1952/11/07 '44 Cit Hall California November 1 2 - 8-00 P.M. The City Council the City of Anaheim met in Adjourned Regular S.ssion. PRESENT: COUNCILMEN: Pe son. Wiaser. Boney and Van Wagoner. ABSENT; OOUlOIL).fEB; He pg. CITY ATTORNEY. PRESTON : Present. I OITY ADMINIS'l'BATIW OJ'FIC I' KEITH A. MURDOCH; :Present. MINU!ES: !he Minutes of t ~ :Regu.lar Meeting held October 28. 19.52 were approved OD. motion by Councilman Van W onere leconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTIOI ~I!D. r PUBLIC Hi:A.RING: HOUSTON NUE ANNEXATION: Public Hearing, pu.rsuant to R.solution No. 2024 for the calling 0 a Special Election on the proposed Houston Avenue Annexatio~ ~ests filed with the City Clerk. Mr. Robert Clar. ~dre8eed the City Council concerning the Sil8 of lots and the type of zoning in whi ! this proposed annexation would come into the 01t7. He was advised t ' t the lots must have minimum of 6,000 square reet, and the territory would come into e Cit~ as zone R-l. Mr. Clar.t also . ~ted that the people desired improvements of a better calibre in the district. 'the ~or advised him that that also soUDded good to him, and it was in the city's i erest that values yielding the highest tax rates po..i~le was favorable to the City. lAnd he also called attention to the problem of the people on the east side of Anahei !. who were present at the meeting. i~terested in the protection of their develo ~ent in the new Morris Annexation. and that of the adjacent territory. Attorney for th ~. 5. Electrical Motors. Inc. was present at the meeting. Being no objecti s entered, as to the annexation, the MaTor declared the Hearing clo~ed, and proc with' the business of the Council. AYES: .OES: asIft' : ~lman V~ Wagoner offered Resolution Wo. 2039 aDd moved for. i aaid Resolution was read in full. Counci1maa Wi..er seconded I , ~ i RESOX,UTIOI NO. 2039: Co its passage'and adoption. the motion. MOTION CARRI page ,..., A RElOLUTIOB OF THE CITY THE 11ft DAY OJ DIC.mm. TO TIE CITY OF ANAHEIM PR TBI IOLDING OF SUCH ELECT! THE ~UESTION WHETHER SUCH PART OF SAID CITY OF TIONt StmJECT TO TAXATION PRO :RATA PORTION. BASED CITY OF AEAHEIM OUTSTANDI DESCRIBING SAID TERRITORY ESTABLISHING AN ELECTION P OFFICERS OF ELECTION FaR NOTICE OF SUCH ELECTION. CIL or THE CITY OF ANABIIM CALLING A SPICIAL ILJCf1'ION OB ! 52. IN C.UII' TIlmITORY II THE COUN'l'Y oj OIAllGI. COlft'IfUOUI! SED TO :BE ANNEXED TO SAID CITY OF AHABlIM PROVIDIIG loa : J.lrn SUBMIT'l'IIG TO THE ELECTORS RESIDIIG IN SUCH !'DJiI'l'car ! ITORY SHALL :BE ANNEXED TO, INCORPORATED II. Am> MADE .1 . .AND TBm PROPERTY IN SUCH TERRITORY :BE. AFTER sucH A!l1IZIA- ! UALLY WITH PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF ANAHlIM TO PAY I!'S ASSESSED VALUATION, or ALL THE BOlmED IlrnDTEDDSS OF u.m ON THE 21ST DAY or OCTOBER. 1952. OR THERETOFORE AUTROIIZID DESIGNATING IT BY THE NAME OF IHOUS!'OI A VD'OI .1I1t1IA!IaP CINCT AND POLLING FLACE IN SAID TERRITORY. APPOIJ''l'ING 'l'b D SPEOIAL ELECTION AND PROVIDING FOR THE PU!LICATION or On roll follQwing vote: foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted ~ the Pearson, Wisser, Boney and Van Wagoner. Bone. Heying. the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adoptec\. ~ I ORD llA.NCZ 110. 820: deliag,u_t~. pu\>lic Said Ordinance was read i Communication f. express opposition to the Ordinance Bo. 820. Mr. Jess Medari land Leonard Smith both addressed the Oounci1 expressing t~!~ opposition, and that of t a Realty Board, and also stated the Title Companies failed j to recommend laid Ordinan . to the Anaheim Realty Board at their recent meeting. Mayor Pearson s ted the city's view-point, and that the lien prov1.ioR ... already effective on real operty. and the amendment to the code under this Ordinanc. was particularly meant to ply to the collection of sanitation charges fro. lndu8'r1..