1955/02/21 au C - 7.00 P The City Council of the ty of Anahei. Met in Adjourned R'9uln Session. PRESENT: COUK:;ILMEN: pearsont fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. ABSENT: G01JICIIJIiN. Mone. CITY ATI<aNQ. PJtESTON tullia: P $ent. CITY ADMIlIstRATIVI ornclR., KEITH ~. ~H. Present. IAIIRANTS ~PEMUDl; touncllJWl ~ Wagoner reported __ands against the 'elf, aMOunting to H$124,lM.62, plus an ~proxi.ate $2,500.00 repraMnting City's portion of rttireaent pay,aent. COllncll.u.n Wisser moved Pat report of the Finance Co..i ttee be approved and that _arrants be dr ; in the s_eral amounts. Ceuncilaan Sch"tte seconded the motion. )l)TI0N CARR o ! ,UBLIC, ws'.. g~.,.... I PurS..... R..t .to Ordi .rice. .10. 966 declaring the .1J1tentlln of ..th. '.' Ci ty CoUQCil to vacate aNI abancion. ea..ent for palic utility purpos.. '. " (Tract No. 1t9O), PUblic Hearing . held on said proPOled abandoJllent. The Mayor asked if anyo on the matter. in the audience wished te address the C~l The Clerk reported that no one PMS.t at ~ae.eet~n9 oaj' written protests had been received, and .. to satd proposed aDancIonment. Wagoner offered Re.olutiQn Mo. 2638 and USOWTIOIl ~. 2638. Councilun .oved for it. pa.,age and adoptio. R".r to le.olution So A RESOWnOI OF THE CITY CWK::IL AND. OF AN EASEMENT AND ALONG HllEINAf'rER DESCII , THE CITY OF ANAHEIM amBING THE VAC~ UBLIC UTXLITY PURPOSES UPON, Oval, AC_, REAL PI.. ERTY (TRACT t(). 2&JO). o Oft roll call the foreg , the followi" vote. resolution was duly passed and ad..pted by A~S: ::.r . COUtCILMEN: COUlCIIJEN a COUtCILMEN I Fry, SChutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. The Mayor declared the regoing resolution dUly passed and .d~ed. ce No. 967 declaring the intention of the la portion of Nutwood Street and at) ...~t was held on said proposed abandorIR.nt. - .... . esented tGgether with copy of said notice PUBUC HiARDiG: Pursuant to Oreli City Council to vacate and abando for street gurposes, Public Heart Affidavi t 0' polting notices was . intention. Mr. Murdoch explained t t this portion of a street has existed ~ sometime along the east side of L !Palma Rancho Tract. Pat! tion signed by 26 r .1.' !dents appearing to represent l3.lots ... presented by Doctor lilllam E. Be . dolt oppo$ing saiet proposed o.ncIo,..nt . because thi. action would i-solate . he rear PQrtlon of tb.lr properties fran n construction equipltent in the eve t of construction, that is, swi_ing:po.lrt, thereby ~1ng their properties I .6 desirable and depreciating their value. [~ Doctor Will~am E. Bechdolt addres td the Council stating that when they had purchased tie property, the roadwt had been a determining factor. This matter was taken u 4er advis_ent to allow tiae for furtRe~ inves~i9.titn by the City Council .and the hearing was contl""edto March 8. 1955 at ;:01 o'clock P.M. 894 '... ,2 ~.' (j plication subldtted by Thos. L. JkI.authlin for pend. on to establish a real-estate office and r..ldence at 855 South Placentia A tnue. The City PI 'ning Commission pursuant to their Resolut~on No. 67 (1954-55) granted VaX' nee No. 276 subject to the following conditional The de .1ng of 20 feet along South P lacentia Avenue for the furthe~ idening of this street. . The ins. llation of curbs and sidewalks on South Placenti. Avenue .d Morava Avenue at this time, or deposit with the City of ~naheim an amount sufficient to do this work at the time th ;properties to the North and West are improved, this amount ~ be detertl\ined by the City Engineer of the City of Anaheim 3. Providi, for three off-street parking spaces. 4. Sign. 4) j the property to be limited to one sign, 3x4 fet or 12 squa , feet. 1. 2. 