1956/08/28 1648 City Hall. Anaheim. Califorpia. AUGust 28. 1956 - 7100 P.M. The City Council of the Cit~ of Anaheim met in Regular Session. PRESENT: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, coonsl Fry, Schutte and Wisser. (Councilman Schutte entered thermeeting at 7:30 PoM.) ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None rl CITY ATTORNEY: Preston Turner, Prese t. CITY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER: Keith A Murdoch, Present. MINUTES: The Minutes of the Regular ~, eeting held August 14, 1956 were approved on motion by Councilman Coons, second~d by Councilman Frye MOTION CARRIED, I .~ RESOLUTION NO. 3456: Councilman Wiss~r offered Resolution No. 3456 and moved for its passage and adoption. I I I Refer to Resolution Book, prge A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUOCIL OF T~ CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING AND DIRECTING THE PAYMENT OF DEMANDS AGAINST THE CIry AS OF AUClJST 28, 1956. ($202.5ll.27) I On roll call the foregoing ~esolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: ! AYES: COUNCILMEN: pearsbn, Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wisser. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. I ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. I I The Mayor declared the fore~Oing Resolution duly passed and adopted. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING - WEST ANAHE M ANNEXATION: The City Clerk reported that some of the Petitions filed do n t specifically state they oppose annexation to the City of Anaheim, or that they ppose being included within the West Anaheim Annexation. They state only hat they wish to remain in County territory and not be incorporated within any co orate area. Therefore, before a final computation is completed of the value represented by protests, it was re- quested that a ruling be made by the ity Attorney as to the validity of the above mentioned Petitions. ~ \ After further discussion re~. arding the Petitions in question, Councilman Coons moved that the heari 9 be continued to the next regular meeting of the City Council, (September ll~ 1 56, 7:00 o'clock P.M.) and the question of the validity of these Petitions be referred to the City Attorney for his written opinion. CounCilman Wisser seconded ~he motionG MOTION CARRIED. Before final conclusion of ~his discussion, questions were answered regarding the cost of utilities, the Eontinuance of the present water company activities in this area, the establis ent of assessment districts for sewers or lights, and the manner by which th. se districts are established according to law. BID PROPOSALS - JOB NO. 1071: Pursuart to Resolution No. 3407 and Legal Notice duly published in the Anaheim Bulleti~ August 14th an~21st, 1956, the City Clerk was instructed to open Bid Proposals ror the Forest-Louise Sewer Extension from 214 feet West of Louise Drive on Fore~t Lane to 90 feet South of Romneya Drive on Louise Drive, Job No. 1071, on motion by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Fry. MOTION CARRIED. BIDS RI;CI;IV~D Plumbing Contractors Incorporated 11662 East Westminster Santa Ana, California (~ccompanied by a Bid Bond in th~ amount of $5005) $4,902.85 l E. E. Bernard 5868 Lime Avenue Long Beach 5, California (accompanied by a Bid Bond in thf amount of 10%) $4,909500 1649 City Hall. Anahei~. California. Auqust 28. 1956 - 7;00 P.M. I R. L. Johnson 7609 Monroe Paramount, California I (accompanied by Bid Bon~ in the amount of $550.00) $5,132.98 r Elmer E<t Barnett l3152 Century Blvdo Garden Grove, California i (accompanied by Bid Bon~ in the amount of 10%) Edwin L. Barkley 2059 Newport Avenue I Costa Mesa, California l (accompanied by Bid Bon~ in the amount of 10%) Bids were referre~ to the City Engineer for tabulation and report on motion by Councilman Coo~s, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. $5,799.05 $5,870.84 After tabulat10n, I the City Engineer reported Plumbing Contractors, Ince to be low bidder and r~commended the acceptance of said bid. RESOLUTION NO. 3437: Councilman Coons offered Resolution No. 3437 and moved for its passage and adoptio$. Refer to Resoluti~n Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CO NCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A SEALED PROPOSAL AND AW RDING A CO RACT TO THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER FOR THE RJRNISHING OF ALL PLANT, L OR, SERVICt:S, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT, AND ALL UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATIO , INCLUDING POWER, FUEL AND WATER, AND PERFORMING ALL WORK NECESSARY TO CONST UCT AND COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT; THE FOREST..-LOUISE SEWER EXT. NSION FROM 214 FEE W OF L I I ON FORE T LANE TO 90 FEET SOUTH OF RO EYA DRIVE ON LOUISE DRIVE JOB NO. 1071. On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: A YES ~ NOES: ABSENT; COUNCILM~N: COUNCILM~N: COUNCI LMl$N: Pearson, Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wisser. None", Non e. The Mayor declareq the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. PUBLIC HEARING RECLASSIFIC TION NO. F~56-57~2: Submitted by Charles E. Drummond, Inc., requesting .-3 Zoning on property described briefly as 420=532 South Brookhurst Stteet. The City Planning iCommission, pursuant to their Resolution No.3, recommended said reclassifiqation be approved for C~3, General-Commercial, for a distance of 200 feet alon~ Brookhurst Street and a distance of 150 feet along Orange Avenue, measured from the property line of each street. The balance of the property to be rec1assi~ied to C-l, Neighborhood Commercial and subject to: 1. The deeding tq the City of Anaheim, 20 feet along Brookhurst Street and 10 feet along Or~nge Avenue for street widening_ .