~ It was moved by ounoilman Wi..er, seconded by Counoilman Van Wagoner that I Ordinance Bo. 820 be held ere MOTION CARRIED. nce amending section 7400.15 of the Municipal Code a. to , ~d sanitation charges Decoming a lie~ O~ real proper\7. :full. the Anaheim Realty Board was submitted and read. '!'her position of liens on real property and the the propose4 ORDllfANCE liO. 821: Counc 1Jnan :Boney offered Ordinance No. 821 and moved for it. pasaage and adoption. Sa. i Ordinance Was read. in full for the final time. OOuncit.a Van Wagoner seconded the ion. MOT I 01' CARRIED. 3L.r5 Cit 1 Anaheim AYES: 11011; .A.:B SII! : COmrCILMD: COUBCILMD: CGel'OILMJ.1f: J'ovember 1 2 - 8:00 P.M. ~tfer AN ORDIDNCI or THE CITY OF ISSUANQI OF ~ONDS OF SAID 01 HElM, CALIFOIUrIA t PliOVID IIG FOR THE IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,000.000. On roll call the foregoing the following vat.: inanee No. 821 was duly palsed and adopted 'b,. Wisser, Joney and Van Wagoner. S'!1rIRf ~TIOH: !he Or~e pro:pOMd~cac1a 8t1'..t .bne:rat~ ..tio. t-,t the Ci't of Anabei .,here of tlrritorial authority_ Said r90rt was ordered rece sec._ by Cot.nd,Jlman Van Wagener. N '7 BoUDdar7 Commission 4enied the petition and Itated further that it was denied with d the 01t7 of Fullerton get together on o !he Ma,er declared Ordinanc~ · 821 duly passed and adopted. on motion by Councilman Wil.er, CO :IT AL .A~TIOX: :leport of t pre,. ng i te apPrtTal of the proposed &1 ~exation ..avlubaitte4 and read. , on ."ion by CJeunellman Tu Wagoner, s' Orange Oounty Boundary Oommie.loa on ex- exation to the city or George A. Collman et id report was ordered received aDd flle4. nded by Councilman Wis..r. MOT lOW ClRRtlD. OJ' :B IDS : OiST IRON WATER PIPE A SttperinteDlent of Light, Power ! e for Cast Iron Pipe and 11ttlng~ C Pipe Co. was low bidder on the 6. 44er on the' 4", 811, lO~ 1211 pipe; r recommended that the pipe be p eim. Couacilaaan :Boney moved that t bid be awarded the low bidders, as per rec".ndation. Councilman Van Wagoner econded the motion. MO'l'IOI CAlmI.. '" 1 ~ICATIOIf: .DAD PUBLIC HOUSIlf, t:xTS: ~lI1II1UIication of Jerry Dole>>. in whic1i :o~.U;~:~1:~::;;:::; !::~:~:~t~~~t~n ::;~~~ !~!n?~:~:::: ::. t::S:l:ch was :i,ost. ! C Counci1.-n Wieser considered on Street to be a good street, and the 10~"on o~::~,:;\:e;~:~:~\:~\~ l~O;:i;~~:: ~:: :~~:~~:u::~~;n:' IlOV,," out or the Oit7. and aoved the a~~. ication or request be denied to aoved the bui ...'.'.............,'''nc to JfoJ:'th Lemon St root on NIl'W~ 0 elae vi thin. the corporat. 11mi ts of the 01 tJ"~of Anaheia. Councilman Wilser I.~. eO. the motion. MO!IOJr C&.RRIED. , FITTINGS: Acting upon the recommendations Water, George Oelkers, and the tabulatioa hlch showed that the Pacific States east pe, and the American Caet Iron Pipe Co. was d on the 3.5,000 pound. of fittings. It-.I based J.O.:B. roundr7 with freight allowed nl' 'It. . liT. 'l'EIT.A.TIRMAP OF TRACT 10. l648 ' Said approval or action on said map was hel<1iover until tb.e next regular meetin . Iac ItB MAP OF.IR......... AOf BO. .1.653: 9 Lot..... f..".. .8UbdlVider is t. h.. e. . Anaheim GOliAS. 80.ciat... pproved '7 'he Oit7 Planning Co~ .sion .ovember 3, 1952. Tent.tlte Map of Tract Io. 16 . val approve4, lu'Oect to Jngineerlng eaents on ..tion by Oouncilman V',Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Wil.er. CARRIED. \ req MCT ~11 'l'D'fJ.'1'IQ MAP OJ TBACT 10. l69i I Said tract located OD. W.st La Pal_ Avau.. ' ROTh":. Te.taUn Map of Traj: I Bo. 1691 vaa approved. subject to ~-.1i~ req\ements 011 mition by Councilman Wirer, seconded b1' Oouncilman :Bone7.' MoftOl . , IU MAP OF tRAO! 11'0. 1691: Locat between lalt Sant. ADa Street, Placentia and ...t SCmth Str..t - l43 lot. ! Subdivider: Shield. Construction. Said T_tatlve Hap of Tract ~ t 1697 val held oyer to the next recular , on motioa by CouncilMll :Bon87'. reconded b7 Councilman Van Waconer. MOTIdI J . on the north slde of East South Street. ider: otto Ahlers. va. brought up for approval. e Morrie Lud. Co., dated October 31, 19.52 conltruction and the minimum of il00.C. ther developaent in this sectioa waui4 B1f*IR MAP OF 1BAa! NO. 1696: Locat eou. of, Tract No. 1468 - S5 lot., Subf ,*, Tent.tit. Map of Tract !lo. lp Communieation submitted from cal~1ng attention to the type of build1 .I~r each heme. and requested that f California November 1 2 -:B:OO~.M~ have building restrictions and other restrictions comparable to those standards already established in thi area. Petition receiv ,submitted and read, signed b1 J) houi.:ho14.