1961/06/06 4884 fornia - Council of the City of Anaheim met in regular session. PRESENT t ABSENT I PRESENT t COUNCI COUNCI CITY M ASSIST! DEPUTY DIREGf AcrING CITY P Nt Chandler and Fry. Na Coons, Thompson and Schutte. GERt "Keith A. Murdoch. , CITY ATTORNEY' John Dawson TV CLERK, Alona M. Farrens. IOF PUBLIC'WGRKS. Thornton Piersall. tTY ENGlNE~Rt James Maddox. NING DIRECTOR. Richard A. Reese. Three C ,ncilmen being absent, Deputy City Clerk, Alana M. Farrens, called t + meeting to order and recessed.1;he meeting to 3.4$ P.M. due to lack of q1ll tum. tfTl?Jt RECESS t COUNCI~Nt Chandler, Fry and Schutte. COUNCILMEN. Coons and Thompson. called the meeting to order. Revised plans submitted by On moti ~ by Councilman Chandler, seconded by Councilman Fry, said revised plan ;were apprDved, subject to increasing the landscaped area along the fr ~t property line to 20 feet in depth, to comply with Condition No.5 0 ; Resolution No. 6871. MOTION CARRIED. . Request of Mrs. David of time to reclassification no. F~59w6o-9a The Cit Council reviewed the original file. and on motion by Councilman Chand! i, seconded by Councilman Fry, a 60-day extension of time was granted, $ubject to the Applicant complying with conditions of Resolution No. 6 ~ that are possible to meet at thepr,sent time (dedication, bond, etc.). MOTION CARRIED. Request of Newton ~rbut.. reclassification No. 60-61-03, .. was The Cit Council reviewed the original file, and on aotion. by Councilman Chandl 't seconded by Councilman FrYt a 60';'day extension of time was granted, ~ubject to the Applicant complying with conditions of Resolution No.. 6 that are possible to meet at the present time (dedication, bond, etc). MOTION CARRIED. Request of Robert B. Ralls M.D. for approval of revised plans lowing the construction of a convalescent hospital (Reclassification No. F-59-60-2) was submittedo (1:" L! Recomm ations of the City Planning Department were submdtted and based on thei recommendations, Councilman Chandler moved that it be the finding that is is not an allowable use in the C-l zone pursuant to Ordinance Noo ~25, and that Dr. Ralls be informed that he should apply for a Condi ional Use Permit. (No second to this motion.) Dr. Ral application in R minutes of April stated to be a c an oversight on C-l zoning which s addressed the Council and referred to his original lassification No. F~59-60-2 and also to the Council 8, 1959, wherein the propQsed use of the property was alescent hospital. He was of ' ~he opinion that it was part of the former Council in granting the limited "id not include convalescent hospitals. and ~lans were reviewed and compared with the original file held between the Council and Dr. Ralls. 4885 OiJHl9NCE NO. 1585. Counci first reading, amending Co a convalescent hospital in finding that it was the in; convalescent hospital useo an Chandler offered Ordinance No. 1585 fo~ Otion No.5 of Ordinance No. 1425 to include e zone change granted by Ordinance No. 1425 on the tion of the former Council to so include a AN ORJ)INANCE OF THE CITY TITLE. 18 OF THE ANAHEIM M NAHEIM AMENDING OODINANCE NO. 1425 AMENDING IPAL CODa RELATING TO 2DNING. (F...59-60-2) After hearing re. in full the title of Ordinance No. 1585 and having knowledge of the co, nts therein, Councilman Chandler moved the readi., in full of said or,. ance be waived. Councilman Fry seconded the moti Oft. MOTION UNANIMOUSL. ARR IED. RE50~IQN NOo 69521 Counp pass8le and adoption, amen, autharizing the amendment ~ with to include a convalesc signatures can be obtained, man Chandler offered Resolution No. 6952 for 9 Contition Noo 5 of Resolution No. 5439, and deed restrictions filed in connection there- t hospital, on the condition that the necessary Dr. Rallso Refer to Resolut~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY G NO. 5.0F RESOLUTION NO. 54 CIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING CONDITION IN RECLASSIFICATICIi PROCEEDINGS NO. F-59-60-2, ~regOing Resolution was duly passed and adopted ; On roll call by tht following vote. AYES. NOES. ABSENT . Chandler, Fry and Schutte. None. Coons and Thompson. Resolution Noo 6952 duly passed and adopted. Councilman Chandler reques, that ~o Ralls, except for the property in question t Councllo the record to show a finding to the effect e retention of a 20 foot easement, has landlocked ugh his own doing, and through no fault of the Councilman Chandler moved nvalescent hospital submitted this date by t to conformity with all the City Codes, such ctrical. Councilman Fry seconded the motion. INK Communication dated May 25, 1961 from osella Tilton, outlining their proposed joint property located east of Sabina Street, north sting City participation in the improvement ittedo Mr. Murdoch repo as followss 20 foot alley, driveway apron, $125000, n d on the estimated cost of the improvements, 1550000; 6 foot block wall, $1750.001 and I including power pole relocation, if necessary. Councilman Chandl individuals and this would person, and thereupon, mov in relief of the situation, MOTICII CARRIED. felt that this was a situation created by the a request to use public funds for a private that the request for the City to participate ~e denied. Councilman Fry seconded the motion. Councilman the Council indicate to Mr. Steinbrink and ~s. Tilton that they Id look favorably upon the plans presented. Councilman Fry seconded