1952/05/27 277 ~-_.~------.-.- City HE. 1 1 , ~nahe '1 r: ,0&1 if rJD: in ,:'.a:'/ 16, 1 ;15;~ - ,8: oc F. X>l.. ~t t'..P d r i ] 1 :" t E. lC'5J IJc;rt1; Fptt. Street fer Jar~uar~T, February and part of Narch, ; '(l.: l, i:<;. t! :1" $2.391.85 \'v'~."s r.:V2ICN CARF lED. ::.1 c c Dolan !>io,rpd Hooes Compan:r of Anaheir.:, 'bid ed on tnotion b~; Councilman Heying, secor.lded. b;r Councilman Wisser CoullcilE.an Boney [:loved to adJourn. Coul1cilrr_8.n Wisser seconded the Hiotion. ;..l.;T'I CN CAHE ~l:D. ADc"T C l!RN' ~D. SIGFED ~ ' C .... ., ~. /- /' '., ,d~~" : .14 Cl t;: Clerk~ --......." .~..-----..~,-~-- CitJ."" Ha],1, Anaheim, California, Ma~" 27, 1952 - 8:00 P.}'~. -- The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in Regular 5e6810.. PRESENT: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wieser. He~"'ing. :Boney and Van Wagoner. ABSENT: COUNCIIJrrEN: None. CITY ATTORNEY, PRESTON TURNER: Absent. CITY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER. KEITH A. MURDOCH: Present. ivlINU'I!ES: The Minutes of the Regular Meeting held MaJ" 1), 19.52 and Adjourned Regular I-teeting held lv1ay Ie. 1952 were ordered approved on motion by Councilman Heying, seconded by Councilman Boney. MOTION CARRIED. DEl-.ANDS: Council1L.8Jl 'van Wagonar reported demands against the ci ty amo1mting to $76.218.22. Councilman Wisser moved that report of Finance Committee be received and that warrants be dr~~~ upon the Treasurer to pay said demands in accordance with report. Councilman Heying seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. CEj'f1};R S'l}~"!L1. S:2';;~}: l~jj)Il:; I.JVE::1l...,f..L: Pursuant to Resolution 110. 1959, June 10, 19.52 was the date set by the Council for the calling of bid,s. and publication dates were set accordingly. II;i<-1.:~E i~l" bCl: Councilman Heying offered Ordinance No. 801 and moved for its pasS8€e and adoption. Refer to Ordinance Book, page. AN ORDIliANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEI}I~ APPROVING THE, A!INEXATION TO SAID CITY OF ANAHEIM OF CERTAIN UNINCORPORATED TERRITORY KNOWN AS uEUC1JD,AV:F~:N1JE A1~J1XA.~:ION NO. 2u. ing vote: On roll ca11 the foregoing 01~inance was duly passed and adopted by the follow AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN; COUNCILMEN- ; Pear$on, Wisser, Heying, :Boney 8J1d Van Wagoner. None. No:p.e. The )ilayor d-eclared the foregoing Ordinance No. 801 duly pa.ssed and adopted. Il\Ull~CE l'Il" b03; Councilman :Boney offered OrdiDE~ce No. 803 and moved for its pa.ssage arLC. adoption. Said Ordinance w~e read in 'public for the fir9t, time. An OFJJINA}TCE OF TF...E CITY COLIJCIL CF Tb~~ CIrrY OF ANAID~IM ADOPTING A~ COMJ>REREI$IVE ORDtN!NO:m CODi'TO:BE XNOWB"AND DESIGNATED ,A5 'THE "ANAHEIM MUNIOIPAL PQDJttAm> REPE.&\LING ALL ORDINANCE5 OR PARTS 01 ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT WITH SAID CODE. I:.i_l,'__::' ..:-;~ ~ : Wit,h reference to the sale and display of Fireworks was ordered held ever on motion bJ;~ Councilman Heying, seconded by Councilman :Boney. :,IOTION CARRIED. I:L'-:"1)I:T~,1'Tu~\; .. L (Hc;.