-.''-" 2. The filing of the Gi ty of Anaheim St~ndard Dgsd RQgt1'iction~ for C-l, Nei9hborhood-Comme~cial with the Title Company. The Mayor asked if anyone wished to address the Council on the matter. No one present objjected to said reclassi fication and no wri tten pro- tests were received in the oiffice of the City Clerk, thereupon the Mayor de- clared the hearing closed~ RESOLUTION NO. 3438: Councl11man Fry offered Resolution No. 3438 and moved for i ts passage and adoption. ' Refer to Resolutio~ Book, page 1650 City Hall. Anaheim. Califor~ia. A~qust 28. 1956 - 7:00 P~M. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF If:. CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DET.ERMINING THAT A CHANGE OF ZONE IS NECESSARY IN CERTAIN AREAS OF THE CITY AND THAT ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPA, CODE SHOULD BE AMENDED TO ACCOMPLISH SUCH CHANGE OF ZONE. (F-56=57~2: C-3 and C 1 Zoning) On roll call the foregoing esolution was duly passed and adopted by tm following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUOCILMEN: Pears9n, Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wisser. None. ! None. ! l I The Mayor declared the fore~olng Resolution duly passed and adopted. I PUBLIC HEARING RECLASSIFICATION NO. 56-57-4: Submitted by Theo. B. Kuchel, requesting M-l Zoning on property des ribed as 806-814 East Center Street. The City Planning Commissio1, pursuant to their Resolution No.2, re- commended said Reclassification be ap~roved subject to: i I 1. The installation of imp~oved off-street parking in the rear of the property. The Mayor asked if anyone W~Shed to address the Council on the matter. I No one present at the meeti$9 objected to said reclassification and no wri tten protests to said reclassifica . on were file~ in the office of the Ci ty Clerk, thereupon, the Mayor declared e hearing closed. I RESOLUTION NO. 3439: Councilman SChu~te offered Resolution No. 3439 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, p~e 1 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TI-t CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT A CHANGE OF ZONE IS NECESSARY IN ~ERTAIN AREAS OF THE CITY AND THAT ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPA~ CODE SHOULD BE AMENDED TO ACCOMPLISH SUCH CHANGE OF ZONE. (F--56-=>57-4 - M-l Zorinq) On roll call the foregoing R~solution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: A YES: NOES: ABSENT. COUNCILMEN; COUNCILMEN: COUOCILMEN: Pearso~, Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wisser. None. I None. The Mayor declared the foregping Resolution duly passed and adopted. PUBLIC HEARING RECLASSIFICATION NO. F' 56-57-6: Submi tted by Joseph D. Huarte, requesting R..,3 Zoning on property desc ibed' briefly as the Northwest corner of Ve~ont and Placentia Avenues. The City Planning Commissionp pursuant to their Resolution NO.4, re- conunended said Reclassification be denled based on the following motion which did not carry: "That the We~t Line North of the Service Station be extended parallel to , Placentia Avenue and be left in R-A, R~6idential-Agricultura~ that the frontage along Tyrol Street be used only for R~_, and that the frontage along Vermont Avenue be reclassified to R-3, due to the fact that the applicant would not agree to use the lot North of the Service Station fbr an R-3 Use." ---. The Mayor asked if anyone wi~hed to address the Council on the matter. Those addressing the Counciljin opposition to the granting of the re- classification were: Mre Martin Barrett and Mr. Patrick Fogarty, residents of Tyrol Street, and Mr. Holmes, also a r,sident in that district. 1651 City Hall.. Anahe~m, California. Auqust 28. 1956 -- 7:00P.M. Mayor Pearson wa~' of the opinion that this request should be considered by Variance rather than a ',hange of Zone so that the approval could ba tied in wi th the actual plans for ,evelopment. Mr. R. W. Mungal~, Secretary of the City Planning Commission, advised that this area contained lq lots which would require the filing of a sub- division map. I At the request ofl the applicant, Mr~ Joseph D. Huarte, Councilman Wisser moved to defer this matter to Seotember 25. 1956. 7:00 oOclock P.M.. Counci Iman Schutte secondedl the moti on. MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING VARIANCE 552: Submitted by Donald D. and Eugene W. Wells, requesting pennission to co struct and operate a restaurant and also to construct a shopping center to be div~ded into approximately eight stores. Said Variance pe~it was granted by the City Planning Commission pursuant to their Resolutio~ No. 193, subject to certain conditions, on May 21, 1956. At the request of'residents in the subdivision immediately adjacent this area, the City Councillordered a public hearing to be held on this date to consider whether or not Variance Noo 552 should be revoked. The Mayor asked if anyone wished to address the Council on the matter. Mrs Donald Wells .ddressed the Council and advised of the progress made with reference to the ~rawing of the architect plans which were presently in the City Building Depar~ent for necessary plan check prior to actual con- struction, the leasing of stores on which deposits have been made, and the selling of corporation stock for this venture. This progress, he advised, had taken approximately five mo~sand the actual expense incurred was in excess of $lO,OOO.OOe He felt that the project could not be stopped at this time. A lady in the aud'ence advised that the adjacent residents also had quite an investment that co~ld be compared with that of Mr. Wells. MrB Brauer advised that the sale organization that sold the houses told them that this area was going to be other