1955/03/11 920 19M r 11. ~.M. ncil of the City of Anahei. met in Speaial Meeting called by Mayor Pearson for he purpose of considering actions taken by the City Plan-' ning Commission on v~lances resulting from Public Hearings held by the City Planning Connission:J tebruary 21, 1955 and March 7, 1955. c PRESENT: ABSENT: CooteI CITY ATTQlNEY, PRES CITY ADMINISTRATIVE Pearson, Fry, Schutt& (entered the meetinQ~ 11115 A.M.), Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None. TURNER I Present. FICER, KEITH A. MURDOCH. Present. The City C +rlc: stated that written notices were served each CouncilMan, personally, and ackn ledgment of said notices signed prior to 24 hours before the tt.e set for th.~eetin9. VARINCE NO. 290; $ i tted by the F. and P. Construction Co., relaUve to Tract No. 2317. The pplicant requests a waiver of 7 lots in the tract from 7o-foot frontage to foot frontage and that walver of the 25-foot front yard setbacks to 20 feet . allowed on all lots. The Ci ty IP +nning C~ission, pu~suant to their Resolution No. 99, granted said variane, On motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Council- man Wisser, review . thls matter was set for APril 5. 1955 to allow time for all interested peopl e . be heard. MOTION CARRIED. VAR!AJ(;}i NO. 292: $ i ted. by Don Hunt, relative to Tract No. 1530,. further deaC'X'ibed. as the not' east comer of Romneya Drive and Baxter Street. The applicant requests a aiver of the 7Q-foot frontage to 62.5-foot lliniwlum, and from 7200 square fee lot area to 6500 square feet lot area. L The City P ,nning C~ission, pursuant to their ReselutionNo. 98, granted the variance .ubject to: Movin~ ~f the lots along Baxter Street to the e8stend of the tr ~t. These lots are 67.5-foot frontage. This II allow 70-foot frontage. to be established on future ~ubdivisions to the west. The City C 'Pncil ordered the matter set for review, APril 5, 1955, as annexation proce ~ngs are not yet started, on motion by Councilman Schutte, seconded by Council ~ Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. 1. 2. VAllM![;E NO. 293: i tted by Adeline T. Fechter and. Carr!'e B. Theap_o, through David S. Col ns, Authorized Agent, relative to property described al the southeast corner pf West La Palma and Magnolia Avenues. The applicant requests permission ~ erect a Super Service Station on this property,now zoned as R-A. The City P,.nning COBlnission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 92, granted said varianc 1 subject to: 1. The ing of 20 feet each along West La Palma and Magnolia Aven to the City of Anaheim for street widening. 2. The 1 tallation of curbs. 3. Black ~oppin9 the area from the curb line to the exist1ng pavi j on both of these streets. [: No t-. s talc en by the Ci ty Council. V ARIAK;E NO. 294: Authorixed Agent, 0 of Harbor Boulevard operate a Restauran property is present i tted by Anaheim Properties, Corp, Ernest H. Lockwood, ttbat property de&eribed briefly as the nortnftst comer d Katella Avenue, requesting permission to er$ct and ilding with inside and outside dining facilities. The 1 zoned R-A. (Clock Restaurant). 921 o the Ci ty Planning C tranted Hid ..ar1..c. subject tOI ' 1. The deeding to tht of ICatella Avenue, requlr..ents specl 2. The installation . Boulevard and Kat. 3. Slack topping of paving on these st Ne ac:tlon was taken 11). : Subadtt~ by Ott Ideo, relative to Tract No. 15l7, loc.atecl feet IlOrtl of the nort_e&t co r of AcacIa and Burton Streets. The a1pplicant ~"'8t. 6O-foot f"nt.g. n the lot. in this tract. The City Planning C sion, pursuant to their Resolution If_. lCO, granted said variance slJbj ect I 1. Assurance by the ~..' "~.',.' Engineer that the tract will not be subject te floodint I 10 action was taken by the City Counc:1l. IMlIAM:;E .411 1971 SuhMittecl by th, irst Southern Baptist ChurGh, Reveteftd.! thoMas G'. 