1961/03/21 471.6 n" U for the and filed on motion by MOTION CARRIED. NTER- IC It was m()ved by Councilman Coons, seconded by Counc man Fry, !that membership in Inter-American Municipal Organization be a thorized tior this year only, and that membership contribution in t e amount of $100.00 be paid. MOTION CARRIED. SIGNEDi ~ ADJOURNMENT. Council the motion. to adjourn. Councilman Fry seconded ADJOURNED I ,Ofornia -COUNCIL MINUTES - March 1 M. rJ Council of the City of Anaheim met in regular session. PRESENT a ABSENT. PRESENT I Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Sohutte. N. None. GER. Ke~th Ao Murdod1. RNEY. P1eston Turnero KI DeneMg Williams, . RKS DIREQTORI Thornton Piersall. ITY ENGINUER. James Maddox. ,LANNING DjRECTORI Richard Ag Reese. COUNCI COUNCI CITY CITY A CITY C PUBLIC Ar::rING ACfING hutte ca11ed the meeting to order. MINUTES. Minutes of the regular meeting held March 7, 1961 were approved on motion by Cou Oilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Fry. MOTION CARRIED. of Mutual Citrus Products front of their new cold Street, and to blacktop the submitted. o ~ecommenda~ons of the City Engineer, temporary waiver of sidewalk require tnts was granted, on motion by Councilman Fry, seconded by Councilman Ch ndlero MOtION CARRIED. AN Application requesting permission to ng sign at 1660 W. Lincoln, together with plana, was lewed by the Council, and on motion by Councilman Chandler, Refe. to Resolutl n Book. R410WlIICIJ NO. 6751. A 'IE.urtON OF THE CITY CO . CIL OF TtJ CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY ~EQUIRE THE CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLETION OF A PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT, TO WIT. THE MILLER STREET SEWER IMPROVEMENT, FROM ANAHEIM ROAD TO APPROXIMATE Y 721 FEET' SOUTH OF ANAHEIM ROAD, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, JOB NO. 1218, A () APPROVINP THE DESIGNS, PLANS, PROFILES, DRAWItlGS AND SPECIFICATIONS POR THE CoNSTRUCTION THEREOFr AUTHORIZING THE CONSTltUCTION OF SAID PUBLIC IMPROVEMENt IN ACcmDANCE WITH SAID PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, ETC., AND A ,HORIZING ~ND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH A NOTICE INVITING SEALED PR PoSALS FOR THE COOSTRUCTION THEREOF. (Bids to be opened April 13, 1961, 2.00 P.M.) RqoIJ.(II~ NO. 6752. A RE "UTION OF tHE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY Of ANAHEIM FINDIIG AND DETERMINING THA PUBLIC OO~ENIENCE AND NECESSITY REQUIRE THE CON- STRuctION AND CQAPLETION OF A. PUBLIC I~PROVEMENT, TO WITa THE IMPROVEMENT OF LOS ANGELES STREET, FRCJA CE alTOS AVENtJE TO APPROXIMATELY 600 FEET SOUTHERLY THEREOF, IN THE CITY OF ANA IM, JOB N~. 561, AND APPROVING THE DESIGNS, PLANS, PROFILES, DRAWINGS AND SPEC fICATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCfION THEREOF, AurHORIZING THE CONSTRUCTION OF SAID P tIC IMPROVEMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH SAID PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, ETC.; AND A HORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH ~p:~~~c;p;~Ig~Gl~~~~~t~ ::;~)S FOR THE CONSTROCTION THEREOF. (Bids to be n R~SOI1JI.ION NO. 6753. A RES Ii.tlfION OF tHE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDIII; AND DETERMINING TIiA PUBLIC CONvENIENCE AND NECESSITY REQUIRE THE CON- STRUcrION AND COMPLETION OF A PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT, TO WIT. THE IMPROVEMENT OF CIES STREET, FRC14 PLACENTIA AVENUE TO CYPRESS AVENUE, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, JOB NO. 575J AND APPROVING HE DESIGNS, PLANS, PROFILES, DRAWINGS AND SPECI- FICATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCT ON THEREOF. AtlfHORIZING THE CONSTRUCTION OF SAID PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT IN ACCORANCE WITH$AID PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, ETC_, AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING T CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH A NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS FOO THE CONSTRUCfON THEREOF. (Bids to be opened April 13, 1961, 2100 P.M.) RESOLLlI'ION NO. 67541 A RES LUTION OF tHE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THA PUBLIC ComvENIENCE AND NECESSITY REQUIRE THE CON- STRUCTION AND CCMPLETION OFA PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT, TO WIT, THE BALL ROAD STREET IMPROVEMENT FRCM PLACENTIA VENUE TO TI!IE SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, JOB NO. 48 0, AND APPROVING THE DESIGNS, PLANS, PROFILES, DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONSPOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF; AtlfHORIZING THE CONSTRUCTION OF SAID PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH SAID PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, ETC.; AND A HORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH A NOTICE INVITING SEALED PR ROSALS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF. (Bids to be opened April 13, 1961, 2100 PoMo) 4717 Ci seoonded by Councilman Tho son, granted as requested. MOTION CARRIED. RECLA$SIFICATICN NO. F~~O-56-30J Request of Go R. Parsons for 120-day extension of ti.. of improvement bond filed in qlonnection with Reclass1ficat1on No. P-05-06-30, was submitt d, and grarted, on the recommendations of the Actin, City Engineer, on mo ton by Coulncilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Thomplon. Al)TION CARRIED. Councilman Coons offered for passage and adoption. On roll call the oregoing Resolutions Nos. 6751 to 6754, both inclusive, were duly passed and adopted by the following vote. AYES, NOES. ABSENT. t Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. . None. a None. The Mayor declare Resolutions Nos. 6751, 6752, 6753 and 6754 duly passed and adopted. rJ..:.....!........ LJ [] 4718 F NA TION - 30 . 11991 The Director of Public Works certified that Orange Count iConstruct~on Company has completed the construction of the Olive Stre sewer im~rovement from Commercial Street to La Palma Avenue, in accord nce with plans and specifications, and recommended the work be official 1 :accepted. 01; ~ R L I NO. , . A RESOJi,.UTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINALLY A EPTING T~ CCMPLETION AND THE FURNISHING OF ALL PLANT, LABOR, SERVICES, MA .RIALS AND. EQUIPMENT AND ALL tJI'ILITIES AND TRANSPORTATICIJ INCLUDING POWER, tfEL AND WAtER, AND PERFORMING ALL WORK NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT AND COM ~TE THE F~LLOWING 'PUBLIC IMPROVEMJ:NT, TO WIT. THE OLIVE STREET SEWE . IMPROVEME$T, FRCM LA PALMA AVENUE TO CCWMERCIAL STREET, IN THE CITY OF AN ~IM, JOB $0. 1199. (Orange County Const. Co.) by the call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted ote. AYES. COUNCILME~. Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. NOES. COUNCILME~I None. ABSENT. I COUNCILMEN. None. The May t declared'Resolution No. 6755 duly passed and adopted. ~EDS Of EASEMENTSa C .ncilman C~andler offered Resolutions Nos. 6756, 6757 and 6768 for pass ,e and ado~tion. IT ;Resolution Book. A RESOLtn'ION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF " GRANT D$D CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM: aiRTAIN ~ EASEMENT FOR ROAD AND PUBLIC tn'ILITY PURPOSIS. Co. ) On roll call the foregoing Resolutions Nos. 6756, 6757 and 6758 were duly passed d adopted by the following vote. AYES. NOES I ABSENT COUNCILMaN, Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. COUNCILMaN. None. COUNCILMSNt None. The Ma dr declared Resolutions Nos. 6756, 6757 and 6758 duly passed and adopt . r" ", , ,ESOLurION NO. 6759, ouncilman Coons offered Resolution No. 6759 for passage and adoption. Refer q Resoluti~n Book. A RESOLtn'ION OF ItE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DECLARING ITS INTENT ION TO V AC~E AND ABAIDON THAT POOT ION OF AN EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC trrILITY PURPOSES ~PON, ALON$, OVER AND THROUGH THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY, F~ING A TI~ AND PLACE FOR A HEARING THEREON, DIRECI'ING THE POSTING OF N ICES THER~OF AND THE .PUBLICATION OF THIS RESOLUTION. (Public hearing ,ril ll, 1~6l, 3,00 P.M.) (Santa Ana Fwy & Manchester St., close to Loara) On rol call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote1 4719 .M. AYESI NOES, ABSENT 1 Chand~er, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. None. None. The Mayor No. 6759 duly passed and adopted. offered Refer to Resoluti A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY GO CIL OF TIf CITY OF ANAHEIM DIRECTING THE COR- RECTION OF THE DESCRIPTION F THE BOUNpARIES OF THE WAGNER SUNKIST ANNEXATION TO CCJfFORM TO SUGGESTED CHA GES BY THE: ffiANGE COUNTY BOUNDARY CCJAMISSION. On roll call by the following vote. oregoing R~solution was duly passed and adopted AYES. NOES. ABSENT. Chandl~r, Coons, Fry, Thompson and 5chutte. None. None. No. 6760 duly passed and adopted. 5 S The City Manager reported f t the purc ase of two units, 17,000 G.V.W. Truck Chassis, as fOllows, and re ommended the acceptance of the low bid, that of L. D. Coffing Company, in t . amount of $5,455.84 for the two unitsl H ;i i-i :1 j~ L. Do Coffing Com any International Har ester McCoy Motor Co. Cone Bros. McMurtrie-Payne $5,455.84 5,601.21 bid)5,305.35 " 5,586.92 6,403.70 Dodge D-500 International B-162 Ford F-600 (partial Chev. C-6803 " G.M.C. Councilman Thomps n moved that the bid of L. D. Coffing Company be accepted and purchase au horized. Councilman Coons seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. POI SIS The City Manager reported in ormal of one 22,000 G.V.W. Truck Chassis, as follows, and recommended the acceptance of the low bid, that of International Harvester Com any in the amount of $3,722.42. International Ha McMurtrie-Payne C Cone Bros. McCoy Motor Co. L. D. Coffing Co. ster Co. p. International Model 180 G.M.C. $3,722.42 3,787.4~ no bid no bid no bid Councilman Thomps be accepted and purchase au MOTION CARRIED. ~ Correspondence requiri~g vote of Council was ordered received and filed on motion by Counc ilman Chanqler, seconded by Counc1lman Coons. MOTION CARRIED. a. Jerr Shipkey -commending the Anaheim Fire Department b. Rich ~ R. Harris - reo convention center moved that the bid of International Harvester Co. rized. Councilman Fry seconded the motion. VARIANCE NOf 1214. Mr. Joe Geisl ~, Assist~nt City Attorney, advised that papers had been furnished their of ce by Mr.J. J. Franklin, Applicant, certifying that within the time limit 0 Variance No. 1214, he had the completed working drawings prepared by an arch teet, loan commitment made, and application for a building permit had been mad by the contractor. However, as the loan did not materialize, constructio ceased and the Applicant has been diligently attempting to obtain financi 9 to continue the project. Councilman Chandle moved thart previous action taken by the Council pertaining to the expiration of Variance No. 1214, be rescinded, and that it be [] n n 4720 Cit CIL MI~fS · March 1 the finding of th ,Council that the project authorized by said variance has been diligent y advanced within the time limit required by law. Councilman Thomps n seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. COUNTY PLANN ING of Orange County