1951/11/27 ..:.)4 City Hall. Anaheim. Califor~ia. November 16. 1951 - 2:00 P.M. AND SPECIFICATIONS AND DRAWINGS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF SEWER MAINS FOR THE CITY OF ANAHEIM: AL~HORIZING THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE SAID SEWER MAINS IN ACCORDANCE WITH SAID FLANS A1~ SFECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZING AND DI~ECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISB NOTICE ItJVITING SEAL'ED ?ROPOSALS FOH THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF: >0 ""7--L-- _ --7 / _> ~-r <7'.. _ . '< < . /~ . .~...~. /~ -' On roll call the foregoing J:tesolution was July passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCIL1<EN: COUNCIL~1EN : Pearson. Wisser. Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. None. None. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. J,.INT LUNCHEON: The C1 ty Council ord~ed arrangements to be made for meeting as between the Council and the Officials of the ~fte4m-YB~eft-H~gft-iehee~-Bie~~ie~-8ftd-.fte Anaheim Elemen wy School Dis trict: for noon l~cheon meet ing, Tuesday t NOVetlber 27, 19.51. A letter submitted by the City Clerk to the Board of Orange County Supervisors in reference to the improvement and widening of Orangethorpe Avenue was approved. Mayor Pearson stated he would call upon the P. and L. Welding Company in order to Beek a reduction of factory noises during the night hours by the P. and L. Welding Company. This vas in connection with 8 petition signed by 45 residents submitted the City Council requesting the recession of noise caused by the operations of the P. and L. Welding Company. Councilman Van Wagoner moved to adjourn. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED: SIGNED / /', ~. '/.. ~: -<<- /- //' .~ ... ... .~~' /~ -~~~~. . Cti ty C er~:0' /" '*M__....- '_ ._ ....-._ ~~...,._ _~_" _~__.."_ . __ .__ ..._____...-..',__... _.__ _~.... ,~ . ......._-.'..-__. ......._ _ ..---...._ City Hall. Anaheim, California, November 27, 1951 - 8:00 P.M. "T- .,. .,-..~_........,,- ,.'. "'~""""""-f_- ,_.-....- ..... ott.-._. ,_ "'_.~_~__ The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in Regular Session. PRESENT: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wisser, Heying, Bone~{ and Van Wagoner. ASSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. CITY ATTURNEY, PRESTOn TURNER: Present. CITY ADNINIsrrRATIVE OFFICER, KEIrrH A. lvlURDOCH: Present. The meeting was called to order by the Mayor for the purpose of holding a ?ublic Hearing to determine the sentiment of interested property owners relative to a verified petition submitted by J. H. Mulvey. 1625 East Center Street, owner, for permission to bl1ild a Twelve Unit Motel, Six units to be built now and the other six ;nits to be built at some future time, at 1629-1633 East Center Street. This property is located at the southwest corner of Lot 6, Anaheim Extension. and is presently zoned R".A t Res id en tial Agricultural Zone, and class ifi ed as Future C-2, General Business Zone. ~, The City Planning Commission held Public Hearing on this application for Variance No. 152 and as result denied the variance, stating their reasons therefore in their Resolution No. 11. October 1, 1j51 a:~Dplication for Mr. Mulvey was represented bU Attorney Stephen F. Gallagher who addressed the City Council on behalf of his client. Mr. Gallagher called attention to the at,tached map adopted by the City Council upon adoption of Ordi:1ance No. 774, wherein it is shown a tentative future zone in the area in question as C-2, General Business Zone, and that the C011ncil would have to realize in the futuret as a C-2 Zanet no one weuld build B. single family dwelling on the North side of Center Street. The area is suitable fer multiple dwellings a:ld f<)r business, this fact having been previously e:~ tabl i shed. t<r. Gallagher further stated that Builder, Ha:rJ.n St. John recently purchased acres in this area, 20 acres purchased from his client, and planned to build 200 homes, and that they have no objections to the granting of the variance. He asked when the City Flanning Commission intended to grant the first 0-2 Vecria."Ylce in this area. He realized a.t the present timet it would not be suitable for a Drug Store, I'jedical Unit, etc. But his client's investment represents about $20,000. ~nd depends on outside business. He pointed out sections of the Zoning Ordinance No. 774 which would be fully met and asked the Council for the legitimate use by his client of' his propert;y. ~~~'-'-~-=,~~~:;"~-,, -, .