1961/03/28 4730 S - March City Manager was uested t~ participate in meetings pertaining to this project to determ' e Anaheim.s future action on this matter. MOTION CARRIED. ICE F CILITIE SITE Murdoch, presente of the police sta maps of this area sideration given Philadelphia Stre extending easterl minimum expenditu of the existing C' these facilities Considerable disc Hall vicinity, as At the conclusion Thompson left the a matter of this . present. At the r~quest of Mayor Schutte, City Manager, Keith A. an analys~s of costs of land for the posSible location ton in the vicinity of the existing City Hall. Assessors ere preseoted and reviewed by the City Council and con- the cost of the possible locations on Broadway, , and tha1 property on the east side of Philadelphia, to Olive $treet. It was reported that the estimated for land :required to locate the facilities in the area ~ Hall, f4cing Broadway would be $242,000.00 and to face Philadel~hia Street would be approximately $129,000.00. ssion pert$ining to the possible location in the City compared t~ the Harbor-Santa Ana Streets location, was held. : ereof, tl1ere not being a full Council as Councilman eting at 11128 P.M., it was determined that action on portance should be deferred until a full Council is n The Cit Clerk was requested to schedule this matter for the next meeting. I\PJO~NMENT. Council the motion. Fry moved to adjourn. Councilman Chandler seconded CARRIED. ~I C111145 'P.M. ) SIGNED. y.J._. ~. 6~..~~...~ :Ci ty Clerk o 'fornia - OUNCIL MINUTES - March 8 1 Council of the City of Anaheim met in regular session. PRESENT : ABSENT I PRESENT I Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. None. CITY MAGER. Keith Ao Murdoch. CITY ATORNEYI Preston Turner. CITY,CL 'Ka Dene M. Williamso DIRECT !OF PUBLIC' WORKS 1 Thornton Piersall. ACTING ~TY ENGINEiRa James Maddox. ACfINGI+ANNING DIltECTORa Richard A. Reese. Mayor S l1utte called the meeting to order. Rev. Walter 3. Ve Church, gave the of Allegiance to the Flag. of the Anaheim Conmunity Congregational Q Mayor Schutte led MINUTES a Minutes of t e regular meetings held March 14, 1961 and March 21, 1961, were approv ,. on motiQn by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Thompson. MOTION CARRIED. ~ Resolution Book. RESOLUTION NO. 67671 ouncilman Chandler offered Resolution Noo 6767 for passage and adopt' on. A RESOLtITION OF T CITY COUflCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING AND 't(-:>J. Cit California .. .00 PoM. DIRECTING THE PAYMENT OF DE NDS AGAINST THE CITY AS OF MARCH 28, 19610 (Warrants Nos. 11359 to 11$ " both inclusive, totaling $614,675.56) On roll call the regoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following votes 1. Dedication of to the City of Anaheim for line of subject property, Q 175 feet deep for the exteD in fe. to the City of Anah$ deep, designated as Lot A, and abutting the north prow 2. Preparation 0 all improvements in accorda office of the City Engineer 3. Payment of $~ 4. Payment of $~ be collected as part of Bui 5. Recordation 0 Kenmore Street to the north dedication of a strip of Is of KeRmore street plus the strip ~f land 60 feet wide northerly extension of Kenm of subject property. , 6. Time limi tati * of 90-days for the accomplishment of Itens Nos. l, 2, 3, 4 and 5. i i A YES t NOE~ I ,ABSENT I COllNCI GOINCI CODNCI L C ING - RECL requesting a the intersection KeBmore Street. The City Plannin~ Series 1960-61, recommende~ conditionsl Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutteo None. None. No. 6767 duly passed and adopted. J Submitted by David W. zone from R;"A "to R-l, property located north Kenmore street, at the terminus ommission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 186, aidreclassification~ subject to the following strip of land 60 feet wide and 180 feet deep e exteDsion of Kenmore Street to the north boundary the dedication of a strip of land 60 feet wide and on of Kenmore Street plus the dedication of a strip of land 60 feet wide and 5 feet ubbing the northerly extension of Kenmore Street ty line of subject property. street improvement plans and installation of e with approved standard plans on file in the o per front foot for street lighting purposes. 