changes, designat F, and proposes t Agricultural (Oil and Ml Light Indu and AR(O) Agricul properties south west of the Santa Mr. Martin Kreidt, D SIR CC Notice lann1ng Co 1ss100 hearing on proposed land use district as SectiQnal District Map 7-4-9, Exhibits C, D.. E and change fr~m the Al General Agricultural and Al(6)" rieneral oduction) Districts to the Rl Single Family Residenoe ! ial or C~ General Business or AR Agricultural Residential al Residantial (Oil Production) Distriots, certain the Rive~side Freeway, east of Rio Vista Street and a River, in the east Anaheim area, was submitted by Anaheim Senior Plannero o and the ries of each exhibit were outlined on the Master Plan, ~s presen~ed were rev1ewed by the Council. Mr. Krei ~ read in full, an excerpt of the City Planning Commission meeti ; held Mardh 20, 1961, wherein they found the following facts a 1. The in Exhibit F woul perties, with the northeast corner oposed AR and AR(O) reclassifications, as contained constitut~ the highest and best use of subject pro. ~ception df the 18.45 acre parcel located on the Lincoln Avenue (Anaheim-Road) and Rio Vista Street. 2. The ~ghest anq best use of said 18.45 acre parcel would be reali zed by its treclassi fjjcation to the County C-l, Looal Business District Zone. o Thereup Planning Departme recommendations 0 mentioned findings Anaheim City Counc ~ it was moved and passed by the Commissioners that the i transmi tto the Orange County Planning Connission the the Anahetm Planning Commission, as outlined in the afore- subject to the review and approval thereof by the J.. Mr. Dave Collins, 1:077 W. Ball Road, Realtor, presented a plot plan layout of the &hopping Qenter proposed for the northeast corner of Anaheim-Olive Road ~nd Rio V~sta Street, and explained that County C-2 zoning was applied for under a misunderstanding and that the application will be amended to County C-l. Mr. Robe t F. Waldrion, Santa Ana Attorney, representing owners of property in the AA (0) area, and also in the East Anaheim Shopping Center. reported on the pa It hearings before the County PlanningCoDll\1ss1on and felt that the City Coun d.lts recoJ$1endations would be premature at this time, as new exhibits an additional evidence are still to be presented to the County Planning C ission. Mr. Joe arte and Mr. Ray DinkIer, owners of property in the area proposed for AR(O) zoning, and Mr. Dominick Sfregola,'property owner in East Anaheim Shopping hter, addressed the Council in support of r~arks made by Attorney Robert F. Waldron. n ! :. ..J Mr. Hen hg, owner of property proposed forC-l at the northeast corner of Anaheim live Road and Rio Vista, addressed the Council, urging favorable consider tion of th;is requested zoning. Further i.scussionwas held by the Council and at the conclusion thereof, Councilma Chandler moved that we express, through the City Managerts Office or the Plan ~ng Department, the opinion of the City Council of the Ci ty of Anaheim is that the z:oning of the subject territory remain the same as it is until sue time as specific developments are presented, accompanied by specific and pr cise plans, and at that time we can give individual answers to any zon ng that is going in the area. Further, recommend, subject to the pre entation of specific plans for a neighborhood shopping center, that the A aheim City Council has no objections to the institution of a C-l zone on t e northeast corner of Rio Vista and Anaheim-Olive Road (Lincoln Avenue), ~oviding that the C-l zone be limited to the uses con- I 4721 Cit ES - March 21 tained in the C-l section that the corner, service stationo the Anahel~ Municipal Code, with the exception ce of 150 ,! x 150 I ,be zoned for use as a Coons secqnded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ReCESS, Councilman Chandler move . to reces~1 to 7130 P.M. Councilman Coons seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED.i(Recessed at 5130 P.M.) AFTER RECESi1 PRESENT. ABSENT. Mayor Schutte call d the meetiling to order. COUNCILMEN. Chand ~r, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. COUNCILMEN 1 Noneo Lt. Brown from the Salvation Army, gave,l the Invocation. Mayor Schutte led the Pledge of Allegia~ce to the Flag. e I LIe ARING - CON I NAL USE 'RMIT NO.9. Submitted by Melvin Lo and Donna Do SCharnweber, re~esting pe mission to construct single story, semi-p~ivate deluxe apartmen ~ on prope~ty located on the west side of Haster Street between Katell and Orang~wood Avenues. The City Council C fltinued satid hearing from the meeting of February 21, 1961, and the C ty Clerk w~s instructed to reschedule this matter to be considered toncurrent1y with proper application either for reclassification or vari nce. The City Clerk su ltted for Council information, VARIANCE NQ. 1347. granted March 20, 1961 by th City Planning Commissionts Resolution No. 209, Series 1960-61, subject to c nditionso Correspondence fro Harry and Evelyn Deitschman, dated March 6, 1961, was submitted, favoring said yariance, however, requesting provision be made for a wall between their pro ertieso Discussion was hel the varianceo At the conclu Councilman Coons, seconded b action taken by the City PIa that the City Clerk be autho further, that the public hea tinued to said scheduled dat No. 1347. MOTION CARRIED. pertaining to the Code deviations noted in ion of the discussion, it was moved by Councilman Chandler, that 'review be held of aing Commi~sion on Variance Noo 1347, and ized to schedule date for public hearing, lng on Condition Use Permit No. 98, be con- , to be considered concurrently with Variance p 0- 1- 8. Submitted by Guy D. and Viola M. change 0 zone fromR-O to C-l, property located at 1585. (north s de of Katella Avenue, between Carnelian and The City Planning ~rnmission, pursuant to their Resolution. No. 179, Series 1960-61, recomme Qed said reclassification, subject to the following conditions. 