1956/10/23 1124 City Ha,l~p An~he~m" California" Oct~~r 23 q, .1956 ~?~ 00 P. .M~.. The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in Regular Session PRESENT: COUNCILMEN~ Pearsono Coonsg F.ry" .and Wisser ABSENT~ COUNCILMEN~ Schutte (entered the meeting 9:30 P.M.) CITY ATTORNEY~ Preston Turner~ Present~ CrT! ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE~ Keith A~ MUrdocho Presente MTNU'T'J;:R: The Minutes of the reqular meeting held October 90 1956, were approved, on motion of Councilman Wissero seconded by Counci~ Coonss MOTION CARRIED~ RESOLUTTON NO.. ~5?6~ Councilman Coons offered Resolution No. 3526 and moved for its passaqe and adoption" I t Refer to Resolution Book# page. '0 _.... A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING AND DIRECTING THE PAYMENT OF .DEMANOO AGAINST THE CITY AS OF OCTOBER 239 195610 ($141,,009,,45)_ On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the followinq vote~ AYES ~ NOES ABSENT~ COUNCILMEN: COUNCrLMEN~ COUNCILMEN~ Pearson, Coonsg Fry and Wissere None Schutte The Mayor declared the foreqoinq Resolution duly passed and adopted. BID P.RQPCSALS - JOB NOe; la17~ Pursuant to Resolution NOa 3510 and Legal Notice duly published in the Anahe1m Bulletin October 10th and 16th, 1956~ the City Clerk was instructed to open bid proposals foX' the construction of the La Palma. Avenue Sewer Extensiong along La Palma Avenue from a point 104 feet east of.Magnolia Avenue ,to a point 602 feet"west of Magnolia Avenue, Job No;: 1071;7 on motion by Councilman Coons, seconded..by Counci.lman Wisser:. HOTION CARRIEDt~ ,---", BIDS RECEIVED J. Pc S~ Contracting C02' Inc~ PI; O. Box 3066 Santa Ana~ California (Accompanied by a Bid Bond in the amount of $1,,500.00) $ 7,346.30 Chris Evanovich 537 Oakford Drive Los Anqeles22, California (Accompanied by a Bid Bond in the amount of 10'1.) $11,131~30 Edwin L~ Barkley 2059 Newport Avenue Costa Mesa, California (A.ccompa.nied by a Bid Bond in the amount of 101.) $ 8,898:;20 Bids were referred to the City Enqineer for tabulation and report on motion by Councilman Coons" seconded by Councilman Fryp MarrON CARRIED:il After tabulation, the City Engineerg George E. Holyoke 0 reported the Jc Po S~ Contracting Company, Incop to be low bidder and recommended the acceptance of said bid- RESOLUTION NO~ 3527: Councilman Fry offered Resolution No~ 3527 and moved for its passage and adoptionr ~ Refer to Resolution Book.. page_. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A SEALED PROPCEAL AND AWARDING A CONTRACT- TO- THE L0WE3T RESPONSmLE BIDDER FOR THE FURNISHING OF ALL PLANT, LABORf SERVICES, MATERIl\I.s AND EQUIPMENT, AND ALL UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION INCLUDING POWER.~ FUEL AND WATER, AND PERFORMING ALL WORK: NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT AND COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT: THE LA PALMA AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION; ALONG IA PALMA AVENUE FROM A POINT 104 FEET EAST OF MAGNOLIA AVENUE TO A POINT 602 FEET WEST OF MAGNOLIA AVENUEi( JOB NO~ 1017 II ",,- i '-, 1725 On roll call the foreQ1!liill<1 Resolution was d1l1y passed and adopted by the following Tote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearsemg COOUf Fry and Wi..era NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Schutte The Mayor declared the foreqoinq Resolution d.uly passed and adopted.a BID PROPOOAlS "'= JOB NO. 1018: Pursuant to' Re.olution Nos 35D9and Legal Notiee duly published in the Anaheim Bulletin October 10th and 16th, the City Clerk lrRlS instructed to open. bid propoaala for the COltstructicm of the Clearbroo~Agate Sewer Iateral17 f:tCllll a point in Agate Str..t48 feet North of Niobe Ayenue to Clea.rbrook Lan.u and easterly aloJlq Clearbrctol: Lane a dis1:ooectf 605 feett Job No" 1018,. on motion by Ccnmcilman Wisser!1 seconded. by CouncilJ&n Fry.. MarION CARRIED a Pll11lbillq Contractors., Ine IS 11662 Ea w..tminster A'V'e1\lte Garden G:ro-ve, California. BI1X3 RECEIVED (AccQDIPBllied. by a Bid Bend ia th. fQad)\Ult of $SOD.lIt ) (Acc~1Jl1ed. by a Bid Bcm.d. in the ~l1.11t of l~) (Ace6~1e4 by a Bid Bond in the Gb>unt of 3525.crO) $2,6C8.15 $ 2l1418.QO Robert A IS J olut.em. 6248 Pala ATel\ue Bell, California $ 3".231015 J" Pa S. Contracting Co.,Ine. PD Oa Box 30660 Santa. Ana" California Chris ETllIlO'Tioh 531 Oakford. Dr. L08 Angele. 22, California (Aca~ied. by a Bid. Bond 111 the 8JIlO\Ult of l~l # 3,,176.25 Edw1!l L. Ba.rkler 20S9 NerNJ)Ort A Temte C08ta Mesa, Californ.ia (Acc"""niecl .,. a Bid Bond. in the aJItO\Ult of Ifr1.) # 2.t81'1Il10D Bids -.ere referred t. the City Engine.r for talMtlatic:m bd report em motion by Councilman Fry, seconded. by CouncflJlan CoonfJ. MOTION CARRIED. After tabulation, the City Enqi:aeer go GeQrqe E . Holyoke" repol Led the PIllXlibinq Contractors fJ Inc. # to he lcnr bidder and.rec~(fnded. ther Iloc.,-hance of said bid. RE30LUTION NO. 3528 : COliUlciJ..man Wisser offered Resolution No. 34'93 and BlOved for its passage and. adopti.. Refer to Resolution Boot, page. .'~ . I... " A. RE30LUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE err! OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A SEALED PROPa3AL AND AWARDING A COlmmC'f TO THE Lt'JW'mT Rm3PONSIBLE BIlB'lER FOR THE FURNISHING OF ALL. PIANT, LABOR, SERVICm# MATERIAlS AND EQUIPMOT, AND ALL UTILITIF.S AND TRANSPORTATION INCLUDING POWER, FUEL AND WATER, AND PERFORMING ALL WORK NECESSARY TO CONB1."llu~I' AND COMPLETE THE FOLLOWIIG PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT: THE CLEARBROOr--AGATE SEWER IATERAL, FROM A POINT IN AGATE ST. 48 ?f. NORTH OF NIOBE AVE:. TO CJ,~AR'RROOK: lANE" AND EASTERLY ALONG CLEARBROOK JANE A DISTANCE OF 605 FT.ft JOB NO. 1018. en roll call the foreqoinq ResollltiO:R .. dltly passed. and adopted by the followin.g Tote: AYFB: COUNCILMEN: Pearson. 0000,. Fry and Wisser. NOm3: COONCII.MEN: None AmENT: COUNCILMEN: Sch\ltte The Mayor declared the foreqoittq Resolution duly passed. and adapted.. 1726 . ,qi;~~~4p. )\DAh~..~l{;tqal~;f:~ll,ia~ 5~,t~r a~A ~9~~ ...... .7 :~Q~.l p.lJ)t1o. '\ .~ :', ' CANVASS OF RETURNS OF SPECIAL ELECTION: BALt~nAT.R ANlfRXA.'T'TON: ~yor Pearson appointed CouncilJlan Coons" Inspector and Ccnmcil.man Wisser and Councilman Fty t1 Judges for the purpose of oanvassing the returns of the yotes cast at the Special Election held October 16, 1956 for the annexation of territory kncnm. and deaiqna.ted a.s the Ball~Dale Annexation" !~ The tally list and Roster of Voters were ctJl'l1pATed with the sem.i-.official returns sUbmitted and found to coincide; thereupong CO'\tnei1.Jrtal\ Coons decla.red the re- sult of the Tote,s cast at the polls II The Canvassing Board then proceeded to cattV4SS the absentee Tots" The City Clerk: reported that six (6) absentee ballots had been issued and that the signatures on the application for said absentee Toters" ballots were checked with the original affidavit of reqistration as oontained in the Grand Req1sters of their respective Oranqe Ccnmtyprecincts and found to ct)~^re. As a further checkg the Gr8lld. Reg-iaters con- taining the original affidavit of those requ.estinq absentee Toters' ballots were pre- sented and the signatures appearing on theapplicaticms for absentee ballots, teqether wi th the signatures appea.rinq on the identification envelopes of the aDsent Toters' ballots, were checked by the CanTassinq Board and foundg by them.o to a~rea The CllnTUS proceeded accord1nq to law, and the ballots were deposited in the ballot box, remov~o tallied, and the results declared., Councilmim Wis6er lIlOYed that the l'A)"roll for the election officers be ap. proTed, Councilmim Coons seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. R1.S0LUTION NO. S529: Coun(~ilman Wiss'er offered Resolution No. 3529 ud 1UJVed for its passage and adoption. RE30LUTION NO. 3529, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CAUSING A RECORD OF CANVASS OF Rr....ltnms OF SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE .E1i~EHED UPON ITS MINUTES. :~ WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Anaheim has canvassed the returns of a certain special annexation election held on the 16th day of October 9 1956., in oertain unincorporated territory sought to be annexed to said City of Anahe.!m;and WHEREAS6 said City Council has caused. a record to be.