1955/02/08 882 Session. F - 7:00 P.M. ,f 1 of the!Ci ty of Anaheim met in Adjourned Regular o PRESENT: COUOCILME:i Pearson~ Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. ABSENT; COUtCILME;, None. . CITY A IT OR NEY , PRESTON .... NER: P*esent. c.tTY AalINIS1RATIVE OF J):::ER, KEI~ A. MURDOCH. Pre6ent. OP CA Qf . NC8TH S1REE1: MOrris, requesting the the next regular const submi tted and read. t9mmunicat,on dated February 7, 1955 from Coalson C. ouncil tojwlthhold any action on this probleJl\ until tuted meeting following the one of February 8, 1955, was The City Cou eil, on mo~ion by Councilman SChutte, seconded by. Councilman Fry, moved 0 hold ovet the action on this matter until the n.xt meeting. MOTION CARRID. ...:- PROCLAMATION: The Cit Council a.proved the proclamation of Mayor Pearson ,roclaiming the week 0 February t3 to 19, 1 ~ to be National Crill\~P..~tj.o~, ~ on motion by Cou oilman Van I Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Schutte." . II>TION CARRIED. ST FOR TEMPORARY S1NESS L1 ENSE: COJlll\unication supported by petitioniof, consent, submi tted by C !Richard D. vis requesting a temporary license or open.tlng p;ermi t for a period of 30 days to! operate the business of ambulance service at 122 South Olive Street was submitted and read. business Ion ofthi. problem. by the Council, the:request for t approved, o PLAN OF STREETS ND HIGHWA S: The adoption of a ~.ster plan of streets arid'}Ughways was consi tred by th~ City Council, and the City Attorney... requested to prepare t . necessary resoluticn adopting said plan on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner seconded ~y Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. LIBR~Y BOARD: 'V,1 \) '. ' lanning Cc~ission appcintments were held over until the Board apppintments were held over until the next meeting. ~LANNING COMMISSION: next meeting. ,ROPOSED PARKING AREAl Mr. Scun HJ.lgenfeld addressed the Counc~l, requesting information as to whet ,r or not 1the lot across the street frcm th. tea the .ast could be used for parking area, and if so, if the building now located thereon could be moved to another location. He was advis that the lot could be used for a parking ar.., and .nether or not the bui ~ing could: be moved would have to be determined by the building inspector ace tding to' the ordinance governing the moving of buildings. n t ....J 1M ATrON : The An~heim, Recreation Board; adopted- a resolution requesting the Council to officia~ly set aside the Vermont and Placentia Street property, known as the university: site, as a playground and athletic field to be developed as funds re availab~e, and further recommended tha't-R.creation Ordinance No. 730 be ended to' enlarge the-Hoard to,ll members., ac:fGftt therete the Ci ty Administrativ Officer ais ex officio member and adding 2- members at large. Of the 7 votin members on the Board, not more than 5 to be of the same lex; and further reco ~nded that the Recreation Board be an advisory board only and that theadministr tive responsibility of personnel employment- rest with the Ci ty of Anaheim as con racting aglent in the jcint recreation program. This matter was referred to the Adminilstrative Offi..%, for investigation and report. PURCHASE SOUTHERN CALI NIA _BDI1PN COMPANY FACILITIES; George Oelkers, Superintendent, Light, Pcwer, and Water, reccmmended the purchase from the Southern California Ed$on Company facilities, located on the rear-easement II 883 o north of Manchtster Avenue and ",458.48 and also recommended that Qf Westmont Drive, east of Loara an~ 1.300 feet east of Loara on Westmon~ i_eluding the first pole 'o~th of Np tI,853.l0. Mr. Oelkers further advl facilities at these two locations hp Loera Road at the total prlce of e facilities located along the north side' Iso extending from a point approximately n a generally northerly direction, to and h Street, be obtained at a total price of d the Council that the inventory of been checked and found to be correct. o e Officer, recommended said purchase. uncil on motion by Councilman Van WagP~er, CARRIED. ' Mr, MuJ'do~h, Ad.lnistra, P.ur.', chase wa, ... thori.Zed by the CitYL seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOT~ 1I.ACT NO. l.