. .
MJJt]TES: The M!m1~es 0 1 the .. aepl-.r ...~iDg held Sept...'Der 2). 19;2 and. MJovnecl
Regular meetings held. S 'te.bar 26. 1952 aM. September 30,.1952 were apweftd. on
motiOJl Dl' Oouncilman V IWagoaer aad. ..coacted bl' Oouncilman VieBer. IIOfIOJ: CAliRI..
D.wIDS: Counc:l.la1a.n U. report.d demu4s against the 01 t1' aaount1Jlg \0 .9J.~4.2f
aM ...,..d that report b Ire08i.,.ed -.nd that warrant. be drawn upon the !rea8't1rer \0
~ said de.-nds in ace dance with report. . Counc~lman W1lser s,ooDded the motion.
FI1rANCIAL Be OPERATING IORTS: SEPTEMB1m: The following financial ....o~:rat!.
r8>>Ort. ,tor the month a ISapi.ber. 1952 w8,r8 ordered accepted ~ f11.e.. _ot1_
07 CO'\Ulci1.. Vim Wago. 'and. seco_ed "b7 Oounc1laan Wi...r. MOTIOI' C.AI1tUO.
1 2 - 8:00 P.M.
at!!' .ADMI.IIDA.!IQ OfF
son, Wilger, Haring and Van Wagonap.
UT ·
: Present .
, DIm ;A. M'UJ.U)QCH: Pre.ent.
PIBLIC SIRVICE DEP!. Dd 'sit '104,~),.6s
TBAStIRD:. :Bal_O~ G8 al )Iund. . $229.,.215.;68. total ~nera1 acoount., $460.35.5.68
. '!'oW .all . ~92._861.1). .
CtIY OOVI.'!: 4?6cae..; which 22~ vel'8 P~ing Meter .Violation. - $5.3224)07,co11.,.
:a.DIII LI..-s: ,,~ coll.ct1qnl .2,J~3.68. .
B1fILDtI'G D.J.R'l'MB'1': ] 4 Permits tf whieh107 were Build.ing w~th Tal..\!o. o~
$612.4)6.00... collec.8d $2.267.75-
C'ft CJLII[.: $131.00 J'~ fees "d.. d '1 tal !S~.1,.",~l. ... . '
'rIASH COLLJlO'fIOI8: 277 oada - GAiB.1GJJ OOnLlO!~O.1 26 loads, or 11S,..fqa.
PfJ,ICE DIP.AJa1MII!: .lci; i ti88. . "
LIp'A'F ~CJh _lOct S .78
P~IWI .~: .1.1()~ 0
FlU DP.DlWPTI Ao t1,. i8 s.
em .i.tmI!OJt: Deposita, in the ..,era! fUQda. $25.616.44.
i .
PUBLIC. Pt\'RING: 1-51-" 11 C.P~.C. ....lutio. .0. :0: Petitio}). ot,pro~rv own,r.
o~ Bouth si4e ot Mille ..1ft, ietv.en ..t1! Claad1n& and l'or1h PAilade1phia S\reriar
tf' ChaDc8, zone trom a-lio B-2. ,
'!he City PI ng CO_is,ion recq...nded that the area. ~~ ~...-4 as ....2~
Mr. J. S. ,~ .-coner _4re88ed ;he Council and expres8ed his obleotion
to the propoaal and Mr.ialoup in the audience stated t~t he woul4 like t~ .ee the
cauge go through. .
Councilman H~ng moved that the ,matter be held o....r -.nd Cmmel~ V_
Wagoner aecended the JDo~on. MO!IeN CAD.ID ."
*701' Pear80n~rdered th4 hearing cont,1nued to OctoD.er. 28" 1'5_.,
P.LIC HlWtING:J-52-5~2 O:~P.O. ieaolution Jlo. 7: Petition of lJ:"UOe D. ~e" t
407 East .orth Street, . questing re.c1aesitication of Lot 1, :Block A. "or~hao~
T:r.~t trom R-2 to 0-1.