1", 'Atrtho~l%ed Agent,! esting pel'llission to erect ac.bachi"" off-streetPAllking area on property Qcated briefly on the nozth side of East Broadway, just west of the Lincoln; hool. ~Si()~, pursuant to their Resolution ~o. 94, I ll\eCity Planning C ,ranted the variance subject to: -0 1. The deeding of 40, of East Broadway. 1 2. Engln..riag requl the paYing from et to the Cl ty of AAaheillfor the widening ents, such as, curbs and Sidewalks and new curb line to the existing paving. 110 ~MCE 11). 198: Subaitted by H nand Hintz,through CarlM. Gu.tafecm." JutAorized A9ftnt, requesting a waiy on certain lots to 6O-fGot frontage by 6100 sqwarefttet lot areas, in Tract Q. 250l, located west of Hutwood stred;' letween B....y and O1"ange Avenue. : ',The City Plannlng Co . .~sion, pursuant to their aesoluti.en 'No. I ,- 102, granted the variance subject t ~ . 1. o 2. 3. lots south of Broadway will have a 10-foot are feet of lot area. will be open to the east and west~ e submltted for a,pJro"aJ.. ion by Councilllan V_ab,_er, .econded for veview, .1"il 5. l~. JeCfION CARRlJiD. The Clty Council, on by Councilaan Wisser, .et the matt JARIMCE 00. J99: Submitted by Ax; .~ect a new C>>OceryStore at 158 N ..ilding at 714 North L_on Street. r J. Roquet, requesting permission to h Lemon Street and r_Gdeling the existing i ! rS1t11l' pursuant to their R_solution No.'~ -streetparklng for approximately JOcars.., ity of Anaheim of 10 feet along the rear the existing garage for the widening of The City Planning Co ,ranted said yariaftce subject to: 1. The providing of 2. The deeding to th of Lots 16 and 11 the alley. 10 action _s taken b ~he City Council 922 .~ 11100 A.M VAIlIAK::E NO.. 300: S No. 2381, located on north of Crone Avenu . setbacks for front y itted by Griffith Bros., on property described as Tract e east side of Euclid Avenue, south of Orange Avenue, and The applicant requests permission to use staggered , ranging from 20 to 25 feet in Tract No. 2381. The City Pnning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. lOl, granted said varianc w The City C to maintain the 25-f on other lots; that to use his own judgm further action was t ell ordered that the building department be instructed t setbacKs on Euclid Avenue but to allow the staggering exibility is hereby authorized for the building inspector t on the slight variations of this 25-foot setback. No ,en by the City Council. VAlIAlCE NO. 301: itted by K. W. Koll, on property described as tn. south- east corner of Harbo ,Boulevard and Ball Road, requesting pe1"lllission to erect and operate a Motel. nning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 96, granted lsubject to: 1. The iq allation of curbs and sld_lks aloftg Ball Road. 2. The de ing to the City of AnaheiM of 20 feet for the wideni of Ball Road and whatever widening is necessary along rbor Boulevard as specified by the Anaheim City Engine . No s taken by the City Council. V AIlANCE NO. 302: operate a Nursery at approximately 400 fa itted by Maler Bros. Nursery, requesting per.mi..ion to e property located on the. north side of Li~oln Avenue, east of G[lbert Street. c 9r~ted ning CORaission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 97, !subj ect to. 1. ing to the City of Anaheim of 10 feet for future dening. No s taken by the City Council. ! VARIA~ NO. 303: Real Sstate, Author!. requirement to 60 f South West Street, t The property is pres i tted by Wal ter H. Leimert Co.'. owners, MedarII-SId th Agents, requesting a waiver of ,th~ 70-foot f~ntage , on property described a&1 bounded by West Bro,"ay, Southern Pacific Right-of-Way, and the Santa Ana Freeway. 'tl y zoned R-,A and R-2. . granted nning COJ8llssion, pvr&\lant to thelr Resolutlonlto.CJO, lsubj ect to: 1. 