1961/01/10 4602 Cit .M. the La Palma seconded the stadium arta, be authorized. Councilman Thompson MOTlON'CARRlED. cr NO. 85 - NOTl Statements of CIa in the amount of in the amount of nection with Proj LD Notices to Withhold and Verified s were fi ed by Consolidated Rock Products Company 19,243.93 ~nd by Industrial Asphalt of California, Inc. 26,857016, against H. Bo Adair and Sons, Inc. in con- et Noo 850 t] It was Oved by Co~ncilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Thompson, that the Finance partment be advised of all claims filed against H. B. Adair Company in Qnnection ~ith Project Noo 85, and authorizing the Finance 'Department to wit nold payme~t of all funds until after the expiration of the lien periodo NoTION CAR~IED. ADJOURNMENT, Councilm n Coons moved to adjourn. Councilman Fry seconded the motiono MOT I CARRIED. Anaheim C Council of the City of Anaheim met in regular sessiono 0"'.' Ie 1; PRESENT : ABSENT. PRESENT I COUNCI Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutteo COUNCI N. Noneo CITY MA AGERa Keith Ao Murdoch 0 CITY AT ~NEYt Pr,ston Turnero CITY CL ~Kt Dene'o Williamso CITY EN tNEERI Th~rnton Piersallo SENIOR nANNER, M$rtin Kreidto hutte calltd the meeting to ordero ,,-INurES. Minutes on motion by CARRIEDo . regular meeting held January 3, 1961 were approved, ilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Charrdler. MOrION RESOLUTION NO. 6590. passage and adopt Chandler offered Resolution Noo 6590 for Resolution Booko A RESOLUTION OF T CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHE IM APPROVING AND DIRECfING THE PAY NT OF DEMANDS AGAINST THE CITY AS OF JANUARY 10, 19610 (Warrants Noo 10, 19 to 10,360, totaling $777,940005) f] On roll call the feregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the fo lowing votes AYES. NOES. ABSENT I COUNCILMEN. COUNCILMEN, COUNCI LMEm, Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutteo Noneo Noneo r declared Resolution Noo 6590 duly passed and adopted. CLASSIFICATION NO. FO-61-42 Submitted by John Mo Schlund, et al, OWners, and Tietz Constru 11ion Compar:llY, Agent, requesting change of zone from R-A to R-3, property Qcated on West Street, northeast corner of West Street and Orangewood Av nueo 4603 Cit California - The City Planning Qommission, pursuant to their Resolution Noo 129, Series 1960-61, recormn tided said rezoning, subject to the following conditions. 10 Record Subdiv.~ion Map, cPr dedication of 45 feet from center- line of Orangewood Avenue ( Q feet exi$ting), dedication of 57 feet from centerline of West Street ( , feet exi$ting), preparation of street im- prove_nt plans for and ins dIlation of all improvements on West Street in accordance with approved standard plans on file in :the office of the [],', ".,,'.,.. City En9ineer~ installation of sidewalks on Orangewood Avenue, and payment ' of $2.00 per front foot for street lighting purposes on Orangewood Avenue and West Streetq 20 Filing of sta ard R-3 Multiple Family Residential deed restrictionso 30 Time limitati of 180 days on Item Noso 1 and 2. 40 Development 0 subject property substantially in accordance with the descriptive and gr ~hic plans outlined in the brochure, except where alterations have been itipulated by other conditions contained herein or effectuated by su ~equent Commission action on Tentative Map of Tract Noo 4001, and in a Qordance with Code requirementso 50 Provision of6 foot masonry wall on the north and east pro- perty line, and on the sout and west sides of the subject property 5 feet from the property line, exct at the two points of access provided by the street and alley to Orangew qd Avenue and the single point of access pro- vided by the street to West Street as shown on Tentative Map of Tract 4001, revised and accepted on Dee er 5, 19600 Public hearing wa held January 3, 1961 and action deferred to this date to allow time for further study of the broch\.r' e presented by Tietz Construction Company d for the presentation of more complete plans of developmento Mr. Dick Guthery, 1tepresenting Tietz Construction Company, pre- sented and explained buildi layout plans, which were reviewed by the City Councilo (] In answer to Coun illman Coons' inquiry, Mr. Guthery advised that they would have no objectio 9 to including, as a condition of rezoning, development in the manner s t forth on pages 8 through 12, inclusive, in