1959/02/24 3195 City Hall, Anah~im, California, - February 17, 1959 - 7:00 PoM., The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. CODIFICATION OF ANAHEIM ORDINANCES: Mr. Davis reported on informal proposals received for the recodification of city ordinances as follows: Total contract price: 200 copies Councilman Pearson moved that contract be entered into with Book Publishing Company, the low bidder, for the recodification of city ordinances and ~ransfer of $6,200QOO be authorized from 209-8QO account to cover said contract. Councilman Borden seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. Michie City Co. $6,800,,00 Book Publishing Co. $6,200.00 Councilman Fry moved to adjourn, Councilman Pearson seconded the motiono MOTION CARRIEDo ADJOURNED; L' M,. . SIGNED 7%, ?2:;~~~ City Clerk City Hal~. Anaheim, California - February 24, 1959 - 7:00 P.M. The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in regular session. PRESENT: ABSENT: PRESENT: COUNCILMEN: Borden, Coons, Fry and Schutte. COUNCILMEN: Pearson. CITY MANAGER: Keith A. Murdoch. CITY ATTORNEY: Preston Turner. CITY CLERK: Dene M. Williams. CITY ENGINEER: Thornton Piersall. CITY PLANNING DIRECTOR: Robert W. Mungall. Mayor Schutte called the meeting to order. MINUTES: Minutes of the regular meeting held February 10, 1959 and adjourned regular meetings held February 16 and 17, 1959, were approved on motion by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Fry. MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 5054: Councilman Borden offered Resolution No. 5054 and moved for its passage and adoption, authorizing the payment of demands against the City in the amount of $260,397..19, subject to obtaining a corrected invoice to Warrant No. 760. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING AND DIRECTING THE PAYMENT OF DEMANDS AGAINST THE CITY AS OF FEBRUARY 24, 1959. ($260,397.19) On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by' the following vote: AYES: NO ES : ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: Borden, Coons, Fry and Schutte. None. Pearson. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING - RECLASSIFICATION NO. F-58-59-46: Submitted by Euclid Property Management, Inco, requesting change of zone from C-l to C-3, Lots 17 and 18 of Tract NOe 3008, said property located, briefly, at the southwest corner of Euclid Avenue and Catherine Drive. -~~~~.~~,."".c","""~.,,,;;:;;, 3196 City Hall, Anaheim. California - February 24, 1959 - 7;00 P.M. The City Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 135, Series 1958-59, forwarded said reclassification to the City Council without re- commendations. Public hearing was continued from the meeting of February 3, 1959, at the request of Mr. Shinn, to allow time for possible lease negotiations to materialize. Communication from Euclid Property Management, Inc., Robert W. Turner, Vice president, dated February 24, 1959, requesting an additional continuance of two weeks, as lease negotiations have not yet materialized, was submitted and read. It was moved by Councilman Fry that public hearing on Reclassification No. F-58-59-46 be continued to March 10. 1959r 7:00 P.M. Councilman Coons seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. AWARD OF CONTRACT - JOB NO. 228: MI.. Piersall reported on the following bid proposals received for the improvement of Los Angeles Street, from Ball Road to Midway Drive, Yob No. 228, and recommended the acceptance of the low bid, that of R. J. Noble Company. BIDS RECEIVED Griffith Company 1060 South Broadway Los Angeles 15, California (Accompanied by a bid bond in the amount of $800.00) $ 6,962.75 Sully-Miller Contracting Co. P. O. Box 432 Orange, California (Accompanied by Cashiers Check Noo 100056 in the amount of $600.00) 5,294.35 R. J. Noble Company P. O. Box 620 Orange, California (Accompanied by bid bond in the amount of 10%) 4,944.92 RESOLUTION NO. 5055: Councilman Coons offered Resolution No. 5055 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THF CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A SEALED PROPOSAL AND AWARDING A CONTRACT TO THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER FOR THE FURNISHING OF ALL PLANT, LABOR, SERVICES, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT AND ALL UTILITIES AND TRANS- PORTATION, INCLUDING POWER, FUEL AND WATER, AND PERFORMING ALL WORK NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT AND COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT: THE IMPROVEMENT OF LOS ANGELES STREET. FROM BALL ROAD TO MIDWAY DRIVE, JOB NO. 228. (R. J. Noble Company) On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNC I LME N: COUr-r; I LMEN : COUN:ILMEN: Borden, Coons, Fry and Schutte. None. Pearson. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. VARIANCE NO. 1088: Submitted by Makot Corporation, requesting permission to erect an advertising sign on property at 607 South Palm Street (west side of Palm Street, south of Water Street). The City Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 160, Series 1958-59, granted said variance, subject to: 1. That said sign be shut off at 9:00 o'clock P.M. each evening. 2. That it be a non-flashing type of sign. 3. That there be no overhang of the sign over the sidewalk. No further action was taken by the City Council. VARIANCE NO. 1089: Submitted by Robert H. Grant, requesting permission to reduce rear yard setback to 15 feet on Lot No.2, Tract No. 3091 (west side of Roanne Street, north of Ball Road). ""~""';"~'_:""'-"'-"'-'"<'-"'""'<''''''--'''<+''''''-'''~,~,-:-.,-,"""'''''~T''- ,- 3197 City Hall, Anaheim, California - February 24, 1959 - 7:00 P.M. The City Planning Commission, pursuant to their ~esolution No. 161, Series 1958-59, granted said variance. for a waiver of the rear yard setback from 20 feet to 15 feet on Lot 2 of Tract No., 3091. Appeal from action taken by the City Planning Commission was filed by Mr. Homer M. Kirk, and public hearinq ordered to be held on said variance March l7~ 1959, 7:00 P.M. on motion by Councilman Coonst seconded by Councilman Fry. MOTION CARRIED. ,VARIANCE NO. 1090: Submitted by Bill W. and Richard H. Pebley, requesting permission to construct 28-unit motel on property at 2145 Harbor Boulevard (west side of Harbor Boulevard, south of Orangewood Avenue). The City Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 162, Series 1958-59, granted said variance for a 28-unit motel, subject to: L. 2. Boulevard. 3. Dedication of 60 feet to the Ci ty of A~aheim from. th_~, center~ine of Harbor Boulevard. 4. Prepare street improvement plans and install all improvements in accordance with standard plans on file in the office of the City Engineer. 5. The payment of $2.00 per front foot for street lighting purposes. The erection of the building in accordance with the plans presented. Maintaining a 50 foot setback from the property line on Harbor No further action was taken by the City Council. VARIANCE NO. 1091: Submitted by Jim A. Horsley, requesting permission to construct garage to accommodate units on adjoining lot, on property located at 736-738 Sabina Street (east side of Sabina Street, south of North Street). The City Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 163, Series 1958-59, granted said variance, subject to: 10 The filing of deed restrictions approved by the City Attorney, specifying that the properties on Lots 10 and 11 of Block B, Tract No. 247 can only be sold as a unit as agreed to by the owner. 20 Repair existing curbs and sidewalk in front of property. No further action was 'taken by the City Council. VARIANCE NO. 1092: Submitted by John W. Hartley, requesting permission to expand the existing Kona Kai Motel on property adjoining 1820 West Street (east side of West Street, south of Katella Avenue, across from Katella School property). The City Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 164, Series 1958-59, granted said variance, subject to: 1. The erection of building in accordance with plans presented. 20 Dedication of 45 feet from centerline of South West Street to a point 500 feet south of Katella Avenue, then from this point a reverse curb to be put in to develop a 64 foot travelway and standard parkway to conform to standards for a secondary arterial highway. (half width 57 feet). 3. Prepare street improvement plans and install all improvements in accordance with 'approved standard plans on file in the offi~e ofth~__~i.t.Y Engineer. 4. PaYment of $2.00 per foot for street lighting purposes. No further action was taken by the City Council. VARIANCE NO. 1093: Submitted by Richard and Velma Meyer, requesting permission to construct an eight foot rear yard fence on property located at 430 Mariposa Place (end of Mariposa Place dul de, sac, adjacent to the Freew.