~' Doctor Kersten add reduce the lot sizes in this tract. 8Corded, proCldure of changing the; . resubdivisiCd\ of this tract or ha .,. the Title I"suranee Company. Th~ tie City Council; however, the engi~ sed the Council, requesting permission to nasmuch as this map has already been p w.s discUlsed with reference to submitting g the reduction of the lot size'worked out eduction of these lots met the approval of ring and detail plans must be accomplished. T tie Aetne 1.. tlte renewalot. the' Fire, Theft, and I ipment, subject to the approval ~ roary 9, 1915 to EebJ'Uary 9, 19 . property fl~ter policy covering !t 1t-inch Power Lawnmowers. Total pr CITY f M. E. Beebe, Agent for GOIT8.~c. to Serve asa binder for prehensive Insurance on the City automotive the City Council. Insurance to be effective Total premium $566.05; and further submitted Cycle Whirlwind Renovator and the two Toro urn $10.00. Said insurance renewal MUrdoch on ~otlon by Councilman Wis IGTION CARRIED. authorized on the recommendation of Mr. , seconded by Councilman Van WagQner. ' CQlncilman Van Wagoner the motion. NlTION CARRIED. Councilman Wisser .econdld ADIOURNED. APlROVED. SIGNED. C 8 1 Anaheim met in Regular Session. Tn. City Council of the! PlESENT: C8UNCILMEN: Pearson, _ENT: ctCtCIIJIaNI None. Ct.rv A TIOR ME V ,'c~iPRasTON TURNER: Pre CITY ADMINISmAT1VE OFFICER, KEITH! , Schutte, Wisser, and VanWagoner. Present. o =.:.............'.'.. rES: T.h.. ea.. inutes of the Adjour d'c',e approved on motion by Councilm '-ION CARRIED. and Regular Meetings held January 25, l~ Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman W1&s_. ! .~IS A~ ~S& Councilman V: .unting to 1J23,8O:>.OO. Wagoner reported demands upon the City Councilman Wisser moved f t8d approved and that warrant be dr ffeordance with report. Councilman at report of Finance Committee be accepted upon the Treasurer to pay said demands in y seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. 884 n i j (~J $16.,636.75 , NAll:IAL AND . month of January, l~~ by Councilman Van Wago :jFinanclal and Operating Reports for the re subni 1ted and oN'ere<! received and filed Oft motion , second~ by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. O. 44: 'the improvement of Walnut St:re.et from.Manchester e City Cl~rk was authorized to open bid proposals on by Counc~lman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman PR OSALS: PROJEC AVenue to 8all Road. Project No. 44 on moti .sser. MOTION CARRIE BIDS RECEI~ED: R. J. Noble Co.pa P. O. Box 20 Orange, Californi Bid Bond of l~ $20,379.00 Certified Check in amount of $2,000.00 The bids wer ,referred ~o the City Engineer for. tabulat10n and . rec~~atlonon moti by Counc~lman Van Wagoner, seconded, by Counci~.n WIsser. MOTION CARRIE . After tabula 'on~ the C~ ty Engine_ "port_eel the Sully-Miller Contract- ing Company to be low ~dder and tecODDended the acceptance of said bid. RESOLUTION NO. 2633: Quncilman 'an Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2633 and ~ved for its passage nd adoptiom. n t ii' ~ COONCIL (j)F THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A SEALED ,CONTRACT to THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDD FUt THE flURNISHING OF ALL PLA . LABOR, S~VICEp, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT, AND PER~M- LNG ALL WCIU< NECESSARY fCR THE cOJ:lSmUCTION, INSTALLATION AND COIFLETION OF THE PPLLQWING I{UB~IC IMPROliMENT 00 W -K: THE It.PROVEMENT OF; WALNJT. S~rFijOM MAfCHESTER AVENUE TO BL ROAD P OJECT NO. 44. . On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and actppted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: . co Jt[;ILMEN,: C 1CILMEN: C icILMEN: fearson, Fry, SChutte, Wisser, and, Van Wagoner. None. None. I laredthe 'oregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. ER Pursuant to Resolution No., 2606 duly 14 in theil AnaheIm Bulletin and Cypress Ent~rprl.... on the prpposed annexation of .the uninhabited :territory, MAHR-RADER ANNEXATION. n I, r\ UjIiIV The City Cl ~ reported, that written ~otices of public hearing had ..n m,lleP to each 'pe Jon to whaft land wlthj.n theterr1tory propoled tQbe .nn~ed as shown in th last equa~ized county