__cle of the canVilS.8 of returns of said election" 1Nhich record is entitledn -"RECORD OF C1\.NVASS OF ~.l'UHNS OF SPECIAL ANNEXATION ELECTION HELD cx;TOBER 16, 1956.- NOW" THEREFORE" BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the Citycf Anaheim that said record of canTaSS of returns of said election .be, and the same is hereby order ed a entered upon the Dlinutes of said City Council. THE FOREGOING RE30LUTION is siqned and approTed by me this 23rd day of October, 1956. , H" .~ . J."~/..CJI!V3i~L ::A., .1~~Q~ .'IA , "_. ( . \ . :MAYOR OF THE em OF ANAHEIM' A'rrM3T: d1411ct~ '~F ~~'oF ANAHiiM .. ,~ On roll call the foregoing Resolution was chtly passed and adoptedby' the following Tot.: AYE3: NOm: AreDT : COUNCII..MEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: Pear80n~ Coonag FlY and Wisser. None Schutte. The Mayor declared the foreqoinq Resolutio~ duly passed. and a.dOpted. \ 1721 c,~ ty~A ..A.1V\ht;~; .~~~.qXl\~aJt Oct~X;%,~t .19;~9 \! =:,(tQ, ~ .J1:., -\ RECORD OF CMlfASS OF .REtu~ OF SPECIAL AN~ION ;ELECTION HELD ocorOBER 16/1 1956. II. .J 'd._ -A r'~ The City Ccnmcil of the City of l\JUlhe1. herelly ~s a record of oanvass of ..l~l\i.l'ltB of special annexatiOn electionD Said special armexation election lGl8 held on the 16th day of October, 19561 in the manner provided by laVa That for said election said City Counoil duly established t'WD Toting-- precincts which WIe designated as the Ball-Dale Annexation Vf.rtinq Precinct NOa 1 and the Ball-Dale Annexation Votinq Precinct NOD 20 That the polling place for the Billl-Dale Anneu.ti01l Votiaq Precinct Hots 1 Wll.sf!stablished and maintained at the Western Junior Hiqh Soh.olt 9411 South Western,. Oranqe COlD'ltYI California, that the l'Ollingplaee for the &.11- Dale Annexation Votinq Precinct No. 2 was established and maintained at the Burt J. Leyel- residence.f 9921 Sherrill, Oranqe Countyit' California, and both polling places as were located within the hereinafter described. unincorporated territory. The description of the property proposed to be included. in the annexat ion known as the BJ.\.U.,..'DALE ANNEXATION i. as follO'W'S. ~ A tract of land -being -a portion of Sections 18 and 19, Tcnmship 4 South, Range 10 Westl and Sections 10, 11, 13, 14. 15, 2.2~ 23 and %4 of Tcnm.- ship 4 Southg Range 11 West, Sa Bo Bo & M.. and JIlOre particularly described as follows : Beqinninq at an ang'le point in the existinq Anahei1lt City: ,Limits line liS established by the Gilbert street No. .2 Anne:xati.on to the City of Anahe1mg Annexaticm No. 56 as pa.saed by Ortii""",,,e No. tt6 on June 141 1955# and filt!d. with the Secretary of State on July IS, 1955W' said point a.lso being the Sout1\-:-' ea.steorner of Lot 22, Tract 976 as sh01rl1l. on a map thereof recorded in Book 24 at Page 28 Misoellane<nts Mapsa Records of Oranqe County" thence" 1. Westerly 288.0.0 feet.- llOre or less, along the south line of Lots 2% and 21 of said Tract No. 1!Sg toa point of in-teraection with a line parallel with and 10,00 feet easterly>> measured at right angles,. fram the west line of ~ said Lot 211 thence,.. 2lt Northerly 260 ~ 00 feet, lIIt.t-re or less,., alonq sa.id. last mentioned puallel llneand its northerly prolongation to a pe>fnt in the northerly line of the northeast one-qua.:tter of the south_.st t of said S4k:tion 18,T4S" RIOW, San Bernardino Base and M"eridianj thenoe.. 3. Continuing northerly twenty feet, 1IIO're or less, along said northerly prolonqe.ticm to a point twenty feet northerly as~,nred at riqht angles frGDl said northerly line of the NEt of the SWi of Section 18, T4S, Rl0W.. S. Ba 1311 & M.~, and said center line of Orange Anmlle,. said point being en theexisti:nq Anaheim. City T~tntlts line as established by the Grivey An1temtion to the City of Anaheim, Annex- ation No. 45 aspaBSed by Ordinance NO.93C on September 28, 1954 <<nd filed with the Secretary of State on NQvUlber 1, 1954, thence... 4. W.-terly 348 feet,. m.ore or less" alcm.q a lintt J*,rallel t6-and twenty feet nort.herly of said northerly line of the NEt of the sWi of Section 18" T4S,. RIOW,. S. B. Be & Mil" and en the'soUtherly line of said Srivey Anne~tion to the JrtOst south- wsterly cerner of said Grivey Annexation; thence, 5. Nertherly alcmq the waterly line of said GriT'" Amtexation to the n.rt~t corner thereof,. Rid. point also _inq an anglepoil1t ill th~ Gil.bert street AnD:ta.Ja.tion to the City of AJutheiJa as )*.ssed by Ordinano~ No. 868 and filM wi th the Secretary of state.. January 11, 1154; thence" 6. Cont1nllinq northerly a distance 'of 14.40 feet to an anqle point; thence, 1. Westerly along the existinq Anaheim City T.imits IiI\'8 to the northweflt corner of the southeast fiT$ acres of the swt of the NWi of Secti.on 18, T4S.. RIOW; S.E. B. & M; thence, 1128 i ." '. ,., ,. _ ,.. Ii (~~~~~A A~',~~I ~9~i~f,~:r.l\iA't Oc:t;~r 1~~~-,~9$.~,~ 17:J~ft .P-'I-;M.\~ " .. y,' ';'"W .~J \ 8. Southerly alonq the existing Anahei1l. City Limits line and the westerly line of said southeast five acres to a point in the northerly right of )fa.y line of Oranqe Avenue said point beinq 20 feet north of the so:u.ther ly line of the NWi of said Section 18g T4Su RIOWg Sa En B.. &: M, thenoe, 9. Westerly alonq the eJCistinq Anaheim City T.,jJltits line'g said line being- 21) feet north of and parallel with the southerly line of the NWt of sa.id Section 18, T4S, RIOW, S. Bo Bs & Me to a. point distant 3D feet east m.ea.surEd at riqht anqles from the wsterly line of said Section 18; thene'., 10.. Southerly 35 feet, more or lesa" alonq a line para.llel 1dtha.nd 30 feet easterly as 1II8asUred. at right angles to the vesterl,. line of Baid Section 18 to a point 15 feet acnrth as lIt(MlIlU"edat right angles fram. the south line of NW! of said Section 18J thenceg 11. Westerly 1S30 feet, ntore or lessq along- a line parallel with and 15 feet southerly as measured at right angles from the south line of the NW! of Section 18, T4S, RIOW, Sa B" B. & M.g, and the seuth lines of the NEt and the NWi of Section 13.1 T4St RIOWtl S" BI! B., & M.and the NEt of Section 14[/ T4SJ" RllWg- S. BII' BII and Mal to a point of intersection with a line parallel With and 2tt feet ea.sterly of the west line of the SEt and NEt of said Section 14; thence, 12. Northerly 1980 feet, more or lesso along said parallel line to a pctint in the south line of the NWi- of the NEt of aaid Section 141 theltCel1 13. Easterly 6413 feet.tmore or les811 along 8il1d south liae of NWi of NWt of NEt of Section 14 to the SE corn.ref said NWi of NWiof NEt of .aid Seotion 14" said point Also being the SW corner