1951/02/20 85 Ci~y Ball, Anaheim, California. ~.Iruary 15. 1951 - 7_)0 F.M. The City Clerk was instructed to wire members of the Ways, and Means Co~ittee and our Senator and Congreasmen from California in the House of Represen*- ative urging their opposition to the proposal of Secretary Snyder's to increAse ' federal revenue by taxation of State and Municipal securities now exempt. Councilman Van Wagoner moved to adJourn to ~e8d~t 8:00 o'cleck P.M. February 20. 1951. Councilman Boney seconded. the m.t1GD.. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED. SIGNED ~~j~d - 01 yOllrk. ' ----------------------------------------~ Cit7 Hall, ~eim, California, Februar~ 20, 1951 ~ ~.oa F.M. . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ;.. - - The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in adjournea ;regular aession and special meeting of t~e City Council, to consider and act upon the adoption of an Ordinance approving the ~exation to the City of Anaheim of certain unieab1 t-ed: - ~erritory ,known and designated as EUCLID AVENUE ANNEXATI~.. PRESENT: COUNCILMEI: Pearsoll. Wisser, Boney and Van Wagoner. ABSENT. OOUNCILMAN: Re~ing. CITY ATTORNEY: PRESTON~: Present. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER: DITH MtmDOCH: Present. CITY DGIDER: GEORGI E. HOLYOD: Present. Councilman Hey~~ wired consent to the ho141.. 'of 8aid epeeial ..eting of the City Council on February 20, 1951 at 8:QO o'clock P.M. Said telegram receive! by the City Olerk at l1:)S o'clock A.M. Februar~ 20, 1951. ORDINANCE NO. 773: Counoilman Boney brought up Ordinance No. 773 and moved for it. passage and adoption. CQuncilman Wisser seconded the motio.. Thereupon the Oit~ Clerk: read said Ordinance in full. MOTION CARRIED. AN ORDINANCE OF THE OITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING THE ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM OF THE TERRITORY DOW AND DESIGNATED AS EUCLID AVENUE ANNEXA.TIOB. Refer to Ordin~ce Book, page . On roll call the foregoing Ordinance No. 773 was duly passea and adopte4 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COU1ICtLMmN: COUNCXLMEN: cotmcXIJUJl: Pearson, Wisser, Boney and Van Wagoner. None. Heying. The ~or declared Ordinance No. 773 duly passed and adoptei. VARIANCE NO. 139: Petitioner Tarver Montgomery, et alt requested variance from R-l. Single Family'Reaid_nce Zone to M-l, Light Manufacturing Zone,on the 8outhwester17 21 acres of the BEt of the SEt of Section at fronting on Euclid Avenue and the Southern Pacific Railroad right-of-waTt when and if this property i8 annexed to the City. - - The City-Planning Commission favored the granting of the zoning variance from R-l to M-l, upon the completion of the annexation of the property to the CitT. Councilman Eoney mo~ed that the recommendations of the City Planning Commie.loB be sustained. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. . :nGSOI.JUTION NO. 182): passage and adoption. Oouncilman Boney offered Resolution No. 1823 aDd mOTet for it. C.uncilman Wilser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. P~SOLUTION GRANTING A VA1lAHC~ (Tarver Montgomer7 - Variance No. 139) Refer to Remol.tie. Book. page . On roll call the foregoingcResolution No. 1823 wal duly pa..ed and adopted by the following votel AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNclLMEN: COUNCILMA.B: Pearson, Wisser. Boney and Van Wagoner. None. Heying. The M~or declared Resolution No. 1823 duly pa$.ed and adopie4. ~, ...,...,..,..",."...'=""."Ii""""~.,_.,"''''',..__..''_'''_n -"'.-'''',,,"-'''''., 86 City Hall.' Anaheim. California- Feeru8rY 20. 1951 - 8:0D P.M. VAhlANCENO. 140: PetitioB.er Frank Kellogg, for permission to erect a Oar-port on t.. louth side of his ~resent residence to come within one foot of the property line. at 530 North West Street. This would not be permitted under Ordinance No. 609. but with the revised-new comprehensive !oning ordinance would be allowed in the front twenty feet of the sid~ yard. - - The City Planning Commission recommended the variance De granted-provided that the Car-port be placed one foot inside the propertT line. and that the same be open on three sided and that water from roof must'dra1nron petitioner's propertl'. - -. V~iance 1'0. 