1952/07/08 293 __,__~c _~___City Hall, ~JU.~,htlim~ Cal!.forn1at Ju~~_J:.m~- 8;00 P.M. The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in regular session. PRESENT: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Heying and Boney, ABSENT; COUNCI~IEN: Wisser and Van Wagoner. CITY ATTORNEY, PRESTON TURNER: Present. CITY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER. KEITH A. MURDOCH: Present. U'.>iJS: The Minutes of the Regular Meeting held June 24, 1952 were approved on motion by Councilman Heying. seconded by Councilman ~-c~~~:eAr., ( MOTION CARRIED. 1/ I ND~;: Councilman Boney reported demands against the city amounting to $97,930.18. Councilman Heying moved that report be accepted and that warrants be dra~ upon the Treasurer to :pay said demands in accordance wi th report. Councilman Boney second ed the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ,..;:..~,- 6;: ...ri.C~ _-'rs ~ ~he following f inancial ~ operating ~eports were order- ed accepted and. filed on motion by Councilman Heying, seconded by Councilman Boney. ~10T ION CARRIED: TREASURER: Balance in General Fund, $1?1.055.25 - Total General Accounts, $497,b29.31. Total all ~undst $933.639.03. CITY CLERK: $82.00, filing fees and vital statistics. PUBLIC SERVICE DEPARTMENT: $96,693.46 (B.O.D. ~3J.34.59 - Sanit&tion $6,503.25). LIGHT. POWER & WATER: Water purchased from M.W._D. t 95.744,000 gallons; pumped by city, 31,948,800 gallons. Water level July 1, 1952, 157 feett 6 inches. CITY PLUNGE: Receipts, $541.70 - Total BwiDlllers, 739. (rV:AY) Receipts,. $3,948.59 .. Swimmers, 11 t 789. (~nJK~!:). CONCESSION SALES: $1,341.34. BUIT.:DING DEPARTMENT: 2).5 Permits issued (189 Bu.ilding) Valuation $1,809,943.00. Fees, $4.118.75. LICENSE COLLECTOR: New licenses $)2.50 - Dog tLicenses $1.00 - Pound fees, $14.00. rITY ELECTRIGIAB: Wiring Permits 72 ~ Power Permits 6 - Fixture Permits 60. T~taL _fees, $724.70. CITY JUIjGE: 632 cases (277 Parking Meter violationa) $4,915.10 col1tected. PARKING METER: $2,302.60. CITY AUDITOR: Total deposit, $97,308.34. [\:AG!fotLA TRUNK S~\'rER: total $578.-94 -of -which Anaheim paid $128.99. t.i. ,-.;;.; Total $4.681.44 of which Anaheim paid $1,558.92. PUBLIC LIBRARY: 'Balance July 1, 1952, $19,347.17. TRASH &: GARBAGE COI,IJECTION: 254 loads, Trash - 25 loads, or 95 tona Garbage. FIRE DEPARTMENT; Activities SHOP & GARAGE: Activities. POTJICE DEPARTI~NT. Activities , R__~};C8T: CITY PLA...~ING COMMISSION for fiscal year 1951-52. x '; INC; Public Hearing held by the Ci ty Council for the purpose of considering certain changes of zones: y . ~-:,1-...:~.-"'-7 ~ Propertiee facing along East Center St. for a depth of 200 feet along the northerly side of East Center St. from East St. easterly to the west~rly line of Tract No. 1178 and along the southerly side of East Center St. for a depth of 210 feet from & point 76).5 feet east qf the center line ,of East S~. easterly to ~ point 2342.67 feet east of the center line of East St. and for a~varying depth of 290 ~eet to 0 feet from said point easterly 1695.9 reet to Anaheim-Olive Ro~, be changed ,from R~A to 0-2. :[l(;D-C; "'I .::nl11. F That this area remain as presently zoned until speqific plans for the use of the land are presented. Councilman Heying moved that the action of the City Planning Commission be sust~ined. Councilman Boney.seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. Y ~. ?->.~-:;Z-l; Froperty in the .Ar~a beginning at a poin~ 380.80 f~et west of the center lin9 of No?th PAlm St. on Woat RomnaYA Drivo ~ftd @%t~~ing w~~t~rl1 from thio ~oi~t A distanc~ of 1076.35 feet: thence southerly a d~stance of 1318.17 feet: thence easterly a distance of 406.95 feet; thence northerly a distance of 837.82 feet; thence easterly a distanqe of 660.66 feet: thence northerly a distance of 460.60 feet to the point of beginning; be zones from R-A to R~3. , :*.U-L~H_ : That the area starting at a point 180.