1951/12/13 i. .j.,...... "__~__Qit~,. Hall, Anaheim, California, December 13, 1951 - 1:00 P.M. 'rhE: Ci t:/ Council of the Cit~l of Anaheim met in Adjourned Regular Session. FRESEN1r: CC1JNCILMEN ~ Wisser ~ Heying, Bone:t and VE.n Wagoner. ABSENT: COtrncILMEN: Pearson. CITY ATTCR1~Y, PRESTON TURNER: Present. CITY ADMINIS1J'EATIVE OF:F1ICER. KEITH A. NURDOCH: Present. ~~YOR PRO TEM Van Wagoner, presiding. .i."" ..EA_ id..>.J,:. rc. E>'Ji;~...:.~ ~i.L,.. 'vii..... ;.:r The Ci ty Engineer reported on bid tabulations and analysis of bids received for the construction of the La Palma Avenue and Ball Road Truck Sewers. LOW BIDDERS were as follows: J. S. Earrett Company, Bosko & Brodarich, J. S. Barrett Company, Schedule 1 - $357,034.50 Schedule 2 - $116,905.00 Schedule 3 - $234,810.80 The En~ineering Committee recommended the acceptance of the low bidders for the separate jobs, as per schedules 2 and 3. Councilman Heying moved that the bids on Secedule 2 be awarded Bosko and Brodarich. and Schedule 3 to J. S. Barrett Company, providing Bosko and Brodarich are financially responsible and thereupon offered Resolution 1899 for passage and adoption. Councilman Boney seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ~~.~ S c A RESOLL~ION OF Tt~ CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING SEALED PROPOSALS AND AWARDING COl~RACTS TO THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDERS FOR THE FL~NISHING OF ALL PLANT, LABOR, SERVICES, ~~TERIALS AND EQUIPMENT AND ALL UTILITIES AND TPANSPORTATION, IN- CLUDING POW'ER t FUEL, A1TD WATEP AND PERFORMING ALL WORK NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT AND COMPLETE A TEUNK SEvIER MAIN COMMONLY KNOWN AS THE LA PALMA AVENUE TRUNK SEWER MAIN, AND A TRUNK SE'w':F1i ~1AIN CO~1MONLY KNOWN AS THE BALL ROAD TRUNK SEWER MAIN OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. Refer to Resolu.tion Book, page ...J"";//-.j'~-/--(pc~ Un roll ca.ll the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and ad.opted by the following vote: A Y'BS : NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNC ILIv'IEN: COUNCILMAN: Wisser, Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. None. Pearson. Mayor Pro Tem Van Wagoner declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and a.clopted. The Administrative Officer reported favorably on the financial credit rating of Bosko & Brodarich. The Council moved to receSs on motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Council- man Boney~ M0TIGN CARBlED. H The City Council reconvened at 4:15 P.M. E"HESENT: COillICILMEN ~ Wi Bser, He:ling, Boney and Van Wagoner. ABSENT; COUNCIL~~N: Pearson. CITY ATTOR~~Y, PRESTON TDtiNER: ?resent. CITY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER. KEITH A. ~rrnlDOCH: Present. OTHERS FR~SENT: Mr. Cook. Mr. Steele and Mr. Lathrop and the Drilling Contractor. MAYOR PRO TEM Van Wagoner, presiding. Mr. Shafer. Attorney for the Steele Petroleunl Corporation addressed the Council. ~uestion wa.s raised on the interpretation of Public Resources Code, Chapter 5, Section 7051 throttgh ?05?, and problems affecting the lease. ~1r. Turner stated the city-' s view to be. that it would be necessary to advertise for bids befere the city could leaglly enter into a lease for drilling of oil. The Steele Petroleum Corporation intimated that it may be necessary to drill in County Territory, if lease cannot be obtained from the City. I twas mutuallj.1' decided to allo\v more time to further examine the legality of leasir:t.::; wi thout the necess i ty of advert i sing for bids. and on motion by Councilman HeJ~ing, seconded by Councilman Wisser, the Cit:r COlUlcil moved to adjourn to Tuesday, J:OO o.clock P.M. t December 18, 1951. MOTION CARRIEJ). ADJOURNED. ~~.~~./ _ ~._.. ... .. ~:~ ,... ...r_~ SIGNED ~;-~~C;;; ~:V:€/f-~.r~2.'-. City Clerk ~.~. ~-$i:.:-:-_;-_;..c-{:;,~1'__;__'_-4;,:'_-<,___;i;_c',_""'''''';;::~i<;.:;;;:N~~',_'&i';;;;;;;";"~~~_>t,c;;.;:;.;o,;~''''''~~__*~~~$.~_._f