of Tract No. 403 aB shawn. on a map ther~of re- corded in BOCk 16 at Pa.qe 11 of Miscellaneous Maps, Recorda of Orange County; Californial thenc" tJ 14.. Northerly 640 feetg more or lessg alcmq _at line of said Tract No.. 4t13 to .. point of intersection with a liae parallel with and. so.o'a feet slhttherly" as trtMllUntd at riqht anqlesg frClDl the nerth Sectin line of said Section 14>> T4S, RIIW, Sa B. BII & M., thencea. ISo Westerly 2330 feet" more or less. alonq said para.llel line to&. point in the southerly J)rolonqation of the westerly line of theeast35D feet of the sWi of SWi- of Section 11, T4S, Rl1W, S. BII B. & M.; thence, 16. Northerly 60 feetg JItOre or le.s.alonq said southerly prolongation of the westerly line of the &ast 350 feet of the swt of the swt of said Section ll~ to a point 30 feet northerly of the swth line of said Section 11, theno., 11 . Westerly alonq a line 3.0 feet north as ...suredat right angles to and para.llel with the northerly line of S-eotion 140 T4S,b RIIWg S. B. B. &: M.R' to a. point 3D feet west as meB.suredat riqht angles frOll the easterly line of S.,t1on ID~ T4S" RIIW, S~ B. Bo &: M., and 30 feet north as ",flUred at right angle. fram the north-' erly line of Section 15, T4S, RIIW[/ S. B. B. & Mil; thence,. 18.. Southerly alonq a line 30 feet.. _st, as measured at riqht angles frOJll the easterly line of Sections 10, 15 and. 2% in T4S, RIIWgS. B. BD &: MQ to the point of intersection ~th the northeast.rly line of the Pacific Electric Railway's right of way, 100 feet 1ddel thence" ~ 19. Southeasterly along said Pacific Electric Railway right of way line to a point of intersection with the south line of the lQ- of the Hi af Secticm %3, T4S" RI1W, S. B. B. & Mill' thenceg . 20. Easterly ..long the south line of said Ni of the Nt of Section 2! to it point on the westerly line of the NEt of the NEt of said Section %S; thenoe, ~lD Northerly along the westerly line of the NEt of NEt of sa.id Section 2:3 to a point on the north line of the southerly ten acres of the NEt of the HE! of said Section 23; thenceg 1129 ...,. '1Ii1~ .' .~ ,qit}" f\aAl~t\ ~~~t. C-;.J.).,fo~~J\~'t'qqt,~t '~'~"i);~~~S~f , ~ '.'f v , , -.' . ,f ; .n! ' 22. Easterly along the north line of the southerly ten acres of the NEt of the NEi of said Section 23 to a point on the west line of the Ei of the NEt of the NEt of said Section 23; thenceq 23. Northerly along the west line of the Ei of the NEt of the NEt of said Section 23 to a point an the southerly line of the NEt of the NEt of the NEt of said Section 23; thenceg (' 24. Easterly along the southerly line of the NEt of the NEt of the NEt of said Section 23 to the east line of said Section 23; thenoe,. 25. Continuinq easterly along the sOlltherly line of the Ni of the Ni of the Ni of Section 24 and the easterly prolO1'lgation thereof to the easterly r1qht of way line of Magnolia Avenue; theJlce, 26. Southerly along the easterly riqht of way line of said Magnolia Avenue to the north line of Lot 11 of the p. A. Stanten Tract as shown on a map thereof recorded in Book 5, Pages 23 and 24, Miscellaneous Maps,. records of Orange County; thence, 21. Easterly along the north line of said Lot 11 to a point of inter-..: section with the westerly line af Lot 15 of said p. A. Stanton Tract,; thence, 28 D Northerly along the west.rly line of sa.id Lot 15 to the northerly line thereof; thence, .29. Easterly alonq the northerly line of said Lot 15 to the north&ast corner thereof, thence, 30. Continuillg easterly 40 feet, ntOre or less, to the southwest corner of Lot 6 of said P41 A. stanton Tract; thenceg r: 31. Northerly alonq the westerly line of said Lot 6 and its nertherly prolongation to the northerly right of 1fi[)" line of Ball Ro.ad, said northerly right of way line also being- the sOllt:herly line of Tract No., 781 as shcnm. on lltap thereof recorded in Boot 24" Page 9" MiscellaneQus Map, recQrdJI of Orange CountYI thenceF 32~ Westerly along the southerly lille ofsa.id Tract 781 and the northerly right of way line ofsa1d Ball Road to the south~st cornerefsaid Tract No. 181J thence, 33, Northerly along the westerly line of said Tr.ct 781 to the north-: west corner thereofg said corner also being the southwest corner of Traot 196 as shown on a map thereof recorded in Book 24, Page 28, Miscellaneous Maps, recerda of Oranqe County; thence8 34. Northerly along th.e westerly line of said Tract 796 to the n.r~ _st corner thereof,sa.1d. northwest corner also heinq in the IJoutherly riqht of way line of Orange AYeJllle ('8 feet wide); thence, 350 Easterly along the northerly line of Lots 1 and 2 and Lot 10 Blook A of said Tra.ct196 and the southerly right of way line of Oranqe Avenue {5B feet ~de)g a distance of 300.55 feetg more or less, to the northeasterly corner of Lot 2 of said Tract 1960 said northeasterly corner also beinq on the westerly line of Webster Street (60 feet wide), thence~ fl 36. Southerly al.nq the westerly line of said Webst~r street a distance of 104 feets more or lesso to a point of intersection with the westerly prolonqa- tion of Lot 17 of said Tract 796; thence8- 37. Easterly along the southerly line of said Lot 11 and its westerlY prolonqation to the southeast corner of said Lot 17g said southeast corner also beinQ"...in the existing City Limits line of said Tract 196; thence, 1730 Ci ~y !{all,. Anah~~mn Cal..~foI."ni~a .CbtQb~r.231l 19~6 =- 7: 00; P.D.. ~. ......~, _ - '. 1..; It' 38. Northerly alonq the easterly line of said Tract 796 and the existing City LiDdts line to the point of beginning. That the proposition submitted to the electors residing- within said unin-.. corporated territory was: I~ Shall BALL-DALE ANNEXATION be annexed to the City of Anahe~, California, and the property in said BALL-DALE ANNEXATION be, after such annexationg subject to taxation equally with the property ~thin said City of Anaheim, to pay its pro rata portion, baaed upon assessed valuation" of all bonded indebtedness of said City of Anaheim outstanding on September 200 i956, or theretofore authorized? YES NO That said City Council met at its regular m.eeting after the expira.tion of three da:ys from and after the date of s.aid election to canTaS.8 the returns of said election. and at said regular meetinq d.id mal:e and ccmrplete ita canvass of such returns. That from and by its ca.nTasa of such ret1U1\s, said City COlU\cil finds: 1. That the whole nldlber of votes cast at such election was 63.6. 2, That the nUJlber of yotes cut at S\loh electio)l\ in faTQr of annexa- tion as 103, :j : ! 3. That the number of votes cast at such election aqaiRst annexation was %27. 4, That the nDber of ballets received as absentee Totes was 6.:1 5. That the nUJlber of ballots rece! Ted as absentee votes in fa.'J'or of annexation was 2. 6, That the number of ballots recei Ted as absentee Tot.. against annexation was 4j1 .{pl.\ .... t~ll~ I~~- V{~ll~~ ... "':,' I I.. -.,.,. CITY' CLERK: OF THE em OF' ANAHEIM ORDINANCE NO. 1099 COlUlcilllan COOllS offered. Ordinance NOD 109t for fir$t readinq and lUTed for ita passaqe and adoption. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING THE ANNEXATION TO SAID cm OF ANAHEIM OF CERTAIN INHABITED TERRITORY KNOWN AS BALL-DALE ANNEXATION. 11 After hearing read in full the title of Ordinance No. 10" and haTing knOWledge of the contents therein, Counc il.man Wisser lBQved the reading' in full of said. ordinance be waived, Councilman Fry secon.ded the DlOtion. Motion unani- mOUSly carried. 