-~'=_""_""":\~i"'a~*..,i'__.;-',-,"''''"~'''.'P; _____pi ty Hall t Anah~i~, Cal ifornia, NoveL1ber 27, 1951 - 8: 00 P.M. Those address irL~ the Ci t:l Council in o-pposi tion to the granting of said V8~rLe,nce were: l~jr.. R~t.T. Kingsmill. Mrs. D. Jc Powers, t,Ir. Spraetz, Taylor, r-irs. A. S. , Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Millard. The general objections were the attraction of businesses undesirable to them, such as l.iQuor Stores, Traverns and Hamburger Stands; the creation of traffic conditions hazardous to school children attending the Lincoln School, and the possibility of a I!run ciownu frontage if business V,ras unsuccessful. ~. On motion b;l Councilman Heying, seconded by Councilrnen Van Wagoner, the actio ta~en by the City Planning Commission was sustained and the A~~lication for Variance denied. \...'t'-OS Councilman Boney. MCry'ION CARRIED. Public Hearing was held to determine the sentiment of interested property owner~ relative to a verified petition submitted by Reinhold and Alvina Jeschke 20L E. Broadway, for permission to use two rooms on the lower floor of the dwelling on the front of the lot for professional offices. This property is Lot 2t Block M, 0:, Center Tract, and is now zoned as B-3, ivlultiple Family Residential Zone. Mr. Walter Gooden presented petition contining 34 signatures of residents living within 300 feet of the property in question and also spoke in favor of the granting of said variance, stating reasons therefore, one being the difficulty people experience in trying to secure business property in Anaheim; that lots just are not available. Those adciressing the Ci t~l Council in favor of the granting of said Variance were: Mr. J. K. Lybarger, O. T. Johnson and S. F. Hilgenfeld. In O"9':)osition, two communications were received, one from the Chairman of tne Board of Trt1ste~s, C. F. Tompkins of the First Presbyterian Church of Anaheim, and one from Adele M. and Minnie F. Howard. .. :.~ Councilman Boney moved that application for Variance No. 154 be granted. Councilman Van Wagoner seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. SutHnitted by Howard D. and Alice H. Wilkinson, 857 North Palm Street to enlarge present store building at the same address. Said building now housing a non-conforming use. The property is now zoned as E-2 t Two-Farr~ily Residential Zone. Councilman HeyinG moved to sustain the action of the City Planning Commission anci that approval be given Variance No. 156 su'bject to requiring the Applicants to provide par~ing space for 7 to 8 cars on the property, said parking area to be improved '#lith macadam. Councilman Van \'Jagoner seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. rLf) Pet5.tion received November 16, 1951 containing signatures 50 residents request ing relief from obnoxious fUInes and odors emanattng from the industries in the North end of town was presented. l<r. M11 ton Sell address ed the Caunc i 1 call ins attent ion to the poss i ble i.njury to health caused by the fumes from paint shops. ~lr. Herman t representat ing the Anaheim Ci trus Products Company informed (l8 Council that their Company had Engineers working on the problem now to control the fill~es they discharge in the air, and as soon as the season is over, they plan to install a unit costing from $35,000. to $40,000. to take out of the air the odors from he steam necessarily used in the prosses~,ing of their product. Mrs.. Schoenmel addressed the Council stating she had filed a petition with he Cit:{ Council last December, further that a petition had been presented by her to th~ District Attorney containing 28 si~natt1res, and that investigations from that office had been ma.de, ana a repr~senta.ti"e expected to 'be :p!'asent at this meeting tonight. ~',rs. Schoenmel requ.e~~:ed the Cit~l Council to make a motion requesting the District Attorney to investigr,te the causes of these oonoxious odors. T~e matter was referred to the Administrative Officer for further investi- gation and report. 