1959/07/07 3466 City Hall, Anaheim--,- California, COUNCIL MINUTES - ,July 7,1959,7:00 PGM8 session" The Ci.ty Council of the City of Anaheim met in adjourned regular PRESENT: ABSENT ; PRESENT: COUNCILMEN; Borden, Fry, Pearson and Schutte. COUNCILMAN: Coons@ CITY MANAGER: Keith A. Murdoch~ CITY ATTORNEY: Preston Turner. CITY CLERK: Dene M. W111iams. CITY ENGINEER: Thornton Piersall. CITY PLANNING DIRECTOR: Robert W. Mungall. .--, Mayor Schutte called the meeting to ordero CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING; SPECIAL USE PERMIT NO. 34: Submitted by Southern California District Church of the Nazarene, requesting permission to construct and operate a church and sunday school on property located on the west side of Loara Street, approximately 1,000 feet south of Broadway. The City Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 231 granted Special Use Permit No. 34 for the North 175 feet on Loara Street with a depth of 378 feet of the South 344 feet of the Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarteT of the Northeast quarter of Section 16, T4S, RIDW, S.B.B.&M. subject to: 1. The erection of the buildings essentially as per the renderings and plot plan presented. 20 The dedication to the City of Anaheim of 3D-feet from the center line of Loara Street. 3. Prepare street improvement plans and install all improvements in accordance with approved standard plans in the office of the City Engineer. 4. Payment to the City of Anaheim of $2.00 per front foot for street lighting purposes. Appeal from action taken by the City Planning Commission was filed and Public Hearing held by the City Council, June 30, 1959 and con- tinued to this date to allow additional time to study evidence presented at the June 30th 1959 meeting. The Mayor asked if anyone wished to address the Council. Reverend Charles M. Elam addressed the Council urging the granting of the Special Use Permit. He called attention to the established set-backs in the immediate area in comparj,son to the requested set-back lines as out- lined in the correspondence received from the Home Fair Civi~ Association. Reference was also made to the requested block wall around the entire parcel of property, and Reverend Elam asked that the boundary of trees on the North, South and East serve ~mporarily this purpose. Mr. Don S. Butler, 603 Adria Street, Chairman, Zoning and Planning Committee, Home Fair Civic Association, addressed the City Council reiterating the basic objections presented at the last meeting. He advised that proper placement of the church is required for the mutual benefit of the City, Church and the immediate neighborhood; that the future development of approximately 70 acres wjll ~e influenced by the council's action on this request. In his opinion, the placement of the church in the middle of undeveloped property designated as R-l zoning on the proposed master plan would affect the entire development patterno He hoped that the minimum restrictions also outlined in their letter would not have to be imposed, that on the basis of sound future planning the Special Use Permit would be deniedo He further suggested that the church project be moved northerly to the R-3 property, or placed on the perimeter of the residential areao Mr. Baker, Realtor, representing both the purchaser and seller, addressed the Council advising that the R-3 property is not for sale, and that this immediate area was thoroughly canvassed prior to settling on this locations <i<I'~...~ 3467 City Hall, Anahe1.m, California - COUNCIL MINUTES - July 7, 1959, 7:00 P.M. Mrs. Compton, 611 South Loara Street, addressed the Council and suggested that the church locate on the ten lots proposed for M-l zoning on Broadway. There being no further discussion, the Mayor declared the Hearing closed. Further discussion resumed regarding financing, set-back requirements and other requested conditions to be established by the Home Fair Civic Asso- ciation. Plans were again reviewed by the City Council and discussion held. Reverend Elam explained that the first of the construction would be Fellow- ship Hall and the temporary housing for the Sunday School. Councilman Borden was of the opinion that the Church was inadequately financed, and that the erection of temporary buildings would not be an asset to the neighborhood. RESOLUTION NO. 5329: Councilman Pearson offered Resolution No. 5329 and moved for its passage and adoption granting Special Use Permit No. 34, subject to the recommendati.ons of the City Planning Commission, however amending Condition No. 2 thereof to read I'dedication to the City of Anaheim of 32 feet from the center line of Loara Street", and further subject to the suggestions of the Home Fair Civic Association, as follows: 1. Six-foot masonry wall around the north, west and south boundarjes of the property. 2m Minimum set-back of 50-feet to allow for suitable landscaping to agree with the submitted architect"s rendering. 3. Submittal of plans, elevation and landscaping design prior to final approval of Special Use Permit. 4. Limiting the structure to a one-story building. Steeple, roof elevation etc. to be of reasonable height to properly develop church elevation. 5. Driveways of the Church and its entire parking areas to be paved with concrete or high-grade asphalt, except for those portions needed to carry out the approved landscaping design. 6~ Construction period not to exceed 18 months to 2 years. 7. Special Use Permit be restricted to the area 175 x378i with allowance for Public Hearing if church expands facilitiies. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM GRANTING SPECIAL .j. USE PERMIT NO. 34 TO SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA DISTRICT CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE TO CONSTRUCT A CHURCH AND CONDUCT CHURCH SERVICES ON THE PROPERTY HEREIN- AFTER DESCRIBED. On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMAN: COUNCILMAN: Fry, Pearson and Schutte. Borden. Coons. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. PUBLIC HEARING: VARIANCE NO. 1114: Submitted by Martin Sorkin requesting . permission to use the existing dwelling at 1016 Magnolia Avenue for an accounting office. (East side of Magnolia Avenue between Greenbrier and La Palma Avenue) ~-~.,.':::::::'::;;:;~:~~,,,,:o<~:..:~~,..,^,,.~:'._. . I 3468 City Hall, Anaheim, California - COUNCIL MINUTES - July 7, 1959, 7:00 PGM. The City Planning Commission pursuant to their Resolution No. 237 granted said variance, subject to the following conditions: 1. The dedication of 53-feet to the City of Anaheim from the center line of Magnolia Avenue. 