1731 City Ha111lL Anaheimg .Californi.a'i October 23, 1956 <= 7:0.0 P.~M. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING, KATELLA ANNEXATION: Mrso B~ Ao Swanwick, Recorder, was sworn in and requested to take down in shorthand the proceedings~ transcribe the same and file a transcription thereof with the City Clerk to become a part of this recorda ( The City Clerk reported the assessed valuation status of the area as compared to the assessed valuation of the protests previously filed pursuant to the following certificate: STA TE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE s SO CITY OF ANAHEIM I, DENE Me WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that upon receipt of written protests to the inclusion of properties within the proposed KATELLA ANNEXATION, this office checked said written pro- tests to determine the sufficiency thereof, and I FURTHER CERTIFY, that according to the last equalized assessment roll of the County of Orange, State of California, the assessed valuation of privately owned property within said proposed annexation is ..OG.. $ 322,159800 AND, the assessed valuation of property appearing on the Public Utility Rolls, State of California, (Southern California Edison Company) 1 S a 0 0 0 .. 0 0 0 0 (> 0 (J ... 0 0 0 (J Cl l!I 1& . 0 0 0 0 (J 0 0 0 . l!I 0 8 Q 0 <> 0 . .. . .. a . .. . Q GI . . 0 It . ". $ 4,400000 AND, the assessed valuation of property appearing on the Public Utility Rolls, State of California, (Southern California Gas Company), is ..060.(JO..~..o~.eo........Qo.....e.e......o......o.,,~.....0.0.. $ 55,500.00 r- AND I FURTHER CERTIFY, that the total assessed valuation of all land, exclusive of improvements, within the area proposed for an- nexation, IS ..00&0....00.000000..0"..000.0.........OQ5........... $ 382,059.00 AND I FURTHER CERTIFY, that the total assessed valuation of property, exclusive of improvements, owned by persons within said territory proposed to be annexed who have filed written protests and whose ownership I have been able to verify, including those persons re- questing their names to be withdrawn from said written protests, is $ 60,970.00 AND I FURTHER CERTIFY, that the total assessed valuation of property, exclusive of improvements, owned by persons within said territory proposed to be annexed requesting their names be withdrawn from said written protests is ....00........0.................... $ 2,370.00 AND I FURTHER CERTIFY, that the total assessed valuation of properties, exclusive of improvements, which may be owned by persons within said territory proposed for annexation who have filed written protests to said annexation, but whose ownership I have not been able to verify by reason of irregularity in signature, or for other reasons, is .000.30..@.00.00000.0.00e.oo..00...00...000.0.00......00..0.. $ 18,030.00 r- f I I t AND I FURTHER CERTIFY, that the total assessed valuation of property, exclusive of improvements9 which may be owned by persons within said territory proposed to be annexed but whose ownership I have not been able to verify and who have requested their names be withdrawn from said written protest, is Clooa.o........eoOOOQ"... $ 9,020.00 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the City of Anaheim this 23rd day of October, 1956G , / sl Dene M. WillialJ5 DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheime ( SEAL) 1732 . ~ City Hall. Anaheimt California, October 23. 1956 - 7:00 P~M$ Councilman Coons moved that the findings of this Council be that the total assessed valuation of the property protesting the proposed annexation is less than fifty percent as required to stop the annexation proceedingSe Councilman Wisser seconded the motiono MOTION CARRIED. Communication of William Co Steffens requesting that in. the event the annexation proceedings should not be terminated that his property, comprising of approximately fifteen and a fraction acres, be excluded from the annexation pro= ceedings, was submitted and reado ~ The matter was ordered continued to the next regular meeting (November 13, )956) to allow the required additional 10 day period of time for the filing of supplemental protests to the proposed annexation, on motion by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING - SOUTHEAST ANNEXATION: Pursuant to Resolution NOa 3470 duly published in the Anaheim Bulletin and Placentia Courier September 20th and 27th, 1956, and written notices mailed to owners of property within the proposed Southeast Annexation, public hearing was ordered~ No written protests were received and no one present at the meeting objected to the proposed annexation, thereupon, on motion by Councilman Fry, seconded by Councilman Wisser, the matter was ordered continued to November 13, 1956, 7:00 o'clock P.Ms, to allow the required additional ten days for the filing of protests to said annexationa MOTION CARRIEDe ,PUBLIC HEARING, SPECIAL USE PERMIT ~ FRED Lo LIPP, TRAILER PARKs At the request of Mr. Fred Lipp, reconsideration by the City Council of the application for a special use permit to establish a trailer park on property described as located north of Lincoln Avenue9 south of Crescent Avenue and between Magnolia Avenue and Gilbert Street, lying just south of Hampton Streeto The City Council had previously granted the Special Use Permit subject to the presenting of an instrument showing that access rights to the property have been obtained from Magnolia Avenue on the West, which would be the only ingress and egress to the trailer parka ~ Public hearing was previously held on this matter Tuesday, July 17, 1956, 7:00 o'clock PoMo As a result of the public hearings previously held, Resolution Noo 3404 was passed by the City Council denying without prejudice the Special Use Permito The Mayor asked is anyone wished to address the Council on the matter. Mro William O'Keeffe, 8622 Hampton Street, addressed the Council re- presenting other residents in the area in opposition to the granting of the special use permit and stated that the signatures on the petition previously filed favoring the trailer park, were obtained by a slight misrepresentation to the people, in that the people were asked what they would rather have him put in that location, and further, that the increased traffic on Hampton would create a hazardous condition for the residents on the street, being the only ingress or egress to the trailer park" Mro Lipp addressed the Council and stated that the trailer park would be located south of the proposed flood control channel and that he had obtained about 15 signatures of the people on Hampton Street that preferred the trailer park use to any others :1 I I I ) After further discussion on the matter~ the Mayor declared the hearing closed with action to be taken at a later dateo PUBLIC HEARING, RECLASSIFICATION NO. F=56=57-14~ Submitted by David Casty and Hyman Rudofsky, requesting M=l Zoning on ~pproximately 55 acres located at the northeast corner of Ball Road and East Streets. The City Planning Commission9 pursuant to their Resolution Noo 51, re- commended the Reclassification be deniedo 1733 City Hall. Anaheim. California,", October 23. 