R-l homes, and he doubted if anyone would have purchased a home knowing it would be next to a bar and restaurant. He referred to, the pXQ.viou.s.. lDQQt.i,ng.held with Mr.. Wells, Mrs. Zill, and himself and stated that no understanding could be reached. He further advised that what was really wanted was other R~l Residences or a buffer zone of apartments o~ multiple units~ It was his opinion that the area has been developed resildential, not commercial. He referred to the open letter sent to all residents in the adjacent tract by Mr& May and stated that they still objected to the proposed development. Mr. John May, holdler of lease for the proposed restaurant and bar, addressed the Gounei 1 and s"tiated that thi s proj ect was more than just a bar. It would contain approximat~ly l2,500 square feet and the bar area would only occupy approximately 160 s~re feet, further, including the store buildings there will be more than 3O,OPO square feet under roof. Mr. Wells further advised that they were the owners of the 18 lots directly joining this property on Archer Street, and also, that it was known as long ago as September, 1965 that a commercial venture of some type at this location was plannedo Further discussion: was held with reference to the possibility of reversing the plans so that the store units would be adjacent to the sub- dt vi sion. Mr. Wells advised that the architect was definitely against such a measure as it would necessit~te complete redrawing and that a great deal of time and thought had been ta~en to strategically locate each unit for best appearance and landscaping. In addition to that, an additional expense of approximately $lO,OOO~OO would be incurred. 1652 Citx Hall. Anaheim. CaUfornta, August 28. 1956 - 7~OO o'clock P.M. A gentlemen in the audience ~.' aIled attention to the hazard created to the safety of their children by the establishment of this projects Mr. Wells stated that this af.1 ea would not develope for residential uses because of the drainage problem and thr size of the parcel~ I Mr. May called attention to the fact that Brookhurst is fast becoming conmercial, being a main artery with t~e traffic count of from 13,000 to 18,000 ca r S .. ~ The problem of truck deli vert to the restaurant and the disposal of refuse was brought up and Mr. May advi ed that a disposal room would be provided for the grinding up of garbage and tha trash pickup would be in the normal manner. Mrs. Zill referred to Varianfe No. 589 submitted by Mr. Buccola and denied by the City Planning Conunissionland requested that their resolution denying said variance be read, inasmuch as the~e two applications paralleled~ After further discussion on this matter between the City Council, the Mayor declared the hearing closed. Councilman Coons moved that 'ction by the City Council be withheld to next Tuesday night, Seotember 4. 1956 nd that the City Attorney give to the City Council a written legal opinion and th t the hearing be considered closed. Councilman Fry seconded the motion. TION CARRIED. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING, VARIANCE NO. ~ Subrni tted by Sand N Construction Co~any requesting permission to erectla temporary sign at the southea. st corner of Broadway and Magnolia Avenue, adver~ising the sale of houses and lots in Tract No. 2440. The City Planning Commissiont pursuant to their Resolution No. 230, granted said Variance subject to conditionSe Review of action taken by th. City Planning Commission was ordered by the City Council and public hearing held August 14, 1956, which hearing was con- tinued to this date to allow additional information to be furnished to the Council. The Mayor asked if anyone wi.hed to address the Council on the matter. No one was present at the me+ting to furnish the information as requested by the City Council and in response to!the letter written by the City Clerk so ad- vising the applicant and agentt thereu~on, the Mayor declared the hearing closed. RESOLUTION NO. 3440: Councilman Coons offered Resolution No. 3440 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TH~ CITY OF ANAHEIM DENYING WITHOUT PREJUDICE VARIANCE APPLICATION NO. 578. (5 and ~ Construction Company) On roll call the foregoing R~solution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote~ AYES: NOES: ABSENT~ COUOCILMEN: COUNCILMEN~ COUNCILMEN~ Pearson, Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wisser. Non eo None," ";*'~ The Mayor declared the foregqing Resolution duly passed and adopted. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING, VARIANCE NO. :579: Submitted by Trudy Richards Building Corporation requesting an extension of Itime for an existing sign used by another tract and the repainting of the sameo The sign is presently located near the intersection of Magnolia and Houston S~reetso Said sign will advertise the sale of houses and lots in Tract No. 25018 The City Planning Commission~ pursuant to their Resolution No. 231, granted said Variance subject to condi~ionsG 1653 City Hall. Anaheim1 California. Auqust 28. 1956 .... 