the fotiono MarION CARRIED. REQUEST - ~IDEWALK WAIVER, Req t..potary waiver of sidewa~ Adams Street, was submitte~ t of Familian Pipe & Supply Co., Inc. for requirement on property located at 200 South g!: .. : ~ " " [J o 4886 On the commendations of the City Engin~er, Councilman Fry moved that tempo ocy waiver of sidewalk requirements be granted on Adams Street only~ and hat sidewalks be installed on Broadway at this time. Councilman Chandl oc seconded the motiono MOTION CARRIEDo I Application for permission to erect three non-confor ~g oversized) signs at 1441 South West Street, together with pIa s, was submitted 0 o The PIa t'\iLg Depa~tftl1mt recoanended approved location should be a minimum 45 f et distance from centerlines of West aha Cerritos Streets. Council . n Chandler moved that the signs be granted, subject to the recommendati ~ of the City Planning Department. Councilman Fry seconded the mati no MOTION CARRIEDo I APPLICATION - TE conforming sign a was submitted 0 Application for permission to erect a non- Angeles Street, together with plans; a four ~e reviewed and it w as noted that the request was for tion at a 16 foot heighto Council tln Chandler moved the application be qranted, sUbject to the recommenda lons of the City Planning Department (required right-of-way on Los Angeles St ~et at this location is 40-feet from centerline). Councilman Fry se onded the motiono MOTION CARRIED. Booko RESOLurION NOo 6953. buncilman Chandler offered Resolution No. 6953 for passage and adopt ono n f !1 '. [j t_ ..iJ A RESOLUTION OF T CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DETERMINING THE NECESSITY FOR AND DIRECTING THE ACQUISITION BY EMINENT DOMAIN OR orHERWISE, OF REAL PROPERTY OR PARK AND RECREATION PURPOSES. (Montague property) On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the followingoteg AYES, NOES g ABSENT 8 COUNCILMEN i COUNCILMEN 8 COUNCILMEN I Chandler, Fry and Schutteo None" Coons and Thompsono r declared Resolution Noo 6953 duly passed and adopted. RE50LUfION NOo 69548 passaqe and adopt Chandler offered Resolution No" 6954 for Booko A RESOLtrrION OF T CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AUfK:>RIZING THE PURCHASE AND A~U SITION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR MUNICIPAL PURPOSES. (Wmo Montague pro erty) On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the fo lowinq vote. n I H ,,"'".... AYES a NOESg ABSENT 8 COUNCILMEN. COUNCILMEN! COUNCILMEN. Chandler9 Fry and Schutte. Noneo Coons and Thompsono The May t declared Resolution Noo 6954 duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NOo 69558 ouncilman Fry offered Resolution Noo 6955 for passage and adoptiono Refer t Resolution Booko 4867 I..,..~.,o.....' .'-' ;.;- Cit A RE5eLurION OF THE CITY C CIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM A1ITHORIZING THE PURCHASE AND ~UISITION OF CERTAIN AL PROPERTY FOR MUNICIPAL PURPOSES. (Ida I. Beat ) On roll call the regolng Resolution was duly passed and adopt~d by the .following y e3 AYES. NOES. AB5ENT:. Chandler, Fry and Schutte. Noneo Coons and Thompson. Resolution Noo 6955 duly passed and adopted. QRDINAIEE~ 'l5a6. Councilaani re.dl.lgo offered Ordinance No. 1586 for first AN ORlINANCE OF THE CITY Of IUIloIPAL CODE RELATING TOi AHEIM AMENDING TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM NING. (F-60-6l-87 - C-l) ! After hearing rea fin full the title of Ordinance No. 1586 and haYi,.... knowledge of the coo .. nts therein, Councilman Ghandler moved the readiag in full of said or~ ance be waivedo Councilman Fry seconded the motiono MOTION UNANIMOUSL CARRIEDo Mr, Raymond Speha l Applicant, addressed the Council, requesting permission to obtain a Buil fn9 Permit after the first reading of the forgoing ordinanceo ! ! ! The Council indiC ~ed that Mxo Spehar could be issued a Building Permit" if, ,he submitted a 1 rter assuming all responsibility. ,Fry offered Resolution No. 6956 for passage j i RESOLuti~~o 6956." ani ~,optiono o Refer to Resoluti A REstLurION OF THE CITY C AUY4IZING THE EXEClTfION ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA TO CCIISTRUcr AND MAl NT AlN R IGHf OF WAY OF SAID RAILWA ORAN~ COUNTY, CALIFCRNIA.. adopt~ ClL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROJING AND A PIPE LINE LICENSE AGREEMENT WITH THE RAILWAY CCNPANY GRANTING TO THE CITY A LICENSE PIPE LINE 27" IN DIAMETER ACROSS OR ALCIfG THE COMPANY AT OR NEAR THE STAT ION OF ATWOOD, water transmission line) I . J On roll call the~regoing Resolution was duly passed and by the followin9 YO t: AYES, NOES. ABSENT: .