1. Development su 20 Provision of P in accordance with Code requ business-professional office 3. Installation 0 west property lines. 4. Dedication of Avenue (40 feet existing). 5. Preparation of all improvements in accordan office of the City Engineero 6. Payment of $2. 0 per front 7. Time limitatio of 90-dayt stantially in accordance with plans presented. rking facilities, and modification of plans thereof, rements fOf use of the subject property for either or a medical-center. a six foot masonry wall on the north, east and from monumented centerline of Katella improvement plans and installation of aPPfoved standard plans on file in the foot for street lighting purposes. for accomplishment of It.emsNos. 4, 5 and 6. The Mayor asked if anyon~ wished to address the Council. () [} [] f1,.,"'" I,J n ! ~J r-, , I I I ! ,) 4722 Cit - iOUNCIL MINlITES .. March 21 Mr. Guy Warren, Applicant, presented large revised rendering, reducing the numb r of units from 24 to 22, and explained that the parking requireme ts would cCbnform with the Anaheim Municipal Code, 'as the plan was flex ble and could be changed to meet city requirements. Revised addition to consi consideration was construction, ant Councilman Coons (April 4, 1961) s development 0 Cou reviewed by the City Council. and in requirements and arrangements thereof, also given to trash collection, the type of building ~nces and 'xito At the conclusion of the discussiori, ed that ~ublic hearing be continued for two weeks that the Applicant can submit revised plan of ilman Chandler seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. LIC HEARING - RECL Enma B. Ungrath, located at 1460 S Buena Vista Avenu IFICATION'NO. 60..61-59. Submitted by Andrew G. and uesting a change of zone from R-l to C-l, property th Euclid Avenue (east side of Euclid Avenue, between and Cerri10s Avenue). The Cit Planning qommission, pursuant to their Resolution No. lBO, Series 1 0-61, recommended said reclassification, subject to the following con "tionsl there anyone wished to address the Council. 10 2. 30 Noso 1 and 20 4.. Rec zone to the C-l, No. 1 only and th shall be submitt llation of sidewalks and driveway. ! t of $2.00 per front foot for street lighting pu~oses. 1imitation of 90-days for the accomplishment of Items :ssification from the R-A, Residential Agricultural, ighborhooQ COlJlllercial, zone shall be limited to Parcel ~orrect legal description covering said property 'for approval and filing with subject petition. Dro Ro Commission9s Find. that he made the start he would be would like to be Pernell (dentist) called attention to City Planning Noo 4, with reference to "one doctor", and advised :atement to the City Planning Commission, that at the e only doctor, however, if his practice warranted, he le to accommodate an associate. provided, 1 agreed that the size of the building and the parking ommodate two doctors. asked if anyone else wished to address the Council, nse, dec1ared the hearing closed. RE L ION NO. ~ ;1 Counci1man Coons offered Resolution No. 6761 for adoption, authori og the preparation of ordinance, reclassifying the pro- perty as requeste subject to recommendations of the City Planning Commission, and f her subject to conditions imposed on adjacent property to the south (F-5 0-25 - Jiles-Hemler - Ordinance No. 1454), reading as follows, 10 (a) hat all engineering requirements of the City of Anaheim, along both Euclid nd Cerritos Avenues, such as curbs and gutters, sidewalks, street grading an paving, drainage facilities, or other pertinent work be complied with as uired by the City Engineer and in accordance with standard plans an specifications on file in the office of the City Engineer; and (b) that a bond in an amount and form satisfactory to the City of Anaheim b posted with the City to guarantee the installation of said engineering uirementso the sum the owners of subject property pay to the City of Anaheim front foot for street lighting purposes. 3. That City of Anaheim C restrictions shall business offices, from the floor), laboratories (no i offices, research the owners of subject property place of record standard Deed Restrictions, approved by the City Attorney, which limit the uses of subject property to. a beauty parlor, nks, pharmacies, exhibit halls (private - no retail sales ical centers, physical, medical and diagnostic dustrial production on the premises), professional nstitutes and laboratories, and restaurants intended and 4723 California - designed primarily to meet distinguished from the gener structure existing on said restrictions may be used for it is first remodeled to con law and City of Anaheim ordi Refer to Resolutio ES - March 2l 00 P.M. conveniences of the district as 1 public, and shall provide that any residential operty as jof the date of the filing of said any permi~ted use; provided that, if necessary, orm to the minimum standards required by State A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CO tIt OF THEi CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM ~UNICIPAL !