1957/08/13City Hall, Anaheim, California, August 13, 1957 7 :00 P.M. The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in regular session. PRESENT: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wisser. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. CITY ATTORNEY: Preston Turner, Present CITY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER: Keith A. Murdoch, Present. MINUTES: The Minutes of the regular meeting held July 23, 1957, adjourned regular meeting held July 30, 1957 and adjourned regular meeting held August 6, 1957, were approved, on motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Schutte, MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION N0. 4035: Councilman Fry offered Resolution No. 4035 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING AND DIRECTING THE PAYMENT OF DEMANDS AGAINST THE CITY AS OF AUGUST 13, 1957. ($474,489.54) On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. BID PROPOSALS WORK ORDER NO. 1486: On motion by Councilman Schutte, seconded by Councilman Wisser, the City Clerk was instructed to open bid proposals, pursuant to Resolution No. 4024 and legal notice duly published in the Anaheim Bulletin August 2nd and 8th, 1957, for the installation of an 18 inch steel cylinder concrete water line, together with 6, 8 and 10 inch stub lines as indicated on the plans, in Ball Road from West Street to Lemon Street, Work Order No. 1486. MOTION CARRIED. Graven Company 8736 Palm Avenue Bellflower, California A. H. Famularo P. 0. Box 239 Santa Ana, California AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Coons, Fry, Schutte... and &i.sser,.. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. Camco Construction Co., Inc. P. 0. Box 2127 Fullerton, California Refer to Resolution Book, page BIDS RECEIVED (Accompanied by a bid bond in the amount of 10 (Accompanied by a bid bond in the amount of 10 J. E. Young Pipe Line Contractor, Inc. (Accompanied by a 931 E. Rosecrans Ave. bid bond in the amount Los Angeles 2, California of 10 (Accompanied by a bid bond in the amount of 10 S E Pipeline Construction Company (Accompanied by a bid bond 13736 Mulberry Drive in the amount of 10 Whittier, California RESOLUTION NO. 4036: Councilman Schutte offered Resolution No. 4036 and moved for its passage and adoption. 2181 —A 39,452.29 34,696.71 29,197.55 25,087.56 23,605.52 On motion by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Fry, all bids were referred to the City Engineer for tabulation and report. MOTION CARRIED. After tabulation, George E. Holyoke, City Engineer, reported the S E Pipeline Construction Company to be low bidder ($23,605.52) and recommended the acceptance of said bid. 2182 Cit Hall Anaheim Ca ifornia Au•ust 13 1957 7 :00 P.M. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A SEALED PROPOSAL AND AWARDING THE CONTRACT TO THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER FOR THE FURNISHING OF ALL PLANT, LABOR, SERVICES, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT, AND ALL UTILITIES AND TRANS— PORTATION, INCLUDING POWER, FUEL AND WATER, AND PERFORMING ALL WORK NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT AND COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT: INSTALLATION OF AN 18— INCH STEEL CYLINDER CONCRETE WATER LINE, TOGETHER WITH 6, 8 AND 10 —INCH STUB LINES AS IND GATED ON THE PLANS, N BALL ROAD FROM WEST STREET TO LEMON STREET, WORK ORDER NO. 1486. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wisser. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. PUBLIC HEARING SET —BACK LINES: Pursuant to Legal Notice duly published in the Anaheim Bulletin, July 31, 1957, public hearing was held on the establishment of uniform set —back line on the north side of West La Palma Avenue, west of Euclid Avenue, The Mayor asked if anyone wished to address the Council. Mr. Dysinger, owner of Lot No. 24, west of the swimming pool, addressed the Council, stating that in his opinion the set —backs should be the same as that of the swimming pool which extends to the curb line. Mr. Ray Spehar, owner of 22 lots, being No. 16, 17 and one —half of 15, addressed the Council, and advised that the building he has under construction is set —back 63 feet to allow for front parking, and that an additional 10 feet at the rear of the lot has been reserved for the possible future dedication for an improvement of an alley. Mr. Spehar presented to the Council a petition containing signatures of owners of lots 4 through 24, approving the 63 foot set —back and allowing for front parking. He further advised that the petition represented all owners cf property with the exception of the property owned by Mrs. Neighbors and Mr. Dysinger, and represented all the area east of the swimming pool with the exception of the two lots immediately west of the service station. Mrs. Snowden, owner of property to the east of the Neighbors property, addressed the Council and questioned whether there would be sufficient room to turn a car around, should she fence her lot. Mr. Neighbors advised the Council that the driveway that is proposed for their improvement would be entirely on their own property, that their original plan showed a 34 foot set —back and they would rather have the rear area available for parking and deliveries To him it was a matter of opinion and they preferred a 34 foot set —back which would give parking in the front and also in the rear. Much discussion resulted from the differences of opinion as to the exact location of the Anaheim Union Water Company ditch. Mr. Joe Neighbors addressed the Council and advised that across the street from their location a business is established with an approximate 24 foot set —back and to force them to a 68 foot set —back, in his opinion, would be discrimination and detrimental to their ability to rent the units. Mr. Walter C. Kubriki, owner of Lots 9 and 10, favored the uniform 63 foot set —back. He advised that he operated a barber shop on Euclid that has both front and rear areas available for parking, and that no one used the rear parking lot. Keith A. Murdoch, Administrative Officer, referred to the many lots being in individual ownership, having a frontage of 50 feet, and in order to provide for parking in the rear without some alley or other access to the rear of the building it would be necessary to take a driveway off the width of the lots which are already rather small, and if the parking were in front, it would utilize as much of the lot as possible for building purposes and still allow for necessary parking, which would be readily accessible. City Hall, Anaheim,, California, August 13, 1957 7 :00 P.M. Mr° Murdoch further stated that the property is not officially zoned C -1 as the Council established certain conditions of rezoning which have not been complied with by all the owners involved, therefore, actual zoning has not yet taken place. Mrs. Neighbors advised that their improvement would involve a C -1 type business. 