8 The Mayor.. ted if anyone in the audience wished to a.ddress the Council regarding this matter Mr. McLaugh ~n addressed the Council and advised the Council ,f)f the approximate cost it i1ld be to him to deed to the City the req\lested20 feet. He stated that the as .ssed value of the lot was $1,200.00, and the cost he would incur for the In ting of the house is approximately $570.00. Seto1;e this cowld be accQJlp1ished ! his cost would be in the neighborhood of $3,500.... tJ\ the possibility that pcording to the house-moving ordinance, this house may not be allowed to be mov It In that event, it would cost him approximately $6,500.00. No action 0 ; this matter was taken by the Council, and the conditional variances granted by he City Planning COlIII\ission remained effective. VARI~E NO. 278: Ap ~icatlon ~i tted by Burton Zoul t Werner R.anci Marjorie eL.Stoll, requesting pmission to erect a super service station on the property located at the north ~t corner of South Los Angeles Street and Ball Road and also requesting the w lver of the P .L. Zone. The property is presently zoned asC-l with a P.L. 20 e along South Los Angeles Street and Ball Road. The City PI nning Commission pursuant to their Resolutioo No. 69 gr.6ted said varianc ~or the erection of it supe;r service station but denied the waiver of the P.L. Zo e, and further granted the variance, subject to: 1. lution Book, page 2. Jng of a 20-foot strip along South Los Angeles Street : Road for the widening of these streets. ng requirements. The Mayor on this matter, and Council and stated t It ....ed to be the with the estab1ishme area should be inves accomplished. ed if anyone in the audience wished to add~a. .~ CouRCil developers in the area who were present ackt%"...ed the were very anxious to have the P .L. Zone eliminated. census of opinion that a services~at~on could not operate , of a P.L. Zone; however, it wascon8ide~edthe entire J gated before the removal of the P.L. Zone would be IJ Mr. Duncan reaoval of the P.L. ing ground for abui could not operate wi aw, representative of the Market Basket, requ..t. the e from their property and explained that they.." hreaJc- ng to cost better than $300,000.00, and that they just a 2~foot P.L. Zone. RE~WTION NO. 2639: Councilman Schutte offered Resoluti~n No. 2639 and moved 'fo~ its pas..ge and ption. Refer to 8. i RESOLUTION pF THE CITY q:lJN:IL q !HE CITY PI..AeING CCJ4M1SSIONGiAK11 THE REOJIRENIIIT OF A P ~ L. ZONE. On, roll call the foreg~ the follo.tn9votel resolution was duly pasaed and adopted by A Sa Sa AllENT a COUICILEN: COUtCILMEN I C<I1tCILMEN & Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and. Van Wagoner. T" Mayor declared the egoing ~.olution duly passed and adopt_. rM Counci 1 furth... COn! .red the restudy by the Planning COJIIftission 0.' the entire.P. L. Zone in this IVE Ale pcanOlf teet lurtJier contl~..c. of thi s .. tter by the City Council. _SSPONDEt<<JI: CODll1unication f ~Qlunteer8 of America requ..tiDtP.ai..... *'0 hold their: annual Tag J4y in An . 1m on Saturday, March 19, 1905 was aulllttt., ....~ and. .rltedOR mQtion by Cou !man tisser, s~onded by Councibtan Schutt.. II>nON C_I . . B.ch Ad COIIpany COD1DWl1J. tion reg~dlD9 the obtaining froJlt loedj .-rchants,e1llplssion t. place cour y benches along the bvs Nut.. in An..., "S subni tted and read. , i California Bench Coapan .pplicatian for the plac.ent of 27 benches ,long establllhed bus routes was i tted and read. Mr. Amstrong, representi", the California Bench .CClllPany, addr.. the Council. Cq,ncil.an Van Wagoner ~in.nce .alto allow the p1acemen 1I11ch was not accoaplished. .,...INAlCE 10"..9811 Councilaan Schu -.. offered Ordinance No. 981 for firstr..wbg and moved for its passage and adop bn. lained that the enactment of, the benc.l of benches by local crosa..town bue.. .ft'Yfce, 81 ClIDINAtCE IF mE CITY OF ANAHEIM 1UiPEALING CRDINNCE NO. 887 (BElCH am.t-.ej. C~unication from Gard I Grove San1 tary District advising the COURCil ttlat during tie construction of the ~range Avenue Line the Garden Grove Sanitary .strict line was d_aged. Mr. M\I t.. ch reported that the contractor has been notified to replace the damaged lin . pursuant to our contract. PRIVATE P A1JlOL UC lertoJl, California, E: Submitted by ))avid Bra41~ 'aite. 32. ..t the conduction of Waite Security andJ_t!!01. , " RetPanendatlon of the Ch ,f of Police was sm.! ttedand reu, __;add pendt for bU41ness license was app,ved by the City Council subject to the .pproval thertof of the necessary 1 .urances by the Ci ty Attomey. On motion by Councilman .n Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Schutte. II>TION CARRIED. E: Subftitted by. Gilbert F.. "Bar.. _,~~th the conduction of Merchant Police and PliO tec ti ve RecOJllnendation of the C, tf of Police was subrd tted and rod, and u.1'- ,.