1951/04/10 -, .. / 1UO __..9~~_tx__HalhAnaheirr., Cali_f..9.!niaJ~Bril 10, 1951 - 8;00 P.N. The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in regular session. FRESENT: c;OUNGIL!\1EN; Pearson, Wisser, He:ring, Boney and Van Wagoner. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. CITY ATTCRNEY TUIDJ~; Present. CITY ADMIKISTRATIVE OFFICER, KEITH MURDOCH: Present. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Pearson for the purpose of conduct- ing a Public Hearing on the legality of the Variance granted J. P. Duval under Resolution No. 1484, enacted July 16, 1946. This action was brought about at the request of Attorney John Shea, acting on behalf of his client, Mr. Gerald Endicott, owner of adjoining property. Mr. Shea set forth the following reasons for request- ing the revoking of said permit: 1. That the continued operation of the sand pit constitutes a public and private nuisance in that the excavation incident to the operation of the sand pit has removed the lateral 5up~ort of all the adjoining property owners. In addition, because of the increased development of the area surrounding this property, the con- tinued operation of trucks to and from the sand pit is a nuisance and source of an- noyance to the home owners in this locality. 2. The trucks coming froQ the sand pit are constantly spilling dirt and sand from the trucks and ra.ising dust that is a source of annoyance to the property owners in this locality. 3. That the continued operation of this business is in violation of the variance that was granted for the reaSon that the supply of sand has been exhausted and the present operation consists of the removal of silt from the bottom of the pit, the removal of which is not authorized by the variance. 4. There is also an additional violation in the use of the subject property in that it is being used as a hog farm in violation of the State Health Laws and in violation of City Ordinance No. 512 in that the hogs are being raised upon the propertJ' of the oWner without any permit as is required by the said Ordinance No. 512. The City Clerk read the complaint. and the original Resolution No. 1484 permitting variance to the zoning restrictions was presented, and that portion of the variance setting forth the conditions under which the variance Was granted WaS read aloud b~' the City Administrative Officer. Keith Murdoch. Mr. Shea addressed the Council regarding the conditions and facts upon which the Variance Was requested revoked. Mr. Shea was informed by the City Administrative that all the hogs had just been recently removed. Mr. Warren Schutz, Attorney representing Mr. J. ? Duval addressed the Council stating that Mr. Duval was endeavoring to level the bottom of the pit; that it is no more appropriate to single out Mr. Duval than Mr. Moreno or Mr. South. In their opinion the only valid objection was that there was dirt spilled on the roads and Mr. Duvall has done everything possible to keep down the dust, such as having the i-oads sprinkled down with water. The only thing he asks is to remove this loose silt which has -been piled up at a considerable expense to him,. Then if the Ci ty would ike to use it as a dump ground, it would be agreeable with him. Those addressing the City Council were: 81M MORRIS: employed by Mr. Duval to level off the bottom of the pit to the lowest level. MRS. ENDICOTT: Adjacent property owner, in opposition. I<R. GERALD ENDICOTT: Adjacent propert~:. owner, in opposition. ~'IRS. STARR: in op"Dosition. F. L. 1AKE~~N: in opposition. FRED KLINE: in opposition. WILLIA1-1 FLEIS CHMAN: in opposi t ion. MR. LOUDEN: in opposition. ~ffi. STOCKIN: Purchaser of the Duval residence, in opposition. ~ffiS. 1AKE~~: in opposition. ~ffi. LOWEF.ING: Defending the truck drivers. in that they do sprinkle loads of sand taken from the pits. !-olio HART: Operator of one of the sand trucks, in defense of taking every possible measure to avoid sand spilling from trucks. FRANK MORENO: Reporting it is his belief that the trucks causing the nuisance are not from the Duval pit. J. W. SCHILLER: In favor of the continuation of the business. Mayor Pearson thanked the audience for their attendance and concern and assured them that a thorough study would be made of the matter, and a decision would be rendered later. Thereupon the Public Hearing was adjourned. .,..