1956 - 7:00 P.M. The Mayor asked if anyone wished to address the Council on the matter. r Mr. Richard Barclay, Authorized Agent, addressed the Council urging the Reclassification and advised that the owners had originally intended to develop this area into homes, however, it was now felt that the area would better lend itself to industrial development, and that they planned to build the buildings, which are to be of a very high-type structure, on one acre sites with off~street parking and landscaping, which are to be leased by them to reputable private concerns for a period of not less than ten years. The property and the leases will be subject to very strict deed restrictions. He felt that this develop- ment would not devalue the property in the area and that the project would have an assessed valuation of approximately $3,000,000.00. Those addressing the Council in opposition to the change of zone were: Jack Scott, 945 Avocado Street; Lewis Manos, 1409 Norman Avenue; and Gail Beverly, 1413 Norman Avenue. An artist's conception of the proposed development was presented and discussed and a verbal invitation was extended to all those interested to visit a similar development now under construction near the airport in Inglewood. Dr. Vogt,owner of property within the area, addressed the Council urging the reclassification and favoring this type of development in preference to homes. Mr. McClure, owner of property within the area, also favored the M-l Zoning, but wanted the M-l zoning to continue to Vermont Street. I I Mayor Pearson suggested that those persons interested in the matter get together with the Engineer and go over some of the problems involved, and also, the Council wanted more time for further investigation. He thereupon declared the hearing closed and stated action would be taken by the City Council at a later date. PUBLIC HEARING, RECLASSIFICATION NO. F-56-57-17: Submitted by Huber Go Wilson requesting that the property at the southeast corner of West Broadway and Magnolia Avenue be reclassified to C-l for the purpose of erecting a service station on the corner and a neighborhood shopping center with a supermarket (Bob's Supermarket). The City Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 6l, recommended said reclassification subject to the following conditions: 1. The deeding of 10 feet to the City of Anaheim for the widening of Broadway to a 40 foot half-width street. 2. The deeding of 20 feet to the City of Anaheim for the widening of Magnolia Avenue to a 50 foot half-width Street. 3. The installation of curbs, gutter$ and sidewalks on Broadway and Magnolia Avenue. 4. The filing with the Title Company of the Standard Deed Restrictions of the City of Anaheim for C-l, Neighborhood-Commercial. The Mayor asked if anyone wished to address the Council on the matter. r- A gentlemen addressed the Council and stated that the property com- prises four acres and that the supermarket will be approximately 13,000 square feet. Pictures of the market now under construction at the northwest corner of Euclid Avenue and Ball Road were submitted, and the Council was informed that a similar building was planned for this location. The being no further discussion on the matter, the Mayor declared the hearing closed. RESOLUTION NO. 3530.: Councilman Coons offered Resolution No. 3530 and moved for its passage and adoption, authorizing the change of zone as requested subject to the conditions of the City Planning Commission. Refer to Resolution Book, page 1734 City Hallt A~aheim, California. October 23. 1956 - 7:00 PoMo A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT A CHANGE OF ZONF IS NECESSARY IN CERTAIN AREAS OF THE CITY AND THAT ARTICLE IX CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE SHOULD BE AMENDE) TO ACCOMPLISH SAID CHANGE OF ZONE. (F-56-57-17... ~l) On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: 1 AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Coons, Fry and Wissero Nonee Schutteo The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adoptedo PUBLIC HEARING, RECLASSIFICATION NO. F-56-~7-19: Submitted by Louis Laramore re- questing that Lots 52 through and including 95 be reclassified from R-l to R-3, Tract No. 1812, which is located at the northeast corner of Ball Road and Loara Street. The City Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 62, recommended said Reclassification subject to the filing of multiple family deed restrictions covering the types of dwellings to be built with a stipulation that these will be only one-story in heights The Mayor asked if anyone wished to address the Council on the mattero An artist~s conception of the proposed development was presented and the City Council was advised that nothing had been constructed or sold in the area at this time. There being no further discussion on the matter and no protests entered, the Mayor declared the hearing closed. -, I RESOLUTION NO. 35311 Councilman Wisser offered Resolution No. 3531 and moved for its passage and adbption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT A CHANGE OF ZONE IS NECESSARY IN CERTAIN AREAS OF THE CITY AND THAT ARTICLE IX CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE SHOULD BE AMENDED TO ACCOMPLISH SAID CHANGE OF ZONE. (F-56-57-19 - R-3, Tract 1812) On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: mUNCILMEN: mUNCILMEN : Pearson, Coons, Fry and Wissero None. Schutte. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. PUBLIC HEARING, RECLASSIFICATION NO. F-56-57-20: Submitted by Beverly Bulthuis and Richard Lee Hess requesting that property located at the northeast corner of Vermont and South Citron Street be reclassified to R-3. ~ The City Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 63, re- commended said ReClassification, subject to the following conditions: I. The development of the property in accordance with the layout presented. 2. The installation of curbs; gutters and sidewalks on Citron Street and West Vermont Avenue. 3. The deeding of land to the City of Anaheim of a half width street of 2~ feet along South Citron Street. The Mayor asked if anyone wished to address the Council on the matter. 1735 City Hall~ Anaheim. Californiact October 239 1956 - 7:00 PoM" Mro Fred HuddlestuD9 832 Cottonwood Circle, and others addressed the Council in opposition to the proposed reclassification, calling attention to the additional traffic that would endanger the lives of their childreno ",......... A petition containing 22 signatures approving the Reclassification was presentedo Also, a petition requesting that their names be withdrawn from the petition favoring the R=3 zoning, containing 11 signatures was presentedo (6 of the 11 signatures appeared on the petition approving the reclassification) Mrso Beverly Bulthuis addressed the Council and stated that this pro- perty had been in their family for 32 years and was now owned by her brother and her9 that every effort had been made to sell the property and that it could not be sold under the present zoning; further~ it was no longer practicable to keep the property as an orange groveo Mrso Roberts, neighbor9 addressed the Council and stated she remembered when the property had been originally purchased by the Hess family, and that it was at a time when top prices prevailedt especially in that location being the nicer part of Anaheim, and that the Hess family paid in excess to $571000.00 for the propertyo She felt it was only fair after all these years of paying their proportionate share of taxes that the property should be rezoned so as to allow the present owne~an opportunity to sell their land and recoup a portion of the losses taken over the past several yearso Mre Fred Co Ewald, Agent~ advised that he had made every effort to