past years these women operated under a blanket license issued to the Avon GompanY(j He felt that 1597 City Hall~ Anaheim~ C~lifornia. JulY 17~ 1956~ 7:00 P.M. the intention of this section is not applicable to their type of business operation and requested that the City Cou.eil authorize the Attorney to prepare an amendment to the Anaheim Municiple COde, hereby the Avon Products Inc., would paJfthelr fair ahare of license fee and t es instead of the present $10.00 per solicitor, per day J licellBe fee 8 reporte Said request was refe~red to the City Attorney for recommendation and ~ REQUEST FOR BUILDING PERMIT: Cqmmunication from Monsignor Patrick Pierse Pastor of Ste Boniface Parish C~urch, Anaheim, was submitted and reado Said communication requested permiss~on to erect two temporary classrooms on the Northwesterly portion of the prqJL~rty located on the West side of Palm. Street rur..ning from Center Street to CJia,rtress Street. The two additional temporary r classrooms would be built in fine zone No. 2 and would accomodate approximately ~ 80 s:udents. thereby relieving !the congestion in both the parochial and public schools" Councilman Schutte mo~ed that permission be granted for a three year period commencing with the begi~ng of this school term. Councilman F~ seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. REOUEST BUILDING PERMT'T~ Requestt submitted by Casey-Beckham Pontiac, for per- mission to construct a building ~t 325 South Los Angeles Street to be used as a used car office, the building ~o be portable and to be constructed of wood frame "with red wood siding, to be 10x20 feet, built on 2x8 foot runners was submi.tted and reado Said request was grant~d by the City Ccruncil to be limited to the period of one year on motion by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. r~ liE DEST FOR ABANDONMENT PROCEEDI as TRACT NO. 28 Request of the Roselyon Corporation for the abandonment y Ordinance of all public utility easements, 13ruce Street and Roanne Street, as shown on map of said Tract No. 2844 was submitted and read. The Roselyon Corporati~n is re-subdividing this area into a commercial subdivision, "Tract No~ 3091" ana the abandonment of the ea5ements for easements and streets are necessary. The City Engineer was authorized to commence abandonment proceedings. SPECIAL USE PERMIT~ Submitted by Baptist General Conference, requesting permi5sion to erect a tent on property located at the Southwest corner of Gilbert Street and Crescent Avenue for the holding ~f meetings to establish a church of this denomination in this area. The City Planning Comm!ssion pursuant to their resolution No. 5 granted said Special Use Permit $ubject to the following conditionsQ l~ 2. 3~ ...-" 4. f 5@ 6~ The proper locatio* of the Tent with reference to the surrounding residential properties to the North, West and South8 The providing of parking lot attendants to guide the cars to parking areas\} The providing of a4eqpate off-street parking on the subjeet property. The providing of adequate sanitary facilities as required by law. The providing of a cleanup of debris on the property at the co~ elusion of the Meetings. The posting of a $500.00 Cash Bond with the City and an inspection of the premises by the Public Works Director before the release of the Bond. The Mayor asked if a~qne wished to address the Councilo Five home owners in th~ area were present and called attention to Crescent Street being a half str~et and Gilbert being an unimproved street and requested further information regarding the type of sarvices, the hours the services are to be held and ~he parking provisions. 