~t for buCiness license was app+ved by the City Council subject to the paJMtnt of necessary fees and the approval t the City Attorney of required insurances. On~t10n by Councilman .n Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Schutte. II>TION CARRIED. ~ o o 896 21 .M South Hoover Street, Plant Protection Camp I SubRi tted .y'Ralph E.. Davi~, . California, for the conduction of Gen..!'al I RecOllDendat .E..8 of the Chief of Police were sw.ltted ud ......' .,On motion by Cowacilman.. Wagoner, sKonded by Councilman Schutte, th.. appli- cation for permit and ~ usiness license was approved subject to the ~al 01 required insurances bithe City Attorney. MOTION CARRIED. I Submitted by Georoe R.. Whi t.n-.y. 920 a Ana, California, for the conduction of Merchant Security RecODDendat ns of the Chief of Police were submitted and r"', On IROU~ by Councilman; n Wagoner, seconded by Council.an Schutte, the "11- cation for permit and' usine.s license was approved subject to the approval of required insurances b !the City Attorney. MOTION CARRIED. Proposed rental of office space to the J.O.S. at 14.00 per square f~t or $135.00 a month was discussed. iCouncilman Van Wagoner, seconded byCoURcilun Pry, the ~nistrative Office . Mr. Murdoch, was authorized to negotiate for that amount of rent. MOTION CARR .' D. The City Engineer reported that the tract wa. ready all necessary bonds were in and all fees paid. Councilman.n Wagoner moved that Final Map of Tract No. 2123 be accepted subject to e ; ineering requirements. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTIONCARRI ,., 'i i ~) N The Ci ty Engineer reported thi s final Map was ready for acceptance,and .1 Map of Tract No. 2288 was approved subject to engineer- Ing,requirements, and '~rther subject to the entering in of an agreement to deposit money in escr for the improvements of said tract. Councilman Fry, seconded by Councilman Schutte. MOTION CARRIED. JESQLUTION NO ~hM\! :ouncilman Fry offered Resolution No. 2640 and _ved for its p,.sage and adopt lution Book, page COUl'CIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AUTHCRIZIt<<l TIlE DJ!P~ it' E~W WITH SOU . FEIERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF LOS A_US ... .. fiAWAIIAN VILLME, LID. PF RJNDS RE~IRED FCR THE FURNISHING, INSTAIUTIO~ At8- COMPLETION OF ALL IMP EMENTS RB~IRED BY THE CITY OF ANAHEIM IN 1I.ACr( 1<<). ~_" AND AUTHORIZING THE AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUlE AN A~EEMENT FCa AND ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF AHEIM. On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: n [ ;, ". AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ILMIH; Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. ILMENI None. ILMEth None. , ared the foregoing resolution duly passed and Ideptea. C;O.,NICATIONa Co ~ation from Ivan Wells and Sons requesting the ..tablisA- aent of a minimum hou I size in certain areas was submitted and r.... mi niun. commended the adoption of an ordinance governing the ~reas as requested. ; 897 c QlDlNAICE NO., 912: CouncilMan Van, :read'1ng and .vecl. for its paS$age toner offer. Ord.inance No. 982 for ft.t_~ adoption. AN ORDINAlCE OF THE CITY OF AMAHS! iESTABLISHING CERTAIN REWLATIONS OOVERNIJ<<3 THE ERECTION,! COISTlWCnON, AND AIl ATION OF CPaTAIN BUILDIJGS, S1'RIJC1URES AND IMPROVEMEllrSAND CERTAIN USES OF All) PROVIntIG A IIIMI.JM FLCXJi AREA 1. ' CERTAIN AREAl WITHIN THE CITY OF 1M. n ORDlNAtCE. NO~. 972: MAHR-RADER n _nI~ NQ~r 9731 Change of zone 10. 2595) fr. R-A to M-l as reque held. (Second reading withheld). 1aU ve to Appl~caticm P-5+-al-14 (Iesol.ti'la by Hartshorn Bros., second reading with-, QRDINAICE NO~ 974& CO\lncl1Mn V.