1959/08/18 3567 Citv Hall. Anaheim~ California - COUNC.IL MINUTES - August 18, 19~9, 7~OQ {J.M.. The City Council of the City of AnahGim met in adjourned regular 5e5siono PRESENT: ABSENT: PRESENT: COUNCILMEN: Borden, Coons, Fry, Pearson and Schutte. COUNCILMEN: None" ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT: Robert Davis. ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY: Joseph GeislerQ CITY CLERK: Dene Mo Williams. CITY ENGINEER: Thornton Piersallo CITY PLANNING DIRECTOR: Rober t W. Munga 1 L Mayor Schutte called the meeting to order. _PUJ~31J~_liEABI~~_- VARIANCE NO., 1126: Submitted by Jaunita Mills, requesting permission to operate a beauty shop in home at 1068 Lomita Street, and also requesting permission to erect a 2 foot by 4 foot lawn sign on said property (southeast corner of La Palma Avenue clnd Lomi ta Street)" The City Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No.8, Series 1959-60, granted said variance, subject to the following conditions: 10 The dedication of 53 feet from the centerline of West La palma- Avenue to the City of Anaheimo 20 The providing of off-street parking as shown on Plot Plan. Appeal from action taken by the City Planning Commission was filed by Mro Olan F. Dunlap and public hearing scheduledo The Mayor asked if anyone wished to address the Council. Mr. Kenneth Lae, Attorney representing the Applicant, addressed the Council, urging the granting of the Variance, and explaining that the Council was considering, in fact, a paTcel of propeI'ty on La Palma Avenue, and outlined the present business operations in the immediate vicinity. He further advised that this would be a one operator shop and that they would be willing to have this so stipulated in the variance restrictions, and also, they would be willing to eliminate the requested lawn sign. He further advised that sufficient off- street parking was available clnd that the people immediately adjacent to this property did not object to the varianceo Mr. Olan Dunlap addressed the Council in opposition to the variance and referred to a petition of protest filed with the City Planning Commission by home owners in the areao Pictures of the residence was submitted and the proximity of other businesses in this area notedo Application for a Cosmetological Establishment License was submitted, together with a floor plan of the residence, and Mr~ Dunlap outlined certain conditions in the application for license that could not be complied with and still maintain the dwelling as a residenceo Copy of deed restrictions for Tract 2373 as recorded in Book 2958, page 585 and 586, together with an amend- ment recorded in Book 3003, page 308, was submitted, and certain restrictions noted, being, the limitation of the tract to single family residences. Mro Dunlap further advised that they would have to file suit against Mrs. Mil~ in the event the Variance is granted by the City Council. The Mayor asked if anyone else wished to address the Council, there being no response, declared the hearing closedo RESOLUTION NO. 5436: Councilman Borden offered Resolution No. 5436 and moved for its passage and adoption, denying Variance No. 1126. Refer to Resolution Book, page ~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DENYING VARIANCE NO. 1126. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: ~~;....i~-~--_~~'~""i4~'--._-_"~"'-~' 3568 City Hall... Anaheim.. California - CqUNCIL MINUTES =-August-18.. 1959, 7:00 P.M. AYES: NOES: ABSENT ; COUNCII.1v1EN; COUNC I LME N ~ COUNCILMEN: Borden, Coons, Fry, Pearson 3nd Schutte. Noneo None" The Mayor declared Resolution Noo 5436 duly passed and adopted. PUBLIC HEARING - RECLASSIFICATION NO.. F-58-59-119~ Submitted by S. Q. R. Land Company, requesting change of zone from R-A to C-2, property located at the north- east COTner of Palm Street and Ball Roado The City Planning Commission, puri-;uc.JD.t to tho iT Resolution Nos 9, Series 1959-60, recommended reclassification to C=l,':iubject to the following conditions: 10 That the applicant file standard C=l Deed Restrictions of the City of Anaheim as approved by the City Attorneyo 20 That a 50 foot (minimum) buffex be placed next to any R-l development. 30 That there be a dedication of 53 feet from the centerline of Ball Road to the City of Anaheimo 40 That there be an additional 2 feet of dedication to the City of Anaheim on Palm Streeto 5a Prepare street improve'ment plans dnd install all improvements in accordance with approved standard plans on file in the office of the City Engineer on both streets. 