$30 feet west of the center line 'of North Palm St~ and 334.60 feet from the property line on West Bomneya Drive; thence westerly a distance of 94 feeti thence Northerly a di.stance of 75 feet; thence westerly a distance of 672 feet; thence southerly a distance 0:f 619 feet; thence easterly a dist~ce of 106 feet; thence northerly a distance of 418 feet; thence easterly a, distance of approximately 559.94 feet; thence northerly a dis- tance of 126 f'~et to the point of beginning, and that this said_ area be zones as R..2. The area to the south of a. line drawn westerly from the rear of the south lots 04 West Ju1i.anna st. to the west city limits, shall be left as -presently zoned, namely, R~A, and the balance of the area be zoned as R-3. ..c.'-,",'.C4'.'O+.l-,,-';.~;...4_~4:':;.:o#;~-4:.-~""'A..-'\~","""~.."""""""ofO'''~___~__' IT-:.'':'L__,..,,,,- ~4 ~~___,,_._City Hall, Anaheim. California, July 8, 1952 - 8:00 P.M. ' The Gity Council moved to sustain the recommendations of the City Planning t"ommission on motion by Councilman Boney who thereupon offered E2S'JLUTIOn NO. 1994 and ~rH1ved for its passage and. adoption. C01mcilman Heying seconded the motion. MOTION ':ARRIED " Refe-r to Resolut ion Book, page _~__".~__...:..~. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY ~OUNCIT, OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING!HlT A CHANGE OF ZONE IS NECESSARY IN CERTAIN AREAS OF THE CIT:Y AND THAT ORDINANCE NO. "774 SHOUJJD BE AMENDED TO ACCOMPI,ISH SAID CHANGE OF ZONE. On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: A"BSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCIL~N: Pearson. Heying and Boney. ~T one. Wisser and Van Wagoner. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopte4. ,\'r:-51-5~.:-1 Proceedings instituted by the City Planning Commission with the consent of certain owners of property that the area included: from the Anaheim-ol1ve Road northerly to East La Palma Avenue along the 'east side of North Placentia Avenue for a depth of 330 feet be zoned as R-3 instead of &-A. ; t~/ Flanni. Go ssion recoiLii(en\iati;on:~ ,That in as much as a request for annexation to to the City'of an area to the east has been requested since the start of the rezoning oroce-edings, ,that the area be lefb as :presently zoned until such 'a time as Ii plan is presented for the use of this land proposed for annexation. ' Several persons were present in opposition to the change of zone. The OityCouncil moved to ~.tain the recommendations of the City Planning i:'ommission on motion by Councilman Heying, seconded by Councilman Boney. < MOTION CARRIED. f -:; ~,-:,'2-( From property owners on North Sabina ---Street between East Wilhelmina Street and East North Street requesting that their properties be reclassified from R-i, to R..2. In as much as ,the property'oyner~ on North Topeka Street have previously petftioned (Wo. F-51-52-19) for a similar reclassifica.tion, it would appear 'that North Pauline Street should be included in this reclassification. ~orIHn: s s:i rt:C8:Tl;~er:dB t :i!on: That thi s reclasstfication be granted. Councilman Heying moved to sustain (the action 'of ",the City Planning Commission and thereupon offered '<'.:SC~K. 1 and moved, for its pa.ssage and adoption. GouncilmanBoney seconded the motlon. MOTION C..lRRIED. Refer to Resolution :Book, page _______. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COfJNCII; OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING ATHAT A CHANGE OF ZONE IS NECESSARY IN CERTAIN AREAS OF THE CITY AND THAT ORDINANCE NO. 774 SHOULD BE AMEUDED TO ACCOMPLISH SAID CHANGE OF ZONE. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted -by -the- following vote: AYES: NOES: -:AB SENT : COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Heying and Boney. None. Wisser and Van Wagoner. The Mayor declared -the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. From property owners on South Philadelphia St. from East Valencia Ave. south to the Weight. Freeman and McCloughan Subdivision, that they be included in the reclassification of the above-named subd,ivision (No. F-51-52-16), and that then pro.