-ay)., The City Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 165, Series 1958-59, granted Variance No. 1093 for an extension of fence from 6 feet to 8 feet. No further action was taken by the City Council. ,"",i!!iii"'",',_,;,;_;,,~~'''' ~..m~--~ -- n" ! 3198 Cit California - Februar 24 1959 - 7:00 P.M. SPECIAL USE PERMIT NO. 25: Submitted by Russ Boorey, requesting permission to enlarge Orangewood Trailer Court to west of present location, ll401 Santa Ana Freeway (north side of Orangewood Avenue, between Haster and Lewis Streets. The Ci ty Planning Commis'sion, pursuant to their Resolution No. 166, Series 1958-59, granted said spec~al use permit, subject to: 1. Plot plan presented. 20 Provide for drainage onto Orangewood Avenue. 3. Payment of $25.00 per trailer space for the acquisition of park and recreation sites. 40 Filing a separate reclassification for the proposed use of the property fronting on Orangewood Avenue, having a depth of 190 feet. .Apceal from action taken by the City Planning Commission was filed by Mr. Clifford Rothrock, and public hearing ordered to be held on March l~ 1~52, 7;00 P.M., on motion by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Fry. 11 N CARRIED. SPECIAL USE PERMIT NO. 26: Submitted by Chet Herbert, requesting permission to construct and operate an ice skating rink with included restaurant and skate shop on property described, briefly, as located on the west side of Manchester Avenue, between Orangewood Avenue and Katella Avenueo The City Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 167, Series 1958-59, granted said special use permit, subject to: 1. The plot plan and elevation presented. 2. Prepare street improvement plans and install all improvements in accordance with approved standard plans on file in the office of the City Engineer. 3. The payment of $2.00 per front foot for street lighting purposes. On motion by Councilman Fry, seconded by Councilman SChutte, action by the Ci ty Council on said Special Use Permi t No. 26 was wi thhetl!d for one week .(March 3, 1959) to allow time for further study of theCplans presented. MOTION CARRIED. RECLASSIFICATION NO. F-58-59-57: Submitted by Silas Wo Lehmer, requesting change of zone from R-A to R-3 on property located at 1419 South Euclid Avenue. The City Planning Commission recommended denial of said reclassification. Appeal from action taken by the City Planning Commission was filed by Silas Lehmer, and public hearing was scheduled by the City Council to be held March 17. 1959. 7:00 P.M. on motion by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Borden. MOTION CARRIED. RECLASSIFICATION NO. F-58-59-58: Submitted by Eva Stefania Bielanski requesting C-l zoning on the front 100 feet of property located at 2760 W Crescent Avenue, and requesting R-3 zoning on the balance of the property (south side of Crescent Avenue, east of Dale Avenue). Public hearing was scheduled to be held.March 17. 1959. 7:00 P.M. on motion by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Borden. MOTION CARRIED. RECLASSIFICATION NO. F-58-59-59: Submitted by C. J. Brindley and Roberta Weber, requesting R-3 zoning on property located at 2201 South Loara Street and 2200 South Loara Street (both sides of Loara Street, south of Orangewood Avenue). Public hearing was scheduled to be held on said reclassification, March 17, .1959. 7:00 P.M., on motion by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Borden. M)TION CARRIED. TENTATIVE MAPS - TRACT NO. 2832 AND TRACT NO. 2938: Subdivider, Butler-Harbour Construction Company. Tract No. 2832 located on the north side of Broadway, 265 feet east of Dale Avenue and contains 40 lots. Tract No. 2938 located on the north side of Broadway, 663 feet west of Magnolia Avenue and contains 41 lots. The City Planning Commission approved said tentative maps, subject to the following conditions: -"""-'''''-"''<';-'---'-'-'''~~''~' ... ,~- - 3199 City Hall, Anaheim, California - February 24. 