2. The paYment of $2000 per front foot for street lighting purposes. 3. Front yard to be maintalned sjrnilar to other residences in the area. 4. Improved parking to be provided as shown on plot plan. 50 Any sign to be Ilmi teid to 81: x 12~i. Appeal from action taken by the City Planning Commission was filed by Mr. Ora Hardacre and public hearing scheduled. The Mayor asked if anyone wished to address the Council. Mr. Hardacre addressed the Council and requested that the building retain tts residential appearance until other properties on Magnolia Avenue are rezoned for commercial use, and that the use be limited to that of an accountant s office. Mr. Hardacre also called attention to the heavy truck traffic on Magnolia Avenue which he attributed to the Santa Ana Freeway turnoff, and requested something be done to eliminate this problem. MrQ Sorkjn, Applicant addressed the Council agreeing to maintain the house residential in appearance and further-agreeing to make any changes to the exterior of the house contingent to the wishes of the three property owners to the south of this s4te. There being no further discussion, and no one else wishing to address the Council on this matter, the Mayor declared the hearing closed. RESOLUTION NO. 5330: Councilman Fry offered Resolution No. 5330 and moved for its passage and adoption granting Variance No. 1114 subject to the recommendations of the City Planning Commission, and further subject to any changes to the ex- terior of the house be limited to those changes which wpuld maintain the present residential character. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM GRANTING VARIANCE NO. 1114. ... On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMAN: COUNCILMAN: Fry, Pearson and Schutte. Borden. Coons. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. PUBLIC HEARING: VARIANCE NO. 1121: Submitted by Harold and Billye Olander, requesting permission to operate a one-operator beauty shop with living quarters on property described as 2190 Catalpa Avenue. (Lot 1, Tract No. 1721) The City Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 244 denied said Variance. Appeal from action taken by the City Planning Commission was filed by Mr. Webb Brown, Agent for the ApDlicants, and publi.c hearing scheduled. The Mayor asked if anyone wished to address the Council. '~;"~''''''''''-'-'-''''-'''._'';''''-~''.''-~'''- 3469- Ci ty HalL, Anaheim, California - COUNCIL MINUTES - July 7, 1959, 7:00 P.M. Mr. Brown, Agent, addressed the Council urging" the granting of the Variance explaining that Mr0 and Mrss Olander were purchasing this property for thejr daughter for the purpose of maintaining her beauty shop in her home and at the same time, support and care for her six-year old daughter. Plans indicating area for off-street parking were presented and discussedo Miss Virginia Jackson, Real Estate Agent, advised that she has had this home for sale for some time, and has been unable to sell it because of its location and surrounding uses Mr@ Bedard, 2182 Catalpa Street addressed the Council in opposition to the Variance advising that the home faces Catalpa, a residential street, that in his opinion there would not be sufficient room for off-street parking and to grant thjs variance would establish a precedent in the area. Reference was made to the petit~on of protest signed by approximately 70 signatures filed with the C ty Planning Commissj,on0 Aerial photo of this .i.ocatton was submitted. (Photo retained by Mr. Bedard) The Mayor asked 1f anyone else wished to address the Council, there being no response, declared the hearing closed8 RESOLUTION NO. 5331: Councilman Borden offered ResolutiQn No. 5331 and moved for its passage and adoption, denying Variance Nos 1121. Refer to Resolution Book~ page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DENYING VARIANCE NO. 112LJ On roll cail the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMAN: COUNCILMAN: Borden, Pearson and Schutte. Fryo Coons. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. PUBLIC HEARING: VARIANCE NO. 1122: Submitted by Wayne Earl Shull, requesting permission to build professional offices, retail stores and a cocktail bar on property described as the east side of Euclid Avenue between Katella Avenue and Sumac Lane. The City Planning Commission pursuant to their Resolution No. 245, Series 1958-59 denied said variance. Appeal from action taken by the City Planning Commission was filed by the Applicant and public hearing scheduled. The Mayor asked if anyone wished to address the council. Mr~ Harold E. Klein, 1775 Tiara Street addressed the Council re- ferring to the petition of protest flIed wi.th the Ci ty Planning Commission, and specifically objecting to the use of the property for a cocktail bar. He stated that next to the proposed development is a hamburger stand which is frequented by teen-agers and others~ and in his opinion the proximity of a bar to this influence was not a good thing~ He further advised that the area was primarily residential in nature and felt that the proposed wall would neither eliminate the noise nOI the nuisance of the proposed development. Mr. Gallen Moore, representing the seller of the property questioned height limitatjons 1n the C-l Zone. Mr. Moore was advised that there was no one-story height li.mitation at the present time in the C-l zone. There being no further discussion, the Mayor declared the hearing closed. ,~~.".....~_..".~ -- 3470 Ctty Hall, Anahelm, California ~ COUNCIL MINUTES ~ July 7, 1959, 7:00 P"M. RESOLUTION NO. 5332: Councilman Pearson offered Resolution No. 5332 and moved .for its passage and adoption, denying Variance application NOm 1122. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DENYING VARIANCE NO. 1122. On roll call the fOTegoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMAN: Borden, Fry, Pearson and Schutte& None, CoonsJ The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. PUBLIC HEARING: RECLASSIFICATION NO. F-58-59-69: Pursuant to City Council Resolution No. 4969 the property contained in original application for re- classi ficat=>on No. F-55-56-36 submitted by Elizabeth D. Chamie and Rose D. Burnside, located at the Northeast corner of Lincoln Avenue and Bel Air Street, presently Loned C-l and C-3, pursuant to Ordinance NaG 1148, adopted October 8, 1957, was referred back to the City Planning Commission for recommendations regarding the rezoning of the C-3 portion of the area to C-l. The Ci ty Planntng Commissjon, pursuant to their Resoluti.on No. 242, Series, 1958-59 recommended that change of zone be denied, but that .any deed restri ctions deemed necessary on the C-3 bt~ imposed by the Ci ty Council. The Mayor asked if anyone wished to address the Council. Mrs~ Chamie addresseo the Council requesting that the property remain as presently zoned.. She remin:::1ed the C'ountil that thi.s matter was considered when the origina grove was first considered for subdivision. As a result they dedi.cated a 60-foot street Be Air) at the approximate cost of $15,000900 to create this corner. At that time she asked if not~fication of the intended use of this corner should be put n deed restrictions so that everyone would be alerted, and was advised by the City Counci that this would not be necessary inasmuch as the property would be rezoned long before the houses were built or sold. Mrs. Chamie further advised that th5s parcel of property as well as others owned by them, is in the hands of Coldwell Bankers for develpment~ There being no further discussion, the Mayor declared the hearing closed" RESOLUTION NO. 5333: Councilman Fry offered Resolution No. 5333 and moved for ~ its passage and adoption~ Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO MAKE NO CHANGE IN THE ZONING OR RESTRICTIONS ON THE PROPERTY HEREINAFTER DES.CRIBED. On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NO ES ! ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNC I LMEN ! COUNCILMAN: Borden, Fry~ Pearson and Schutte~ NonG. Coonsa The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. PUBLIC HEARING: RECLASSIFICATION NO. F~58-59-98: Submitted by West Coast Baptist Childrenus Home, requesting change of zone from R-A and R-O to R-3, property located on the northeast corner of South and East Streets. The City Planning Commissjon~ pursuant to their Resolution No. 240, Series 1958-59 recommended said reclassification be denied. ~~-"C';O;;"',,,,~:::.;"'::"'.-_~~".:;;;~,,o:::.":~' . .. T 3471 City Hall, Anaheim, California ~, COUNCIL MINUTES - July 7, 1959,7:00 P.M. Appea from action taken by the Ci. ty Planning Commission was filed by Mr Walter Gooden, agent, and public hearing scheduled. The Mayor as~ed if anyone wished to address the CouncilG Mr~ Gooden addressed the Council and presented a study of the area indicat~ng the size of the proposed lots, and requested permission to modify the original applicat~.on as follows; Lots I to 8~ rezoned to R~3 Th~ balance of the area, being Lots 9 to 18, rezoned to R-I. Mr~ Turner ruled that the matter would have to be referred back to the City Planning Commission, and as result the Mayor declared the hearing closed., Councilman Fry moved that the app ication be referred back to the C~ty Planning Commiss~. on to permit the Appllcant to amend the application and for publ~c hearing on said amended application to change a portion of the property to R~l, and further requested the City Planning Commission to hold said public hearing and make their recommendations. Councilman Pearson seconded the motion. To this mot.3on Councilman Borden voted linoli. MOTION CARRIED., A Gent eman ~n the audience referred to the legal notice as mailed to the people i.n the area and advised as a result they had held a neighborhood meeting and unanimous'y agreed to protest any R-3 zoning of that property. VARIANCE NO. 1111: Submitted by Stanctard Development Corporation, requesting waiver of minimum lot size and tloor area requirements on property described briefly as located on the west side of Knott Avenue between Ball Road and Cerritos Avenue. ThE:: Ci ty Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 224, Series 1958-59 denjed said Variance. Appea from action by Attorney Robert S, Barnes and Public Hearing heid June 1959 with actjon by the City for further study, takE'n by the Ci ty Planning Commission was filed behalf of Standard Development Corporation 16~ 1959 and continued and concluded June 23, Counci deferred to this date to allow time Public Hear5ng on Variance Application NOe 1111 was reopened by the City Council on motion by Councilman Pearson, seconded by Councilman Fry. MOTION CARRIEDG The Mayor asked if anyone wished to address the Council. Mr. Barnes, Attorney, addressed the Council and presented a revised map of the tract showing 22 lots en the east side of the tract to be 7200 square foot lots He advised that 60% of the homes would be plan 600 or plan 700 which is their larger house size, and in his opinion would not be a rapid departure from the zoning of the adjacent area. A map wa a so presented indicating the surrounding tracts and the various sizes of the ~ots. Mr. Barnes asked that the revised tract map and the map indicating the surrounding areas be made a part of the file. Further discussion was held and Councilman Pearson requested that both sides of the Easterly street of tract be 7200 square foot lots, to this Mr. Barnes agreed. Councilman Borden felt that the prOVlSlons of the Anaheim Municipal Code should be maintained in a 1 cases~ and that the people in this newly annexed area joined the City of Anaheim because of Anaheim Standards. closed. There being no further discussion, the Mayor declared the hearing "'~""""#("""..""",..,,,...,.",- '"''".'''...._...".-,+:.-.''~..."':-~,:...,.".-.-.,.'''~_...-,,'i:t""'W __..~.;:,,"'_"*'_~,... .1 3472 City Hail, Anaheim, Cali.fornla ~ COUNCIL MINUTES - July 7, 1959't 7:00 P"M. ,RESOLUTION NO. 5334; Councjlman Schutte offered Resolution No. 5334 and moved for its passage and adoption granting Variance No. 1111 with the exception of Lots 13 to 38, 267 to 279 and 165 to 189 which are to maintain the 7200 square foot lot areas and 1225 square foot livable house area; the reason for granting the varjance being that the houses in the immediate vicinity are below standard size. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM GRANTING VARIANCE NO. 1111. On roll call the foregoing rpsolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES; ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMAN~ COUNCILMAN: Fry, Pearson and SchutteQ Borden ., Coons. fhe Mayor declare<:1 the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted.. AWARD OF CONTRACT - .JOB NO. 454: MX0 Piersall reported on the following bids "receIved for the construct10n of stee bui leU ng at the northeast corner of Crescent and Brookhurst, Job No., 454, and recommended the acceptance of the low bid, that of the Pasco Step Corporationa $18,899.99) Pasco Steel Corporatjon 1301 E. Lex~n9ton Pomona, Cal fornia Accompanieo by a bid b::md f 10% $ 18,899099 Butler Manufacturing Company 4014 E. Firpstone BlvJ., South Gate, Cal fornia Accompanied by a bid bond the amount of $5 000 00 $ 19,167.00 Garland O. Banta 12371 Z'g Zag Way Tustin, California Accompanied by a bid bond of 10% $ 22~187.00 ~ESOLUTION NO. 5335: Counc-ilman Pearson offered Resolution No. 5335 and moved for its passage and adoption Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A SEALED PROPOSAL AND AWARDING A CONTRACT TO THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER FOR THE FURNISHING OF ALL PLANT, LABOR, SERVICES, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT AND ALL UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION, INCLUDING POWER, FUEL AND WATER, AND PERFORMING ALL WORK NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT AND COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT: A RIGID FRAlvlE... FABRICATED STEEL BUILDING LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF CRESCENT AVENUE AND BROOKHURST STREET, JOB NO. 454. (Pasco Steel Corp.) On roll cal the fore9o~n9 resolution was duly passed and adopted by the fo lowing vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN~ COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMAN: Borden, Fry~ Pearson and Schutte~ None. Coons, The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NOe 5336: Councilman Borden offered Resolution No. 5336 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AUTHORIZING THE DEPOSIT IN ESCROW WITH FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION OF ALHAMBRA, ALHAMBRA, CALIFORNIA BY TYEE-PARK ESTATES, INC. OF FONDS REQUIRED FOR FURNISHING, INSTALL- ATION AND COMPLETION OF ALL IMPROVEMENTS REQUIRED BY THE CITY OF ANAHEIM IN "TRACT NO. 3371; AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLER~ TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT FOR AND ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. $166,750 00) .1~_. ~~j.!,.,",,,.,,,,,,,,,~.,,,.,".'IaI1i;,..;.-.,,~.,... W ~ 3413 Gi ty Hall~ Anahetm~ Caijfornia ~ COUNCIL MINUTES - July 7, 1959,7:00 PaM. On TO cal the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the followfng vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMAN; Borden, Fry, Pearson and Schutte. None~ Coons) The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. ,FINAL MAP, TRACT NO. 3371: Subdivider, Marjan Development Incorporated. Tract located on the south s~de of South Street extending southerly from South Street to Vermont Street~ and conta~ns 122 lots. (30 acres) MI. P4ersall reported that all required fees have been paid and that the Final Map conforms substantially with the Tentative Map previously submitted and recommended the acceptance of said mapo Hous~ plans were submitted and reviewed by the City Councils A representatjye of the development advised that the roofs of the houses would be wood shingle~; i rsttC,ad of compos"i Hon as indicated on the plans@ (Said p ~ans were rece.-i vej dn:) forwarded to the But Iding Department) On thE recommendat.ions of the Cl ty Engineer, Final Map of Tract No. 337 was approv~d by the City Counci on motion by Councilman Borden, seconded by Councilman Fry. MOTION CARRIED. .TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 3392 - WELL SIr~: Correspondence from Marjan Development, Inc~ dated July l" 1959 was submitted and read advising that the location of a well site within sa:j tract does not conform to the location of the well and pump"Lng plant as ocated on the ground,and further advisin.g of their intent- s c prcv'~ j~. necessar '( eaSlments for aCCESS to the si tee Mr~ Oelkers. Director of Publ c Utilities reported the well and site was owned by the Santa Ana Street Water Company, Mr. p~ sa:~ reported when the well was originally drilled it was ::1': lle'j off 55. tt.'. Said correspondence was ordered received and filed on motion by Counci Iman Fry, secon:::1ed by Counci lman Borden~ MOTION CARRIED~ , VARIANCE NO. 1072 - EXTENSION OF TIME: Communication from Mr. Oresto Grottola dated June 28, 1959 was submitted and read,requesting an extention to Variance No. 1072 permi tting h~cm to operate a cabinet and fix-all shop in existing garage at 9972 VeLare Street garage faces Ball Road). Mr. Grottola dddressed the Council explaining the reasons for his request being his phys cal inabi jty to work elsewhere, and also due to the acation of the garage no one ~s affected by this operation. Councilman Pearson moved that Variance No. 1072 be extended for a p~r~od of ODe year, it being understood That in the event it becomes a nu;sance to the surrounding residents, the variance would be revoked. Councilman Fry seconded said motion fo this motion Councilman Borden voted n.o" MOTION CARRIED. VARIANCE NO. 1127: Subm:1.tted by Gail Vary requesting permission to erect a four-unit dwelling with garages and private patios on property described as 761 North Claudina Street (Southwest corn8r of Claudina and North Streets) The C1 ty Planning Commission pursuant to their Resolution No. 264, Series 1958-59 granted said variance sub.ject to the following conditions: 1. Remove and reconstruct sidewalks on Claudina and North Streets. 2. Remove and reconstruct curb on Claudina Street. 3. Erect buildings in accordance with the plans presented. ~'"-."""'..._-~.-..."~.. 3474 City Hall, Anaheim, California - COUNCIL MINUTES - July 7, 1959, 7:00 P.M. Appeal from action taken was filed by Mr. Harvey Baker. Communication from MT~ Va.ry dated July 3, 1959 was submitted and read requesting said Variance application be withdrawn. On motion by Councilman Pearson~ seconded by Councilman Borden said request was granted and the Variance withdrawn. MOTION CARRIED. VARIANCE NO. 1128: Submitted by John and Julia Van DeT Heide: Requesting per- mission to operate a real estate brokerage and insurance brokerage business at 1637 Catherine Drive. (North side Catherine Drive between Euclid Avenue and Dresden Street) ,~ The City Planning Commission pursuant to their Resolution No. 265, Series 1958-59 granted said variance subject to the following conditions: L. Repair the sidewalk on North Euclid Avenue. 2 Dedicate only 50 feet from centerline of North Euclid Avenue for street widening, on account of improvements now on the property. 3. Limiting any sign to 4 ft. x 8 ft. 4. The providing of 4 off-street parking spaces on the property. No further action was taken by the City Council. VARIANCE NO~ 1129: Submitted by Emilio M~ Ponce, Jr. requesting permission to . ( construct a new two bedroom unit of 927 square feet at 905 Pauline Street. West side of Pauline Street, between North Street and La Palma Avenue) The City Planning Commission pursuant to their Resolution No. 266, Series 1958-59 granted said variance, subject to the following conditions: 1. The construction of the building in accordance with the plans presented. 