- perties be rezoned from R-2 to B~3. .,;,. CDZUI. ssi-rn recomLE:ndat1ons; That this reclassification be cranted. Councilman Heying moved to sustain the action of the City P1anning Commission anc. thereupon offered '\~J~SL;lJ~ Councilman Boney seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. Refer to Resolution Book, page A "RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIl OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THA.'f A CHANGE OF ZONE IS NECESSARY IN CERTAIN AREAS OF THE CITY AND THAT OBDINANCE NO. 774 SHOULD BE AM.Em>ED TO ACCO"'1PIJISH SAID CHANGE OF ZONE. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: ~~--,-",_~i<;.'-Oi;;i.~,~<,~-~~ _~____,~'f_,."~~,,,,~_~~4~~_'_"-"'~~':C,;,,;,;;;,~.i"',~~'-ciJ,ia," ii ''!Ii .....-,..."--~,---,,',.""'.--.""',_..,,-'- 295 _~~~.__Ci~.1;Iall!A.naheimt' Cal1fornir&Lc -July ~8t 1:1,2 - 8:00 P.M. A YES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: ?earson, Heying and Boney. None. Wisser and Van Wagoner. The Mayor declared the foregoing: Resolution duly passed and adopted. Mayor Pearson declared the Hearing closed. ,<.h.1.~C~ I::c .:.,J4': Held O'ter because no map showing the zone reclassifioation was attached to Ordinance. >i".ultdrCi Held over because no map showing the zone reclassification was ~ttached to Ordinance. 1~,:~:N Nt . Was brought up t said Ord inance provides for change of zone on West Broadway. and was ordered held over for further conRideration. Held over because no n~p showing the zone reclassification was attached to Ordinance. L"AIC.E. NC. Helj over because no IDap showing the ?'"one reclassification was attached to Ordinance. h1-J~C:CJ NL. Offered by Councilman Heying who moved for (i ts pas_sage and adoption. Councilman Boney seconded the motton. MOTION CARRIED. Refer to Ordinance Book, page ________. AN ORDINANCE DECIARING THE IN'TENTIOl-! OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM TO VACATE AND ABAlmON }~ PUEIIlC ALLEY UBON. OVER AND ACROSS THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PRO- -PERTY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS Oi' STATUTES OF 19~1t CHAPTER 2.50, :BEING DIVISION 9, PART 3, CHAPTERS 1 AND 2 OF THE STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE, AND FIXING A TIME AND PLACE FOR A HEABING THE.HEON. AND 'DIRECTING THE FOSTING OF NOTICES THEREOF AND THE PUBIJICATION OF THIS ORD!NANOE. ~.r~ 12: 1 ';'52) On rell call the foregoing Ordinance was duly paased and adopted by the following vote. A YES ; NOES: ABSENTi COUNCIIJ-1IIN ; COUNCILMim: COUNCILMEN. Pearson, Heying and Boney. None. Wisser aDd Van Wagoner. The Mayor declared the foregolng Ordinance duly passed and adopted. Il\. A;v-l~l:nIE Aln~ ~XA r 1:...1\: LCN No. 199)~and moved for its passage and ado?tion. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Boney offered Resolution CouncilmaD Heying seconded the motion. A RESOLUT10N OF THE CI'PY COUNC '1 i:iHE C1 TY OF ANAHEIM CAUSING A P..ECORD OF CANVASS OF RETlfR.NS IDE SPECIAl ANNEXATION EltECTION TO :BE ENT1ERED UPON ITS MINUTES: ( , WECEREAS, the Ci t~r Council of the Ci ty of Anahe~m has canvassed the returns of a certain, sveci.al annexation election held on the 25th day of J,me, 19.52, in c~rte.in un- l!le(lTPorated terri tc :r~r sought tn be annexed to said Ci tJt of Anaheim; and ; 'WH.EEEAS, _said Ci ty Council has caur-.ed__ ~ record 'to be (maile pf the canvass of returnn of said electton, which record is entitled RECORD OF CANVASS OF RETURNS OF SPECIAl .~1'lli"'EXATrON E1:F;CTIGN. R'1JIJl ,JT.nffi 2~j, 195?. NOW t Tl1':E~;EFOR.:fiJ t 'BE IT RESOLVED BY r;'f-IE CITY OOlThTCIIj OF THE CITY OF ANAHEI}.l t,ha1i said record of caI1ve,G~ of returns of said electi.on be, end the same is hereby ordered entered:upon the ginutes of said, Cit~y Council. On roll-call the fo::oegoing Resolutlon was duly passed and adopted, by the fol1owiD~ vote: AYES; NOES: ABSENT: " COUNCILMmN: COUNCIlJiIEN : COTJNCII,~rD' ; Pearson, Heying and Boney. None. Wisser and Van Wagoner. The tvlayor declared the foregoin.g Resolution duly passed. and ad.opted. ~;".i.,-"",.,..,~',.c-F''''~'''''''',.i_;'''~'.;..A '''_~';''-~"-,-,,-.,.,c~..,.....;:,,..>;,,">;;;C,''''i'~'~''''''__''''''';"",~'"",',""",."."",~<._,_~".-_~,~,, ~___^._".____....~Cj.~' jia~LLt~A~~.i!~altf.9!,ni.a,__,Jul:\:....Q, 15'52 _- 8tOO F. 1'-1. REcnRD OF CANVASS OF_ RETURNS CF SFECIAIJ AmTEXATlpN EI!ECTION HELiC JUNE 25, 1952. The C1 ty Council of the. Ci ty of Anaheim hereby ~es a record~ of canvass of re- turns of a special annexation electioJL. Said specie.l annexation election was held on the 25th day of June, 19.52 in the manner provided by law. That for said election said City C011ncil duly estab1ished o~e voting ~recinct ~:hich is de~igne.ted as PIACENTIA AVENUE ANNEXATION EI~CTION P'RECIN:CT. That the polling place for such election was established and; maintained at T. A. TEASDAJ..E GARAGE. at 8511 Placentia Avenue, Orange County, California, which vas with- in the hereinafter described unir..corporated territory. The description of the property porposed to be included in the ~exation known as the PI~CF~TIA AVENUE ANEEXATION is as follows: Beginning at a point on the existing City Limit Line, which point .is the Northeasterly R/W corner of ?1aceIltia Avenue and Anaheim-Ollve Road; thence Southwardly along the easterly R/W line of Placentia to a l'oil1t of intersection of the South R/W line of Vermont ATenue extended and Placentia Avenue, also known as State Highway Route 1,80; thence Westvard.1y along the South R/'W line of Vermont Avenue to a potnt; said :point being the existing Oi tjT IJimi t Idne and 1852 feet t more or less east of the monumented center ],ine of East Street; thence Nortbwardlj- along existing ,Ci ty Limit Line 846.62 feet to a point; thence westwardly r.'ontinuing along exi~"ting City Limit Line 1619 feet more or less to the east R/W line on 'East Street; thence Northwardly cont~uiD.g along exisi1ing c'ity Limit Line am the East R/W line of East Street to a point of intersection of the east R/W line of East Street and the south J{/W 1 ine of Sante. Ana Street; thence East\,.ardly cont inuing along existing Oi ty Limit Line and the South R/W line of Santa Ana Street 605.55 feet to a point; thence Southwardly conttnuing alo~g existing C~t~r Limit Line 801.71 feet to a point; thence eastwardly con- tinuing a.long existing Ci ty IJimi t Line 60.5.59 feet to a point; thence northwsr,-dly con~1nuing along the existing City l,imit Line 826 feet more or less to ~a point on the monumented center line of Santa Ana Street; thence Eastwardly continuing alQng existing City Limit Line and the monumented center line of Santa Ana Street 905 feet more or less to a point of inter- ~ection with the westerly line of Lot 10 extended; thence Northwardly continuing along ex- sting Gi t~l L,imi t T,ine to a point, ]30 fe.et south of the monumented cent,r line of Center Street. a,lt;o known as State Highway Route 178. thence Eastwardly continuing along the (~xistinf!' 81 ty Lirnt t Tilne 1063.feet more or less to a point of 1ntersectiQn of the south. H/w line of ,Anaheim-Olive 'Road; thence continuing along 9%iating City Lil\1it also being the goutb R/~ ine of Anaheim-Olive Road 211 feet more or 1ese to a point on the west R/W line of Pla,centia Avenue; thence Northwardl;r continuing along existing City Limit Line 81 feet more or less to the intersection of the north R/W line of An8hei~011ve Road and the West R/W 1 ine of Placentia Avenue; thence Ea.stwardly along exist:i.ng Ci t~ Lim! t l.ine 63 feet more or less to the point of beginniDg. Tha.t the proposi tion submitted tc. the electors residing wi thin. said unincorporated area was: ~"O_,-,~,,,,~______-_-'n~ ~----, ~-----..,.--~~. Shall PI.ACENTIA AVENUE ANNEXATION be annexed to the City of An8-heim, California, and the property in said PI-ACENTTA aYES AVENtm ANNEXATION bet after such annexation, subject to : taxation e~ually with the property within said City of Anaheim: to pay its pro rata portion, based upon assessed valuation, of: al bonded indebtedness of said City of Anaheim outstanding onl NO ~ri~ 22, 195~!'~. th~re1iofo~e authorized'l~____~__--,,--.: & I : : :& I I : I : That said City COUDcil met at, its regular meeting after the expiration of three daYR from and after the date of said election to canvass the returns of said election. and at said regular meeting did make and complete its canvass of such ret~rns. That from and by its canv'ass cf. such returns, said City COUDcil finds: 1. That the ..., That the ..... 1. That the 4. That the whole number of votes cast at such election was 33. number of votes cast at such election in favor of annexation was 19. number of votes cast at such election against annexation was 14. number of ballots received a~ absentee, votes was 1. ---~-- CHARI,ES E. GRIFF! TH, Ci t~- Clerk of the 01 ty' of .Anaheim. C)It) Councilman Heying offered Ordinance No. 810 for first reading. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APFROVING THE ANNEXATION TO SAID CITY OF ANAHEIM OF CERTA.IN 1JNINCORPOBATED TERRITORY KNOWN AS PLACENTIA AVENUE ANNEXATION. ~ ~'~:.._-:__',:.~~.:,,,~,,,.'I'i",,*~,,,,,,,,'-'''-i+''__'_''''<f._ "-~._,'-;;;,~,;_o.."'.-4:~ ",,-,,,,'-~.,p"'~'_""_-'-~'-~~';>'-"~"". :-,_.,~..".-- ~ ""._,,",_,,_ ..'_.""'~_""'c", ~""'''''__~___~."''"' 297 CitY'~ll, Anaheim~ Callfornla. .July 8, 1952~ 8;00 P.M. , ....'--,"'.~ "'.~ INC '.)'J~1:_,:'T: The Ci ty Clerk was instructed to open bids for the Printing and Legal AdvertisIng for the City of Anaheim for the year 1952..19.53 on .rnotion by 1;otlD.ci.lr::eIl BoneYt seconded 'bj.~ CouncilmaJ'l Heying. MOTION CA.P~~ED. Bids received: Anaheim Bulletin. Item 1, 60; and 50; - Item 2, 60; and SO; - Item ), 60'; and 50;/ Accompanied by Cashiers Check in the amount of $50.00. Pls..centia Courier, Item 4. (Rate to be that granted the daily newspaper for the advertising required by law to be done within the city) 60; and 50;/ Acco1t2P8nied by Ch~ck No. 1113 in ,the~amount of $50.00. On motion by Councilman ,Boney, s~co~ded by Councilman Heying, the Anaheim Bulletin was a,Y/sraed contract covering Items 1, 2 and :3 and the Placentla Courier was awarded contract covering Item 4. and the VAyor and City Clerk ~ere authorized t~ enter into contract on behalf of said City of Anaheim. MOTION CARRIED. S FJ' C F iL~:iL "L,' 1 in reference to Business License was referred to the Administrative qfficer. l\ j \.,!:rL ~>.)l<>-:~l: Permi t the use of the Greek Theatre for July 13, 1952 and permission was given to hang banner calling attention to the day was authorized on motion by Councilman Heying, seconded by Councilman Boney. MOTION,CARRI~. _';.t\ T' E FL il' . ,_N~:' I S One day. July 16th for the sale of Anaheim fur-- niture Company and it. prop~rtie. by David Weisz Company. , Application presented with $1,000.00 bond for faithful performance and $50.00 cash for Auctioneer's License for one day. License Application was referred to the City Attorn_ey and Administrat~ve Office! with power to act on motion by Councilman Heying, secqnded by Councilman Boney. MOTION CAF.R lED . G EE.:,CT Erection of a tent for ~he use of the Union Gospel Meeting, corner of Lincoln Avenue near Fireeton on or about August 10th for a period of three or ,four weeks was denled by the C'ity Council because it would constitute a traffic hazzard. . , ( 'oJ.... - ~ ~ 'o-}.r,; Services covering P.L. aDd P.D. was ordered accepted, subjec~ to approval of City Attorney. :?c:, FA I It, ; E~.:FU~I,A:N.:';E: . l'\ V CH; in the amotmt of $19,611.55 was ordered accepted s'fbject to aTmroval of the City Attorney. :!II\;'~';r, . Ul, ~ NSUHAhCE: J. lL. OVI CH: UDder Policy No. We- 19141 by Casualty Insurance Co. of California. ~lO So. Spring St. Los Angeles 14, Calif. wae ordered accepted when approved by City Attorney~ __JF 1 i::0 ~,' .Ii. hI,J\TIn~: Amount $1 t 000.00 was ordered accepted when approved by City Attorney. rc ,~..!:-' r~;Gc: The City Council approved and nrdered reservations be ma.de for Officials who are to a~tend the California League of CiLi as Convention in Sarl Diego, October 12th to 15th. ;~_i I. c~ l'~. ; S:!{ \'~!JJ1\:T C I{ : (~;T_!~tW ;:r;rr}LT':S j C=::'T.: wa~ referred to Anaheim Post, American Legion. Hr..TI 1\ JI\EEf\iEN'}, : RESOlifYrION NO. 1997 approving the recreation program as between the Ci ty of Anaheim, Union High School and Ane~eim Elementary Schools was offered. by Council~~n Heying who moved. for its paS9~e and adoption. Cou~cilman Boney seconded the motion. MOTION CARR!ED. Refer to Resolution Book, page _-_.