~' I Chandler, Fry and Schutte. Ii Noneo I Coons and Thompson. ,Resolution Noo 6956 duly passed and adopted. j CITY PLAN~NG COMMISSION ITEMS: tctions taken by the City Planning Commission May 2f, 1961, pertaining to he following applications, were subnitted for City Council information an I consideration~ John Jo Ritzke Colony Investments William Walker Etta Mo Tuma I NOo 1 - Loma Vista Investments, Inc. IT NOo 12 - John Do Claussen IT NO. 124 - Ralph Co and Mina Bolte IT NO. 125 - Disneyland, Incorporated & Henry D. and Matilda Bielefeld. a Plans were revie and no further action was taken by the City Couneil on the above numbered appli ationso - .! o ,., , , ij I ! .I ~ ; .J 4888 CoRRESPONDENCE. The f on motion by Coun CARRIED. ao Fe bo As Co Ci do Be ilowing correspondence was ordered received and filed fi.lman Chandler, seconded by Councilman Fry. MOTION ther River Project ASSOciation. - water le9islat1on embly Bill 2455 (Kern County Water Agency) y of Stanton - Invitation ore the Public Utilities Commission - Case No. 6148 AWARD- JOB NO. 5001. On report and request of the Acting City Ent1n..Z', Councilman Fry mo ed that award of contract, Job No. 500l, be held over for one week (Jun 13, 1961)0 Councilman Chandlel; &econded the motion. MOTION CARRIEDo Acting City Engineer reported on bid. ; rst Street sewer illprov8118nt,4ob No'. l214. as fOllOWS, e acceptance of the low bid, th~i; of Santa Ana Valley ; in the amount of $6,186.401 ' BIDS RECEIVED (All bids ac ompanied b~ a bid bond in the Ralph deLeon Con$ tuction, Inco Orange County Con to Coo JoPoSo Contractin Coo, Inco Santa Ana Valley ontractors, Inc. amount of la.;) $10,085.40 8,6~2.60 6,990.20 6,l86.40 Chandler offered Resolution No. 695' Refer Resolution Book. A RESOLUTION OF T CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAIlEIM ACaPrING A SEALED PROPOSAL A t> AWARDING A CONTRAcr TO THE LoJ$ST RESPafSIBLE BIllER FOR THE FURNISHIN . OF ALL PLANT, LABCE, SERVICES,'MATERIALS AND EQUIP- MENT AND ALL UfIL tIES AND T~NSPORTATION, INa.UD~~~ POWER, FUEL AND WATER, AND PERFOO ~NG ALL WORK NECESSARY TO CON) nJJ;r AND CXIIPLETE TIE FOLLOWING PUBLIC MPROVEMENT. THE DURST ST. SEWER: 'IMPROV~NT ,IN ORANGEFAIR, FR~ PPROXo 338 FT. WEST OF LEMON ST~. to LEMON STREET, THENCE NOOTHERLY J>PROXo 250 FI'. IN LEMON ST. TO DURST ST., THENCE EASTERLY APPROXo !56 FEET IN DURST ST., JOB NO. 1214. (Santa Ana~i Valley Contractor, , Inco) On roll call the foregoing Resolution~s duly passed and adopted by the following ote: AYES. COUNCILMENt Chandler, Fry and Schutte. NOES, COUNCILMEN I None. ABSENTt COUNCILMEN. Coons and Thompson. The May t declared Resolution No. 6957 duly passed and adopted. AWARD OF CONTRACT - J NOo l225 The Acting City Engineer rePOrt~ oob1ds received for the I\orton-Brady Avenue sewer improvement, Job No. 12Z, as follows, and r Commended the acceptance of the ~ow bid, that of Plumbing Contract rs, Inco in the amount of $23,096.40. BIDS RECEIVED (All bids ac ompanied by a bid bond in the Ralph de Leon Con truction, Inc. Orange County Con to COo JoPoSo Contractin Coo, Inca Plumbing Contract rs, Inco Refer amount of l~) $34,245.48 28,212.20 24,498.40 23,096.40 RESOLUfION NO. 69 I Councilman Chandler offered Resolution No. 6958 for passage and a optiono Resolution Book. A RESOLlITION OF T CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A SEALED PROPOSAL A n AWjDING A CONTRACT TO THE LOW$ST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER FOO THE FURNISHINOF ALL PLANT, LABCfi, SERVlCES,MATERIALS AND EQUIp.. MENT AND ALL UTIL TIES AND TRANSPORTATION, INCLUD~~G POWER, FUEL AND WATER, AND PERFOR ING ALL WORK NECESSARY TO CONSfRUcr AND CCJAPLETE THE 4889 Cit FOLL(JVING PUBLIC IMPROVEJA IN TJ<<:>RTON AVENUE FRCM KNO AVENtE, AND IN BRADY AVE EAST OF KNOTT AVENUE, IN ] Contractors, Inco) t THE THORTON-BRADY AVENUE SEWER IMPROVEMENT, A VENUE TO APPROXIMATELY 1700 FEET EAST OF KNOTT 'FROM KNOTT AVENUE TO APPROXIMATELY 1700 FEET CITY OF ANAHEIM, JOB NO. 1225. (Plumbing On roll call the, adop~d by the following ~ regoing Resolution was duly passed and ee AYES. NOES. ABSENT, Chandler, Fry and Schutte. Noneo Coons and Thompson. AWARD RA - WOR ORD received, as follows, for steel cylinder pipe and f~ accep~ance of the low bid, Inc 0 in the amount of $14,: Resoluti on No. 6958 duly passed and adopted. . 40 Acting City Engineer reported on bids e furnishing of fabricat~ reinforced concrete ings, Work Order No. 4022, and recommended the hat of Southern Pipe Division of U. S. Industries, 3052; BIDS RECEIVED Southern Pipe Division of S. Industries, Inc. (Accaapanied by Cashiers Check 0 110228 in the amount of $1500.00) American Pipe and Construd on Coo (Bid Bond in amount of l~) United Concrete Pipe Corpa tion (Bid Bond in amount of lQ%) $14,663.~2 14,860.60 21,436.~ RijpOffI'ION NO" 69591 Coun pass"e and adoptiono offered Resolution No. 6959 for A REtpLUTION OF THE CITY PROPC;fAL AND AWARDING A C Fll1NSHING TO THE CITY OF CYLI~R PIPE AND FITTTNGS of UIISO Industries, Inco) On roll call the ~ore9oing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: elL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A SEALED ACT TO THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER FCm THE HElM OF FABRICATED REINFORCED CONCRETE STEEL WORK ORDER NO. 4022. (Southern Pipe Division AYES t COUNCI NOES, COUNCI ' ABSENT 1 COUNCI t Chandler, Fry and Schutte. a None. t Coons and Thompson. The Mayor declaD Resolution No. 6959 duly passed and adopted. ORDINANCE pO. 1581: Councilman xy offered Ordinance No. 1581 for final reading. Refer to Ordinan AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY a NAHEIM AMENDING TITLE 7, CHAPTER 7.20 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE BY ING THERETO SECTION 7.20.140. (Gambling) A~ter hearing re having knowledge of the co reading in full of said 0 motion. MOTION UNANIMOUSL in full the title of Ordinance No. 1581 and nts therein, Councilman Chandler moved the . ance be waived. Councilma~ Fry seconded the ARRIED. On roll call by the following votes ~oregoing Ordinance was duly passed and adopted AYES, COUNCI NOES. COUNCI ABSENT a eOUNCI a Chandler, Fry and Schutte. t None. . Coons and