~ ....ding ud eved for its passage , goner offe:red Ordinance Mfh 974 for s-..net adoption. R.fer to Ordinance Boole, page i AN ORDINAlt:EI)F TIlE CITY OF AtWEI 1236 OF.11IE MWmIM IIOOCIPAL C(J)E JJQlMYS .lID )ooLEYaD . STOPS. SING ARTICLE III, CHAPTER 2, $EC]"~QIt': UTIII3 TO THE ESTABLISHlEIT OF naouCII After hearing read in fI knowledge of the contents thereof, .. wived. Councilitan Schutte see, the title of Ordinance No. 974 and n.:LBI'- uncilman Wisser moved the reading in *-11 ed the motion. Motion unanu.u.lyca~. On roll call the forego1 adopted by tbl following vote: Ordinance No. 974 was duly passed and ") A.5: NOES : ~ENT I COUtCILMEN: CCXJtClIJEN: CCJJtCILMEN: rlon, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wa.gDnu. e. e. Tn. Mayor declared the 'egoing o:cdinance duly pa..,dandadQpt. ~INAIC: NO.. 975& CouncilMan Wis offered Ordinance No. 975 for second _ding and lIIIWed for its passage i adoption. Rder to Ordinance Book, page j .. ORDINN<<;E OF THE CITY OF ANAHEI ~NDIII3 ARTICLE IV, CHAPTa 1, PMT l~t~"AJ . ta::TION 411>0.*6 OF THE ANAHEIM NlJNt ~PAL COOE BY AIDING THBtEID A NEW SUBSdptf IROVIDIl<<3 Fat THE I F "~D TO HAVE BI111!fI ...AtfY PERSON FCIt me PURPOSE OF IXAMIMAtt Af\er hearing read in fu ~ the title of Ordinance No. 975, Gounc... Sehutte moYed the rudlng in full 1 waived. Councilaan Wisser seconded thtt ,~ _tlon. *tl.n unanimously carriecf On roll call the foregoi 9 Ordinance No. 975 was duly passed and ' edopted by the followlng vote: AYIS: NOIS : ABIENT : , CWtCILMEN: P t rson, Fry, SChutte, lisser, and Van '..... COOtCILMEN: tle. COUNCILMEN: ~e. n Th. Mayor declared the f tegoing ordinance duly passed and, adopted. CfU\TNAlCE 8O.j91611 Councllaan Fry ffered Ordl.nance Nch 916 and lRovecl for its ..,sage and atoption. Reier to OMinance Book, ~age ! It<<; ARTICLE II, CHAP~ 4, PART 6, JlJlICIP AJ.. CfJ)E BY CIMTIlG A I).AIt...., EXISTING PARK DIPARnERTf CREATING 1111 ATION, AND DEPINIMG THE s:uP! OF HIS .IN ClWINAlCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHiI' secTIONS 2470 'AND 2472 OF THE ANAHi (IF PAij.KS .w> ~~'f,ION TO REPLACE OfFICE OF 1)1 .. rea Of' PARKS AND R!!, ~S AND DUlIES. i I 898 21 I After heart Fry moved the reading seconded the ItOtion. read in full the title of Ordinance No. 916, Councilman n full of said ordinanc, be waived. Councl1..n .sser otian unamimously carried. On roll cal ithe foregoing Ordinance No. 976 was duly passed and adQpted by the follow 9 vote: AYES: M:>ES: ABSENT ; Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None. None. The Mayor d 'lared the foregoing ordinance duly passed and adopted. <JI.DINAJI[;E NO. 977: C incilman Schutte offered Ordinance No. 917 for second natlln, aM moved for: ts passage ud adoption. Refer to Or~nance Book, page AN ORDINAJCE OF THE C 'ty OF ANAHEIM AMENDIt<<; ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2, SICTION 92(x).15, SUBDIVISION, TIME LIllI!. On roll eal jthe foregoing ordinance was duly passed and adopted IDy the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT : Pearson, Fry, SChutte,Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None. None. The Mayor d lared the foregoing ordinance duly passed and adoptecd. ptDIN.AJI;E NO. 978: C ncilman Schutte offered Ordinance No. 978 and MOVed for Itsp.lsa.e and adopt Refer to AN CJU)INAICE OF THE C OF ANAHEIM AMENDIfG ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE AlAHEIM -"NICI'AL CODE RELAT] TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF ZONIS IN 11m CITY OF NWEIM .kND\ THeREIN REOOLATI 'THE USE OF.. LAND, HEIGHT OF BU.IlDINGS MD YAJI>.' SPIaS, AIXJaHIIG A MAP SHOO THE BOUNDARY OF SAID ZONES, DEFXNIlI3 THE TEIU8 USiD !HBEI., PROVIDING iADJUSTMENT, AMENDMENT, 00 ENFCRCEMENT J PREERIBIKG PENALTIES FCR VIOLATII4, AND REPEALING ALL SECTIONS at PARTS OF SECTIONS IN CONFLICT THEREWIlli. ESOWTION ti). 