- -....-.'O'W'!L~..,..-.,.._~ .A RESOLUTION OF TIDJ CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING THE JOINT COMIIUNITY RECREATION PROGRAM OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM t THE ANAHEIM UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT .AND THE ANAHEIM EI~MENTARY SCHOOL DISTRICT ~ AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR.AND ';PEE. CITY CJ~RK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEI~1 MO ENTER INTO A~l) EXECUTE AN" AGREEMENT FOR SUCH JOINT COMMUNITY BE-- ' CREATION PROGRAM. (2 .2 ) On r('Jll call the foregoing Resolution was duly, passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN : COUNCILMm: COUUCILMEN: Pearson~ Heying and Boney. None. Wisser and Van Wagoner. ~~'.C7"'-";;;:-:'~_.~",_.",..:.~.:;"._~"",,;W' ;:,.;)8 ___-__~._"__ Cit.Y~ Hall, Anaheim,; California, JulYt8. 1952 - 8,00 P.M. __( The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly pa.ssed and adopted. . '--)0 ~ CouncilmaD Heying offered for first reading Revised Ordinance No. 803. A~T 'ORDINANCE OF THE CITY 'OF ANAHEIM ADOPTING A 'COMPREHENSIVE ORDINANCE OODE TO BE KNOWN A1"'D'DESIGNATED AS TEE 1I~.-t,_NA}J}':I~ IvlLillI II;A- )0D_B~'~ AND REPEALING ALl! ORDINANES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT WITH SAID CODE. r\:3SIGNMj~l\T: . 3ARll.~Tr[', General Cor", !'actor (ANi\lLElr\l" TRUNK SEWE.R IvIAIN, BALL ROAD) Assignment in the sum of $15,265.17 to Gladding, McBean & Co. from amount due J. S. Earrett for work performed and materials furnished on Anaheim Trunk Main Ball Road was authorized pursuant to communication received from J. S. Barrett, and the Mayor and City Clerk were authorized tc sian said Assignment on motion by Councilm~ Boney, seconded by Councilman Heying. MOTIOB ~IED. ,AR\rSE ,~l).~~:RY et al U~)rJ. ';':J.}\~-,l'_:XA :c'N; Approval of the Orange County:Boundary Commission of proposed annexation covering properties owned by Tarver Montgomery et al, dated Ju.ne 30, 1952 was ordered received on motion by Co\mcilman -Heying, seconded by Councilman Boney. MOTION CARRIED. AJ~Vl,".h i'.J.ihTGc,,-E},y t al FFC::;OSE_~ J:... ;'~I:~N\ Cl\ :]Cxcerpt from Oi ty Planning Commission Meeting held July-? 1952: A request from the City Oouncil that the property bounded by Manohester Avenue, Eculid ATenue, Crescent Avenue and a line drawn directly nODth from1the present Westerly City Limit Line to Crescent Avenue, .be considered for annexation. A motion was made by Commissioner Holyoke. seconded by Commissioner Sohumacher. and. carried, that the Commission recommend to the City Council that the above described area be considered for annexation. Counoilman Boney moved the receive the report of the City Planning Commission containing their recommendations re.arding the above proposed annexation. Councilman Heying seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ,UU"1-il<Eh ,i'UHLj iDl E;(;l'~ c;u. ~I~(_,SA SALE: Communication to George F. Oelkers, Superintendent, I,ight, Power and Water to sell to the City of Anaheim a-portion of their line on East Santa Ana Street for the 8Um of $1,293.00. Mr. Oelkers stated that ,the Telephone Company will pay 1/3 of the purchase price on new poles required in the program of extension of this line by the Cit7. Acting upon the recommendations of Mr. Oelkerst the purchase from the Southern California EdisonrCompany at the price of $1,293.00 plus tax for this line, as per inventory dated January 9, 1952 wae aathorised on motion by Councilman Boney, seconded by Councilman Heying. MOTION CARRIED. )-~~~'T]/;E~rT AC~BEI,'~I,J\JT: Ra. - Installation of traffic signal a.t the corner of Los Angeles Street and South Streett at the estimated cost to the City of Anaheim of $200.00. Councilman Heying moved that the installation be made. There was no [secon4 to the motion. The City Administrative Officer was instructed to write a letter to the State Highway Department requesting in~tallation by the State and all costs be borne by the State Highway Department. _ll!,~ ~ ~1 JEIAhrrvENT: The Mateer of bimonthly meter reading and billing and