2183 Further discussion was held regarding the necessity and advantages of an alley to commercial properties. Mr. Peterson of the Anaheim Union Water Company, advised that if the individual owners would install a pipeline and re -write the easements to the Anaheim Union Water Company, an additional 10 feet would be available for alley purposes. The cost of installing a pipeline was considered. Councilman Coons moved that the hearing be continued for one week (August 20. 1957) to allow the City Engineer to determine the exact location of the water alley in relation to the properties involved and the approximate cost of an alley improvement, and further to take into consideration the ad- ditional points that have been brought out, such as the set -back of the service station and the swimming pool. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion, MOTION CARRIED. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARTJG VARIANCE NO. 775: Submitted by Mrs. May Beatty Neighbors, et al, requesting permission to build a commercial building at 1719 W. La Palma Avenue. Said hearing was ordered further continued to August 20, 1957, 7 :00 o'clock P.M., for consideration of set -back requirements, on motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Coons© MOTION CARRIED. FINAL MAP TRACT NO. X 3248: Located on the southwest corner of Euclid and La Palma Avenues (Euclid Property Management Corporation). George E. Holyoke, City Engineer, reported that the final map was substantially the same as the tentative map previously approved, and the bonds have been presented and all fees paid, and recommended the approval of said final map, subject to the approval by the City Attorney of the required bonds. Councilman Coons moved that the final map of Tract No. 3248 be approved, subject to the approval by the City Attorney of the required bonds, and further subject to the filing of deed restrictions on the C-1 lots showing a minimum of 60 foot building set -backs on Euclid Avenue. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Shinn, developer of Tract Nov 3248, was present, and advised that the company had no plans for any development to be less than 60 feet set -back and possibly the buildings would be set -back further, and agreed to place this condition in deed restrictions, FINAL MAP TRACT NO. 3267: Located approximately 356 feet west of Harbor Boulevard on the south side of Orangewood Avenue. George E. Holyoke, City Engineer, reported the final map was substantially the same as the tentative map, that bonds have been filed and all necessary fees paid and recommended the approval of said map. Final map of Tract No. 3267 was approved by the City Council, subject to engineering requirements, on motion by Councilman Fry, seconded by Councilmal Schutteo MOTION CARRIED. TRACT NO. 3167: Communication from the Anaheim Union Water Company, dated August 5, 1957, was submitted and read, calling attenti to an existing 12" pipeline, which must be relocated to conform to lot lines, and, due to an oversight, necessary easements were not issued prior to the recordation of the tract map, and requesting the City approve the relocation of these lines within 2184 City Hall, Anaheim, Caglifornia, August 13, 1957 7 :00 P.M. the public utility easements. On the recommendations of the City Engineer, Councilman Wisser moved that the request for the joint use of the public utility easement be granted. Councilman Fry seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. TRACTS 2780 AND 3044: Communication from the City of Buena Park with reference to approval of sanitary sewers within T No 2780 and 3044 was submitted, and ordered received and filed. TRACT NO. 3251: Communication from Mr. William Gutosky, dated August 1, 1957, Was submitted and read, requesting waiver of sidewalks on Rose Street and also on that portion of Santa Ana Street fronting M -1 lots, and stating his reasons therefor. At this time, City Engineer, George E. Holyoke, presented to the City Council a sketch of a design for industrial streets (Rose Street) which eliminates sidewalks as such, however, retains a 20 foot building set —back on Rose Street. Discussion was held on the design of this industrial street (Rose Street) and Councilman Schutte moved that the engineering design and sketch be approved and further that a temporary waiver of sidewalk requirements across Lot No. 25 of this tract be granted. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. REQUEST: Request of Jeanne L. Houtchens for permission to give an archery demonstration at the Royal Hawaiian Restaurant, August 14, 1957, was granted on motion by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Wisser. The Council asked that proper safety precautions be taken. MOTION CARRIED. PETITION STOP SIGN: Petition requesting stop sign at the intersection of Dale and Orange Avenues was submitted, The Administrative Officer reported that stop signs at this location have already been installed. HOUSE TRAILER: Communication from Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hunt was submitted and read, requesting permission to park a house trailer on their property located at 1428 East Vermont Street (approximately one acre) to provide a home for Mr. Hunt's aged mother. Mr. Hunt addressed the Council and stated he was sure there would be no objections from any of the neighbors, however, if there were, he would get rid of the trailer; further, that he would screen the trailer from the highway. Councilman Fry moved that the request be granted for this use; that the trailer be located 100 feet from the center line of the street, and screened. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. TENTATIVE MAP TRACT NO. 3278: Held over to meeting of August 20, 1957. TENTATIVE MAP TRACT NO. 3301: Held over to meeting of August 20, 1957. RECLASSIFICATION NO. F- 56- 57 -83: Submitted by Subdivision Finance Corporation, re— questing R -3 zoning on Lots 1 and 14, Tract No 1647, which is located at the southwest corner of Cerritos Avenue and Walnut Street. Public hearin• was ordered to be held September 3, 1957, 7 :00 o'clock P.M., on motion by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Schutte. MOTION CARRIED. RECLASSIFICATION NO. F- 57 -58 -4: Submitted by Fairfield Homes, Inc., requesting M -1 and R-3 zoning on property described as Lots Nos. 9, 10, 15 and 16 of the Helen and Lynch Subdivision, which is located at the southeast corner of Broadway and Loara (approximately 30 acres). Public hearing was ordered to be held September 3, 1957, 7:00 o'clock P.M., on motion by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Schutte. MOTION CARRIED. VARIANCE NO. 787: Submitted by W. M. Lutes, requesting permission to erect an eight unit motel on property at 8620 Lincoln Avenue (south side of Lincoln Avenue, east of Dale Avenue). 2185 City Ha11 Anaheim, California, August 13, 1957 7 :00 P.M. The City Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No 21, Series 1957 -58, granted said Variance, subject to the following conditions: 1. A 15 foot setback from the property line. 2. Providing a roadway and parking area west of the Motel of 36g feet. 3. Construction of motel in accordance with plans presented. No action was taken by the City Council. VARIANCE NO. 794: Submitted by Joe Elias, requesting permission to build a two bedroom home on the front of property located at 301 East Water Street (between Philadelphia and Claudina Streets). The City Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 23, Series 1957 -58, denied said Variance. No action was taken by the City Council. VARIANCE NO. 795: Submitted by Westport Development Company, requestin g permission to subdivide a parcel, located on the east side of Placentia Avenue between Anaheim —Olive Road and Virginia Avenue, into lots to be used for C -1 zoning, R -3 and C -3 purposes. The City Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 24, Series 1957 -58, granted said Variance, subject to the following conditions: to Filing deed restrictions limiting Lot 1 for service station only. 2. Filing deed restrictions on Lot 15 for C -1 uses. Action by the Council was withheld to August 20, 1957, on motion by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. VARIANCE NO. 796: Submitted by Walker and Lee, Inc. requesting permission to erect a dry cleaning plant and quick service family shirt laundry on property located on the east side of Brookhurst Street, between Ball Road and Orange Avenue. The City Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 25, Series 1957 -58, granted said Variance, subject to the following conditions: 1. Obtaining a clearance from the Orange County Air Pollution Board. 2. The erection of the building in accordance with the rendering submitted. Review of action taken by the City Planning Commission was ordered by the City Council to be held September 3, 1957, 7 :00 o'clock P.M., on motion by Councilman Schutte, seconded by Councilman Coons. MOTION CARRIED. VARIANCE NO. 797: Submitted by Clyde A. Finley, requesting permission to use property located at the northwest corner of Bali Road and Western Avenue as an auto repair shop and residences The City Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 27, Series 1957 58, granted said Variance, subject to the following conditions: 1. The deeding to the City of Anaheim of 20 feet along Western Avenue for street widening. 2. The deeding to the City of Anaheim of 20 feet along Ball Road for street widening. 3. Construction of the building in accordance with the plans presented. 4. Engineering requirements. Appeal from action taken by the City Planning Commission was filed by Mr. and Mrs. Hal M. Eastwood, and others. Councilman Coons moved public hearing be held September 3, 1957, 7 :00 o'clock P.M. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. 2186 Cit Hall Anaheim C ifornia Au u st 13 1 7 :00 P.M. VARIANCE NO. 798: Submitted by Horace T. Crain, requesting permission to have an auto electric repair and tune -up shop with required amount of supplies on property at 8942 East Lincoln Avenue (south side of Lincoln Avenue between Magnolia and Dale Avenues). The City Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 28, Series 1957 -58, granted said Variance, subject to the following conditions: 1. Parking no cars to be repaired between Lincoln Avenue and the proposed building. 2. Maintaining the 24 foot set -back from the property line. 3. Furnishing complete plans of the building to the Building Department before a permit is issued. Review of action taken by the City Planning Commission was ordered by the City Council to be held Septiember 3, 1957, 7 :00 o'clock P.M. on motion by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Schutte. MOTION CARRIED. VARIANCE NO. 799: Submitted by Doyle and Shields, requesting permission to erect a recreation center consisting of a 40 lane bowling alley, billiard room, cocktail lounge, restaurant and coffee shop on property located on the north side of Ball Road between Euclid Avenue and Loara Street. The City Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 29, Series 1957 -58, granted said Variance, subject to the following conditions: 1. Construction of the building in accordance with the plans and rendering presented. 2. Engineering requirements. Appeal of action taken by the City Planning Commission was filed by Mrs. Willard Davenport and Mrs. Gene E. Hopkins, and public ordered to be held September 3, 1957, 7 :00 o'clock P.M., on motion by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. VARIANCE NO. 800: Submitted by M. D. C. Corporation, requesting permission to erect a bowling alley on property located on the north side of Katella Avenue between West and Walnut Streets. The City Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 30, Series 1957 -58, granted said Variance, subject to the following conditions: 1. The submission of a plot plan showing area to be used for off street parking on or before the variance is reviewed by the City Council. 2. The deeding to the City of Anaheim of 20 feet along Katella Avenue for street widening. 3. Engineering requirements. Review of action taken by the City Planning Commission was ordered by the City Council to be held September 10. 