City Planning Qommiss1on recommended that the application b_ graated,
8uJec t to engineering . quiremen t4.
Oounoi.lman V IWagoner .Ted. that the action of .the PlanJUftg C...ss1oa
b. au.tabled. CO'\me1 He)"ing .too.ed the motion. MO!fIOJl O.ADIJID.
JWf2-53-3: C.P.C. Reso;.tion No.ll: Appl1catioll tor reclaasiticatiol1etpro:per$r'
1JIclwling a group of 10 . in -the Stuth Street and South Street !'raet '&'."2:8114
3.: Llo)'d Moore Su'bdiTi8 4n from R-! to .-:3. (William Loi'tz). .
The City Plan ,ng Commie.ion recommen4ed the rezoning as requeeted~
Public Heari was set fOr NOT..1ter 12. 19.52. at 8:00 Of clock P.M.
Motion by Oouncilman He ng. ,seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTIOI CARlIID.
F-S2-5J-4: C.P.C. Reso ~tion No. 12:. Application.for reclassification of propep.,
L" J. Jem Tract, looa.d at 302 forth West street. from B-1 to B-2. ,
The City Pltng Commietion recommended that the applicatioJl becranted I
aDd the City Council 0, .red PIlbl1e Hearing be held November 12, 1952 at 8100 OIOl,T....~...........
P.M. Motion by Oouncil Heying, seconded 07 Oouncilman Van Wagoner. MO!IOI' CJ1t!I
-APPLICATION FOR VARIANCNO. 169:. Vernon P. Stuewe. 1208 West Waahinctoa ....,e..
Ment.-'llo, California. ~equesting that frontage of Lots.l to 6 ot TDaC' 1~5, ,
ldeated at 908-938 So. ,8 Angelea Street, be reduced from 7S feet to ,6i ft.; 1ie'
depth to remain as at 'sent ot 1)8 teet.
The City Pl~ng Commis,ion in lesolution No.1) recommended to ihe
CQWlo1l that Variance a . :11catlon "e granted. 9ubjeet to filing of a euIA1nstoD..'J._
of, the area. , ,0/ J:. '. .....1L f,'!.lc~i'
Mr. Barroql:J Le.. ".re .pre8ent at theO~t1.,~.tt~';f~~:,Q'f~
2 - 8:00 P.M.
and aubmitted 2 petitions to the Cit Council signed by more than 60 residents of the
district South of Vermont Avenue and last of South Los Angeles Street. The first pet-
ition that Tract l21+.5 be changed froR-3, Multiple Family, to R-l, Single 1I'ai1i17-
Besidential Zone and that all proper lea on South Los Angeles Street. South,.of Vermont
Avenue be zoned 1n a like manner.
.L. The second. petition- reques ed the Oi tV' Council to eJ.low no changes in the
~Of LotBl to 6 1n Tract 1245 a8 requested UDder Variance Application No. 169.
Public Hearing was ordered .eld on November 25, 1952, at 8:00 o'clock P.M.
on Variance No. 109 and petition for tezoning of the traot and territory south of
'1-enaont Stree1i-to B-1 was held over . that dat&.
Motion by Councilman Wie.e . seconded b7 Councilmaa Van Wagoner. MOTIO.
lANCE PETIT~lf IfO. l10: V10la C. J'or triplex building at C8n~.r _dt/~
01ty Plann1ng Commission ( .solutlon 10. l~) recommended that the Variance
1iea.tioJ1 begraated, subject to t . deeding to the City of land on East Oenter
eet and .or~ Placentla AT8Due fO ltuture atreet widening.
Tae 'it7 Council on JDot1o."7 Councilj}an He7ing, 8ocon4ed 87 Oounc1lJ1u
.. Wagoner, oJldered hearing to be hid on No",ember 25. 1952 a.t 8: 00 P.M. MOTION CARRIE.