aseessmentrollof-Orange County, California available 0 the date the proceedings were initiated and at the eddress shown on said 8sessment roll. , The 'Mayor. a8 ed if anyope in the audience wished to. addre.8s .tg.. Coundl on the matter or if an one wished, to ask any questions regarding this ,.....ati_. No one present at the eeting add~essed the Council protesting this annexation, and no written p:fotest had been jI'eceived by the.City Clerk. Thereupon, the layordeclared,the he-a lng closedi. : I J i ' '. I,: CRDLNMCE NO. 972: Co pcilman Wi~$er offered Ordinance No. 972, for,fint. read~ fOd 110ved for,its pass iJe.and ad~tion. " :' . ,',' )' j I ...,~ 886 Ci AN ORDINAN:E OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM! ANAHEIM OF THI,' TERRI iOOY KNCMN All) PROVING THE ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF~, IGNATED AS MAll\-RADISR. ANNExATION.. The City Council, after 9V2 and having knGWl~ge of the co fUll of said ordinance on motion b~ Schutte. Motion unanimously carri ving heard read the title of Ordinance No. ts thereof, moved to waive the reading in. uncilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman o LIC HEARINGa VARIA E N 275: .!.!sion to construct a ildlng andi station to be placed ne rer to East, line of saId street. Ptroperty is I C.nter Street and North East Street ~itted by Mrs. R. G. Mitchell for per- her improvements for use as a service nter Street than 150 feet from the center ted at the northeast corner of East d is presently classified ese-I zone.; - The Mayor a~ked the t there, and Mr. Mitchell: explained plan. f station that was going to be constructed proposed station and presentad a 18Yout Mr. Murdochl advised th~ aft,.',.,' architectu~a. 1 commit~ tot, ake Itruction so .at the sltatlon will ..ildings in that locat~on. The City"Pl~nning Co.il Ifanted said ~rlanc. s~bject to t uncil that this was in an area which has . of the architectural details of con- form in general with the rest of the. . on .pursuant to tbei.r Re801ut<i.on No. 65 followtng conditions I Council 1.. Deeding! o.f 20 feet of East Center Stre . 2. Install~tion of CUi . 3. Paving ~f East Cent! 4. Other engineering ~ ! I n. Mayor t. ed. if anY9 on the matter; there being! In the audience wished to address the one, declared the hearing closed. jections to the granti'ng ef,this varl&nce.' the: City of. Anaheim for the~dening~.' St~eet t9 existing paveMent. "'ents. [J The City Cquncil had no ppBLIC HEWtGJ VARIA~E NO. 279: to erect 2, ORe-story, i3- or 4-unit! Cambridge Street. The property is bmitted by Stephen J. Teliska for permdslion artments on two lots at the extension of esently zoned R-A. Tbie City P ljanning Co_1 ion pursuant to their Resolution No. 70 granted said Variance Nb. 279 subj~ to the following condItions: 1. The ex~ension of C ridge Street across the subject property. 2~ The In~tallation of urbs, sidewalks, and other improvements. At theJan~ry 25, 19~ eting of the City Council, an appeal f_. .tion taken by the Ci~ Planning d lssion was filed, requesting. that the: ~ : variance be ~ied due .to the creatt n of a traffic hazard should these MUltiple units be constructed. The. Mayor ~sked. if anyq and a gentlemen from t~e audience . allowance of the multidle unit dweI hazard. wished to address. the Council on the matter, ised the Council tha.t he still f..lt.,. .that,~ ngs in this area would create a traffiC'. o Mr. Ed Hun~ advised the ouncil that he would like to see that .treet improve so tha~ the proper1i in the area could be developed, and requested that the vari&ce be gztanted. A!ter furt~r discussiq metter, the g>>oup adjo~rned to the Gould be reached. When! the group 11 aduce the units frOllt +uni t apar~ the approval of the protestants whd by the audience and the Council on .the fice of the engineer.s to see if. a comproml.. rned to the meeting, Mr. Teliska agreed to t to 3-unit apartaent which failed to mett onsidered only single family dwellings to'be 886 n .sir.