1951/06/12 139 City Hall, Anaheim, California, June 11, 1951 - 10:00 A.M. ~ncl1Jding excavation of all manholes e.xc8pt the manhole at Station 119 I- 34. BE IT FlffiTHEF RESOLVED that the Mayor and the City-Clerk be and they are authorized to execute and sign any contracts, documents, or other instruments necessary oy required tc complete the grant of authority hereby given to said contractors to sub- contract the portion of said work and contract hereinabove mentioned and described. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said contractors be and they are hereby required to execute and file with the City an amended Labor and Material Bond in the penal sum of $727,888.08, in accordance with Title I, Division 5, Chapters 2 and J, of the Government Code of the State of California, and donditioned that if said contractorf or their sub-contractors shall fail to pay for any materials, provisions, provender, or other supplies, or teams used in, upon, for or about the performance of the work contracted to be done. or for any work or labor thereon of any kind, that the surety or sureties will pay for the sa.me in an amount not exceeding the sums specified tn the bond, and also in case suit is brought upon the bond, a reasonable attorney fee to be fixed by the Court. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNC I Llv1EN: COUNCILMEN: COTINO I Ll-'IEN : Pearson, Wisser, Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. None. None. The Mayor declared Resolution No. 1851 duly passed and adopted. Councilman Van Wagoner moved to adjourn. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNFl) ~ ftL (~ - SIGNED _-___----":::. . .~. _/ n '.~._.' Ci ty k ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - City Hall, Anaheim, California, JULe 12, 1951 - 8:00 P.M. _ _c.,. ;:;-.. ~':S --""------ ------- The City C01illcil of the City of Anaheim met in Regular Session. FRESENT: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wisser, Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. CITY ATTOR1~Y: Preston Turner, Present. CITY ADMINISTP~TIVE OFFICER: Keith A. Murdoch, Present. The Minutes of the Regular Meeting held Tuesday, May 22, 1951 at 8:00 P.M. and Special Called Meeting held Jlme 11, 1951 at 10:00 A.M. were approved on motion b;,"" Councilman Heyin€~, seconded b;:r Counc ilman Wi sser. ~10TION CARRIED. LEl<i:..lillS: Counci] man Van Wagoner reported demands aga.inst the ci ty amounting to $444,127.61. Councilman ]one:l moved tr.tB.t report of Finance Committee be approved and that warrants be dra.wn upon the r~'reasurer to pay said demands in accordance wi th report, Councilman He;l:lnr seconded the motion. MOTION CARPIED. INArCIAL & Or~~ATII-; REPORTS: The following Financial and Operat ing Reports were ordered a~proved and placed on file on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED: CITY TREASlffiER: Total General Funds, $289,754.75. total Active Accounts, $730,967.69 Total All Funds, $1, 348,967.69. -- The CITY CLERK'S report correspond ed. TAX Ct,/LI,ECTOR: Collect,ed. $'731.55, total delinquent, May 31, 1951 - $1,993.88. BUSINESS LICENSE: Collected $152.70 on Business, Bicycle and Dog Licenses. Delinquent Business License, $54.00. Fl~LIC SERVICE DEPT.: Deposited $84,454.69 of which $2,421.22 was B.D.D. collections and $5,687.00 was Sanitation Charges. CITY CLERK: De-oos-ted with Treasurer, $158.84. Delinquent Ta.xes outstanding, $453.26. CITY ELECTRICIAN: 29 Light. wiring and 5 POvler w1.ring permits, fees collected, $197.10. CITY JUDGE: 469 cases, of which 291 cases \-Jere Parking Meter violat ions, total fees collected, $3,384.00. CITY ENGIlffiER: 272 loads, trash and 27 loads of garbage, or 94 tons, garbage, and 52 loads of trash were collected by Contractor. FLUnGE REFORT: Receipts for May, $762.34, total receipts to date, $901.74. ACTIVITIES OF: Fire Department, Police Department, Shop and Garage, ....""'"m".. '_'_'<"'_:~"':''';'_:_'~:_~~_' _.,"...O';";'__""__"~""'''_:''''' m_'..::.,""...."_."'.,':""~"'0_~.ii<'""iiij,~~'e,.,j".,~..,j,__",-;.""_.'~,oi,~:_..~~....:_..~I(.,.." ....,~-- City Hall, Anaheim, California" June 12, 1951 - 8:00 P.M. L~,BRARY~ balance as of June 5, 1951, $13,562.30. E'TJLDING DEFT..: 108 permi.ts of VJhich 29 were building permits, valuation, $100,190.00. Fees collected. $490.25. F&qKING METER COLLECTIONS: $1,650.00. CITY AUDITOR: deposited with Treasurer, $335,831.56. SUPT. LIGHT,POViER & WATER: Activities of the Dept. and Water pumped b;r City, 40,4)0,000 galTors, purchased from M.W.D. 55,852,600 gallons, water level, city wells, June 1st, 163' 2". CITY AUDITOR: expenses of Magnolia Trunk Sewer Project, total $315,796.70 of which Anaheim paid 22.28% or, $70,359.50. CITY AUDITOR: expenses of maintaining Sections J and 4 and recording the flows and treat~ng Sections 5 and 6 of the J.O.S, total, $3,406.04 of which Anaheim paid 37.16~ or $1,042.93. BEARY TE1;TA :VE 3UDGET for 1951-1952 was submitted and read. A='iDEESSED THE CCUNCIL: Mr. Robert'll. Kirk, a resident at 331 W. Vermont, owner of said 'PY'operty being a lot 80. x 50 t is no\.; living in a trailer and garage on the rear of said property. Mr. Kirk has been advised by the Police Dept. that he wag in violation of City Ordinance. and upon the recommendation of the Building Department requests the City Council to give him permission to continue the present arrangements for another six nv'nths. He was informed that the Ci ty Council would take the matter under advisement. A~DRESSE= ~'t_lNCll: Mr. William G. Walker ad~dressed the Council regarding increased valuations covered by his Fire Insurance proposal for the City on which an estimated 13P increase in the scheduled insurable values were sho~;n for the year commencing July 1, 1951. Thjs adjustment, they state, being a result of inflation during the past t\rJelve montbs, or longer. The total cost under the recorr.mended adjustments of values w111 be ap~roximately $2,471.88. The City Council. on motion by Councilman Heying, seconded b~T Councilman ]3oney, t1ovod the.t the insurance proposition be held over for further stuc.;.r and consideration. MOTION CARRIED. I'NSTJRANCES: Pacific Indemni ty Co. Policy 21985, Mercantile Robbery and Safe Burglary Policy, J year policy. premium, $62.50, was approved by City Attorney, Preston Turner. and ordered received and filed on motion by Councilman Boney, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTICN CARRIED. Aetns Policy 32795, Fire, Theft and Comprehensive, Indorsement including 1951 Cranbrook Plymouth was ordered received and filed on motion by Councilman Boney, seconded b~y Councilman Wisser. MOTICN CARRIED. 