Thompson. Ordinance No.158l duly passed and adopted. [] f] g 4890 ORDINANCE NO. 15821 readin90 cilman Chandler offered Ordinance No. 1582 for tJnal AN ORDINANCE OF T SECTION 3.560020 CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING TITLE 3, CHAPrER 3.S6, THE ANAHBIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING .TO JUNKtDLLECI'CRS. o After h ing read in full the title of Ordinance No. l~2 and having knowledge the contents therein, Council~~n Chandler moved the reading in full o said ordinance be waived. Cour)~1lman Fry seconded the motion 0 MOT I ; UNANIMOUSLY C'ARRIED. . by the ~ll the foregoing Ordinance wa~ duly passed and adopted, , e. AYES. COUNCILMEN: Chandler, Fry and Schutte. NOES! COUNCILMEN. None. ABSENT a COUNCILMENa Coons and Thompson, declared Ordinance No. l~82 duly pa~sed and adopted. ~DINANCE NO. 15831 reading. . cilman Sohutte offered Ordinance No. 1583 for final Refer Ordinance Book. AN ORDINANCE OF T CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING TITLE 1, CHAPTER l.04, SECTION 1.04.190 THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE. (Finance Department .. Data Processing D' 'sion) ,..-,. t ..:1 . 1 j After h having knowledge reading in full 0 motiono MOTION ing read in full the title of Ofdinance Noo 1583 and the contents therein, Councilman Chandler moved the $aid 'ordinance be waived. Councilman Fry seconded the IMOUSLY CARRIED. On roll by the followinq .all the foregoing Ordinance was duly passed and adopted tea AYES I COUNCILMEN: Chandler, Fry and Schutte. NOES. COUNCILMEN. None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Coons and Thompson. ORDINANCE NO. reading. declared Ordinance No. 1583 du~y passed and adopted. cilman Chandler offered Ordinance No. 1584 for final Ordinance Booko AN ORDINANCE OF T CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE R [ING TO ZONING. (60-61~83 - C~l) . After h ring read in full the title of Ordinance No. -1584 and having knowledge the contents therein, Councilman Chandler moved the reading in full 0 said ordinance be waived. Councilman Fry seconded the motiono MOTION IMOUSLY CARRIED. rl i I I ..,1 On roll by the following all the foregoing Ordinance was duly passed and adopted e; AYES, COUNCILMEN; Chandler, Fry and Schutte. NOES. COUNCILMENt None. ABSENT; COUNCILMEN a Coons and ThompsOn. The May declared Ordinance No. 1584 Q~ly passed and adopted. 4891 - June 6 .M. ORDINA~'Oo l58!7L r@adingo Ordinance No. 1587 for first AN ORf.)INANCE OF THE CITY MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO AHEIM AMENDING TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM ING. (60-61-26 - C-l) After hearing re: and having knowledge of th' the reading in full of sai the .tion. MOTION UNANI in full the title of Ordinance Noo 1581 ontents therein, Councilman Chandler moved rdinance be waivedo Councilman Fry s@conded. LV CARRIED. ORDINAP fOe .15OOa readiJltgo y offered Ordinance Noo 1558 for first AN CJl)INANCE OF T HE CITY SBCTJDN 140400070 OF THE A (Anaheim Road - 45 miles AHEIM AMENDING TITLE 14, CHAPl'ER 14.40, IM MUNICIPAL GODE RELATING TO SPEED LIMITS. hour) After hearing rei having knowledge of the co in f\lll of said ordinance , motioo 0 IIJTICW UNANlMOUSL; in full the title of Ordinanoe No. 1588 and nts therein, Councilman Fry moved tNt reading waived. Councilman Chandler seoonded the ARR lED. RECESS. COuncilman Fry moved t seconled the motiono 7100 P.Mo Councilman Chandler (5105 PoNo) AFTER ~CiJ2,1 PIES.. ABSEMt . PRES*t'. d the meeting to order. COUNCILMEN I Cha COUNCILMEN a Co CITY MANAGER: ASSISTANT CITY DEPury CITY CLER' PUBLIC WCJiKS DI ACfING CITY ENGI CITY PLANNING DI er, Fry and Schutte. and Thompson. h Ao Murdoch. MEY I Joseph Geisler. Alona Mo Farrens. OR, Thornton Piersall. Rt James Maddox. OR. Richard A. Reeseo IlWOQt.TICth Revo Gehres, Invoaationo of the Wesley Methodist Church, gave the ~~G 1~:rrE I Mayor the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to I Initiated by the City 09 amendment to the established P~L zone alon9 ies bounded by South Los Angeles Street on the and Lemon Street on the west, and Vermont Str..t : e properties contained in Tract Ho. 3222 located Public hearing w allow time for further st continued from the meeting of May 16, 1961, to and considerationo City Planning C fortn their recommendation presented, copies of said to each Councilman for st 'ssionvs Resolution No. 246, Series 196o-6l~ setting rtaining to amending the subject P-L zone, was olution and map of the area having been subaitted Mro Murdoch furt mend at ions and the existin outlined on the map presen would reduce the P-L zone consideration, from 60 fee and to 15 feet on Lemon St explained the City Planning Commission's recaa- -L zone and the proposed aMendment thereto were That basically, the proposal, as re'cOlllD8nded, pletely surrounding the commercial area under ~o 6 feet on Ball Road and South Los Angeles Street, t and Vermont Avenue. The Mayor asked' anyone wished to address the Council. Mro owner of two parcels of property involved, advised that this was ing P-L 20ne on commercial zoning in the City. He a ~ _4 o [] ,.., r -1 , ,j ~ -."" n r ' j j [ _: Cit felt that landsca accomplish the pu detrimental to th thQir property 0 any street is the publico He felt perty and called detrimental to th LemonStreet and B set precedence fo Mrso Au Angeles Street, a and advised that