.~EMENT FOR PIPELINE PURPOSES: An.sement for pipeline p~aes. erasing the
'," t "rqlor L'WItber Co. propert7 was .terred to the 01t1' .I.ttonaev for preparation of
...eiuttoD acoepting grant d. . for eaae.ent from Anaheim Oeoperatiire Orang$
.ociation.leo~ Oelkers stated t. his department bad no objeotioJ;l1 to tBe
~"egoing acti'n taken.
caANT DEED: 'l'Ae (}ity Attorney- waa i tt-uet.d to prepare Resolution- accepttng grant
~d tor ea.e"" tro. Lloyd DorlaDi
lotion made by Council HeyiDg. 8eooDd.d bT Counoilman WisB.r, that the
aI',. Attorney prepare both bsolu'10" accep.t1N:.grant deed: trm easement troll Ana1teim
dileperative Orange Association and. g .4nt d.eed from Lloyd Dor1e.D4. MOTtOI' QlbDD.
"IIlIFIED CLAIM: Verified claim and4tmand for pariia1 refund ot electrical permit and
ippection tees in the amount of $99.0 was subl11tted b,. claimant Walton EleetricCo.,
J..esG. Busso.. partner. Olaim re() ved on October 2" -1952 bt the C1t7 Olerk.. !he
41mant a.nd. aJltorDll7. Mr. Shatf01'd.....ere present at the meeting. Mlq01' Peareon 8t&tedll' .. ....
'bhat the Council had no opportun i ty 0 study the Demand and ordered the same held oVer , .
for stuiq' &11d report.
Oonneilman Van Wagoner mad motion aceordi~y and Councilman Wisser seconded
the mot10n. MO'fIOI CABRIED.
S~EWALK INSTAlLATION: Motion-!bat .opert,. owners of property requiring installation
of; curbs BAd/or sidewalks in the )OOllock Borth Reah Street; at 330 West Vernion'~
q~ the TralBwproperty on Citron St ~ be contaeted to arrange for installation of re-
~red walke sad/or curbs; and turth~. it such arrange..nts cannot be satl1faotori17
ntle,that the supt. of Streets be d:tected to erder the work doneund.-er ~heJprovl.ions
ciI." Section 587.5 of the St-reets and H~W&.78 Ood..
Motien made b,. Councilman'tsser and seoonded b,. Councilman Van Wagoner. '
.101' CARliIED. '
OF BONDS: $1,000,000.: Oal1 f ~ bid. I'ov..'ber 25, 1952, 20 Tear Jl8efiurlt7, all
. to be sold a't one time in .ord. ito secure the best inter.strate pOBsiole. The
7 Council aAopted these recomme ~ion8 and aoved that the Oity Clerk be Instraated
call for bl1e for the sale of bo~ . for e1eotric light improvement and waterworka
~"tallatioas ~d improvements. Bon [issued $1.000.000. for November 25. 1952 at
,-, P.M. lotton by Councilman Wis. J' and ..oorned by Councilman Van Wagoner. MO!l9
IED ..
.EY CO}fDITIO~S - so. OH~O STRE.ET: ~. S.a:rJ:e. and Mr. Jon8.. res1dents of So. Ohio St.
oIIled the attention of the Council the bad alley conditions and poor drainage causing
. water to b~k up into lots in th. location. The Oi ty Jln<<1nee~ etated that there was :l. ..
n.t sufficient grade to work proper1 land that the Department bad knowledge of .thee. .
c;~itions and re~8ted Mr. Jones Mr. Searles and other property owners to control
'b1l8 water conci! tion u.ntil the time" n alley would be properl)" graded and placed in
~_Ijition in the near future.
9TATIVE MAP: .' TRACT 1682: . carner ot So. Citron St. and Welt VeX'JDon~ A.",.,
.,1, Ralph Maaa, SUbdivider. Tract 'ntaining ~5 lot.. COUllQl1man Heying ... t_, the
*-tati'!'. map Ie accepted subject to.ngineering requirements as reco_ued. by t.
al'7 Planning Commission. Council 'Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CAU.ID>.