their brochure entitled, -I troducing the Fontainbleu Luxury Apartments"o RE~L~ION NOo 65911 ]man Chandler offered Resolution Noo 6591 for passage and adoption, i.zing the ,reparation of necessary ordire nce, changing the zone, as reque ed, subject to the recommendations of the City Planning Commission, a further subject to development in accordance with specifications set for on pages 8 through l2~ both inclusive, of the Brochure presented by Tietz onstruction Company and marked Exhibit -A", further subject to the pres ntation to and approval by the City Council of detailed building plans ~ior to final reading of the Ordinance rezoning subject property; and furthr subject to the payment of $25000 per dwelling unit, park and recreation f e, payable at the time of obtaining building permits.. Refer to Resoluti A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CO CIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETER- MINING THAT TITLE 18 OF THE NAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO lDNING SHOULD BE AMENDED AND THAT THE BO . RIES OF CERTAIN ZONES SHOULD BE CHANGED. (F-60-6l~42 - R-3) [] On roll call the adopted by the following YO oregoiog Resolution was duly passed and I AYES I NOES I ABSENT. COUNCI COUNCI COUNCI Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte'. None. Noneo Noo 6591 duly passed and adopted.. 4604 Cit UNCIL MINUTES - Januar' 700 P.M. ISED TENTATIVE MAP TRACT NO. 400 (Reclassification Noo F-60-6l-42) Subdivider, Tietz onstructi~n Company. Tract located on the northeast corner of West St eet and Or.ngewood Avenue, and contains 55 proposed R-3 lotso rJ The Cit 'Planning ctoDlllission approved said map, subject to the following conditi St 10 evelopmen1 of a minimum street grade of .20 percent. 20 The :rovision ~f a 20 foot east-west alley along the north side of Lot Noo 1, 'extending from the north-south alley to the first street east of and paral .1 to West Street. 30 The ovision qf cul-de-sacs on the north";'south streets at the north tract b ,dary. 40 Su .~sion of pertinent plot and building plans to the City Council for revie 0 50 Req more than one su tentative form for Dick ~ement th~t should this subdivision be developed as vision, e~ch subdivision thereof shall be submitted in approval. Action 0 1960 and January cation Noo F-60-6l said traqt was deferred from the meetin~of December 13, to be considered in conjunction with Reclassifi- ~ntative ~p, Tract No. 4001, was presented by Mr. senting th~ subdivider, and reviewed by the City Council. o Councilm h Coons mo~ed that revised tentative map, Tract No. 4001, as submitted at th 6 meeting,' be accepted, subject to the reconaendations of the City P1anni 9 Commission, with the exception of Condition No.2, which shall be amended t provide for a turn around at the north end of the alley on the west side 0 Lots I and 2, as recommended by the City Engineer. Councilman Chandle seconded the motiono MOTION CARRIED. RUEST - USE OF LAA Y SCOUT C 'REE Request of Elbert Weist, Assistant District ommission r, Anaheim District, Boy Scouts of America, for permission to se the northwest section of La Palma Park, including the fire ring, for a ~ y Scouts of America over-night camporee on the weekend of January 20, 21 md 22, 1961, and advising that there would be approxi- mately 200 boys an leaders attending said camporee, was submitted. The City Manager read the recommendations of the Park and Recreation Departmnt and referred to certain sections of the Anaheim Municipal Code per 4ining to Over-night camping and other activities conducted in the C ty Parkso Discussi Anaheim Municipal were consideredo requested the City the Code, in order affecting current n was held by the City Council and provisions of the ode pertaining to allowable activities in the parks t the conclusion of the discussion, COUncilman Chandler Attorney tQ prepare an amendment to those sections of to bring up to date and make workable, regulations ses of the City Parks. Councilm n Coons moved that the request of the Boy Scouts of America be granted subject to the regulatory provisions of the Park and Recreation Departm nto Councilman Thompson seconded the motiono MOTION CARRIED. n Request of Mr. George Baney the relocation of his Ice R Mro Bane was present, and also Mr. Agnew, representing Santa Ana Neon Sign Comp , and th~y were advised by the Council that it would be necessary to fil a new formal sign application for the relocation of the sign, if said ign does not conform to the present sign standards, further, that if s od application was filed in the City Clerk's office prior to 5.00 o'cl k, Thursday evening, January 12th, it would be con- sidered by the Coun il at their next meeting, January 17, 1961. 