1598 City Hall. Anaheimw California. July 17 w 1936 ~ 7~OO P.Mo The group was advised~by a representative of the church that services would be every night for the first two weeks, from. 8~OO PeMe to 9~30 PoM19.J however after that time the services would be held in the same manner as any other churcho The tent had a maxi~ seating capacity of 1,000 and the site is a 20 acre parcel of land, further it is intended to place the tent 200 feet back, so that all parking will be off the street and onto the property . leased, also a provision of parking attendants will be made to direct the off street parking, further that the meetings will be limited to a 60 day period0 The representatives also advised that these meetings are not revival meetings that they are to establish the central Baptist Church in this area, which was requested by members of their congregation who have recently moved and established their homes in the City of Anaheimo ~ No further action was taken by the City Councilo · ADDENDUM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, RESOLUTl;ON NO~ 1, ~RT'W..q 195h--57 ~ The .city Planning Commission Resolution NOe 1, recommends to the City Council of the City of Anaheim certain changes in the Anaheim Municipal Code, Section 9200~3 R-A Residential~Agricultural Zone. Copies of the Resolution No.1, were given to each member of the City Council for their information to again be considered at a later date., RECOMMENDED CODE CHANGE~ The City Planning CQImILissions Resolution NOli 241 recommended that Section 9200e15 Sectio~ E be amende(F1:.o require that reviews to be held on Special Use Permits be charged the same filing fee as that of Variances. Said recommendation was referred to the City Attorney for necessa~ preparation of Ordinance on the motion of Councilman Schutte, seconded by Councilman Fry-a MOTION CARRIED" RECLASSIFICATION NO. F-55~56.-40: Submitted by Oliver G~ Baker, et aI, requesting that their property consisting of approximately 57 acres be reclassified from R-A to C--llo) Subject property is located at the Southwest corner of Lincoln and Stanton Avenueso ~ Public Hearing was ordered to be held on the m.tter Au~t the 14th. 1956, 7~OO P~M~, on motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Fry \9 MOTION CARRIED ~ RECLASSIFICATION NO() F-5tp,57=-3~ Submitted by Spadrom Estates requesting R-3 zoning on property within Tract No. 2401 which is bounded on the North by Romneya Drive~ on the South by West La Palma Avenue and on the West by North Citron Street., Public Hearing was ordered to be held on the matter August the lk.th, 1956. 7~OO PoMo, on motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Schutte~ MOTION CARRIEDe VARIANCE NOe 578~ Submitted by Sand N Construction Cpmpany, requesting permission to erect a temporary sign to be located at the Southeast corner of Broadway and Magnolia Avenue... Public Hearing was ordered to be held on the matter Awru.st ll, 19l56, 7:00 P~Me~ on motion by Councilman eoona, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED e ~ VARIANCE NOo 579~ Submitted by Trudy Richards Building Corporation, requesting permission to extend the time of an existing sign used by another Tract, by repainting the samee Said sign is located at the Northeast intersection of Magnolia and Houston Street<l> Pllblic Hearing was ordered to be held on the matter August 14. 1956. 7~OO P.Me, on motion by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Wisser. iWl, MOTION CARRJED() -ADDENDUM: In addition to provisions imposed by the City Planning Commission, the City Council established the following conditions: Daily watering of the area, and that the meeting hours be'held no later than 9:30 P.M. ~_~.. ..L ~~:l ~~all~Anahe:pn. Cap.if~nia.~ July 17. 1956 ego 7~OO PGMo VARIANCE NOo 580~ Submitted by! Frematic Homes, requesting permission to erect a temporary sign. Sign to be lo~ated on the North side of Manchester Avenue, approximately 150 feet North of tIest La Palma Avenue(9 Public Hearing -was o~red to be held on the matter August 14. 1956, 7~OO P.Mo, on motion by Councilnfn -Coons, seconded by Councilnan Wissere MOTION CARRIED 0 VARIANCE NOe 58l~ Submitted by ~uF.. Thomas~ requesting permission to cut off ten lots which are located on th~ South side of Burton Street near the pro- posed new Houston FreewaY$ Public Hearing ;n3.S or,*red to be held on the matter August 14. 1956. 