collection of Light, Wa.ter and Sanitation charges on a bimonthly basis was brought u~, and after thoroughly discussing the matter was ordered held over.for the next meeting of the Council. (This change also requires a change in the Municipal Code) ~.:. '" :~';-F~:~AYS: Ad.vising that investigation would be made as soon as man:power is available in regards to survey a.t intersection of Palm a>>.d Los Angeles Streets. X'TE~T lAC'T t) Revised tentative map presented to City Planning Cou~ission at their meeti~g of July 7, 1952. Property located on East North Street east of the Santa Fe Railway, on the south side of the street and comprises the properties of L. P. BonrJat and H. R. Fox. Aetns. Development Co., Subdivider - 47 lots. s S . (in r cit i Approve the Tentat i ve }Viap su.bject to Engineer- ing requirements. Tentative Map of Tract No. 1618 accepted, subject to engineering requirements on motion by Councilma~ Heying, seconded by Councilman Boney. MOTION CARRIED. ....~-"'j::,~~~.;ti::.,<":;i'~-:~-'___,,,"i~{:__,,,,'ffWCX_,~-"eR_y__~~~~~;~ --, ""'",~____'_""'C~_'~-- 299 City Hall. Anaheim~ Calif?!n~a, Ju~~~~S2 - 8:00 P.M. L '" L J::,~-", -r',.. N I -1:L t't:._ Location: directly to the west of Tract No. 1456. Subdivider by S. E. Whieldon. 900 Ken Way, Anaheim. Presented to City Planning Commission July 7, 1952 and the following recommendation was made. !'A motion was made by Commissioner Mungall. seconded by Commissioner Holyoke, and carrted, that tha~ portion of the Subdivision lying within the present city l~mits be approved, subject to Engineering requirements". That portion within the city limits of Anaheim was ordered. approved subject to en.gineering requirements, on motion 'by Councilman Boney, seconded by Councilman Heying. MOTION CARRIED. ,.t r'.\[~}\;l;~'. ..~J'L-'Du__...~\; The Ciity Planning Commission at its meeting July ?t .1952 recommended that the area shown on the map for the proposed Houston Avenue Annexatipn be considered for annexation. Councilman Boney moved the recommendation of the City Planning Commission be received and filed. Councilman Heying seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. 'j. '.~u~,!\ TJocation: North West Street and Burton Street. Sub- ClJ.Vluers, Dwyer and Kersten. 7 lots. The City Plannlng Commission at their meeting of July 7. 19.52. recommended. Final Map of Tract No. 1456 be approved subject to Engineer- ing requirements. This matter was ordered held over, as no deposits were made thr~ the City Engineer's office. ,;., .\. -~~~ The following is an excerpt of the regular meeting of the Ci ty Planning Commission held July 7, 1952 and supporting the recommendations of the City Planning CO~liission there was filed with the City Planning Commission anc City Council a petition $ho.wing 90 names of residents in the district of the Heliport Site requesting its re- moval from the pro-per.ty own~d by the Ci ty of Fullerton (facing La Palma Avenue): "The Commission, at its meeting of June 2, 1~52, received a petition signed by 90 re- sidents near the present site of the Heliport now located on City. of Fullerton property at I~a Palma Avenue, requesting that the Heliport be removed from this location. A Staff Report was presented at this Meeting showing the present location and possible other available sites on Cit~r of Anaheim owned property. Mr. H. W. Yost, 805 West La Palma Avenue. acted as spokesman for a number of residents present, and stated that the Heliport at the present site was a hazard to the residents and also to the Horace ~~n School if ~vthing should go wrong with the Helicopter. Once, in the fog, it landed one-half mile aw~ from the present field in the rear of the Trailer-Park to the west. After d.iscussion o3'the Commission, a motion was made by Commissioner Gauer, seconded by Commissit)ner Schumacher, that the Commission recommend to the 01 ty Council that the Heliport be moved to a new location. Commissioner Hapgood offered an Amendment to the above motion that the pr~sent City Dump at- the corner of Placentia Avenue and East Vermont Avenue, be conBid_er as the first choice of the CommiBsion. Commissioner Schumacher second~d the Amendment. The vote on the Amendment carried. and the vote on the original motion also carriedtt. Councilman Boney moved to adjourn. C.ounciLman Heying seconded the motion. MOTT ON CA-~'J:t!ED. .ADJOURNED. 