'ng of deed restrictions covering the types of 's to be erec ted on the property. e will be no driveway entrances from the front ts, and all entrances to garages will be from 2. o The City C on motion by Council CARRIED. eil set this matter for review to be held April 5, 195~, Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Schutte. MOTION V ARIAlCE NO. 304: as the north side of Belmont Avenue, req to be 62 feet by 100 itted by Frank Swift, relative to property described briefly st La Palma Avenue, west of Liberty Lane, and ...th of ting permission to divide a parcel into two (2) lots, one et and the other, 68 feet by 100 feet. 923 1910 ~ 111 A.M. The City Planni.ng C.. 1'.s10n, pursuant to thelr Resolution Ro. 106, ,~anted said .artanee subject to: 1. The pa'P'ent of S2~ per lot for the acquisition of Park and Recreation sl~ . 2. Thedeecling of 10: et along Eaat La PalBta for street widening. 3. Engineering requl~ ents, suca as, curbs, gutters, and sid_lks. a . action was taken by 'ARIJJCE r<<>.~51 Subad tted by E, llellon, AIIth..ized Agents, relati 'W' 2440, locatecl betwe&n Broadway an4 Magnolia and era",. Avenues, requ. 25 to 20 feet on all lots. GudenSt owner, throUSh Voorh.i,...Tri........ to that property described as Tract No. nge Avenue at the northea:st coxner of Ing a waiver of fJ'Ont ya:rei setbacks f~ The City Planning C~..~$iOn, purluant to their Re&olution No. 107, granted said variJUlce subj ecit 10 I 1. Those .lots siding West Broadway.ay us. a 2D-foot f~nt yard .etbaelt, blat . side yard. along "st Broadway IRISt have 12-1/2 foot r_ent. I. The s... concli tlorl ahall apply to lots aiding on Orange Aveftue. I. Lots facing on Or. . ~e Avenue ahall take the noxmal 25-foot front yard setbacl( 1 lbe City CCi)Uncll set 1 s .tter for revi.. to be held ADl'il la.Tt 19Jr)e>, on ~t.n by CO\Ul(;ilNJl Scb,* e~ seconded by CoW\cilaan Wisser. .:>TICK CMaIED. o I YMIAtCE )I). PI ""itted by "'fB. Hatfi91dt recpae.tlng pes:m1salon to Conduct a R", Eltate business 1n 1 single-faily re..1..c., d.Hcrihed as the soutJwest corner of East Adel"treet and Wrth Philadelphia Street. The C. it, Planning C... ~.slQn, pursuant to theirle8olution'No. 108, granted said vt.riance subj~tto: 1. The erection of a .gn on the property not OVft' l8 inche. by 24' Inches. 1 2. Providing off-sir puking for three {3} automobile. on the property. I 10 action was taken by ihe City Council. YAijIAlCE 1<<). .~8& SWad tted by T f Const1'\lction Co. ,requesting pexmission to erect a .orary .:rectional . n for the period of one yeart . adverUsiftl, the sale of homes in Tl"act No. 21 The property is presently zoned c-l. I The Cl ty Planning C~ fslon, pursuant to their Resolution No. 109, granted said variance subject tOI 1. The It.1tatlon of e size of the sign to 8 feet by 10 feet. 2. Relocation of the gn in the event Harbor Boulevard is widened. 3. That it be for a rod of only" months. 10 action was taken by ~he Cl ty Council. : YARIAltZE ~. 1309. SubRltled by if Iy' S. Apter and IhmBDr Conetruction Gel. requesti", a ,waiver of the 70-foo~ rantage and the 7200 ....... foot lot aftt' requirement c.n property described! Tract No. 2~10, located' at the north.at corner of ROEeya Drive and Acaci.treet. o l 924 granted 1"5 ;'"'. 11.00 A M ning Commission, pursuant to their R~solutlon No. 110, lsubj ec t to: 1. asing of lot sizes between Lewellyn Avenue and reet to 66 feet in width. , I No taken hy the City Council. i tted by Harry S. Apter and Dunsmor Construction Co., scribed as Tract No. 2571, located at the nor"..t corner aela Street, requesting a waiver of the 7G-foot frontage t lot area. VARIAtCE NO. 301: relative to property of ROJaneya Drive and and the 7200 square The City PI ning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. Ill, granted said varianc ~ubject to: I 1. n of the map bringing the lots up to 7200 et ina~ch as the lots facing this tract ell over 7200 sqUare feet. No Is talc en by the Ci ty Counci 1. YARIAJ<<;E NO. 311: 5 i tted ,by Walter C. Barber, requesting permission to erect foU1" (4) Duplex Dwell 9s on property located at 3l5-33l NorthPlacentl. Avenue. The property is pres 1 y zoned R-A. granted ing Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 112, u>>ject to: r--, i 1. The er'f.' ion of three (3) duplexes instead ,of lour (~). 