4605 . TRACT NO. ~7()* Request of L. F erick Paek for six months extension of time to Tefttative Tract No. 3370 'as submitt&d, and granted as requested, on motion by Councilman Coons, Seconded by Councilman Fry. MOTION CARRIED. DANCfP1iRM~t Application filed ~y Earl M. Selleck, Treasurer of The Empire Club, 'requesting permission '0 conduct a public dance at the Anaheim Elks Club, January 14, 1961, was~ubmi tted. Councilman Chand 1 ~ moved said dance permit filed by The Empire Club be granted, subject to1he recommtndatlons ~ theChlef of Police. Councilman Thompson seconde Ithe motiono MOTION CARRIED. [J R~QUijST -'~DE'ALl(WAIV~t Requ ~t of Arnold Eo Hoffman and Loi~ A. Grafton~ dba Laber King, for c21etioof the sidewalk requirements at 209 South Manch.ster Avenue, was subm'tited. On therecoDlnenda ~ons of the City Engineer~ temporary waiver of sidewalk requirements at 209 500 Mamchester Avenue was granted on motion by Councilman Fry, seconded by 'ouncilman Thompson. MOTION CARRIED. REQUEST - WDEWALK WA.IVER. Requ ~t of Robert D. Hampton, Jr. for waiver of sidewalk requirements at 25 INo. Manchester Avenue (Variance No. 1313) was submitted. On the recommenda ~ons of the City Engineer, temporary waiver of siclewalkrequirements at ~50 Noo Manchester Avenue was granted on motion by Councilman Fry, seconded ijy Councilman Thompson. MOTION CARRIED. CITY PUNNIIJ CQMMIS8ION ITEMS, 4ctions taken by the City Planning Comlssion January 3, 1961, pertaininto the following applications, were submitted for City Council informatio , City Council taken by the - Title Insurance and Trust Company 4 - William G. Isaac, Walter Hauptman (] VARI - Advestors, Incorporated. At the request of Councilman Coons, the Ci t Clerk was instructed to schedule this ap- plication for public hearin before the City Council. FINAL ~TION - JOB NO. 550. The City Engineer certified that Sully-Miller Contracting Company has com leted the Orangethorpe Avenue street improve- ment in accordance with pla s and specifications, and recommended the work be officially accepted REi04lfI~ NO. 6592. Counc lman Coons offered Resolution No. 6592 for passate and adoptiono Refer to Resoluti . Book. A RESOLlITION OF THE CITY CO ,CIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINALLY ACCEPrING THE COMPLETION AND THE FURN $HING OF ALL PLANT, LABCIi, SERVICES, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT AND ALL UfILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION INCLtDING POWER, FUEL AND WATER. AND PERFORMING ALL WORK NEC $SARY TO CONSTRUCT AND CC>>4PLETE THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT t TO WIT t THE IMPROVEMENT OF ORANGETHORPE AVENUE 9 FRC* APPROXIMATELY 25 FT. WEST 0 THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD TO APPROXIMATELY 1237 0.. . ... . FT. WEST OF SAID RAILROAD, N THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, JOB NO. 550. On roll call the oregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote. AYES, NOES, ABSENT a COUNCI ~. Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. COUNCIL ~t None. COUNCI ih None. The Mayor declare Reso.h.t tion No. 6592 duly passed and adopted. i I 4606 . fornia - RESOLUTION NO. 659~. Cuncilman Chandler offered Resolution No. 6593 for passage and adoption. Resolutiotn Book. f] l A RESOLUTION OF T CITY 001' ell OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPI'ING A GRANT DEED CQ.lVEYING TO tHE CITY O. ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASEMENT FCIt ROAD AND PUBlC lITILITY .. URPOSES. (The Presbytery of Los Angeles) On roll oall the f.regoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following atec AYES, COUNCILME$. Chandler, Coons" Fry, Thompaon and Schutte. NOES. iCOUNCILME~1 None. ABSENT. iCOUNeILME~. None. declaredlResolution No. 6593 duly passed arid adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 6594, ncilman ~handler offered Resolution No. 6594 for passage and adopt A RESOLtrrIrn OF T ! CITY couNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AcCEPTING A ~ANT DEED CONVEYING TO i CITY oa ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASEMENT FOR ROAD AND PUBLI UTILITY ~URPOSES. (Orange Avenue Baptist Church) On roll all the fqregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the fol ~wing vote. f) AYES. COUNCILME~. Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. NOES. COUNCILMEN. None. ABSENT, COUNCIIJ4E~, None. The Mayo declared Resolution No. 6594 duly passed and adopted. a,SOLUrlONNO. 65951 C 1Jncilman Tlhompson offered Resolution No. 6595 for passage and adopti n. Refer to Resolution Book. A RESOLtlTIQN OF T CITY OO'TN1PIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACQ:PTING A DEED QUITCLAIMING TO T' CITY OF ~AHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY, TOOETHER. WITH APPURTENANCES, FOR MuNICIPAL PURPOSES. (J. C. Neighbors & C. B. Neighbors, 1/6th interest - ell site) On roll all the fo~egoing Resolution was duly passed and actopted by the fol owing voteia AYES. COUNCILMEN I' Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. NOES. COUNCILMEN:!. None. ABSENT. COUNCILMENI, None. The Mayo declared Resolution No.. 6595 duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 6596. C ~ncilman Thompson offered Resolution No. 6596 for passage and adopti ~. o Refer to Resolution Book. A RESOLUfION OF T CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM Aurll;>RIZING THE PURCHASE AND A~UI trIoN OF ~RTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR MUNICIPAL PURPOSES~ (Josephine Ochoa) On roll adopted by the fol AYES, NCE 5 t ABSENT. .11 the foregoinq Resolution was duly passed and owing vote. C~_~CILMEN. Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. COUNCILMEN None. ~OUNCILMEN None. 4607 6596 duly passed and adopted. The Mayor CANCELLATI~ Of COUNTY TAXESt 0 ~otion by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Chandler, the Ora :e County Board of Supervisors was requested to cancel County taxes on pr perty acquired by the City of Anaheim for municipal purposes pursuant 'ResolutiQ>n No. 6496, from Lillie M. Schwartzbach and George D. A ~an, et al, and recorded December 22, 1960 as Document No. 222602 in Bo k 5561, Page 259, Official Records of Orange County. MOTION CARRIED. BROADWAY-GIWERT ANNEXATION. The qllowing certificates relative to the sufficiency of a petition of annexation f inhabited territory to the City of Anaheim, were swbmitted by the City C 'rk. CERTIFICATE RELAT G TO SUFFICIENCY OF PETITION FOR THE ANNEXATION OF IN .ITED TERRtTORY TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ./ STATE QF CALIFORNIA) COOOY Of ~ANGE ) sSo CITY OP ANAHEIM ) I, DSNE M. WILLI" City Clerk of the City of Amheim, do hereby certify that upon receiving ~ my office a petition requesting the annexation to the City of Anaheim of ceiain territory known and designated as BROADWAY- GILBERT ANNEXATION, I have c .cked said petition and have examined the County Registration of Voters Recor " to ascertain the total numbe%" of qualified electors residing within the territory described in said petition, and I FURTHER CERTIFY that from such examination and inspection, I find that the total number 0 qualified electors residing in said territory is sixty-nine (69) electors, $nd I find that said petition is signed by forty (40) qualified elector residing within the territory described in said petition, as shown by the Co l\ty Registration of Voters of Orange County, Califomia, and I FURTHER CERTIFY that the last mentioned number of qualified electors corstitutes not les than one-fourth of the qualified electors 1'..... siding within the territory toposed to be annexed, as shown by such County Registration of Voters Recor So I FURTHER CERTIFY that said territory described in said petition is contiguous to the City of An 'eim and does not form a part of any other incor- porated cityo DATED this 9th de of January, 1961. /s/ Dene M. Williams City Clerk of the City of Anaheim ( SEAL) CERTIFICATE RELAT "G TO SUFFICIENCY OF PETITION FOR THE ANNEXATION OF IN tHIED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss 0 CITY OF SANTA ANA ) I, L. B. WALLACE, County Clerk of the County of Orange, do hereby certify that I am the County Officer having charge of the Registration of Vot.rs in the County of Oran ,and I HEREBY FURTHER RTIFY, that I have examined, or caused to be ex_ined, the petition l' eived by