~ODE RELATING TO ZONING SHOULD BE AMENDEI) AND THAT THE BOUNDAR 1;S OF CERT~IN ZONES SHOULD BE CHANGED. (60-61-59 - C-l) On roll call the f tegoing Re~olution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote, AYES I NOES, ABSENT. COUNC ILME . COUNCILME . COUNCILME . Chandle!lr, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. None.. Noneo The Mayor declared iesolution No. 6761 duly passed and adopted. Mr. Ungrath was re lnded that he is required to furnish the correct description of the property ~ the City Attorney's office so that necessary documents pertaining to this action can be prepared. Submitted by Belond and Babson nger, Age t, requesting change of zone from R~A to M-l on property locat , on the sputh side of Anaheim Road, between Dowling and Miller Streets ( ercel No.1), and property located on the east side of Dowling Street betwe ~ Anaheim Road and La Palma Avenue (Parcel No.2). The City Planning Series 1960-61, recommended to the following conditions I tmmission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 181, aid reclassification for M-l and P-L, subject 1. Filing of deed festrictions limiting development of subject property to M-l, Light Manuf cturing, uses only. 2. Dedication of ! feet fro~ the monumented centerline of Dowling (20 feet existing). 3. Dedication of $ feet from the monumented centerline of Anaheim Road (20 feet existing)o 4. Preparation of street improvement plans and installation of all improvements in accordance w th approve~ standard plans on file in the office of the City Engineer at time of develop~ent of subject property. 5. Reclassificati n to the P~L, Parking-Landscaping, zone of 50 feet after street dedication from the front property line abutting Dowling Avenue and 50 feet after street ded cation fro~ the front property line abutting Anahei. Road, and reclassifi ation to the M-l, Light Manufacturing, zone of the balance of Parcel No. 1 and Parcel No. 2 of subject property. 6. Payment of $2. 0 per front foot for street lighting purposes, at time of development, for owling Avenue and Anaheim Road. 70 U~ility easeme is to be provided along exterior boundaries as determined by Director of Ut lities. 8. Time limitatio 'of 90-days for accomplishment of Item Noso 2 and 30 The Mayor asked if anyone wished to address the Council, there being no response, declared he hearing closed. Discussion was hel RESOLlTtION NO. 67621 Counc i authorizing preparation of n P-L, subject to the recommen exception of Condition No. 1 restrictions be amended to r sale of alcoholic beverages to that of the caretaker of between t&e City Council and Mr. Craig Grainger. man Fry offered Resolution No. 6762 for adoption, oessary or~inance, changing the zone to M-l and ations of the City Planning Commission, with the That Condition No.1, pertaining to deed ad, "Filint of deed restrictions prohibitinq the nd limitin, any residential use of the property he sUbject property"o o o n , 4724 c ARESOLtrrION OFT i CITY COlM:IL OF THE CITY Of ANAHEIM. FINDING AND' DETERMINING THAT T tLE 18 OF ~HE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE. RELATING TO 7DNING SHOULD BE AMENDJ;D . D THAT TI-J: BOUNDARIES 01' CERTAIN ZONES SHOULD 88 CHANG~D. t (60.61. 0 - M-l and P..L) . o On roll $11 the ',*,e;oio; ResolutiQn we. dulypl".d and ~dopted by the t01 ~wlng vot.~ AYES, COUNGILMENh Chandler, Coons, Pry, Thomplonand Schutte. NOES. ~OUNCIUU!N~, Non.~ ABSENT, COUNGILME~I None. declared Resolution No. 6762 duly pasl.d and adopted. Submitt.d by 'tlond and I.b,on tnve.et.ment 'Corri"p.ny. i Criji. 9 ara;.;,. nger, . Ag..e.n.t. ' ..r.. .qUeeting. e. hi. ",. O. f 10. ". ,. fr.o.m R.A to M-l. proper r located ~t 3463 Bast La Palma Avenue (north sid. of l.a Palma Avenue. tween Dowl;~ng and JefferaonStre.ta). n j dS LJ The City planning Cpmmiasion, pursuant to th.1rR'lolutlon No. lB2, Series 19 ~-61, reeo~.nded said reclassification for M-1 and P-t, subject to the fol pwing cond~tions. 1. Fill, of deed ~.strictionl limiting d.v.lopmtnt of sUbject property to M-l, L ,ht Manufapturing, uses only. 2. Dedi .tion of 5a fe.t from the manument.d c.nt,lrll0tot ,La Palma Avenue (20 f+t existinp). . 3. Prep ration of .treet improve.nt planland in.tallaticn of all improvements i :accordane~ with approved standard plana on fl1. in the office of the City engineer at time of development of subJect property. 4. Recl ,sification to the P-L Parking-Landlcaping, zone of ~O feet after street,dication from the front property line abutting LI Palma Avenue, and reclas ification to the M-l, Light Manufacturing. zone of the balance of subject property. " 5. paym at of $2.00 per front foot for street lighting purpose.. at time of develotnt, for La Palma Avenue. 6. Uti 1 ty easements to be provided along exterior.boundari.. as determined by D teetor of Utilities. 7. Time limitation of 90 days for the accomplishm.ntof It.m No.2. asked if anyone wished to addre.s the Council, th.re declared the hearing clos.d. being Agent. n was held between the City Council and Mr. Cr~lg Grainger, Council~an Fry offered Resolution No. 6.763 ferpa888g. izing pret:>aration of necessary ordinance', cbanpn, the zone to M-l and p... . subject to the reconmendations of the CityPlanntng Conmission, except rtg Conditon No.1. That Condition No.'l pertaining to deed restrictions . amended to read, -Filing of deed restrietionspro- hlbltlng the sale f alcoholic beverages and limiting any residential use of the property to that of the caretaker of the subject property-. n ! j 1 J Refer to Resolution Book. A RESOLtrrION OF T 'CITY COUN~IL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FIN.DING AND DETER- MINING THAT TITLE 8 OF THE AIlAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING SOOULD BE AMENDED D THAT T~ BOUNDARIES OF CERTAIN ZONES SHOULD BE CHANGED. (60-61-6 - M-l and P-L) On roll all the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following v iel AYES~ GOUNCILMEN. Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. NOESt ~OUNCILMEN. None. ABSENT a aOUNCILMEN. None. 4125 c 00 PoM. 6763 duly passed and adopted. PUBLIC 0- -6 .; Submitted by Robert L. and Bertha Lei PaYln, requesting a change 0 zone from,! R-l to C-2, property locat.dat the southeast corner of La Palma .nd Sequoi~ Avenues, and further described as a portion of Lot 34, Tract N . 1161. The City Planning ~mmission, pursuant to their Resolution Noo 183, Series 1960-6l, reo Ifmended re~lassification to C-l zoning, subject to the following con itionsl 10 Filing of deed to C-l, Neighborhood Commerc 20 Development su 3. Installation 0 plans to be submitted to and 4. Installation o. consist of six inch thickne$ 5. Time limitatio testrictio~s limiting use of subject property aI, uses oply. stantially in accordance with plans presented. standard ~urb, gutter, and sidewalks, with approved by the Engineering Departmentg sidewalks'at access locations to parking areas to .. of 90-day~ for accomplishment of ItemsNos. 3 and 40 The Mayor asked if to add~ess the Council. Mrs. Bertha L. Pay ~ was pres,nt to answer questions. No one addressed t declared the hearing closed.' opposition, thereupon, the Mayor RESQL~ION NO. 6764a Counci ~an Chandler offered Resolution Noo 6164 for passage and adoption, author %ing preparation of necessary ordinance, changing the zone from R-l to C-l, su ject to the recommendations of the City Planning Commission. Refer to Resolutio A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CO qILOF THE. CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETER- MINING THAT TITLE 18 OF THE ,AHEIM MUN~CIPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING SHOULD BE AMENDED AND THAT THE BOUN IES OF C$RT AIN ZONES SHOULD BE CHANGED. (60-61-62 - C~l) p On roll call by the following vote. >>egoing Re$olution was duly passed and adopted AYES. NOES I ABSeNT. Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. None. None. No. 6764 duly passed and adopted. I Submitted by Richard E. Wineland, hange of tone from R-A to C-l, two parcels of Broadway between Euclid Avenue and The City Planning mmission, pursuant to their Resolution Noo 184, Series 1960-6l, recomme ed said reclassification, subject to the following conditions) 1. Development 20 Dedication of of easterly l30 feet, Parcel 3. Installation 0 4. Payment of $2. on both streets. 5. Utility easeme s to be p10vided along exterior boundaries as determined by Director of UtOlities. 6. Time limitatio of 90 days for accomplishment of Item Nos. 2, 3, 4, and 5. 7. Filing of deed restrictior)s limiting use of subject property to business and professional offices only, including pharmacies and laboratories. stantially in accordance with plans presented. feet fro~ the monumented centerline of Broadway o. 1 (30 feet existing). sidewalks on Broadway and Pampas Lane. per front foot for street lighting purposes [] Q D, 4726' c o if anyone wished to address the Council. Acting C tyEngineet, James Maddox, reported that entin..ring requirements for P tcel No. 1 had been inadvertently omitted fromthlir recanmendations, a 4i asked th~t Condition No. 2 be amended to read, -dedication of 45 .et from ttle monumented centerline of Broadway on, both Paree~Nos. 1 .nd 2-. That Condition No.3 require installation of sidewalks on Br .dway fronting Parcels Nos 1 and 2 and on PampuI Lane. In addition, the f tther requlrement of preparation of stre.t improvement plans and installa ion of all improvements in accordance: with 'ap~rovld standard plans on ile in the office of the City Engineer, on Broadway fronting Parcels No . 1 and 2, to ~he easterly line of Parcel ~o. 1. Mro Kent clarification of t and advising that however Parcel No. future development of deed restrictio Agent, ad~ress.d the Council, requesting further . conditiops imposed by the City Planning Commission .reel No. ~ was proposed for immediate development, 1, being a much larger project, 1s proposed for and reque~ted that the cond~tionrequirin9tn. filing S limiting the project to certain C-l uses, be lifted. there asked if anyone else wisheQ to address':the Council, onse, declared the hearing closed. . Counci~man Coons offered Resolution No. 6765 for , authoriJing the preparation of neeeleal'Y ol'dinance, changing the zone .requested. subject to the recommendations of the City Planning Comm .sion, and amendments thereto submitted by the Acting City Engineer. Refer esolution Book. 8 - , A RESOLlTI'ION OF T :CITY COUN~IL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM fINDING AND DETERMINING THAT T 'LE 18 OF tHE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING SlI>ULD BE NDED AND THAT THE BOUNDARIES Of CERTAIN ZONES SIOJLD BE CHANGED. (60-6 J63 - C-l) p On roll by the following v the fo~egoing Resolution was duly passed, and 'adopted AYES. NOES. ABSENT . Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. None. None. No. 6765 duly passed and adopted. 'Merriam E. located at Avenue) . The City lanning CC)JllDission, pursuant to their R'IQ1"UtlonNo. 185, ~eries 1960-6 , recommended said reclassification, subje,ct to:..the following conditio I n. I ,j 1. 