7.00 P.M. Review of action t~ken by the City Planning Commission was ordered by the City Council to allow ~i tional information to be furnished the Ci ty Council. The Mayor asked if ianyone wished to address the Council on the matter. Mr. Frank Friesen,~agent, addressed the Council and furnished the following requested informa ion: Tract No. 2501 contain~ 233 houses of which 87 are still unsold. The. tacthas been in existence apprOXimat.elY 13 mont.hS and the requested variance is needed to attract traffic from the Freeway to the subdivision. There ~re fau I signs presently advertising this tract, and the' requested variance will all~ the erection of the fifth sign. Three signs are located on Lincoln Avenue, ~e sign on Station Avenue. Further, the requested variance would be for a peri~d of sixty daysQ There being no fur1tter discussion on the matter, the Mayor declared the hearing closed. ' RESOLUTION NO. 34411 Counci~man Wisser offered Resolution Noo 3441 and moved for its passage and adoptionj, granting said Variance for the period of not more than sixty daYSe I Refer to ResolutiontBook, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COU~IL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM GRANTING VARIANCE NO. 579. (Trudy Richards Bu~lding Corporation) On roll call the fo~going resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: A YES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN. COUNCILMEN, COUf\CILMEN. Pearson, Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wisser. Non e. None. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING V lANCE NO. 580: Submitted by Frematic Homes requesting pe~issiQn to ere t a temporary sign on the north side of Manchester Avenue approximat.ly 150 feet NOrth of West La Palma Avenue, advertising the sale of hous~s and lots in Tract No. 1940. The City Planning C~mmission, pursuant to their Resolution No~ 232, granted said Variance subject to conditions. Review of action ta~en by the City Planning Commission was ordered by the City Council to allow'sdditional information to be furnished. The Mayor asked if ~nyone wished to address the Council on the matter. Mr. Frank Friesen, 4gent, addressed the Council and furnished the following requested informat~on: The original sign was a V-type sign and as the State Highway work progr.ssed, it was necessary to take one-half of the sign down. The variance re~ested is for permission to relocate the on~half sign that was removed from tne original location to be used for the remaining time allotted the original s~9n, which is four months. Tract No. 1940 contains 196 homes and 67 are unsold. At present, there are two signs advertising this tract which are located three to four miles apart$ There being no further discussion on the matter, the Mayor declared the hearing closed. RESOLUTION NO. 3442; Councl~man Coons offered Resolution No. 3442 and moved for its passage and adoption~ granting said Variance for the remainder of the term of the original previou~ly granted variance (four months). Refer to Resolution ~ook, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COU~IL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM GRANTING VARIANCE NO. 580. (Frematic Homes, I~c.) .. 1654 City Hall.. Anaheim. Californlr. AUQust 28. 1956 ... 7:00 P.M. On roll call the foregoing R~Solution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: I AYES. COUNCILMEN. Pearso1. Coons. Fry, Schutte and Wisser. NOES: COUNCILMENl None. I ABSENT a COUOCILMENa None. . The Mayor declared the fOreg~n9 Resolution duly passed and adopted. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING VARIANCE NO.3: Subml tted by George M. Holstein and Sons, requesting permission to erect a emporary sign advertising the sale of houses and lots in Tract No. 2425. The sign is to be located on the East side of Brookhurst Street, 1400 feet south of Ball Road. ! ~ I I COJJIDunication from George M.~Holstein and Sons, dated August 23, 1956, requested further. continua. nee of the h ..a.ring on said Variance because previous commitment made would prevent them fro appearing on thts date. I Councilman Wisser moved to c tinue the hearing to the next meeting (Seotember 4. 1956 - 7100 P.M.). Caun Iman Schutte seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. 841 Submitted by The Tobin Company, re- sign to advertise the sale of houses and e located on the East side of Stanton Avenue CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING VARIANCE NO. questing permission to erect a tempora lots in Tract No. 2655. Said sign to 250 feet north of Orange Avenue. The City Planning Commission,j pursuant to their Resolution NO. 234, granted said Variance subject to condi,ons. Review of action taken by th~ City Planning Commission was ordered by the Ci ty Council to allow addi tional i~formation to be furnished. The Mayor asked if anyone wi ~ed to address the Counci 1 on the matter. I ~ No one was present at the me~ting to furnish the infOrMation as request~d by the Ci ty Counci 1 and in response tolthe letter wri tten by the Ci ty Clerk 50 advising the applicant and agent. The~pon, thenMayor declared the hearing closed.. RESOLUTION NO. 3443: Councilman Coons ~ffered Resolution No. 3443 and moved for its passage and adoption, denying withqut prejudice Variance No. 584. Refer to Resolution Book, pa~e A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THe CITY OF ANAHEIM DENYING WITHOOT PREJUDICE VARIANCE NO. 584. (The Tobin Company) I On roll call the foregoing R~solution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote; AYES; NOES: ABSENT: GOUl'CILMEN: COU~ILMEN: COUOCILMEN: PearsoQ, Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wi sser. None. Non e Q The Mayor declared the foreg~n9 Resolution duly passed and adopted. KATELLA ANNEXATION; The fol10w1ng Cer~ficate of the City Clerk with reference to the sufficiency of the Supplemental PetJtion requesting annexation of inhabited terri tory known and designated as Katellla Annexation, was submitted and readl ~ CERTIFICATE RE~TING TO SUFFICIENCY OF PETITION FOR THEI ANNEXATION OF INHABITED TERRITORY TO trHE CITY OF ANAHEIM STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF OOAr<<3E ) 5S CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Cl~k of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify 1655 ..........., Ci tv Hall. Anaheim.j California. AUQust 28. .1956 .., 7:00 P.M. that upon receiving in