1952/02/28 . -...... PREsENT: COUNCIUOm: Pearson, Wisser, Boney and Heying. ABSENT: COUNCIlMAN: Van Wagoner. CITY ATTORNEY, PRlSTOB TlIRRER: Present. CITY AlImUSmlTIVE OFFICER, KEITH A. IQllOOCH: Present. City Ball. ~naheim.. Calif'orni,.. Fehruarv 28. 1952 - 4:00 P.M. The City Council of the City of Anaheu met in Adjourned lleplar Session. , The meeting was called to crd.r for the purpose of continuing the Public Hearing on Abando.ent Proceedings pursJtant to Ordinance No. 796 of the City of Anaheim. Present representing the M11t~ Citrus hoducts C<lIapany vue Mr. T87lor and .l'ttoraey, Sllith. 10 one was present representing the Kv.lkset Locks Inc. ...., I Administratbe Officer read the following report of the Planning Teahn1cian: As requested by the City CounclU, a short term traffic count, of the portions of Kroeger Street and the adjacent allens proposed to be abandoned was llade by the Planning Caadssion Statf to determine tlle extent to whieh said street and alleys are being used by the general public for vehicular or other traffic. The following table gives the time of count and the nl.lllher of vehicles or pedestrians using said street and/or al1.,.s. All tlaes given are for the day of Feb. 27, 1952: .mtI 10:45 A.M. U:OS A.M. Statt arrived at SCeIle to tate count 5-ton So. Calif. Freight Lin.s Truck -de delivery to Pacific Lightins ~ on Atchison street. Bsed easter17 portion of first alleyusouth of Santa Ana Street to tUI'D l4rolUld. Lett by way of Atchison Street. Did not travel over portions !of street or alley to be abandoned. Sta.ft left scene. Statt arriTea at scene to coJttinue count. End of-traffic count. EVEtlT 1l:.30 A.M. 1:45 P.M. 4:00 P.M. During the tiae of COlUlt, 18 a~l:l1les rllUined parked on either side of t:h. portion of Kroeger street proposed! to be abandoned. They evidently are owned 'b7 -ployees of e1 ther Kwikset Locks, Inc., or Mutual 6i trus Products Co. -I DUring the tae of count no veb1cle or person travelled over the portions of street or alley-a propo8ed to be abandoned. FT.IBl'HJ!:R: The area between East Santa Ana Street, the A. T. IS: S. F. 19'.,. East Water Street and Kroeger Street, was orig.1.n.aJ.J.y laid out as a Resubdivision of Theodore Reiser's Subdivision, Blocks C and D, but was never developed for residential Use. From the location o:f this prop~y and its proxbdty to the railroad, it has been developed for industrial USes and should ha.. been considered for redevelop- ment betore the present t1Jae. , It appears that with all of thef'rontage between South Olive Street and the Mutual Citrus Products plant, owned b.Ji Kwikset, the area can be adequately served by South Olive Street and I8IItIa AtclUson Street as tar as truck traffic is concel'Ded, and by East Water Street as indUstry expands to the south. A 3D-foot alley to the east of tJle alley south of East Santa Ana Street would take care of the two properties illyo#.ved. With industries the life blood ot the ~unity, it is of general pubUc interest that the advanceent of the greatest good to the largest maber, :1ndustr;y should be encourased to expand in aCcordance with their own plans, provided, these plans do not conflict with planning tor th. future. l In this case there is no conflict, and it appears that the changes should be made as outlined in the request. (Signed by Charles M. Shartle, Planning Technician) The following report was made by the AdUai.trative Of'ficer: In addition to the actual traffic count and survey, the traffic conditions r have been noted on several peevious occasi<*1s by the Chiet ot POlice, PlUDirtg ~neer and City Engineer individually. Since neither Kroeger Street or Atchison Street are -improved very f'ar south of' Santa Ana Street, there is no public traf"fic nov f'roa one -street to the other except through the existing alley south of and parallel to Santa Ana Street. '!be traf'f'ic through this -alley is very light, but does consist or large trucks. Citv Hall. AnabAillJ. ea:u.rOrn1a. Fehruarv 28. ],952 _ 4:00 P .)