2. Dedi Avenue (40 feet ex 3. Prep all improvements i office of the City 4. Pa along Katella Aven 5. Time Int substantially in accordance with plans pr...nt.d. ion of ~7 feet from the monument.d cent.r11ne of Katella ing) due to location of ex1sting dwelling. tlon of street improvement plans and installation of accordance with approved standard plans on file in the gineer. ~ of $2.00 per front foot for street lighting purposes only. a.mitation for accomplishment of Ite_Nos. 2, 3, and ~. asked if anyone wished to address the Council. present MacMahon, Attorney representing the Applicant, was ~ questions the Council might have. 4727 Reference was made to the co~ditions imposed by Ordinance No. 1410, Reclassification No. F 58-59-96, jgranting C-l zoning, limited to professional offices only, 0 property Idirectly across from subject property on Varna Street. Mr. MacMahon advis d that Mr.! Schantz owned both parcels, and would be willing to have the same condi!itions imposed on subject property as thole required for C-l zo fi.ng, pursUilant to Ordinance No. 1410, that [J because of limit~d parking a ea, they ~roposed a small business-professional development. ..1, The Mayor asked if ~nyone els~ wished to address the Council, there beinQ no response, dec Bred the ~aring closed. RfSQLlIIIQN NO. 61661 Councl tlan Coons pffered Resolution No. 6766 for pas.a9f and adoption, author ~ing the PFeparation of necessary ordinance, changiRg the zone, as reques ed, subjec~ to the recommendations of the City Planning Commission, wi h the exception that Condition No.5 thereof be ameftded to a 90-day time imit for t~a accomplishment of IteasNos. 2, 3 and 4, and further subject to the fil~ng of deed restrictions, limiting the usa of the property to b $iness and: professional offices only. Refer to Resolutio Book. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CO (:IL OF THEi CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING SHOULD BE AMENDED AND THAT THE BOUNDAR IS OF CERTAIN ZONES SHOULD BE CHANGED. (60-61-64 - C-l) On roll call the f tegoing Rsplution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote. p AYES, NOES. ABSENT a Chandlelr, Coons, Fry, Thompsonand Schutte. None. None. [] No. 6766 duly passed and adopted. o. 0- 1- I Submitted by David W. Roper, tom R-A to:R-l, property located north of the lve and Kehmore Street, at the terminus of The City Planning Series 1960-61, recommended conditions. t'n'mission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 186, aid reclassification be granted, subject to The Mayor asked if anyone wished to address the Council. Attention was call being a five foot parcel at was held by the Council and dedication for, the extensio City utility services availa d to Lot "AW of the adjacent tract to the south, he terminut of Kenmore Street, and discussion · Roper regarding access t~ and necessary of Kenmore Street, street lighting charges, and Ie in the area. Mr. Roper, Applica t, advised that he was not a subdivider, that the property would be divide into four lots, however, he intended to erect his home on two of the lots. At the conclusion f the discussion, it was moved by Councilman Chandl.r, seconded by Counci ~an Coons, that public hearing be continued for one week (March 28, 1961 to allow for further investigation pertaining to the recorded conditions 0 said T.,ot ItA-. MOTION CARRIED. n, L_. RECESS, Councilman Coons moved f t a ten minute recess. Councilman Chandler seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. (9130 P.M.) AFTER R~qESil Mayor Schutte call d the meetinq to order, all members of the Council being present. 4728. .' Public to Legal Notiel pUblished in th~ Anaheim 1961, on adoption, in part, of a eomp~.- 1960 edition of the National Board of Fire The Mayo .. a9ked if !anyone wiehed to add~e$$ th. CO\ln~11"th.re b.lng no response, ~eclared the hearing closed. ~ final I Council~n Thompson offered Ordinance No. l~~ fo~readino and n. AN ORDINANCE OF T FIRE PREVENT ION NATIONAL BOARD OF AS THE" ANAHE IM FI PARTS OF ORDINANCE CITY OF ~AHEIM ADOPTING, IN PART, ACX*PREJEN&IVI ENTITLED~ -FIRE PREVENTICtJ CODE, 1960 EDITIClJOPTHE RE UNDER\$ITERS OF AMERICA-, TO Sf KNOWN AND DESIGNATED PREVENTIbN CODE", AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCElaR IN CONFLICT WITH THE PORTIONS OF SAID CODE SO AOOPTED. After he fing read in full the title of OrdtnanCeNo. .D.'III and having knowledge 0 the contents therein, Councilman Thompson moved the reading in full of said ordinance be waived. Councilman Fry seconded the motion. MOTIOO UN lMOUSLY CAARIED. On roll .11 the fo~e9oin9 Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the following v tel AYES, QaUNCILMEN. NOES I (tOUNCILMENi. ABSENT. ~OUNCILMEN. Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. None. None. n, II , -.fI The Mayo declared Ordinance No. ~ duly passed and adopt.d. FIREWORKS - DISNEYLAND, Request of Atlas Fireworks Company for permit to conduot the summer seasons fireworks ~isplay at Disneyland, was contlnuedfrom the meeting of March 1 . 1961, to allow notification to those favoring and opposing this acti 1ty. Communic tions and petitions containing 46 signatur.s~~ring the continuance of the firework displays, were submitted. Communication from Disneyland, I C., further explaining their proposed displays, was also submitted. The Mayo asked if anyone wished to address the Council' on this matter. Mr. Ed. trirger, Anaheim Fire Chief,re,portedthat no difficulties have been encounte td with the Disneyland fireworks display. No one a dressed the Council in opposition .to, thefir..,os-ks and no letters of opposit~n were filed in the office of the City Clerk. It wasm ved by Councilman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Fry, that the request 0 Atlas Fireworks Company for permit to c,onduct ' Disneyland's firew tks display, for the summer season,be granted. MOTION CARRIED. n ; I ! j R UEST - UCfION OF 714 Hemlock Place, games on property was submitted. S Request of Mr. George I. Stephens, naheim, for permission to conduct two donkey baseball , ed by W. W. Jaycox, located at East and Romneya Streets, Mr. Step tns addres$ed the Council, further explaining that the two games would be an jperiment to d&termine if this would be a profi t~~~le activity, and if t . games proved successful, a formal application for a permanent location~ould be submitted. The Anah 1m Municipal Code was consulted to d.t.rmine in what 4729 zone this activity should be located. IBy interpretation, it was determined this enterpri~e would requir either M~l zoning or a Conditional Use Permit. At the conclusion f the disqussion, it was moved by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilma Fry, that! permission be granted to conduct two experimental donkey base all games Ion the W. W. Jaycox property, April 8th and 15th, 1961. ION CARRI~D. [J ~DINANq ~. 