1959 _ 7:00 P.M. 10 The obtaining of a letter from the Flood Control District of Orange County with regard to the Carbon Creek Channel which will run along the Northerly portion of these propertieso 20 The elimination of drainage easement from Southerly cul de sac on Tract Noo 29380 30 That pertinent plot and building plans be submitted to the City Council for review$ 4. Require that should these subdivisions be developed as more than one subdivision, each subdivisi.on thereof shall be submitted in tentative form for approvalo Tract maps of the proposed tentative tracts were placed on the bulletin boardo Mro Piersall reported that the Engineering Committee recommends the extension of Stinson Street southerly through Tract No. 2938; that Stinson Street is a dedicated 54 foot street and that provisions have been made by the Flood Control District for a bridge across the flood control channel. Mro Stinson addressed the Council~ advising that Tract No. 2938 backs up to his home and requested that a block fence be erected between the tract and his propertyo Mra Harbour addressed the Council, advising that in his oplnlon, to extend Stinson Street would be making it a through street in a residential tract, connecting Lincoln Avenue and Broadwayo Further discussion was held between the City Council and Mr. Harbour regarding traffic circulation within the tracts, and Mr. Harbour consented to the holding over for one week of Tract Noo 2938 to allo~.~ime for. furt~er study regarding street layouto Councilman Coons moved that Tentative Map, Tract No. 2832 be approved by the City Council, subject to the recommendations of the City Planning Commission; and that Tentative Map~ Tract Noo 2938~ with the consent of the subdivider, be held over one week (March 3.. 1959) to allow time for further study. Couflcilman Borden seconded the motiono MOTION ~ARRIED. TENTATIVE MAP - TRACT NOQ 2920: Subdivider, C. J. Brindley. Tract located on the extension of Della Lane9 approximately 776 feet east of Euclid Avenue. The City Planning Commission approved said tentative map, subject to: 10 That pertinent plot and building plans be submitted to the City Council for reviewo 20 Require that should this subdivision be developed as more than Offi subdivision each successive one thereof should be submitted in tentative form for approvaJ_ 0 A map of said tentative tract was placed on the bulletin board and reviewed by the City Councilo Councilman Coons moved that Tentative Map, Tract No. 2920 be approved by the City Council, subject to the recommendations of the City Planning Com- missiono Councilman Fry seconded the motiono IDTION CARRIED. REVISED TENTATIVE MAP - TRACT NO. 2534: Subdivider, Doyle and Shields. Tract located on the northeast Corner of Ball Road and Euclid Avenue and contains, as now presented, 16 lotso The City Planning Commission approved said tentative map, subject to engineering requirements, which are: 10 2. 30 restrictionso 40 That pertinent plot Council for reviewo 50 Require that should That Juno Avenue be extended Westerly to Robert Street. That Robert Street be 64 feet in widtho Subject to reclassification or modification of the existing deed and building plans be submitted to the City this subdivision be developed with more than ....~~~"~~".-~~...;;:'!' 3200 Cit - Eebruar 24 1959 - 7:00 P"M. one subdivision each subdivision thereof should be submitted in tentative form for approval. A map of said tentative tract was placed on the bulletin board and reviewed by the City Council. A gentleman7 representing the subdivider, advised that they propose R-3 development for said tract and are prepared to amend the present deed restrictions to allow said development. He advised that to require Juno Street to be extended westerly would involve the loss of two lotso Councilman Coons moved that Revised Tentative Map, Tract No. 2534, be approved by the City Council, subject to the recommendations of the City Planning Commi.ssiono Councilman Fry seconded the motiono MOTION CARRIED. FINAL MAP - TRACT NO. 3330: Subdivider, Bryan Industrial Properties. Tract located on the north side of Katella Avenue~ approximately 724 feet west of Haster Street and contains 10 lotso Final map of said tract was placed on the bulletin boardo Mr. Piersall reported that the final map conforms substantially with the tentative map previously approved; that required bonds have been posted and fees paid, and recommended final approval of said tracto Councilman Fry moved that Final Map, Tract Noo 3330, be approved by the City Council, on the recommendations of the City Engineers Councilman Borden seconded the motiono MOTION CARRIED. CITY PLANNING COMNITSSION OFFICERS: Notice from the City Planning Commission of the following elected officers for the ensuing year, was ordered received and filed by the City Council: Mro Melbourne Ao Gauer, Chairman Mro Joe Ro Thompson, Vice Chairman Mr~ Robert Wo Mungall, Secretary REQUEST: Communication dated February 99 1959 received from St. Boniface