2623 APPLICATION :Ft-54- After heart read in full the title of Ordinance No. 971, Councilman Wisser moved the read 'l1g in full of said ordinance be waived. Council.an Schutte seconded the motion..otion unanimously carried. n Pearson, Fry, Schutt.e, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None. None. On roll ca1 :the foregQing Ordinance No. 978 was duly passed Iftd adopted by the follo~g vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT ; lared the foregoing ordinance duly passed and.adopted. I aIDINAI<<:;E NO. 979: _ C ncilman Wisser offered Ordinance No. 979 foX' second read- ing and moved for its 'assage and adoption. Refer to AN ORDINAtCE OF THE C ~.17 AJII) 8!K)().18 PROM A POINT OUTSIDE TO ANOTHER POINT WITH OF ~IM AMENDING ARTICLE VIII, CHAPTER ~. SETIONS TING to THE MOVIE OF lOJSES, JlJILDIIIGS, QR'S'l'll.UCnJRES THE CITY INTO THE CITY (It FROM ONE POINT WITHtit 1E CIn nlE CITY. 8.99 c .J n f .2 - - 7:00 P M A~er baving heard read knowledge of ,the contects thereof, full of said ordinance be waived. unanimously cerried. . e title of Ordinance No. 979 and having unc11..nVan Wagoner moy.. the reading il':;. uncil.an Wisser seconded the motion. Mbtion On roll call the forego adopted by the following vote I Ordlnan~e No. 979 _. ctul y paa.ed and ~ ASS: NOES; . AlIEN! I COUN:IIJEN I coutCILMEN I COtJN:I LMEN a rson, Fry, Schutte, Wi.eer, and Van W.VOR*r. nee TIa Mayor d.clared. the ~INJJCENO. 9~& Councilman Va~ reading and .vecl for its passage Refer to Ordinance Book ,reg01n9 o~inance duly passed and adopted. goner oftered Ordinance Mo. 980 foS' 'eOOad adoption. page ! NDING .4RTlCLE VII, CHAPTm 5. OF THE. E1'O A NEW SlCTIOH FIXING CHARGES RJi DIE CITY 'TO ---D.~tDlnITS IN CONIECTION AN CRDINN<<;E OF 1HE CITY OF ANAHEI ANAHEIM IIJmClPAL CODE BY ADDING _ICIS MiD ,.,ACIUTIES PURCHASID i 11TH THE .CAnON A. SEWAGE SY 0111'011_11 tbe forego the followlnt vote: ordinance was duly passed and adopttdby caJJClUEN: COUlIICILMEN I COUtClIJEN: rson, Fry, SChutte, Wisser, and Van Wago,Mr. e. Tbe Mayor declared the ,egoing o~lnance duly passed and~a.optld. ~NAtCENO. . 98~a Councilaan Van J'eading and .ved for its pa..a.. ' goner off,red Ordinance No. 983 for first adoption. IN atDINAr<<;E IIf 1'IECITY Of ANAIIEI .It<<; ARTICLE VIII, CUP!BI 3 OF I'll ANAHEIM JOO: At. Cfli)E BY MlfBlt:>IM] TI0NS 8~.lo,l3OI.ll (e), 8300.13 <al. 1300.14, ~.O, ~.2"t 8300. ,.44, 83G8.47, .... 'lMO.a,,, ~A'. THEREUNDEIt".. IIESUBllCnONS (,0 )r, I(p), AND (q) TO Ss:rIOM 1380.13, AND BY ADDING SECTICII 13IJO.2o.A THERETO. PutHic Hearing was OM at 7;00 o'cloak P.M. on motion by Van Wagoner. MOTION CARRIED. Wagoner, seconded by COllftcil_lrf. n After hearing read in the contentst.hereof explained by the reading 1. full of Mid ordin aeconded by Cbuncilman Van Wagoner. 11 the ti tl e of Ordinance No. 983 and having SuperinteBdent of Ll,ht.~ Power, aDd ...ter, was waived, on motion DY Councilman So.tte, Motion unant.ously carried. BECLASSIFLtA"UON Fo.-~D-24& 5 cation of tefti tory located on &1 ed by Harvey P. RiggI. for the reclassill- oad east of Brookhurst fNll ft..A to M-l. Said reclassification pursuant to tbeirRt.olutlon No. 7 .8.1 Estate, I>y Leonard SId th, as Publi c Hearing was ordered to be o'clock P"M. denied by the City Planning Commlssion An appeal sutmtted by Medari~th . horized Agent, was aut.1 tted and read, and upon the matter, Marcq ~t 1905. at 7.00 On motion by Councilman MOTION CARRIe. ~LASSIFICATJ:ON F-54-55-25; Submi eel by C. A. Zi_e1'Nn for the reclassi- fication of property located at South Los Ang.1es Street from B-3 to C-l. , to be h.ld on th~ s mattei', Ma~ tf2.. ~~J: ncilllan Wlsser, seconded by CounC111na.ft. 900 ,p . M. for.'the reelasslfiea 'from R-A to R-3. · Subni tted by Thelma R. -"1\." Authorized Agent, n of the property located. at 1311 :'West La PallRa Avenue fl,! J Ii fj ij," ~ On motion Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by COUQciLMan SChutte, tJublic Hearing was 0 red to be held upon thi smatter, March 22, .1 ~, at 7;00 o'clock P.M. MO ON CARRIED. Submitted by Walter H. Let-ert for the reclassi- at corner of Broadway and lest Street tQ 1-3. On DIOtion ICouncllaa. Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Schutte, Public Hearing was 0 red to be held upon this .atter, March 22, 195~t at 7 zOO 0 tclock P.M. Md' N CARRIED. 'ARIAtCE NO. 295: S I service station at tted by F. E. and Barbara Warnes for pezmission to erect e northwest corner of East Center and North East Streets. The City PI, \aJc:. by the City Cou ng Co-.1ssion granted said variance, and no action w.. 1. 11......,.;..... IJ On Motion by Councilman Schutte, seconded by tion of City taxes was authorized on property ptttChased .y the State of Calif . ia for highway purposes and formerly assessed 'to Paul F. .elson, 225 North Eucl ~ Avenue. MOTION CARRIED. ' ,~~ BaNDSa The fo ~Owing Plllliber Bonds were ordered received and filed when .pproved by the City: orney on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, .econded by Councilman Wisser. Me. ON CARRIED. E. C. Braun Company Anderson P u.bing COJRpany' McKeand Plumbing. DIXIE CUP: Mr. Georg- Oelk~., $upel"'ntenclent 0 f Light, Power, and Wat, advised the City Council that the three-year ap...nt te~. the Dixie CUP.. ..!~~ the deposit of $2,500.00. expired as of this _., and that refund of said $2~.OO is to be within 30 days. . Said refund '.5 authori~ed on motion by Councilman Van Wagener, second" 1Iy Councilman Wisser. ~TION CARRIED. JIESOJllTION NO. 26411 .vetl for i t5 passage ~uncilman Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2641 and 'd adoption. page . REIOUlTION OF THE CI; COUtCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ESTABUSHI!QTHEiLCCATION b .uwTNS MPTJ:IIS Ptm ANT TO ARnCLE III, CHAPTER 3, OF TIlE ANAHEIM JilJmCIPAL QP)E .AMI) FIXItIi THE TI R)R THE COMMEr<<:EMENT OF THE OPERATION OF SUCH METERS. ~~T CHEStNUT SmElT) , On roll call 'tthe foregoing resolution Was duly passed and adopted by . the following vote: n I J Pearson, Fry, SChutte, Wisser. and Van "',oner. None. None. AYES I lfOES; ABSENT : RJSO~TION NO. 2642; ftr fts passage and ad red the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. cilman Schutte offered Resolution No. 2642 and aovttd ~on. Refer to Reso ~tion Book, page 901 C . IlESDLUTION PF THE CITY CWN:IL HE CITY OF ANAHEIM ~TIN.A _AIU '_~L......~."{..-, IDtVEYBIi TO tHE CITY OF ANAHEIM G AIN REALPRCPERTY FeR AN !AS!JI!NT Pea .MIIC IIDENI t<<J PURPOSES. { James c. Qui S i. On roll call the forego j resolution was duly passed and adopt., by the following. VGUI A'tIS: ~S: AlSENT : Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van W!tO,J}er. i ',' .r ~ COOtCILMEN: GQUN:;II..MEN I COUlCILMEN: P 'rson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van \fag....~. e. e. T_ Mayor deelared the ,ESOLUnON ~ 2643& Council.an F its passage 8Rd adoption. Refer to Resolution Book .,01n9 reaol.t1on duly palled andadop~~. I offered Resolution No. 2643 and IItOved fer iUSOWTI()N IF THE CITY CCllNCIL 0 eotIYEYIr<<3 TO tHE CITY Qf AMAHEIM .IDENI., PtJRPOSES. (Helen and La CITY QF AfWEIM ~T%JlG,A...~. Dan. ' AIN REALPRa'ERTY RII AN ElSIMI!IIT Pm ., ' PorteX' ) . On roll call the forego1 \he fOllowlll9''Vota: resolution was duly passed and adtpted,JrY A YES: NOIS : ~ENTI COON:;ILMEN: caJPCILMEN : COOl\CI LMEN: The Mayor declared the f~e9oing resolution duly passed and adopted. IESOLUTION NO. 2644: Councilman W1 ~er offered Resolution No. 2644 and moved tor its passa,e and adoption. Refer to aeaolution Book 1 page 1 n A IESOWrION OF THE CITY COOlCIL 0 CITY QF ANAHEIM ~FlTIIG'A ~'__.' OONVEYIt<<; TO 'nIE CITY OF ANAHEIM C AIN RiAL PROPERTY FCR AN BASI!MI9tt ptI{-rs1J&ET .DiNING PURPOSES. (Paul M. and Pa ine Bolielc). On roll call the foregoi 9 resolution was duly pa.... and aciopt<<f by the following votel A YES: NOJS : ABIENT ; COO!CILMEN: P prson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van: .~. COON::ILMEN: N ~e. COOtCILMENI - N nee The Mayor declared the f teg01ng resolution duly passed and .cs~t.r A NAME 01 RAYJI)N[) YENUE TO STREET M I I PE AVEtlJE TO PRESENT EAST STRE . The Chief of Police ,reconunendW the e ~ . of name be aCGomp11shed.and the mat ,r was referred to the City Planning Commission and City Attorney to start the nece ~ary proceed1ngs January 11, 195:). Four notices declaring t ~ intention of the City Planning Commiallon at the request of the City, Council () change the name of RaYMond Avenue between last North Street and Orangethorpe venue to NOrth East Street were posted and affidavit of posting was submitted. The City Planning Co..is ~on held PUblic Heaing on the matter, Februllry 7, 1955, and pursuant to their Res~ ,tion No. 86 recommended to the City C~~~l that the name of that portion of R. ond Avenue lying within the City of ..... be changed to East Street to reliev : the confusion that presently exists. n 902 21 ~,- 1.ooP... 