-ble in that area, standard minimum area. ich crea1ed the probLem of lot sizes being below the ., The Mayor a ..ttar; there being no if anyo1e, else wished to address the Council on the e, decla~ed the hearing closed.' ~SOLUTION NO. 2634: ncilman $chutte offered Resolution No. 2634 and moved for its passage and ad :tion. ti on Boo~, page. A, RESOLUTION OF THE CI COUOCI~F THE CITY OF ANAHEIM REVERSING THE ACTION, OF THE CITY PLANNING C ISSION A .,'. DENYING ~PLI,CATION FOR, "VARl~E' NO. 279.' Rf(JJSSTING PERMISSION ERECT 2,OME-STCRY, 3- CR 4-UNIT APARTMENTS ON 11[) Il>TS AT 1HE EXTENSION ~ cAMBRI' SJREET IN THE CITY OF 'ANAHEIM. On roll call the following vote: foregotng resolution was duly passed and adQpted by AYES: NOES & ABSENT : 1.",. earson, Fry, Schutte, Wi:sser, and Van Wagoner. .one. one. ' - foregoing resolution duly pass,eci and adopted. TH SUNK ST ANNEXA T ~,',',., rt proceedings for fl>Rm SUNKIST ANNEXATI I : The se4.ond request from proponents for C,onsent to e annexatton of the territory described and ,known as was submttted and read. ~ This request ~as resubm~tted containing the revised description of the, territory proposed. 10 be anne,ed aSJ1itCoanended by the Orange Connty tpundary Commission. .id request was referred to ,the City Planning Commission fOr thetr recommendati on motio~ by Councilman Vah Wagoner, secpnded by Councilman Fry. MOTIO 'CARRIED. T SYCAMaiE ANNEXATI : Reques~ from proponents for consent of ,the City Co,.".; unci I t,o co~. ence pI' deedings f+,r the annexation of t.he territory des. crib. ed tnd known as ~ISYC RE ANNEXATION was subni tted, read, and ordered"r.fert-ed ' ~ the City Planning C , ission f~r their recommendation on motion by Counci~an t(ss,r, seconded by Co ~cilman Fry. MOTION CARRIED. ~IttAtCE NO. 943&; Re tive to Ttact No. 1686. Necessary deed restric,t1.:ons l!P~e suhmi tted and rea and consi~ered by the City CounciL.' ,They inelude~ In architectural cormti tee compos~ of two members being the present owners of 'the tract - one member handling t~e sale of the property, one representing the ~ty appointed by the Ouncil and,!one representing the residents in the area. It was sugge ted that t~e architectural committee be compQ$~of one representing the owner one repre.enting the City, and one appointed by the residents in the area 0 be a des~gner or architect. and further suggested that the deed restrictions nclude.thi~ revised architectural committee. Therefore, first reading on Ordin nce No. 94$ was withheld pending the revision of the deed restrictions. n I ~J offered Ordinance No. 969 and moved' for GlWINANCE NO. 969: Co its passage and adopti page . ~INA)CE OF THE CI Y COUNCIL ~F mE CITY OF ANAHEIM' CREATING THE OfFICE OF macHASlNG,~NTAND,P.'SGRIBLNG ,tME WTIE-S, OF SAID OFFICE.. \". :' , After hearin read the ti t~e of Ordinance No. 9691.and .ha~ift9 knowl:fdp of the contents thereo t Councilmfn Fry IDQVed the reading in full 'of said ' ordinance be waived. ouncilman Wisser seconded the motion. Motion unanimously carried. 887 ,~ ~ C Fell ,8 1955 ~., '8:00. P 14." On roll call the following vote: ordinance was duly passed and adopt'.:.tiy~ AYES: ras: AMENT : COUtCILMEN: CooteI LMEN: COOOCI LMEN: Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagone~. t The Mayor declared ordinance, duly"passed' arid adopt'ed. "ttDINAN:E NO. 970: Councilman its passage a~ adoption. Reier to Ordinance Book! All ORDINAtCE OF DE: CITY OFANAHSIA4 or THE AlWlEI. MUNICIPAL CODE RELA 11 ~~IL.l~JII&).. e offered Ordinance.No. 970 and..moved for WING ARTICLE II, CHAPrmt 1.,. SECTION'21()o~ TO A TIME AND PLACE Pm HOlDING REGJLAR After hearing knowledge of the contents thereof, of said ordinance be waived. _usly carried. I ~he title of Ordinance No. 970 and having ncilman Schutte moved the re~dlng in full an Fry seconded the motion. Motion unani- on. roll call the foregq the following vote: ordinance ~s duly passed and adopted by AYES: NOES: ABSENT : COU~ILMEN: COOt<<:; I LMEN I COUNCI LMEN & arson, Fry, Schutte, -Wisser, and 'Van Wag9n". e. The Mayor declared ~INANCE NO. '1711 Counci llnan passage and adoption. ordinance duly passed and adopt~. fered Ordinance No. 971 and moved f~ its Refer toOrdinaJ\ce .Book! AN ORDINAtCE Of THE CITY OF ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO tHE EST THEREIN RE<lJLATING THE USE OF LAND,i A MAP SHOWI NG THE BOUNDARY OF SAID :FOR ADJUS11.ENT, AMENDMENT, AND EN AND REPEALING ALL SECTIONS OR PARTS .