7~OO P0M0$ on motion by Counci~n Wisser, seconded by Counci~n Coons0 MOTION CARRIED 19 VARIANCE NO@ 582: Submitted by te.llie Remland, requesting permission to erect a Service Station at the Northea~t corner of Sta~ton Avenue and Orange Avenue. The City Planning CO~55ion, pursuant to their Resolution NOs 237 granted said Varia~e subject tol the following conditions~ l~ The deeding of 20 reet along the North side of Orange Avenue for street wideningl9 2@ The installation o~ curbs and gutters on both Stanton and Orange Avenueslil No action was taken by' the City Council~ VARIANCE NOo 583~ Submitted by ~.'eorge Ml!J Holstein and Sons, requesting pe. .rmission to erect a temporary sign advert~sing the sale of houses and lots in Tract NO. 2425 Sign to be located on the East slde of Brookhurst Street, 1400 feet south of Ball Road", Public Hearing was ord~red to be held on the matter Awmat ll., 1956, 7~OO PaMo, on motion by Councilm$n Coons, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED 0 VARIANCE NOo 5a4~ Submitted by J:Ielrose Sign Service, requesting permission to erect a temporary sign advertising the sale of houses and lots in Traet NO. \ 2655. Sign to be located on the East side of Stanton Avenue, 250 feet North of Orange Avenue0 Public Hearin~ was ord~re.d to be held on the ma.tter AUJru.St ll, 1956, 7~OO P~MII' on motion by Counci~n Coons, seconded by Councilman Wissero MOTION CARRIED ~ V.ARIA.NCE NOo 5S5g Submitted by ~s JaG~ Sanderson, requesting permission to erect and operate a Service Stat~on on property located on the Southeast corner of Harbor Boulevard and Ball Roacl. The City Planning CO~8io. pursuant to their Resolution No. 238, granted said Variance subject to'the following conditionse 18 The deeding of 20 feet along Ball Road for Street wideninglJ 2e The deeding of 10 feet along Harbor Boulevard f'or Street Wid.ening 3. The installation of curbs J gutters and sidewalks along Ball Road. 4$ The installation of curbs and guttera along Harbor Boulevard. 5l!l The erection of a C> foot Masonry wall along the East side of the propertye No action was taken by the City Councile VARIANCE NOm 586~ Submitted by::$.Ao Fahrion, requesting permission to cut off two lots from the property l~cated on the North side of Broadway, East of East Street@ Lots to be 100 fee~ deep and 60 and 65 toot frontageso The City Planning Co~ssion pursuant to their Resolution No. 239 granted said variance subject to 'the following conditions. l6GO City Hall. Anaheim~ Cali.fornip.. Jul.v 17. 1956.=> 7~OO F<!IMo 10 The installation of side~lk5 in front of the lots. 2@ The payment of $251900 per lot to the Park and RE?creation Site Fund. 3@ The fi.ling of a Record of Survey Map with the City of Anaheim and the County of Orangel\) ReYiew of action taken by the City Planning Commission was ordered by the City Council to be hald on Awmst ~. 1956. 7~OO P@Mo, on motion by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. ~ VARUNCE NOB 587g Submitted by Norma L. Goodrich, requesting permission to erect a six toot concrete block fence on property located at 1018 North East Street. The City PlaI1I1i.ngj Commission pursuant to their Resolution No~ 240 granted said Variance0 No action was taken by the City Council~ RESOLUTION NOe 3386 g Councilman Fry oftered Resolution NO(9 3386 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Rsslution Book, pag A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY ~QUIRE THE CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLETION OF A PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT, TO WIT~ . THE HAS. STREET SEWER LA'lERALS FROM KA'IELLA. AVENUE TO MIDWAy--muy:s-G JOB HOg, 10706 AND APPROVING THE DESIGNS, PLANS, PROFILES, DB.AWINCE AND .SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF; AUTHORIZING THE CON- STRUCTION "OF SlIir'P9BLIC IMPROVEMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH SA.ID PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS:I ETC 0; AND AtrmORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH A NOTICE ImTING SEALED PROPOSALS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION TIlEREOF e (Bids to be opened July 31. 