60 Payment of $2000 per front foot for ~treet lighting purposes. 7. The future of Clifton Street to be determined when plans for development are consideredo 80 That 90 days of such other time dS the City Council may grant, be set for the accomplishment of Conditions 1, 3, 4, 5 and 60 The Mayor asked if anyone wished to address the Council. Mro William Po Webb, Attorney :representing the ApplJ.cant, addressed the Council, explaining that this was a parcel of land comprising approximately ten acres at the northeast corner of Ball ROdd and Palm Street, and an orange grove tha t has been in the same ownership fOl: more th3n 30 years. He advised that they were agreeable to the C-l zoning instead of C-2, however, requested that they not be restricted to definite construction pldnso He explained that they presently have a tentative plan of development, but for obvious reasons, do not want to be bound by themo The tentative plan referred to, was presented dnd reviewed by the City Council.. Mro David Rideout, 1042 South Camhl'idge, Hdd:r€ssed the Council, re- questing to see plans of development, as he was concerned with the extension of Clifton Street through to Palm or Harbor, creating a thoroughfare and increasing traffic through their area.. MrC' Harwood, resident on Cambridge Street, addressed the Council in opposition, feeling that this would create additional noise to d residential area and the construction of apartments would invade their privacyo Mr. Hal Schamp, 227 West Ball Road, addressed the Council and presented ~ petition of protest to the granting of C-2 zoniogo He advised that he did not object to C-l and R-3 zoning, but would object to C-2o He further ad~ised that serious consideration should be given to the extension of Clifton Street and referred to a suggestion made at the City Planning Commission hearing, to end Clifton Street in a cul-de-sac on the westo He agreed to the 50 foot suggested buffer and requested that in addition, there be d stone wall along this 50 foot buffero He was opposed to the erection of 2-story apartments and requested there be a further regulation against ingress and egress to Ball Road from the proper~ and stated he would like to know more definitely Whdt the use of the property would beo Mr. J. Eo Miller, 302 West Bajl Road addressed the Council, calling attention to the present traffic conditions on Ball Road and the additional pro- blems that would be created should Clifton Street be extendedo _"".'_'";',,,, ,<"''"''-.,....cu,>-......."''''_.,,."., ._ ._.c._...~i!,~.."~,.;.,< 3569 Ci tv Hall~ Anah~ima Calif~D.iL~==o~QU.tlQ.J.l.~.lUU.If~ ~ugus.Ll.8t 1959, 7:00 P...M. The Mayor asked if anyone el wished to address the Council, there being no response, declared the h2aring Clos~d~ Discussion continued b~twepn th~ Councilm~n, it being the general feeling that either more definite plans ShOUld be presented or deed restrictions filed that would insure certain protection to the ddjacent property. Mr~ Webb agreed to thE placing of deed restrictions on the property, but was not in favor of securing Council approval of plans before securing the rezoning of the propertyo JiJ:SOLUTION NO. 5437: Counci:man Coon:;:)ffEJed Resolution No. 5437 and moved for its passage and adoption, ~uthorizing the preparation of necessary ordinance changing the zone from R-A to C,- " ct to the l'8commendations of the City Planning Commission, and fUJ7 thp:, ct, in the ev~nt any portion of this property is developed as R-3, it b~ jubj ct to the fjling of a subdivision map and the payment of $25000 p~ dW8 ing unit to the Park and Recreation Fund, and all R-3 development adjbcHnt to R- dev~~opment be limited to one story construction; and further subj~ct, that finA_ action on the Ordinance reclassifying ;aid property will be held unti plans of d~ve opment have been reviewed by the City Councilo Refer to Re olu tion Book, pdgE:. "=<,_u,_~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL. OF THE Crlr OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT A CHANGE OF ZONE IS NECESSARY IN CERTAIN AREAS OF THE CITY, AND THAT ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL, CODE SHOULD BE AMENDED TO ACCOMPLISH SAID CHANGE OF ZONE ~ (f._=-~J3~59-1 I 9:_C~i '.I On roll cal the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNC I LME N ~ COUNCILMEN ~ COUNCILMEN: Borden, Coons, Fry, Pearson and Schutte. NonF 0 NOD'2' 0 The Mayor declared th8 foregoing He olution duly passed and adopted. -PUBLIC HEARING - RECIASSIqCATIOI!2!O, F-59-60-1: Submi tted by Lydia Davis, reques ting change of zone from H,-A to Co-3, propErty Ioea ted on the northeas t corner of Stanton and Lincoln A venw- The City Planning Commission, PUlr.;ud.nt to their Resolution No. l4, Series 1959-60, recommended said rec ,o55i fi Cd tIon, subject to the fOllowing conditions: 10 Preparation of street imprOv0msot plans and installation of all improvements in accordance with approved stdndard plans on file in the office of the City EngineeTo 20 Dedication to conform to State highway requirementse 30 The payment of $2000 pel' front foot for street lighting purposes. 40 That a 90~day tim0' imit b~l t fo:r the accomplishment of the above conditionso The Mayor asked if anyone wished to address the Council. Mr. Dick Heffern addressed the Counci explaining that this request was made in order acquire access rights to Stanton Avenue for the deve10p~nt of the property to the south; that alI of the access rights, with the exception of the three noted on the map as part of the fi , are owned by the State. Plans were reviewed by the City Councilo The Mayor asked if anyone e S8 wished to address the Council, there being no response, declared the hearing c osedo -~"-"~4~~i;"';"'," 3570 City Hall. Anaheim. California = C~NCI~INUTES_~~~~~~5t ~1959, 7:90 P.M. RESOLUTION NO. 5438: Councilman PeaI't:ion offeied He olution Noo 5438 and moved for its passage and adoption, authorizing the preparation of necessary ordinance, changing the zone as requested, subject to the recommendations of the City Plann~g Commission~ Refer to Resolution Book, page c~'c~~~c~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT A CHANGE OF ZONE IS NECESSARY IN CERTAIN AREAS OF THE CITY, AND THAT ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE SHOULD BE AMENDED TO ACCOMPLISH SAID CHANGE OF ZONE. .Uf-59-60-1 - C-3) On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT : COUNC ILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCI LMEN: Borden, Coons, Fry, Pearson and Schutte. None. Noneo The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. PUBLIC HEARING - RECLASSIFICATION NOg F~59-60-2: Submitted by Robert P. RaIl, M.D., requesting change of zone from R-A to C~l, pToperty located on the south side of Broadway, between Euclid Avenue and Loara Street, and further described as l650 West Broadwayo The Ci ty Planning Commiss ion, pur suant to the IX Resolu ti on No. 15, Series 1959-60, recommended said rec d5sificdtion~':iubject to the following conditions: 1. Dedication of 45 feet from the centerlinp of BroadwaYe 2~ Preparation of street impTovement pidnc:; ~nd installation of all im- provements in accordance with appxoved t6nd~rd pl~n~ on file in the Office of t~ City Engineero 30 Payment of $2000 per front foot fOT ~tTett lighting purposes. 40 The filing of Standard C-! Deed R8stTictionso 50 The buildings to be pl.aced on thE ldnd in conformity with layout which is part of the applicationo 60 90-day time limit be set fos th0 accomplishmGnt of the above conditions. Dro Ralls addressed the Counci , advi ing thdt this plan was previously before the City Council, and approved as ~ pdlt of ri Variance granted, however, the development was not made within the timE iruit dUE to financing, and the Variance expired8 Plan was reviewed by the City Counci and noted that the development did not cover the entire area on which reclassification was requested. Dro Ralls advised that the Tear of this deve opment was proposed for a convalescent hospital type development dnd was agIeeab e to so restrict the property and limit the height of buildings thereon to one storyo The Mayor asked if anyone elSE wi3hed to "ddTess the Council, there being no response, declared the hearing closedo RESOLUTION NO. 5439: Councilman Pearson offered Resolution Noo 5439 and moved for its passage and adoption, authorizing the preparation of necessary ordinance, changing the zone, as requested, subject to the recommendations of the City Planning Commission, and further subject to: Filing of deed :resLrictions limiting the C-l uses to those listed in the proposed C-7 zone, ~nd ~ so limiting the construction of the buildings to one-storyo Refer to Resoluti on Book, page '_~~>_o~~_~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITy OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT A CHANGE OF ZONE IS NECESSARY IN CERTAIN AREAS OF THE CITY, AND THAT ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE SHOULD BE AMENDED TO ACCOMPLISH SAID CHANGE OF ZONE. LE-59-60-2 - C-l) "~~.",~_.,",.