00 per dwelling unit Park and Recreation fee to ing Permit. a Record of Survey Map showing dedication of roperty line of subject property, or showing the 60 feet wide and 175 feet deep for the extension dication in fee to the City of Anaheim of a d 5 feet deep, designated as Lot A, stubbing the e Street and abutting the north property line Public hearing wa, lcontinued from the meeting of March 21, 1961, to allow for further investigation a i report. . Mr. Murdoch repor !d on a meeting with Mr. Roper for the purpose of working out engineering proems, advisina that development of this property would require extension ofe street north and south through his property to ultimately extend northerly Further, that if the street was improved to City standards by the owner nd then dedicated to, and accepted by, the City, the owner could file a Reco of Survey cutting the remaining two parcels into four lotso Regarding e $2.00 per front foot street lighting charges, Mr. Murdoch suggested this quirement be eliminated and at some future date" the street lighting beexte ed in this area by means of an assessment district, as extension of this system ~t this time would create an undo obligation on the part of the City to serve 0 ~y one lot. Mr. Roper address the Council, confirming his agreement with the recommendations of the City !anager, and requesting further clarification regarding water service. The Manager repor of Anaheim to endeavor to s would parallel existing wat The Mayor asked i there being no response, ds ~d it would be economically unsound for the City ve this property at this time, as City lines service. janyone else wished to address the Council, ~ared the hearing closed. (] [] n 473Q 00 P.M. R Councilman Chandler offered Resolution No. 6768 for passage and ption, a4thorizing the preparation of necessary ordinance, chang the zon~ as requested, subject to the recommendations of the City Plan ng CommisSion, with the following amendments thereto! . o N~s. 3 and 5 be eliminat~d. That G easement for str Anaheim for the of subject prope ition No. I be amended to read, "Dedication of an purposes, 60' wide by ISO' deed, to the City of ension of Kenmore Street to the North boundary line rJ-. No.1 ition NO.ii 6 be amended to apply only to Condition. . Resolutiqn Book. I A RESOLtJrION OF T CITY CO~IL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDIt13 AND DETER- MINIt<<; THAT TITLE : 8 OF THE iiANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING s_n BE AMENDED AND T t THE BOu$>ARIE5 OF CERTAIN ZONES SHOULD BE GHAtIJED. ... (60-61-65 - R-l) . On roll pal~ the floregoing Resolution ~~e duly passed and adopted by the following bte. n I I -';;:':';:;'. AYES. CO. UN... C. It:. .* Chandler, Coons" Fry, Thompson and Schut~e. NOES. COt.ICI . None. ABSENT. cotMCI . None. The May , declaredl Resolution No. 6768 duly passed and adopteq, . Application of Elizabeth Lancaster, re- questing parmisst to move i.a dwelling from 1338 Atlantic Avenue, Long Beach, California to 235 SQuth Stanton Avenue, Anaheim, was .submdtted. The May r asked if' anyone wished to address the Council. Plans a d photos oif the dwelling were reviewed by the Council ~ Mr. Murdoch repor ed that at the present time, toe dwelling do.snot conf~ to City code stan ards. . Mrs. La Caster pre..nted additional photos of the dwelling and stated that the ~lding woulld be brought up to whatever standards are required by the C tYI that ~he dwelling will be used for residential purposes and loca ed on the property which she acquired from the Flood Control District. The May *' asked if anyone else wished to address the Council, there being no re r>onse, dec~ared the hearing closed. Counci,~man Fry offered Reso1ution No. 6769 for passa,e and adopt n, granti~g house moving pe~it to Mrs. Lancaster, as requested, sub ect to the condition that the exact location propo.ed for the building . reviewed by the Manager's Off1~. prior to 'the 1sauanqe of a building pe t, to det.rmine that said bui1dlng does not block futu~. development of th adjacant ar.a, and further, sUbj,ct to th. dw.ll1ng being brought up 0 City code requirements. . n lJ Refer t Resolution Booko A RESOLt1rIC* OF T .. CiTY CO~CIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM GRANT DIG A JI)USE IDIIt<<3 PERMIT TotIZAlETH ~ TO ImvE A EIIILLItI,; PRCI& 1338 ATLANI'Ie AVENUE, LONG SEA . CALIF~NIXA, TO 235 SOUI'H STANTC* AVENUE, ANAHIIM. CALIFatNIA. On roll by the following the fDregoing Resolution was duly passed and 8dopt~ 4733 .M. AYESI NOES. ABSENT I Chandlert Coonst Fry, Thompson and Schutte. None. None. Resolution No. 6769 duly passed and