(. 243 lilt- The proposed red~opaent of' the street pattern in this area by providing a J.D foot roadvq from Santa Ana Street to the first alley south thereof and con- tinuing with a 30 foot alh;rway south to Water Street would open the area for cir- culation of traffic serving -the lots facing Atchison Street. Mr. Saith introdllced Mr. Taylor who brought a problem of theirs of getting the bollers in and out of ~s area. '!bey have four bollers froa Z4D Horsepover to 200 Borsepover and about 18 feet in length. This problem vas discussed by all and decided proposed abandoIaent proceed- ings and re1oeat:Lon of al1~ would not materially affect the operations necessary to the boilers, as totheip removal. Councilman Heying lIoved, atter hearing the Staff Report and that of Mr. Murdock's to the effect that JUooeger Street is not particular17 ased-as a public street and don't serve the interest or tlle COlBDlunity, & being no reason vh7 ve should not abandon it and open the alleys,. as reCOlllDended by the report, that the City Attorney prepare neces$&r,y Resolution,-an order for abandonment.of that portion of Kroeger Street and those portions of the two alleys describeEi in the Ordinance of Intention. Cotmailaan Wisser seconded the motion. MOTI9N CiBRIEd. '!be foregoing motion vas regularly adopted by the folloving vote ot the Dleabers thereo.f: AYES: COtJNClLMU: Pearson, Wisser, Reying and Boney. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COtIlCI1Mtl: Van Vaaoner. Mr. Smith in behalt ot Mutual Citrus Products Co. thanked the MqGr and Council for their colU"tisiea and patience as shoVll to everybody, :t'urther statbg they knev the Council had conscientiously tried to be fair to everybocq, and do what vas right. . _ . , CQlfUNICATION: From Defense Production Administration requesting the sa'riDg ot tin cans for copper reco"ery vas discussed. Mr. Murdoch vas requested to I'urther stud7 the situation and report the f'easibilit;y of' our Participation in the plan. SIGll: Across Los .Angeles StI'eet welcoming the H01lyvood stare was apProved by the OOlDlcll. CHiNGE ORDIR NO. 2 - ANAHeim trunk sever: A. ClaaDge in sever main locations on Veraont between r..on and Bast Streets, and B. Change in ~l. locations on Ball Road, \las approved on motion by Councilaan Wisser, seconded by Counoilaan Heying. MOTION CARRIED. CHANGE OIlIER NO. :3 - AlWiEIM bUCK SEWER: Change in manhole locations on Veraont vas appzooVed on motion by eolacllaan Boney, seconded. by Councilman Heying. MOnON CABlUED. REsOLUTION NO. 1930: Counci~ Heying ottered Resolution No. 1930 and JaOved for its passage and adoption. CoUl1cilaan Bolley seconded the .-otion. MOTA C'4nnp. refer to ResolutiGD Book J page * C.? J ~ {' j ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF j~RR:Df FilING COMPENsAnON OF CERTAIN EMPLOYEES OF SlID CITY, PBOVIDING FOR PHYSICAL lUAHINAnONS, HOLIDAYS AND VACATIONS, AND .REPUl.ING REsOLUTION NO. 1844. On roll cdl the tO~ing resolution vas dul,y passed and adopted by the following vote: .lIEs: COUNCILMIIh Pearson, Wisser, Heying and Boney. NOES: COUXCILMIN: None. ABSEIT: COtDfCILMAN: Van Vago~er. ihe Mayor declared ~e foregoing Resolution dul,y passed and adopted. Councilman Visser lIO.ed to adjourn. Councilaan Heying seconded the motit>n. MOTION CAlUUED. ADJ'OUlUlED . SIGBED ~i~if~. ty Clerk