the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim for the annexation of certai territory to said City of Anaheim known and designated as BROADWAY-GILB [ANNEXATION, to ascertain the total number of qualified el.ctors residi 9 within the territory described in said petition, as shown by the C ty Registration of Voters, and to determine the number of qualified elec ors whose names are signed to said petition. I FURTHER CERTIF that from said examination, it appears that o o o 4608 ' . the total number described in said total number of is forty (40) ele more, of the qual to be annexedo f qualifi~ electors residing within the territory petition is sixty~nine (69) electors, and that the alified e11ectors whose names are signed to said petition tors, and that said number represents one-fourth, or fied electors residing within said territory proposed of January, 1961. o (SEAL) Is/ L. B. Wallace County Clerk of the County of Orange Counciilman Coons offered ResoJu tion No. 6597 for Book. A RESOLurION OF T CITY COlt-lCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO CALL A SPECIAL ~LEcrION TO St)BMIT TO THE QUALIFIED EIJ!crORS RESIDING IN THE RETNAFI'ER bE$CRIBED TERRITORY THE QUESTION OF ANNEXATIC14 OF SAID TERRITORY to THE CIT~ OF ANAHEIM. (Public hearing to be heid February 14. 1961 7100 P.M.) On roll call the fbregoinq Resa lution was duly passed and adopted by the fo lowing vote. AYES. NOES, ABSENT, COUNCILMEN. Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutt.. COUNCILME~. None. COUNCILME~. None. f] r declared Resolution No. 6597 duly passed and adopted. ,RE TS. Financial and operating reports for the 1960, were ordered received and filed, on motion by seconded b~ Councilman Chandler. MOTION CARRIED. Annual ilding Department Repoft for 1960 was ordered received and filed on mot on by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Chandler. MOTION CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE. Corre pondence not requiring vote of Council was ordered received and file on motion by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Fry. MOTION CARRIEDo - CANV 55 OF ELECTION TURNS Mayor Schutte en Fry, Inspector, and Councilmen Coons, Chandler and for the purpose of canvassing the'returns of votes 1 election held January 3, 1961, for the annexation of Ity of Anaheim, known and designated as Northeast and also for the purpose of canvassing the returns allotso The Tal y List and semi-official returns were compared by the Canvassing Board nd found to have been reported correctly. The Canvassing Board hen proceeded to canvass the absent voters ballots. I] The Cit Clerk reported that two absentee ballots had been issued. Prior to the date of election, the signatures on the applications for absent voter's ha lots had been checked and found to compare with the signatures on the original affidavits of registration. The can ass proceeded according to law. and at the conclusion thereof~ Councilm n Fry, Inspector, announced that it was the findings of the Canvassing Board that a total of thirteen votes were cast at the special election, ell in favor of the annexation. .. Councilman Chandler offered R.'solo tion No. 6598 a bption. 4609 A parcel of land ocated in the County of Orange, State of California, more particularly described as follows. Beginning at an a .le point in the existing ~ity limits line of the C1 City of Anaheim, as establi 'ed by the Northeast Annexation No.2-A, of th. .. . ... City of Anaheim, passed by tdinance No. 1269, on August 12, 1958, and filed with the Secretary of State on September 12, 1958, said angle point being the point of intersection 0 the westerly right of way line of Jefferson. Street with the easterly ri lit of way line of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe RailwaYJ thence, California - , Refer to Resoluti A RESCLUTION OF THE CITY CO CIL OF THI; CITY OF ANAHEIM CAUSING A REC~D OF CANVASS OF RETURNS OF SP IAL ELECTION TO BE ENTERED ~ ITS MINUTES. WHEREAS, the City .ouncil of the City of Anaheim has canvassed returns of a certain speciaannexation election held on the 3rd day of January, 1961, in certain u ~ncorporat.d territo~y sought to be annexed to said City of Anaheim, an WHEREAS, the City Council has caused a record to be made of the canva&s of returns of said ~ection, which record is entitled, ~EOORD OF CANVASS OF RETURNS OF SPECI i ANNEXATIC>N ELECTION HELD JANUARY 