'RMUITION NO. 2~~ . ounc:ilman Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2648 ant ~yed tor its passage .nd adoption. r D ," RISOLUTION OF THH a IA""IfJ.AYI TO AlT stREET. !lution Book, page CClJICIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CHANG!. THE ... OF AtOM THE CITY' LIMITS AT ~DlCJtPE Ava.. TO On roll cal 'the following votel foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by AYES I NOES: ABSENT I pearsont Fry, SChutte, Wisser, and Vu Wagoner. Hone. ! None. The Mayor d resolution dulypa8$ed andadepted. IOIIff OOTFALL .pproved and filed on Wisser. MOTION CARRI tWCE REP<JlT FOR THE Al>MTH OF J Y Was eN.red tion by Councilman Van ..,oner, seconded by Councilman The Mayor and Ci ty Clerk were author- of agreetnent extending said lease for . period of 3 years to the State of California for use of the City Hall Guard, on motion by Councilman SChutte, seconded by MOTION CARRIED. n Petitions requesting consent to commence annexation to the City Planning Commission for their ret~endatlon, jSchutte, seconded by Councilman Wisser. ~ON CARRIED. Y OF Resolution No. 1237 notifyingth. City of hhelm of a proposed ttnexation was submitted. Mr. Murdoch cheeked the descrip- tion and reports that iis is not a strip annexation and th.t th. Cltyof Anah-'- has no objection to sa annexation. esOWTION tI). 26461 4uncilman Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2~ and moved for its passage rid adoption. n page .4 REIOWTION OF THE C1 ~IYIJ<<; TO THE CITY AIM> PUBLIC USE AND RE ~rtetional Site, La COON:IL OF DIE CITY OF ANAHBIM ACCEPTING A. .wr.'IiID. ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPBiTY FOR RECREA.TIONAl plRPosa NDING RESOWTION NO. 2549. (R. & W. Constru(;tlen Co. llna Avenue). On roll call Uh. follow1ng vote: AYES; M:>ES I ABSENT ; e foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None. None. foregoing resolution duly passed and edepted. " 903 n .2 19&5.- 7.00.P.M. IESOWTIOI r<<L 2647: Councilman S .utte offa:red Resolution No. 2647 and lIo,Id' for its passage ~d adoption. R.fer to Re&olution Joq. page , RESOWTION':PF THE CITY GQJt<<;I1. 0 THAT PtmLIC Cl>NVlNIlta All) NBCIS$ A PUBUC It.lWJVElENT TO WIT: SEERS, JqB 'f). 1056. AMD JPPROVI 8>SCIFICAne>>e FCIl THE CONSlRUCTIO lAID PUBLIC _ROVmENT IN ACCORD AUTHORIZIE .-:> DIRiCTIt<<:; THE CITY PR(J)OSALS FCa. THE CONSDUCTION THE 7:00 0' clock P.M. Published Febru THE D!SIGIIS, PLANS, PROFILES, DRAWINGS, AND THEIlEOF; AUTHCRIZIIIGTHE CONSDUCTION OF E WITH SAID PLANS, SPH;IFICATIONa, ETC. ,AIGJ' LERK TO PUBLISH A NOTICE INVITING SEALED OF. (Bid, to be opened March 15. 19f>5 at y 25 and March At, 1956). o On roll call the foregd ,g resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote, A., as: ~ENTI caJtCILEH. CClftCILMEN I cOtncI LEN I P!1', Sebtltt., .saar, and, Van ..,oner. Tile Mayor declared tae ~regoing rfsolution dUlY passed and ado])~ o Y .IE 51 . ..~ AL0ff3 THE. Arnold of th.. CO\IRty Planning C.. policy rega~ng billboards along Info:rmed the Council that the Coun are within a short distance fro. t YI Mr. Murdoch ftpIrt,.s tha.t Mr. Pat.. sion inquired. aato the City of Anahei.~.:; e Freeway adjacent to the right-af-way,. life "s reaction is not to allow them unless they tract that they refer to. Tile City Council held Q 'r the matter to receive the rec~endat1ol\$. from the meet4ng that will be held 'y the City Planning CORdss1on. , ,~t:tItI) OfRJ.,S Al>YMC.ED: Mr. Geo 'e E. Holyqke, C1 ty EnglAte_ reported tha~/ JIM. to the u.,.ney of constructing ewers in Tracts Nos.. 2082 and: 2_,. the" & t. Homes constructed main-line s. s 1n both La Palma Avenue and CatalpaJltDet. The total cOlt of the work done by his compamy amounted to $20,169.70 of which $12,000.(>> .. cha~eable to them, ,~eaving a 1:>a1ance of $8,169. 