2. The construction of a concrete driveway on Pauline Street. No further action was taken by the City Council. VARIANCE NO. 1130: Submitted by Mathew P. Lanza requesting permission to use ~resent building located at 930 North Magnolja Avenue for an office for con- ducting real estate sales and other related activities such as, accounting, drafting, real estate instruction, etc. (East side of Magnolia Avenue between La Palma and Lincoln Avenues) The City Planning Commission pursuant to their Resolution No. 267, Series 1958-59 denied said variance. No further action was taken by the City Council. VARIANCE NOs 1131: Submitted by Butler-Harbour Construction Company requesting ~aiver of minimum front yard requirements on property briefly described as located on the north side of Broadway Street between Magnolia and Dale Avenues. (Tracts Nos. 2832 and 2938' The Ci.ty Planning Commission pursuant to their Resolution No. 268, Series 1958-59 granted Variance No. 1131 for all interior lots as shown on plans, but that all lots facing on Broadway be kept at Code requirements, namely 25-fcu front yard set-backs. Plot plans of the area were reviewed by the City Council. Review of action taken by the City Planning Commission was ordered by the City Council to be held _July 28, 1959. 7:00 o2clock P.M. on motion by Council- man Borden, seconded by Councilman Pearson. MOTION CARRIED. ~~~,;j;i1>'!IW",.'!f;?C;,."",..,:~"- 3475 ~itv HallL-Anahe~California = COUNCIL MINUTES - July 7~ 1959~7:00 P. M. VARIANCE NO. 1132~ Submitted by Park Village Homes requesting permission to . construct a l2u x 21' temporary directional sign on property briefly described ~s the southwest side of the Santa Ana Freeway, approximately 125 feet south of the Orangethorpe overpass bridge. The City Planning Commission pursuant to their Resolution No. 269, Series 1958-59 granted said variance for a period of 3 months subject to the nine conditions established by the City Council for directional signs. No further action was taken by the City Council. VARIANCE NO. 1133: Submitted by Margo Investment Company and Nigel Investment .Company requesting permission to make an 8-foot adjustment in widths of Lots 24 thru 39, inclusive of Tract No. 2489. Property located on the north side of Stella Avenue between Ninth Street and Janette Lane. The City Planning Commission pursuant to their Resolution No. 270, Series 1958-59 granted $id variance& Action by the City Council was deferred to the next meeting (July 14. 1959) on motion by Councilman Fry, seconded by Councilman Schutte. MOTION CARRIED~ VARIANCE NO. 1134: Submitted by Donald F. Krebs requesting waiver of height ~restrictions for fences to enclose a swimming pool in the front yard of 814 North Modena Streete The City Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 271, Series 1958-59 granted said variance. Review of action taken by the City Planning Commission was ordered by the Cily Council and public hearinq scheduled.July 28. 1959~ 7:00 o'clock P. M~ on motion by Councilman Borden, seconded by Councilman Pearson. MOTION CARRIEDc SPECIAL USE PERMIT NO. 41: Submitted by California Spray Chemical Corporation requesting permission to add facilities for blending agricultural dusts on the property described as 10962 Haster Street. (East side of Haster Street between Katella and Cerritos Avenues)6 The City Planning Commission pursuant to their Resolution No. 272, Series 1958-59 granted said Special Use Permit, subject to the following conditions: 1. Clearance from the Orange County Air Pollution District. 20 The dedication of 45 feet on Haster Street to the City of Anaheim. 3. The dedication of 60 feet on Katella Avenue to the City of Anaheim. 4e Prepare street improvement plans and install all improvements in accordance with approved standard plans on file in the office of the City Engineer on both streets. .;t> 5~ The payment of $2.00 per front foot for street lighting purposes. Communication from MrG C. M. McNees, dated July 1, 1959, was submitted and read, protesting the necessity of land dedication, a requirement established by the City Planning Commission. Communication from Gordon Black, District Manager of the California Spray Chemical Corporation, dated July 3, 1959, was submitted and read requesting Special Use Permit as applied for be granted eliminating therefrom four conditions imposed by the City Planning Commission. basis motion. Councilman Pearson moved that the Special Use Permit be granted on the s required by the City Planning Commission. Councilman Borden seconded the To this motion, Councilman Fry voted Clnoce. MOTION CARRIED. ~~""'=-'-'~"";""~""-'-"''"'''';'.'c",~: ~.'"" .'!II:- -.....:~~. ~,:.;,.......,-_.. . 347b City Hall, Anaheim, California - COUNCIL MINUTES - July 7, 1959, 7;00 P.M. Mr. McNees addressed the City Council and advised of the proposed State Overpass at this location. Councilman Pearson moved to rescind the motion previous made and defer action on this request one week (July 14, 1959) in order that additional investigati.on can be made. Councilman Borden seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. SPECIAL USE PERMIT NO. 42: Submitted by Mrs. Elizabeth Lancaster requesting permission to construct a deluxe 65.space trailer park with recreation build- ings, swimming pool, play areas and utility buildings at 235 South Stanton Avenue. (West side of Stanton Avenue, between Lincoln and Orange Avenues) ~ The City Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 273 Series 1958-59 granted said Special Use Permit subject to the layout presented. Communication dated June 26, 1959 from the Orange County Flood District Engineer was submitted and read advising that the southerly portion of this property will be subject to frequent flood hazard until such time as Car- bon Creek Channel and Carbon Canyon Dam are completed. Review of action taken by the City Planning Commission was ordered by the City Council and public hearing scheduled. AUQust 4. 1959. 7:00 oiclock P. M. on motion by Councjlman Borden seconded by Councilman Fry. MOTION CARRIED. SPECIAL USE PERMIT NO~ 43; Submitted by Northrop Corporation requesting per- mission to manufacture countermeasures, rockets and related operations on property located at 500 East Orangethorpe Avenue@ (South side of Orangethorpe Avenue between Lemon Street and Raymond Avenue) The City Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 274, Series 1958-59 granted said Special Use Permit subject to maintaining a noise level at the test site of 85 decibels. No further action was taken by the City Council. RECLASSIFICATION NO. F-56-57-42: Submitted by Angelo J. Scaglione. This . application was referred back to the City Planning Commission by the City Council for consideration of change of zone from C-l to R-l a portion of the property described as located on the south side of Lincoln Avenue, east of Magnolia Avenue. Public Hearing was ordered to be held July 28, 1959, 7:00 olclock P. M. on motion by Councilman Borden, seconded by Councilman Pearson. MOTION CARRIED. RECLASSIFICATION NO. F-57-58-1: Submitted by Clarence W. Rains requesting change of zone from R-A to C-l property located at 2911 West Lincoln Avenue. Thi.s application was referred back to the City Planning Commission for re- consideration due to an error in the description of the property filed with original application. Public Hearing was ordered to be held.JulY 28, 1959. 