1952/04/15 261 City Hall. Anaheim. r~alifornia. ADril 15. 1952 - 8:00 P.M. T'h8 Cit:J" Council ofGhe ;~ity 0[' Arjaheim met in Special Session, as provided Law, and ildjourn~d ~Legular Session. PRESElJT: COU~\fCILHEN: Pearson, Wisser, Heying,~ Boney and Van \.Jagoner. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. ~~ITY ATTORNEY, PRESTON TURNER: Present. CITY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER, KEITH A. MURDOCH: Present. The Mayor called the meeting for the purpose of canvassing returns of the precinct votes, counting the Absentee Votes and to declare the results of the Municipal Election held Tuesday, April 8, 1952, and for the installation of the newly elected officers. The 1'1ayor appointed Judge, Inspector and Clerks for the Canvass of Returns I'rom the members of the C01l1lcil, and proceeded to check and canvass the returns of the election reti~rns. :lESOL1JTION NO. 1950: l~ssage and adoption. Coul1ciJ.1n.an Boney offered Resolution No. 1950 and moved for its GounciL""O.an Heying seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. Refer to Resollltion Book, page i, ~~-c:..5.;3 ---c. (~ ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DECLARING RESULT OF A GENERAL fvlU1'JICIPAL EI~ECTION HELP IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ON TUES~AY, THE 8TH DAY OF APRIL, 1952. On roll call the foregoing Resolutiop was duly "passed and adopted by the r'ollo1.ving vote: AYES: NOES: ABSEN'T : COUNCI~N : CqUNCILMElJ: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, \'lisser, Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. None. None. The Hayor declared Resolution 1950 duly passed and adopted. The City Clerk delivered to himself and each elected officer a Certificate of Election. I The City Attorney imposed the Constitutional Oath of Office upon the City Clerk, Charles E. Griffith, who in turn imposed the Constitutional Oath or Office upon the newly elected Treasurer and Councilman. Whereupon they I were inducted into the office to which they have been elected~ ' T . The meeting vas then called to order by the City Clerk for the purpose of electing a Hayor fClr tl;1e City of Anaheim from the :qJ.embers of the City Council. PRESENT; CO(n'J'CI~N: Pearson, Wisser, Heying, Boney and Van 1iagoner. ABSENT: COUNCII.J.1EN: None. CITY ATTORNEY, PRESTON TURNER: Present. CITY Al]\fINISTRATIVE OFFICER, KEITH A. HURDOCH; Present. Nominations were declared opened, and Councilman Heying brought to attention - the years of service and accomplishments of Mayor Pearson, and moved for his re-election CounciLman Van Wagoner seconded the motio~ MOTION CARR~D. Councilma..n Boney moved that nominations be closed. Councilman Wisser seconded t.he motion. ~1arION CARRIED. Thereupon Mayor Pearson was seated. Cou.."1cilman Boney addressed the Council and Audience and presented Mayor Pearson, on behalf of the members of the Council with a beautiful inscribed gavel, and lauded the Mayor and his accomplishments. Mayor Pearson spoke briefly, thanking the Co~~cil for his re-election as ~~yor of the City of Anaheim and promised to serve the people of An~~eim tp the best of his ability. Mr. Stan Whieldon addressed the COlli~cil congratulating Mayor Pearson on his reappointment, and the other several officers of the city on their re-election. The City Clerk reappointed Mrs. Dene M. Williams, Deputy Ci ty Clerk for the Gi ty of Anaheim. Councilman Heying moved the appointment be ratified. C01.U1cilman ~Wisser seconded the motion. HOTION CARRIED_ ',;f;,;i_""""'-:O"'+."~_"";;'_"''''';'~''-'~~~~''_ -'.__..,0., ;-',;<",,,~,,~.....,'i-~~~;. 26;-: City Hall. Anaheim. California. April 15. 