-ld "/er ) Resclution No. 1963 anti tled uA Resolution of the City COUllCil of the City of AnEilielru estE~blishing locatione for parking meters pursuant to Ordinance; No. 70: and fixing tr.€. til1~e fo.r the commencement of ,the operation of such meters" was ordered held over awai ting reconm~endations of the Chief of Police on motion b"v Gon.nci Imart :Bone~y, ~;eco:adeo 'by :;ottnc:: i lrr:~tl!. iN'1 s ~er. MOTION CAJt'RI:ED. JIJU'iILl\: · 1)6l'f: Councilman VaIl Wagoner offered Resolution No. 1964 and moved for 'it passage and adoption. """:':'"'~~~:;g',~~;k}4-'-,'~."'bi!'~'..".;~~""~i~".,,,,, -":,,ij;,.,-;i!~~ ~...",...... . ~=...---- (:'':';;';'' Hai.l, ~naheiInt California, lviay 27. 1;152- 8:00 P.M. .. .E.ESCLUrc'I,~J:.T (.1' THE CITY COD1\~'CIL <JF irHE CITY OF ANAHEI~l .ACCEPTING A GRANT DE]]) CON- \! Yll;G ~L\.. ';E,:!: ~ITY uF A:NAHEli< CEHTAI:N R:&.';'I FECfERTY FGR. A1J EASEr~LE1.TT FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES, STREET ~TD J..LIJEY PtJP..FCSES ~ Here.:" to Resolution Book t page669. ~11. rcll call tbe foregoing Resolution was duly passed and actopted by the follow- v'ote: nOES: ':OUHCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN; Pearson. Wisser, Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. None. None. AYES; AB SEIJT ; The ~~yor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. . ,S 0I1LT 1:,..1\ 190): Councilman Heying offered Resolution No. 1965 and moved for its pa$sage and ~option. Refer to Resolution ::Book, page 669 and 670. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF T~ CITY OF ANAHEIM tffiGING THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION TO GRANT A?PLICATION NO. 33301 REQ,UESTING AUTHORITY FOR A CROSS-TOWN BUS SERVICE. (:n TQj.l c,all the :foJ'~\~olng Resolution~ "las d1l1~f passed and. adopted by the f,) 11 0 wi ng v G r 8 : A YES : NOES: AB SR'?P ! CO UNO I Ll>-IEl~ , COUNCI:Jti~1\f : eOUNCI L~!EN: Pearson, Wisser, Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. None. None. The :\-layor decla.red the foregoing Resolution duly passed and 8.dopted. L-,{;SOLUtI CCHUlcilma.n Van 'wagoner offered R.esoll~tion No. 1968 and moved for its pas sase anc adoptiDn.. Heier to Reaollltion Book. page 671. A HESOLUTIGN OF THE CI".~Y COD'1!CIL C;]' TillJ CITY C~ Al'iAlIEIM C01TS:Er:\fT!]G TO TIlE COMi.1ENCEMENT 'jt PRCCE.h:DI:~G0 FOE. THE A..":rN"FJ\.';'~IUN 011' INHABI'rED TIl..tffi.ITORY TO T~ CITY OF ANAHEIM. cae ia ~ Un roll call the foregoing Resolution was dull passed and adopted. by the f ollowi :lg VI..) t;:~ ; l~rC:ES : COUNcr:':'\fEU: COUNCI:"MEN: COUNCI~1ENi Pearson, Wisser, Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. None. None. .l1.1~ S . AE,SEI~T ; The ~myor declared the foregoing Resolution drrly passed and adopted. '//G j;;)C l.~: Cou..ncilmar.L Boney offered Resolution No. 1969 and moved for its passage anu. aUoption. hefe.:" to ResoltltionBool~, page ",. ) ~ .. t ;',1 R~SOLul'1vTI IN 'fHE ~~TTEJL OF PROJECT S1ArE?~T NO. 37 FOR ALLOCATION OF GASOLINE TAX FUNDS ON MAc.TUR CI'rY S'rREETS. ""lei .:'011 c.all the foregol::lg Resol~tion was dul.