~YTION NO. 26(6). NDING ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2', OF DIE AN"" ISHMENT OF ZONES: IN TIlE CI1Y OF' ANAHEIMI.:Aret ElGrr OF BUILDINGS AND YARD .SPACES," ~. NES, DEFINING THE TERMS USED THEREIN, PROVIDING EMENT, PRESCRIBI NG P BNALTIES FOR mE VIottAnoN, F SECTIONS IN CONFLICT THEREWITH. (~,~ After hearing knowledge of the contents said ordinance be wei ved. carried. 1 the title of Ordinance No. 971 and ha~~ ncilman Wisser moved the reading in full of Fry seconded the motion. Motion unanimously On roll the following vote; ordinance was duly passed and adopte(f' k!Y AYES: NCES: ABSENT : COUNCI1MN: COUNCILMEN: COUNCILMEN: Fry, SChutte, W!sser, and Van l.ag..08:;r. The Mayor declared the ~regoing ordinance duly passed and adopted. led by Hartshorn Bro~. fo~ M-Izoning i~t~.. ncoln Avenue and Robertsh.....Ful ton prQperty'~ ons was held, and this reclassification from 6Ion that it Include the fIre-zone rest~lctIons Iline. . ! . i UCLASSI FICA T\pNF-.54-5f>-14s SubmiJ Rea west of Buclld Avenue between 1 Discussion of the fire-zone restriQ ....A to M-l was granted with the prq 150 feet back froln the Euclid Avenu i I n a n a8a n .OO',P;J4. i FI)lAN:E NO. 973: Co ,cilman Wisser o:f.red Ordinance ~.. 973 for first read- ing and moved for its s sage and ~ adopt~ on. , I ., QlV)I~tl;E OF THE CI A1IAHEI.M MJNICIP AL CCD.a ANAHEIM AND THEREIN R sPACES, ADOPTING A MAP USED THEREIN, PRQVIDI PENALTIBS FCE THE VIO CONFLICT THEREWITH. ( OF ~iMAMENDING AftTI(;1.E IX,CHAPTSt .2., OF mI, LAUNG T: THE eSTABtISHtoIEKf QFZONES IN 1111;, ctry OF" TING TH. USE OF LAND, HEIGIT OF BUILDINGS AND YARD , OWING TH, BOUNDARY OF SAID ZONES, DEFINING THE TERMS !FOR ADJU, ,MENT, AMENIM:NT, AND ENFORCEMENT, PRBSCRIBI NG ION, ANDEPEALING ALL Se::TIONS CJI PARTS OF SECUONS IN 4-55-l4IRESOWTION 00. 25 ). . After hea:rln ;read in f~ll the title of Ordinance No. 973a.nd having knowledge of the conte is thereof~ Councilma~~~hutte moved thereadlng in full of s.id ordinance be w ved. Cou~cilman Fry seconded the motion. Motion ~~nimou6ly carried. teN N> CaMP ANY: APP e ouncil regarding retail division of the BENCH . PERMI T ,a Mr. aue.a addre.aed o said permits and was ~f'~ to, the ber of Commerce for their recommendation. COUNTY SOCI ETY ssion to sell Easter btth days wa s granted seconded by Councilman PIoUMIER BONDS: The folowing Plu+er Bonds we:re . ordered received and filed when a'prov...., by the City A rney on n1otion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Schut te. M ON CARRI~D. . n f~ '" ' ntana Pl~ing C~ntractors ~liam A.~eetz . Pt.mabing Co~tractors, Inc. GIN OF CIT : canc~llation of Ci ty~ Taxes onl prop.r'tyP\IGht~ by the State of Californi for highwy purposes and formerly assessed to Parkit.. Home, and R. a~d w. Co ttructionomp~ny ~s a~thoiE'iz,ed on motion byCounctlman Van Wagone~ seconded b Councilma~ Schutte. MOTION CARRIED. QlDINAtCE NO. 9741 Co tilman Va~ Wagoner offered Ordinance No.~ ,.41 for fir$t feading and moved for i 5 passage land adoption. AN ORDINANCE Of, THE CI.' OF ANAHE~ AMEND, 100 ARtICLE II. I,~ CHAPTER, 2,).S~.ON 3235 OF THI! ANAHEIM MU tIPAL CODa RELATING 'T.()',THE ~?TABLISHMENT~ GHWAY AND BOULEVARD PS.., ',7)..'. n ~INMCE NO. 975: Cou, ilman Wi~ser offered Ordinance No. 975 for first reading aAd moved for its passa e and adoption. :\:., :, , AIf ,011)1 NANCE OF THE .CI SlCTION 4100.26 OF THE PROVIDING HE THE I~O AllY PERSON FOR THE PUR ~INAr<<:;E NO. 976: Cou cilman Scttttte offered Ordinance No. 976, as corrected, for f1rgt r9ading and \/M for i tis passage and adoption. .-.Ii. . All.:, DRDINAM:;E. OE THE CJ:; OF ANAHi,r" AMENDING ART1CLEl! ,j ~HAPIBR 4,..PART:6,. SllCTIONS !2470 AND 2472. ~ THE AN . 1M MUNICIPAL CODE BY CREATING A: 18> ' ...' .NT OF PARKS AND REC,REATION TO fiEPLACE TI1, EXIS. TING" PARK D. EPAR, T,NENT, CREAn""~,., O,FFICE OF DIRECTOR OF PARKS A RECREATIO, AND DEFlN~NG THE SCOPE OF HIS,: P.OWEaS AND DITI ES. C&DINAN;E NO., 977: Cou cilman Vanl Wagoner offered Ordinance No,~ 977 and moved for its passage and ado lion. Saip ordinance was read in,.pvbl1o for ,the first time. 889 n ',' F 00 P.M.