1951/04/26 ~.,_/ ,__, .~_ __~____._.___~'::_ ~~~__. Ha,~-L...~ All" ,~18 ~ ~~ ' Cal ifcn'ni;,..., ALJril ::Jt , .1./ )..1 -- s:oc " }~ 1: . 1'1 . ... r-.--~ ~.-, Al.tJ;:;: C;OU1JCILkEN: r~~af OL, Wisser, He~; t lJone;,' e_rJ.d Van Wagoner. _',:.-i:,w: GOUllGI Ll.'IEN: N.:)li8. l..;)S~:':jlr: 80TjNCILl'1~N: l\~one. Ivla.~ 0: c.8clH 8a Reso.Lu.:,ioL. i\ . Id42 cl'llZ'" pc::.sseci [:LL10 ciilJ~oted. COt-LHcil;YJ.an VETJ- vJ(:2-::0i~el' LID dO. to F.ciJOlirn to Tr.1UTsday, April 26, 1951 at : 00 o. c l 0 Cl{: f. 1-.. CO:.J.l1C i lr;ian 'y"j is s erSf:; C OlcQ eel the rEO t i on. l\.'lOT I ON CARRIED. .h.D tJ' C URN ED . SIGl:3D~L-?~t; Clerk .~~~..~_ _.~.._._ _ ~'__''''___c' _'_ _ ___ "'_" __....._ _ __. ~ ~_ _."~- ....-. --'- ... -=-~---- ---. ..,.-- ._~--- ---- --.----. .-.-"-"- -.-- '.-..~'''''''----~'''--.- ~', .HalJ_,_ ~E.e)l_e_i_,.._,-_G_aJ-..i.(OIj~JJ';.,-,. P-2.r.i). ?_~,-,_,_13))'_, .-. ~_.:;;s.)~ ]_.j..~_~__.__ ___.____ ___ 'Ji~;' :oJ.nci~ of v,c G~ ~;' ~if A:aa~;.eim filet i:c a6.journed reguler session in CLLec:t.i tJ -LLclJ V,'it.l tLe S~.JeciHl ':cill,.c. l~leE:t of tJ"-le Cit~. Flar:.:n.ing Cor:lInisEioL at k ::J() c' c~~cc.'; ;: .1'.0, T~_u.r~;ca:' J Ai;:r.i.l 26, .::.1, For t::.e ';~1.;.r-,-:;ose of .:;ei.:.eral ciiscussion and 'J 1. .j...C. 1 i~~c' .. l'\ E- . 11~~)~I..1i : V\_I,,-.~";,jI :'-:"\','. r(~G...1"~:OI~, ~.,'is~.et, h{::, ...j 0 L t::;' aLC V cUl h c;t~O r~e r . nLS.s}~T : ~vlJHCIU'lEN: J.~one. v I TY A'.il~.r \.-.j;.l\, ::'::Y, r res t (j Xi l\lrrJ: l' ; A s en t . C I IY ADj-i:= LIS '=L.LT = -,i::: u E'};' I 8ER, Ke i tl, I~lurc,. 0 ct.: Pre ~ e:l t . ~~ L.:. tee J. '. " ..\.... .... t e. kl'. Sl-18.rt le, Fler;lJi;.,:-:' COL1;Iii~:sicHl V:I:.O h't're lJresent: Joe Thompson, 1'5: Sc>.c,LcJci.cr, HaP2;Ooci, Surnmers, Gn,usr Tecr-::.nici&n :fo1' t!,~e Cit:,/ of An8heim~ present. 2 ~'~a:. r~ r...lt:"J:: , ThE Ll €:;'c e r S 0 f thE C i t :,i 1:-: 1 {i,tl >: E. i.. 1; Secr(:t,_l', , COLiLis~ Under discussion v'eIC ;::; cJcivisi':Jl:.s iracts ~~'Js. 14D4 [~LC 1460, l'oth in the R-O 'lone. t rnet cope or t~~.Le ;;'leetiL{; Oir!. e -~ i-: !'l L r'''~ . ~\7 e I<c->~' 8 Tr f~.C t ~; R-(: lot size stf;';:.aaIT,s. T~(:"c;t d \.1 S C'~ S s i J L S e.2 t y e 2 S S 0 f T r ae t De vel op e r s D 8 .' [iJ~ t. f;Q i::~ t:',i s Z on.e, a.1 though tIle:>,:- do man:' lots no\!: L'l tLe c,r8E. e.re rnD..ch smaller i' e 0 1..: e s ~. .. :18.1; ., L Sl~ cet. .....- :r.' f' r F. trio s i 11 is t :::' i ,_' t)C T tt~n;::.