sell the property and was convinced that it could not be sold unless it was rezoned$ Further, the purchasers would develop the area by constructing 28 buildings of four units each and with the only access to be limited to Vermont Streeto It was his opinion that there would be no increased traffic on Citron Street. r--\ The prospective purchasers, Volk & McLain, addressed the Council and outlined their plans for development with reference to the set-back, the street improvements, the wall around the entire project, with ingress and egress only to Vermont Street7 and the planting and landscaping of the project which would have continuous care by their own personnelo They further advised, as a point of compromise, that they would build only single story units on Citron Street, however, they would like to keep to the layout as presented as close as possibleo The proposed compromise was not approved by the residents in the areao There being no further discussion on the matter9 the Mayor declared the hearing closedo RESOLUTION NO. 3532~ Councilman Coons offered Resolution Noo 3532 authorizing the change of zone subject to the conditions as outlined by the City Planning Commission and approving the area for R~3 with the exception of the one row of lots to be the minimum lot size as prescribed by our R~l zoning, facing Citron Street~ and the balance of the area to be R~3, further, to be covered by the standard R~3 deed restrictions and conform to the layout as nearly as possible with only slight changes and the wall to be constructed between the R=l and the proposed apartment project9 and moved for its passage and adoption~ Refer to Resolution Book, page ri A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT A CHANGE OF ZONE IS NECESSARY IN CERTAIN AREAS OF THE CITY AND THAT ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE SHOULD BE AMENDID TO ACCOMPLISH SAID CHANGE OF ZONE. (F~56-57-20 R....3) On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote~ AYES ~ NOES ~ ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Coons, Fry, and Wissero Noneo Schutteo The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. 1736 City Hal1g Anahei~. California9 October ~3g 1956 ~ 7:00 PoMo VARIANCE NOo 637~ Submitted by MrsC) Ethel Go Spezia requesting permission to use property at 1002 North Los Angeles Street for manufacturing purposeso The City Planning Commission~ pursuant to their Resolution Noo 71~ granted said Varianceo No action was taken by the City Councilo ~ YARIANCE NO. 638: Submitted by Arnold Construction Company requesting permission to erect a service station at the Southeast corner of North East Street and Romneya Dri ve 0 The City Planning Commission9 pursuant to their Resolution Noo 72, denied said Varianceo No action was taken by the City Councilo VARIANCE NO. 639: Submitted by The County of Orange requesting permission to establish a County Disposal Station (cut and cover system) on various properties located North of Lincoln Avenue and East of Stanton Boulevardo The City Planning Commission, pursuant-to their;,Resolutlql} No. 73, granted 'said Variance for a cut and COVer type of dump wi tho all garbage,tDeesand tree trunks to be excluded and no burningQ As this was a similar request to that of Variance Noo 631, Councilman Coons moved that review of action taken by the City Planning Commission be held and that public hearinq be ordered November 13, 1956~ 7:00 o'clock PoM. Councilman Wisser seconded the motiono MOTION CARRIED. VARIANCE NOs 640: Submitted by Tietz Construction Company requesting permission to erect a double faced directional sign1 16 x 40 feet, advertising the sale of houses and lots in Tract No. 3029~ The sign is to be located approximately 130 feet north of Orangewood Avenue at the northwest corner of Orangewood and Harbor Boulevard. I~ The City Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution Noo 74, denied said Variance. No action was taken by the City Councilo VARIANCE NO. 641: Su~mitted by Park Village Homes requesting permission to erect a temporary directional sign at a point approximately 600 feet east of Stanton Avenue on the South side of Lincoln Avenueo The sign to advertise the sale of houses and lots in Tract Noso 3007 and 23030 The City Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 75, granted said Variance, subject to the following conditions: 1. 20 30 40 50 or highway. 60 Signs will be a maximum size of lO by 25 feetG Signs shall be permitted for a maximum period of 6 months or lesso A permit must be taken out with the Building Department. The name of the sign company must appear on every sign erected. Signs must be 10 feet back of the right~of-way line of any street 25 feet. At the intersection of the streets, the signs must be set back 7. All signs shall have a 6 foot ground clearance. 80 The fee per sign shall be $250000 9. Sign variances shall be permitted for directional signs advertising only tracts within the City limits of Anaheim. :1 No action was taken by the City Councilo VARIANCE NO. 642: Submitted by Robert Clark requesting permission to erect a service station at the northeast corner of North Brookhurst Street and West La Palma Avenueo 1737 ~i.ty_ Hall. Anaheim. California, October 23, 1956 - 7:00P.M. The City Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution NaG 76, granted said Variance subject to the following conditions: 1. The filing with the Title Company of C~l Deed Restrictions covering the balance of property not used for the Service Station and owned by the applicant. 2. Engineering Requirementso ,"'-'" I No action was taken by the City Councilo VARIANCE NO. 643: Submitted by Griffith Brothers, requesting permission to erect a service station on Lots 58 and 59 of Tract No. 1591, to be located at the southwest corner of Euclid and Crescent Avenuese The City Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 77, denied said Variance. Appeal from action taken by the City Planning Commission was filed by Mr. John Griffith and on motion by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Fry, public hearinG was ordered to be held on the matter November 13, 1956, 7100 0~c1ock P.M8 MOTION CARRIED. VARIANCE NOQ 644: Submitted by Mro Jo Mo Hammerman, requesting permission to -install a bowling alley at 312 North Los Angeles Street. The City Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 78, granted said Variance~ subject to the following conditions: 10 Providing off~street parking on Claudina Street on the property available. 2. Providing evidence that the Johnson-Gendel Clinic Parking lot will be available during the evenings and week-endsa ,...-- ~ No action was taken by the City Council. VARIANCE NO. 645: Submitted by Union Oil Company of California requesting per- mission to erect a service station at the northwest corner of Gilbert Street and Ball Road. The City Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution NOe 79, granted said Variance~ subject to engineering requirements. No action was taken by the City Council. VARIANCE NO. 646: Submitted by Doyle and Shields Development Company, requesting permission to erect a temporary directional sign advertising the sale of houses and lots in Tract Noo 2864a Said sign to be located on the Magnolia School District Property on the West side of Magnolia Avenue approximately 300 feet north of Orange Avenueo The City Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 80, granted said Variance, subject to the following conditions: ;1 10 2. 