as recommended, a ,to the sidewalk, required to maint 4892 fornia - COUNCIL MlNUT 5 - June 6 lng per se in front of commercial property does not pose that it was intended to do, but is actually property because it deprives the owners the use of hat the key to the value of commercial property on exposure that that property has to the traffic and hat P-L zoning should be completely removed from the pro- ttention to developments where landscaping has proved Cityo He referred to the setback on his property on 11 Road and f~lt that prior action of the Council should their oction on the requested reduction of the P";'L zone. ley Warnoff, owner of commercial property on South Los teed that commercial property needs street exposure f the P~L zone on South Los Angeles Street was reduced jacent property owners would be allowed to build up ijereby blocking their existing building, as they were in a 60 foot setbacko In answ ~ to Councilman Chandler's Question regarding the possibility of ad itional units on the front of the present building, Mrso Warnoff advi ~d that the storefronts have been leased to peopla who wish frontage dn Los Angeles Street, however, perhaps they could arrange for parki at the front, rather than the back. In answ Chandler, Mro Lor he was not going that they have no viewpoints 0 He a supervision along to the inquiries of Mayor Schutte and Councilman Wagner, President of the Tamasha Club, advised that build anything within the 60 or 70 foot front area, roblems, however, can see both their neighbors ised that they would like to have good architectural South Los Angeles Street 0 Discuss. was held by the Council and the interested parties and at the conclu ion thereof9 there being no one else wishing to address the Council, the or declared the hearing closed. RESOL ION NOo 6 passage and adopt. changing the zone zone, and incorpo the following cond Councilman Chandler offered Resolution No. 6960 for , authorizing the preparation of necessary ordinance, exclude the subject property, in part, fraa the P-L ting said property, in part, into the C-I zoning, upon tions8 lo That the existing P-L, Parking Landscaping Zone, along Los Angeles Stree between Vermont Avenue and Ball Road be maintained" with the exception that the required landscaping from the southerly boundary line of e Tamasha Club parking lot, including the Tamasha Club, extending n therly to Vermont Avenue, shall be reduced to a six foot wide strip a tting the planned highway right-of-way line of subject properties, and th 60 foot building setback be maintained, and that street trees shall be provided approximately every forty feet adjacent to the planned hig way right-of--way line. The tree requirement shall be deemed to be campI ed with if trees are planted in five foot by five foot tree wells located in the parkway portion of said right-of-way. All portions of the pa kway not filled in with concrete shall be properly landscaped in a ma ner provided for hereino Tha Tamasha parking 10 Street, be rezoned Commercial Zone, p every 40 feet in t 20 That Road between Los A exceptions that th wide strip abuttin perties, and that feet adjacent to t whall be deemed to foot tree wells lo the area from the southerly boundary line of the extending southerly to Ball Road, along Los Angeles from P~L, Parking Landscaping Zone, to C-l, Neighborhood oviding, that street trees shall be provided approximately e parkway abutting the property. the existing P-L, Parking-Landscaping Zone along Ball geles Street and Lemon Street be maintained, with the required landscaping shall be reduced to a six foot the planned highway right-of-way line of subject pro- treet trees shall be provided approximately every forty e plannedhighway right-of-way line. The tree requirement be complied with if trees are planted in five foot by five ated in the parkway portion of said right-of-way. All ,4893 Cit 00 P.M. portio. ns of the parkway not ~illed in with concrete shall be properly landsCaped in a manner pro, ped for hereino 30 That the exi~ Street between Vermont Ave included in Tract No 0 3222:, to the centerline of Lempn seven feet from the centerl shall be reclassified into fifteen feet classified in landsGaped except for acces include street trees which The t~ee requirement shall in five foot by five foot t right-of-wayo All portions propetly landscaped in a ma Ong P-L, Parking-Landscaping Zone along Lemon and Ball Road, excepting therefrom those properties hall be reduced to fifteen feet in width parallel reet and extending from thirty-two feet to 'forty- e of Lemon Streeto The remaining .forty-five feet e C-l, Neighborhood COlJDercial 'ZQne. Said e P-L, Parking-Landscaping Zone shall be I dxives and walks. Said landscaping shall all be spaced approximately every forty feet. deemed to be complied with if trees are planted e wells located in the parkway portion of said f the parkway not filled in with concrete shall be er provided for herein. 40 That the exis Avenue between Los Angeles fifteen feet in width abut~ five feet shall be reclass~ Said fifteen feet classifi, landscaped except for acces elude street trees which s The tree requirement shall planted in five foot by fi of said right-of-wayo All crete shall be property la. ng P~L, Parking-Landscaping Zone along Vermont reet and Lemon Street shall be reduced to g the front property line. The remaining forty- ad into .the C-l, Neighborhood Commercial Zoneo in the P-L, Parking-Landscaping Zone shall be drives and walks. Said landscaping shall in- I be spaced approximately every forty feet. deemed to be complied with if trees are foot tree wells located in the parkway portion rtions of the parkway not filled in with con- caped in a manner provided for herein. 