1957, 7 :00 o'clock P.M. on motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Coons. MOTION CARRIED. VARIANCE NO. 801: Submitted by Grace Losty, requesting permission to build a duplex on property located at 2640 Lincoln Boulevard (south side of Lincoln Boulevard, between Dale and Magnolia Avenues). The City Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 31, Series 1957 -58, granted said Variance. Action by the City Council was withheld to the next meeting (August 20, 1957) to determine if the location of this building would conflict with the flood control channel. VARIANCE NO. 802: Submitted by James J. and June S. Wright, requesting permission to have a custom tropical planting service at 9222 Orange Avenue (south side of Orange Avenue, between Webster and Magnolia). The City Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 32, Series 1957 -58, granted said Variance, subject to the following conditions: City Hall, Pnaheim California, August 13, 1957 7 :00 D.M. 2187 1. The deeding of 10 feet to the City of Anaheim for the future widening of Orange Avenue. 2 Engineering requirements. Action by the City Council was withheld to the next meeting (August 20, 1957) for the presentation of proposed plans. VARIANCE NOS. 803 TO Ei07, INCLUSIVE: Submitted by Volk McLain and Company, requesting permission to erect temporary directional signs, advertising apartment rentals at the following locations: VARIANCE NO. 803: South side of Ball Road, between West Street and the Santa Ana Freeway. VARIANCE NO, 804: North side of Ball Road in a triangular section of Harbor Boulevard and South Palm Street. VARIANCE NO., 805: South of Vermont Avenue, east of the Santa Ana Freeway. VARIANCE N0 806: South of Vermont Avenue, east of the Santa Ana Freeway and east of the Citron Street intersection. Street. VARIANCE NO. 807: On the west side of Palm Street, north of Hampshire The City Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 33, Series 1957 -58, granted Variance Nos. 803 to 807, inclusive, subject to their use for a period of not over six months and subject to the other conditions set up by the City Council for such signs. Temporary signs previously granted by Variances have been for the sale of houses and lots within subdivided areas only. This request to advertise the rental of apartment units would be a departure from the normal policy of the City Council and would establish a precedent. Councilman Pearson moved the Variances be disapproved, Councilman Coons seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. REVIEW NO. 9: Submitted by Dyke Water Company, requesting permission to drill and operate a water well near the southwest corner of Harbor and Orangewood. The City Planning Comm scion, pursuant to their Resolution No. 34, Series 1957 -58, denied said Special Use Permit as requested under Review No. 9, for the following reasons: 1. The proposed site for this well is within approximately 60 feet of an existing well 20 The drilling of this well might destroy the present well nearby, which the Commission believes has prior rights. 30 The applicant was unable to state whether the water from this well would be used within the City of Anaheim. 4. The Anaheim Municipal Code requires that all subdivisions within the City of Anaheim be served by the City of Anaheim Water Department. 5G This is a natural resource of the City of Anaheim that might be required by the City at some future time. Mr. Murdoch, City Administrative Officer, advised that he had receive a telephone call from Mr. Dyke Lansdale, requesting that serious consideration be given this request as this well serves residents of Garden Grove only, and a few customers within the City limits of Anaheim, being, the four model homes on the north side of Orangewood and the Thriftimart® Further, that they were having pressure difficulty with the Thriftimart sprinkler system and would like to add to their source of water in that vicinity to take care of that problem. Mr. George P. Karcher, of the Dyke Water Company, addressed the Council and advised that the water is to be used outside of the City of Anaheim, and used to build up the pressure on the system in Garden Grove with the exception of the Thriftimart. Further, that the well that is close to the proposed drilling site has been condemned by the Health Department and is not operating. That it is a well of 235 feet depth, and further, they would not perforate until they get down to 300 or 350 feet, and can't see how the new well could in any way affect 2188 Cit Hall Anaheim C. ifornia August 13 1957 7 :00 P.M. the old well. He reiterated that the water from the well will not be served to any part of the City of Anaheim, with the exception of the few consumers as pre- viously mentioned. 1957. VARIANCE NO. 701 EXTENSION OF TIME: The City Planning Commission granted the Neville Chemical Company a six months extension of time to Variance No. 701. No action was taken by the City Council. STREET SERVICES: Rev. Charles P. Wichner, paster of the Full Gospel Tabernacle on Ball Road, addressed the Council, requesting permission to hold street services within the City of Anaheim. Mayor Pearson advised that the City has had similar requests in the past and are sympathic to them, however, it has been the policy to limit street services to the Salvation Army as that is their method of operation, and the City hasn't granted these requests to anyone else. RE UEST FOR TEMPORARY VARIANCE PgRMIT: Communication from David S. Collins, dated August 12, 1957 was submitted and read, requesting a temporary Variance permit to allow the firm of C. E. Vesy and Son, Inc. to open their dealership of the Ford Motor Company's new Edsel automobile, at 312 North Los Angeles Street, prior to the final action on a Variance application now before the City Planning Commission. The temporary permit would allow this firm the advantages of the national publicity in connection with the Ford Motor Company's announcement of the Edsel Automobile. The City Council appeared to be sympathic with this request, due to the fact that this site has been for many years the Eltiste Tractor Agency, however, it was pointed out there was no way to legally give the requested permit as no provisions could be found wherein the Variance request could bypass the City Planning Commission. PURCHASE OF VEHICLES: The Administrative Officer reported on informal bid proposals received for the purchase at this time of all of the City's vehicles as included within the current budget, thereby realizing considerable saving in the cost of these vehicles as follows: Station Wagons: 1 V-8, 9 passenger, automatic transmission 1 6 cylinder, 6 passenger, standard transmission McCoy Motor Company (Ford) total bid, $3,836.80 ($341.75 less than second low bid of Chevrolet) Panel Truck: 1 1/2 ton, 6 cylinder, standard transmission McCoy Motor Company (Ford) total bid, $1,568.49 ($119.14 less than second low bid of Chevrolet) 5 V -8, automatic transmission (trade in, 1 1957 Ford No. 310 1 1955 Chevrolet No. 307) McCoy Motor Company (Ford) net cost, less trade in, $7,184.69 ($972.67 less than second low bid of Plymouth) Sedans: 2 V-8, Automatic transmission 1 6 cylinder, automatic transmission 1 6 cylinder, standard transmission Police Cars: Pick -up Action by the City Council was withheld to the next meeting, August 20 McCoy Motor Company (Ford) total bid, $6,315.68 ($864.85 less than second low bid of Chevrolet) Trucks: 7 1/2 ton Pi ckups 6 3/4 ton Pick -ups McCoy Motor Company (Ford) total bid, $18,850.38 ($1502.42 less than second low bid of Boney- Millette, Dodge) and Cit Hall °naheim California Au•ust 13 1957 7 :00 P.M. 2189 Councilman Schutte moved that purchase be made from low bidder (McCoy Motor Company) as reported by Administrative Officers Councilman Fry seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. Trucks 2 120 C A Trucks 3 84 C A Trucks International 17,815.78 G.M.C. (W. W. Woods) 17,229.11 Dodge (Boney Mellette) 14,462.80 Rio (Thompson) 21,991.49 Mr. Tray Cushman, Superintendent of Mechanical Maintenance, addressed the Council stating that specific specifications were included in the proposal for these trucks, taking into consideration the job expected from them, and only the bid of the Rio and International complied with the specifications. The other bids were on "built -up trucks" which did not meet the specifications, nor, in his opinion, could adequately perform the intended operations. He thereupon recom- mended the purchase of the International trucks. On the recommendations of Mr. Cushman and Mr. Murdoch, Councilman Fry moved that the purchase be made of the International trucks as the low bidder that meets the specifications as was intended. Councilman Coons seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. See Addendum, page 2197. CITY INVENTORY: Communication from John Woodstra, City Auditor, requesting permission to increase book value of inventory taken June 30, 1957 to equal physical inventory in the amount of $8,745.53, was authorized by the City Council on motion by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. COMMUNICATION PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY: Communication from Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company regarding the abandonment of an easement (Ordinance No. 1152) on which they maintain communication facilities, was submitted and read. George E. Holyoke, City Engineer, advised that a meeting has been held with the representatives of the Telephone Company and that this condition can be remedied and would require no action from the City Council. COMMUNICATION METROPOLITAN WATER DISTR'CT: Communication from Metropolitan Water District requesting a reply to correspondence of May 20, 1957 relative to an opinion regarding the delivery of unsoftened water for retarding the intrusion of sea water and for replenishment of the Central and West basins in Los Angeles County, was submitted and read. Discussion was held and the Administrative Officer reported his recommendations, together with the recommendations of Mr. E. P. Hapgood. The City Council approved of the opinions as expressed by both Mr. Murdoch and Mr. Hapgood and on motion by Councilman Fry, seconded by Councilman Schutte, requested these opinions be incorporated into a reply and forwarded to the Metropolitan Water District as the recommendations of this Council. MOTION CARRIED. COMMUNICATION ORANGE COUNTY LEAGUE OF CITIES: Notice of the Orange County League of California Cities meeting to be held Thursday, August 22, 1957 at Newport Beach, 6 :45 P.M. at American Legion Hall. METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT ANNUAL REPORT: The Metropolitan Water District Controller's annual report for the year 1956 -1957, was received and ordered filed. DISNEYLAND REPORT: Disneyland Report to Anaheim and Orange County covering the first two years of operation, was ordered received and filed. CONDEMNATION FLOOD CQNTROL: Communication from Orange County regarding an action filed July 24, 1957 by the Orange County Flood Control District in Superior Court to acquire needed properties for the C3- Anaheim Barber City Flood 2190 Control Channel was submitted, discussed, and ordered received and filed. COMPLETION OF JOB NO. 1098: George E. Holyoke, City Engineer, certified that the J, P,, S Contracting Company have completed the construction of the Lincoln— Lindsay Sewer, Job No 1098 in accordance with plans and specifications, and recommended the work be officially accepted. RESOLUTION NO. 4037: Councilman Fry offered Resolution No 4037 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINALLY ACCEPTING THE COMPLETION AND THE FURNISHING OF ALL PLANT,. SERVICES, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT AND ALL UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION INCLUDING POWER, FUEL AND WATER, AND PERFORMING ALL WORK NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT AND COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT: THE LINCOLN— LINDSAY SEWER IMPROVEMENT JOB NO. 1098. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by tie following vote: The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 4038; Councilman Coons offered Resolution No. 4038 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY REQUIRE THE CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLETION OF A PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT, TO WIT: THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE INTERSECTION AT HARBOR BOULEVARD AND BALL ROAD, JOB NO. 149; AND APPROVING THE DESIGNS, PLANS, PROFILES, DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF; AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUCTION OF SAID PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH SAID PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, ETC.; AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH A NOTICE INVITING SEALED PRO— POSALS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF. (Bids to be opened Augu 27, 1957, 7:00 P. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 4039: Councilman Wisser offered Resolution No 4039 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY REQUIRE THE CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLETION OF A PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT, TO WIT: THE IMPROVEMENT OF ATCHISON STREET, FROM SANTA ANA STREET TO WATER STREET, JOB NO. 148; AND APPROVING THE DESIGNS, PLANS, PROFILES, DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF: AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUCTION OF SAID PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH SAID PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, ETC.; AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH A NOTICE INVITING SEALED PRO— POSALS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF. (Bids to be_ opened August 27, 1957, 7:00 P.M.) On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wisser. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. City Hall, Anaheim, California, August 13, 1957 7 :00 P.M. AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wisser. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None, ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wisser. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT; COUNCILMEN: None. City Hall, Apaheim, California, August 13, 1957 7 :00.p.m. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 4040: Councilman Schutte offered Resolution No. 4040 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AUTHORIZING THE DEPART— MENT OF COMMERCE, BUREAU OF THE CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES, TO TAKE A SPECIAL CENSUS IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, AND AUTHORIZING THE PAYMENT OF THE COST THEREOF BY THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND THE CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT THEREFOR. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: the AYES: NOES: ABSENT: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNC I LMEN COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: The Mayor declared the Pearson, Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wisser. None. None. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING ARTICLE VI, CHAPTER THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING THERETO A NEW SECTION TO BE 6230.6. (Special requ4.rements of all solicitors and peddlers) After hearing read in full the title of Ordinance No. having knowledge of the contents therein, Councilman Coons moved in full of said Ordinance be waived, Councilman Fry seconded the UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. Pearson, None. None. Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wisser. 2191 The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 1143: Councilman Fry offered Ordinance No. 1143 for final reading and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Ordinance Book, page 2, PART 2 OF NUMBERED 1143 and the reading motion. MOTION On roll call the foregoing Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: The Mayor declared the foregoing Ordinance duly passed and adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 1159; Councilman Wisser offered Ordinance No. 1159 for final reading and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Ordinance Book, page AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF ZONES IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND THEREIN REGULATING THE USE OF LAND, HEIGHT OF BUILDINGS AND YARD SPACES; ADOPTING A MAP SHOWING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID ZONES; DEFINING THE TERMS USED THEREIN; PROVIDING FOR ADJUSTMENT, AMENDMENT AND ENFORCEMENT; PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION AND REPEALING ALL SECTIONS OR PARTS OF SECTIONS IN CONFLICT THEREWITH. (5..66-57-80 C After hearing read in full the title of Ordinance No. 1159, and having knowledge of the contents therein, Councilman Schutte moved the reading in full of said Ordinance be waived. Councilman Fry seconded the motion. MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. On roll call the foregoing Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Pearson, Coons, None. None. Fry, Schutte and Wisser. foregoing Ordinance duly passed and adopted. 2192 City Halh Anaheim, California, August 13, 1957 7;00 P.M. ORDINANCE NO. 1163: Councilman Wisser offered Ordinance No. 1163 for final reading and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Ordinance Book, page AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING ARTICLE III, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING SECTION 3235 THEREOF, AND BY ADDING A NEW SECTION THERETO TO BE NUMBERED 3274.4. (Through Highways° Boulevard Stops Speed Limit Romney' Dri ve After hearing read in full the title of Ordinance Nov 1163 and having knowledge of the contents therein, Councilman Fry moved the reading in full of said Ordinance be waived. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. On roll call the foregoing Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wisser. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None, The Mayor declared the foregoing Ordinance duly passed and adopted. ORDINANCE NO 1164: Councilman Wisser offered Ordinance No. 1164 for final reading and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Ordinance Book, page AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING THE ANNEXATION TO SAID CITY OF ANAHEIM OF CERTAIN INHABITED TERRITORY KNOWN AS "'MIDWOOD MANOR ANNEXATION After hearing read in full the title of Ordinance No. 1164 and having knowledge of the contents therein, Councilman' Schutte moved the reading in full of said Ordinance be waived, Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. On roll call the foregoing Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wisser, NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. The Mayor declared the foregoing Ordinance duly passed and adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 1165: Councilman Schutte offered Ordinance Noo 1165 for final reading and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Ordinance Book, page AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF ZONES IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND THEREIN REGULATING THE USE OF LAND, HEIGHT OF BUILDINGS AND YARD SPACES; ADOPTING A MAP SHOWING THE BOUNDARIES OF $AID ZONES; DEFINING THE TERMS USED THEREIN; PROVIDING FOR ADJUSTMENT, AMENDMENT AND ENFORCEMENT; PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION AND REPEALING ALL SECTIONS OR PARTS OF SECTIONS IN CONFLICT THEREWITH. L„F- 56- -57 -67 M -1) After hearing read in full the title of Ordinance No. 1165 and having knowledge of the contents therein, Councilman Coons moved the reading in full of said Ordinance be waived. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. On roll call the foregoing Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wisser. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. City Hall, Anaheim, California, August 13, 1957 7 :00 P.M. 2193 The Mayor declared the foregoing Ordinance duly passed and adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 1168: Councilman Coons offered Ordinance No. 1168 for final reading and moved for its passage and adoption. Said Ordinance was read in full. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM REGULATING AND CONTROLLING THE DRILLING FOR AND PRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT OF WATER AND WATER RESOURCES IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FOR THE PROTECTION OF THE PUBLIC INTEREST AND REQUIRING PERMITS TO BE OBTAINEb THEREFOR AND ESTABLISHING CONDITIONS AND STANDARDS FOR THE GRANTING AND DENIAL OF PERMITS. On roll call the foregoing Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wisser. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. The Mayor declared the foregoing Ordinance duly passed and adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 1169: Councilman Coons offered Ordinance No. 1169 for first reading and moved for its passage and adoption. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FIXING AND LEVYING A PROPERTY TAX ON ALL PROPERTY WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FOR THE FIXCAL YEAR 197 -1958. ($1-, 10) After hearing read in full the title of Ordinance No. 1169 and having knowledge of the contents therein, Councilman Coons moved the reading in full of said Ordinance be waived. Councilman Schutte seconded the motion. MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. ORDINANCE NO. 1170: Councilman Wisser offered Ordinance No. 1170 for first reading and moved for its passage and adoption. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF ZONES IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AT THEREIN REGULATING THE USE OF LAND, HEIGHT OF BUILDINGS AND YARD SPACES; ADOPTING A MAP SHOWING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID ZONES; DEFINING THE TERMS USED THEREIN; PROVIDING FOR ADJUSTMENT, AMENDMENT AND ENFORCEMENT; PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION AND REPEALING ALL SECTIONS OR PARTS OF SECTIONS IN CONFLICT THEREWITH. LF -56 -57«69 R-31 After hearing read in full the title of Ordinance No. 1170 and having knowledge of the contents therein, Councilman Schutte moved the reading in full of said Ordinance be waived. Councilman Coons seconded the motion. MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. ORDINANCE NO. 1171: Councilman Coons offered Ordinance No. 1171 for first reading and moved for its passage and adoption. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF ZONES IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND THEREIN REGULATING THE USE OF LAND, HEIGHT OF BUILDINGS AND YARD SPACES; ADOPTING A MAP SHOWING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID ZONES; DEFINING THE TERMS USED THEREIN; PRO- VIDING FOR ADJUSTMENT, AMENDMENT AND ENFORCEMENT; PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION AND REPEALING ALL SECTIONS OR PARTS OF SECTIONS IN CONFLICT THEREWITH. (F- 56`57 -53 M -1) After hearing read in full the title of Ordinance No. 1171 and having knowledge of the contents therein, Councilman Coons moved the reading in full of said Ordinance be waived, Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. J. 0. S. MINUTES: Minutes of the meeting held August 1, 1957 of the Executive Committee of the Joint Outfall Sewer, were submitted and ordered received and filed on motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Fry. MOTION CARRIED. 2194 Cit Hall Anaheim C.lifornia Au•ust 13 1957 7 :00 P.M. FINANCIAL AND OPERATING REPORTS: Financial and operating reports for the month of July, 1957 were ordered received and filed on motion by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Schutte. MOTION CARRIED. PERSONNEL: The Administrative Officer, Keith A. Murdoch, reported the appointment of the following personnel: Ronald Bean, Carl Corum, Felix Philips, Youl Travis Burleson, Forrest W. Heaton as Maintenancemen in Public Works Department; Margaret Ec Barker, Telephone Operator, Public Works Department; Gerald Kay Grant, Dispatcher, Public Works Department; Carl Herman Wise, Pump Repairman, and George D. Tietjen, Lineman, in Public Utilities Department; and Walker Vic Browne, Fireman in Fire Department. Said appointments were ratified by the City Council on motion by Councilman Fry, seconded by Councilman Schutte. MOTION CARRIED. VII —ORA -174 —ANA PROPOSED TERMI +NATION OF ACCESS ROAD AT NORTHWEST CORNER OF LA PALMA AND BROOKHURST AVENUE: Discussion was held regarding the authorization to change the State Freeway Agreement (V1I -ORA- 174 —ANA) to permit the abandonment of an access road and allow the State of California to offer said land for sale to the contiguous owner, as this property has merged into one ownership and the access road no longer is needed. (Manninlproperty Variance 793) RESOLUTION NO. 4041) Councilman Schutte offered Resolution No. 4041 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY C©UNCIL,OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING THE PROPOSED CHANGES TO THAT CERTAIN SUPPLEMENTAL FREEWAY AGREEMENT DATED AUGUST 22, 1955, RELATING TO A PORTION OF THE SANTA ANA FREEWAY, STATE HIGHWAY ROAD VII —ORA -174 —ANA BETWEEN THE CITY LIMITS AT HOUSTON AND CITY LIMITS AT VERMONT; AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A REVISED FREEWAY AGREEMENT INCORPORATING SAID CHANGES. (Proposed deletion of access road, N of LaPalma) On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wisser. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None, The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 4042: Councilman Wisser offered Resolution No. 4042 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AUTHORIZING AND DESIGNATING SIGNS STATING "SPEED CHECKED BY }ADAR" AND "TRAFFIC LAWS STRICTLY ENFORCED AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CHIEF OF POLICE TO OBTAIN AND INSTALL SUCH SIGNS. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote-: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wisser. NOES: COpNC ILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 4043! Pursuant to the Master Plan for extending the water system apd recommendations of the Director of Public Utilities, Councilman Schutte offered Resolution No 4043 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING THE GRANT FROM SOUTHER PACIFIC COMPANY OF A RIGHT TO CONSTRUCT, RECONSTRUCT, MAINTAIN AND OPERATE A 4 —INCH WATER PIPELINE BENEATH THE TRACKS AND PROPERTY OF SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY AT ENGINEERS STATION 1167 f 70 AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN INDENTURE COVERING THE CONSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION OF SAID PIPELINE. (Water pipe— line in Ellsworth Avenue at Olive Street) City Hall, Anaheim, California, August 13, 1957 7 ;00 P.M. 2195 On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wisser. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. APPOINTMENT RECREATION COMMISSION: Mr. Murdoch reported that there are three vacancies on the Recreation Commission, and that the term of Mrs. Warwick will soon expire and her reappointment has been recommended by the High School Board. Mayor Pearson reappointed Mrs° Warwick to service on the Recreation Commission for the ensuing term. Said appointment was ratified by the City Council on motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Schutte. MOTION CARRIED. PROPOSED STREET STANDARDS: Discussion was held regarding new street standards which will soon be ready for Council consideration, with reference to the in— crease of minimum dedicated width for minor and major street, four and six lane highways, also sidewalk requirements and width of parkways. RESOLUTION NO. 4044: Councilman Coons offered Resolution No. 4044 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES. (Orval M. Halvorsen) On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wisser. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO i 4045: Councilman Coons offered Resolution No. 4045 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASEMENT FOR ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES. (Fred Bills) On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wisser. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 4046: Councilman Coons offered Resolution No. 4046 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASEMENT FOR STREET AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES. (Jack L. Clifford and Norma C. Layman) On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: 2196 City Ha11 Anaheim, California, August 13, 1957 7 :00 P.M. AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wisser. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 4047: Councilman Coons offered Resolution No. 4047 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASEMENT FOR STREET PURPOSES. (Muller Holding and Investment Co.) On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by tie following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wisser. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. QE SOLUTION NO. 4048: Councilman Coons offered Resolution No. 4048 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASEMENT FOR ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES. (Leo Freedman and Langsyl Corporation) On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wisser, NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. APPLICATION FOR DINNER DANCING PLACE PERMIT: Application for Dinner Dancing Place Permit submitted by Anthony Casas, together with recommendations of Chief of Police, Mark A0 Stephenson, was ordered held over to the meeting of August 20, 1957, for further consideration. RESOLUTION NO. 4049: Councilman Coons offered Resolution No. 4049 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 3870 RELATING TO A CHANGE OF ZONE IN A CERTAIN AREA OF THE CITY. (deleting certain parcels of property from F- 56- 57• -44) On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote! AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wisser. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None° The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. STATE COMPENSATION INSURANCE: Mr. Murdoch presented communication from the State Compensation Insurance Fund, advising that payments to municipalities have been increased from $30.00 to $50.00 per week for injuries sustained by Safety Members (policemen and firemen) and that the City can avail itself of this increased in— surance coverage at an additional cost of approximately 1% of the present premium. City Hall, Anaheim, California, August 13, 1957 .7;00 P.M. 2197 RESOLUTION NO. 4050: Councilman Schutte offered Resolution No. 4050 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AUTHORIZING THE CITY TO ACCEPT COMPENSATION INDEMNITY PAYMENTS FROM THE STATE COMPENSATION FUND FOR INJURED POLICEMEN AND FIREMEN. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wisser. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. BEVERAGE APPLICATIONS: Application for Off -Sale Beer and Wine License submitted by Anthony J. and Virginia R. Passante (Nino's), 110 South Lemon Street, was held over for additional information regarding the type of proposed operation. Application for Off -Sale Beer and Wine License applied for by Connie Y. and Raymond A. Masciel (Masciel's Grocery), 1034 Patt Street, Anaheim, C was held over to determine if this location is near a church site. RESOLUTION NO. 4051: Councilman Wisser offered Resolution No. 4051 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AUTHORIZING AND APPROVING AN AGREEMENT TO BE MALE AND ENTERED INTO BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND THE ANAHEIM AMERICAN LEGION JR. BASEBALL TOURNAMENT COMMITTEE RELATING TO THE USE OF THE LA PALMA PARK AND STADIUM FOR THE AMERICAN LEGION JR. BASEBALL TOURNAMENT OF 1957. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wisser. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. Councilman Fry moved to adjourn to August 20, 1957, 7 :00 o'clock P.M. Councilman Coons seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED. SIGNED: City Clerk ADDENDUM PURCHASE OF TRUCKS: The Administrative Officer reported on informal bids received for the purchase of two, 102 C -A Trucks, 6 cylinder, less trade ins, as follows: Cone Bros. (Chevrolet) $4,771.69 ($407.19 less than second low bid of Boney Millete, Dodge) Councilman Goons moved that the bid of the low bidder (Cone Bros.) be accepted. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED.