1952/09/10 319 Cit The session. PRESENT: COUlCILMEN: Wiaaer, Rey! $ and Van Wagoner. ~SENT: OOUlCILMEN: Pearson and ~ney. CITY ATTORNEH PRESTON TURNER: Ab _nt. &:;7, 'ITY ADNIN~~::,'} ~~~K;EITH ~~::,e~~..r~,.I.,., ~ ~ ~.., The Meeting as called to ~rder by t~e City 01erk for the purpose of elect- ting a Mayor Pro Tem tor the City of eim. Oouncilman Van Wagoner no . .nated Co~cilman Heying as Mayor Pro Tem for the ~ty of Anahe~. Councilman Wis.er~oved the ,ominationa be closed. Councilman Van .goner seaonted the motion. MOTrO!CAmtIED.iMayor Pro Tem Heying took the chair. ~S: Oouacilman Van Wagoner re qrted dem~s against the city amounting to ,:3.52.42, a.IaJ. moved that report a . !Finance C,mmi ttee be accepted and that warrants ... drawn upon the 1'reasurer to P2QT 'id demand' in accordance with report. Oouncilman Rsser seconds. the motion. MOTION :RRIED. ~LIC HEARING: ACAOIA STREET A .2 on the pepoaed. an1i8xation of ~" .0 writ'en protests were Mr. "ensie appeared in 0 !he., were appr~x1mately ~osed for .aaexation, but the7 w ing to the ,~t.er of drainage on oling the aiunty's action in div bon Canyonlrea. R.i. no further oppositi , the Mayot Pro !em declared the ION: Puii...1iC Hear.ing pursuant to Resolution No. territo known as the Acacia Street Annexation. ed with he Cit~ Clerk. i tioD to:1 the proposed aQ.8xation. personf4.....re..nt at the meeting trom the district princip ly concerned with their petition re- bertye, on which a petition was submitted ing the iter from its natural course of the expressed! as to the proposed annexation proceed- earing cli!osed. ! ITION: FL~D CONTROL: Petition f relidentp of Liberty Lane. last Borth Street :::~:i:::!t..'...'............:~Ei:~:~::;: L!~.. .E. ~; r~Et '~;;~:~~.;::~:~:a~i:C~t;~:. t~. Mr. tenzie addressed the C ,cil opp . ing the papo.ed action of tp.e Count7 ning C.oamiisioa and with others . quested t e assistance of the City Council to e the Count, divert the water in other dir, ction. Othe,s upressing opposit~ were Mr..1 Goodrich, Mrs. ~ra.tad, Mr. Herbst. Mr. Beckl., Mr. Van Tuyle, Mr. st and Mr,~ Du :Bois. !he Idsld.ai.traii va Officer dressed ~he meeting and spoke on the eftorts ng conducte4 to chana$lize the C. ,on Canyoniwater and other flood control methods~ ch the Coun. .i.Jdended to to adop ~ . Mayo. Pro Tem Heying asaur'4. the grOUt present, that the City Council would ~,eve~ything '0 help the residents . the dist iet and would work with the Supervisors tireffect a prqper drainage set up t . the dist ict and a benefit also for the peeple rIt'Anahe im . ; 'rhe croup's attention was ..lIed to t~e fact that the Carbon Canyon Creek . been encr~hed on through the y ra, that ~t was :full of debris, and the cha:p.el .. choked Uip "'maD.y'places creatin spreadingiwaters when the rains come. Van Wagoner. O~INANCE NO. 818: Councilman Wisee .sage and adapt ion. Councilman V Otdinance Bo. 818 and moved for its s,conded the motion. MOTION CARRIED, Refer to Orainance Book, I , i AI' OJI)IlWICI OF THI CITY a . jAn.DIM JJPPBOVIJ'G THI J.BIJXATIOB TO TBE C!TYbr ABBEIM OF THE T .~TORY JOJowt AID DBSIGIIATJ!ID AS MOHGOMERY IAnrEXATI01f. On roil call the foregoing dinance '-0. 818 was duly passed and adopted followi. vote: AYES: NOES l_ OSar : COUNCILMEIl : COUBC ILMB: OOmrOILMD: I I the for~going Ordinance Bo. 818 duly passed ~or Pro Tem Heying decl a4opted. ELUTION OF UNSECURED PERSONAL FR ~ERTY: 19~O-51 Unsecured Personal Property s on which 'he statutes of limita ~on have ~, and on which collections was to b~o;::i.'.'...'......,,','..~~l~;::rS:.~:~t:~... t.'