50 That plans f spacing of said trees shal of Parkway Maintenanceo all landscaping and water supply; including the e subject to the approval of the Superintendent 60 That the pro Parking-Landscaping Zone ~ all conditions assigned to Neighborhood Commercial Z Commercial propertyo Said adopted by the City Counci ty proposed for reclassification from the P-L. , he C-l, Neighborhood Commercial Zone, shall have e property presently classified in the C-19 abutting said newly proposed C-l, Neighborhood nditions are established by Ordinance No. 894, Fn May 25, 1954. Refer to Resolute A REfI)LUIION OF THE CITY. DETE~INING THAT TITLE 18 SHOUIl> BE AMENDED AND THAT CHAN~D. (60-61-98 - P~L CIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AN D THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL GOOE RELATING TO ZONING BOUNDARIES OF CERTAIN ZONES SHOULD BE C-l) j On roll call the ~oregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote~ I AYES I NOES, ABSENT J Chandler, Fry and Schutte. None.. Coons and Thompson. Resolution Noo 6960 duly passed and adopted. PUBLIC INGS- RE.CLA IFICAT Reclassification Noo 60-61 requesting a change of zoo side of Broadway, between as 1131 West Broadwayo NOo 60-6 - AND V IANGE o. 1 7 98 Submitted by Dale Wo and Mary A. McDonald, Ifrom R-2 to R-3 on property located on the north 1st Street and Walnut Street, and further described The City Plannio Series 1960-61, denied sa~ , ICommission, pursuant to their Resolution 254, Ireclassificationo I d by Dale Wo and Mary A. McDonald, requesting floor area andminimum sideyard setback require- een buildingso Variance no. 13571 Submit permission to waive minimu ments and minimum space be ~ ~ fl... lJ 4894 fornia - The Cit Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution Noo 255, Series 1 f>O-61, denied said variance. Th~ May t asked if anyone wished to address the Council. 0, ! . I _; Mr. Wat .r Malzahp, 2200 SOo Loara Street, representing the Applicants, addre.ed the Council, explaining their proposed developBIent of four living un ts and four garages. He advised that if it would enable the owner to deve ~p his property in a morQ feasible manner, he would ask that the variance I>e deleted from the Council Agenda and consideration be given only to the rezoning. Plans a . the files were reviewed by t~~ Council and Cou~llman Chandler noted tit t no request has been made for the waiver of the minimu.. lot size which wo Id be neceesary for the develo~ent prop~ed. mately 4n Fry felt that the development would cover approxi- ~f the lot in questiono The May ~ asked if anyone else wished tp address the Council, there being no r. ~onse, declared the hearing closed on Reclassification 60-61-89 and Vari dce No. l3~7. Councilman Fry offered Reso+ution No. 6961 for n, sustaining the action taken py the City Planning Ying Reclassification No. 60-6l~S9. iResoluti on Book. A RESOLlTf ION OF T MINING THAT A C THE CITY HEREINA CITY COtmlCIL OF THE CITY OF ~^HEIM FINDING AND DETER- E OF ZONE SHOULD Nor BE GRANTED IN A CERTAIN AREA OF DESCRIBED. (60-6l-89) J On roll oall the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the fo Jowing votes AYES I NOES. ABSENT. COUNCILMEN. COUNC ILMEN . COUNCILMEN. Chandler, Fry and Schutte. None. Coons and Thompson. declared Resolution Noo 6961 duly passed and adopted. Councilman Fry offered Resolution Noo 6962 for ~, denying variance No. l3~7. Resolution Booko A RESOLUTION OF T CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DENYING VARIANCE NO. 13570 all the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted Lowing vote. AYES. COUNCILMEN. Chandler, Fry and Schutte. NOES. COUNCILMEtf. None. ABSENT. COUNCILMEN, Coons and Thompson. n 11 i J declared Resolution Noo 6962 duly passed and adopted. L C ING - C foert.eyer, requ located on the we Aven~ s, its nort the southwest cor AL US IT N Subm1tted by Helen L. "ng permiSsion to co~truct a c~urch on property . side of Dale Avenue, between C;escent and Tyler st corner being approximately 990 feet south of tr of Crescent and Dale Avenues. The Cit No. 251, Series 1 Use Permit. Planning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution -61, recommended the denial of said Conditional 4895 ClL S - Review of action ~ken by the City Planning Commission was orderJd by the City Counci~ I and public hearing scheduled. I The Mayor asked ~ anyone wished to address the Council. Georgia lIanestar" Applicant and owner of thel expr.sed the Applicant- s . applieation for review. S by interested developers 0, parks.. however, the Applic' for the neighborhood. She! of tilt Evangelical Free COIIRi&sion, could not att That aev. Nelson did not i he presently conducts, int gent, representing Helen L. Foertmeyer, proximate two acre parcel under consideration, titude to the Council in setting subject advised that many offers have been received dical centers, multiple units and trailer did not feel those uses would be desirable vised that Rev. Nelson, who spoke on behalf h of America before the City Planning