~..,.,."""""_....-,.;",,~^+,~-..~;,,,.,,,.,;<oI~' '""...... -;~;"'~'~ ~-'. ...._.-.... '-~Af 3571 Ci ty Ha 11, Anahe !.!!!i Cd Ii fQ~~.IJ.Lj~= ~J2QVJiC211;~~[E~~=-.~U9.U~18, 1959, 7: 00 P.M. On roll call the foxt:going R:.,cxJ tIon Noo 5439 was duly passed and adopted by the following votE~ AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN 0 COUNCILMEN ~ COUNC ILME N; BOlden, Coons, Fry, Pearson and Schutte. NonE" Non!~ The Mayor declared Reso Uor No 5439 duly passed and adopted. P!jBLIC HEARING.... RECLASSIFI~ArION NO" F'59~60-3: Submitted by Keystone Savings and~a'n Assoclci tion~---re~-:, ting ch~ngf-' 'Of zonE from R-A to R-3, property loca ted on the east side of Citlon SL"'eet, betwe...n South Street and Vermont Avenue, and further described as Tentat Vfc: Tract Noc 34920 The City Planning Commi7~don, pUJ mt to their Resolution No. l6, Series 1959-60, recommEnded sli.d c 0 If c~tion, subject to the following conditions: 1. The dedic~tion of 20 Preparation of t improvements in accrodance with of the City Engineero 30 The payment of $2 OJ p~ f ant foot for street lighting purposes. 40 Subdivision m~p to b0 cOfd~do 50 Lots abuttlog C.i CIon S t'J f'1-c t to be one torYa 6 0 The f i 1 in g of R Df.d R ,~, tvL c ti (] rb 0 7", That a 180 rim.... Jmit bE t for the accomplishment of the above conditionso 32. ftt~t Cit.1on Streeto t impJovf:-mt~nt plans find installation of all PP Dved stindard plans on file in the office The Mayor asked if 3nyon~ wish~d to address the Council. Mra Horace Camp 3dd~~ ~td the Counc] on behalf of the Keystone Savings and Loan As;:,ocidtion, ~,avi 'log th-+t this tract, comprising 20 lots, wi]] be individual lot sales~ th~t the two ots on Citron Street are limited to single story construction~ ~nd the pI ice of these lots would preclude any pOOl developmento It was noted that thF plopo~~a ffidp jndic~ted only one street to serve the 20 lots and all inglfss ,~nd ~g1F.>; wii: be:: to Cit:ron Streeto Those addressing the Counci in opposition to the rezoning were: MIo Gene Severs, 837 So, Citlon Stlt=:'E:t, dnd M~'5oCharJe;s Gr'oesbeck, 833 South Citron Streeto Their reabons thE' t::"fOT being, briefly, the increased number of uni ts in the area; the incred::ied Dumbe1 of CSt dnd traffic on Ci tron Street; depreciation of property value of ~xi5ting homes; and the safety of the children in the area~ Mrso Groesbeck refe to a survey taken by her wherein certain facts relative to apartmpnts:::pd 3pj.Ltmi:: t dw,::, leI's were notedo Mr", Ray Heinz8,r'epLE' ntlog trlt~ G!:'ice Lutheran Church and Chairman of the Board of Trus tee '-j , jddr-f' is ~"d the:- C()unc i _, concerned with the proposed dlley that would be adjacent to their parking lot, ~nd was of the opinion that if this area was zoned R=3, th.-Jt ,j f nee :), om~~ othpr arrangement should be made sc that their p;.nklng c' wO''; r!ot -'j ;') br:corne "1. part of the alley. Mro Camp felt, due to tht oc~tion of th~ land and the present development, tha t there w"s no oth'"J f,'; ib.:> development for the property, and the only control thereof, woutd be drchitEc~0~a~ contra and deed restrictions. Councilman Coon~ mov~d th~t weeks (.?~tE: mb e rJ,,_J2.22.L1 Or f U I th r. I Fry seconded the motiono MOTION CARRI~D. 1 d pu!?J-L.g_h~~_1.:'jng be continued for two stigation and studyo Councilman .I~J'JTAny"l;LMAP ...::" TRACT NO.. .3492~ Subd ividt-r, Associates Funding, Inc.., Tract located on South Citron StJeet~ t :~ortf; of Tract No.. 1886, and contains 20 proposed R-3 lots (Rec~d2ir-,ific~tlon No,. F.'59.-60-3)0 Pursuant to the V8Tb2;;F t of Mio Horace Camp, action by the City Council on tentative map, Trdct No" 34<)7 wa deh,,,red two weeks (September 1, 1959) to be considered along with R~c ~c. jf]c~tton Nan F~59-60-3, on motion by '""~"""""--""~"""-'~""-"""-'--"~'''''''~-'''''-''~~.j-~.,~~ 3572 City Hall~ Anaheim~ Californ~~~~INU~~A~t_18~;OO P.M. Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilm.an Fryo MOTION CARRIED" PUBLIC HEARING - RECLASSIFICATION NO~ F-59-60-5; Submitted by Leo B. and Emily M. MCGavren, requesting change of zone from R~A to R-3, prope:rty located on the north side of La Palma Avenue, betwe~n Baxter and Acacia StreetsD The City Planning Corrunission, pursuant to their Resolution No. l7, Series 1959-60, recommended said reclassific8.tion,c;ubject to the following conditions: 10 Filing of R~3 Deed Restrictions0 20 Dedication of 53 feet on La Pcilmao 30 Preparation of street improvement pldns dnd installation of all improvements in accordance with approved standard plans on file in the Office of the City EngineerD 40 Payment of $2000 per front foot fo! ~treet lighting purposes. 50 Recordation of subdivision mapB Inasmuch as this situation was SlmIlaI to that of Application No. F-59-60-3 on which action was deferred to allow for further study, Councilman Coons moved that public hearinQ be continued for two weeks (September 1, 1959). Councilman Fry seconded the motiono MOTION CARRIEDQ TENTATIVE MAP - TRACT NOo 3493: Subdivider, ~550cidtes Funding, Inc. Tract located on the north side of La Palma AvenuA between Baxter and Acacia Streets and contains 34 proposed R-3 lotso (Reclassification Nos F-59-60-5) Pursuant to the verbal request of MTo Dudley Frank, action by the City Council on tentative map, Tract Noo 3493, was deferred two weeks (September lIt 1959) to be considered along with Reclassification ~~. F-59-60-5, on,motion by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman FrY0 MOTION CARRIED. SIDEWALK WAIVER - 231 EAST BALL ROADg RequE.)t of Ao N. Skinner for waiver of sidewalk requirements at 231 East Ball Road was deferred from the meeting of August ]1, 1959 for the submission of proposed andsc~ping plans. Landscaping plans were submitted, being imilar to those adjacent to this developmento Said plans were not considered sati factory to the City Council and Councilman Pearson moved that no further action b~ t~ke~ on said request for sidewalk waiver at the present timeo Councilman Coons seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. _~JDEWALK WAIVER - 2081 SOUTH LOARA STREET~ Requt:!st of Jesse Phillips for waiver of sidewalk requirements on property fronting 2081 South Loara Street, was submitted and reported upon bY,the City Engineero Being large parcels of property primarily all developed within this tract without sidewalks, Councilman Pearson moved said request be granted3 Council.man Fry seconded the motiono MOTION CARRIED~ Bruce Thomas, resident in the area, dddressed the Council, approving the granting of this request~ pUBLIC DANCE HALL PERMIT: Application of George Morte for dance hall permit, to be held at the Anaheim Bowl, 1925 West Lincoln Avenue, August 21 and 22, 1959 from 9:00 P.Mo to 1:00 AoM., was submittedo Pursuant to primary investigation and subj ct to the recommendations of the Chief of Police, said permit was granted on motion by Councilman Fry, seconded by Councilman Coons. MOTION CARRIED. TAXI CAB PERMIT: Request of E. A~ Slagle and C. E. BTiley, owners of Yellow and City Cab Service of Anaheim, to add seven additiondl cars to present taxicab fleet was submitted, and granted by the City Council on motion by Councilman Pearson, seconded by Councilman FrY0 MOTION CARRIED. ;;'~'~."!'..li.;oii..jfi".~k_'..".,,,,,,,,..'.,,,,_.,... ,,_"'W""",.#~<.;;_,""~"W. ~ 3573 ~ City Hall~ Anaheim~ California~CI~ MINUTES - August l8~ 1959_ 7:00 P,M. CANCELLATION OF CITY TAXES: Cancellation of City taxes on property acquired by the or-a-ngeC';~~ty Flood Control District, Parcels Nos.Bl-4all & Bl-4all.l, formerly assessed to Leo and Ruby W. Querin, was authorized on motion by Councilman Pearson, seconded by Councilman Borden. MOTION CARRIED. BIGHT-OF-WAY CERTIFICATIQIi_... CITY OF ANAHEIM: On motion by Councilman Borden, s-econcTedbYCoUnCi-lmanPearson, the Mayor and ri ty Clerk were authorized to sign certification to the County of Orange, relative to right-of-way, for the Broadway Street improvement project, from Magnolia to Dale Avenues. MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 5440: Councilman Coons offered Resolution No. 5440 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page L~~___~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND.NECESSITY REQUIRE THE CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLETION OF A PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT, TO WIT: THE .. IM12.RQyg_~~bI_I _OF CERR ITOS A VENUE, FROM 1430 FEET EArr.OF EU~J~ID. AVENUE, T9..