adopted. I t Application of John J. Yergler, requesting from 9821 East Bixby. Garden Grove, California, eim, was submitted. The Mayor anyone wished to address the Council. Plans and photos ; om the file were reviewed by the City Councilo Mr. Yergler, 9821 advising that the dwelling' of adjacent ~onin9 for apa~ Orangewood, he desired to ~ ast Bixby, Garden Grove, addressed the Council, his home at the present time, however, because nt development, and as he owns the property on e his home to that more desirable location. The Mayor asked ~ anyone else wished to address the Council, there being no response. de ared the hearing closed. Rf~L\(ION NO. 6770: Gauna' passa~ and adoption, grant' requested. an Coons offered Resolution No. 6770 for house moving permit to Mr. Yergler, as Refer A RESQLUTION OF THE CITY MOVING PERMIT TO JOHN J. Y GARDEN GROVE, CALI FCliN I A, 1L OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM GRANTING A lI)ijSE R TO MOVE A DWELLING FRCII 9821 EAST BIXBY, 1516 WEST CliANGEWOOD, ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA. On roll call by the following vote. egoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted AYES, NOES. ABSENT. Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. None. '. None. G Ision to move a 58 Beach, California, to 1201 (C-3 zoning, pursuant to 0 . Plans and photos 6770 duly passed and adopted. Application of Signal Oil and Gas Company ce station from 2828 Junipero Street, Long th Harbor Boulevard, Anaheim, was submitted. ance No. 1560, F-60-6l-3~) m the file were reviewed by the City Council. Mr.' Orville Nels came forward to answer ques, representing the Applicant, was present and ns. The Mayor asked i being no response, declared nyone else wished to address the Council, there e hearing closed. an Chandler offered Resolution No. 6771 for moving permit to Signal Oil and Gas Company, AJ:~t JIrON NO 6771. Council pa'..1I and adoption, grant~ as reqaested. ~efer to Resolut1 A RISQLUI'ION OF THE CITY C a.<<>VING: ItEAMIT TO SIGNAL OIL JUN'IPIIO STREET. LONG BEACH, ANAH: rM, CALIFCRNIA. (servl IL OF THE CITY OF ANAtEI" GRANT ING A fOJSE D GAS CCIIPANY TO tl)VE A STRtCrURE PRCM 2828 ALI~NIA, TO 1201 N~TH HARBOR 'BOULEVARD, station) On roll call the f egoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote a [] [) [) 4734 Cit OUNCIL MINUTES -March 28 3100 P.M. AYESJ NOES. ABSENT I . COUNCILMEN t COUNCILME~ , COUNCILMEN I Chandler, Coons~ Fry, Thompson and Schutte. None. None. ' declared~ Resolution No. 6771 duly passed and adopted. POLICE FACILITIES SIT Comnunifation from. Florence ,Backs Powers. and pe~i.tion containing ,83 5ig otures, opposing the location of the police facilities at South Harbor B tilevard ancii Santa Ana Street, were submitted" f] ~nce was i~vited to express their views on this issue. Council ~n Chandlet' asked for a report on the estimated cost for the acquisition 0 the property located between Olive and Philadelphia Streets, and the 0 alleys 1;'unning east and west. Mr. Mur och report,d, using three approaches ofvaluatton and considering the a 'uisition ~f the land only, the value would run from $262,000.00 to $3 ,000.00, ~r roughly, $300,000000, for the nine lots fronting on both treets, being approximately 138,930 sq~are feet. the tne Council favoring and urging selection of Arna Street site, were1 Dr. Wil S. A. F John Wr" C Jay DeD George iam Kott, dentist, 601 South Harbor Boulevard; edman, 17~4 Chalet Avenue, Anaheim; t, 1620 Huclid Avenue (Chairman of Citizen's Finance ittee) 'per, 1779 Chalet Avenue ( Civic Center Site, GOIDIBi ttee ) ris, . AttQrney in the, downtown, area. f] Those a 'essing tl1e Council in opposition to the placement of thepolicefac' dties at this location, and_stating their reasons therefor, were: aham, 61lSouth Indiana Street; and · Ulvestad, 2936 Shakespear, Santa Ana, representing operty in the downtown areao At the uest of Mayor Schutte, Chief of Police Mark A. Stephenson came ward and answered Council's q~estions pertaining to ,the present and, fu ure operational requirements for' the depa1:tmel"l't. es of other communities (Santa Ana and Torrance) n of police and civic center facilities in other ~ea, were discussed. relative than the Mr. Ul v tad questi:oned whether the evidence before the City Council was suffic ent to makle a decision at this time,' and based upon this assumption, reques ed a continuance of this issue to allow presentation of addi tional evidenc.. He further advised that he had a petition containing a large number of ames of those in opposition to the location of the police facilities on the arbor Boulevard-Santa-Ana Street property. (Petition referred to was re ained by MX. Ulvestad.) Mayor utte declared the discussion closedo n J Councilm n Thompson moved that decision on this issue be deferred for two weeks (Apr 1 11, 1961). Councilman Chandler seconded the motion. To this motion Cou'tilmen Coons and Fry voted "no"o MOTION CARRIED. RECESS, the 6 moved to recess to 7100 P.M. Councilman :Fry seconded CARRIED. (Recessed ~t 5105 P.M.