SChool, requesting permission to continue the use of two temporary classrooms located on the northwesterly side of the school property at Palm and Chartres Streets, was submi tted 0 Mr. Murdoch reported that the property and buildings have been inspected by various City Departments and no objections were found to the requested continued temporary use. On motion by Councilman Borden, seconded by Councilman Coons, request of Sto Boniface School for permission to continue using the two temporary classrooms, was granted for an additional three year periodo MOTION CARRIED. LONG BEACH MUNICIPAL AIRPORT SERVICE: Communication dated February 12, 1959 re- ceived from Raymond Co Kealer, Mayor of the City of Long Beach, regarding a program to obtain improved airline service at Long Beach Municipal Airport, was submitted (copies of said letter having been furnished each Councilman) 0 Mrs Thomas Ao RaffetY9 Manager, Long Beach Municipal Airport, addressed the Council, explaining the services offered by the Long Beach Municipal Airport and urging support by the Anaheim City Council in the form of a Resolution of said improved airline service program, for introduction as evidence at the Pacific Southwest Local Service Case, which hearing will be held March 10, 1959. Discussion was held by the City Council and questions answered by Mr. Raffety.. The City Council withheld action on said matter for one week (March 3. 1959) to allow time for further study and to contact the Orange County Airport Planning Commission to determine if support of this issue would conflict with any Orange County planso RESOLUTION - CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH: Resolution of the City of Newport Beach, re- questing that the management of Signal Oil Company consider the placement of its new refinery outside of the Harbor area (copies having been furnished each Council- {~~C-.;~_.,",. .... ".':_,~ 3201 City Hall, Anaheim, California - Fenruary 24. 1959 - 7:00 <P.M. man) was submitted, and ordered received and filed on motion by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Bordeno MOTION CARRIED. PETITION OF PROTEST - HELIPORT - HIGHWAY 39 AND LINCOLN AVENUE: Communication received from the City of Buena Park, together with excerpts of their Council meeting and photostatic copy of petition of protest received by them relative to heliport activities at Highway 39 and Lincoln Avenue, were submitted and reado Discussion was held and Mro Simone presented photos showing his present flight pattern and also submitted a petition of consent that he had obtained from the residents in this area, approving this activity since the change of the flight patternQ Mr~ Murdoch submitted and read a copy of a letter received from the Federal Aviation Agency and addressed to the City Manager of Buena Park, advising that the heliport operation was conforming to all applicable Civil Air Regulations and meets the safety standards as would be applicable to suc~ an operationo At the conclusion of the discussion and inasmuch as the flight pattern has been changed, Councilman Fry moved that this matter be held over for two weeks to allow for further study and investigation. Councilman Schutte seconded the motiono Councilman Borden voted "no". MOTION CARRIED. .PROXY - ANAHEIM UNION WATER COMPANY: Councilman Glenn Go Fry was named as proxy for the City of Anaheim to vote for and on behalf of the City of Anaheim at the annual meeting of the shareholders of the Anaheim Union Water Company, to be held February 28~ 19599 on motion by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Bordeno MOTION CARRIED. RECLASSIFICATION NO. F-58-59=51: Mro Ja Do Watters, 1464 Birchmont Drive, addressed the Council and obtained further clarification with reference to Council action pursuant to their adoption of Resolution No. 5043. RECLASSIFICATION NO. F-58-59-47: Mra Carl Arthofer addressed the Council, requesting further consideration and rehearing on Reclassification No. F-58-59-47 and asked that the condition making necessary the construction of the three foot wall along the easterly line of Parcel No. 2 for a depth of 150 feet be eliminated; that to prevent access to this street from this C-l area would force traffic on Empire Street, a condition objected to by the adjacent residentso In his opinion, the requirement of the block wall would be a hardship and only aggravate the problem and condition that the people in the area