},l~[FE-EIJYJ~~I_9_E_EUCLIILAVENUE. JOB NO. 247; AND APPROVING THE DESIGNS, PLANS, PROFILES, DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF; AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUCTION OF SAID PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH SAID PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, ETC.; AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH A NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF. (Bids to be opened September 10, 1959,2:00 P.M.) On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNC I LME N : Borden, Coons, Fry, Pearson and Schutte. None. None. The Mayor declared Resolution No. 5440 duly passed and adopted. RQ,OLUTION NO. 5441: Councilman Coons offerE'd Resolution No. 5441 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resoluti on Book, page q~__ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AUTHORIZING THE SUBMISSION OF A .~EQUgST TO-IH~EU~LIC UTILITIES COMMISSION FOR FUNDS FROM THE CROSSING PROTECTION FUND FOR PROTECTION OF CROSSING NO. BK-512.4 AT THE INTERSECTION OF j(A TELLA AVENUE AND IJ:if_ $OUTHEJUL,~A.CIEl.c_,Bh.llJ~_QA.D COMPANY TRACKS. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCI LMEN: COUNCILMEN: Borden, Coons, ~ry, Pearson and Schutte. None. None. The Mayor declared the foregoing Reoo lution duly passed and adopted. R/:2QWTION NO. 5442: Councilman Schut te offered Resolution No. 5442 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page ~,_ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AUTHORIZING THE TREASURER OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM TO PROCEED WITH THE PUBLICATION OF NOTICE UNDER SECTIONS 50050-50053 OF THE GOVERNMENT CODE TO ACCOMPLISH A TRANSFER OF MONIES FROM THF DEPOSITOR g~_I.B,YSI FlJ.NP_ TO_IHLgENERAL FUND!, On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: A YES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: Borden, Coons, Fry, Pearson and Schutte. None. None. '~''''--'''''~-'''''''''--'':'~',-:""''--'-",",,,'.''.I-'~''-''''':''-~_~ 3574 City Hall, Anaheim, California - COUNCIL MINUTES - AUGust 18~ 1959~ 7:00 P.M. The Mayor declared Resolution No. 5442 duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION No. 5443: Councilman Fry offered Resolution No. 5443 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASEMENT FOR ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES. (gharle5 H. Gray) - On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNC ILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: Borden, Coons, Fry, Pearson and Schutte. None. None.. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. _RESOLUTION NO. 5444: Councilman Fry offered Re501ution No. 5444 and moved for its pa55age and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page ~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASEMENT FOR ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES. LA1"~~-r:!21.J"9__~~h..9.QL"gJ~JE"~_~..~. gf Orange Coun ty) On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: A YES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: Borden, Coons, Fry, Pearson and Schutte. None. None. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. _RESOLUTIQl.:LJ:10. 5445: Councilman Fry offered Resolution No. 5445 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASEMENT FOR ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES. {F9berta Weber) On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: NOES: COUNCILMEN: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Borden, Coons, Fry, Pearson and Schutte. None. None~ The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. JiESOLUTION NO. 5446: Councilman Fry offered Resolution No. 5446 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASEMENT FOR ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES. J~~Fl. Spires) On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: -~0~~:i,;i~~_~"i44,i\i;:;~;i'_d;;~' ";"'''''~.C'''_'''~'ii~'''_ 3575 City Hall~ Anaheim~ C~lifornia - COUNCIL MINUTES - Auqust 18, 1959~ 7:00 P.M. AYES; NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN; COUNCILMEN: Borden, Coons, Fry, Pearson and Schutte. None. None. The Mayor declared Resolution No. 5446 duly passed and adopted. R.ESOLUTION...NO. 5447:_ Councilman Fry offered Resolution No. :5447 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASEMENT FOR ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES. (MurE~~..z_._~:_~..E..