8......1,"1 F'OR .2~~;S CIT'1 ADVER'l'ISING: On motion by Councilman Boney, seconded by Council- man Wisser~ the City Clerk was instructed to cause to be )ublished a Notice Inviti~ Sealed Proposals for all advertising to be done by the city, required by law to be p;lb1ished in a daily news-~Ja?;er :9u'blished within said City; for all advertising not required bJ~ lev,: to be published in a dai ly newspaper and for all advertising not re- quired b:l law to be printed in a dail:, nei.,'spaper, but required by law to be printed each issue for a definite period of time. Said bids to be opened June 26, 1951 at 2: 00 0 R Glock r. 1'-1. lw10TION CARRIED. O.D. ~.-A~;S: It was moved by Councilman Heying, seconded by Councilman Wisser that the City Attorney and Cit:;r Admini.strative Officer oe authorized to take whatever action necessar,'/ to effect collection of B.O.D. and Sa.'Yli tation Charges outstanding and delinquent. Iv10TION C~1i.RIED. C.K.:O. EE~L'EST E\,;{ ~~TENSICN t-,f 'Tli,:E: Communication from V.C.K. Constructi~n COillP~~Y to City of Anaheim, as Contracting City, requesting extension of time to Oct~ber 1, 1951 for the comp19tion of the work in Units I and II of the Magnolia Trunk Sewer, because of difficulties with unsatisfactory pipe and unexpected water conditions. ani in addition, there was an unexpected delay in the matter of award and execution of Contract. It was moved by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Wisser that the Cit:r Clerk be instructed to aclmowledge receipt of letter and to advise that by regular motion, t~e City of Anaheimt as Contracting Citjr, docs not feel that an extension should be ,iC':!"a.nted. as there appears to 'be insufficient grounds for granting an extens1.on, and that t matter be referred to the Engineer:n,g Committee for its recommendation. l<OTION Ck1.R rED ~ ,EMPLOYMENT: Chief of Police, Mark Stepher.son appointed Allen Warren Klosterhoff. relief ?atrolman, $25 .00 per month, and Mrs. Barbara R. Fielden, Stenographer-Matron. $240.00 'fPT m~nth, 44 hour week. The foregoing appointments were ratified by the City Council on motL:!1 ':ouncilman Heyin~, seconded b~l Councilman Boney. MOTION CARRIED. INA;:'":~ Councilman Boney offered Ordinance No. 778 and moved for its IJ(;;ssage ano ad.o~)tion. Councilman He;ring seconded the motion. I-lOTIOn CARRIED. ~.:.'.:'.0',",. ;-.oc:-~;;..:~.i;;:'I!;;".:"');t.",;jii\i~"'~:_~"""''''f.,,,,,,,",,,,,,.>ij;!~.'-.'".-"'-'-"~"'<4.' 141 ___._9.ity Hall,.Anaheim, California, June 12, 1951 - 8:00P.M. ~:DINld:rCE NC. 778: AN ORDINAl\CE OF TEE CITY CF A..tJAh'EI~I APPROVING THE ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF ANAHEI:I~:~:F THE TEHP ITOEY KNOw'N ANTI DESIGNATED AS MORAJ.JES ANNEXATION. T!:E CITY CUUNCIl OF THE CrT"'! OF ANAHEIM DOES ORDAN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: That the Ci t~r Counc:l of the Ci t~ of Ana.~eim did on the 24th jay of April, 1951, receive a written petiti~n aSking that certain new and uninhabited tprritory described in said petition De annexed to the City of Anaheim. That said terri tor~r proposed to be annexed to said Ci t~,. of Anaheim is s1 tuated L_ the County cf Orange, State of California, and is contiguous to the City of Anaheim and is uninhabi ted terri tor;;-. That said yeti tjon c(:ir~tained a description of said tArritor;r jn words an6 figures as hereinafter in this Ordinance described. That the Ci t;,- C01,illcil dul:l assembled at a regular meeting of said City Counci1 ~81d on the 24th day of Aprilt 1951, did find that said petition at the time it was filed and received was signed b:r the owners of not less than one-fourth of the area of +-'1e land in such territor~r anc1 represented not less than one-fourth of the assessed 'lalue of said territory proposed to be annexed according to the last preceding equal- ized assessment roll of the County of Orange t State of California, in which sa:i.d terri- tor:r is si tuated and that said terri tory' did not form a part of any n'l1micipal corpora- t on and did fina that said terr}.tory is contiguous to the City of An~~eim and is un- i.nhabited territory. That on the 24th da;-T of Apri 1 t 1951, at a regular meet ing of said Ci ty Council of the City of Anaheim, Resolution No. 1841 was duly passed and adopted specif- ically describing the boundaries of the territory so proposed to be annexed to the City of anaheim and designating such territory as MORALES A1T}mXATION and giving notice ~Jf such annexation and fixing the 22nd day of Mair, 1951, at the hour of 8:00 P.M. at the Cit:r Council ChaInbers in the City Hall in the City of Anaheim, as the day, hOllr and place 'when and where an;r person owning real ~roperty wi thin such terri tory s proposed to be annexed and having objections to the proposed annexation might appear before the City COlmcil of the City of Anaheim and show cause why such territory ShOl1ld not be so annexed and notifyin~ all persons having objections to such proposed annp.xat~on to appear at said day, hour and place to show cause, if any they had. why S lcb terri tor~T shon}l not 'he annexed to the Ci ty of Anaheim and directing the Ci ty 81erk to publish or cmlse to be published a copy of said Resolution at least once a 'lleek fa!' two succesS j ve weeks p:rior to Ma:r 22, 1951, in the Anaheim :Bulletin, a n(~\t"Rpaper of genera.l circulation, published in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California. That said Resoluti.on 'was caused to be published by said City Clerk in said Anaheim Bulletin as directed. That on the day, hour and at the place specified in said Resolution No. 1841, to-wit, on the 2~~nd day of Ma;r, 1951, at the hour of 8:00 ol.