~ AM CRDINAtCE ()fTHE CITY OF'ANAHEIM: NDING ,ARTIClE IX, CHAPTER 2, SECTION' 9ROO.15, SUBDIVISION D, TIME LIMIT. ril ca.."",D. ,INANCE tJ).f7S, Councilman Wi8~ Plssage and aAptlon. Said ordina9 I AN CRDINAt(;E Of THE CITY: QF ANAHBI~ ANAHEIM MUNICIfAL CODE RELATING TO'I .AHEIM AND TIfEREIN 'REOOLATING THE, SF ACES, ADOPTING A MAP SHOWING THE ' USED THEREIN, PROVIDING FCR ADJUST PENALT!ES POR THE VIOLArION, ANDR CONFLICT THER.ITH. F-54-~ offered CHinance No.' 978 .and moved f~~ it. ',. , , \ ' was read in public for the, first time,.: ;, NDING ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2t OF 'THE- ,~:', I' ESTABLISHMBNT OF ZONES' IN THE ci TY: OF',,; " OF LANDf HlIGHT OF BUI.Ll>IOOSAND rARDI.,. ': NOM'!' OJ:' SAID ZOgS, ,DEFINING THE TERMS , AMENDMENT, AND ENroRCEMENT, PRESCRIBING ALIMG :ALL 'SECr-IGNSOO: PARTS OF SECTIONS IN WTION tI). 2623 . . " . , After hearing read in ~ 1 the title of Ordinance No. 978 and. having knowledge of the contents thereof,! uncilman Schutte moved the reading in full of said ordinance, ,be waived. Councl an Wisser seconded the motion. Motion unanimou sly car1ed.. :.' ; '. , QJDINANCE NO. 9791 councilmanWls~, offered Ordinance No. 979 for first read- tng and moved'1for its passage and ~ ption. ,'.' , : ~)J;~:, '.' "", ,J;' ,:\, .;.(~,~ .~'., NDING ARTICLE VIII, CHAPTER 5" SecTIONS liMG. OF HOOsES BU-IIDl~(Jt S1RUCrlhu3SH [~ THE CITY, CR mOM ONE POINT WITHIN THE .. ClIDINAteE OF THE CITY OF ANAHE! 1DOO.17 AND BIDO.18 RELATING TO TH PROM A POINT OOTSIDE OF THE CITY I CITY TO ANOTHS POINT WITHIN THE c1! ~INAOCE f<<).980: Councilman Van reading and -.ved for its passage a ~\ \.I~t~':j ;. goner offered'Ordinance No. 980 for fi~st adoption. n AN ORDINAlGE Of THE CI TY OF ANAHEI IM MUllICIFAL CODE BY ADDING VICES AID ~ILITIES FURNISHED *TH THE SEWAGE SYS ENDING ARTICLE 'VII, CHAPTER 5, OF THE TO A NEW SECTION, FIX! PIG CHARGES FeR THE CITY TO NON-RESIDENTS IN CONNECTION er offered Re601utioh No. 2632 and rftbvett., ~t~I.~:t6~;' 2:n~ I ad~:~~~~nw~ Rf:er to Resolution Boq page I ~ : j A RESOWTION QF THE CITY COUOCIL Of TO BE MADE FQI. ANY MID ALL IN AREAS A8) SECTIONS TO CR orHBtW ANAHEIM FR~ AND AFTER mE lST DAY I i On roll call the foregq,+g, resolution was duly passed 'and adoptedi, by the following vote: ! a.rson, Fry, Schutte" Wisser, and Van~et'. he. AYES: NOES: AEEN'f;: COUN:;I LMEN: COOrQILMEN & COUt-CILMEN': resolution duly passed and adop~. I ' J . , : ,J . The Mayor declared the _BECLASSIFICAIION F-54-55-20t Publi Hearing on thi s recl-assificatiOriwaJ$: Iwfld~.' . by the City C:Ouncil, January 25, 1 ,and action deferred to work out the problems arising as a result of sa! public hearing. This reclassification"", ' submi tted by property OImer! reque, ng a change of zone from R-l to ~l on :thi~ Rea located on the north side ofJ t La Palma Avenue west of Euclid"Avenue. "U '; The revised area to be reclassifi. as changed to include only Lbts Nos.4tc 24, inclusive, and in addition thet 0, establishing an architectural committ.~., _. 9QLUTION NQ.~, 2635; C~uncl1man St ~tte offered Resolution No. 2635, and: moveti. ' lfor its palsa,e and adoption. ! n . ;1 Refer to Resolution Bo~ page Ii I I 890 A RESOLUTION OF THE CI' THAT A CHANGE OF ZONE IX, CHAPTER 2, OF THE SAID CHANGE OF ZONE. C01&tI TTEE ) . COONCIL f' F THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING $,.., NBCE~SAR.". IN CERTAIN ARE,AS OF THE CITY AND -!HAt ARTICLE JlAHEIM MUN CIPAL CODE SHOOLD BE AMEND:ED TO AtX:OMPLISH f:-5-:1-55-20~ LOTS 4 TO 24. IOCLUSIVE. ANDARCHITB:TUR.AL fJ! ..~'Ii On roll call the forego~ng resolution was duly passed and adopted _ the .following vote. ' AYES. NOES: ABSENTs C ~NCILMEN: i Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. C 'NCILMEN: I None. C~NCILMEN. ! None. , I The Mayor d lared the foregGlng resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 2636:ouncilman ~chutte offered Resolution Np. 263t>' and BlOVed _or its passage and ad ption. lution Bo~, page I A RESOLUTION OF THE CI COUtCIL 'PF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING AND AUTHat- IZING THE EXECUTION 0 ~N ACREE TO BE MAPE AND ENTERED Itfft) BY AND BETWEEN ~. ERN PACIFIC 'c, A CCRPCRATION, AND SOUTHERN PACIJ'fCfQflfANY, ta~~:~T~~~2 ~~~ [~i: ~~I~: ANAHEIM AN EAmfENTf(jt' '!HI; .lUttfAtiE OF On roll call ~he foregqing resolution. was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: ' AYES: NOES: ABSENT : ILMEN: IPearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. ILMEN: -iNane. . . ~ . ',' NClIJEN: cjlNone. ',. The Mayor d lared the foregoing resol~tion duly passed ahd adopted. N. CHARI':1=!':t Di&cussion of the present 'water Ifteter ,insta'l- lation charge made by he City 0, Anaheim and the actual cost to the City of Anahe-iat was held., and 1he City Attorney was requested to prepare the. necessary resolution changing t . amount clarged for water ~eters. ~JNAL MAP TRACT NO.2: Conso~idated BuiHiers. The west line of tnis tract' is the power line wes of Magnol~a. The east line is MagnolliC Avenue; and the south line is Crescen Avenue. ~ll improvement bonds were reported to be in .' . and approved. Final Map T act No. 23~ was approved subject to engineering requIre- ments on motion by Co ftcilman ScJ:lutte, seconded by Counc~lman Fry. MOTION CARRIED. JiECLA.SSIFICATION F- 2. SuPini tted.. by Pruden'tial Homes, southealt Gorner of East La Palma and rth P lacehtia Avenue, for the erecti0n of a serY'tee" station and the balan e of the p~operty to be rezoned to C-l. ,: . :: . .. :' ~( u Public Hear ng was ord~red to be held on thi$:'matt.t,.Ma"h'j8~ -1955... at 7:00 o'clock P.M. n motion b~ Councilman Schutte, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRI P. : Supmitted by Harvey Priggle to reclassify the .'Sou~ern Counties Gas Company). " Said reclas lfication was denied by the City Planning Commission. No action taken by theC 1Jncil. - : .) RECLASSIFICATION F- area located at the on the corner, and t 5- . S~itted by O'Brien and Graham to reclassify the theast cqrner of Ball Road and Brookhurst to G-2 zoning balance df the area to be C-l. . j 891 C Tn. CltyCouncil. set t~ at 7;00 o'clock P.M. on motion by C Scttutte. AGTIC>>l CARRIED. att&r for public nearing, March..s;l~i cilman Wissert seconded by Councilman . I VarIANCE NO. 211): Submitted by Tednt Development Company requesting _1vel' .of The City P lanning COD1D1~ ~' on granted said variance wi th-:theexcept~n ::-,,>::o::r;o::t:::::: :.: :~::::~ and ' ange (Tract No. 1728). No aqtl~P taken by t_ Counc1.l.., ' , VaIAtCE NO~ 211,: Sub'ni tted by Mldq brook and Herziger Building Corporation r~esting waiver of front and rear i rd set-backs on certain lots in Tract No. 2193. a Tile, City Planning Co_~ .a. taken by the City Council. ion granted said variance, and no action ' I ! V"IAlCE NO.2": Submitted by La ~ ne Roquet. reque8ting a. waiver of the R-O lot sizes in Tract No. 2184. A ;gentl-.an, , represent~ other residents in the area,' addr...... tJ'it" coun.. eil requ.." ..e. ;tn.' 9 anotheracces5 s~, et to be opened onto Citron Street Inwthb t.-ct and tII! ,.'~.... y alleviating some d the traffic on Len% Drive as a result of the i.rovement of~this area. . A petition was filed PJI.' i,: es'ting the granting or 'the variance wi thout tbe additional access street includEt in the tract. .' "_ " F\g'ther di.sc:.uspJ.o.n of ~, . s p~oblem was held, and Councillll8l1 Van W.oner moved that a public hearing j held an the matter,. February 21, 1955, at 7,00 o'clock P.;M. Councilman Schut. seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. o After, ..wtiOl1" carried, q cussiQn continued, . and the prabl. of securing the necessary property for e opening of an additional street into thls tlact was discussed. with ~hepossib] ,solution det.~ined. The City Planning Co~ possible opening of an additiQnal st WIIoner moved to rescind the motion, ~ing, Februlry 21, 1~5, at 7:00 motion. MOTION CARRIED. I VfIlIANCE NO. 2&3: Subnitted by Disn, ~land, Inc. requesting permission to ~~t&, deluxe service station near the ent~ ~ce to the Disneyland parking area. ion granted said varianc:e, and wi,th the), et onto Citron Street; CouncilmaJll VU",J.,l.JC: , rmerly made to set the matter for public clock P.M. Councilman Schutte seco'ftded th~, ~ j " Said va~i~ce was grant by the City, Planning, CODII\ission, and no, . action was taken by the City Council i ,Vi,".',.,1ArLF- NO. <If: $UQI1j..!.ted bY, ,Mr. ., ~d Mrs,.,, G. T. Masterson for the establl~,'" o ' a professioJial office building at ~7 North Palm Street. " . I ,",,' ;::-J 1... Said variance was grant by the City Planning Commission, and no action was taken by the.Clty Council ,,__lANCE NO.., tt}r Subni tted by Ivan dlelling with ,.rages, 603 East Bro$ ;\ l for the erection of a triplex" o The Planning Coqmisslon by the City Council. ' said.variance,~and no.action;was.tlkfl .