} AFTER RECESS. (7100 P. members of the Cou Mayor Schutte called the. meeting to order, all being present. 473:> UNCIL MINUTES - March 28 1961 3:00 P.M. SIGN APPLI TION - SfANDARD FIN' conforming sign at 2247 We~ gether with plans, was subm. motion by Councilman Coons, sign application was defer~ inspection of the premises Request for permission to erect a non- Ball Road (Brookhurst Shopping Center), to- ted and reviewed by the Council, and on econded by Councilman Fry, action on said for one week (April 4, 1961) for further d investigation. MOTION CARRIED. RE UEST - EWALK MATERIAL LE for permission to put lamp! side of the new Anaheim Sa~' structed at the northeast ~ and granted on motion by C MOTION CARRIED. STREET AT CENTER Request of Dorothy Ulvestad ack and mica in the sidewalk on the Lemon Street 9s and Loan Association building being con- er of Lemon and Center Streets, was submitted, ilman Chandler, seconded by Councilman Coons. REFUND - S R CONNECTION FEES I James P. Maddox, Acting Ci tl School District in the amou: fees paid in duplicate for submi tted, and refund autho. by Councilman Coons. MOT I HElM UNION HIGH 5CHCX:>L DISTRICT, Request of ngineer, for refund to the Anaheim Union High of $12,573.00 representing sewer connection Savanna High School at 301 No G~lbert, was ed on motion by Councilman Chandler, seconded ARRIED. RECLASSIFI~TION NO. F-60-61-41: revise! plans in connection submitted. (Plans for four- equest of Robert Co Miller for approval of th Reclassification No. F-60-6l-41, was it, two-story apartment building) Revised plans wer~ eviewed by the City Council and on motion by Councilman Chandler, second~ by Councilman Coons, said revised plans were approved as submitted. MOT [ CARRIED. ORQ,INAtiCE NO. 1~631 readinG. n Coons offered Ordinance No. 1563 for first AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CODE RELATING TO ZONING. (F AHEIM AMENDING TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICTPAL 0-61-41 - C-l) After hearing read ~n full the title of Ordinance No. 1563 and having knowledge of the cont ts therein, Councilman Coons moved the reading in full of said ordinance be aivedo Councilman Schutte seconded the motion. IDTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. i I RECLASSI~IctTIQN NO. F-60-61-41 quest of Raymond Spehar for approval of plans of dev'lopment for Lot 139, act No. 2779, pursuant to Resolution of Intention No. 6184, Reclassi cation No. F-60-61-4, was submitted. Plans were reviewe by the City Council. Mr. S. A. Freedman 11714 Chalet Avenue, addressed the Council, opposing the R-3 zoning tn both sides of Chalet Avenue at the entrance to the Anawood Tract; propos g R-l development at said entrance; and requesting revocation by the10uncil of the R-3 zoning on these two lots. Mr. Spehar addres$ t the Council, further explaining his proposed plan of development and advi ng that his application for C-l zoning on the subject property is schedule ,for public hearing before the Council on April 4, 1961. . ; ; Councilman Coons m jed that action on the plans presented for R-3 improvement on Lot 139 b deferred for one week (April 4, 1961), and the Applicant was requested make additional notations on the plans as to appearance of the buildinq, pe of structure, elevations, etc. Councilman Thompson seconded the motion i MOTION CARRIED. CLAIM AGAIN PUBLIC AGENCY - WO filed by San Jose Steel Com~ Engineers, Schulman Electric $1604.61 for furnishing of c No. 2830, was submitted, and investigation, on motion by MOTION CARRIED. o ER NO. 28301 Claim Against Public Agency y, Inca, against National Contractors & 0., and City of Anaheim in the amount of tain materials in connection with Work Order eferred to the City Attorney for further uncilman Fry, seconded by Councilman Coons. [] [] [] 4736 Cit ifornia - COUNCIL MINUTES - March 28 fINAL MAP - TRACT NO. on the east side Drive, containin 370: Subdivider, Don H. Andersono Tract located f Placent~a Avenue, south of Placentia Avenue at Romneya one C-3 Idt and 27 R-3 lots. The Act'ng City E~gineer reported that final map conforms substantially wit the tent~tive map previously approved and that required bonds have been sted and necessary fees paid. Anderson, builders, plans for read. tcation d~~ed March 21, 1961, from Don H. and Louise W. that thei~ program is to develop lots to sell to ~sting tha!t the builders submit to the Building Department before bUiilding permi ts are issued, was submi tted and o Subject to the sub~ission of plot and building plans, the Acting City Engin tr rec~mmehded approval of said final map. Council an Coons mbved that final map, Tract Noo 3370, be approved, subject to verifi ation by t~e City Engineer that the description of the C-3 lot contained in Ordinan~e Noo 1370, Reclassification No. F-57-58-3l, being a metes and bounds des~ription, conformed to the lot lines of this tract, and furthe , that sai~ report be prepared for the next meeting, April 4, 19610 C uncilman Fty secoITded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. FINAL MAP - TRACT NO. 970~ SUbdivider, Calstate Agencies, Inc. Tract located south of Sant~ An' :Street at He~sel Street, and contains 49 M-l lots. The ActOng City En~ineer reported that final map conforms substantially wit the tenta1ive map previously approved; that required bonds have been p ted and necessary fees paid, and recommended the approval of said "nal mapo Ul ) ". 1 $1M Council accepted, on the Thompson seconded Coons mQved that final map, Tract No. 3970, be commenda~ions of the Acting City Engineer. Councilman MOTION CARRIED. C TY PLANNING COMMISSI ITEMS, Actions taken by the City Planning Commission March 20, 1961, pe taining ta the following applications, were submitted for City Council i formation and consideration: Council 1341 - Richard Ho and JoAnn E. Welty 1343 - Lera Mae Dwyer 1344 - Eve Do Diggins reviewed and no further action was taken by the City numbered applicationso VARIANC variance was held investigation and 00 1345 - James E. and Helen C. Starr. Action on said ver for one week (April 4, 1961) to allow for further ossible visitation of the premises by the Council. R ISED TENTATIVE MAP - RACT NO. 40691 Subdivider, Lowell J. Stratfordo Tract located betw n Dwyer Dtive and West Street, approximately 108 feet south of Westmont rive, and contains 13 R-O lotso n The City Planning Commission approved said revised tentative map, subject to th following conditions: Ie Exis ing concrete curb to be replaced by standard curb and gutter on east sid of Dwyer Drive within present right-of-way. Tract No. 2838 replaced the xisting concrete curb. 20 Subj at to the approval of petition for Variance No. 1343. 3. Subjt to the easements required 0 4. Requ. ement that should this subdivision be developed as more than one subdo ision, each subdivision thereof shall be submitted on tentative form r approvalo 5. Fili of deed restrictions by the subdivider making pro- vision for an archi ectural committee comprised of a representative of the City of Anahei , a representative of the developer, and of one neutral party. 4737 California ~ OUNCIL MINUTES - March 28 3100 P.M. Revised tentative Council, and on motion by Q said revised tentative map I the City Planning Commissid ap, Tract Noo 4069, was reviewed by the ncilman Coons, seconded by Councilman SChutte, s approved, sUbject to the recommendations of MOTION CARRIED. TENTATIVE ~p - TRACT NO. 3635. ubdivider, JQ Ao Phillips. Tract located at the southwest corner of Ro ? Drive and West Street, and contains 17 proposed R-3 lots. (Reclas! "fication Noo F-59-60-40) The City Plannin~ the following conditionst subject to 1. Modification (southerly of the Anaheim cleaning purposes, with the 2. Filing of dee~ recreational purposes onlyo 3. . Provision of a property line where propert zone in accordance with Cod~ the existing curb and gutter in Lombard Drive n Water Company right-of-way) for street gineering by the Cityo estriction limiting use of Lot Noo 4 for ix foot masonry wall on the westerly buts the R-I, Single Family Residential, equirementso Tentative map was held regarding the use of Lo viewed by the Council and discussion was 4 for recreational purposes onlyo Mro Richard Guthe; that it was not their