3, 1961"0 NOW, THEREFORE, B IT RESOLV!D by the City Council of the City of Anaheim that said record of qanvass of returns of said el~ction be, and the same is hereby ordered, ent led upon the minutes of said City Council. THE FOREGOING RES 'urION is signed and approved by me this 10th day of January, 19610 Attest. /s/ Dene Mo Williams City Clerk of the City of Is/ A. J. Schutte Mayor of the City of Anaheim On roll call by the following vote. QregoinQ Resolution was duly passed and adopted "", AYES. NOES. ABSENT . COUNCI COUNCI COUNCI Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. None. None. Noo 6598 duly passed and adopted. F RETURNS OF SPECIAL ANNEXAT ION ELECTION LD JANUARY 3, 1961 The City Council f the City of Anaheim hereby makes a record of canvass of returns of speci 1 annexaticn election. Said January, 1961, ation election was held on the 3rd day of provided by law. That for said ele 1ion, said City Council duly established one voting precinct, which was esignated as the Northeast Annexation No. 3 Voting Precinct. That the polling ~ace for the Northeast Annexation No. 3 Voting Pr-ecinct was established an maintained at the Victor H.. Peltzer Residence" 7002 Richfield Road, Anahei t Orange County, California. That said polling place was located within th 'hereinafter described unincorporated territory. The description 0 the property proposed to be included in the annexation knwon as the NOR IlEAST ANNEXATIOO NO,. 3 is as follows. 10 Northerly Street, to the point of south line of the north , the westerly right of way line of said Jefferson tsection with the westerly prolongation of the of the north half of Lots 41 and 40 of Hazard.s ..... () [J 4610 Subdivision as sh wn on a mal> filed in Book 1, Page 26, of Records of Survey in the Office of County Recorder of said Orange County, thence, 2. Eas .rly along said westerly prolongation and the last mentioned south line, to th point of lntersection with the westerly right of way line of Van Buren $treet, th,nce, f] 3. Sou htrly along the last mentioned westerly right of way line to the point of i tersection,with the westerly prolongation of the north line of Lot 46 of said Hazar.'s Subdivision, thlnce, 4~ fas ~rly alongsaid westerly prolongation and said north line to the west line f Lot 10, ~f Block 36, of the Vorba Linda TZ'act,.1 shown on a lDap filed in Bo k ~, Pages 17 and 18 of Miscellaneous Maps, in the Office of the County Rec >>der, of s.ld Orange County, thence, 5. Sou ~erly alon, the last mentioned west line to the intersection of the north line Qf the south.~ly 61.34 feet of Lot 10, Block 36, of said Vorba Linda Tract thence, 7. Sou erly alont the last mention&d westerly right of way line to the point of i 'Cersection with the westerly prolongation of the north lin~ of Lot 12, 0 the last mentioned Block and Tract, thence, 6. right of way n ~rly along the last mentioned north line to the westerly df Richfield Road, thence, erly along the last mentioned westerly right of way line rsection with the westerly prolongation of the north e last mentioned Block and Tract; thence, 80 Eas .rly along the last mentioned prolongation and north line to the westerly r ht of way line of Fee Ana Street; thence, 15. Nor erly along the westerly line of the above mentioned parcel of land to ts northwest corner, thence, 9. to the point of i line of Lot 9 line to 110 Sou line to the inter line of that parc Collman, husband filed in Book 219 120 Eas of the land conve intersection of t Campbell and Glad 1957, filed in Bo thence, n 130 prolongation, to parcel of land co husband and wife, Records of Orange 140 Wes southwest corner and Martha Virgini rly along the last mentioned prolongation and north ly right of way line of Taylor Street, thence, rly along the last mentioned westerly right of way ction of the westerly prolongation of the northerly of land conveyed to George Albertus Collman and Mary F. wife by Deed No. 26662, recorded May 22, 1951, and , Page 307, Records of Orange County, California, thence, ly along the westerly prolongation and northerly line to said George Albertus Collman and wife to the west line of that parcel of land conveyed to F~ E. Campbell, husband and wife, by deed recorded June 27, 3955, Page 279, Records of Orange County, California, rly along the last mentioned west line and its northerly , point of intersection with the southerly