1952 - 8:00 P.M. The Aruninistrative Officer read the Resolution of the City Council of Fullerton i.n regard to the botL.Y}dary line which the City of Fullerton 'WOuld recognize as the bOUJ1dary for Fullerton I s future annexations to be that of the North Side of Housto1'1 Avenue from 101 Highway, West. ~Olh'1cilman Heying mo""Ved that a Bow~dary Conuni ttee be established composed of the l'ilayor, Admini strati ve ,Officer and one Layman, to study and develop future boundar; lines to be considered by the Ci ty of AnaJ1eim. Councilman Boney seconded the motion. ~OTION CihqRIED. COlmcilman Van Wagoner moved to adjourn. Councilman Wisser seconded the IIOtion. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED. SIGNED . ~~~,~~~~~; , n- Clerk ___~<3>_ City Hall. .1na1u~im. Califor~a. A:Dril 22. 1952 0 8:~O P~l!.. The City Council of the Oity of Anahetm met in regular ses.ion. PB:ismtT: OOUB'OILNBB: Pear.on. Wi..er. Heying and Van Wagoner. ABSEft: COUliCILIWI: Boney. CITY ATTORNEY, PRESTON TUBBER: Pres8~t. CITY ADMINIS!fBA!IVB1 OJTlCER. DITH A. MUBDOCB: Present. ,ilINUTES: The Minutes of the Regular Meeting held April 8. 1952 and Special Meet1Dg held. April 1S, 19.52 were approved on motion b7 Councilman Hel'ing. second.ec1 b7 Council- man Van Wagoner. MOTIOH CARRIED. JEMANDS: Councilman Van Wagoner rep~ted demands against the city amounting to $11,472.45. Counc11maD He;yiDg moved that report of linance OollDDittee be accepted and that warrant. be d.rawn upon the Treaettrer to pay .aid de.ad. in accordance with report. Oouncilman Wi..er seconded ,he mo1il0D. MO!IOB CARRI:JD. BIDii: CENTER STREET SEWER lVIAIN LATERAL: On mo'1on by Oouncilman Van Wagoner. seconded by Councilman Vie.er, the Oit7 Olerk vas instructed to open bid. OD East Center Street Sever Main Lateral Project. Bids received: Leo Weiler, 521 B. McCl&1. Santa Ana $29.522.90 total J. s. ~arr.tt, 1300 Ooa8t aich~, Ievport ~each 57,644.26 · JaB. V. Gallacher. 180 E. 21st St. Costa M.a. 27.241.55" >>osko & Eraderich, 8512 Ji.hman Rd. Plco 25,509.90 u s. s. Zaru."b1cea. 44.249.62 · All bide were accompanied 117 bid. 'bond in the amount of l~ of bid.. Acting upon the recommendations of J. R. Lester :B071., Consulting Jlngineer, the Oi t1' Council deferred. the awarding of bids and ordered the bids taken under advi8e.eat for further studT aDd consideration on motion D7 CounciJaan..K8J'imc ..condeci b7 Council- man Wi...r. MOTION CARRIED. aID Q.UOT.ATIOl:~S: LAJvI:F CONTRAC'f: Bid Q,uotations received on furnishing of 1ncandeecent aad fluorescent lamps to the City for the ~ear commencing^~ 1, 1952. Bide received: Brodie Electrical SerT1ce: Bungalow Electric: Arnold E. Howard: 'J'J1, and fluorescent J4~ broken pa4kages _ ~ zt, ten day8. 3~ and J'luorescent 3~ broken packages 2fi1, - i$ ten d81'l. 'JJ:I, and Iluorescent )410 broken packages 28$ .. zt, ten d&78. Contracts to cover purchases in the amount of $1,500.00. for the year. The foregoing bide were held over for. further consideration on motion by Council- man Heying, seconded by Councilman Van Wagoner. MOTION CARRIED. jONCERTS" John McGlochlin addres8ed the Council requesting support of the movement of Orange County Community Concert Association, for the prior 881. of tiCket. for concerts to be held in the City of Anaheim la~er in the year, and stated the mov~ment required support by the 01 ty thru the newspaper and the backing of the people 10cal17. The Mayor stated it was a commendable program, and that the. city will endor.. it. and in as much as it was not a State-wide proposal, 11;, vas not subject to procla- matioD, however thought it advisable that the C1ty Council go OD record commending and endorsing it most heartily the meTeaent to 8ecure for Anaheim these concert.. and ~~~,','-;d;':$"""~"~ ~__,_c" _", _"';'__:___';~_~.~.;..~~~c~j,,,,";:'~",,, t-.'NIi' ~~~.~,:,--'"";.; City Hall. Anaheim. California. April 15, 1952 - 8:00 P.M. Following recorded is certification of City Clerk: STATE cF CALIFORKIA) COUl~TY uF vRANG E ) s s . CITY OF ANAHEIM ) 262-A ' I. CHARLES E. GRIFFITH, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim do hereby certify the following facts: General Municipal Election for the City of Anaheim was held April 8. 