3s 40 5. or highwayo 60 Signs will be a maximum size of 10 x 25 feet. Signs shall be permitted for a maximum period of 6 months or less. A permit must be taken out with the Building Department. The name of the sign company must appear on every sign erected. Signs must be 10 feet back of the right-af-way line of any street At the intersection of the streets, the signs must be set back 25 feet. 7. All signs shall have 6 foot ground clearance. 8a The fee per sign shall be $250000 9. Sign variances shall be permitted for directional signs advertising only tracts within the City limits of Anaheimo No action was taken by the City Council. 1738 City Hall, Anaheim, California, October 23, 1956 ~ 7:00,PoMo VARIANCE NO. 647: Submitted by Archie Fo Thomas, requesting permission to cut three lots having frontages of 75 feet with 7200 square foot lot area to permit one house per lot on property located on the south side of Burton Street between Raymond and Acacia Streets. The City Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 8l, granted said Variance, subject to the following conditions: ~ l~ The deeding to the City of Anaheim of 10 feet for the widening of Burton Street. 2~ The filing of a record of survey map with the County of Orange and the City of Anaheim. 3. The payment of $25.00 per lot for the acquisition of Park and Recreation si tes. 4. Engineering requirements~ No action was taken by the City Councilo RECLASSIFICATION NO. F-56-57-2l: Submitted by Spadrom Estates requesting that Lds 1 through 64, inclusive in Tract No. 2624 be reclassified to R-3. Said tract is located on the north side of Romneya Drive between West Street and Euclid Avenue and abuts the proposed Houston Street Freeway on the North. Public hearinQ was ordered held on the matter November 27, 1956, 7:00 o'clock P.M., on motion by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Fry. MOTION CARRIED. RECLASSIFICATION NO. F-56-57-22: Submitted by Mrs. B. Bo Brunson, requesting pro- perty described as located at the Southeast corner of Lincoln and Stanton Avenues be reclassified to C-3. Public hearinq was ordered to be held on the matter November 27. 1956, 7:00 o'clock PeM. on motion by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Fry. MOTION CARRIED. I~ I COUNTY VARIANCE NO. UV 3256: Submitted on property located on the East side of Avenue. Said property to be used for: by Dream Homes, Inc., requesting Variance Haster Street between Katella and Simmons 10 Furniture Warehouse 20 Machine Shop 3G Shoe Manufacturing and Repair 4e Special Carton Manufacturing 50 Counter Top Manufacturing 60 Trailer Manufacturing The County Variance was referred by them to the City Planning Commission for recommendations. The City Planning Commission recommended to the Orange County Planning Commission that said Variance be denied. Communication from the Dream Homes, Inc. with reference to the City Planning Commission's recommendation on the matter, was submitted and read. No action was taken by the City Council. TRACT NO. 1647: Communication from Mr. Felix H. McGinnis, Attorney, with reference to the immediate installation of improvements within Tract No~ 1647 was referred to ,--, the City Attorney for appropriate action on motion by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Schutte. MOTION CARRIED. (City Attorney to notify the Bonding Company to perform.) TRACT NO. 2913: Communication dated October 11, 1956 from Stanley I. Hart re- questing an extension of one years time to Tract No. 29l3. Six months extension of time was granted by the City Council on motion by Councilman Fry, seconded by Councilman Coonso MOTION CARRIED. 1739 ~ity Hall, Anaheim. California, October 23~ 1956 - 7:00 PaMo TRACT NOS. 2940 AND 2941; Request of Ao R. McDaniel, dated October 15, 1956, for a one year extension of time to Tracts Number 2940 and 294l, was submitted and read. One year extension of time to Tract Noo 2940 and Tract NOG 2941 was granted by the City Council on motion by Councilman Fry, seconded by Councilman Coons. MOTION CARRIED. .r' I I FINAL MAP, TRACT NO. 3067: George Eo Holyoke, City Engineer, reported that the final map was substantially the same as the tentative previously approved and that all necessary fees had been paid and necessary bonds filed and recommended the acceptance of said tracto Final Map of Tract No. 3067 was approved by the City Council subject to engineering requirements on motion by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 3533: Councilman Coons offered Resolution Noo 3533 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer.to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND THE CITY CLERK TO SIGN TRACT MAP NO. 3067 FOR AND ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AS OWNER OF LAND IN SAID TRACT. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote3 r-i \ A YES: NO ES : ABSENT: cnUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wisser. Noneo Nonelt The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted, TRASH CONTRACT, S & H RUBBISH COMPANY: The Administrative Officer recommended that the trash contract between the City of Anaheim and the S & H Hauling be renegotiated due to the increase in the area served since the original contract was entered into~ The S & H Rubbish Hauling requested an increase of 204 per residence, thereby changing the present contract from 45~ per residence to 65~ per residencee The Administrative Officer recommended that an increase of 154 per residence be allowed, thereby increasing the contract from 45~ to 60* per residence. Further discussion was held and the City Attorney was requested to check the present contract with reference to the inclusion of a 30 day termination clause. It was the desire of the City Council that definite provision be made in the contract for the fixing of time for cancellation of the contract by giving reasonable notice thereof. RESOLUTION NOo 3534; Councilman Fry offered Resolution NOel 3534 and moved for its passage and adoption authorizing a change to the contract with the S & H Hauling to incr~ase the rate to 604 per residence and also include a \I- 30 day termination clause. Refer to Resolution Book, page r! A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND S & H RUBBISH HAULING BY INCREASING THE , ~ COMPENSATION PAYABLE TO CONTRACTOR AND AMENDING OTHER PROVISIONS OF THE CONTRACT e On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: 1740 City Hall. AnaheimQ California, October 23. 