line of that yed to Adolf Schoepe and Martha Virginia Schoepe, ( Deed recorded May 4, 1960, in Book 5225" Page 495, unty, California, thence, ly along the last mentioned southerly line to thl said parde! of land conveyed to said Adolf Schoepe Schoape, husband and wife, thence, 16. Nort easterly along the northerly line of the above mentioned parcel 0 land 626.8 feet, and along the north line of that parcel of land con eyed to Adolf Schoape and Virginia Schoepe, husband and wife, being Parcel No. 1 and ,Parcel Noo 2 described in deed recorded January 6, 1959 in Book 4537, Page 206, records of Orange County, Calif" ornia, a distancetf 955.2 feet, more or less, to the northeast corner of said Parcel No.2, thence, 4611 170 Southeasterly southwesterly and southeasterly along the easter~y line of the above ,ntioned p~operty to the southerly line of the above"ntion.d Parcel 2, t fnce, 180 Southerly in Idirect lime to the northeast corner of that parcel of land conveyed to ~. Eo Campbtll and Gladys Campbell, husband and wife, by Deed recorded June 27, 1 '7~ in Boot 39~5, Page 279 of Official Records of Orange County, Californl . thence, 19. Southerly and 'e6terly along the easterly and southerly line of the last aentioned parce ;of land to the southeast cot-ner of that parc'.l of laqd conveyed to George ~b.rtus Collman and Mary Fo, Collman, husband and w1fe, by Deed recorded y 22, 1951, in Book 2191, Page 307, Official Recore. of Orao.. County, C~ifornia, thence, 20. Westerly alon !the southerly line of the last mentlonedparcel of land and its westerly pr 'ongation io the westerly line of Taylor Street, thenc., 210 Northerly alo the last mentioned westerly line of Taylor Street, to the south line 0 !the northerly 143.52 f..t of Lot 14, Block 36, of the Yorba Linda Tract as ,own on a ,map filed in Bo6k 5,1)age& 17 and 18, of Mi.~,llaneous Maps, rece:> ,6 of Orange County, CallforniaJ thence, 22. Westerly alan !the last I8entioned south line of th"'northerly l43.~2 f..t of Lot 14 and 1 j Block 36, of said Yorba Lincta Tract to the easterly right of way line Fee Ana Street, thence 23. Southerly al the easterly right of way line and its southerly prolongation of said Fee An ~treet, to its intersection with the Rancho Santi..o de Santa Ana Ranch ;line; thence, 24. Southerly and .~ a general southwesterly direction along the Rancho Santiago de Santa An hancho line to its inter$ection of the south- west..iy right of way line ; California State Highway Route ORA VII Route 1 ~-B, thence, 25. Southeasterly said State Highway Route to 147.72 feet westerly of the as shown on a map filed in of Orange County, Californi , ong the southwesterly right of way line,of e intersection of a line parallel with and st line of Lot 20 of the J. D. Taylor Tract k 5, Page 16 of Miscellaneous Maps, Records thence, 26. Southerly alo southerly prolongation to t line of the Santa Ana Valle of Record of Survey filed in Office of the County Recorde the last mentioned parallel line and its ; intersection of the northerly right or way ttrrigation Company Canal, as shown on a map Book 4, Pa,ge 45, 0 f Records of Survey in the ~, of said Orange County, California, thence, 27. Southwesterly aong the north line of said Santa Ana Valley Irrigation Company Canal to ts intersection with the existing City of Anaheia City limit line as e tablished by said Northeast Annexation No. 2~A to the City of Anaheiml then e, Following the exist ~g Anaheim City limit line as established by said Northeast Annexation No 2-A northwesterly, northeasterly, northwesterly. westerly, northerly, northwe terly, northerly, easterly, northerly, easterly, and northerly, to the point f beginningo That the propositi said unincorporated territor to the electors residing within Shall Northeast Annexat bn No. 3 be annexed to the City of Anaheim, Califo ~ia, and the property in said YES Northeast Annexation No 3 be, aft.er such annexation, subject to taxation equ ~ly with the property within said Ci ty of Anaheim to pay its pr:o rata portion, based NO upon assessed valuation of all bonded indebtednes6 of -<~ II [J a 4612 it Hall Ana said or t on December 8, 1960, That sa ~ City Cou~cil met at its regular meeting after the ex- piration of three <lays from ~nd after the date of said election to canvass the returns of sa d election~ and at said regular meeting, did make and complete its canv $S of such returns. o by its canvass of such returns, said City Council finds1 10 Tha 2. Tha annexation was 11 30 Tha the numbet of votes cast at such election against said annexation was O. 4. Tha the numbet of ballots received as absentee votes was 2. 