'.TATIVE MAP: TRACT 1627: Present to the Ci \1' P1u.n11ig Co_lesion by the Plaaalng
~'-'" i8.ion of Iollerton covering tr looation at Euclid Ave. between O~&Dg.;thorpe and
'.11 Aft'. ..,~c....1ai~ JU 10\8.., Oit7 Pl_1ng Co_l.alon ...at on record 8Pprov-
the tr.t .. shown from lu.d ue "'tandpoint. !he City Council referred the map and
~unioati.n to the Ingi...ing De tment for: report on drainage and street location
"0'" 8117 recja.lla_atioa WOQld be , Councll-.n He)"lng made the motion and. Council-
J ll$,', aecoD4led it. MOTIO.-! lABRIXD.
COLLmOTION OF TRASH: P 081 t10ns of both Mr. Wlse and Mr. Taormina for the piek
up and dieposal of tras ,in the re.idential areas were di8cu8sed and ~he ..t~.r
held over for further r , mmeDdatlon 8IJ.d report.
VING LADDER: Proposed purchase of revol vlng ladd:er to
ditions for street and electrical departments. !his
truck. APproximate cost $l,IiMIo., plUR BaleR tu.
proval 01 proposed purchase, Oouncilman Van Wagoner
provide better working
ladder to be mounted on
Councilman Heying moved
seconded the motion.
On roll call
TON ST~T: Petition fer the chaqa in the, J1aIM. ot
Drive (....st of I'or'bh Veet Stroot) waa hold OTN" for
City Att~rD8Y for report.
ALK: Petition for the 11J1finiehed 's8ction of aiciewalk
Resh street was referred to the Adm1n1strative Off1cer
as per previous motion.
BurtOA a_reet to Vest
8~ and referred to
in the 300 .lock of Bor
to contact property ow
RE50LUTION NO. 2023:4
for its ,...age ead aD. ,
el1.man VI611 tl8g0!ler offered Resolution .0. 202' aad. ao....
stoP SIG1fS
'!U CI!:lOO\1!fC:u. OF .. CUY OJ' BAIWM PRI\J~t, J'OJl
IOImI .1IAqT S'DDl' AT m tl'l'DSlCTIOI' ~'.S.
Pe$r80n, Wi8ser, Jle7inc aM Van Waco..r. I
50.e. I
the :~:1Dg :aeIJoluUon .0. 202) 4ul7 1*1- aDd IIII$tOJJJ
TY jqiOM ,CI'l'Y:ar A.1UHEIM: Propoeitlonots.wari.'. War4. .
art)" 570': % 200'; on the ..rthaaa' corner of -or'.. 011.
nnus frqm UM'."(l1t1' of ADaheia and oomauicatio...tti_
pIlent of,propert7 wi th industrial buildings of "'&rioue
s, and the tn>e of oonstruction to be foll..ad. Said
pa8hier8 check of $1,000. Amount of bid for propert7
' that t-.xes be prorated trom olose of 30 dq ..,row aid.
the oust..-r7 escrow, charges. Mr. Ward and Mr. neb
g and were advised that the matter would be held OTer tor
sition' on motion b7 Councilman Heying, s.coM'" 'by
foregoing Re8olution waa dul7 pea.ed aDd ".p~.
Inc., to purchase the
Street and Bast La P
forth the manner of de
si!es, depending upon
bid was ace oBlpanied b7
$15, 000. wi th UJKlers t
both buJer and seller
were present at the mee
fut ther B tu47 of the pr
Councilman Wisser. II>T'
of audit of the C1ty of
of 1946. Same was orde
20: The state Controller filed with the C11;7".__.__'
e1m UDqar Ohapter 20, l.elolution }Jo. !POl-l, Sta....
. reoei Ted. and tiled.
Councilman V
the mot1on. MOTION C
to adJourn. Councilman Wieser s....ed
ADDENDUM: Permi8sion to
bY' Councilman Van WagoD.
8'-te during the Mont