1956. 7~OO PoM@) On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote. ~ AIES ~ NOES~ ABSENT ~ COUNCILMEN:i COUNCILMEN~ COUNCllJ1EN~ Pearson, Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wisser. Nonell> None. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly paS'$ed and adopted. REQUEST. USE OF LA. PALMA PARK ~ Request of the Anaheim Junior Chamber of Commeree to use the La Paluta Park Picnic area for the 'Community Fair to be held August the 8th through August the 12th was consideredCD Don Ko Derr, Director of Parks and Recreation reconnn.ended the granting of said re~est subject to the following condition5@ 1. Twenty"-Eight Dollars ($28..00) per day for maintenance and utilities for each of the five (5) days- 2~ That the Ten Per cent (10%) of gross receipts for concessions be 'Waived in view of the fact that all proceeds from the fair wlll be used by the Junior Chamber or Commerce to further their community betterment activities. 3. That proper arrangements be made with the Police Department for police protection as required-by the Chief of Pollce<ll 40 That proper clearance be obtained from the Fire Chief for the buildings and structures to be moved into' the Park. 50 That the Fair operators and Concessi.ot$9,ires abtain the proper licenses from the City Treasurer as required by Ordinanceo 611I That evidence of adequate Public Liability and Property Damage Insurg~e be presented to the City Attorney for approvala It "Was moved by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Coons, that permi~ion be granted to the Junior Chamber of Commerce for the con- duction of said Community Fair, subject to the conditions anq recommendations of the Director of Parks and Recreation. MOTION CARRlEDo 1601 ~ City Hall~ Anaheim. C,Ufornia. July 17. 1956 -- 7~OO PeMe ORANGE COUNTY PUMP rrAX;: George IF@ Oelkers, Superintendent or Light, Power a.nd Water, reported the pump tax fot the pumP\ing of 1921! acre feet of water in the amount of $6,725.25 was due and~lpayable on or before July 31, 1956. Payment of said tax was authorized by theity Council on motion by Councilman Sehutte,. seconded by Councilman Coons.. TION CARRIEDlt .PURCHASE OF WELL AND SITEz The ISuperintendent of Light, Power and Water "MaS authorized to have necessary te~ts made and continue f'urther negotiations with Mr@ Otto Itso for the purchase qf a well and site at the earner of AcC\ctB. and Burton Streets for the sum ~f $1,000,,00 on motion by Councilman Sehutte, seconded by Councilman COOllS8 lJOTION CARRIEDo PUMP PURCHASEg George FCil OelkeJtB, Superintendent of Light, Power and Water recommended that the size of thJ two pumps now on order be inerea~ed frOlll 100 to 125 horse power and advi~ed that the larger motors can be purchased for an additional $660~OOe It was moved by CouncUman Coons, seconded by Councilman Wisser that a purchase order be issued!!or the additional amount to cover the cost of the increased size of motors ~ MOTION CARRIED t!l REFUND: On motion by Councilma~ Wisser, seconded by Councilman Schutte, refund was authorized in the amount of i$32eOO to R.Ne Bodinus, 12182 East Las Palmas Dro Fullerton for permit No" 287--B 4:nd Bellvidere Plumbing Complny, 900 East Garvey, El Monte in the amount of $4~45 ':Cor permit No<<> 3723 issued on property within County territory0 MOTION cA.RRIlW<<I PERSONNEL~ Assistant City Admirp.strative Officer reported the appointment of the following personnel; Clifton Jensen, Recreation Department; Cheri Ann Goff, Building Department; Virginia Tucker, Public Services Deparlment; Donald Martin Barbur, Deputy City Patrolman~ Said appointments wer~ approved by the City Council on motion by- Councilman Coons, seconded by C~uncilman Fry~ MOTION CARRIEDo ORANGE COUNTY STREET LIGHTING M4INTENANCE DISTRICT #2 ~ Said Street Lighting Maintenance District #2 was acq~red by the City of Anaheim by the West Anaheim Annexation No~ 2* The County Auditor reported a balance in this fund of $1,508e79, and