1951/09/07 -~~--._- City Hall, Anaheim, California, Se~tember 5, 1951 - 8:00P.M. rrhe Cit;y~ Council of the City of Anaheim met in adjourned regular session. fE3SENT: COUNCIll>1EN: None. A3SE1J~: COUNCIIJiEN: Fearson, Wisser, HeJ"ing, Bone:l and Van Wagoner. C I T1 A TTC RIlEY TTJPJ\"ER: A b s en t . CITY ADMINISTRATIVE OF:b'ICER: Keith A. Ivlurdoch, absent. The City Clerk of the City of Ar~heim adjourned the meeting to FridaYt September 7, 1951 at 4:00 o'clock P.M., due to lack of quorum. ADJ OlTR~"'ED . SIG1~ 4,'~<uj~{(j, :L~< 1-' l~' 1/ : .Af1 ty Clerk -~..~,,---~--,. -'.,~ - "'~~-~- -'._"~'-'--- .-'-.'--.'.-. '--'~'-'~ ,----.,--,.---.-------- ~ ~- City Hall, Anaheim, California, September 7, 1951 - 4:00 P.M. =-- ..-,,--.---- ~_._------_.---._.-_.--.,._-~ The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in adjourned regular session. P?ESENT: COlnJCIL~~N: Pearson, Wissert Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. AESENT: COUNCILMEN: None. CITY ATTORNEY: PRESTON TURNER: Present. CITY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER: KEITH A. MURDOCH: Present. J. . S.. El~L:'I,CYEES ON STATE EM::LOYEES I R~TIREMENT cUNi.rp.AC1r: It was moved by Councilman Boney, seconded by Councilman Van Wagoner that the City Council approve the removal of Joint Outfall Sewer employees from the Retirement System as now handled thru payroll and auditing procedures, effective October 1, 1951, also their participation in the Hetirement System and removal from our contract with said State Employees Retirement Sys tam. l\110TION CARRIED F=:."IC~E: ~~C.JE rICLAI' :~)N: Violat Ion of building code of fence at Sycamore and West Streets on West Street frontage was ox"dered checked into and referred to the Ci ty Attorney fOT further action to be t~~en in the matter. --=--1 SI'EEET E.LEC :EI ,= S IG.NALS: Street Electric Sip:nals, Olive and Center Streets, has State approval, provides for city's share of cost,'-$2,8.50.00, price includes light stands. Purchase was ordered on motion by Councilman Heying, seconded by Councilman Eoney. MCTIQN CAP..RIJ-I1D. C~:,h.FTER 47 F~JN=;S: Chapter 47 Funds, approved application, 1672, Executive Order No. P=155?, allotment, $38.376.93. Forms s.no. Claim forHls were forwarded to the City Enz;ineer. -GH SCHOOL FENGI1JG: The CitJ Council will install curbing and move fence on Sycamore Street, and the High School wlll cieed the 7 foot strip on Sycamore Street to the City of Anaheim, in turn, the High School will move the fence on the Citron Street and will irlstall c'l,r'oings, on motion by Councilman Heying, seconded by Councilman Boney. MOTION .:.A.RH I ED . ~ ry ?LAlTU"::Ol<)ISS :-~:N: O:L VlEI..J~LS: Appeal from action by the City Planning Commission \t<i:0tS filed '.Alith the Cit,v Clerk, Septer:-,cer 7, J..951 at 3:50 P.M. COpJi- of said appeal was fo~warded to Secrt-;tar;t of the Clt;,- Planning CO!Th.'TIission by the Clerkt said appeal was sl.bmi tted to tile Council and read and the Council ordered the appeal to be continued at its re~~lar meet ins, Tuesday, September 11, 1951 at 8:00 P.M. on motion by Councilman He;rinst secor~ded b:\7' Councilman Van Wagener. ~. vlI~LL Il.Ji~~;CE: Motiorl '\~as ma.cie b~l COTlncilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman W'saer that tl-..e Cit:,- Attorney proceed wi th preparations of Oil Oriinar..ce for the regulation of dri lling of oil in the City of Anaheim. !~OTION CARRIED. Sf~~JITAT S I 3C...