--...-.... -- ,_..._._,..._,..._.._-----,~- .,..~_._~~.- - "._'*,"~~.....'...~""'--.-....."'-"' 107 ~__...,_.__-.9.i.t~ Hall, Anaheim, CalifQrnia, April 10,1951 - 8:00 P.M. After adjournment of Public Hearing the regular bu~iness before the council \liaS resumed.. The Mir,utes of t}le meet ing held March 27, 1951 were approved as mailed on ~otion b~T Councilman Van Wa~oner, secondec by Councilman Heying. MOTION CARRIED. SA.... Ll:;iJL..IS; Councilman Van Wagoner reported demands against the city amounting to $334.976.52. Councilman Boney moved that report of Finance Committee be accepted and that wc,rrants be drawn upon the Treasurer to pay said demands in accordance with report. Cotmcilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. -Ji.g~:_AL &: CFZ?lLI E~":;~'::CF:liS for the month of March, 1951 were ordered received and filed on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Boney. MOTION CA..1ffi I ED . )l.ci}, S I .E~:NDS: The following Plumbers' Bonds, having been approved by City Attorney, Preston Turner, were ordered received and filed on motion by Councilman Boney seconed by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED; E. M. QUINN. Buena Park. amount of $1,000.00. JOHN ~1. GOLD, Santa Ana, amount of $1,000.00. PATRICK CONNOLLY, Buena Park, amount of $1,000.00. RALPH E. THRANE, in the amount of $1,000.00. -.j.fl..TJ!:rICAII(..'N; from Lloyd A. Burrows, M.D. requesting change of zone on South Los Angeles Street from R-3, as proposed in Ordinance No. 776, to Single-Family Was ordered referred to the City Planning Co~~ission for recommendation and study on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman He~ring. MOTION CARRIED. .J'Ll<(I:=.AII~..'}:: from James D. Duval thanking the Council for the manner in which his Hog problem was handled. PE;SCLl?TIUN, 30AHD (Xl SillERVISORS: Orange, County, allocating a total of $14,353.01 Ot:t of the County's apportionment of the California Highway User's Tax Fund, to be used exclusively for the purpose of improvement of South Palm Street in the City of Anahe im. ;.J,;Ul\'I:';NTI from the Uni vers i ty of California thanking the Ci ty for the use of the City Council Chambers for their Traffic Conferences in connection with the Auto Club of Southern California.. ,;p.TIlN: from Anaheir.: Public Library thanking the City Council for their attendance to their County Library Club Dinner. 2,}., I L:'~S: from Ro bertL. Condon, Sam L. Collins, and Earl W. Stanley in reference to their opposition to A. B. 1117. CkTICK~ from the State Compensation Insurance Fund requesting that the City express their views in opposition to the passage of A. B. 2612 and S. B. 1722. This Bill has to do with the writing of Compensation Insurance by Insurance Agents. H=:~ATI 1<: from the Santa Fe Railway COillpanJr1s local agent, acknowledging receipt of our letter requesting the Streamliner to reSW:le passenger service in the Ci t:/ of Anaheim. .i'~. L),)",r._ (,1\ FCR SCLl~' Iliff I ]Ti~mS: The Rescue Army, 9405 South San Pedro St. Los Angeles, California, was denied on motion by Councilman Heying, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. H_ .J} CAr:'I CN FCP ;. UST. I AMUSEIJ:,:NT ECO~: OR PARLOR: 137 South Los Angeles Street, wherein Pool Tables are maintained for public use was granted on recommendation of the Chief of Police on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. C~)EI :OL:ECT ON ()F TEASE: Proposi tion of Taormina t.& Stepanian to collect combustible rubbish in the business district, six days per week at the sum of $300.00 per ~onth, payable by the city, was accepted on a trial basis for a period of six months, upon the recommendat~ons of the City Administrative Officer, and in accordance wi th Agreement to be submi t ted b~l the Ci ty At torney for acceptance. The Mayor and Clerk to be authorized to sign said Agreement on behalf of the City of Anaheim. C. V. Taormina and William Stepanian to post a bond in the amount of $1.800.00 (six months service). Above authorization taken on motion by Councilman Boney, seconded b:r Councilman Van Wagoner. MOTION CARRIED. The City Attorney outlined several features in regard to Public Liability, and Property Damage and other features to be covered by the Agreement which was understood by Taormina and Stepanian who were present at the meeting. ,,,,,.,,<.t'~_.':"""'_;';'_;"!;;4.,"_._.,_;.;.,~_,,,,"._.,,_,._:._'''''"''__'"'_",~__,;_",-.,,_ ~'~."_.,_.b:',:,":'_<'~',:,,,,,:,,,,,,,,, )ts City Hall, Anaheim, California, April 10, 1951 - e;OO P.M. j) I l\}..l\J was held over for correction and reintroduct:Lon. 'uJ;USEI~' ~...j;I\.,'SJ~L;r ,)1\. H. M. Foster - W. R. Newsom - H. H. Fuller - Patrick B. Eoden and Mrs. Marcella, Borzell submitted signed petition requesting the consent of the City Council of the City of Anaheim to commence and conduct proceedings for the annexation to the City of Anaheim the following described property: A tract of land including a portion of Sections 2, ) and 11, of Township 4 South, Range 10 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian and Lots 14, 18 19, 20, 22, 2) and 24, of the Golden State Tract No.2 as shown on a map recorded in Book 4, Page 68, Miscellaneous Records of Orange County, also including Acacia Street, Burton Street, Liberty Lane and a portion of Romneya Drive. East La PalmA Avenue and Raymond Avenue, and North East Street, in the County of Orange, State of California. Description of the foregoing property has been checked. Mr. Ernest Moeller, General Manager of the Anaheim Chamber of Commerce addressed the Council stating that a great number of people in the territory desired to come into the City. Mr. Boden addressed the Council and stated that a number of the people desiring annexation would like to have further information pertaining to water mains, other utilities, the cost. I\ilr. Murdoch, Administrative Officer outlined the water main extent ions -; olic~', A daughter of Mrs. Rebecca Johnson, residing on Raymond Avenuet addressed tne Council stating their present opposition to annexation and inquiring as to the benefits as may be derived therefrom. Mr. Idsoe inquired as to the cost of service to his property. ~lr. Moeller advised the group present as to the difference in taxest city and county, Insurances and other values and distributed a statement of comparative figures for the benefit of the people interested. Mr. Anderson expressed his desire to annex and become a part of the City. 30 foot easement from Liberty Lane for street purposes was mentioned by Mr. Anderson. The City Attorney advised that there must be consent of the City of Anaheim to proceed with the annexation of this territory, and before the petition may be presented. the matter must be brought before the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim and the CitJ" Council to await the recommendations of said City Planning Commission. It was thereupon moved by Councilman Boney, seconded by Councilman Heying that the matter be referred to the City Planning Commission for their action and recoI:lmendation at the next meeting. MOTION CARRIED. r JRCHASE 'lEA 2T\:}\ Atill S'vJING-BOCl'-l: Cost $2,950.00 to replace old and defect i ve equipment nOvi being used was recommended b~l t~le Administrative Officer. Purchase was so ordered on motion b~" Councilman Boney, seconded by Councilman Van Wagoner. MOTION CARRIED. :;.,;?AIR I..,r CJ\,GL,~LJA~IfE JIJDER NANC:H:ESTEF CROSSING: Regarding the cost of repair of the Magnolia Line under Manchester Cr~ssing, Mr. Koebig states the charge of 4~ Contract Cost on amount expended on repairs, to be a legimate charge, which was not in agreement with the views of the Administrative Officer. The City Attorney waS instructed to look at the Contract and advise the Council in the matter. ,--;I" A..D I CH: Progress Report shows all payments made up to date which was explained satisfactorily by the City Engineer. and that the Field Estimates took caSe of hte expenses involved. IhIILING 'viFTEE }.NJ) 01':1 \t~-.E1tS: Subject of drilling of water wells and wil wells within the corporate limits of the City was discussed. It was also stated that the County of Orant;e has leased property now incorporated within the City Limits for Oil Drilling purposes. This question was ordered referred to the City Planning Commission. .ll\J1.Cl' NC. C~l,~,: RalpIl Iv1aas. Fi.nEtl I~Ia.p: Acceptance of Final ~Iap of this tract was held over at the earlier part of the meeting and was again brought up for ~.,.::'::~.:$"~"'''';''"~'~-;j_."-,-~~",iro,-''''''''~''<;,,;;o,,,;_,* 109 _. - _9 i t y . Hl! ~1..~. Anahei..:l1 t C~ it for 1.2j.;.~J... .A TI r i1... .1 O!-.l:.2.2.~ . - -.- .-.--- .~ scussion 'J!hen Mr. Ral:oh Maas appeared in his on behalf. After thorough discussion of matters nertainins to t}'w Tract, motion was made b:-F Councilman Boney, ~econded Councililian Wisser and carried that the Final Map of Tract No. 1;04 be acceDted. (Councilman He:fing absent at this time). ~ ?[,.=l~.:r.,Elr= TC:)ITY LANNIJ:G ~CJi1i.,I5~;I0N: Mayor Pearson a.ppointed Mr. A. J. Schutte 3S a member of the City Planning Commission for the three-year term expIrIng February 1, 1954. Councilman Boney moved the foregoing appointment be ratified. COill1cilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. Ap~ointment to the City Planning Commission of Mr. M. A. Gauer was brought up for discussion. E~5Ulr:'ICN NO. - 7: Councilman Heying offered Resolution No. 1837 and moved for its ~assage and adoption. Councilman Van Wagoner seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. WHEREAS, the State of California and the City of Anaheim entered into an Agreement for allocation of State Aid dated August 6, 1947, as amended and supplemented, under the provisions of Chapter 29. ,Statutes of 1946 (First Extra Session), as ~mended, wherebjr the State of California allocated to the City of Anaheim the sum of NINETEEN THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED FORTY TW'O AND NO/lOa DOLLARS ($19,842.00) for expenditure for establishing temporary and emergency veterans" housing project known as Project No. CAL-V-4)B6; and WHEREAS, said Agreement, as amended and supplemented, is now in full force a..YJ.d eff ec t: and WHEREAS, the City of Anaheim now desires to repay the State of California the Sl.:m of TEN THOUSAND EIGHT huNDRED SEVENTY-T\'JO AND 14/100 DOLLARS ($10,872.14) received by the City of Anaheim from the State of California in connection with said Agreement, as amended and sUppleGIented, and terminate said Agreement and all &~endments and supplements thereto; and WliEHEAS t the Local Agnecy to the date hereof, has repaid to the State the SLUr! of TWO THOUSAND TVlO HUNDRED AHD EIGHTEEN A1TD 71/100 DOLLARS ($2,218.71), thereby leavinr; a 'balance of EIGHT 'FHOTJSAIJD SIX HUNDRED AND FIFTY-THREE AND 43/100 DULLARS ($8,653.43). WHEREAS, an Agreement to Terminate Agreement for Allocation has been submi tted to the Ci t::r of Anaheim for Consideration: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY the City Council of the City of Anaheim t:lat the City of Anaheim repay to the State of California the sum of EIGHT THOUSAND SIX HUlIDRED AND FIFTY-THREE AND 43/1:J0 D_LLARS ($8,653.43), and that said Agreement dated August 6, 1947, and all amendments and supplements thereto, shall be terminated, ane R. W. MUNGALL, PROJECT MANAGER of the City of Anaheim be and he hereby is ~lthorized ana directed to sign on behalf of the City of Anaheim said Agreement to Terminate Agreement for Allocation and submit the same to the State of California, De~artment of Finance. Local Allocation Division, for execution. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the fOllowing vote: AYES: COUNCIL~'~N; Pearson, Wisser~ Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. The Ma~ror declared Resolution No. 1837 duly passed and adopted. 3('L-111.N . 18:~,3: Councilman Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 1838 and moved for its passage and adoption. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ESOLDTIGN OJ!"' ThE CITY COUNCIL OF TJ:i.B CITY VE' ANAHEIM AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE AND ACCEFTIiJG CUNV.B.;YANCE OF REAL PROPERTY. WHEREAS. the City Council of the City of Anaheim is desirous of purchas- ing the hereinafter described real property for public purposes, to wit: for the purpose of streets. alleys or utilities or for either or any of said purposes; and WHEREAS. the owners of said property have offered to sell said hereinafter described real property to the City of Anaheim for the sum of One Dollar ($1.00); and WHEREAS. the City Council of the City of Anaheim finds that it is for the benefit and best interest of the City of Anaheim to accept said offer and purchase said real property: NOW, THEREFOREt :BE I'r RESOLVW...1) BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, that the offer of Anaheim Union WaterCompany, a California Corporation. to sell to "'".\..':"""L~,..,.,.."..";.",,,",,"-*""'________'" "!"'i'_' o ,"__.__9J.tx Hall,. Anaheim, California, April la, 1951 - 8:00 P.M. the City of Anaheim the following described real property situated in the City of Anaheim~ County 01 Orange, State of California, and more particularly described as follows: A.i.l of the water alley 16-1/2 feet wide l:ring between Vineyard Lots A-7 and B-7, as per map thereof recorded in Book 4, pages 629 and 630 of Deeds, records of Los Angeles County, California, and extending from the Eas1erly line of West Street, 66 feet wide, to the Westerly line of Citron Street, 49-1/2 feet wide. be and the same is hereby accepted by the Cit~r Council of the City of Anaheim on this the 10th day of April, 1951. and that the City of Anaheim accept a conveyance of said real property. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Treasurer of the City of Anaheim be and he is hereby authorized to pay the owners of said real property, out of General Funds of the City of Anaheim, the sum of One Dollar ($1.00). RlL-US&j CF'::E~jALC.E: First reading of an Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 667 to affect collections and enforcement of provisions of Ordinance No. 667 and Resolution No. 1667 was brou.ght up on motion by Cou.nci1man Boney and mo'/ed for its introduction. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM A~1ENDING ORDINANCE NO. 667 ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE USE OF FUBLIC SEWERS". JUVAL SAN~ FIT: REVCKING OF RESULUTIO}~ no. 1484: The matter of revoking Resolution No. 1484 granted to J. F. Duval, permission to operate a Sand Pit was again brought up. After a thorough discussion of the problem, it was moved by Councilman Van Wagoner that the Variance of J. P. Duval for the operation of Sand Pit be revoked. and that Resolution be submitted by the City Attorney covering such revocation and allowing 30 days in which to comply with said Resolu.tion. C01~ncilman Heying seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Van Wagoner moved to adjourn. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED. SIGNED /tA~- ~/ ~/,:;;:.? ;I!::J; ~ ~'by Clerk -- - _...~- --- - cit:-.; -Haii ,-'-Anaheim ~--Caiifornia:..-.(prii-24,- 1951 -=8 :.66 -P:"I~i~-----_._-- . ---- -- ,,-- ,.---..----.-- ~ -_.--. -'-~-"-'-"'----- --- Tie C i t~i Counci 1 of the Ci t~j of Anaheim met in regular session. PRESENT: C0UNCILl-lEN: Pearson, Wisser, He:ting, :Bone;i and Van vh;:,goner. ABSENT: CGlHJCrJ\;[SN: None. CITY ATTURNEY; Preston Turner, present. CITY AD~IINIsr.rRATIVE OFFICER: Keith Murdoch, present. T::Le [.']lnnt-es of the regular rneeti,ield April 10, 1951 were approved on :.ction -0.: COiJ"';4cilrJar:.. Vall Wci..gon~~r, seconded b;' Councilman Wisser. J.IOTION CARRI3ID. ..Lui,J,.J:iLS; COll,.:r~cilLlan Van 'vJagoner reported ciemanG_s against th.e citj- amounting to $12],470.11. Councilcan He;ring moved that report of Finance Committee be accepted e.r:..d that WcHTi v::, lie cira','m upon tl1e t:.ree.surer to pa~I said demands in accordance wi th report. CouDcilLan. Bone:.' secondeci tL,e I'lotion l\'lOTION CARRIED. .DIFI:f. lJtDd'JAl\Cr.:S: Mr. D. G. Wettlin submitted report on t!.-J.e work of codif:Y'ing 1,:.e Ci t~' Ura. inaI..ces. I,:;;SGGU'~'1 I\v. 1c:3;1: Councilman :Doney offered Resolution No. 1,539 and moved for i ts passa~;;e an.cl aa.o)tion. Councilman HC;i'lng seconcied the r.:lotion. MOTION CARRIED. 1... F...ESlJ~J;L I _1:.] Tli,E CI1'l ClJUNCI~ liE THE Crry cF ANAEEIl< AUTEORIZIHG THE CODIFICATIOK l;F ALL C1 GRDDJA. CiS Arm AU'THCHlzn:G Tl-lE EhfLOYMENT C:F DAVID G. 'v'lETTLIN TO DO THE VII..JEK uF CCDIT::'ING SAID CRDI~.:ANCES UNDER TTiE DIF.EC'I'IGN lJ:F' TI'lE CIT-Y ATTORNEY AND FIXING hIS 8UJ",:--Ei:TSAI . N FeR SUC~I S3:RVI~ES. '. HEF,.2~AS , ~. . """5 vnere &.re -LL __ OrC:inEc:ces in the Ci t:/ of Anaheim; and 'vV'?EPSAS, said Ord.inar.c sLave -cee,-; enactec. O'ler D peTiod of ;rears from 1888 to pres8Lt tir:le ano. that during said ':jeriod of time many of said Ordinances have '~.;:~.".~~';'~,",:;:','-.;i.,~;..~".;;;~,.;...:",..:~"",_",.:..,.",_,:_~-~...,_. "':"'"_"!."""'i'Fo~;"~_:"_';.:,'I::',:_,";="~:"~'Si;;;,,,,,,,,,",,,,,.,-.",_~,,,,,~~..,, -I I -~-..,~~,~-