advised that said balance w~uld be transferred to the City of Anaheimo On the recommendation$ of Mr~ Murdoch, City Administrative Officer and George FG Oelkers, Superint~ndent of Light, Power and Water, Councilman Fry moved that the City Council request the Southern California Edison Company to continue to serve the area at this time and further that the payment of the by~monthly bills be authorized trom the district fund 0 Motion seconded by Councilman Coons 0 MOTION cA.RRIltDo BUSINESS LICENSE: KENNELS~ The Assistant Administrative Officer reported on the business licenses imposed by neighboring cities for the operation of Kenqels and recommended an amen4ment to the Anaheim Municipal Code, Section - 4IOO~2, omitting 'the provisions tor kennels containing mdre - than 19 dogs. The City Attorney was requested to prepare the necessa~ Ordinance amending said section on motion by Councilman Schutte, seconded by Councilman Coons c MOTION CARRIED 0 SAND PIT PROPERTY~ The Assistant Administrative Officer advised the City Council that Mr~ George Buccola ihad rejected the offer of the City Co~ncil for the purchase of the sand pil property and stated he was prepared to file a subdivision map on this terri-{t.oryu CORRESPONDEHCE~ Communication ~rom Transportation Insurance Brokers, Inco advising the City Council that ~he Comprehensive Liability Policy of the Crops Bus Lines, et al, would be rene~ed l~ City Hall, Anaheim, California. July 17. 1956 = 7~00 P0Mo Excerpts of the Minutes of the Orange County Board of Supervisors Meeting, held July 10, 1956 advising that the request for Boulevard Stop Signs at Magnolia and Orange Avenue was referred to the traffic committee for stu~ and recommendation0 Said connnunications were ordered received and filed,) STOP SIGN. LEMON STREET AT CHARTRESs~ Temporary stop sign Lemon at Chartresso Discussion of the temporary stop sign at the Northwest corner of Lemon and Chartress was held and in the interest of safety said temporary stop sign 'WaS ordered to be removedQ 1 SANTA ANA FREEWAY CONSTRUCTIONg A delegation of residents in the vicinity of Catalpa and La Palma Avenue were present and addressed the City Council calling attention to the maintenance yard established by the contractors working on the Santa Ana Freeway" They advised that the maintenance yard -was on Brookhurst and had been operating approximately 90 days on a 24 hour basis. It wa3 their understanding that this operation would continue during the entire period of the Freeway construction~ Mr<!i George E. Holyoke, City Engineer advised the City Council that his office had received complaints to this operation0 This matter was referred to the City Attorney for a possible solution by-relocation of the maintenance yard onto nearby M=l property. RESOLUTION NOo 33S7~ Councilman Schutte offered Resolution NOn 3387 and moved fOr its passage and adoptiono Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING RESOLUTION N00 3)55, ESTABLISHING A BASIC COMPENSATION PLAN FOR THE CITY EMPLOYEES, ADOPl'ED JUNE 26, 1956G 1 On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following voteo AYES ~ NOES~ ABSENT ~ COUNCILMEN ~ COUNCILMEN~ COUNCILMEN~ Pearson, Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wisser None. None. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adoptedo CONSTRUCTION OF NEW CATHOLIC CHURCH AND SCHOOL ON LA PALMA AVENUE ~ Discussion was held by the City Council and the Anaheim Building Inspector,lIomer Wallace, regarding the proposed construction of a new Saint Anthony's Church\with reference to the location of class rooms and other adjacent buildings0 In view of the fact that the Arc~ Bishop, City Attorney, and Administrative Officer have been working on a possible solution of the problem and until such time as they have come to some firm conclusion, it was considered by the City Council that no further action be taken on the mattero Councilman Coons, moved to adjourntJ Councilman Schutte seconded the motion., MOTION CARRIEDo ADJOURNED. ~ SIGNED: _ _.~ k A1::;).../.- .-~ -,