intent punposes, only the southwest representing the subdivider, advised o develop the entire lot for recreational ly portion thereofo On motion by Counp tentative map, Tract Noo 36 of the City Plannlnq Commiss thereof; that Condition No. man Chandler, seconded by Councilman Coons, was approved, subject to the recommendations n, with the exception of Condition No.2 , be eliminatedo MOTION CARRIED. TENTATIVE MfP~ TRACT NO. 4107a Tractocated on the easterl Catalpa Avenue and the Orang easterly to Chippewa Street, I tdiVider, Salem Development Companyo side of the Santa Ana Freeway, between County Flood Control Channel, and extending ontaining 84 proposed R-3 lots. 'request from the Salem Development Company, ilm8n Chandler moved that action on said pril 18, 19610 Councilman Thompson seconded Pursuant to writte So D. Caplan, President, Cou tentative map be deferred to the motion. MOTION CARRIED. .....0 S ION APPOINT be authorized to pt amending Chapter 1 04 of the appointments and v~\cancies 0 filled by a majority vote of seconded the motiono MOTION Sa Councilman Coons~"ved that the City are ordinance for CouRtll consideration, naheim Municipal Code to provide that the City Planning Commission shall be he City Council. Councilman Chandler ARRIEDo I i TRANSFER OF FUNDS. Transfer of $ " 300000 from the General Fund to the Bond and Intereet Redemption Fund to ver principal and interest on the Joint Outfall Sewer Bond, was auth . ized on motion by Councilman Fry, seconded by Councilman Coons. MOTION C IED. . J RESOLUTION 10. 6772: Councilman and adoption. Refer to Resolutio jBoOk. ; offered Resolution No. 6772 for passage RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNC APPROVING FIRST SUPPLEMENTAL GAS TAX ALLOCATION FOR MAJO~ OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ADOPTING BUOOET AND MORANDUM OF AGREEMENT FOR EXPENDITURE OF ITY STREETS. On roll call the f by the fOllowinq vote: egoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted AYES. NOES I ABSENT; COUNCILMi COUNCILM$ COUNCILMi Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. Noneo Noneo [) [] [] 4738 Cit ,1 fornia -COUNCIL MINUTES - March 28 3:00 P.M. ~ declared Resolution Noo 6772 duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 6773: and adoptionQ uncilman ICoons offered ResQlution No. 6773 for passage Refer Resolut iqn Booko o A RESOLUTION OF T CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ESTABLISHING. STANDARDS FOR THE INSTALLAT]bN OF TRAFFIC REGULATION DEVICES. by the call the Boregoinq Resolution was duly passed and adopted ote: AYES: NOES:: ABSENT: COUNCI LMEI~ : COUNCILMEJN; COUNCILMEI~t Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. None" None. Resolution No. 6773 duly passed and adopted. AWARD OF CONTRACT - 30 NOo 570~ The Acting City Engineer reported on bid received for the brding Avehue-Alley Way street improvement, Job No. 570 and recommended t e award be made to Sully-Miller Contracting Company in the amount ot 6,2400500 BID RECEIVED Sully-Miller Cont acting Company (accompanied by a bid 19761 Santiago Ca yon Rdo bond in the amount of Orange, Californi 10%) $6,240.50 Refer t RESOLUTION NO. 67 Councilman Coons On the recommendations of the Acting City Engineer, ffered Resolution No. 6774 for passage and adoptiono Resolution Booko n '1 I. k_ A RESOLUTION OF T CITY COJTNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPI'ING A SEALED PROPOSAL A J) AWARDING A CONTRACT TO THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER FOR THE FURNISHIN OF ALL PLANT, LABOR, SERVICES, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT AND ALL UTIL~TIES AND TRANSPORTATION, INCLUDING POWER, FUEL AND WATER, AND PERFORMING ALL WO K NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT AND COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC IMPROVEMEN, THE HARDING AVENUE--ALLEY WAY STREET IMPROVEMENT, IN HARDING AVENUE FR LINCOLN AVENUE TO DEL MONTE DRIVE, AND IN ALLEY WAY FR~ HARDING AVEN TO TOPANGA DRIVE, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, JOB NO. 5700 (Sully-Mill r Contracting Company) On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following ote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. None.. None. The M0Y J declared Resolution No. 6774 duly passed and adopted. WAR OF NTRACT - JO NO. 572: The Acting City Engineer reported on bids received for the ~w:l.S Street--Cerri t05 Avenue improvement, Job No. ~72, and recommended t e acceptance of the low bid, that of R. J. Noble Company, in the amount of 23,718~90~ M II 1 ~ j j BIDS RECEIVED (Bids acc mpanied by a bid bond in the amount of Sully-M. ller Contracting Co. $ Cox Bro 0 Construction Co. Griffit Company R. .To Nble Company lC)% ) 24,988.45 24,249.70 24,018.25 23,718.90 RESOLUTION NO. 67 5~ Councilman Chandler offered Resolution Noo 6775 for passage and adopt5on~ Refer t Resolutiort Book.. 4739 Cit Hall Anaheim California. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CQ) PROPOSAL AND AWARDING A CON FURNISHING OF ALL PLANT, L! UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATIO ALL WORK NECESSARY TO CONST THE LEWIS STREET--CERRITOS CERRITOS AVENUE TO KATELLA 515 FEET EAST OF LEWIS STRE IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, JOB On roll call the by the following voteg AYES: COUNCI NOES: COUNCIL ABSENT; COUNCI 3;00 P.M. CIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A SEALED ACf TO THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER FOR THE R, SERVICES, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT AND ALL INCLUDING POWER, FUEL AND WATER, AND PERFORMTNG CT AND COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT: ENUE STREET IMPROVEMENT, IN LEWIS STREET FROM ENUE, AND IN CERRITOS AVENUE FRavt APPROXIMATELY TO APPROXIMATELY 620 FEET WEST OF LEWIS STREET, 00 5720 (Ro Jo Noble Company) [) regoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted ; Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. ! Noneo t Noneo Resolution Noo 6775 duly passed and adopted. RESOLijIION NO. 6776; Councilman and adoption. Refer A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CQ THAT PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT, TO WIT: IN ANAHEIM RD. FROM APPROXa DOWLING AVE., AND IN MILLER ANAHEIM ROAD, JOB NO. 578; DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS CONSTRUCTION OF SAID PUBLIC SPECIFICATIONS, ETC.; AND A A NOTICE INVITING SEALED PR opened April 20, 1961~ 2.00 On roll call the by the followinq vote. AYES: NOES I ABSENT, RESOLUTION NO. 6777: Councilman and adoption. offered Resolution No. 6776 for passage ClL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING ECESSITY REQUIRE THE CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLETION OF A THE MILLER STREET-ANAHEIM ROAD STREET IMPROVEMENT, OOli EAST OF MILLER ST. TO APPROX. 1320' EAST OF T a FROM ANAHEIM ROAD TO APPROX. 1320' SOUTH OF D APPROVING THE DESIGNS, PLANS, PROFILES, OR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF; AUTHORIZING THE PROVEMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH SATD PLANS, HORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH .~~)S FOR THE CONSTRucrION THEREOF. (Bids to be 0 regoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted ~' Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. Noneo Noneo fesolution Noo 6776 duly passed and adopted. i offered Resolution No. 6777 for passage Refer A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CO IL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AUTHORIZING THE SUBMISSION OF A REQUEST TO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION FOR FUNDS FRavt THE. CROSSING PROTECTION FUND Fa PROTECTION OF CROSSING NO. 2-168.0 AT THE INTER- SECTION OF SANTA ANA STREET D THE ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILWAY COMPANY TRACKS. i AYES: COUNCI. LM'. ~i Ch~ndler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. NOeS: COUNCILME. None 0 ABSENT: COUNCILME Noneo The Mayor declared ~eSolution No. 6777 duly passed and adopted. I ! I I I I I I ! On roll call the by the following vote: egoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted o 4740 Anaheim Ca " fornia - OUNCIL MINUTES - March 28 3;00 P.M. RESOLUTION NO. 67781 ouncilman ~handler offered Resolution No. 6778 for passage and adopt'ono Refer t Resolutiot Book. A RESOLUTION OF T CITY mUIilCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A DIRECTOR'S GRANT aED OONVEY!NG TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR MUNI 1PAL PURPO$ES. (State of California, Dept of Public Works) 0,.,'.", f '. 1 1\ On roll call the f~re9oin9 Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the fa ]owing vat,: AYES: COUNCILME~I NOES I COUNCILME$ J ABSENT: ICOUNCILME~, Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. None. None. The May r declared Resolution No. 6778 duly passed and adopted. Refer t 'Ordinance Book. AN ORDINANCE OF T CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING TITLE 4 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE BY DDTNG A CmAPTER THERETO ENTITLED, "CHAPTER 4.02 SPECIAL EVENTS". NCELLATIQN OF COUNTY Councilman Coons, to cancel County municipal purpose r~corded March 13 ~ARRIED. ORDINANCE NO. 1561: reading. o After h and having knowle reading in full 0 seconded the moti AXES: On motion by Councilman Fry, seconded by he Orange County Board of Supervisors was requested axes on pr~perty acquired by the City of Anaheim for , pursuant ,to Resolution No. 6690 (Maler property) 1961, Doc~ment No. 7301, Book 5653, Page 593. MOTION Cncilman T~ompson offered Ordinance No. 1561 for final read in full the title of Ordinance Noo 1561 the ~ontents therein, Councilman Coons moved the said ordinance be waived. Councilman Chandler MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. On roll oall the fQregoing Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the following otel AYES I NOES, ABSENT I COUNCILMEtfl COUNCILME$t COUNCILMEN. Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. None. None. The May r declared Ordinance No. 1561 duly passed and adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 15621 C ncilman Chandler offered Ordinance Noo 1562 for final reading. Refer t Ordinance Book. AN ORDINANCE OF T CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RE TING TO Z~NING. (F-60-61-57 - C-2) il 4 -~ After h ~ring read in full the title of Ordinance No. 1562 and having knowledge f the contents therein, Councilman Chandler moved the reading in full 0 said ordinance be waived. Councilman Coons seconded the motiono MOT I . UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. On roll by the following AYES a NOES, ABSENT: the foregoing Ordinance was duly passed and adopted COUNCIlMEM: CQIJNCILMEhI. COUNCIlMENa Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and 5chutte~ None. None. The May r declared Ordinance No. 1562 duly passed and adopted. 4741 California ~ andler offered Ordin,nc. Ho. 1~ for first inance were furnishtd 'ach Couneillln. ~DINANpE tfO. 15641 Councilman reading. Copies of said ~ AN ORDINANCE' OF THE CITY Of ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE BY , I AND 6.20.090 THEREOF, AND $ and Disposal of Garbage, R~ than 50 pounds when filled AHE IM AMENDING TITLE 6, CHAPTER. 6, ~OJ 1141 NDING SECTIONS', 6.20~060, .6:.,28'.070 ADDING THERETO SECT 1(11' 6.20. 071. (COll~tlOft ish, Waste Material -- no container to be mo,. 50 gallon oil druaa&.&hell not be used) After hearing re~ in full the title of Ordinanoe No. l5.~ anci having knowledge of the co~ nts therein, Councilman Chandle~ moved. the rea. di"9 ..in full of said or4 ance be waived. Counci11Da'n Coons seconded the lICrtion. MOTION UNANIM<P LY CARRIED. [] b. I rrespondence was omX'ed rec.eived aA<1flled , seconded by Counctlman Th~on. . 'MDTI<* -- legislative ..~t.t tran.-J"a.i.onond distribution of water. . y Board of Supervisors -- Site .~ - ~opoaed location for airport, Anaheim.PIIC"'~ area. The City Clerk we) instructed to schedule ~~. 110. 1564f. final reading in approximat y 90 days, so as to allOW'for a transitional peri 041.. ~ The following on mati on by Councilman Co~ CARRIID. a. R. A. St ...~.. Ill- l!)Mt Councilman ons offered Ordinance No. 1565f~'.:J.t ".i~. AN ~NNfCE OF THE CITY CQ CIL OF THE CITY OF ANAJeIM AMENDING CHAPI'ER 14.32 ~ ADDING A SEcrION l' ETO TO BE NUMBIRBD 14.32.191'i (parking of vehicles on streets restric -- 120 consecutive hours) After hearing re. in full the title of Ordinance"lto. ~ ~ navin,knowledge of the con nts therein, Counci1aaan Coons ~ the' NI"", 0............ .' in fu~ of said ordinance waived. Council.an Fry "oood.q the moti... ltOlIOM UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. I ~.,. ...... . Councilman Coons m ~CARRIED. S The City Man~..r reported on a~1catlon. ' e licenses, as follows, a. Speed., Mart, 37 W. Ball ioacA, app11c.t~on for ntw off-sale beer Iftd wine alcoholic bev age license. The City Council I abel P. and .11.Rd.O. ~on fe new on-aal. okhurst Str.et, ~t. 11 tnd 12. ok no action on laid applicaU... b. Application ~ beer llc.... at 821 South to fu~ in to the City of Anaheim, as " r_ City CouPoII au~1. the ipte the veS'Da1 off." "11 the Kr"" Build1.., e by Cortez Hoskins to Councilman Th~,n. " to adjourn. Councilaaan F~ seconded the aotion. SI~EDI o '* .