5. Tha the numbet of ballots received as absentee votes in favor of annexati n was 2. 60 Tha the numbet of said annexation w s 00 the wholeinumber of votes cast at such election was 13. the numbet of votes cast at such election in favor of ballots received as absentee votes against >>-h~:N. ~~ ~,~~ CITY CLERK OF THE qITY OF ANAHEIM Council~an Coons offered Ordinance No. 1542 for first AN ORDINANCE OF T CITY OF ,wAHEIM APPROVING THE ANNEXATION TO SAID CITY OF ANAHEIM OF CERTAI INHABITED 'TERRITORY KNOWN AS NORTHEAST ANNEXATION NO.3. o After h !Xing read in full the title of Ordinance No. 1542 and having knowledge the contEfnts therein, Councilman Coons moved the reading in full 0 said ordinance be waived. Councilman Chandler seconded the motiono MaTI UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. ~SOLUTION NO. 6599r and adoptiono . ncilman Coons offered Resolution Noo 6599 for passage Refer Res olution Booko A RESOLUTION OF T CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE E tur ION OF ,A RIDER TO THAT GERT AIN EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT LOAN AGREEMENTMA AND ENTE~D INTO BY AND BETWEEN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY AN THE CITY aN JUNE 17, 1959, EXTENDING THE TERM THEREOF;. ( 3 distribution t Bnsformers - City Park) On roll all the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following v tea AYES, COUNCILMEN. NOES. COUNCILMEN, ABSENT t COUNCILMEN. Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. None. None. n declared Resolution No. 6599 duly passed and adopted. MILEAGE I On the report operating costs an mileage rate paid be established at motion. MOTION C and reco~ndation of the City Manager regarding average automotive expenses, Councilman Fry moved that the en individual automobiles are used for City business &n cents per mile. Councilman Coons seconded the RIED. SALARY INEQUITIES. M~. Murdoch reported on inequities of the salary resolution resulting from the creation olf fly" steps, and reconnended that adjustments be made to correct the positions outlined in report dated January 6, 1961, and that the emplo ees original aniversary dates be restored., It was m ved by Councilman Goons, seconded by Councilman Fry that 4613 the recommendations rsonnel Department and City Manager be accepted, and that correction be made if the salary inequities as listed, in report dated January 6, 1961, furt 'r, that the employees original anniversary date be restored. MOTION C IED. 1mBAN ~~~.~ II'ROGRAMt Di the Cty Attorney relative considered by the City Coun with State and Federal auth infor~tion, and the City ssion was held pertaining to l'eport made by the Urban Redevelop.nt Program. It was !l that an additional meeting should be scheduled ;ities for the purpose of obtaining additional lager was requested to make such arrangements'i DYKE WATER. pa4PANY SYSTEM, In a pertalRing to the position Public Utilities Co~ission it was the consensus of the on this matter at this timeo er to the inquiry of the City Attorney City of Anaheim wished to take before the , garding the sale of Dyke Water Company system, "ty Council that no position whould be taken (Ii Mayor: Schutte presented ,for appointment, Coulson, as members of the City Planning Discussion was hel beingl'atified at this time, Mr. P.~ry and Mr. Coulson, by the City Council as to the appointments nd Councilman Fry offered a 'Resolution appointing ers of the City Planning Conmission. To this Resolution Coons requested the record against either gentlemen, Thompson thought the proced Councilman Schutte voted .Y Councilman Chandler abstained from voting. Councilman ; show that at this particular moment he h~d nothing voted -NO. 0 Councilman Fry voted .YES.. Councilman was uncalled for and voted -NO" on that basis. Mayor Schutte decl lack of majority vote. M.J[)~NI. Councilman Coons m and also moved waiver of fu Chandl.X' seconded the motion the Resolution of appointment failed to carry. for ~d to adjourn to January 17, 1961, 3.00 PoM., er notice of said adjournment. Councilman MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. ADJOURNED. SIGNED, [) [] o