were objecting too Further discussion was held regarding left hand turns from Lincoln Avenue, at the conclusion of which, Councilman Borden moved that the request for rehearing be denied on the basis that no new facts or evidence have been submitted to justify reconsiderationo Councilman Coons seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. KATELLA PARK ANNEXATION: Affidavit of Proponents published Notice of in~~n~ion to circulate a petition relating to the annexation of territory to the City of Anaheim known and designated as Katella Park Annexation, published in the Anaheim Gazette February 19, 19599 was submittedo RESOLUTION NO. 5056: Councllman Borden offered Resolution No. 5056 and moved for its passage and adoptiono Refer to Resolution Book9 page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACKNOWLEDGING RECEIPT OF COpy OF NOTICE OF INTENTION TO CIRCULATE A PETITION RELATING TO THE ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION THEREOF, AND APPROVING THE CIRCULATION OF SAID PETITION. (Katella Park Annexation) 0 On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: ....~"'~M"""'.;,.""''''''c^....,.~.-~"''''''''JI;;-... ra 3202 City Hallg Anaheim, California - February 24, 1959 - 7;00 PoM. A YES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: Borden, Coons, Fry and SchutteQ Noneo Pearsono The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 5057: Councilman Coons offered Resolution Noo 5057 ~nd moved for its passage and adoption~ Refer to Resolution Book~ page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASEMENT FOR ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES. (Harry W. Yost) On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote; AYES; NOES: ABSENT; COUOC I LMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: Borden9 Coons, Fry and Schutteo Noneo Pearsono The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. COMPLETION OF JOB NO. 196: Mro Piersall certified that L. La Dobkins Construction Company have completed the' construction of the storm drain in Broadway from the Freeway to Los Angeles Street, Job Noo 196, in accordance with plans and speci- fications, and recommended the work be officially acceptedo RESOLUTION NO. 5058: Councilman Fry offered Resolution No. 5058 and moved for its passage and adoptiono Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINALLY ACCEPTING THE COMPLETION AND THE FURNISHING OF ALL PLANT, LABOR, SERVICES, MATERIALS AND EQUIP~ MENT AND ALL UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION INCLUDING POWER, FUEL AND WATER, AND PERFORMING ALL WORK NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT AND COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT, TO WIT: . CONSTRUCTION OF A STORM DRAIN ON BROADWAY. FROM MANCHESTER AVENUE TO LOS ANGELES STREET, JOB NO. 1960 On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYE S: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: Borden~ Coons~ Fry and Schutteo Noneo Pearsono The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. AUDIT REPORT: Audit Report, for the six months ending December 31, 1958, submitted by Diehl, Pvans and Company, was ordered received and filed on motion by Councilman Borden, seconded by Councilman Fryo MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCE NO. 1330; Councilman Coons offered Ordinance No. 1330 for final reading and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Ordinance Book, page AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING ARTICLE II OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING THERETO A NEW CHAPTER, AND INCORPORATING THEREIN CERTAIN PROVISIONS OF ORDINANCE NO" 1287 OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CREATING THE OFFICE OF CITY MANAGER, DEFINING THE DUTIES AND POWERS OF THE_CITY MANAGER AND PROVIDING COMPENSATION THEREFOR, AND A NEW SECTION TO BE NUMBERED 2160. After hearing read in full the title of Ordinance No. 1330 and having knowledge of the contents therein, Councilman Coons moved the reading in full of said Ordinance be waived. Councilman Borden seconded the motion. MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. On roll call the foregoing Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the '___4't.~..,.,~__. ......,......... .. "" .... 3203 City Hall, AnaheimQ California - February 24. 