{ passed ar..d adopted by the () llowir.lc:., 'I (J t ; l~OES : AB S:5~NT : COfJNCIJ:1EU: Foarson. Wisser t He:,ring, Boney and Van Wagoner. C01JNCIIIHEN; None. COllIC I :.JvIEN : None. ,\1"'":' .,~~ l~...Jt;;; ; :tlhe Nayox' declared the foregoin.v 1~t).sn L.lt -ion cLu.J;f pB.,ssed~ and adopted. iRT;,-,,~\ ...Nl\!_u\..:\..'l :Petitton for the BU.rton Street uninha.bited territory annexation w~s recelvAu on May 13. 1952 8.1'1d application forwarded to the Orange County Bounc1ary Commission 0f.l l~la~'" 16, li52; said .9.pplication approved. b~T the Orange County Boundary COmIllissiorr, MaJ" 11. 1952.. The ;:;it~.'. Gou.fJ.cil mavee. tu receive sa.id petit:..on and ordered the same referred to thc-:;j. il&.nr:l,ng Commission fo;;: its r~~'~~ommendatl,un~) on J11otion b:r Councilman Van ~agoner, S2conied by Councilman Wisser. NOTION CJUL~IED. .4. .'.,:,..;...:;..._..,..._~.",_"":,~.:_.;~c__~,.._.,~,_~,i0,,''''''''-~'~.''':"~~'''.:..'-''~'-'''4'-..~~''''.~ 279 \.Ii ty Hall J,-b.na.heim~__CalifcrJlia,-_:t1~.._~_1952 ~__8:00 P.lvl. ~~....------~-~".....-,; .::.:.t"l.LIJELIL-':: /d,U;;:;A;,:IIuN'.' ~.ES',_, . 1 .' Petition on Ball Road Annexation was received May 22. 1952, s~.lbmittad the CitJr CO;lncil.l~ 27,1952, thereupon Councilman V(;i.!l 'Wagoner off9red Resolu~ ion No. 1961 aad mQ'ired for Its passage and adoption. F..efer to R\~)soltltion Book, page 0/..:.t - t~. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COlmCIL OF TEE CITY OF .A}TAHEIM DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO CALL.A SPECIAL ELE~t,~::()N TO STilll~lI:r TO TlIE ~U.ALI5IED ELECTORS RESIDING IN TEE HEREIN- AFTER DESCRIBED TERRITORY TEE QUESTION OF Ju~{SXATION OF SAID TERRITORY TO TIm CITY OF ANAHEIM. On roll call the foregoing Resolation was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCI:11-rEN. COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN; Pearson, Wisser, Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. None. None. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. .. .i:jTITION .]'UR. AN.;"EXA'EI UN: Submi t ted by Virgil H. Ward t Vi. R. Ward t Mrs. W. R. Ward, Albert E.. Heimberger, Elle Heimberger, Otto lvLartin Geissler, Katherine W. Geissler, Ferry C. Curtis, Calista E* Curtis. Wayne R. Jones. Mr$. Warne R. Jones and Rose Hessel, for annexation to the City of Anaheim of uninhabited territory. Petition received b7 the City Clerk, 1~7 27. 1952 and submitted to the City Council Ma1 27, 1952. It was moved b~r Ct">Ullcilma.n Wisser, seconded by Councilman Van \Naboner that tile pe.titio~ oe referred to the City Planning for their recommendations and to the Orange County Boundary CODmlission for approval. MOTION ~IED. DOMESTIC SEw*ER t.lAIN Hortil :3t ~: Peti tion signed by 14 residents requesting installation of a domestic sewer main to s~rve the properties on North Street-west of West Street. The Administrative Officer outlined briefly the feasibilit~ of requested installa\.1on. On motion b~r Councilman Heying, seconded by Councilman Boney, the matter was referred to the Engineer Department for recommendations and report. SPECIAL CEN~US: STIecial Census taken April 17. 