2. The de . ng of 20 feet along Placentia Avenue for street widenin No action . ~ taken by the City Council. VARIAlCE NO. 312: S 1 tted by Tobin Companies, Less..., of propertycl..crlb. briefly as the east 8 e of ManChester, north of La Palma Avenue, ncpl..ting pemiHion to erect a .porary Directional Sign for a period of Oh. year or less, advertising the sale f houses and lots in Tract No. 2111. ' The City Pl ~ing Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. l13, granted said variance 'ubject to: , 1. 2. Limitat ~n of the size of the sign to lO feet by 25 feet. That it be for a period of only 4 months. ...... Ii i J No action. , taken by the City Council. VARlAK;E 1<<). 313.: 1 tted by Tobin COapaniH, Less~ of that pftputy described briefly as ing 70 feet from the center line of Manchester Avenue and 250 feet east of gnolia Avenue, requesting permission to erect a Temporary Directional Sign for lperlod of one year or less, advertising the sale of houses and lots in Tr ~t No. 2111. The City PI _ning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 114, granted said variance $ubject to: 1. Limitat +n of the size of the sign to 10 feet by 25 feet. 2. That it ~e for a period of only 4 months. No action w . taken by the City Councll. The City Cltk was authorized to return the filing fees and appliea- tions on all variance ; to allow the erection of signSt until such ti.. as a uniforM ordinance cante adopted regulating the establishment of sIgns in non- conforming zones, on 4tion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Schutte. MOTION CARRID. 925 o G U51 VARIANCE NO. 1 Gr.vel Pit and Asphaltic Mixing Plant to be located Oft the southwest corne~ f Canal St~eet and Newkirk Road. an Motion by O.uncil.~ the City Clezk was authorized to Co_ission, .tating the C0UR41l's Pemi t, as it is not the type of CARRIED. Schutte, seconded ,by Councilman Wisser, te a letter to the Orange County Planning position to the granting of this Us. iness desired in that area. MOTION Qouncllun Van WagoneJt oved to adjourn. CouncilMan Wisser seconded. the motion.IIJrION CARRIED. ADJOURNED. .PROVPJ). SIGNED. Mayor ~ City Clerk o The City Counci 1 0 f th Ci ty 0 f Anaheim met in Adjourned Regular Session. PRESENT I COUtCILMEN. P earson~ ABSENT: COUtCIUWt:. Schutte. CITY ATItaN_, PUSTOR ruuiRl P CIty ADMllfllDAnVEOJIPICll, KEf S Mo.. 2647anc:tLef&lNotice duly pu 1955 and March 4, 195~, the City t on the Katella-Harbor Interceptor Van Wagoner, seconded by Council and Van lagoner. P'resent. NO I Pursuant to Resolution shed in the Anahebl Bulletin, February a, rk was authorized to open bid proposals:" er, Job No. 1055, onm.otton by Councilaan Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. rIDS RECElVEtl I Penn Construction Co. rk 3932 N. Depot Ave., Bal.,1nP..-. Frank Cbutuk Construction Co. 853 Reeves Place, POIlona J. S. Barrett P. o. Box 2126, Santa Ana George Dakovlch 2419 S. Gltfield Ave., Zarubica C~any 1350 N. HJ.Ihland Ave., Nick M. Guho 8335 Atlantic Blvd., Bell Bosko & Bradarich 8512 FllhJaen Road, Pico J. E. Popovich P. O. Box 261, Torrance Radich & Fergusson, Inc. P.O. Box 67, Burhanlt Leo Weiler, Contractor 521 N.McCl.y St., Santa Ana (All Bid 'ropo sa;. s were ace' n Charles L. Burch & ,Sons 2419 N. Chico Ave., El Monte J e:rry Artl*ovich 723 Union St., Montebello Charles J. Dorfman 124 N. wBre. Ave., Los Angeles 36 Peerless Concrete Pipe Co~. P. O. Box 384, Santa Ana ed by Bid Bonds in the aMOunt of l~)