~lock P.M., in the City C01IDcil Chambers in ~h€ Ci t;r HalT in the Ci t.? of Anaheim, California. the Ci ty Council of the City of Anaheim did meet and assemble and proceed to hear and pass on all Grotpsts. Ttat written protests were not made b:T the owner or owners of one-half of the value of the terr1 tory :proposed to be annexed according to the last equalized assessment roll of the County of Orange, State of California. SECTION 2: That the annexation of the territory included ~rithin the bound- arles of th~ MORALES JL~lmXATION and more particularly described as follows, to-wit: A tract of land including a po~tion of Lot 5 of Miles Rancho, as shown on a map recorded in Book 4. ?age 7 t ~~iscellaneous Maps t Records of Orange County and a portion of State HighwG..;T Route 101, also known as South Spadra Road, in the County of Orange, State of Californiat and more particularly descrired as follows: Beginning at a point on the present northerly city limit line of the City of Anaheim, s:-lid point being 30 feet west of the monurnented center line of North Lemon Street and feet north of the monumented center line of ROr.lnd:la Drive; thence Northwardly along t~"le w'esterly line of said North Ler1Jn Street and the present city limit line a distance of 700.12 feet to a point; thence Southwestwardly a distance of 1)07.18 feet, more or 1.ess, to a point on the easte~ly property line of State Highway Rout€~ 101, otherwise known as South SpadrH Road, said point being 351.77 feet northerly from the north Lne of Romneya Drive, said north line also being thA present city limit line; thence \~Iestwardl~y" at rtght angles tc the said east propert;l line of State High\",ay Route 101 a dist.ance of 80 feet to ,a :poi.nt on the westerly propert;I line of said State Highway Route 101, said westerl:r propert:-T 1 ine also being the present ci ty li,mi t line; thence Southwardly alan ,the said westerl;r property line of State Highway Route 101 and the present cit:r limit line a distance of 351.77 feet to a point on the northerly line of Rsmneya Drive. said northerly line of Romneya Drive also being the present city limit line; tbp.nce Eastwardly along the sa.i.d northerly line of Romneya Driv'e and the present city limit line a distance of 1300.90 feet to the point of beginning. -.;i..-- ... .,- ';_.- ",":.~~""j~""""i.fl_di:.:i,,,O<;,-,,,,, _p__. ___ C~~~:_Hall, Anaheim, California, June 12, 1951 - 8:00 P.M. 1 hereb~ approved and said territory is hereby annexed to and incorporated in the C ty of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, and is hereb;l designated as the MORAL8S AN1~XATION to the Ci ty of Anaheim SECTION 3: That from and after the effective date of this Ordinance and the filing of a certified copy thereof with the Secretary of State of the State of Oa1ifornia, the annexat ion to the terri tor~r herein deseri bed shall be deemed to be and shall be complete and thenceforth such annexed territory shall be, to all intents andpurposes, a part of the City of Anaheim, and from and after the effective date of such annexation, all property therein shall be subject to taxation equally with the property within the City of Anaheim and shall be taxed to pay its proportionate share of the existing indebtedness and liability of said Oity of Anaheim contracted prior to or existing at the time of such annexation pursuant to the written consent of the owners of pro- perty in said annexated territory filed with the Clerk of the City of Anaheim prior to the adoption of the Ordinance. SECTION 4: The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this Ordinance and cause the same to be published once in the Anaheim Bulletin, a dialy newspaper. printed, published and circulated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California and thirty (30) days from and after the final passage it shall be in full force and effect. On roll call the foregoing Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the following ,:.'ote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNC I LlvIEN : Pearson, Wisser, Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. None. None. The Mayor declared Ordinance No. 778 duly passed and adopted. INUTES: Minutes of the Regular }\1eeting of the Executive Board of the Joint Outfall Sewer held June 7, 19.51, together with Minutes of a Special Meeting of the Engineering Committee of the Joint Outfall Sewer held June 7, 1951 were submitted and read and ordered received and filed on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded b~T Oouncil- man Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. .fJ.D .LAl-..h =;101\:: On motion by Councilman Heying, seconded by Councilman Boney the following Proclamation was issued by the ~iayor; MOTION CARRIED. TO THE CITIZENS OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, GREETINGS: WHEREAS, the waters of the Colorado River were first brought to the cities of Southern California ten years ago this month, through the great aqueduct system of the Metropolitan Water District; and WHEREAS, the City of Anaheim is one of the 35 cities that share in the privilege of using that important water su!,ply for the purpose of meeting present and f:Jture water needs of our homes and industries; and WHEREAS , with all Southern California now in the grip of the seventh con- s9cutive drouE"ht year, our dependence upon the availability of Colorado River water has become increas:ngly great; and WHEREAS, in the face of our o~n urgent need, bills have been introduced in Conrress calling for construction of the Central Arizona Project which would, J;..