7aOO olclock P.M. on motion by Councilman Borden, seconded by Councilman Pearson. MOTION CARRIED. RECLASSIFICATION NO. F-58-59-65: Submitted by Robert P. Ralls, M.D. requesting change of zone from R-A to C-l property located at the southwest corner of North West Street and West La Palma Avenue. (1100 West La Palma Avenue) This application was referred back to the City Planning Commission for reconsideration because of an error in the description of the property. Public Hearing was ordered to be held Julv 28. 1959. 7:00 oVclock P.M. on motion by Councilman Borden, seconded by Councilman Pearson. MOTION CARRIED. COMMUNICATION: LINCOLN PARK CIVIC ASSOCIATION: Communication advising results of election of officers was received and ordered filed on motion by Councilman Pearson, seconded by Councilman Borden. MOTION CARRIED. .~","",.,_.,..i....~,,,,..~,,-,.,*....!,,,,," 3477 Cjty Hall, Anahei.m~ California - COUNCIL MINUTES - July 7, 1959, 7:00 P.M. REQUEST - ST BONIFACE SCHOOL: Request of Saint Boniface School for permission to extend the use of two temporary classrooms and also permission to erect two additional classrooms on property located northwesterly of the Church (Palm and Chartres Streets) was submitted and reado On motion by Councilman Borden, seconded by Councilman Pearson, an addjtional three year extention was granted for the use of the existing temporary classrooms, and permission was also granted to erect two additional temporary classrooms to be used for a period of three years, subject to the bu1ldings maintaining at least 20-feet clearance from any other structure in order that exposure is not increased.. MOTION CARRIEDs COMMUNICATION - IZAAK WALTON LEAGUE - A.B. 286: Communication dated June 16, .1959 (copjes furnished each Councilman) was submitted and discussed, regard- ing State Assembly Bill 286 making possible the opening of bodies of water to the public for fishing, and the surrounding land for other. recreational use; setting forth pertinent facts, and requesting the City Council to re- scind Resolution No~ 5063m Said communjcation was ordered received and filed on motion by Councilman Pearson, seconded by Councilman Borden. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Wayne Held, Conservation Educational Director of the Anaheim Chapter, Izaak Walton League addressed the Council rei.terating facts con- tained in said communi.cation and further advising that the request was made to rescind Resolution No. 5063 in order that the measure can be submitted to the vote of the people at the next general election. Councilman Pearson explained that the opening of Lake Matthews to the public would require the installation of a filtering plant at an increased cost of approximately $6.00 per acre foot for water,and in his opinion the important thing for consideration is our drinking waters After further discussion between the City Council and Mr. Held, the Council agreed to further consider this request within the next couple of months. leO.S. MINUTES: Minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting of the Joint Outfall Sewer held June 5, 1959 were submitted and ordered received and fjled on motion by Councilman Fry, seconded by Councilman Borden. MOTION CARRIED. APPLICATION - FRANCHISE - SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY: Application of Southern California Edison Company dated June 26, 1959, for Electric Franchise for a period of fifty years, for electric distribution and transmission facilities and appurtenances, including communication circuits necessary or proper therefor, in, along, across, upon, over and under the public streets, highways, ways, alleys and places within the City of Anaheim was ordered received for study on motion by Councilman Pearson, seconded by Councilman Fry. MOTION CARRIED~ CANCELLATION OF COUNTY TAXES: On motion by Councilman Fry, seconded by Councilman Borden, the Orange County Board of Supervi.sors was requested to cancel county taxes on property acquired by the City of Anaheim for municipal purposes pursuant to Resolution No~ 5269 (Erich Winger) and Resolution No. 5301 (County Tax Collector, Lot 21, Shaffer and Oswald Subdivision) MOTION CARRIED. CANCELLATION OF CITY TAXES: On motion by Councilman Pearson, seconded by Councilman Fry, cancellation of city taxes on property acquired by the Orange County Flood Control District, formerly assessed to Michael A. and Dorothy Anna Martin (Deed 33743) was authorized. MOTION CARRIED. STREET DEFICIENCY REPORT: In accordance with Section 2156, Chapter 4, Division 3, of the Streets and Highways Code, Thornton Piersall, City Engineer submitted the annual Street Deficiency Report and advised that a copy thereof would be forwarded to the State of California. ~=--.,';"""""'---- "~~"'~I 3478 City Hall~ Anaheim, California - COUNCIL MINUTES - July 7, 1959, 7:00 P~M8 Said report was received and ordered filed on motion by Councilman Pearson, seconded by Councilman FrVo MOTION CARRIE1?8 RESOLUTION NO. 5337: Councilman Pearson offered Resolution No~ 5337 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROPRIATING CERTAIN FUNDS FOR ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM; AUTHORIZING A CONTRACT WITH THE ANAHEIM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE FOR THE DOING OF SAID ADVERTIS- ING: AND PROVIDING FOR COMPENSATION TO THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE FOR SERVICES TO BE RENDERED TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. ($15,000.00) .