15611 Councilman C $ndler off1~red Ordinance No. 156l for first readl1it. AN CRDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ~.. AHEIM AME~DING TITLE 4 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING A CHAPTER THE ~TO ENTIT~D, "CHAPTER 4.02 SPECIAL EVENTS.. After hearing read ~n full t~ title of Ordinance No. l561and having knowledge of the cont nts thereir, Councilman Coons moved the readint in full of said ordi tlnee be wal~ved. Councilman Ct,landler seconded the motion. MOTION UNANIMO LY CARRIEDj. ORDINANGi ~. 1562. Councilman T ~mpson off~red Ordinance No. 1562 for first readinf. AN ORDJNANCE OF THE CITY OF AHEIM AME~DING TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO 2ONING. (6 .61-57 - C~2) After hearing read tn full th~ title of Ordinance No. 1562 and having knowledge of the cont f1ts therein, Councilman Thompson moved the reading in full of said ordi .nce be waived. Councilman Coons seconded the motion. K>TION UNANIMOUSLY ~RIED. MAJeR ~Icar HEA~TH INSURANCE. t. Murdoch: reported on recommendations of the Personiel Department regardi fJ employee!' s major medical health insurance. Councci~man Coons m Ted that dthe recommh endations of hthe Ptersoinnel n............ . Departaaent and 1 ty Manager . accepte ii' and tat we accept t e ra e ncrease ~ proposed by Blue Cross and 9 on the gu~ranteed rate for one year, providing that the Personnel Departmen and Emplovees Association work out a set of specifications to present to the Council by September 1, 1961,so that we will have ample time to take ~are of ne~t years insurance prior to January 1, 1962. Councilman Thompson seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. OUTDOOR TIRi DISPLAYS. Mr. Murdo h reported on investigation relative to the outdoor tire displays at the eorner of Citron and Center Streets and also other locations within the C ty, and reported that letters advising that outdoo~ storage is in violat ~n of the ~naheim Municipal Code have been forwarded to the tire compan es in violation. PE Mr. Murdoch purchase of a On motion by Councilman Fry, chutte was authorized to sign Proxy, Annual Meeting to be held on as G ANY- report~ on proposal of Hobb Trucking ompany relative portiOA of the City owned pr ~erty on JUlianna Street. Mr. Nesbit, Hobbs tucking Co~pany, addressed the Council, further explaining their proposal of purchase. n The Council indica td that th,y would not be interested in disposing of subject property, until s time as a site for a trash disposal station has been finalized. On motion by Counc lman Fry, $econded by Oo~cilman Coons, the 4730 D'~, ~".' ~ f f :f ;,' i"! 5 - March ; ue6ted tQ participate in meetings pertaining to this e Anaheim-s future aotion on this matter. MOTION At the rEtquest of Mayor Schutte, City Manager, Keith A. an analys~s of costs of land for the possible location ~on in the vicinity of the existing City Hall. Assessors re prese~ted and reviewed by the City Council and con- the cost of the possible locations on Broadway, , and tha1 property on the east 6ide of Philadelphia, to Olive Street. It was reported that the estimated minimum expenditu for land:required to locate the facilities in the area of the existing Ci ~ Hall, f~cin9 Broadway would be $242,000.00 and to face these facilities 'Philadel~hia Street would be approximately $129,000.00. Considerable disc ssion pertaining to the possible location in the City Hall vicinity, as oompared to the Harbor-Santa Ana Streets location, was held. At the conclusion ereof, tHere not being a full Council as Councilman Thompson left the eting at 11128 P.M., it was determined that action on a matter of this i ortance should be deferred until a full Council is present. The Cit Clerk was requested to schedule this matter for the next meeting. "pJOt)RNMENT . Coun ci 1 the motion. MOT I Fry moveq to adjourn. Councilman Chandler seconded CARRIED. ,. ~11145P.M. ) SIGNED. w-. ~. 644"~~..~...... · . ~:Ci ty Clerk o PRESENT : ABSENT z PRESENT I a t Hall Anahei . the City of Anaheim met in regular session. Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. N: None. ERa Keith Ao Murdoch. NEV. Preston Turner. :K. Dene M. Williamso DIRECT IOF PUBLIC WORKS . Thornton Piersall. Ar::rINGJtI'Y ENGINEI$R. James Maddox. ACTING iNNING DIRECIOR, Richard A. Reese. rJ e Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. utte called the meeting to order. Rev. Walter 30 Ve Church, gave the on, Pastor of the Anaheim Community Congregational ocationo MlNUTESz Minutes of t regular meetings held March 14, 1961 and March 21, 1961, were approv ,'on motion by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Thompson. MOTION ARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 67671 ncilman Chandler offered Resolution Noo 6767 for passage and adopt. Resolution Book. A RESOLtITION OF T CITY COUrfCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING AND