~ a.uthori7ed~ lead to a drastic reduction in the share of Colorado River that could be brought to our own community, with consequent hardship to our own citizens: NO!,l, THE:P:9]'ORE, AS MAYOR or THE CITY OP ANAHEIM, I do here'by proclaim the week of June 17 as "Colorado River Wa.ter Week" in a.nd for the City of Anaheim and I urge the citizens of the City of Anaheim to participate in the observance of the Tenth Anniversary of inception of operations by the Metropolitan Water District aqueduct sy.stem by all a~cpropriate means, incluciing active participation in the civic programs designed to protect this great and essential water supply. ANSF:":E l".)~: Upon the recommendations of the Cit;y Auditor to transfer $10,000.00 from the General ~~ndto the Traffic Safety Fund, and $1,500.00 from the General Fund t the Recreation Fund, the City Treasurer was authorized and instructed to make said transfer on motion by Councilman heying, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. rL,AH.sI J' :Eh;.,~:l~h !::;Ci,!_~HC:S to use the Greek Theater and Public Address S:rstem from 3:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M., July 4, 19.51 for the purpose of choosing an Anaheim girl to represent Anaheim in the Orange County Fair u~ueen Contest" was granted on motion by C01IDcilman Heying, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. "'".''':<1iS''c~,.",.;."",.~,:~,;."..:;$~~*..'':':;~~-~~-#'''''c;,-:0,-':;'."""'c'~~-"I"~""''''~..~'-;.'-'''';m;4ie,-",-~. ""-_.~-+-,.... 143 ~---- -'--- __,_gt~~_~~llL_ An~h!:~m, Ct!J i.fornia, ~une If}.._ 195.1--=_ 8: 90 P. M. -,- ---..-----..--- . ';"_i~ ~ from Ore--nge:ounty Public Health Department regarding tlmass immunizatioI connect on wi th t'rl~ Ci vi 1. Defens e Program. Arrangements are being mad e wi th the 30y Scout Troops of Anaheir: to circulate pamphlets to all homes in the city announcing he .~ viI Defense Immunization program. TT'ICJlT,__)1T: from L. M. Pickel advising the Ci ty Council of his resignation as Dtsaster Chairman of the Anaheim Chapter of the American Red Cross and coordinator to Anaheim Disaster Council, due to 111 health. was read. Robert S. 'Borden has been named as Mr. Pickel's successor by the American Red Cross. It was moved by Councilman Heying, seconded by Councilman Wisser, that a letter of thanks for past se~vices rendered be sent to Mr. Pickel and that the appointment of Robert S. Borden as American Red Cross Disaster Chairman and Coordinator to Anaheim Civil Defense Council be ratified. fvfOTION CARRIED. >.;.f..l~., :'U? Dh.~,AGES: Claim for damages under communication dated May 4, 1951 from the Farmers Insurance Group, )07 N. Eroadway, Santa Ana, California, a copy and bill for repairs fro~ C. B. Knickerbocker Inc., also a verified claim for damages signed by Arman Albarian, City Qf Anaheim as cJaimant, accident of March 12, 1951.~ The City ':iouncil on motior: by C01J.ncilr':an HeY2.ng, seconded by C01.IDcilman Boney moved that the foregoins claim be denied. MOTION CARRIED. <<.U.,Ul\7ICA'rIGN: from Waste 1{Jater Disposal Compa...l1Y, a copy of vJhi.ch was directed to Councilman Boney as Chairman of the Executive Boara of the Joint Outfall Sewer regard- ing a proposed increase in the rental for the use cf the sewerage system, was presented ~o the Council. Councilman Boney outlined the pertinent points of the cOf:munication. ...;ZTT '~R: to t he :Soard of Supervi sors, Orange County favoring the idea of using Flood Control Funds for the purchase of 25,000 acre feet of water, was acknowledged l::r the Board of Supervisors. LET'r~R: to the :Board of SlJpervisors, Orange COll..Tlty, requesting the continuation 0: allocation of funds to cities fer use by cities on ~ajor streets repairs Was read. I~IL;N: signed by :Bertha & Florence Myers, Dr. and Mrs. G. A. Neth, in reference to noises from Freeze Unit was referred to the City Ad~inistrative Officer and the Superi.ntenden t of Light, POi.ver and Water. ICATICN: from Sam L. Collins and Earl W. Stanley pledging their support to the passage of A. B. 3217 ttcreating urban districts" was read. A. B. 3217 passed the Assembly on June 12. The Clerk was instructed to write a letter of tlthanks" to both Sam L. Collins and Earl W. Stanley. Also a letter to Clyde Watson urging his strong ~ll:ppo:rt in the Senate to secure the successful passage of this Bill. CATluN: from John Phillips giving favorable consent to the continued de-control of rents. t~ L-l L ~ C); c', Tj L Q -.), '~L .' L----- - E~T TP3E REMUVALS: The future policy regarding tree removal: The City will con- ti.nue to accept applications for tree removals on live trees, to be done by the propertj owners and at their expense, on dead trees, or 1ive trees which constitutes a ha.z~ard are als'J to "be handled en a'9iJ1ication and will be removed by the City Street Department it upon investigat~ OTl 1)~t the ~~t Departnent, it is determined that in the best i~terest of the City they sho~' reffioved. TI' ,~,.L;A l,N ,-,IE' S:E;~\:E:E :" ::::;E: Ir:sta.llat ion of approxima t el~t 900 feet cf sewer pipe on Vermont, east from Palm Street was held over for further information to be secured by tte AdEinietrative Officer. r" w",ri Ai. > S;2;,';JKrj: ;;J~d;r: Jerome J. :Bowen and Clarence Wi11amson, business to bE) 2.t 124i No. Lo~ Angeles St. applicetioD for business license to conduct an AJiusement Parlor W["S cienied on motion "by Councilman Pearson, seconded by Councilman Van Wagoner. MOTION SABEIED. }J'YLiiliE ~FJ....RGES: Chartps for the use of Oxygen Tanks for inhalator purposes \\;1J1 be made e.fter the first day of use in emergenc~'r ca.ses. AIvU,,:ENIH<E1~T 1\J UEDINAY:-~3.; NC. ;74: Proposed ammendrnent to Ordina.nce No. 374 the AdIT~inistrative Officert wherein the City would accept the State Plumbers' Certifi.cate as sufficient evidence of their ability to perform work properly within the 1 imi t s of the Ci t:{, and t}-'e~l be granted Business Li censes accord ingly. The Ci ty Council considered the recommendations favorably, and change was so ordered. RE:>AIE (v:F FL1'J.S; Acting upon the recomr::.enda.t ons of the Administrative Officer, Pllmps Nos. 4 and 6 v:iJl be pulled and reple,.cements made, and reinstalled. Approximate cost of each pump, $3,000.00. Work authorized on motion by Councilman Heying, seconded COline: Ima.n Eone~l. lvIOTION CAP~ I}~D. ""'~'_:,.:,:~,';;"-'''''fif'''''*'''''~'_"'''.,,-h,,-~''-'i':i_:'''':__:'''.