this evening meeting because of his servicesQ nd to bring his two radio broadcasts, which this area. Mr. Tan F. Bro~ petit!on signed by 60 of Permit. He advised that park~9 problem created a blac~top, there would de~ 24 Coolidge Avenue, presented and read a neighbors, protesting the Conditional Use believed there would be a traffic and further, with ~3 of the property under itely be a drainage probl... ..iss "anestar a 171 tBet, not 151 feet as notioe. sed that the frontage on Dale Avenue was s shown onthe City Planning Ca.misslonmap and The Mayor asked there being no response, d anyone else wished to address the Council, lared the hearing closed. Plans from the ~ e were reviewed by the CoUncil and discussion was held by the Council arl a Gentle..n in the audi.nceregardingdrainage problems in the area. I Mr. Brown advis. that he was not opposing a church, but he was opposing the 66% of the lC4 under black:-top that will drain onto his proptrtYJ that he would ~ S8 any use that would not provide adequate draidBge. ! I .. . r moved that the hear1ng be reopened and again e 20, 1961, 7100 P...., to allow for publication ining the corrected description. Councilman TION CARRIED. Councilman Chand sCheduled for hearing on j and ..iling of notices con Fry leConded the motion. j ! The Council req~ ;ted a report and recommendation from the Engineerinq Department reg ~ding the drainage problems in this area. I RESOLUfICI NO. 6963, Councilma jFry offered Resolution No. 6963 for passage and adoption. Refer A RESOLUf ION OF THE CITY C(MA~ITY RECREATI~ PR()()t HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT, THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISTRIct THE CITY OF ANAHEIM TO EN! ~rTY RECRCATION PROGa CIL OF THE CITY OF ANAtEIM APPROVING THE JOINT OF THE CITY OF ANAtEIM, THE ANAHEIM UNI~ AHE 1M CITY SCHOOL DISTR ICT AND THE MAGNOLIA AND AlTfIDRIZING THE MAYCIl AND CITY CLERK OF I,NTO AND EXECUI'E AN AGREEMENT FOR SOCH JOINT . (fiscal year, 1900-61) On roll call tht foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following votes AYES, COUNCI NOES. COUNCI ABSENT t COUNCI i NI Chandler, Fry and Schutte. Na Noneo NI Coons and Thompson. I f Resolution No. 6963 duly passed and adopted. i The Mayor decla. rI o o 4896 R U1;5'f TO USE CITY PROPERTY: Request of Anaheim Union High School District for permisston to ~e a portion of the undeveloped city owned property, west of Brookhurst Juni n High School, for athletic activities, was submitted and explained by Mr. t-doch. o .Map of t ~ proPo$ea improvements was reviewed by the Council and discusstonhel ; reg:arding grading and X'e1noval of the buildings when the property -is to be developed for a cOlIlJRlnity parko .coul1cilm n Fry moved that the High School District be allowed to use the p.ropert for athletic activities, any improvement thereof to be at their expense, nd if the buildings erected by them can not be used by ::lithEfCity in the oevelopment of the community pa:rk, they are'. to be re- 'moved'by the Schoo District upon request by the City. Councilman Chandler 'secohdedthe motiLo'~ MOTION CARRIED. C TY OR GE RE$OLUT 0 174 Resolution No. 1742 of the City Council of ,,-?;',the Gi ty of Orange .. recruesting the League of Cali fornia Cities of Orange County to study co ts of services performed by the County relative to unin- corporated areas, as submitted and received by the City Council. Mr. Murdth report'ed on investigation and study made by his office on this mat ero RESOLUTION NO.9. Councilman Fry offered -Resolution NOo6964 for passage and adoptio . r. '...... IJ A RESOLUTION OF T CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM REQUESTING THAT THE LEAGUE OF CALlf)RNIA CITIES OF ORANGE cowry MAKE A STUDY AND C0M- PARISON OF THE REL .tIVE COST TO THE COUNTY OF ORANGE OF PROVIDING COUNTY SERVICES TO INGOR . ATED CITIES IN mANGE COUNTy AND THE COST OF PROIIDING COUNTY SERV ICES TO VNINCORPORATED AREAS OF CRANGE COUNTY. On roll all the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following v te: AYES, ~OUNCILMENt Chandler, Fry and Schutte. NOES: ctotniCILMEN. None ABSENT . COUNCILMEN . Coons and Thompson . The Mayo declared Resolution Noo 6964 duly passed and adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 1589, Coacilman Fry offered Ordinance No. 1589 as an urgency ordinanceo Said 0 dinance was read in full. Refer to Ordinance Book. AN ORDINANCE OF T CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING TITLE 18, CHAPTER 18.52 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICI 4L CODE ON AN INTERIM BASIS, BY AMENDING SECTIC* l8052o0l0 THEREOF D BY ADDING THERETO SECTION 18.52.011, AND DECLARING THE URGENCY HEREOF (M-l Zone and Conditional Uses) On roll all the foregoing Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the following v tel n Ii - ,:TIW AYES: COUNCILMEN. Chandler, Fry and Schutteo NOES. COUNCILMEN. None. ABSENT a GOUNCILMEN. Coons and Thompson. The Mayo declared Ordinance No. 1589 duly passed and adopted. Mr. Dave Collins requested further clarification of Ordinance Noo l589 and a pos ible continuance for further investigation by interested parties. Mr. Murdqh further explained the ordinance and called attention that this is an inerim measure and the M-1 uses will continue to be studied by the Planning De artment. 