1959 - 7.00 P.M. following vote: AYES; NO ES : ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN~ Borden, Coons, Fry and Schutte. Noneo Pearsono The Mayor declared the foregoing Ordinance duly pa.sse.d.and__adopt.ed. ORDINANCE NO. 1327: Councilman Fry offered Ordinance No. 1327 for final reading and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Ordinance Book, page AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF ZONES IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND THEREIN REGULATING THE USE OF LAND, HEIGHT OF BUILDINGS AND YARD SPACES; ADOPTING A MAP SHOWING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID ZONES; DEFINING THE TERMS USED THEREIN; PROVIDING FOR ADJUSTMENT, AMENDMENT AND ENFORCEMENT; PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION AND REPEALING ALL SECTIONS OR PARTS OF SECTIONS IN CONFLICT THEREWITH. (F-56-57-82 _ R-3) After hearing read in full the title of Ordinance No. l327 and having knowledge of the contents therein, Councilman Fry moved the reading in full of said Ordinance be waivedo Councilman Coons seconded the motion. MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. On roll call the foregoing Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: Borden, Coons, Fry and Schutte. None. Pe~rsono The Mayor declared the foregoing Ordinance duly passed and adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 1331: Councilman Coons offered Ordinance No. 1331 for corrected first reading and moved for its passage and adoption. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DECLARING THE INTENTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL TO VACATE AND AB~NDON AN ALLEY AND AN EASEMENT FOR ALLEY PURPOSES UPON, OVER, ACROSS AND ALONG THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY; FIXING A TIME AND PLACE FOR A HEARING THEREON; AND DIRECTING THE POSTING OF NOTICES THEREOF AND THE PUBLICATION OF THIS ORDINANCE. (Public hearing March 24, 1959, 7:00 P.M.) (For corrected title see page 3211, Minutes of March 3, 1959) After hearing read in full the title of Ordinance No. 1331 and having knowledge of the contents therein, Councilman Coons moved the reading in full of said Ordinance be waivedo Councilman Fry seconded the motion. MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. ORDINANCE NO. 1332: Councilman Borden offered Ordinance No. 1332 for final reading and moved for its passage and adoptiono Refer to Ordinance Book, page AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF ZONES IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND THEREIN REGULATING THE USE.OF LAND, HEIGHT OF BUILDINGS AND YARD SPACES; ADOPTING A MAP SHOWING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID ZONES; DEFINING THE TERMS USED THEREIN; PROVIDING FOR ADJUSTMENT, AMENDMENT AND ENFORCEMENT; PRE- SCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION AND REPEALING ALL SECTIONS OR PARTS OF SECTIONS IN CONFLICT THEREWITH. (F-58-59-43 - R-l) After hearing read in full the title of Ordinance No. 1332 and having knowledge of the contents therein, Councilman Borden moved the reading in full of said Ordinance be waived. Councilman Coons seconded the motion. MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. On roll call the foregoing Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: ~>",-.;;~":;~,,,,"--., 3204 City Hall, Anaheim. California - February 24. 1959 - 7:00 P.M,k. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNC I LMEN: COUl'[; I LMEN : Borden9 Coons, Fry and Schutte. None 0 Peerson. The Mayor declared the foregoing Ordinance duly passed and adopted. _ORDINANCE NO. 1333! Councilman Botden offered Ord!nance Noo 1333 for final reading and moved for its passage and adoptiono Refer to Ordinance Book, page AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE EST~BLISHMENT OF ZONES IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND THEREIN REGULATING THE USE OF LAND, HEIGHT OF BUILDINGS AND YARD SPACES; ADOPTING A MAP SHOWING THE BOUNDARIES OF SA!D ZONES; DEFINING THE TERMS USED THEREIN; PRO- VIDING FOR ADJUSTMENT, AMEND~NT AND ENFORCEMENT; PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION AND REPEALING ALL SECTIONS OR PARTS OF SECTIONS IN CONFLICT THEREWITH. (F-58-59-4 - C-l and C-3) After hearing read in full the title of Ordinance No, 1333 and having knowledge of the contents therein, Councilman Borden moved the reading in full of said Ordinance be waived. Councilman Coons seconded the motion. MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. On roll call