. c~:e~i~~.., ~;e~:.the "o~t of $123.12 be ori~ed. COIbcilman Van Wagoner .. tonded theil motion. MOTIOI' CARRIED. . 1. 1 ~ M'~~ of. ;'; ~UV'. Fill.. "".'..-' of the. ~.o..s.,....'... ~i.,of .... appro9ea. on. mo 'Oll b7 00""'11._ 'am w.,goaer, ..coD484 \17 MOllO. CaRIED. 1 n n ... I I ,-.,.., I i,j. :.! I "","""jei 1 320 Cit , California, Se tember 10 I 2 - 8:00 P.M. TRANSFER OF FUlIDS: Trans was authorized on motion CAPeR IED . r of $7,500.00 from the General Fund to the Recreation Fund Councilman Heying, Seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION SFRI1TG BASEBALL TRAINING: Use of LaiPalma Park by the Hollywood Baseball Club and the Denver and Pittsburgh rm Clubs were authorized on-motion by Councilman Heying, seconded by Councilman Vis ere MOTIQN OARRIED. 1951-1952 FINANCIAL REPOR Councilman Heying, second As comptled by the Oity Auditor was approved on motion b7 by Councilman Wiaser. MOTION OARRIED. F-52-5J-l: Owners of prope ties on M1111s Drive between North 01audina and North Phtladel:phia. ~-l to R-2. Two pUblic heari . s were h~ld by the City Planning Commission, which as a reault recommend to the C1 r Oounci1ithe change of zone be granted. F-52-5J-2: Bruce B'; Ives, 07 E. North Street, owner, requesting change from R-2 to C-l. Two public heari gs were hslld by the City Planning Commission, which as a result recommended to the ~ty Oounci~ the change of zone be granted. Oouncilman Van W ~oner moved that Public Hearings be held on Application8 F-52-53-l and F-.52-5J-2, 0 tober 7, 1952 at 8:00 P.M. Councilman Wisaer seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. TENTATIVE ~~, TRACT NO.1 91: Acceptance of Tentative Map of Tract No. l591 was recommended by the City PI nning Commls8ion subject to the following conditions: 1. Annexation 2. Engineering, .speciallydrainage and sewage. ). Elimination f all "key" lots as far as possible. 4. Street openi t into Bur~on Street to the east. 5. Approval by Jtle State H~ghway Department. Councilman Van . 'oner moved that the recommendation of the City Planning Commission be sustained. ouncilman Wisser, seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. TEN1rATlVE MAP t TRACT NO. City Planning Oommission requirements. Councilman Van W goner movet that Tentative Map of Tract No. 1659 be approved subject to engineering req!rements. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTIOI CARRIED . 19: Tentaiive Map of Tract No. 1659 was approved by the d recommented to the City Qouneil, subject to engineering FINAL fl.1.AP, TRACT 1456: Fi 1 Map of Tract 1456 was accepted by the 9i ty Council on motion by Councilman Wisse ~ seconded by Councilman Van Wagoner~ MOTION CARRIED. CAST IRON WATER PIPE: ,g upon th~ recommendation of George Oelkers, Superinte...' Light, Power & Water, the ilty Council instructed the City Clerk to advertise for bidl for the furnishing of cast iron pipe. bids to be received 8:00 P.M. ?8ctober ,,/,. 1952. Motioned by Councilman Wis er, seconded by Councilman Van Wagoner. MOTION CARRIED. SrrA'IiE HIGIDvAY I'lAINTENANCE EEivlENT: The Division of :Highways, District 7, presented Amendment No. 2 to the Agr ment for maintenance of state highways in the City of Anaheim, also Resolutions esented by the City Council aut.horizing the Mayor and Cit7 Clerk to sign said agreeme s for the City of Anaheim. RESOLUTION NO. 2018: Coun ilman Wisser offered Resolution No. 2018 and moved for its passage and adoption. Co ilman Van Wagoner seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION AUTHQ ZING AMENQMENT BY CITY OFFICIALS OF SECTIONS 21 AND 22 OF AG NT FOR MAINTENANCE