~~E~"r219: Submitted by Dis~ Mltel between lest and Walnut Street Inc. for the construction Qf a Hotel- of Cerritos. J 5a1.d V~:r~;l~ce IJiS gran~ action was taken by the City Councit by the City P langing Co.dssion,." and nOr L~ 892 " t~J Cit Hall An eim Cali ornia Februa 8 1955 - 8&00 P.M. TRACT NO. 2~11 Grif tth Bros. . Mr. Murdoch reported that the Griffith Bros. desire: to make a few minor c tngas in t~e width of the lots on the bottom tier in said tract. The requested 4hanges we.te discussed and accepted by the City Council on motion-by Councilman Chutte, se~ondedby Councilman'Fry. MOTION CARRI!D. JOINT VAULT CONKECTIOWITH CITY: OF BUENA PARK: George Oelkers, Superintendent of Light, Power, and Watt, diSCUSS~,d the possibility of a joint vault connection wi th the City of Buen Park on the M. W.D. line at Dale and La Palma Avenues. The Administr tive Offic,r recommended this joint vault connection. and Mr. Oelkers was autho 1zed to p~ceed wi th the nece.sary negotiation on motion by Councilman Fry, secon ,~ by Countilman Schutte. MOTION CARRIED. GNJENT OF RIGH eld ()ver to the next ,_eting. 1mSOLUTION NO. 26371 .ouncilman Fry offered Resolution No. 2637 and moved for its passage and adopt ~n. 'tion Book~ page COOtCIL~~ THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AUTHORIZING THE BAt<<. Of MI> SAVIF ASSOCIAnON, TO PROVIDE RE THE PAYlENT TiaWGH iNEW YCRK.,IAtI) CONTINENTAL ILLINOIS NAnONALBAII< AND mUST ItI;IPALl,AND INTEREST ON IHE $3,500,000. I,SSUE OF ANAHEIM NT BQN)S 10F 1955 IN AO:<J1DAl<<:E WITH ACltEEMENT MADE AND N THE dITY OF ANAHEIM AND BANI< OF AMERICA NATIONAL mUST , DATED NQVEMBER 30, 1953. e foregoil1g resolution was duly passed and adopted by Action on this JU.tter was the A RESOWTION OF THE C AMERICA, NATIONAL mu ~A$E NATIONAL BANK 0 to_AMY Of CHICAGO, a CITY 1<<JNICIPAL III>ROV ENTERED INTO BY AND B AND SAVINGS ASSOCIATI On roll call following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT : I.MEN. P~..',arson, Fry. Schutte, Wisser. and Van Wagoner. LMEN: N nee LMEN: N 'nee ed the fqregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. A RESQLUTION OF THE CITY COUM:IL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM . E TO THEIWlOOW AND FAMILY OF MAYCIl CHARLES O. McCART OF THE r1 I :, i ~J o OF IXPRESSIt<<3 I TS CONDO CITY OF MEA. WH!REAS, the tty Counci~ has been infomed of the death of Mayor Charles O. McCart of the Ci ty If Brea; a'1d WHEREAS, the C ~y Counci~ is shocked and grieved to learn of the pas$lQ9 ,f Mayor McCart, with . om it hadj such pleasant and friendly relations during his lifetime; and WHEREAS, the I ~s of the ,association and ce>mpanionship of Mayor MtCart as . friend and public 0 cial will be keenly felt by the members of the City Council ef the City of Anahei. .nd his m~y associates in public life, where he ..s long .ate_ed for his inte tty of cha/racter and his clear judgment in the conduct of the affairs of the Ci of Brea;rand WHEREAS, the C ~y Counci 11: wishes to extend its sympathy and exprftss its .orrow to the survivin J widow and: the family of Mayor McCart. rJ NOW, THEREFCRE and each member thereo his deepest sympathy i sorrow in the loss of thereof be forwarded t THE RJlEGOING Pebruary, 1955. BE IT RE$p, LVED that the City Council of the City .of An.helm does her~y extend to Mrs. Charles O. McCart and family their ber'\ltavement, and does hereby express to th. hi s husband a~dfather. RESOLVEP, that a copy of this Resolution be spread upon Council of the City of Anaheim, and-that a certified copy ,the widow! and family of Mayor McCart. ~SOWTION ls signed and approved by me this 8th day of ATTEST: MAYat OF THE CITY OF AMAHlIM. CITY CLERK OF THE CIn F ANAHEIM~ Councilman Wis tr IDOVed t9 adjourn to February 21, 19S5 at 7100 O'clock P.M. Councilman Van . toner seco.nded the motion. A()TION CARRIED. ADJOURNED. APPROVED. SIGNED.