140 was held over for studl' and investigation o~ the 01t7 Council. VARIANCE NO 141: Petitio_era Char1el E. &at Lanna M. Halley. 70) North Lemon Street for permission to conduct a Real ElUate Office at this addresl. Property now ZOBed R:-3_. _- - _T~e _Cit~ P}~~i~ Co_is.ion recommended that petition 'be deniecl stating reasons therefore. - -_ Said variance was- hefa.-over- Ior- rur~her- 8~ua.y ane iIlv8s1l1gal- ion. ----_.~-- VARIANCE NO. 138. Petitioners Edwa~d J. and Vida T. Naffziger, 527 South Lemon Stre.' for permiasion to conduct a Real Es~ate Office at this address. Property now Eonet R-l. - - The City Planning COmmi8siQB recommended the variance be 4enie4, sta~1Dg their reasons therefore. - - Counci~maa Van Wagoner moved to sustain the actio. aDd findings of the City Plarming Commi.sion and. that said variance be deniecl. Council- man Wisser seconded the motion. MO'105 CARRIED. Denied. RESOLUTION NO. 1815 was brought up tor authorization to make 'certain chance., namely, Bat H. Neff from Resident Engineer 'to Chief Engineer. Said Resolution No. 1815 be corrected b~ interlineation on motion b7 Councilman ~one~, seconded ~7 Councilman Van Wagoner. MOTION CARRIED '(RESOLUTION CORRECTED) The City Council approved the renewal 'of membership of )the City Planning Commission to the Southern California Planning Oongress 'for the purpose of receiving their iullet1a. and published reports. Cost, $25.00 for the year. Action a.thorized on motion by Councilman Boney, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. GORDON WHI TNALL & ASSOCIATES. 'TEBJvi!NATION OF CONTRACT: It was moved by Cou.ncil_ Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Boney that the required 30 d~s notice be given to terminate the ~ontract of Gordon W. Whitnall. Consultant Engineer for the City of Anaheim, and that the City Clerk be instructed to express the thanks of the Oit7 Council to Mr. Whitnall for a very fine job performed and for the valuable services rentered to the City of Anaheim 'and the City Planning Commis.ion. MOTION OARRIED. The matter of installation af water mains and the charge per linear foot to be applied was brought up and discuss.'. PEBJ"nSSION TO LEAVE TEE STATE: Councilman Van Wagoner was granted permission to leave the State on motion by Councilman Wiss~r, seconded iy Councilman Boney. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Heying'W&s granted permission to leave 'the State on January 23, 1951. This permissioa was o.~tted from the Minutes of the January 23rd meeting. Permission to leave the S'ate given to Oouncilman Heying ,on motion iy Councilman ~on.7, seconded b7 Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. ~ 4-Way STOP: CENTER & OLIVE STS.. ietition requesting the City of Anaheim and the State of California Highway Commission to install signals or a 4-way stop at the intersection of Center and Olive St~.ets. Said petition signed by 78 residente of Anaheim community. Petition was held over for further study. The-Engineer Department advised that the State H1ghw~ Division netified the city previously that there was not sufficient traffic at this corner to warrant traffic signals. The members of the Council requested that a letter be writtea to the State request- ing them to make another survey_ The _attar of Sanitation District representation was discussed. MINUI'ES G,1" '.rfiE EXECUTIVE BOARD OF TEE JOINT OUTFALL SEWER Meeting held Feburary 1 and 8, 1951 were ordered approved ~d filed on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Wisser. ~OTI0N CARRIED. Communication from the City of Sant. Ana pertaining to the Minutes of the Exeoutive Board of the Joint Outfall Sewer Me.ting h~ld Januarr 2S, 1951 was ordered filed on motion by Councilman Boney. seconded)y Councilman Wisser. . MOTION CARRIED. TENTATI Ti r".AE' Olj' T:''iACT l~O_ 1504: Tentative Map of Tract No. l504.'(Mr. Ralph.MD..)was taken unddT consideration. Mr. Ralph Maa. addressed the Council on matters pertain- ing to the Tract. The City Planning Oommission at its meeting held Friday, January 19, 1951 movet to approve the Tentative Map of Tract No. 1504 with recommendation. ~'-.""--'-''"''''''~''''''''''-'_''''''''-'''_1'_''''''~~'''''''',,'''-''.ii'ie'.,",',':',""""'i":.:;~~tI!~'iif.*"',&,;o;"",~,,,:,,,,__ ""-'>'~'"""--"""-"''' 87 City Hall, ~eim, California February 20,,1951 t~t lote on Wilhelmina Street be increased to 75 foot minimum frontage and that slde walks be installed on North Citron and Wilhelmina Street, in tract. Said Tentative Map of Tract No. 1504 was held over b~ the City Council for further study and consideration. Application of Mrs. Annette Haidos, representing Volunteers of America to hold Tag D~t Saturd~ March 17, 1951 was approved on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner seconded by Oouncilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. ' Oouncilman Boney moved to adjourn. Oouncilman Van Wagoner seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED. SIGNED .-~-~~~ Ci ty Cle - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - ~ ~ ~ - - ~ ~ - ~ ~ - - - - - ~ ~ - - - - - Cit~ Ball, Anaheim, California FeDruar7 27, 1951 -8:00 PM ~ -- ~ - ~ - ... .. ~ ~ ~ - - - ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ - - - - - - - - ~ ~ ~ - - - The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in regular session. PRESENT: COUNCI~~: Pearson. Wisser and Boney. ABSENT: OOUNCILMEli; Heying and Van Wagoner. CITY ATTORNEY TURNER: Present. CITY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFItER MURDOCH: Present. The Minutes of the Regular Meeting held February lJ, 1951' and Adjourned Regular Meetings held Fe~ruary 15 and 20, 1951 were approved on motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman ]oney. 'MOTIOH CARRIED. DEMANDS against the City in the amount of $67,283.83 were reported by Councilman Boney who moved that demands be approved and that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer t~ ~ay said) demands. Oouncilman Wisser aeconded the motion. MOTION CAERIED. FAYROLL RESOLUTION; It was moved by Councilman Boney, seconded by Councilman Wiseer that the following chang~8 be made ia Resolution lio. 1820: To include, Fire Engineer at the rate of $270.00' per month; to include, Extra Patrolman at the rate of $1.32 per hour, to include StoTeroom Superintendent at the rate of $340.00 per month. MOTION CAIffiIED. PERSONNEL CHANGES: James Gesler and. Hubert Ladig were changed from Fireme>>. to Fire Engineers. LEAVE-OF-ABSENCE: Cren H. Morey was granted 30 ,work da78 leave-of-absence with pay on motion by Councilman !oney, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. AET:NA. FIRE, THEFT & CONPREHENSlVE Insurance policy, premium $685.20 was ordered accepted and filed when approved by City Attorney on ~otion by Ceunc~lman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Boney. MOTION CARRIED. ~;LUjvrn!ill BOND: E. M. Q,uinn Plumber License Bond in the amount of $1.000.00; bond as corrected Itor Plumber Oontractor" was referred to the City Attorney for approval. _'UKPUINT: fENCE, AUTO SALVAGE ,BUSINESS; Compla1.' as to the type of fencing used around the junk ~~rd at 137 Manchester Avenue. and reference to letter from the City Planning Commission, dated January 2), 1951, setting forth other violations was read. The City Attorney was in$tructed to bring action against the ownera of the junk yard on motion by Councilman ~oney, seconded by Councilman Wieser. MOTION OARRIED. ,AMF CONTRAC~1S: to be submitted to the City Council, March 13,1951. ~ASCLINE CONTRACT: The City Clerk was instructed to ask for quotations on the city's gasoline requirements for the year commencing April 1, 1951. APi UINTl'JLENTS TO THE CITY FI.A1'1JING COJ1.'iIv:ISS I~;N was held over. ~OI;rFJ CATION OF ORDL~NOES: D. G. \'rET~rLIN: Proposal of Mr. D. G. Wettlin for the codification of ordinances under the direction of the direction of the City Attorney. Service fee, $1800.00 to be paid as follows: $900.00 upon completion, $400.00 when record is submitted to the printer, $500.00 when material is submitted ~o the printer for final printing. The cost of printing to be paid for by the City of Anaheim. Councilman ]oney moved that the job be awarded Mr. Wett11. provided the work is performed by him with contracts subject to the approval of the Administrative Officer and the City Clerk. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ..">'-","'.,....,_"...."'....,_.,""''"''',...-.-:.:,...:,....;;i"','I, " ."'.'..~>.;"-~",._''"-,.,,,.,.._~- 88 City Hall, Anaheim, California ,February 27, 1951 - 8:00 P.M. JNSfI'EUC':::uN NSFECTOR: MAGNOLIA TRUNK SEWER: The City Council authorized the employment of Olaude W. XoithloT as Oonstruction Inspector for the ~olia T~ Sewer at compensation of $400.00 per month on motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Boney. MOTION CARRIED. The Administrative Officer brought up proposed City Planning Commission Ordinance bringing locak ordinance up to date ~o include all changes in the State Acta. Said ordinance i8 being set up for future .adoption. /JI4 /f.;) "r;',.,. - /~H 'I'RACT NC. 1504: Tentative Map. Cou~cilman Boney moved acceptance of Tentative Map of Tract No. 1504 with the provilion. that installation of a , foot sidewalk .ex\ to standard curbB on Citron Street b. provided; ne sidewalka on Jade Way: Gutter type curbslon Wilhelmina Street the sidewalks to be next to the curbs, also that requiremente of houeconstruction on Jade W~ to be 1400 sq. ft. not including garage and 1200 Iq. ft. on Wilhelmina Street, not including garage. Motion seconded by Councilman Wisser. M9T~ON CARRIED. (Tent~t~v~ ~p, a~prQ~ed) - - -~ ~ R~e~lution authorizing sale of the c1t~'8 interest in Section 1, Joint Outfall Sever to County Sanitation Districts was held over for further ~onslderat1on.- - - - - VARIANCE NO. 140: Petition 8ubmi tted. by L. FraU: ~.ll." for permission to erect a car-port at his residence at 530 Nor\h Wes~ Stree~, Car-port to be within one foot of the propertT line. Said application for variance No. 140 was referred Back to the City Planning Commiasion on motion by Councilman Boney, seconded by Councilmaa Willer. MOTION CAHRI1m. VARIANCE NO. 141: Petition submitte4 by Charlos E. and Lenna M. HalloT. as owners, 703 North Lemon Street', for permilsi en to conduct a Real Estate business at thil location which is a R-J, Multiple F-.ily Zone. The City Planning Oommission on Jaauary 19, 1951 recommended the petition be denied. Mrs. Halley was asked to present further justification for the granting of ~aid, variance. Petition was presented by Mrs. HalleT at the meeting signed by )1 property owners in the district approving the granting of the variance. Thereupon it waa moved by Oouncilman Boney, seconded by Councilman Wisler that the Oity Council held Public Hearing upon the matter at 8:00 o'eloCk P.M. March 13, 1951. MOTION CARRIED. LlESOLlFJ.':Clr !\rO. 1821: passage and adoptLon. Councilman WisBer offered Resolution No. 1821 and moved for it. Councilman Boney seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PURCHASE AND INSTALLATION OF A RAW SEWAGE PUMP AND A OHLORINA'fOR AND EVAPORATOR IN THE JOINT OUTFALL SEWER 'fREATMDT PLABT. Refer to Resolution Book, page - On roll call Resolution No. 1821 was duly ~ssed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: AB SENT: OOUNOILMEN: COUNCILMD: COUiCILMD: Pearson, Wisser and Boney. None!. Heying and Van Wagoner. The Mayor declared Resolution No. 1821 duly passed. and adopted. F~SOLUTION NO. 1822: passage and adoption. Councilman Boney offered Resolution No. 1822 and moved for its Councilman Wi.sser seconded. the motion. MOTION CARRIED. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED CONVEYING !O THE CITY CERTAIN 1W.L PROPERTY FOR ANEASEMEBT FOR DBAINAGE PURPOSES. ".AID, TO PLACI. MAINTAIN, REPAIR AND REl-iOVE POWER LINES AND WATER LIN~S WITH NECESSARY FIXTURES AND APPURTENANCES. Refer to Resolution Book, page On roll call Resolution No. 1822 was duly paased and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT : COUNOILMEN; COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wisser and Boney. Non.. Heying and Van Wagoner. The Mayor declared Resolu1ion No. 1822 duly paased and adopted. ~,_""~_,""",";"__-_","'",,';""_"'!f,.__,,,,,,:'t_~.,"~...",-,,*,.i-~",. '-',"'''';_'!i''_,''''=~+.''i'~::'''f;aJ~7..7.~i!;'~''>i''''',~:,~__~_", --,,_.;.~.__.'..-.<:",.'-"'''"-"