70. H.rec~d<<i that the D. & C. Homes be reimbur$ for the ~onstruction of these l1nta in the' ..ount of $8,169.70. The refund was authoriz by the City Council on motion by CouneibBan Wisser, seco"'ed by Councilman Sch "te. MOTI<PN CARRIED. ,. IEF\1ND OF fU.S ADV NCE~h Mr. Gea e E. Holyoke, City Engineer, reponed tltat; at the time Yra. No. 19M. was develd ,the sw,divider, Mr. ..tin S-qatevant. paid the total sewer charge of $1, ,3.22 for service to this tract with the uncIal'- standing that the porUonof this . 'st would .e refunded wh.n others participa~ in the use 0" the South Street lin ~ The cost of the South Street line now has-, I>een obtaineci from other developer _ and it was recommended that a. refund to' Mr. Sturtevant in the amount of $621.6 be authorized. I THEUlAll, DIVISION Of THE The refund was authori2 by the City Council on motion by Counci~ Van Wagoner, seconded I>y Councilma !Schutte. M:>TION CARRIBD. VSUI)NJ AVE. SCHOOL SITE; Mr. District euDl like to go ahead wi Avenue, and .rthr repOrted reg that the Cl ty trade the Vermont A'I Palm Lane, aid the school board ls like to have the immediate possess 9ch reported that the Eleaentary Sch~Ol the construction of the school on V.moat ng the option whlch the school obtalnw~~r e property for a like acreage at tn.enI'of illing to go ahead on that basis but would 'n of the Yenaont Avenue area. o Cauncil..n Schutte mev necessary n~tiations to enable t seconded the ,.otion. MOTION CARRI ithat Mr. Murdoch be .uthorlzed to make the contractors to go ahead. Councilun Wi__ II....:.;. .~.....:..ps.~g............c.'.:. -.......... lJ.: ~I~.~Y.S't.Q I!IH!I1!L. OfGfWIIRCI: W.s D o o 904 ~NO. 2648; ouncilman Schutte offered Resolution ~. 26AUJ and moved for its passage and a ,ption. l~tion Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE C THAT THE fURC Pat THE ~TER D!P AI ING THAT PUBLICATION AND FITTINGS. (Bids I .y C()J}CIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDI. AfI):D!T!lMINING !f;..BII.LSTfFT ..CRIJID& PIPS: All) PI1TI~ IS NECESSARY AND APPltOVING THE SPECIFICATIONS THiREOP, AND DIRECT- ~TICE IWITIN3 BIDS FOR THE RJRMISHING OF SAID PIPE be opened March 15. 1905 at 7:00 o'clock P.M.). On roll eel the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT : ILMENI Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van W.goner. ILMENa None. ILMENa None. The Mayor resolution duly passed and ..opted. S SYSTS.M; Mr. Murdoch requested the holding over of valuation report on the 1953 amendments until further , and was so ordered. _I.N AND COlI> MN RE .owa,and Water, e rtc,,-end4td that the ret.acti ve to Sept 1. $3,000.60. The a C Mr. George Oelkttrs,Superil\tendeat of Light, ned the proposed Edison Substation "R" rate r.....l and ent of the monthly ren'ta! beapproved~ The aeunt due, 13, 1954 at w~ich ti.. this new rate went law .fft<:t, ximate monthly rate would be $578.00. The Ci ty Co I il authorized the payment of this monthly rate end further authorized th ayor and City Clerk to sig~ letter of ag~tt on .otion by Councilman ., seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOrION CARRIED. ,EMSUS; Robert W. Bu . ~s, Dire~torof t~e Bu,;'eau of Census, certified the official count of the turns of the Special Census taken .as of January 1. 1955 population to be 30,0 and further certified that there were 9,251ocCc.pitd awelling units as of t t date. COBlftunicati 1 dated February 16, 1 ~5 from the state of Calif.nia P*J>artment of Public rks State Highway Engineer advised as Qf the rec.t 'ensus and based on th 1 new population figure the estimated gas tax rev...e for the fiscal year ending p'une 30, 1955 is $71,9~.OO. N : he City Engineer reported the p~~posed agr.....t.,io be aade between the City Anaheim and State of California Division of HI....'s for the construction 0 ; an inverted siphon storm drain aCross the Santa .... Preeway at Broadway S~et at an approximate cost of $11.360.00 to be paid from City funds, City to be billed after July 1, 1955. . The Administ .tive Officer recommended the execution of the .~.ement. The City Council autho !zed the execution of the agreement when approved. by the City Attorney, on moti ~ by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Counci~.n Van Wagoner. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED. APPROVED. Councilman y the motion. K>TION C ,c. to adjourn. Councilman Wisser second8d SI GNED.