-..._.-<,;-,~-",.'~:;;;;;;;;:..C~~"'~;"i:"~;'iiW!I-I,:t1'''':i. _ ,"',,,,;~_,__,,,,,,'.__:._=_o _. .,...,-,.,-,-..- __C>it~L]1all, AnatJ.eim, California,_Julle 12,1951 - 8:00 P.M. -ECEASE: ~'AFZJ -,-"(.11: It was moved by Councilman He;ving, seconded bit Councilman Boney that the City Attorney start negotiatjcns to purchase lot to be used for "off- ~ treet parkint:;" from Mrs. Rust. Lot locat on: on Cler:;ent ine Street betvieen Chestnut ar.d_ Oak Street s . MOTION CAER IFD. ATE CV~l~2:.L ~Jb_.D TAX EXEI..FT: It was moved by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Wisser that the Council authorize the cancellation of taxes on a parcel of land purchased by the State Highway Department located at the corner of ~Anchester and Loera Hoa.d~ as recommended b;{ the City Attorney. MOTION CARRIED. TSNiI'b'IIVi. LAi:-S uF TRACTS NOS. a.nd 142 In the discussion of changes to be made in the tract, it was recommended that changes be made in the curbs, also discussion as t the square footage of the homes contained in the area, as shown upon the plot plan ar:d lot des ign \,\ras taken under considera t i en. It was moved by Councilman Boney, seconded by Councilrean Heying, that Tentative Maps of Tracts Nos. 1428 and 1429 be accepted, subject to Engineering requirements. MOTION CARRIED. TY fT.JU~ G CO!'iI'lISSIU1\ EESCI.Jt Il,l~ NU. 1: was pre~ented to the City Council wherein a, verified peti tion for a Chance of Zone, filed April 4, 1951 by Mrs. MarJr Sue :Brown tc change the area bounded "by South Lemon Street, West Broadwa:r, South Clementine St,reet and EIL~ Street, to C-2 General Co~mercial Zone. The Ci ty Planning Commission held Public Hearing u:9on the matter on Apr11 16, 1951 and concluded the followi!:-g facts: 1 & The prOI)ert~r iE presentl;,r zoned. ~s F-I, Farking Zone and R-), Mul tip1e Family Residential Zone. 2.. The propert;t to the ea.st is zonec. as C-2, General Commercial Zone and M-l, Light Manufact1Jri ng Zone; the property to the sou tr.. 1 s zoned as C-2, General Conunercia.1 Zone, P-l, Parking Zone, and R-3, }ful tiple Family Residenti6.l Zone; the :property to ttle west. is zoned as R-3, Multiple Family Res:dential Zone, aTIc the :p~:'opert:r to the nr)rth is zoned ~s 0-2, General CODme~cial Zone and P-l. Parking Zone. 3. Fourteen of the fifteen property OWners were in favor of the Zoning Change. 4-.. The t rend of this ne1.ghborhood is tcward Commercial 3usi.ne!3s. 5. There were no objecttons b:t adJoining property owners at the hearings. In view of the above facts, the Cj,ty Planning Commission recomI:1ended the Change of Zone be approved and authorized. Mr. Locke, a resident on West Broadway. addressed the Council opposing the granting of said Change of Zone. Public Hearing was ordered to be held before the City Council, 8:00 o'clock F~M., J1me 26, 1951 on motion by Councilman HeyinE, seconded by Councilman Boney. }..iOTION CARRIED. C i}'Y _-1Al~~, ='.JI'.l,.=S.::;I._.l~ .R~SC=; - 1 Wer:' presented to the City C01lllcil, together v-ith petition signed seVE'n residents in the district requesting Fu.blic Hearing upon the matter. T:-.e Ci ty Planning COfilmisslon held a public hearing npon the matter, June 5, 1)51. AI'plication for Varia.nee No. 143 was filed. Ma~l 5 t 1951 by E. A. Silzle Corporation t -oermission to permit the erect.ion and operation of a Dehydratjrg Plant for Orange Fsei, the end product of which is cattle feed, at 304 South Atchison Street. After study and ir.ivestigation the Cit:;- Planning Corrunission concluded tr.;.e following facts: 1.. The propert;r is :presentl~t zones as "M-I", Light Manufacturing Zone. L,. The }jr():t)ert~~ di.rectly to the north, sontb, east and west, is zoned as 11M-I", Light Manufacturing Zone. :; Propert~,- owners in adjacent area protested the granting of the Variance based on operation of a plant operating at present, making the same end product. 4.. Investigatjon showed that the proposed lJrocess was entirely different from existing }:la,n+.s of e similar ne,ture due to advanced technological data gathered over three yea.rs of rigid tests and research, so that the burning, smoke and odors have been reduced tc 8 iLt where the Air Pollution Control of Los Angeles County has given c1.earance t this ty-pe of equipment as non-smog producing. ~~e City Planning COhl~ission recommended the variance ~e granted subject to t~g fcllc~in~ regtri~tion~! The cOf~rplete uni t. includint:: the storage pi t or pi ts for orange peel, the pressing cperat ing, the deh~rdrator, and the bagging opera.t i cn of the final product, be housed In a building of brick or concrete block construction. The press liquor to be piped from the building to sepera.te, suitable storage tanks. No ccnnection to the cit;l Se'tler will be made that vJculd perrrlit press liquor to be deposited ~n the sewage system. L. A co;-":plete set of building plens must be T)resented to the Flanning Commission before a building permit can be issued. The City Council ordered a Public Hearing to be held in the matter, and setting the date therefore as 8:00 o'clock P.M. June 26, 1951 on motion by Councilman Heying, seconded b~l' Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. ..rw:'Ll ~:SICh FE~~"jt; Vias presented tc the Ci ty Council, together ..'V j tho a veri.fied. peti t ion for zoni:cg variance submi tted by Claude G. Crosby for per- mlSS10n to permit the erection of a bui1djn~ for a food market at the northwest corner OL"'c'''-''~,:.'A~_'.i;,,,,~c,''''.