5.I GlfH":D _ I /.:.1=. d"<-- ( )/ ~ (".< --<-;" ~// - CftY-':~lerk '~_':~':-''''''''~",,:I,...__;#.<;t,_..,,-:'''c''''''4~~~~~: _~_____,_,__E~~~Hal1, ,,~na.he~m,~C~JjfC?}:,uiat ~);1L3.?..L1952 - 81qO P.M. I 'The Ci,ty Counci.l of the Oi ty of Anaheim met in regular session. fEESENT~ COUN0IL"'!EN: Pearson, Wisser, Heying, Boneit:'" a.nd Vall Wagoner., ABSE1-lT: COUNCILMEN: None. CITY _ATTOFJ~Y. PRESTON TURNER: Present. CITY A.DlvlINISTEATIVE OFFICER, KEITH A. MURDOCH: Present. The Minutes of the regular meettng held July 8, 1952 were approved and ordered ftled on motion by COllnctlman Van Wag:oller, seconded by Oouncilman Wisser. MOTION. CARRIED. (:cnmcilman Van Wagoner reported demands against the city amounting to $128.790.1J.6. Councilman BODe~- moved tha.t report of Finance Commi ttee be accepted. aDd -1 that warrants be draWD, u-oon the Treasurer to pay said demands in accordance with report.. ~ouncilman Heying seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ,', TC1\J ~:T}.f~,''"~'T J.,,,_;L,'2.1J1.'rI\_,N; PursUB,nt to Resolution No. 1971, Public Hear-- i.ng was held on the Burton Street Annexation. No one present at the meeting protested the BurtonxStreet Annexation ~nd no written protests were received. Councilman Heying offered \JHr;,~ ~,c~~ Hc,. and moved it be read in public for the first time. AN ORDINANCE OF TliE CITY OF ANABEIMAPPR.OVING T:8:E ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM OF THE TERRITORY KNOw'N AND DESIGNATED AS BURTON STREE~ ANNEXATIOB. Mayor Pearson decla.red the JIearing closed. .:-"~-r~~,r VIA,KD ANHEXr- JUN: Pursuant to Resolution No. 1972, Public Hearing was held on the Ward Annexation. No one present at the meeting protes~ed the Ward Annexation and no written TIrotests were received. Councilman Van Wagoner iDtroduced- CEJJl.l'~Al,.rCE NC. B12 for firat readill.g. AN ORDIN~NCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING THE ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OP ANAHEIM OF THE TERRIrroRY KNOWN AND, DESIGNATED AS WARD ANNEXATION. "-1 ~or Pearson d.ecla.red the Hearing ~losed. \.t'I., F .ivaI ,'aT; (Solomon Tract t 104 lots) T.Joca.tion: '$ast VermOJlt Street. li'inaJ Map was accepted, subject to Engineering requirements, and ordered. filed on motjon by Councilman Boney, seconded by Councilman Heyi~g. MOTION alRRIED. 11.t\_ t k r.aJ .,~p (Dwyer and Kersten, ? lots) Councilllllm Van Wa.goner moved ~inal Map of Tra~t No. 1456 be accepted, subject to Engineering requirements. Council- maIl W:i,sser seconded the motion. MOTION CAR'RIED. :\Ji , c<DdlJond in the sum of $55,000.00 covering performance in the DW7er- '{er&ten t.ract was ordered e.cce'Pted t aubject .to the approval of the 01 ty Attorney on motion by Co\rncilman Heying, seconded by Councilman Van Wagoner. }i..~ , Fi na.l (BonDAt and Fox) Held oyer. "?~A. C~~, (I -:- en La t '.:. ve Area: North of Placentia Avenue. _Held over. _ED as revised, waf; offered for final reading by Councilman Heying, seco.ded by Councilman Boney. MOTION CARRIED. AN OR.DlNANOE OF THE CITY or ANAHEIM ADOPTING A COMPREHENSIVE ORDINANCE CODE TO 'BE KNOWN AND DESIG:liATED AS THE "ANAHEIH MUNIC!PAL CODE" AND RE- PEAI!ING ALIJ ORDINA1~CES OR PARTS OF ORDINAJTCES IN CONFLICT WITH SAID CODE. Ref er to Ord inance 'Book ~ page 279. aD. Toll call the foregoing Ord inance was duly passed and adopted by the fol1o\1dnf" vote : AYES: IOES : AB SENT: COUNC IIJJJlEN : C OUNC I T..!lvrnN : COUNCILMEN: Pearson. Wisser. Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. None. None. The Mayor decla.red the foregoing Ord.inance No. 80,) duly passed and adopted. ~9n i:.C~G>J~SS ..~!: C.f..T leNS ; First reading of Ordinances pursuant to Resolutions Nos. 1994, 1995 and 1996 were held over awaiting passage of the Municipal Code. -;:;~o_~~_'~".*~."~"~_"-~.;;;G-"(~c,_.",~__:""~~_,~~",;.,>~,,,~~-,-,~-+~~ --,.-_..",..,",--="~~-