1952. There were eleven (11) voting precincts consisting of a consolidation of the regular election precincts established by order of the Board of Supervisors for holding General State and County elections. The offices to fill are as follows: Two members of the City Council, One City Clerk, and One City Treasurer. Names of persons voted for Chas. A. Pearson Leslie Farrel Pete Werse Duane Harvey Harry Fox. Names of persons voted for for the office of City Clerk: Charles E. Griffith Gus Lenain Names of persons voted for for the office of City Treasurer: Adolph G. Tmna Same Hi1genfeld M. W. Martenet Warren AShleigh Total number of votes cast in city were, 1176. The number of votes given at each of said precincts for each of such total votes cast at each of said precincts are as follows: "Au Cha.s. A. Pearson 97 Ray Van Wagoner Charles E. Griffith 97 Adolph G. Turna Total votes cast: 97 147 Ray Van Wagoner 1 Charles E. Griffith 1 Adolph G. Tuma 1 M. W. Martenet 1 Total Votes Casti 117 118 Total Votes Cast: 118 118 Total Votes Cast: 108 108 Total Votes Cast; 81 84 Total Votes Cast: 70 76 Total Votes Cast: 139 136 Total Votes Cast: 80 1 79 Total Votes Cast: 115 1 1 115 Total Votes Cast: .51 52 Total Votes There were six (6) Absentee Votes cast at Total number of votes received by each of Chas. A. Pearson 1,128 Leslie Farrel 1 Pete Werse 1 Duane Harvey 1 Harry Fox 1 Gua Lenain 1 Sam Hilgenfeld 1 Warren AShleigh 1 1. '""\ t:... 3. 4. 5. 6. 6. 7. It] It Chas. A. Pearson Leslie Farrel Gus Lena1n Sam Rilgenfeld Warren AShleigh UC" Ghas. A. Pearson Charles E. Griffith IIDU Ch~s. A. Pearson Charles E. Griffith "En Chas. A. Pearson Charles E. Griffith nFn Chas. A. Pea!son Charles E. Griffith UGH Chas. A. Pearson Charles E. Griffith "HU Chas. A. Pearson Charles E. Griffith "JII Chas. A. Pearson J. P. Stephans Adolph G. Turna "X" Chas. A. Pearson Pete Waree Duane Harvey Adolph G. Tuma "L1I Chas. A. Pearson Charles E. Griffith o. 1. for the office of Member of the City Council: Ray Van Wagoner J. P. Stephans Robert Boney M. A. Gauer 1.55 Ray Van Wagoner Adolph G. Tuma 125 Ray Van Wagoner Adolph G. Tuma 120 Ray Van Wagoner Adolph G. ~ma 114 Ray Van Wagoner Adolph G. Tuma 86 Ray Van Wagoner Adolph G. Tuma 79 Ray Van Wagoner Adolph G. Turns 145 Ray Van Wagoner Charles E. Griffith 81 Ray Van Wagoner Robert :Boney Charles E. Griffith 122 Ray Van Wagoner Adolph G. Tuma Cast: 54 said election. said canidates were as Ray Van Wagoner J. P. Stephans Robert Boney M. A. Gauer Charles E. Griffith Adolph G. Twna ~1. W. Martenet ~;~/'"" ,...,-,.q;ij;l..ii8@;.:.,.,""-....,"',~,~,..-., <i-..-" ."",,,, ,~...,~-"~,.,"',.:.~,..,.<".44i~~-~i!IK<~,,._,~~ persons, and 90 97 141 149 149 1 114 121 113 118 103 109 76 8) 67 76 1:30 137 76 79 113 1 115 .50 53 follows: 1.077 1 1 1 1.138 1.14) 1 ~ 62 -:B ,=-",,"'~-"-'--' Cit;1 Hall, Anaheim, California, April 15, 1952 - 8:00 P.M!.. 10. Certificates of Election were delivered to the followin~: Chas. A. Pearson, Councilman Ray Van Wagoner, Councilman Charles E. Griffith, City Clerk Adolph G. Tuma, City Treasurer 11. Canst i tU.t lenal Oath of Office was imposed by Preston Turner upon Oi ty Clerk. Charles E. Griffith. 12. Constitutional Oath of Office was imposed by Charles E. Griffith, City Clerk upon the following: Chas. A. Fearsnn, Councilman, Ray Van Wagoner, Councilman. Adolph G. Tuma, City Treasurer. 13. Each newly elected officer was inducted into the office to which he had been elected.. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, City of Anaheim this 15th day I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the of April, 1952. ,/~..../ / t' /.~X ... . . ,.' L,-.", '--.--- .. ',"'--- -~ --"',.......... / s / ~/ ~""~, ((/ ......:;7,.. : " j CI '!":IE. GRIFFITH, P Oity Clerk of the City of Anaheim -----I ~,""~~~.-,.,ej-<_.,,~,. ~_':o,.,>..._c:f.-,~.., ",':"'f,.,.i;\'-_-~ Ii;;~-'-_ .- ~"...--,=