1952 official count waa 17.26? 'p~rsons and 5,706> occupled. dwellings, a.s of this date. L.h.YORS AlrD .:;uUIJ,:,I..Li'.4i.:1:"LS CCltF'.~t~~,;.L~G}i;z '.e'R~.:;~3N\.d Reserv8~tions were confirmed. INSU:iiAHGE: VE1\C:;RANS t ::U~)LI h<iJS Ll\jG: Termination of Insurance on the Veterans' Public Housing buildings and contents were authorized on motion by Oouncilman Heying, seconded by Councilman Boney. MOTION CA...JtRIED. . ANGi~L};~S cUcn\!lI'Y lib IR: E.HJ:Jj\ZF~~ The-Los "Angeles Count~r Fair ,Association w8,s-grauted. permission to hang banner across South Los Angeles Street advertising the ,Fair, Sept. 12 to 28. 1952. I_\~3uL..U\jC~~;: Special Endorsement to Insurance to extend coverage to the Anaheim Bulletin during the Joint Picnic for the Junior Firemen of Anaheim. May 24. 1952 was ordered ac.cepted and filed on motion by Councilman Boney, se~onded by Councilman Heying. ~10TION CABRI:EID.. C\"'!-;l'tUNI CA'llICN ~ From Orange County Sy:p8rintendent of Schools was-read. b~. OIllJ~h,.SlJT; DJ:.:-'LTY ",:Irry:},:r':l,Ll..AN: Appointment by the Chief of Police of Leslie T. Crowell as Deputy Cit.v Patrolman to the Uniformed Reserve, . serving without pay was ratified on mot i<"!l b~. Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman .Wisser. MOTION C.A.RR I~1iID . ..;.elIh ~\)E DAr<lAGi~S: ,-:E ~ACI:F' I GfSLJi<::.:' Eul-fE l'~;~I 'fEL1tJGRAPH CO.: In the amount of $16.34 was ordered paid on motion by Councilman Heying, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CaRlEn. FIi\fA1:'M: rru~,;T . 1J).>2: R. W.. IJ!e.as. Suoa.ivider, tract located at South Palm and Vermont Streets. Counci lman Boney moved tha.t Final }.ilap of Tract .No .1142 be accepted subject tc, Engineering Requirements. Councilman Heylng seconded the motion. MOTION CA.BRIED. E::..f..LTH .A.N1) AC>.~IDS:;YT I.L\SLrFc.AN~~E: Council:nan Hey Ing moved that the ci ty terminate the present Joint, B1Qe Cross-Blue Shield insurance cOTerage to be effective July 1, 1952 and that the City Attorney bp instructed to prepare notice of termination. ".;+ri'~'~,..,,+.^....;..".~_.,--,~.,. .....-__~,.^.-_:.:;}.-~~:-;."_.-,:._j..._.*-""...;iY_,~,_.~,_..""""""~",,,,,,,__-;,,,,~~_~__~_-""'fiI,,,,",.. ~ 0V ...".....__'....,.__.'!A->.~.O/tt' Cit,y Hall!.. Anaheim-, Callfofnia, )'1e.y 27. 1952 - 8.00 F.M. F11'.rthf:]rmOre, Councilman ile~in6 moved that the l~ecorr.unendations of the :SmI;lo~rBe COIDIflit tee t::> award th,? Si'::knPSB and Accident Insurance Contract to the Occider..t~'il l;,~,:'e lrisi,u.a:uce CO!~pan;j~be ac(;epted and that, the 01 ty of Anaheim enter into contract wi th the Occident tal Life Insurance Co.:npaD...-v ba.sed upon rates quoted and t~..at thF; Hayor and Clerk: be authorized to sign saiti contract for the City of An!L~ei.m. ':;ouncilman Boney seconded the mot ion.. MOTION CARRIED. CouncillIiEt.D Va..a Wagoner moved to adjourn. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIsrD. lillJ 'JUEJ.\Jw .. / -- ./, /'. ,', , / 3IGh'ED ~d;-0/~P::- ty Clerk City Hall. Anaheim, California, June 10, 1952 - 8:00 P.M. _.'.__"_'_._"-._~._'.