OF STATE HIGHWAYS WITHIN CiTIES On roll following vote: oregoing Hesolution was duly passed and adopted by the AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Wisser, Heying and Van Wagoner. None. Pearson and Boney. declared Resolut ion No. 2018 duly passe,d and adopted. PLUl.IBER'S BOND: John P. Ro vised, was presented for ac Oouncilman Van W Councilman Wisser seconded the bond, subject to certai inson and Ernest J. Tramell, dba Romell Plumbing, as re- eptance. bner moved that Plumber's :Bond be accepted and filed. he motion. MOTION CARRIED. The Oity Attorney hadapprovel changes which were made. LEAGUI OF CALIFORNIA CITIES AN1TUAL CONvE:fI1!IO!1: OF AMERICAN MUNICIPAL ASSOO:U'f_:t .. Los Aageles Chamber of Contmrce extends ipi$ation to the League of California C1t1el ! .1 321 to attend the annual convention of t t American Municipal Association in Los Angeles , on December I, 2.dd 3, 1952. QSTCENTER ST: TRUNK SEWER: The ci y Engineer submitted communications advising that J. E. Popovich, as Contractor, has c Jilpleted th~ East Center Street Trunk Sewer Lateral in accordance with plans and specificat ~ns, Thurs~ay, August 28, 1952 and recommended that ~crk De officially accepted and that 'otice of Pompietion be filed. Oouncilman Van Wagoner off ted RESOLUWION No. 2019 and moved for ita paBBage ala adoption. Oouncilman Wisser sectded the m~tion. MOTION ~IED. I: A.DSI COUNCILM:D: WiS$ t, Heying fm.d Van Wagoner. IOESI COUNCI;LMII. None! 'I At...: comrC!tMIt: Peat tn and :BO+T. I: Mayo' Pro !em Heying dec1 td the forrgoing Resolution duly pa88~ and 'I f TION: PlACETI.! AVENUE ANNEX.4. ON: De:partment of Public Works advise, that the entia ATettle Annexation, under ~ inanee Nor 810, gives to the City of Anaheim a , lation in the territory of 120:p sona., CIAL &cOptHATING REPORTS: AUG, t': The fO~i lowing financial and operating reports the mo.,.'! Aagu.et, 1952'were ()'. . ered aCC8., ted and filed on motion by Councilmrm er seco1'ldel bY' Councilman Van W. ner. MOT, 01' CARRIED. Ie SERVICB',~\DJ:P!. Deposit $89, 83 .ftJRIR: <BaS.nee General J'und, $i ,?.51.10, ~otal General account.. $486,456.25' 'otal all funds, $918,553. 4DING ~ABJME...:."...:.:........"..: NT: 116 Permits Of. hich 81 wpre !uilding with valuation of t730~5.00. Yeas collect $1.790.~~. GE: 'DePo.........it $6.544,68. rotal r. eipts to ~ate $18.598.75 - Total swimmers 55.006 ESSION: (Ieposit included in Pl e Reportj~ ILECTRICI,-: Fees, $964.40 - 1 . Lighw Wiring, 84 Light Fixtures and 6 Power Wirik permits. 1: JUDGI: __.124.00 handled 451 C .~" 88 in city court. , CLERK:. $J12.00 filing fees and. ital Stat~stic.. COL~IPS: 258 loads - GARJ.B COLLE~O.S 26 loada, or 132 tons. INT~~;:-; ~a~e:A;::~ ~:;g~~s~~t;~e~7i~8~~;~:; ~:~io;:;t::~:;~~~'1952 160 feet 2 inches. ! i Y :BALAN",: '$14,090.30. ING ME!lRS1 $1,900.00. OJ] DEPAlTM'fIT: Activities. DEPJ.R!tCIII: Activities. AUDI'.rO!l:DePOaited in the seve 1 funds, t4ltJ47.4? tRESS LICE DOG L~CENSES: T. 1 collec~ one $4.736.40. A.UDI'l'OI:"J.O.S.. !otal "2,884> of whic .baheim paiel $9.54.60. Oeuneilrnan Van Wagon@r mo, ~ to a.djoU~!i. COUJ1cilllA!l WiAIAr AAe01'ld.ed the MOTIot CAlRIID. II ADJ OJRB:ID . SIG.: Refe" to Resolution Book, ! ge -----t-. ~ ~~~~~~F O~~L~I~~~~~~. ~r~~. o~~~~ i~NAL~~;=rr: 0 ALL 'ftILITIIS Am> TRANSPOR TIOE'. IHO UDING POWER t :rtT.IL .AND WATER, .AJID PERFORMING ALL ton: nCISSARY TO CONS UCT' AIID C MPLETE .1 TRUNK SlUR' MAIN COMMONLY Dod AS THE EAST ODTER $ ET SIWD.! .1r.LADD.L~. ' ~;t:l1 call the :f'Oreg01n;;'8801.uttOn,! was duly pa8h4c and adopted by the ! r1 ~~J u..'............. j, I. ""