4897 I RESOLUTION NO. 69651 Councilman f:. ry offered Resolution No. 696~ for passage and aIIoption 0 A RESI>LurICIi OF THE CITY, C AurKCltIZING THE EXECtrrIC>>l " F~ "'IFICATI~ OF HIGfM HIGHIIY ROOTE VII-ORA-2-AN AND LA PALMA AVENUE. IL OF THE CITY CF ANAHEIM APPROVING AND AGREEMENT #1204 WITH TIE STATE OF CALIFmNIA IGHrING AT CERTAIN INTERsecrIoos ON STATE . (LOS ANGELES STREET), BETWEEN SOUfH STREET On roll call thei adcpttd by the followin9 AYES. NOES, ABSENT a regoing Resolution was duly passed and I Chandler, Fry and Schutte. None. Coons and Thoapson. Resolution No. 6965 duly passed and adopted. S IM1v that it be the find! activl ties as outlined by , and COuntry Club, Inc., in as intidental to the oper~ understood that prior to ~ other activity, it will be Use Permit, and subject to Councilman Fry seconded th S Councilman Chandler of the City CdUneil that the proposed . Loren E. Wagnert President of Tamasha Town is letter dated June 6, 1961, be considered n of the existing restaurant, it being change of the use to a club activity or any cessary to request and obtain a Conditional e letter' submi ttecL by' Mr ~ Loren' Wagner. otion. MOTION CARRIED. ESTAB lioe the feelings of 'the Urban Renewal Agency, tne additional personnel in .tH studies and reports, and ~ as said Urban Renewal Agen I Councilman Chandler expressed and out- ncil regarding the need for the services of an pointment ?f a five Beaber advisory committee, Planning Department to prepare necessary basic possibility of the Council appointing itself Mro George their Board did take Agency 0 ~n, Anaheim Chamber of Caaaerce, advised that ~ requesting the establishment of such an ; Margie Stearns, and lepresenting property by U~an Renewal in the dO powe.s and limitations of had complete faith in the and thinkings of subsequen ! ilding Manager for the California Bank Building ers whose holdings would be definitely affected town area. questioned the reasons for and the ch an Urban Renewal Agency, and advised that she esent Council, but was concerned about the actions !Councils. . lieved that with the appointing of this Council would have some control over the committee that hed as the active agency. that perhaps' urban renewal could have been and submitted and read a letter dated June 6, against the establishment of Urban Renewal. oncerned that the property owners themselves nants. Councilman Fry b as the first committee, tij would eventually be establ Mrso Stearns fel inspired on a selfish mot! 1961, expressinq their vie She advised that they were were protected, not their At the request 0 cop1ls of her letter for d ,!the Council, she stated she would prepare ttribution to the Council. I i that the forming of this Agency would be for ens of Anaheim. That urban redevelopment would Ie and not by the government and that funds do from the State or _c Federal Government. Mayor Schutte fe the benefit of all the cit be by ourselves and the p. not n.ecessarily have to co Councilmen Chan~ tr felt that the .establishment of this Agency is in no way a declarati4> I that there is a tblighted area' anywhere in the Ci tYJ that this 'is till I matter that will be completely studied and ! . investigated 0 . JI [] a 4898 S - June mattero J asked if anyone else wished to be heara on thIS no responteo RESOLUTI NO.6', Councilman Chandler offered Resolution No. 6966 for passage and aptian, determining that there is an Urban Renewal Agency in 'tihe City of Anaheim and that ' the Membe%'s of the City Council constitut that Agency. m ~Resolution Booko A RESOLUTION OF T CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DECLARING THAT THERE IS A NEED F . i A R~DEVE~PMENT AGENCY TO FUNCTION IN THE 'CITY OF ANAHEIM AND DECI..A~NG SAID CITY COUNCIL TO BE THE AGENCY, PuRS1Itrr TO SECTIONS 33201 A 33231.5 Of THE HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFCRNIA. adopted qall the f<:>regoing Resolution was duly passed and ]Jawing vote! AYES a :COUNCILMENa NOES. jCOUNCI LMEIf , ABSENT t 1c0UNCI LMErta Chandler, Fry and Schutte. None. Coons and fhompson. n declared Resolution No. 6966 duly passed and adopted. UEsr - Collins submitted ness license to a other automotive said emergency Ii proper applicatio business license He advised that t the Council will E S LIC SE N ELES STR t . Mr. Dave nd read hIs cODlDunication requesting an emergency busi- Low operation of a transmission and motor ex~e and ,pairs in a C-2 zone at 312 North Los Angels. Street, se to remain in effect during the processinf 6f a for C-3 zoning and to be renewable as a regula:t n approval of said reclassification by the Council. prospective tenant is willing to take the risk that avorably consider the requested C-3 use. Council license be issued time required for this request and pursued diligentl Councilman Fry se Chandler moved that an interim emergency busioess as requested, for this business only and during the reclassification or variance application, and if filing of either of said applications, is not by the Applicant, then this license shall be revoked. ded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. Council requested to prep and permitted use the motion. MOT I Chandler moved that the City Planning Commission be an analysis and recommendation concerning the zoning in the downtown business area. Councilman Fry seconded CARRIED. ~OtliNMENT. Councilm Fry moved to adjourn. Councilman Chandler $econded the motion. CARRIED. ADJOURNED: SIGJED, n