<<T~"""'- The City Council of the Ciiy of Anaheim met in regular session. PRESENT: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wisser. Heying and Van Wagoner. ABSENT: COUNCILMAN: Boney. CITY AT~ORNEYt PRESTON TURNER: Present. CITY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER, KEITH A. MURDOCH: Present. The Minutes of the Regular Meeting held May 2?t 1952 were approved on motion by Councilman Van vJagoner seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. El~iA.dL,~ Councilman Van Wagoner reported demands against the ci ty amounting to ~81J752.46. Councilman Wisser moved that report of Finaace Committee be accepted and warrants be drawn in the several amounts upon the Treasurer to pay said demands in accordance with report. Councilman Heying seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. IN.hl~~~ x .~},.h l IN',,) F~;i;i'ChTS; The fallowing Reports for the month of May, 1952 were accepted ~d filed on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilmaa Wisser. MOTION CARRIED: TREASURER: Total General Accounts, $432,198.70 - General Fund. $189,127.69, Total all funds, $916,171.82. CITY AlIDPCOR: Deposit in the several funds, $198.500.00. CITY JUDGE: 550 cases. of which 242 were parking meter violations. Total fines collected, $3,889.00. LICENSE COLLECTOR: $166.10 new business licenses, $8.00 dog licenses. PARKING METER COLLECTIONS: $1,700.00. PUBLIC SERVICE: $72,449.82 - Sanitation collections, $5,169.50 - Industrial Waste $1.07 - Light, $30,627.77 - Water, $15,047.06 - Power, $18,'77.42. TRASH AND GAilAGE: 268 loads, tras.. 26 loads garbage, or 88 tons. LIBRARY: Balance. June 3. 1952: $9,001.02. LICENSE COLLECTOR: Estimated Licenses for 1952/1953 - $27,811.00. FIRE DEPARTMENT: Activities and report on ANAHEIM JUNIOR FIREMEN PICNIC. BUILDING DEPART~nmT; 75 permits, of which 33 were building, Taluation $142.820.00 Fees collected, $633.10. CITY ELECTRICIAN: 58 Light Wiring Permits a.nd ? Power Wiring Permits, .fees collected $702.J.J.5. SUPERINTEIDIJT LIG~POWER & WATER: Activities. Water level, city wells. June 1st 15~ feet two inches. Water pumped by city, 22,322,800 gallons, purchased from M.W.D. 100,733.000 gallons. aITY FLUNGE; Deposit $541.70. CITY AUDITOR. J.e.s. total cost, $3.472.24 of which Analleim paid $1.133.31. CITY AlJDl'1'OR: MAGNOIJIA TRU1iK SEw'ER; total, $2,474.37 of which Anaheim paid 22.28% or, $551.29. J,L 11\ i}S : ; i::I.fiN ( 1E ;2 C; HE : ' -.A.E.F.A: bounded by East Syc.amore Streett North Orange Street (A.T. & S. F. Ry). East Cypress Street and North East Street. Change from .R-A. Resident ial-J..gricul tural to R-J, Mul t iple Fami ly Resident ial Zone. No one present at the meeti:v.g offering protests and no wri tten protests recei vea. bJr the Ci t~l Council. ESt...", Councilman Heying offered Resolu,tion No. 1974 and. moved for its paSSB€€ and adoption. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTICN CARRIED. ,Refer to Resolution Eook, page _~__o___,. ~:_~"'- -,..,.,.."~>'''' .;;"';._-..,':', .~._:._..:.:,,,,,,"h,,,_,,,"-,,,~*,;.l;..<;.,.;';'_;;;;'.";"~~._tO';;"';c,,,,,'.,;,.,,T"""'~';'-'"". -:.--~","",c~.,.,.:..".~;,-_-"",~,",,~riiic,,_