~.Tn and Martin Sorkin) On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNC ILMEN : COUNC ILMEN : Borden, Coons, Fry, Pearson and Schutte. None. None. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. ..~MPLOYMENT - LE.-B_Q'y_CRANQALL AND ASSOCIATES~ Mr. Davis recommended the employment of Le Roy Crandall and Associates to make subsurface tests of the area proposed for reservoi~ sites comprising seven borings and analysis to determine whether the site would be suitable for a reservoir, which is to be subject to the agreement and supervision of Boyle Engineering. Councilman Coons moved, the employment of Le Roy Crandall and Associates be authorized, in accordance with proposal to make required tests, subject to a written agreement with Mr. Nohl covering access rights and replacement of damaged property. Councilman Borden seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCE NO. 1378: Councilman Pearson offered Ordinance No. 1378 for first reading and moved for its passage dnd adoption. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF ALL EXISTING !v1g~IES.~LD_l~JHEJlsPOS ITOR ~ S TRUST FUND TO THE GENERA T FTJND OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND FURTHER PROVIDING FOR CLAIMS AGAINST THE CITY FOR THE RETURN OF THESE FUNDS TO INDIVIDUALS ESTABLISHING THEIR RIGHT TO SAID FUNDS. After hearing read in full the title of Ordinance No. 1378 and having knowledge of the contents therein, Councilman Fry moved the reading in full of said Ordinance be waived. Councilman Schutte seconded the motion. MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. ORDINANCE NO. 1379: Councilman Fry offered Ordinance No. 1379 for first reading and moved for its passage and adoption. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FIXING AND LEVYING A PROPERTY TAX ON ALL PROPERTY WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1959-601 ($1.10) After hearing read in full the ti tIe of Ordinance No. 1379 and havin g knowledge of the contents therein, Councilman Fry moved the reading in full of said Ordinance be waiveda Councilman Coons seconded the motion. MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. .E.tJ..RCHASE - MOTORCYCLES: On the recommendations of Mr. Davis, purchase of six 1960 motorcycles (five replacements) from Harley-Davidson at the net cost of $7,496.08, was authorized on motion by Councilman Fry, seconded by Councilman Bordeno MOTION CARRIED. :;ffifi-,":"".,...-..".,~,.,;~.~.~.;~~.~,;.~.,,,,,,,, __. 3570 City Hall~ Anaheim~ California - COUNCIL MINUTES - Auqust 18~ 1959. 7;00 P.M, ~OMMUNICATION: Communication from Mr. Karl V. Davis regarding multiple structures on Ball Road, was received and ordered filed on motion by Councilman Borden, 5e conded by Counc i Iman Schut te. MOTION CARRIED. CHh_~MA~HARBOR BOULEVARD ANNEXATION: Petition was submitted requesting annexation of uninhabited territory designated as Chapman-Harbor Boulevard Annexation, signed by owners of not less than one-fourth of the area of the lam described therein, and representing not less than one-fourth of the assessed valuation of the territory, according to the last preceding equalized assessment roll of the County of Orange. _ttESOLUTJi!_N NO. 5448: Councilman Pearson offered Reso lution No. 5448 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACKNOWLEDGING RECEIPT OF A.~~TII~QN FOR THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, DESIGNATING THE TERRITORY AS THE CHAPMAN-HARBOR BOULEVARD ANNEXATION; DESCRIBING THE BOUNDARIES OF THE TERRITORY PROPOSED TO BE ANNEXED AND GIVING NOTICE OF THE DAY, HOUR AND PLACE WHERE AND WHEN ANY PERSON OWNING REAL PROPERTY WITHIN SUCH TERRITORY SO PROPOSED TO BE ANNEXED MAY APPEAR BEFORE THE CITY courc IL AND SHOW CAUSE WHY SUCH TERRITORY SHOULD NOT BE ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. ..(F~ub-1~~.b_E?_~E.~_:::g, October 6, 1959, 7;00 P.M.) On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT : COUNC ILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: Borden, Coons, Fry, Pearson and Schutte. None. None. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. Councilman Fry moved to adjourn. Councilman Pearson seconded the motion. (August 25, 1959 - regular meeting). MOrION CARRIED. ADJOURNED;&:,~O P.M~) . .I SIGNED, Jx. l)- ~ 2 mA<-' City Clerk ~C~';","~""'___''"'''_~"''''~''''"''';",~~;<.'"",_~ Jti1~',,,"*~.~,",: ,,- .-W