-. On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AilES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN; COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMAN; Borden, Fry, Pearson and Schutte. None. Coons~ The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 5338; Councilman Borden offered Resolution No. 5338 and moved 10r its passage and adoption8 Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY REQUIRE THE CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLETION OF A PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT, TO WIT~ THE BROOKHURST STREET SEWER IMPROVEMENT. FROM BALL ROAD TO 960 FEET SOUTH OF BALL ROAD, JOB NO. 1163; AND APPROVING THE DESIGNS, PLANS, PROFILES, DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF; AUTHORIZING'THE CONSTRUCTION OF SAID PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH SAID PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, ETC.; AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH ~ NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF. (Open bi~s, july 30, 1959) On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOE S : ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMAN: Borden, Fry, Pearson and Schutte~ None. Coons. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 5339: Councilman Fry offered Resolution No~ 5339 and moved for 1ts passage and adoptiono Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY REQUIRE THE CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLETION OF A PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT, TO.WIT: THE IMPROVEMENT OF WESTERN AVENUE, FROM 890 FEET NORTH OF BALL ROAD TO BALL ROAD, PRO,JECT NO. 74; AND APPROVING THE DESIGNS, PLANS, PROFILES, DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF; AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUCTION OF SAID PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH SAID PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, ETC.; AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLIS'H A NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF. (Bids to be opened, July 30, 1959) , On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCI LMAN: Borden, Fry, Pearson and Schutte. None~ Coons. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. ~;~'.'-_~~'Oj,~,_"..: 3479 City Hall, Anaheim. California - COUNCIL MINUTES - July 7, 1959, 7:00 P.M. RESOLUTION NO. 5340: Councilman Schutte offered Resolution No. 5340 and moved for its passage and. adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETER- MINING THAT PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND_NECESSITY REQUIRE THE CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLETION OF A PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT, TO WIT: THE IMPROVEMENT OF KNOTT AVENUE. FROM LINCOLN AVENUE TO BALL ROAD, PROJECT NO. 72; AND APPROVING THE DESIGNS, PLANS, PROFILES, DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CON- STRUCTION THEREOF; AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUCTION OF SAID PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH SAID PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, ETC.; AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH A NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS FOR fHE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF. (Bids to be opened July 30, 1959) On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYE S: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMAN: Borden, Fry, Pearson and Schutte. None~ Coons. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO" 5341: Councilman Borden offered Resolution No. 5341 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING AMENDMENT ~mMBER 2 TO THE AGREEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE OF STATE HIGHWAY IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. (Route 175, revised) On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMAN: Borden~ Fry, Pearson and Schutte. None, Coonso The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 5342: Councilman Borden offered Resolution No. 5342 and moved for its passage and adoptiona Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM LEVYING AN ASSESSMENT ON EACH LOT AND PARCEL OF LAND CONTAINED IN STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT 1958-1 FOR THE CONTRACT YEAR, AUGUST 1, 1959 TO JULY 31, 1960, FOR THE AMOUNT ESTIMATED TO BE NECESSARY TO IMPROVE THE STREET LIGHTING SYSTEM FOR SUCH ENSUING CONTRACT YEARo ($6.38 and $7.66) On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMAN: Borden, Fry, Pearson and Schutte. None Coons. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 5343: Councilman Fry offered Resolution No. 5343 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM LEVYING AN ASSESSMENT ON EACH LOT AND PARCEL OF LAND CONTAINED IN STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT 1959-l FOR THE FIRST CONTRACT YEAR, FOR THE 'AMOUNT ESTIMATED TO BE NECESSARY TO IMPROVE THE STREET LIGHTING SYSTEM FOR THE ENSUING CONTRACT YEAR. ($5.78 _ $10.60) ;~~,.':,,,,,,,,,,_,,,,,,,,,,;;,,w ;;..,';-........"-;.:..;_.~o~"'_...,..i._..~~.-~~,~.,._.....~iIii"" --~ 3480 City Hall. Anaheim. California - C04NCIL MINUTES - July 7, 1959, 7:00 P.M. On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NO ES : ALSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMAN: Borden, Fry, Pearson and Schuttee None. Coons. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 5344: Councilman Schutte offered Resolution No. 5344 and moved for its passage and adoption~ 1'--' Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASEMENT FOR ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES. (Earl Singleton) On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCI LMEN: COUNCILMAN: Borden, Fry, Pearson and Schutte. None. Coons@ The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 5345: Councilman Schutte offered Resolution No. 5345 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASEMENT FOR ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES. (Louis Montaleone) On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYE S : NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMAN: Borden, Fry, Pearson and Schutte. None. Coons. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 1362: Councilman Fry offered Ordinance No. 1362 for first read- ing and moved for its passage and adoption. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF ZONES IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND THEREIN REGULATING THE USE OF LAND, HEIGHT OF BUILDINGS AND YARD SPACES: ADOPTING A MAP SHUdlNG THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID ZONES: DEFINING THE TERMS USED THEREIN: PROVIDING FOR ADJUSTMENT, AMENDMENT AND ENFORCEMENT: PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION AND REPEALING ALL SECTIONS OR PARTS OF SECTIONS IN ~ONFLICT THEREWITH. IF-58-59-64, C~l) After hearing read in full the title of Ordinance No. 1362 and having knowledge of the contents therein, Councilman Fry moved the reading in ful} of said Ordinance be wai.ved, Councilman Borden seconded the motion. MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIEDe ORDINANCE NO. 1363: Councilman Borden offered Ordinance No~ 1363 for first reading and moved for its passage and adoptiono AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF ZONES IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND THEREIN REGULATING THE USE OF LAND, HEIGHT OF BUILDINGS AND YARD SPACES: ADOPTING A MAP SHOWING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID ZONES: DEFINING THE TERMS USED THEREIN: PROVIDING FOR ADJUSTMENT, AMENDMENT AND ENFORCEMENT: PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION AND REPEALING ALL SECTIONS OR PARTS OF SECTIONS IN CONFLICT THEREWITH. (F-58-59-7l, C-3) ~_"-~-"""c;",""'d.,"~:c.,,~.,,~,_~.i"~:'_0-+-;,'.~' 3481 City Hall, Anaheim, California - COUNCIL MINUTES - July 7. 1959. 7:00 P.M. After hearing read in full the title of Ordinance No. 1363 and having knowledge of the contents therein, Councilman Borden moved the read- ing i.n full of said Ordinance be waived, Councilman Fry seconded the motion. MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. ORDINANCE NO. 1364: Councilman Fry offered Ordinance No. 1364 for first reading and moved for its passage and adoption. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF ZONES IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND THEREIN REGULATING THE USE OF LAND, HEIGHT OF BUILDINGS AND YARD SPACES: ADOPTING A MAP SHOWING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID ZONES: DEFINING THE TERMS USED THEREIN: PROVIDING FOR ADJUSTMENT, AMENDMENT AND ENFORCEMENT; PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION AND REPEALING ALL SECTIONS OR PARTS OF SECTIONS IN CONFLICT THEREWITH. (F-58-59-62, C-3) After hearing read in full the title of Ordinance No. 1364 and having knowledge of the contents therein, Councilman Borden moved the read- j_ng in full of said Ordinance be waived, Councilman Fry seconded the motion. MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. ORDINANCE NO. 1365: Councilman Borden offered Ordinance No. 1365 for first reading and moved for its passage and adoption. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM MINICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF ZONES IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND THEREIN REGULATING THE USE OF LAND, HEIGHT OF BUILDINGS AND YARD SPACES: ADOPTING A MAP SHOWING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID ZONES: DEFINING THE TERMS USED THEREIN; PROVIDING FOR ADJUSTMENT, AMENDMENT AND ENFORCEMENT: PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION AND REPEALING ALL SECTIONS OR PARTS OF SECTIONS IN CONFLICT THEREWITH. ~F-57-58-9, C-l) After hearin~ read in full the title of Ordinance No. 1365 and having knowledge of the contents therein, Councilman Borden moved the read- ing in full of said Ordinance be waived, Councilman Fry seconded the motion. MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIEDg RESOLUTION NO. 5346: Councilman Fry offered Resolution No. 5346 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM URGING THE PRESIDENT AND CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES TO DESIGNATE LOS ANGELES OR VICINITY AS THE SITE OF A WORLD FAIR IN 1963. r On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMAN: Borden, Fry, Pearson and Schutte. None. Coons. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. TRANSFER OF FUNDS: Transfer of funds from Special Gas Tax Improvement, Traffic Safety, In Lieu, Parking Meter, Recreation and Parksites, Recreation and.rlayground Funds to the General Fund for reimbursement of amounts advances by the General Fund during the fiscal year was authorized on motion by Councilman Pearson, seconded by Councilman Fry. MOTION CARRIED. TRANSFER OF FUNDS: Transfer of $6,000.00 from the Contingency Fund to the Library Building Fund was authorized on motion by Councilman Fry, seconded by Councilman Schutte. MOTION CARRIED. "~"-'~:-"'5~.~..:..-"...~__.,",~_~.,.,_~"~,, 3462 City Hall. Anaheim. California - COUNCIL MINUTES - JUly 7. 1959. 7:00 P.M. ENCROACHMENT: Mr. Turner reported that a building was presently under construction on the Stearns and Duff property which is being constructed over an easement supposedly located on the south side of Lincoln Avenue approximately 1,000 feet east of Stanton Avenue, on the east side of the Stearns and Duff property. He advised that the City has either acquired this easement, or is in the process of acquiring it, and in order to allow the Contractor to proceed with the construct- ion of the building something has to be done to straighten this matter out, per- haps by obtaining an overhead easementa - Councilman Borden moved that the City Attorney, Director of Public Utilities and City Manager be a co~ittee of three, with power to act, to re- solve this matter. Councilman Fry Seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Pearson moved to adjourn. Councilman Borden seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED&'45 P.M. < . SIGNED ~ m J~j~./ City Clerk City Hall, Anaheim, California - COUNCIL MINUTES - July 14, 1959, 7:00 P.M. The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in regular session. PRESENT: ABSENT: PRESENT: COUNCILMEN: Borden, Coons, Fry, Pearson and Schutte. COUNCILMEN: None@ CITY MANAGER: Keith A. MurdochQ CITY ATTORNEY: Preston Turner. CITY CLERK: Dene M. Williams. CITY ENGINEER: Thornton Piersall. CITY PLANNING DIRECTOR: Robert W. Mungall. Mayor Schutte called the meeting to order. AWARD - CITY OF ~NAHEIM: American Automobile Association award in recognition of no pedestrian fatalities in the City of Anaheim during the year 1958 was awarded by Mr. C. R. Brandon, District Manager of the Automobile Club of Southern C?lifornia. Said award was accepted by Chief of Police, Mark A. Stephenson, for and on behalf of the City of Anaheim@ MINUTES: The Minutes of the regular meeting held June 23, 1959, and adjourned regular meetings held June 30, 1959 and July 7, 1959, were approved, as corrected (page number 3454), on motion by Councilman Fry, seconded by Councilman Coons@ MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 5347: Councilman Borden offered Resolution No. 5347 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE.CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING AND DIRECTING THE PAYMENT OF DEMANDS AGAINST THE CITY AS OF JULY 14, 1959. (Warrants No. 2550 to 2834, both inclusive, totaling $495,693.75) On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNC I LMEN: Borden, Coons, Fry, Pearson and Schutte. None. None. """'~'~'_''''''_~''''''r~_''""",_: "___''"'"_:.'~::'''''',a;,;;;.",j.,.".i_.,~. ~ '"'W:.:"'~"';~. .