1''- leave 0:'" absence The follo\lJing Ci tJ''' Employees were granted an additional 30 days Q,ue to illnesses: George E. Clamp, Ed Mene and Henry O. Martinez. (I Iv!ayor Pearson a~:)pointed lvlrs. J. Lee Rogers and Everett M. Cone as mem'bers of the Recreation Board, replacing H. H. Stabbert and Arthur H. Shipkey. Councilman Heying moved that the ap~ointments be ratified, Council- r'Lan Bone:l seconded t!:le motion. 1,,1CTICN CARRIED. Chief of Folice, Mark A. Stephenson appointed Clarence A. Johnson Regular Deputy City Patrolman and Everill L. Heatont Deputy Patrolman on the Reserve Police. Councilrr1an Van Wagoner moved appointments be ratified. Councilman Wisser seconded the r:otion. MOTION CARRIED. :~,","_"""""".-"";;"'''"P,..."""...-_:,~~_.._.......,~,>~"..w-;_..~~,~~..~t"".-<.~-,.,.t.-vo;~. ^ -""~~',-",-" _,'_ _;'_,,"~f='~~" "-",_'~"-,;"",,",,,,,'.'-~ ~.~~":,._._-'" City Hall, Anaheim, California, November 27, 1951 - 8:00 F.M. r~, -"" "tEl,;''': Informal bid quotations received on F. M. Radio Comun'L;ation Sy~:tem equipment f0r use b~T the Light, Fower and Water Department and the Fire Department. Bids received: Motorola Communication Engineers, 6047 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood 28, Calif. Total, $6,778.55. General Electric Com~any: Electronics Park, Syracuse, New York. Total bid ~~l'ce $6 ~17 Go .t! .... , , .,.-' ....... - .~.... . Councilman Heying moved that bid be awarded to the Motorola Communication Engineers as being the lowest and best bid received on equipment complying to the notice inviting bids, and the only bid received complying to the notice and specifications and the bid best suited to accomplish the purpose for which the equipment is required aLd further that the Nayor be authorized to sign said Contract for the City of Anaheim and that the Clerk attest the same. Motion seconded by Councilman Boney. MOTION CARRIED. S.. ':\IAIL::S: Proposed Subdivision Ordinance was held over for further study. ""E~~.l The question of new annexa.tions was gone over and proposed territories and boundaries outlined on the map by the Administrative Officer. Mr. Ed. Demler, operator of ~ chicken ranch on Acacia Street addressed the Council requesting information on how the annexation of his property to the City of Anaheim would affect his business and the future growth of his business. He is the owner of ten acres which is included in the proposed annexation. His latest County Fermit enables him to have 35,000 chickens. His investment being a large onet requested information on the status of his position. The Administrative Officer informed him that all property owners would be given a hearing on the matter, in about forty days. TE ~3f.: .N;:,UH..':.~,.T:~ B\.1L: .G~,.ICY: November, 1951 to November 1952 was ordered received and filed on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. ;}'!UNl r.1E~~~O; CT; ~~,"1!: ',^"P" u =-.::!F, Communication dated November 16, 1951 advising that the City may pay taxes t~ the District from its Municipal Funds, and outlined the method of such payment. The City Council does not detire to m~~e such a declaration as Metropolitan Water District Taxes will be referred to the County Auditor to be extended by him on the Tax Rolls as County Taxes for the fiscal year 1952-195J. :':CH..;SE ,:"U\r/I~R:'~O:'JES 8: Ej:.ACKETS; Authorization of future purchase of Light and Power Foles and Brackets was made on motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Boney. MOTIOR CARRIED. E'lI<.~~ ~:.... p, T' uN ; Heating Uni t s for the Fire Station at a approximate cost of $800.00 was approved on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Council- man Boney. MOTION CARRIED. ::I...AS;j:F; . ::;E~: DI:::AE;r;.lEl\T~ Forest P. Wolverton was reclassified from Patrolman to Identification Officer, salary $305.00 per month, commencing December 1, 1951. Identification duties will be in addition to duties now performed as Parking Meter Maintenance. This action was t~en on motion by Councilman Boney, seconded by Councilman Heying. MOTION CARRIED. di.r.;',. ,)l:. CK;.;. DE,AE The administrative Officer was instructed t obtain bid for a Panel Truck to be equipped and used as a Salvage and Rescue Truck by the Fire Department. if lJ< 11 su U;:~i s: ~:.JF..il l:..!T.t,:3.:Lo\. T .,,;N ; Pet it ion was submi t t ed request ing sewer facilities be provided residents in th$ South Spadra