the foregoing Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNC I LMEN: Borden~ Coons, Fry and Schutte. None. Pearson.. The Mayor declared the foregoing Ordinance duly passed and adopted. CORRESPONDENCE: Correspondence not requiring vote of the City Council (copies having been furnished each eouncilman) was ordered received and filed on motion by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Borden.. MOTION CARRIED. METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT - ASSEMBLY BILL NO. 286: Mr. Murdoch reported on A.B. #286 which would allow the opening to the public of Lake Matthews. It was moved by Councilman Fry, seconded by Councilman Borden, that this matter be held over to the next meeting (March 3. 1959) to allow for further investigation. MOTION CARRIED. RECREATIONAL FACILITIES - CANAL STR~ET DUMP: Excerpts of Orange County Board of Supervisors meeting held February 17, 1959, regarding the proposed recreational facility of the Canal Street Dump, were submitted, and ordered received and fiied by the City Council.. STATE HIGHWAY DIRECTIONAL SIGNS: Mr. Piersall briefed the City Council on progress made with the State Highway Department regarding Freeway signing. RESOLUTION NO. 5059: Councilman Coons offered Resolution No. 5059 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASEMD ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR MUNICIPAL PURPOSES. (Tedrick Property) On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYE S: NOES: ABSENT: COUNC I LMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: Borden, Coons, Fry and Schutte. None. Pearson The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution dUly passed and adopted. ... ..- 3205 City Hall, Anaheim. California - February 24, 1959 - 7;00 P.M. Councilman Coons moved to adjourn to March 3, 1959, 7;00 P.M. Councilman Fry seconded the motion" MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNE:tO; l~_P,M. )~) 9---- _ , SIGNED:" ~/I ~/ __ 'LL-..- __ -"2.-~ ~ City Clerk City Hall, Anaheim, California - March 3, 1959 - 7:00 PoM. essiono The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in adjourned regular PRESENT: ABSENT: PRESENT: COUNCILMEN: Borden, Fry and Schutte~ COUNCILMEN: Coons and Pearsono CITY MANAGER: Keith Ao Murdoch~ CITY ATTORNEY: Preston Turnero CITY CLERK: Dene M. WilliamsG CITY ENGINEER: Thornton PiersallG CITY PLANNING DIRECTOR: Robert Wo Mungallo Mayor Schutte called the meeting ID ordero PUBLIC HEARING - RECLASSIFICATION NO. F-58-59-53: Submitted by Jo Ro McIntyre (Ted Eo Hudson~ Authorized Agent), requesting R-3 zoning on property located at 8671 Magnolia Avenue (west side of Magnolia Avenue~ south of Crescent Avenue)~ The City Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution NOG 153~ Series 1958=59, recommended said reclassifications, subject to the following: 1 The placing of Standard R-3 Deed Restrictions on the property limiting all dwellings to one story in height as shown on the layout presentedo 20 The payment of $2~00 per front foot for street lighting purposeso 30 The payment of $25000 per family unit for the acquisition of Park and Recreation siteso 40 The dedication of 53 feet from the centerline of Magnolia Street \ to the City of Anaheim~ 50 The preparation of street improvement plans and the installation of all improvements on Magnolia Avenue in accordance with Standard plans on file in the office of the City EngineerQ 60 That a 90 day time limit be placed for the accomplishment of the above requirements. Petition of protest containing 29 signatures was filed with the City Planning Commission. The Mayor asked if anyone wished to address the Council~ Mr~ Ted Hudson, co-owner-builder of this development, addressed the Council and presented an artistQs rendering of the proposed developmento He advised that the petition of protest was presented at the first hearing of the City Planning Commission; that no one present objected to this development at the last meeting of the City Planning Commission. He called attention to the distance from this property that some of the signers of the petition of protest reside~ He further advised that this would be on a 10 acre parcel of property and would have 128 two-bedroom units containing 835 square feet each; that the buildings would be 64 feet by 54 feet and each apartment would have a 16 feet by 32 feet private patio. ~,~,,,,,,t-'"'~.'>,,,,,,,,,~,,,"",,,,",l.:,,,;'~';;,,;,","'.nT""", r "T ,t