my Oi..fice a supplemental pet~tion requ. estingannexation to the City of Anaheim of c . tain territory known and designated as Katella Annexation, pursuant to SectOon 34116 of the Government Code, I have checked said petition and re-examin~ the County Registration of Voters to ascertain the total number of qualifi~ electors residing within the territory described in said petition as of this ~ate, and THAT from such re-~amination and inspection I find that the total number of quali fied electors! residing in said terri tory as of thi 5 date, is now 227, and i THAT the petition ap. d supplemental petition is signed by 81 persons and that 73 of the persons wpose names are signed to said petitions are qualified electors residing wi thin the! terri tory described in said peti tions, as shown by the County Registration of Vbters of Orange County, California, and I FURTHER CERTIFY t~at said last mentioned number of qualified electors constitutes not less than on~fourth of the qualified electors residing within the territory proposed to bel annexed, as shown by such County Registration of Voters, and I FURTHER CERTIFY tnat said territory described in said petitions is contiguous to the City of An~heirn and does not form a part of any other in~ corpora ted ci ty.. DATED this 22nd day, of August, 1956. /s/ Dene M. Williams CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM (SEAL) -) The following Certificate of the County Clerk with reference to the sufficiency of supplemental peti tions requesting annexation of inhabi ted territory known and designated as Katella Annexation was submitted and read: CERTJFICATE RELATING TO SUFFICIENCY OF PETITJON FOR THE ANNEXATION OF INHABITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE 55 et CITY OF ANAHEIM I, L. B. WALLACE, C.,unty Clerk of the County of Orange, do hereby certify that I am the County'Offlcer having charge of the Registration of Voters in the County of Orange and t do hereby further certify that I have examined or caused to be examined the supplemental petition received by the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim for the annexation of certain territory to said City of Anaheim known and designated as Katella Annexation, to ascertain the total number of qualified electors residi~g within the territory described in said petition, as shown by the County Registration of Voters, and to determine the number of qualified electors whose nam~s are signed to said petition, and I FURTHER CERTIFY that from said examination it appears that the total number of qualified electors residing within the territory described in said petitions is 227 electors an~ that the total number of qualified electors whose names are signed to said pet{tion is 73 electors, and that said number re- presents not less than one-f~urth of the qualified electors residing within said terri tory. DATED this 22nd day of August, 1956. /s/ L. B. Wallace COUNTY CLERK OF THE COUNTy OF ORANGE (SEAL) 1656 Citx Hall~ Anaheim, Californ~a! Auqust 28. 1956 - 7:Dm'P.M. Said Certificate~ were oraer1d received and filed, and the matter con~ tinued to the next reg~ar meetingt on motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Schutte/f MOTION CARRIED. ! SOUTHEAST ANNEXATION: petitionsreque,..iting .annexation of uninhabited territory known and designated as the Southeast nnexation were received and ordered re- ferred to the City Clerk for checking, on motion by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Wisser~ MOTION CARRIED. I BUTLER-HARBOUR ANNEXATION: Report of ~he Orange County Boundary CommiSSion, dated August 20, 1956, finding and detrmining that the boundaries of the proposed annexation to be reasonably definite ad certain, was submitted, read, and ordered received and filed on motion by Counci man Schutte, seconded by Councilman Fry. MOTION CARRIED. I ~ i i SPECIAL USE PERMIT: Submitted by Fred iL. Lipp requesting permission to establish a trailer park, formerly denied by the City Council without prejudice, pursuant to their Resolution No. 3404, was again b ought before the City Council at the re- quest of Mr. Lipp. Mr. Lipp furnished to the City Council a revised plot plan of the intended trailer park and also petition of the surrounding property owners indicating their desires as to hat use this property should be put to. The City Council declined tolact on the matter at this time in order that a reinvestigation could be made, ~ith probable action to be taken at the meeting to be held September 4, 1956. i j I METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT RESOLUTION NO. 4857: On motion by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Sohutte, Resolu ion No. 4857, levying taxes for the fiscal year commencing July 1, l~ and endin June 30, 1957, of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, was 0 dered received and filed. MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCE NO. 1088: Councilman Coons qffered Ordinance No. 1088 for final reading and moved for its passage and ~doption. Refer to Ordinance Book, pag~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THll CITY OF ANAHEIM FIXING AND LEVYING A PRO- PERTYTAX ON ALL PROPERTY WITHIN THE CQRPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1956-57. ($1.10) ~ I After hearing read in full t~e title of Ordinance No. 1088 and having knowledge of the contents therein, Couqcilman Coons moved the reading in full of said Ordinance be waived, Councilman W~sser seconded the motion. Motion unanimously carried. On roll call the foregoing O*dinance No. 1088 was duly passed and adopted by the following vote; AYES; NOES: ABSENT I COUOCILMEN: COUOCILMAN: COUNCILMAN~ Pear50~, Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wisser. None. Noneo i?dopted. The Mayor declared the foreg~ng Ordinance No. 1088 duly passed and RESOLUTION NO. 3444: Councilman Coons offered Resolution No. 3444 and moved for its passage and adoption. -, Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TH~ CITY OF ANAHEIM ASCERTAINING AND DETERMINING THE PREVAILING RATE OF WAGES TO BE PAIr) FOR EACH CRAFT OR TYPE OF WORKMAN, OR MECHANIC NEEDED FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTS FOR iHE RJRNISHING OF ALL MATERIALS, PLANT, LABOR ~ND SERVICES FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND qOMPLETION OF FIRE STATION NO.3. ON SOUTH ~NCHESTER AVENUE BETWEEN MIDWAY D~IVEIAND KATELLA AVENUE, JOB NO. 382. On roll call the foregoing R~solution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: 1657 ~ 1 Ci tv Hall.Anaheim'~Ga.lifornta. AUQust 28. 1956 - 7:00 P.M. AYES: COUNCILME~!1 pear.. son, Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wlss$r. NOES: COUNCIL~ & Noneo ABSENT I ,CQUN:ILMS I None. I The Mayor declared Ithe fCDrego1n9 Resolution duly ~assed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 3445. Councl~man C$ons offered Resolution No. 3445 and ~oved {or its passage and adoption~ Refer to ResQlutlo~ Book, page I A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COO IL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND CESSITY REQUIRE THE CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLETION OF A PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT, TO ITI FIRE STATION 000 3. ON SOUTH MANCHESTER AVENUE BETWEEN MIDWAY DRIVE NO KATELLA AVE. JOB NO 382; AND APPROVING THE DESIGNS, PLANS, PROFILlSS, DR NGS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF; AUTHORIZING THE CON UCr:rON OF SAID PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH SAID PLANS, SPEClrICATI NS, ETC., AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH A NOTICE I ITING SEALED PROPOSALS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF. (Bids to be "pened ISeot.Jnber 25. 1956 .,. 7:00 P..M.) On roll call the f~egoihg resolution was duly passed and adopt~d by the fOllowing vote; AYES; COUNCILME~' NOES: COUNCI'LME: ABSENTs COUNCILME,: Pearson, Coons, Fry, Schutte and WiSSer. None .. None. The Mayor declared ~he foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. !fI'1"I"-~ RESOLUTION NO. 3446. Council~an Schutte offereQ Resolution No. 3446 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUN~IL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAH~IM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR ',AN EASEMEN'r'FOO PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES. (ill1se, Inc., Donnie, Inc., Barbette, Inc.. and Hedv. InCe) On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly paesed and adopted by the following vote; . AYES: COONCILMEN. NOES: COUNCILMEN. ABSENT; COUNCILMEN. Pearson, Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wisser. None. None!) The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 3447: Council.an Coons offered Resolution No. 3447 and moved for its passage and adoptiono Refer to Resolution Book~ page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUN$IL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHUM CERTAIN RBAL mOPS<TV ~OR AN ~AS~J.mm pen ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES. (Assembly of God of Anaheim) On roll call the fo*egoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYESJ NCE S: ABSENT: COONCILMEN~ COUNCILMEN~ COUNCILMEN. Pearson, Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wisser. None~ None. The Mayor declared _he foregoing Reusolution duly passed and adopted. 1658 Cit Hall Anaheim Californi 1956 = 7;00 P.Me RESOLUTION NO. 3448: Councilman Coons pffered Resolution No~ 3448 and moved for its passage and adoption8 I Refer to Resolution Book, pa~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THEI CITY OF ANAHEIM AOCEPTING A mAN! DEED CON- VEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN R L PROPERTY FOR AN EASEMENT FOR ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES.. (Anaheim Pro rties, Incm) On roll call the foregoing R~olution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: I I ...., A YES: NOES I ABSENT: COUOCILMEN: CClJOCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wisser. None. None. I fOrego~ng Resolution duly passed and adopted. SChutt~ offered Resolution No. 3449 and moved i The Mayor declared the RESOLUTION NO. 3449: Councilman for its passage and adoption. i Refer to Resolution Book, pagF i A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE[ CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A mANY DEED CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES. (Pannier) I On roll call the foregoing Re~olution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: I AYES: NOES; ABSENT: CaJNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: Pearson~ Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wisser. None. ' None", I I i The Mayor declared the forego~ng Resolution duly passed and adoptedo CANCELLATION OF CITY TAXES: On motion ~y Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Fry, cancellation of City Taxes was au~. orized on property purchased by the State of California to be used for highway pu poses and formerly assessed to Dora A. Littleton and Carl M. Buck$ MOTION CA lED. RE UEST FOR CANCELLATION OF COUNTY TAXE I It was moved by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Wisser to reques the cancellation of County taxes on pro- perty purchased by the City of Anaheim for publiC purposes~ (James A. Rimoau orooertv - Civic Center Site). MOTIO~ CARRIED. APPLICATION OF MR. FRANK MILLER FOR PER~SSION TO ESTABLISH A TAXI CAB BUSINESS WITHIN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM: The matter: of granting additional permit for taxi cab service in the City of Anaheim was ~iscussedo The Administrative Officer adtised that there are presently 18 taxi cab permits issued in the City of Anaheim, ~f which 10 or 12 permits are in operation. Mr. Miller advised that he op,rated six taxi cabs in the City of Buena Park and would like to have permission to operate two cabs in this City. Reference was made to Sectioni6250.3 of the Anaheim Municipal Code wherein ~ the City Council is required to determine the necessity of issuing such permits. Mr. Turner, City Attorney, advised thatisome inquiry should be made before granting or denying the application. Mr~ Slagle, present operator Qf the taxi cab service in Anaheim, addressed the City Council with reference to the ~8 permits and the use of only 10 or 12 d~ to busj,ness demande> He stated he also qperated the cab service in the Ci ty of Buena Park. This matter was order further~eld over so that a survey and investigation can be made as required by the Anaheim ~nicipa1 CodeD 1659 City Hall. Anaheimi California. Auqust 28<;) 1956 ~ 7~OO PeMQ REQUESTED ACCESS TO PROPERTY~ MrQ Hartwick addressed the Council and stated that there was no access to ~is property~ This matter was referred to the City Engineer for recommenda1ion and report at the next meetings CONSTRUCTION YARD LA PALMA Mr~ Lacy, resident of 2190 Catalpa Street, advised the City Council tha the maintenance yard where the trucks used in the construction of the Freeway ijad not been moved as promised8 Mr. George oelkerS!! Superintendent of Light, Power and Water, and Mro George Ett Holyoke, Cityngineer, vere requested to make further investigation in an effort to accomplish t ,is move~ OIL LEASE~ CITY PROPERTY! M~8 White addressed the Council requesting permission to lease certain city owned ~roperty for oil and gaso The matter was referred to the City Attorney for recqmmendation and report$ CLAIM FOR DAMAGES: Claim fo~ damages submitted by Olga Ballinger for injuries sustained as result of fall ~as submitted and read and referred to the City Attorney. Action on said cl~im to be continued to the next meeting on Motion by Councilman Wisser, second~d by CounCilman Coons. MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCE NO. 1089: Counc11~an Schutte offered Ordinance No. 1089 and moved for its passage and adoption~ Said Ordinance was read in public for the first time(a AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ~NAHEIM AMENDING ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATIING TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF ZONES IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND THEREIN REGULATI~ THE USE OF LAND, HEtGHT OF BUILDINGS AND YARD SPACES; ADOPTING A MAP SHOWlf\P THE BOUNDARIE13 OF SAID ZONES; DEFINING THE TERMS USED THEREIN; PROVIDINO FOR ADJUSTMENT, AMENDMENT AND ENFORCEMENT; PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOlATION AND REPEALING ALL SECTIONS OR PARTS OF SECTIONS IN CONFLICT THEREWITHo After hearing read !n full the title of Ordinance No. 1089 and having knowledge of the contents therein, Councilman Coons moved the reading in full of said Ordinance be W~ved0 Councilman Fry seconded the motion. Motion Unanimously Carriede PERSONNEL: The Administrative Officer reported the appointment of the fol- loWing personnel: Robert Jam~s Barkey, Public Service Department, Matthew Anthony Boscia, Engineering D~partment; Richard Dean Williams, Engineering Department; Charles Franklin Wheaton, Water Department; Ronald LeRoy Wheaton, Water Department; Richard Eara Jones, Water Department; Mark Frank Dukart, Water Department; Eva AB Cast~llo, Public Works Department; August Irwin Bassett, Publi c Works Department; James Calvin Kennedy, part-time Park Patrolman; Richard A. Floan, Pire Department; Richard Co Filipy, Fire Depart- ment, James Franklin Mitchell, Fire Department; and Russell Dean Riley, Fire Department", Said appointments were approved by the City Council on motion by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Schutteo MOTION CARRIEDe ~~fUND OF FEE PAID FOR VARIANfE APPLICATION: Refund to Tidwell7aQd Brrnier of Variance filing fee in the! amount of $25<iOO was authorized on motion by Councilman Coons9 seconded by Councilman Wissers MOTION CARRIED. Variance was filed in error~ upon learning that deed restrictions to the subdivision prohibited requested useo RECLASSIFICATION NO. F~55=56=40: Resolution No~ 3426 duly passed and adopted by the City Council August 14f 1956 authorized the preparation of necessary Ordinance reclassifying property pursuant to Application NO$ F=55~56~40. MrsQ Peitske~ owneriof that parcel of property scheduled for C=3 zoning for a depth of 276 fee19 advised that the measurement of her property was taken from the property l~ne and not to the monumented center of the streeto Therefore~ an error ~as made in the description of the footage of that parcel~ Mrs~ Peitske requested that a corrected be made and that the entire parce19 being 330 feet instead of 2769 be rezoned to C=3@ 1660 report. City Hall~ Anaheilll. californ~a, AUQust 28, 1956 - 7:00 P.M, This matter was referred to ~he City Engineer for recommendation and I EXCERPTS OF THE (RANGE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MEETING~ Pursuant to receipt of City of Anaheim Resolution No. 3279 assigning the name of South Manchester Avenue as the name of the frontage road lying on the west side of the Santa Ana Freeway between Midway Drive and Haster Street, was submitted, read, and ordered received and fi led. R.EQUEST; Reque. st of Mr. Le. sUe Hurst ~o paint home mDllbers on the curbs wi thin the City of Anaheim was submitted and 1eada As this is an activity rese~ed for local