-,.:;f.;;'':.':;;'':'',-:-~~~,,,~i,0CR'~','...,:.^"",",j,""-~-,,,~,~..:,,.,,,.~",,,,,,"~.,_w. ~c._"""".,"..,.....,__,__"-,,,." 145 _~_~____CitYHall, Anaheim, California, June 12. 1951 - 8:00 P.l'tl. Nortr Palm S1:",reet and West La Palma Aver:ue. The Cit:{ Planning Commission conducted a Public Heari~g uIo~ the ill&tter, June 5, 1951 and concluded the following facts: The l)roFert~r spre~entl~v zoned as IIR-..Au, Resi6entia.l-Agrucul tura.l Zone which is B tra.nsi.tional classification. L. The propert;T to the north is zoned as uR-Au, Residential-Agricultural, the property to the east is zones as ItR-Ju, lvlu.l tiple Fac1ily Residential and consists of the Ci tyls ,La Palma Far'k, the propert~/ to the south is zoned as t1R-211, Two Family Residential and R~l t Single Family Resident ial Zones and the 2Jropert~r to the west is zoned as "R-AIt, Residential Agricultural. 3. One property owner in the vicinit.y appeared in person, and two other property owners objected in wirting to the granting of the Variance. ~. An opinion by the City Attorney stated that in view of Ordinance No. 569, Section 7, which ~rohibits the sale of goods, merchandise, etc., within 200 feet of any city park, no permit could be gra~ted. The City Planning Commission recommended the V~~riance oe denied. No action was taken by the City Council in as much as the location of the Food Market at that location was in violation of Ordinance No. 569, Section 7. Mr. Claude G. Crosby, owner of the property, appealed in writing for a ?tl.blic Hearing in the matter, also addressed the Council in regards to his peti tion for a zoning Va.riance. ~~':rAl I,.AF CF TR'p"CT Final Map of Tract No. 1493 was accepted as to Map and Lot Design, however, it was recommended that a change be made in the type of curbs to be installed in the Tract. Action taken on motion by Councilman Boney, seconded o;v Councilman He:ring. r.!OTION CARRIED. RESTUDY: It was moved by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Wisser that the City Council concur generally in the report on zoning restudy as presented to the City Council and City Planning Commission by City Engineer and Planning Con- sultant on June 12, 1951, and that the City Council report back to the City Planning Comoission requesting a hearing as set forth therein. MOTION CARRIED. I t was moved by Councilman Va,n Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Wisser, that trle Cit~l Plannin~ COf..lmission ini tiate proceedings to reclassify areas, or portions of the areas, indicated in report from R-O to R-l. MOTION CAP~IED. It was Jt:oved by Cou.."1cilman Van Wa.goner, seconded by Councilman Wisser, that t e City Planni~g Corl~ission be requested to develop specific policies with respect to the Wash Areas; such studies to include possible Zoning Control as well as other :Jolicies if found. to be apTJTopriate, and to report to the Ci ty Council thereon. ~~O'rICN CARRIED. It \\!as ~le Cit:" Council Tract No. 1404. moved by COtL'Ylcilman Van Wa.goner, seconded by Councilman Wisser, that initiate proceedings to consider a Variance to validate lot width in MOTIOn CA:RRIED. I}T'IC:N rK. 1 2: Councilman Heying offered Resolution No. 1852 and moved for its passage and ad.option. Councilman Boney seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. RESOLt:'"TICN OF TI:""E CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AUTHORIZING THE PlffiCF.ASE A1r:D ACCEPTING CONVEYANCE OF REAL PROPERTY. WHEREAS, the C1 t~r CounciJ of the Ctt:r of Anaheim is desirous of purchasing hereinafter described real property for public purposes, to-wit: for the purpose 0f widening West Wilhelmina Street; and ..j.. , "." e WHEREAS, the owner of said property ha.s offered to sell sa,id hereinafter d{~scri -Ded real property to the Ci ty of Anaheim for the sum of EIGHT HUNDRED FOETY DOLLARS ($840.00); and ~THEREAS, the C1 t~~ Council of the Ci ty of Anaheim finds that it is for the benefi t and best interest of the Ci t;.-' of Anaheim to accept said offer and purchase gaid real property! NOW, THEBEFOPE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, that the offer of Florence E. Heffern (a married woman), to sell to the City of Anaheim the follo\l]in~~ descrired real pro:pert~l si tuated in the Ci ty of Anaheim, County ,')f Orange, State of California, and more particular1;r described as follows: The nortterly )0 feet of the westerly 305.99 feet of the easterly 555.99 feet of Lot B-7 of Anaheim Vineyard Lots as shown on a map recorded in Book 4, PaGes 629 and 630, of Deeds, Record.s of Los Angeles County, Californil be and. the same is hereby acce~)ted b:r the Ci ty COlIDCil of the City of Anaheim on this 12th daj" of June, 1951, and that the Ci t~l of Anaheim accept a conveirance of said real -property. BE IT FT~TFJffi RESOLVED that the City Treasurer of the City of Anaheim be and 1:8 is hereb:.r authori zed to pa:r the owner of said real property, out of leneral Funds ._;.."._~_""'''''''~vIO-;;.,;~.~_(.,;,~.,.,,",,.;o=;o,,-,-,,,,,,,",>,,.,,,.,,....~.,,",^,,,_~~~-_~'~i """"'~"'~'_-"""~'~"""""'-""'~~'~':"'F,O'" City Hall, Anaheim, California, June 12, 1951 - 8:00 F.M. of the City of Anaheim, the SlIm of EIGHT HUNDRED FORTY DOLLARS ($840.00). On Tel] call the foregoing Reso1ut.ion was duly passed and adopted by the f ()llowin€; "VC t e : NOES: AB SE1!T : COUNC I L~1EN : COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN; Pearson, Wisser, Heyinst Boney and Van Wagoner. None. None. AYES: The Hayor declared Resolution No. 1852 duly passed and adopted. F.