~. which 1e the complete list of all r ~idents in the Morris Tract No. l468, and immediate vicinity requesting that t e City diaapprove the Tentative Map of Tract No. 1696. as 1~ would seriously deprec1 ~e the value of their homes which are built on approximately t acre plots and restrict to a minimum of 1100 square feet. 16 persons resid ng in the Morris Tract were present and expressed their disapproval of the propose . development in Tract No. 1696 because of the small lots and abusing which are not ~ anyway comparable to the present development. The Council held over action on Tract No. 1696 fur further study. n TRAlIIFER OF FUNDS: Transf t of $.3,675.00 from the General )'unci to the Bond and Interest Redemption fund w ~ authorized on motion by Councilman Boney, 8econded by Councilman Wieser. MOTIO CARRIED. LIC_SE BOND: For Gas Ap ~ance Dealer for installation of water softeners was accepted, subject to appro 1 of the City Attorney, on motion by Oounci1man loney, seconded by Councilman Van agoner. MOTION CARRIED. I FLOO)) CONTROL: The City ~rk was requested to submit a letter to the o.ange Count)" ~lo04 Control District cat ~ng attention to the nece.aity of flood control protection in the Northeast pDrtion 0 ! the city and requesting the county to take immediate steps to safeguard the peo~e in the territory lying northeast of the city, and the City of Anaheim. MotioDe4~Y Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman ~oney. MOTION CARRIED. . ADJOURNED . Oity Olerk Oouncilman Van W oner moved to adjourn. Councilman Boney seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. SIGHED ~ City Ball, Anahe tn, California, November 12, 1952 - 8:00 P.M. The City Council pf the Oity of Anaheim me~ in regular session. posDT : A'BSBT: COUNCILMEN: No CITY ATTORNEY: PRESTON CITY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFIC ~on, Wi sser, Heying, :Boney and' Van Wagoner. ..: Present. . DITH A. MURDOCH: Present. MlNUlES: The Minutes of t Adjourned Regular Meeting held Friday, I'ovember 1. 19.52 were approved on motion by~ouncilman Heying, seconded by Councilman Van Wagoaer. MOT ION CARR lED.! . DEMA.I])S: Councilman Van W oner reported demands against the city amounting '0 $62,.826.83. Councilman:5o y moved that report of ~inance Oommittee be accepted ....., , that warrants be drawn upo ! the Treasurer to pay said demands in accordance with r.po.~ Council.u.isser seconded the motion. MOTION CA.'RRIJID. ! I I i I ! I FINUCIAL A1ID OFERATING . pRTS: OCTOBER, 1952: The rollowing Fi~cial and Ope~'- ing leports of October, 19 ~ was submitted, read and ordered receive~ aad filed on, motion by Councilman Wisse ~ seconded by Councilman Van Wagoner. MOTIO. C(R!IIDa ,....... I i I I CITY AUDITOR: Deposit $45 ~20.70. CITY ELEOTRICIAN: Deposit ,86l.10 - 105 Electric light wiring permits - 85 Ilectric light fixture pe its and 5 electric power wiring permits. CITY CLJm.X: Deposi t $217. SUPERINTENDENT, LIGHT, PO & WATER: Activities - Water leTel, cit,. welle Iovealbel- 1, 1952 - l57'-O ! - Water purchased froll M.W.D. 77.567,600 gallons. PUllpe4 by city, 29,967. PO gallons. CITY TREASURER: Total Gen tal lunds, $446,680.06 - Total all funda, $812.18)..3l. CITY AUDITOR: J.O.S. SECf ():N j ,. . maintenance and recording floows and trea'ting Sections 5 and 6 ~ Total $2,8.58.16 of which Anaheim paid $947.l9. PUBLIC SERVICE DEPT.: Dep sit $109,325.72 - Sanitation $5,059.64 - Industrial Was'e $6.0lJ.02. LIJ31URY: :Balance November ~, 1952 $7,674.64. CITY JUDGE: Deposit $4.3 ~OO - 643 cases in court of which 338 were parking meter violations. LI CBlSE COLLEO'l'OR: Deposl'. $826.70 - License $768.45 - Veterans' Public Housing $50.00 - Dog lie nses $8.25 346 , i i I I ! ,j i I ! l . I