orgainzations, said request was denied by the City CouncilG 1 COMMUNICATIONI CODDunlcation from Ro t Barletta with reference to an extab1ish- ment or a declaration of policy regardi g various members and non<=members ap- proaching the capaci ty allotted them i .. the Joint Outfall Sewer, was submi tted and read and referred to Ci ty Engineer,. George E" Holyoke. I COMMUNICATION; Copy of letter from FO$Yt Relnhaus, Miller & Kogler with re- ference to flOOdiO. g con~tions of thertheast corner of Katella and West Str~ets (Rene Quatacker property ),was submi tt. and reado The City Engineer reported that the matter has been taken care ofltl ~ DECISION OF APPLICATION BEFORE THE PUB C UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY for an or r authorizing the construction at grade of a drill track across Cerritos Avenu in the City of Anaheim, was ordered received and filed~ RE~ESTI Re.ques.t of the Anaheim Lions*..' lub f.or permission to hold a "White Cane Day" for the purpose of raising. funds f r their sight conserVation program actlvi ties was granted by the Ci ty Cou . 110 REQUEST: Request of Lester Valenzuela ~or permission to pick up and sell old newspapers and rags and other discardedj items within the City of Anaheim "as re- ferred to the Admini stra ti ve Offi cer ~ ' -, I LIBRARY SITE; Recommendations of Beat~ce Me Miller, Finance Director, wi th re- ference to reimburs.ement by the LibrarY~IBOard to the General Fund of t.h. e C. i. ty of Anaheim of $35,000.00, representing the r proportionate share in the cost of acquiring the property for the new Civi, Center Site, was submitted and read$ Councilman Fry requested somel assurance of record that there will be a Library Site on this property. REQUEST; Request of Mr. Hugh EG SCheid~i Jro for permission to cut a 16 foot curb, thereby facing the garage of a re 1dence proposed for construction on Orangewood Avenue. Lot I, Tract 2725e . Ian of house proposed to be constructed with reference to l.ot location was submh ted and diScussed. Said reque..st was granted on motion by Councilman FrY7 seponded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. AMBULANCE SERVICE, Request of Virgil E~ Sullivan and Roy P. Blecher to establish an ambulance service within the City oflAnaheim was referred to the Administrati" Officer for investigation and report. RESQLUTION NO. 34501 Councilman Wisserioffered Resolution Noo 3450 and moved for its passage and adoption. I~ I Refer to Resolution Book~ pag_ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE i CITY OF ANAHEIM AUTHORIZING THE LEASING OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY OWNED BY THE CITYt: OF ANAHEIM TO REDEL IOCORPORATEDI GRANTIl'<<J AN OPTION TO PURCHASE SAID REAL PROPERT J AND TERMINATIN3 THAT CERTAIN LEASE MADE AND ENTERED INTO WITH REDEL INCORPORATE ON AUGUST 25, 1955. On roll call the foregoing Re.olution was duly passed and adopted by tl1! following vote& 1661 City Hall. Anaheim, California. AUQust 28.. 1956 => 7:00 P.M.:! AYES; COUNCILME~: Pearson, Coons, Fry~ Schutte and Wisser. NOES: COUNCILME: None. ABSENT: COUNCILME. I None. The Mayor declared Ithe foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. : ORDINANCE NO. 1090: council~..'an Coons offered Ordinance No. 1090 for first reading and moved for its pa~sage and adoption~ I AN CRDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING ARTICLE II, CHAPTER 3, SECTION 2320 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPA~ CODEo (Official Bonds) S & H RUBBISH HAULING~ comm~nication from the S & H Rubbish Hauling, dated August 24, 1956, requesting ..n increase of $.20 per residence per month was submitted and ordered referr d to the Administrative Officer. PURCHASE: Purchase of Inger~oll~Rand, Model GRU125 CaF.Mct, 2 stage" 011 cooled, rotary, Air Compre~sdr, at $3,?pO&OO, was authorized on . motion by Counci lman Coons, ~econded by Counci lm'a11 Schutte. MOTION CARRIED. PURCHASE OF EDISON COMPANY F ILITI George F. Oelkers, Superintendent of Light, Power and Water, recoended the purchase of Edison Company facilities located on Broad1r8y:betweenl3;uclid and BI:OQk.hurst Streetso ($9,992.32) RESOLUTION NO~ 3451g Councl~an Wisser offered Resolution No. 3451, authorizing the purchase of Edison Compa~y facilities as recommendede Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COU IL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AUTHORIZING THE PUR~ CHASE mOM THE EDISON COMPAN OF ELECTRICAL DIS IBU ION F I I I ALONG WEST BROADWAY FROM EUCLID AVE E WEST APPROXIMATELY 4100 FEET; AND FROM BB..OADWA~"AI A J?OINI AJ?J?B.~Y ..L340 EEET ..WESI DE EUCLID A\lENI1E~ -NORTH ALONG PRIVATE PROPERTY APPROX~MATELY 670 FEET. On roll call the fotregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following voteo AYE S: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMENj; CODNCI LMENI: COUl'[; I LMENI: Pearson, Goons, Fry, Schutte and Wisser. None.. NoneG> The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 3452: Council~an Schutte offered Resolution No. 3452 and moved for its passage and adoptionG Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPOINTING AND DE- SIGNATING BEATRICE M. MILLER ts THE CITY OFFICIAL TO BE RESPQNSIBLE FOR AND TO PREPARE AND FILE WITH THE TATE CONTROLLER OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE ANNUAL STREET REPORT ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT ~ COUNCILMEN. COUNCILMENt COUNCILMEN, Pearson, Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wlsser~'- Non e 0 Non e ct The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. Councilman Coons moved to adj~urn to September 4, 1956, 7:00 oOclock P.M. Councilman Schutte seconded tlj1e motion., MOTION CARRIED. ADJOORNED. n SIGNED: ~~-cJ? ~!:~~~~