Annexation. The Administrative Officer advised that in as much as there is one objector to the pro~osition who did not care to give the necessary easement, there would necessarilj' be required the formation of an Assessment District to proceed under the 1111 Act, unless this objection is removed and the necessary land easement given. - EY,:~KT The City Council authorized the employment of an additional qualified rna~ for the Fire Department on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Boney offered Ordinance No. 789 and moved for its passage and adoption. Councilman Van Wagoner seconded the motion. MOTION ~IED. 207 _~~___, Gitv Hall, Anaheim, California, November 27, 1951 - 8:00 P.M. AN CRDINANGE or THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING SECTIONS 5 (a) SU3DIVISION (4), SECTIONS , 10 MID 14 ANt SECTION 16 SUEDIVISION (d) AND SECTIONS 17,18 19 AND 46 SUB- '/:SIONS (c (e) A1TI (f) AND SECTION 5; SlJBDIVISION (g), SEC7ION 60 SUBDIVISION (f) o:? ORDINANCE NO. 701 OF THE C1'1Y CF ANAF31~': ADU:FTED ~iAY 28, 1946, AND ENTITLED uAN jHI~INANCE OFrHE CITY (.)]~ ANAHElrvl PROVIDING FOE THE LICENSING OF CERTAIN EUSINESSES, ~F~DESt PROFESSIDNS AKJ OCCUPATluNS, FIXING Th3RATE OF LICENSE THEREFOR, PROVIDING FUR THE COLLECTION THEREOF, AND FIXING :r'ENAtTIES FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF", AND A.DDI~~G A NE.\~ SUBSECTION TO SECTION 5 (a) TO BE NUMBEF.ED (11). Refer to page No. j~. ,'.x(,t of the Ordinance :Book. On roll call the foregoing Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNC I LVlEN : COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wisser, Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. None. None. The j\1ayor declared the foregoing Ord.inance duly passed and adopted. Counci11nan Boney offered Ordinance No. 790 and moved for its passage and adoption. Councilman Van Wagoner seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ~~ ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COlrnCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APIENDING SECTIONS 2, 3, 4 ANTI 9 OF ORDINANCE NO. 653 OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIr.1 ArOPTED MAY 26, 1942, AND ENTITLED BAN ORDINANCE OF THE CI'TY OF A1TAHEI1~1 If'.1?OSING AN ANNUAL LICENSE ON DOGS WITHIN THE Cl'rY OF ANAHEIM, PROVIDING FOR Tli""E IMPOUNDING AIm DISPOSITION OF DOGS, AND REGULATING TEE KEE?ING OF DOGS WITHIN SAID Crrry". Refer to Page No. ~. '"' ~ _: of the Ordinance Book. On roll call the foregoing Ord inar:.ce was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: HGES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COtJNCILl~EN : COUNCILMEN: Pearson. Wisser, Heying, .Boney and Van Wagoner. None. None. The Mayor declared the foregoing Ordinance duly passed and adopted. ~:-,r-.,. COtmcilman Boney offered Ordinance No. 791 and moved for its passage and adoption. Councilman Van wagoner seconoed the motion. MOTION CARRIED. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM PROVIDING FOR THE LICENSING OF BICYCLES A1~ THE REGULATION T~~EOF: FIXING FEES FeR LICENSES: FROVIDING FOR THE CCLLECTION AND DEPOSIT OF SUCH FEES IN THE GENERAL FtnID AND PROVIDING ?ENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION CF SAID CF~DIN.ANCE A1'D REPEAL ING ORDlNAECE ~T(:. 683. (" RefE,r to Page No. ~~_,!:L- of tr_e Ordinance Book. On roll ca'}'l the foregoing Ora inr1,nce was dul~y" passed and adopted by the :'ollowing vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COl.n~CILr.1EN : CQUNCILI'-lEN : COUNCIL~IEN : ?earson, V/isser, Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. None. None. The Ma;lor declared the foregoing Ordin~lnce duly passed and adopted. Applicat~on for Peddlers' License to operate a Portable Merry-go- round was referred to the Foliee Committee for investigation and report. S ~'F~;',' A' k\"~ FYSICI.ATS~ SE:RVI8E: Policy, the joint policy to be continued until such time as a definite conclusion is arrived at on any proposed change in the service. The :purchase of Parking Lot Directional Signs were approved. Cou..ncilman Van We~goner moved tc adjourn. Councilman Heying seconded the mot ion. IvtOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED. ,Lc:...,// . " SIGNED _~~;~~-~~~- Q~-(Y fterk i~:">-,::':;$'c~""~ ~~:">"".=:c.,_.,..o~"=",,,:!:-..:_:-_C"~':4:*,,,.*.~,.-.'i<~",~~'~;4L<l..-:.""'"