1951/09/05 ---------- City Hall, Anaheim, California, Se~tember 5, 1951 - 8:00P.M. The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in adjourned regular session. f'RESENT: COlJ1\jCIlI\lEN: None. ABSENT: C01J}TCI IHEN : Pearson, Wi s ser, Hej-ing t BonejT and Van Wagoner. CITY ATTORNEY TUP..NER: Absent. CITY AD~lINISTEATlVE OFFICER: Keith A. lviurdoch, absent. The City Clerk of the City of Anaheim adjourned the meeting to Friday, September 7, 1951 at 4:00 o'clock P.M., due to lack of quorum. ADJOURNED. /'~ / ~ . SIG1~ --{6'?i,J Jc/ ~- . /' ..../~./. ,/ ~ ..~.~....L/ ..~,/ f.tCl ty Clerk _..,...__.'~--"- ....----,-,_.----_...._,--~_._- "'---...---.----.,- City Hall, Anaheim, California, September 7, 1951 - 4:00 P.M. _.~-~.__.._---- '-".-- -~--.-'---"------" . - -.---------.- The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in adjourned regular session. F~ESENT: COmJCIL~~N: Pearson, Wisser, Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. ABSENT: COUNCIL~mN: None. CITY AT'TORNEY: PRESTON TURNER: Pres$nt. CITY ADlw1INISTRATIVE OFFICER: KEITH A. MURDOCH: Present. J"O.S. EI.L?I.JOYEES ON STATE 3r.lPLOYEES' RETIRE!I.1ENT CONifHA8'r: It was moved by Councilman Boney, seconded by Councilman Van Wagoner that the City Council approve the removal of Joint Outfall Sewer employees from the Retirement System as now handled thru payroll and auditing procedures, effective October 1, 1951, also their participation in the Retirement System and removal from our contract with said State Employees Retirement System. MOTION ClL~IED F'::NCE: _..JDIHG ~:C.DE VIUl.ATl~N: Violat:ion of buildinG code of fence at Sycamore and West Streets on West Street frontage was ordered checked into and referred to the City Attorney for further action to be taken in the matter. rREET :~:.jE:rEI:: S=~}NALS: Street Electric Si~nals, Olive and Center Streets, has State approval, provides for city's share of cost, $2,850.00, price includes light stands. Purchase was ordered on motion by Councilman Heying, seconded by Councilman Boney. MOTION CAHRI}4}D. :-{AI. TEE FUfJDS: Chapter 47 Funds, approved application, 1672, Executive Order No. I-IS5?, aJ.lotment, $38,376.93. Forms and Claim forms were forwarded to the City Engineer. 1GH SCHOOL FENCING: The City Council will install curbing and move fence on Sycamore Street, and the High School will deed the 7 foot strip on Sycamore Street to the City of Anaheim, in turn, the High School will move the fence on the Citron Street and will install c.,..rbings, on motion b;l Councilman Heying, seconded by Councilman Boney. MOTION ,.~.A.RF I ED . 'ITY :?LANN~tTG ccr<,:ISSICN: eIL i~J~T.JLS: Appeal from action by the Cit:r Planning Commission was filed with the City Clerk, Septemter 7, 1951 at 3:50 P.M. Copy of said appeal was forwarded to Seer tary of the City Planning Commission by the Clerk, said appeal was Sllomitted to the Council and read and the Council ordered the appeal to be continued (],t its res.ular meeting, Tuesday, September 11,1951 at 8:00 P.JIt1. on motion by Councilman He:rint;, secor..ded b:,; Council!ilan Van Wagener. ,I 11 WELI; IlJAL8E: Motion was made b~,r Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman 1,{isser that t:~e Ci tJ~.'" Attorney proceed wi thpreparations of Oil Ordinance for the ~egulation of drilling of oil in the City of Anaheim. MOTION CA.~IED. ~3ANII'ATlcr :31'RI 30ARD Ai<?OIN'CIv1ENT: Eesolution submitted appointing Mayor ana Altcrna":,e to he Board of Directors, Sanitation District Board, also communications from E. J. Ivlari< and. Mr. Ribal, General Iv1ana,ger, of thp. Sanitation District were referred t the City Attorney. SANIIATIC1~ D1S'fEICT :,}~I.,~3ERSHlt;: The Cit;,,1' Clerk was instrllctecl to write a letter to the 30ard of Supervisors, Orange County st: tins the views of the Council pertaining to Sanitation District No.2 and recommending that they appoint a member of the Board of Supervisors \i~'10 has thE- prim&r~r interest 'w'i thin. SEtid supervisorial district, to serve '.1pon the Sanitation District Board, on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CAP~IED. ~~",~~~~~,+~"",__,"'4."~,~,;;",-#<C -"-""~"'<;-j';'-'~"';~?'''''''-*,,'i':-'~_~~;''''''''':''_~",~fiOi.ii!iIi~i~,'jijj~;$;:ri:,""~~1".;1""''':'_#,i~_:~