~~SOL"CTICl1 NO. 1853: Councilman Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 1853 and moved for its passage and adoption. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COl~CIL OF THE CITY OF AJTAHEIM AL~HOPIZING THE PURCHASE AND ACCEPTING C01~VEYANCE OF REAL PROPERTY. \\mREAS, the City Council of the Cit.y of Anaheim is desirous of purchasing the hereinafter described real property for public -purposes, to-wit: for the purpose cf widening vi est Wi Ihelmina Street; and WHEFEAS, the Q\'Iner of said propert~r has offered to sell said hereinafter described real property to the City of Anaheim for the sum of SIX HUNDRED EIGHTY DOLLARS ($680.00); and VvTIT~EAS, the City Counci 1 of tb.e Ci ty of Anaheim finds that it is for the benefi t and best interest of the Cit~r of Anaheim to accept said off81' and purchase said real property: NOW, T~~REFOREt BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY CCUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, that the offer of Louise M. Eymann (a widow), to sell to the Ci t;T of Anaheim the following described real property si tuated in the City of Anaheir:l, County of Orange, State of California, and more particularly described as follows: The northerl;I 30 feet of the easterl~r 250 feet, of Lot B-7 of Anaheim Vineyard Lots as shown on a map recorded in Book 4, Pages 629 and 630, of Deeds, Records of 10s Angeles County, California be and the S8.rr.e is hereb~T accepted by tt,e Ci ty Council of the Ci ty of Anaheim on this 2th da~r of JU!le 1 1951, and that the Oi t~r of Anaheim accept a conveyance of said real :qropert~r . 3E IT FUETh~ RESOLVED that the City Treasurer of the City of Anaheim be and he is hereby authorized to pay the owner of said real property, out of Genera.l Fund s of the City of Anaheim, the sum SIX HlnIDRED EIGHTY DOLLARS ($680.00). en roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the fo11owing vote: A YES : ~JOES : ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCIL~1EN : ~OUNCILMEN: Fearson, Wisser, Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. None. None. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. i:SCLtn: , 1 passage and ad. opt ion. Councilman Boney offered Resolution No. 1854 and moved for its Councilcan Heying seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. A RESOL1JTION CF THE CITY CCUNCII,~F THE CITY OF ANAHElt.1 AUTHORIZING THE ANE~~MENT OF RESOLUTION NO. 16~9 OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM RELATING TO AP- FLICATICN FOR FUNDS UNDER CF~~TER 20, STATUTES OF 1946 AS AMENDED. 'tJHEEEAS t the Ci ty Council of the Ci ty of Anaheim adopted on May 22, 1951, Resolution No. 1849, authorizing the City of Anaheim, hereinafter designated as IILocal Agencytl, O;t its aut.horized agent. Chas. A. Pearson, to submit application for State Aid for cr;nstruction of apubJ.ic works :project to the Director of Finance, requesting an allotffie~t of $234,372.25 or an allotment of such a~ amount as may be allotted by the State Allocation Board; and w~~s, said amount should have been $234,312.25, an error in transposition ha,ving been made; and WHEF}:!S, a.n application has been pre})ared pur~uant to sa.id Resolution No. 1849 setting forth the allotment reQuested to be $234,372.25, whereas said amount should "be $234,312.25. """,,~i~=;.::;;~~:;.?~:;;;,.~,\~.;;r;;~;_";~~A'r'~,k~~:'_,. .,' ''''~_C'"""ii':o~,,,,,-,:';,q~=-__.,,"o..:.;,,._~.;,~.._W~'':~i!%'''~-'';;'~ 147 __<,._~"~ _..~i~X H~ll , ,AnahejF~ CaJ;.iforni~L,Jun_~__12,.llil - 8:00 P.~I. NOW, THERE FOEE, :BE IT RESOLVED that the Cit;:- Clerk of Local Agency amend F'Eolt\."--ion No,. 1849 inter} in~ati.cn at Jines 25 and 26 to change the amount set forth there to $2)4,312.25. BE IT Fl.ffiTHEE RESOLIlED that Chas. A. Pearson, the authorized agent of said Local Agency, correct said application to which the amount of the allotment requested to $234,312.25. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was dl11y passed and adopted by the followi:r:g vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: C01JNCIL~IEN : COmjCIL~'lEN : Pearson, Wisser, Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. None. None. The lvfayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. SCL:...ICN NC. Councilman He:ling offered Resolution No. 1855 and moved for its passage and adoption. Councilman Van Wagoner seconded the motion. ~10TION CARRIED. RESOLl~ION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION OF EASEMENT FOR STORM DRAIN PRUPOSED AND ACCEPTING CONVEYANCE THEREOF. WHEREAS t the Cit~r Cotmcil of the Cit;t" of Anaheim is desirous of acqulr1.ng an easement upon, over and across the hereinafter described real property for public purposes, to wtt: constructing and maintaining a st.rom drain, and \fHER:H:AS, the owners of said property have offered to convey an easement 1.1ron, over and across said hereinafter described real property to the City of Anaheim. and 'tlHEREAS, the City Council of the Ci t:T of Anaheim finds that it is for the benefit and best interest of the City of Anaheim to accept said offer and acquire an easement upon, over and across mid real property: NOW, THER~:FOREt :BE IT RESOLVED :BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, that the offer of Jerry C. Dolan and Agnes C. Dolan, husband and wife, to convey to he Ci tir of Anaheim an easement. upon, over and across the following described real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange. State of California, and Fnre pa.rticularly described as follows: An easement for the construction of a ten inch (10'1) concrete pipe storm drain acrose thp EBstrl;T five (5) feet of the Southerly 308.21 feet of Lot 11, Miles Rancho t as record ed in 1300:< 4, Page 7, of Miscellaneous Maps t Record.s of Orange County, Sta.te of California, with the right of ingress and egress for the main- tenance and repairs. Said storm-d.rairJ easement is hereb;l' granted for the exclusive and sole use of s1~,bdivisicn lancJ kno\,:n as I1Park View Manorf1 and further described in Shinn Home Bldrs. City of Anaheim Tract Plans #1326t Approved August 21t 1950. Pipe to be laid 181! beloY<' the surface of the natural ground. be and the same is hereoy accepted by the City Council of the City of Anaheim this 12th day of June, 1951, and t~at the City of Ar~heim accept a conveyance of said easement. On roll ca.11 the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: 80UNCILr~'IEN : COUNCILMEN: COlij~CI :JkEN: Pearson, Wi~sert Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. None. None. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. Tlt..J~ C01U1ci.lrne.n Wisser offered Resolution No. 1856 and moved for its passage and adoption~ Councilman Boney seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. A RESOLUr::ICN OF THE CITY CCUNCII OF THE CI11Y OF ANAHEIl~f APPROVING THE REPORT AND RE- COl/INENTIATION OF THE .BNGIl\"EEEIlJG COJ,lMITTEE AND TEE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE JOINT CU~:F~IjI, SE\AlER OF OHANGE C01.JNTY, CA1;IFORNIA RELATING TO THE USE OF 39ft VITRIFIED ClAY FIPE AND AUTHORIZING THE INSTALLATICK (/.F AI-'. SUCH PIPE BY REINFORCING IN THE MANNER 'r.~.-",.~.""~-,-~,.,."....:",*--_-.,-_i~"",,,,,,__c_-X'-~ o.~.,.:.,.,,,,~j';,:~, '~'~~':"__.i .~"""~I~~,"," City HaJ.l, Anaheim, California, June 12, 1951 - 8:00 P.M. ANTI UPON THE TERNS Al\TD CONDI'TIONS HEEE!1T SET FORTH, A1TD AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND THE CITY CLERK TC ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH GRAS. T. BROWN, DOING 3USIlffiSS AS, CHAS. T. :,~:O\'J1\f CC. Arm PAlTI v'1JKICH JP. t DCING :BUSI1TESS AS FAUL YUKICH CONSTRUCTION COtv1PA1TY t FOR T~~ TNSTAL~TION OF SAID PIPE AS HEREIN PROVIDED. Refer to Resolution Eook, pages, 564, 565, 566, and 567. On roll call the foregoing Resoll) tion was dul:r passed and adopted b~,r the following vote: A YES : NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COillTCILHEN: COlTNCIIJHEN: Fearson, Wisser. Heying, Doney and Van Wagoner. None. None. The Mayor d_eclared Resolution No. 1856 duly passed and adopted. Councilman Van Wagoner moved to adjourn. Councilman Boney seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED. SIGHED $~~{~ :* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Cit:.' Hall, Anaheim, California, June 26, ,1951 - 8:00 F.~I. * * * * * . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The Ci ty Council of the Ci t;r of Anaheir:1 met in regular session. :~RESENT: COT.JNCIL!.lEN: Pear~on, Wisser, He;!inr: and Van Wagoner. ABSENT: COUNCILMAN: Boney. CITY ATTCRl~Y: PEESTOK TURNER, Present. CITY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER: KEITH A. ~nJRDOCH: Present. The I\ilinutes -: the Regular Meeting held Une 12, 1951 were approved on motion b;T Gouncilman He;7ing, seconded by Councilman Wi;=ser. NOTICN CARRIED. DEl',;Al:DS: C01Jncilr::an Van Wagoner reported demands agair...st the ci t~.T amounting to $88.863.72. Cou~cilman Heying moved t~~t report of Finance Committee be accepted and t!lat warrants De dra.vJn upon the Treasurer to pa;,: said demands in accordance wi th report. Cour.cilEan Wisser seconded the motion. HOTIOn CARRIED. ~~U3I:IC:{S.A.PI CRAiTGE eF ZC~TE: Public Hearing relative to petition for Variance and Jhange:Jf Zore submitted by Mrs. Sue Bro;"Jn, for the reclas~.ification of the area bounded 1J:,~ Sont}: Leh'lOn Street, West :Broadwa~l" t South Clement ine and Elm Streets, now in Zone R-J, 1':lultiple Family Res'~dental Zor.e and P-1, Parkin€: Zone, to C-2, General Commercial Zone, as recommended b;T the City Plannin.g Comr.1if'sion. !"'1rs. Sue Erovln a!):peared before the Council requesting her original request for Va.riance to :permi t her tc opera.te an Upholstr~l and Drapery Shop at 210 West :Broad- way be allowed. Mr. Yell is presented a letter of opposition from the Free f-1ethodist Church protest fTlrther encroachment of business ~-n the neighoorhood of the several churches in tr:.is vicinity. The City Attcrney was instructed to prepare an Ordinance covering Change of Zone in this ,iistrict and reclassification of the area to C-2, General Cornmercial Zone, as. recommenced b~" th~ Cit~l Plar.lning Ccrnmission, but more limited in its scope, on motion b;' CouYlcilman Van t/lagoner, seconded b:r COt-;'.ncilrr.an He:ring. MarION CARRIED. ~:~UlLI(}: VARIA1\iGE HC. Public Hearing to determine the sentiment of propert;:' '-:;\'I:r:~'7'r~ r~Ga.1'ci ing the gr&.nting of a Va.riance to the Zoning Restrictions, as per pet.ition suomi tted by the E. A. StIzle Cor1:. t 212 South Atchis0!~ Street, to 'build and operate a COVJ Feed Processing Plant at 203 Soutt. Atchison Street. This Hearing be s1JRierrL"ntal to tV!O ?u'bl ic Hearings held Defore the Cit~r Planning Comrnis~ion. lvt~. Pel t zer appeared <)n behalf of the 8i 1 zle Corp., eXl')laining some of the featur s of the operation. Tel.egram from vi. F. Ma.ntey uf th8 Ivlinute-!--1e.id Gorp., Glanda, Florida was presen tee and read \ofheY'ein he states tht1t the Dehydra.tor and Waste Disposal install- ation };::Toved ver:r sE,t:isfactorly ar:d elcminated 80% of a11 objectionable odors, and that no co~plaints were being received by them. A~so check was make on the operation o~ the California Marine Curing Facklr:c :c.r::pan;t in JJos An("eles 80unty a.s to Air Iolution, that the plant as set up is satisfactory. Staf report of C. M. Shartle, Plannine Tec1ul.ician, as contained in the file received froIT', the Ci t:v FIH!'...ning Commission on this matter. Those present who addressed the Council opposing the granting of Variance c""',....;~.,. ._~,~;...;;...~_""...:.~,~.'!;,:_.. :.~,;._.,;;"~:_.,i"'''-~~,;,'''c~i':.k_.'"'''''.:''''''...'&4-''Ji!!,~~.iP<-<,~~i+ii:~.'~~::.ti':~'f.c;:~j[~~'M! -