-1.RD ~-:I"():NI,n'LENT: Hesolution submitted apPointing Mayor and AJternate to the Board. of Directors, Sanitation District Board, also communications from E. J. Mark and Mr. Ribal, Genera.l I...lar:aE~er, of thA Sanitation District were Teferre~ t the City Attorney. St1.NI'TA[rICl~ ISThI::r 1.._>~,.G_SRSHIF: The Ci t;"r Clerk was instructed to vlri te a letter to the 30ard of Supervisors, Oran?;e Count~\r stcting the views of the Council pertaining to Sanitation District No. 2 and recommending that they appoint a member of the Board of Supervisors wh has the priffihT;r il1tcrest .wittin, said supervisorial district, to serve upon the Sanitation District Board, on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTIOU CARRIED. '-f~'_~'_~":;'-__'~'~:~--"'C:".",;;-i~~.:i~;;;;,~~,"".~:~i=-~';"+"~,..~~ .,.,--"""""",-",,,,,,-,,,,_. li31 - ----------.-.-.... City Hal~_t Anaheim, Ca~~ifornia, Septerr:ber 7, 1951 - 4:00 P.M. JP':' :'~JANGE NO. 786; CCU!lcilG1a.:n Van Wagoner offered Ordinance No. 786 and moved for its passage and adoption. CO'.lncilman Wisser seconded the motion. Said Ordinance was read in pnbl ic for the fi r'st t ime. ~'iGTTON CARRIED. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEI~l CREATING, ESTABLIHSING AND ADOPTING A CODE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIF-l FOR SAFEGUARD!NG ?ERSCrS AND PROPERTY AND PROMOTING THE WELFARE OF THE PUELIC,CREATING Th~ CFFICE OF CITY ELECTRICIAN AND PF~SCRI]ING HIS ~UALIFI- JA"T]'" elIS, DUT rES, RI GHTS AND A1JrHCRI TY: ESTA13LI SHING STANDARDS FOR ELE CTRI CAL E~UIP- f,;ENT t AND FOI1 ITS INS';AILATION REQ,UIRI:t~G CON:E'CFMITY THEF.EWITH. MAKING IT UNLAWFUL TO UNDERTAKE TEE INSTALLAr:'I CiT OF ELECTEI CAL EQ,UIPKENT WITHOUT A PEEMIT THEREFOR. EXCEPT AS CTHERWISE FFOVIDED: PROVIDING FOR TI-iE COLLECTION OF INSPECTION FEES t REIN- SPEcrrrON AY:"D TT~ IS,SUA1TCE OF CERT:FI :11 TES: 7PCVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATIOn OF THIS CODE ANTI RE:F~IJNG .A!-J: CODES :'[ CT;DINANCES AND PARTS OF CODES OR ORDINANCES IN COl~~ICT THIS TEIS CODE. ~ESO~L~ION NO. 1872: Councilman Heying offered Resolution No. 1872 and moved for t t s :passai~e and ado--:)t -: on. Counci 1 man Boney seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. A RESCLUTION OF THE CITY CC~JNCI:: OF THE CI'rY OF ANAEEII.I AFPROVING THE REPORT AND RECC:'l~<:S~ID;.TIGNS O~ THE ENGI=:E~RING CGMl~~ITTEZ AND TI-IE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE ,TOINT CTJTFALT.; SE\iER OF ORA1\"'}E COU1JTY, CALIFORNIA t RELATING TO THE REPAIR AND THE USE i~F THIRTY-NINE (3911) INCH VITRIFIED Cr:.J...Y ?I?E ANI AUTHORIZIl~G THE REPAIR AND/OR HEPLA8:NG A1TD TEE INSTALLATI8N A~'TD OR CONCRETE HEINFORCING OF ALL DAMAGED OR DEFECTIVE TH:~TY-NIlfE: (39") INCH CLAY :FIlE 3~T.iVE!X S~ATION 432: 15.13 A11D STA~ION 507-f-26 OF THE !,1AG1~OLIA ~R11~K SEWER t ItTE t I:'" THE IvlANNER A1TD UPON THE TERNS AND CONDITIONS '":-EF"ZIN SET FORTE AK: APTHCPIZIEG THE MAYOR AND TI~ CITY CLERK TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH GRAS. T. BROWN I DOING J3TTSI~~SS AS CBA2. T. 3RO'ijlJ11 CO. AND PATE VUKICE, JR., :DOING BT_TSINESS ,;. S TAe:L \Tt:KrCH COrTS7PurH~ICN I FOR T~TE REPAIR, REPLACEMENT, INSTAT.JLATION, AJ:TDI':':R R~:NFORCIT;rG CF SAID I" IE~E AS IE?EIN :PROVIDED. Refer to page __~~~ Resolution Book. On roll call thp foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNC I ~ t'::EN : COUNCILj'~EN : COUNCILrV:EN: I'earson7 Wisser, He~"'ing, Boney and Van Wagoner. None. None. NOES; ABSENT: The Ma:,!or declared Resol~ltion No. 1872 duly pa.ssed a.nd a.dopted. Councilma.n 'v~iS8er Loved to adjourn. Councilman Van Wa.goll~r secondeti the aQ t~. rjn. hOT! :~n CARB.IED. ADJOUR..""{ED. --.,-.-.-.. "..i/' ,; .""", I r' ----"f {" ,W~.:&>~ . Ci ty Cle~ / SIGNED k"~""'":'.'W'''_'\:''__''''''"''''__~~~~'''