~ vCirirtion of squE.re foota~.;:e requirements ~~ lets. me:. t r of b r eC3k o.olv'.1n 1l1. - _. s C. 1. ~_ E R-O zone requirements. T~~e t ~/iJ (~ ~, ;J 1-' ~ ~I:-~ EJ f~ : ~c (' ~_ ~ ~ 0 f;' L ia.r~ci L.l t c~.e "'"'.... .. .:..~ r tr: J f !if 0 r t ~(i S t r e e t . H',J,' U. to ? ,500 SQue.I'E foot 11'u:ctc;E::e by li5 foot ciepth all north isd.e of ...\i:-rt:. ~. rs ~. (.._C 8?t f';lce f '~Jest, Stl' et b_llc.l t...L.t .Jort )TeSe~,t ullceveloped _~~ r-. 0 ~~; e r-' .b.L;8" iL.s ,..,. i'" ~ L; U~.. J.. OI'l:iL.(L CE:~ to C1C,:'t8 a R-OO Zo:~e 01 7,500 sque.re foot l' e q 0. i }:' s . ~'.A J..::>tF, Tentati e I'.LEL1.l cri,~in[,lly 8.;.J,;}"ovea.. ~ep':e;;!.oer 12,1950, o:{ the '::olrlI~~issiorl, St.1[i_Ject.. to e21:."~i.:~eel~ requil~er[ier.Lts. SE~.id map WEiS ref-'er!"ed .:: ::"c;.:::"J!li C CJllll., i s ~ ':. 0 ~'J. t ~ c C it;,'" CO'.;rlc i1 et its [lee t ing, Tue sda.y, ~"". , v 1 t ~. :: 1. f.;.r . b Cx:' :. l, Sep teL:ie r "--I . I "c, ,',8 ,.::Q \.' Cou...:lC:il;;:(=u...o ,LC'.. , S CCC:...CE'.O. .~..,~ COQl"J.cilLE.n He~{inG tr-.:.ect the J f T r <: t 8.J ~') 1"' .. ' r:' c.. "-. e c t t .p T' 0 '/ ~, s . .J~: S t }'J.c.:. t t Ll ere 0 e 1: JCIC: rec~uil'\C!Llent~ t t., t~'; ,:...f one l,.]~~ of J:'.,8 .Co'J.l' lots fa.cing u, c:: i. ci t t Ell FCC e ~ s s t T t i n~ ~.: ere:: c t ,:: '~, 6 c'd. 0 ~t t L. e S u1xi i v i d. e r ent.sti ; , s c;. i), C. ,~_ Her t. ..,,~ ""-' l..;' FE 1"t1 s to ,i 1~i ,~: i- J.- ....J (. , . .~.'=: I (F CARP I..~=D . :' et s q LeE. :. e fee t . ac.. '1 i s eO. from 7,500 square i:"" t ~~l.e ire OWJ;', uni CE- t ion 1,Ia~) 'because it d.idnot [:~ cd t a ~ ( A~,: '"1 The 29 lots. Square fea Cit~r F12.HLiL COI:!Lli~s.i ::'[-1: led t E;:9T;rove s8.io f\ji,. ~.. b t .~.. v e ,~- ..i..- 1 , .~ e R--C ~ 1 '~8 t ~ Ten tot i '\/8 z,,,, v,.;. reqll~Ye;,.CLts . Cou. .c i 1,:18.1 .bU~le~j thf::.t t~e I'enteti',re l.la-o c,f Tract Ne. 1404 'i.C eo, t;~ e LJQ t i en. II'lCT I ~N CAPJt rED. COQnc i 1man tJ:;eTefcre. It. -as L~_()tJ i "~)rJ.f.~d G()tiT.cilm8.l'l VeIl 'vIa;,' :Le1' see ":':011 ste.tE.'c ::i2. Y'e1'?SOl'"~: l\,ef f , stit on. .hC t . U~}o:, t. >,e reeo;:_e::~ce. t ions of Nat H. eer. sr,e. t ,lat Koebi [;:Ci.d. Roeli C . nSl:l t en:-iYleerS t th2t the f Ai ,~~ C','_b.lrLcrs E.~r:: zontc.l T'l1'nu,lar T~"::-:e Ex.~losio:-~ Proof Motors in lieu rrl El trj.c COjd~j8.D.:/ ;;;otors s~)ecifieci fur the scv;a.::,'e .::",'I,'lD.J?S, Uni t IV De .:;oti 8ouJ~cil[nan 3011e~T, secoilcLed 'O~l COtlr.l.cil':~'"6,n He:/ing. MOTION CARBLED. or t :-ie Gc- (.-- f.-I '-' co ..-;......-.....~~.~."""=.-~_i.;><...'i."'~"-'-...;..,.."""'" 11; Cit:. lJEJlt. Al"~8.he~.L', C:c~~ifor_,-i2, .A;;1~i1 2,S, 1)51 - 2:00 Fd~_,_______._ 1"1. A. Gauer, ?la.Li.il'. Coml.:.i2siCJner, r'equer,ted the Council.:H1 t~:1e :9resente.tion iCb ~. :~:"~~:'::;1> et lCLS l: r O.l~::.exHt ()LS, t~j8t t:-:;'8 a:~)plicaLts give consent to the '.-:'~l of t:";8 ar8[~> =--n ~. .8 A~.i.n~LeL:: ElE'l;.e;~t.e.r~,'" SC~loGl District, and. also that tlle:r ~:'0 st t, ,(:- 130flrc of StlCerv' ~~crs to L.ccJ.,.G.e;~Le ::"::1"o:)088d area in tl-::.e Ane.:leira School D:i.s rict. Counci1L.e.n He;{in::-:.: sta.tco.. tilDt iL i_is Opillion tIle Council and Cit~t ?18xl.l~.ing ComL::"ssi on \;JerE; of t.e of,iLi ti:at '9 t 000 squLre footai;e of lots were too large '... R-O Zone b.llC Loved tLe.t t_.e R-C ZOilt~: 'oe reci,)ci:-:Q to 7,.500 square feet. The t i G _' .~\ as 1 0 S tIC r 1 H.C k 0 filS e c U le-c1 II . RESOLUTIUN :.)F IN':J.1EN'r: Councilman Van Wagon$!r offered a Resolution of Intent. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. Resolution of Intent to create a. new zone to be known as R-O-O Zone, the boundaries of which are as follows: The North side of the old wash from North West Street to the present city limits. On the North side of West North Street a strip 100 feet deep extend- ing from North West Street to Loara would remain in the R-O Zone, on North West Street between West North Street and West La Palma Avenue, on both sides of the street, a strip 120 feet wide would also be left as R-O Zone. All other areas bounded by North Citron Street, West La Palma Avenue, the present city limits and West North Street Wffilld be placed in the new R-O-Q- classification. The R-O Zone south of West North Street would remain as at present. On roll call the foregoing Resolution on Intent was adopted: AYES: NOES: ABSENT : COUNCILMEN: COUNCIL~1AN : COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wisser, Boney and Van Wagoner. Heying, stating his reasons therefor. None. The Mayor declared the Resolution of Intent duly passed and adopted. ANNE&~TION: Co~sent to continue annexation proceedings was given the group requesting annexation in the Northeast section of the city boundary, a~proximately 212 acres. Further discussion was held with Mr. Boden. representing those interested in annexation. Councilman Van Wa.goner moved to adjourn. Councilman Heying seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED. SIGNED ~~~~ y Clerk ~""";""!'__:~~"Ci.!l;",-"";<_.4.,.;G.'-'h"r:,4,.,,,,-~,~.,t~-",.",~;...~~i!"_""_"",,,