1956 ~ 7:00 PoMo AYES: NOES: ABSeJT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: Pearson9 Coons~ Fry, Schutte and Wissero None None The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adoptedo NORTHEAST ANNEXATION: The following certificate of the City Clerk was submitted and read: 1 CERTIFICATE RELATING TO SUFFICIENCY OF PETITION FOR THE ANNEXATION OF UNINHABITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) 55 CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that upon receiving a petition for the annexation of certain territory known and designated as the NORTHEAST ANNEXATION, which territory is declared in said petition to be uninhabited, that I examined said petition, the Registration of Voters of the County of Orange, and the last equalized assessment roll of the County of Orange, to ascertain if said territory is uninhabited and to ascertain if said petition is signed by the owners of not less than one~fourth of the land in the territory, by area and by assessed value, as shown on the last equalized assessment roll of the County of Orange and that I have inspected said territoryo I hereby further certify that from such inspection and examinations, I find that less than 12 registered voters resided within said territory at the time of the filing of said petition for annexation and that said territory was at said time uninhabited territory~ I further certify that from such inspection and examination and from a computation of the total area contained in said territory, I find that said petition is signed by the owners of not less than one-fourth of the land in the territory, by area and by assessed value as shown on the last equalized assessment roll of the County of Orange, and that said petition is sufficient in all respects. ~ Dated this 17th day of October, 19560 /s/ Dene Mo Williams CITY CLERK OF -THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ( SEAL) RESOLUTION NO. 3535: Councilman Coons offered Resolution No. 3535 and moved for its passage and adoptiono Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACKNOWLEDGING RECEIPT OF A PETITION FOR THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, DESIGNATING THE TERRITORY AS THE NORTHEAST ANNEXATION; DESCRIBING THE BOUNDARIES OF THE TERRITORY PROPOSED TO BE ANNEXFD AND GIVING NOTICE OF THE DA Y, HOUR AND PLACE WHERE AND WHEN ANY PERSON OWNING REAL PROPERTY WITHIN SUCH TERRITORY SO PROPOSED TO BE ANNEXED MAY APPEAR BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL AND SHOW CAUSE WHY SUCH TERRITORY SHOULD NOT BE ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIMe (Public ~earing to be held November 27, 1956 ~ 7:00 oVclock PoMe) I~ I I I On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: A YES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN~ COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wissere Noneo Noneo The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and ~dopted. 1741 Ci ty Hall, Anaheim, California, October 23... 1956 - 7:00 P.M. HASTER STREET ANNF.XATTON: Request for annexation of inhabited territory known and designated as the Haster Street Annexation was referred to the City Planning Commission for recommendation, on motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Fry. MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 3536: Councilman Coons offered Resolution Nos 3536 and moved for its passage and adoptione r- ! Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY REQUIRE THE CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLETION OF A PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT, T~WIT: THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE SECOND ALLEY NORTH OF LA PALMA AVENUE BETWEEN PATT AND KEMP STREETS, AND THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE SECOND ALLEY SOUTH OF CENTER STREET BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND CLAUDINA STREETS, UNITS "A" AND "B" RESPECTIVELY, JOB NO. 127; AND APPROVING THE DESIGNS, PLANS, PRO- FILES, DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF; AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUCTION OF SAID PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH SAID PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, ETC.; AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH A NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF. (Bids to be opened November 13, 1956, 7:00 PoMo) On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NO ES : ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wisser. None. Nonea The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. - , I TRANSFER OF FUNDS: On motion by Councilman Fry, seconded by Councilman Coons, transfer of $5,640.00 from the contingency fund to the following accounts was authorized. MOTION CARRIED. City Hall Maintenance Public Service Job Order No. 376 $ ~270. 00 3701100 5,000.00 On motion by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Fry, transfer was authorized of $10,000.00 from the contingency fund to the Maintenanc~ and Public Building Fund. MOTION CARRIED. (Power ana electrical system - City Hall) RESOLUTION NO. 3537: Councilman Fry offered Resolution No. 3537 and moved for its passage and adoptions Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING THE EXTENSION OF KATELLA AVENUE EASTERLY OF PLACENTIA ALONG THE VISTA AVENUE ALIGNMENT JOINING WITH THE TUSTIN FREEWAY, AND ENDORSING THE IMPROVEMENT OF SAID KATELLA AVENUE AS EXTENDs), AS PROPOSE) BY THE COUNTY OF ORANGE IN ITS MASTER PLAN FOR THE IM- PROVEMENT OF ARTERIAL HIGHWAYS TO BE MADE TO MAJOR HIGHWAY STANDARDS. Ii On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES~ ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Coons, Fry and Wisser. None<t Schutteo The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NOe 3538: Councilman Coons offered Resolution Noo 3538 and moved for its passage and adoptiono Refer to Resolution Book~ page 1742 City Hall, Anaheim~ California, October 23, 1956 ~ 7:00 P~~. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROPRIATING CERTAIN FUNDS FOR ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, AND AUTHORIZING A CONTRACT WITH THE ANAHEIM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE FOR THE DOING OF SAID ADVERTISING, AND PRO- VIDING FOR COMPENSATION TO THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE FOR SERVICES TO BE RENDERED TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: 1'1 AYES: NO ES : ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Coons, Fry and Wissera Noneo Schutte The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. PLUMBER BONDS: Plumber bonds submitted by Morris Plumbing Company, Smart1s Plumbing Supply, and Gillman Plumbing Company were ordered received and filed when approved by the City Attorney, on motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Schutte. MOTION CARRIED. UNITED NATIONS DAY: Proclamation of the President of the United States proclaming October 24, 1956 to be United Nations Day was submitted and the City Council went on record as urging the citizens of the City of Anaheim to observe said day. Councilman Coons moved to adjourn to 12:00 noon Thursday, October 25, 1956. Councilman Wisser seconded the motiono MOTION CARRIEDe ADJOURNED (! /~\ SIGNED: N~A" - ~)~ Z c;:~ City Clerk -~ ~ ~ I ' Ci.tv Hall., Anah_eim. California. October 25. 1956. 12:00 Noon The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in adjourned regular session. PRESENT: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wissere ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Noneo CITY ATTORNEY: Preston Turner, Present CITY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER: Keith Ao Murdoch, Present RESOLUTION NO. 3539: Councilman Coons offered Resolution No. 3539 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 3146 ENTITLED, nA RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AC- CEPTING THE GRANT FROM THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY OF A RIGHT TO CONSTRUCT, RECONSTRUCT, MAINTAIN AND USE A SEWER LINE IN AND ALONG THE PROPERTY OF THE GRANTORS; AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN INDENTURE COVERING THE CONSTRUCTION, USE AND MAINTENANCE OF SAID SEWER LINE,," {~ , I On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NO ES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wisser. Nonee> None" The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted.