1955/04/05 - --- -~,._~.--~-~- ~----- ----~---,- -~-----....., 966 n...i........' l.J WAIVER OF FILING : Request by Mr. Holve for waiver of filing fee for re- classification on at property located at the northeast-corner of Kate1la and Euclid Avenues wa6~ubmitted and Mr. Bob Mungall recommended the waiver of said fee in view of the Jact that this property had been previously zoned by the County for C-I use prior to the inclusion thereof in the Disneyland Annexation. $aid wat ~r of fee was authorized by the Council on mGtion by Councilman Schutte i seconded by Councilman Wisser~ ,MOTION CARRIED. NN CONS1ROCTION COMPANY: Mr. George Oelkers reported the I the Penn Construction Company to the water reservGir had been satisfactoril jcompleted, and recommended the payment of the $2,500.00 wi thheld from the .ntract of the Penn Construction Company. On motio )by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Van Wagoner, payment of balance 4ue in the amount of $2,500.00 was authorized upon the filing by the Pennqonstruction Company of a statement that all charges for labor and material !have been paid. MOTION CARRIED. INDUSTRIAL PRO<JiE iWEEK: Mr. Moeller of the Anaheim Chamber of CODlRerce, advised the Indus~ al Progress Week to be the second week in May. The City 9f Anaheim will p~ icipate. PURCHASE: Purcha$ lof two motorcycles with equipment, $1,306.00 each for use by the Police Dapa ent in the control of traffic In the vicinity of Disneyland was au: ized on motion by Councilman Schutte, seconded by Council- man Fry. MOTION C lED. -[].; " .,', '." : " ION: Affidavit of publication of notice of intention to filed in the office of the City Clerk, April 5, 1955, Councilman Schutte offered Resolution No. 2705 and moved doption. Refer ,solution Book, page j A RESOLUTION OF THE (:ITY COUlCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACKNOILEOOIE RB::EIPT OF Copy OF NOTICE 0 1 INTENTION TO CIRCULATE A PETITION RELATING TO THa AHHEXA- IION OF TERRITCRY tiTHE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND AFFIDAVIT OF PUBUCATION THEREOF, AND APPROVING THE C PLAIION OF SAID PETITION. (NORTIi SUNKI5T ANNEXATION).. On roll C tl the foregoing resolution was. duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: qOUtCILMEN: GOUfCILMEN: 4OUl'CILMEN: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None. None. in.. , I it; _--0''';,4 The Mayor eclared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. I by Councilman Wisse to undertake the i to Katella as a Co but gradually abso Aid to Cities" Fund. On motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded authorization was granted to the County Road Department vement of Harbor Boulevard from Santa Ana Freeway SQuth project. Cost of development to be paid by the County , as a credit against the City allocation fram "County MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Murdo ; reported that it is proposed to have a 4-lane divided highway and ultimat ~ a 6-lane highway from Manchester to Katella, with some widening south of Ka ~lla. by the ~ AYES: NOES: ABSENT : ~D PRCPO~J Sf T Ball Road Street I 361 pur$uant to R and 30,. on motion NDTION CARRIED. Cex Bros. Constru P. O. Box C, St (Bid Bond in am Ib J. Rpble Compa P. O.Box 620, (Bid Bond in amo SUlly-JUller Cant P. O. Box 432, (Certified Check 111 the _ount 0 r On moUo said Bid Proposal report. MOTION C Co., RESOLUTION NO. 26 moved for its pas I i Refer tOI A RESOLUTIā‚¬)N OF T PRCPOSAL ~ PURlISHING OF ALL UTILITIES AND IRA ALL WCRK NECESSAR EE I COX BROS. by the u AYES: NOES: ABSENT I BID PRCPOSALS: T purchase of Cast I to Resolution No. March 24 and 3l, Wisser. MOTION C 11 the foregoing res~lution was duly passed and adopted OU!CILMBN: QUrEILMiN I OUNCI!.MAN ; Pearson, Sch\a~te, 'Wisser, aRd Van Wagoner. None. Fry. eclared the foregoing resolut1ol'\ duly p..5ed,andadtpttld. ity Clerk wa$ authori~ed to open bid propolal& GO the ovement ~rom Olive Str~et toLcs Angeles Stre.t, Job NO. ution No. 2665 and Legal Notice duly publ1.ahed Mach 23 Councilman VanWa9oner, seconded by Co;uncilaan Wisser. BIDs RECEIVED .., 134.50 $5,803.00 100), ing Co. ge 11, dated April 1, 1955 1,000.(0) $7 ,287 ..35 y Councilman VanWagoner. seconded by COuJ'u:il.... Schutte, re referred to the Ci ty Engineer for tabulation and ED. . ation, the City Engineer reported the Cox JhfO$. Constructlo.n low bidder and recommended acceptance of said bid. ,". Councilman Van Wagoner Qffered Resolution No. 2694 and and adoption. 1 the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted : Pearson, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagener. None. Fry. eclared the foregoing resolution duly pass" and ad.,tta'. i ty Clerk was authorized to openb~d 'J!>1;"oposalt, f~.. the , Steel Cylinder Concrete, or Trans! te Wat.. Pt,.. pur..at 9 and Legal Notice duly published 1n the Anahetit,l"~lletifl otlon by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman ED. 956 u A RESOLUTION OF COMPLETION AND THE EQUIPMENT AND ALL AND PERFCRMING ALL LIC Il\FROVEMENT : SEWERS JOB NO. 1 CITY COUtCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINALLY ~IiPIING THE NISHING OF ALL PLANT, LABCJi, SERVICES, MATERIALS AND ILITY AND lRANSPCRTATION IOCLJRjZNG POIfER, FUEL, AND WATER, ORK NECESSARY TO CONS1RUCT AND COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING PUB- SCENT AVENUE INTmCEPTcn SEWER UNIT"e" OF WEST ANAHEIM On roll .11 the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the fOllowing vote ' AYES: NOES : ABSENT: ICOUOCILMEN: ICOUOCI LMEN: ICOUlCILMEN: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None. None. RESOLUTION NO. 27 moved for its pas ~.clared the foregoing resolution duly passed an<< adopted. & Councilman Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2702 and and adoption. solution Book, page A Rl!50LUTION OF HONE RJi CONS1RUCTION, PHONE, TELSrnAPH, ITY COUrcIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CiiANTING TO THE TELECiiAPH COWANY AN EAStMENT OVet CStTAINRW- PR<PEBTY NTENA1CE, AN) CP ERA TION OF AERIAL AND UNDERCIUIf. THLE- COMMUNICATION SlRUC1URES. O',",i,,' l' t r On roll c ~l the foregoing resolution was duly pa$~ed and adopted by the following vote~ AYES: ~OUlCILMEN: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. NOES: ~OUN:ILMEN: None. ABSENT: ~OUrcI!..MEN: None. I The Mayotfeclared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. INSUlANCE:Mercant ~e and Stock Insurance on J.O.S. shop, located at 9651 South Loara Road in the amount of Sl,500I!OO, was ordered received and filed when approved by th !City Attorney. IN~AtCE: Policyt insurance filed by the YellawCab Taxi Company was ordered received an !filed when approved by the City Attorney. .~-- IN~E: RENEWAL qF CITY LIABILITY INSURAf(;E: The Administrative Officer recommended the aCd tance of the renewal of City Liability Insurance w1th the United Pacific Insu nee Company, M. E. Beebe~ Agent, and reco.mended the purchase of a 3-yea Ipolicy, premium $lO,9l9.56. n Said ren man Schutte, second ,1 was authorized by the City Council, on motion by Council- by Councilman Fry. MOTION CARRIED. PETITION: Petition located in the 6-, Street, requesting read, and referred ' for approximate cost 9ned by property owners efthe Anaheim Village Uait 1, , and 800 blocks, Bush Street, Vine Street, and'Alberta installation of ornamental street lights, was SUbmitted, j Mr. Oelkers, Sup@rintend!nt of Light, Power, and Water, bf such installation. C U ERN C FCRNIA EDISON COMPANY FACILITIES; Mr. George Oelkers, Superintendent of L1 t, Power, and Water, recommended the purchase fr0Ji4 the- Southern California ison Company of distribution facilities excluding meters, located on Vermont k ~nue west of Placentia Avenue. Total cost $2,770~70. Said purch fie was authorized by the City Council on motion.ioy' Councilman Wisser, $ tonded by Councilman Van Wagoner. MOTION CARRIED. 964 I f; r , I , I u _Cit The Citt granted said varif The Mayt Council on the ~a; , . JAr · Mur! the requested cha that all the othe, h reported on the 'fNntages of Lots Nos. I througlla 1 that' would come very close to the 70-foot requirement, and ots 1n the tract are' more'. lanning C08lltission, pursuant to their R..olutIon... 99, asked if anyone in the audience wished to address the There wa$ no response. I There bt 9 no further discussion on the matter, the Mayor declared the hearing clos~ ~k I A RESOLUTION OF T 290. 11 the, foregoing reselution was duly passed and adopted RESOLUTION t<<). 26 moved for its pas Refer tt ! Councilaan Van Wagoner offered Resolution No~ 2696 and eand adoption. 9solution Book, page CITYCOUICIL OF THE. CITY OF ANAHiIM CltANTING V.ARlAa 11). n,,~'.,.' __ 1,,: On roll I by the following t e: I AYES & I NOES: I ABSENT: I i The Mayt TENATlVE MAP m acceptance of Ten Pearson, Schutte, Wisser, aftd Van ..,oner. None. Fry. COUtCILMEN : COUI'CILMiN: COUtCILMAN : declared the foregoing resolution duly pae.ed ani adopted. o. 23l7: The City PlannIng Co_issl.n rec-.tl\dedthe ive Map Tract No. 2317 subject to conditione. Having ~ roved Variance No. 290; whi:ch applies" to Tnct Ne.2$1", the Council approt said tentative map subject to th.'..pl.tiefl ."annex... tion, and further ject to neces-sary engineering requir._ts, on'lIOtiot'1 It . Councilman Van Wa er, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRID. IAtCE NO. 292: Submitted by Don Hunt, r&q\.ftItting a waiv.r age to 62.5 foot minimum and frOriA 7200 $quare feet to 6~OO reas in Tract No. 1530. This tract is located at the Romneya Drive and Baxter Street. Tentatif' Map of Tract No. 1530 came befor.' the Council at their m~eting held Marc , ,1955, and' action was withheld . pending , 'the COlllR~C_et\t of annexation pro ings by mutual consent. , [i I I Varianc, o. 292 was granted by the City Plarming GOIIII1salo11 pur_aot to their lesoluti, No. 97, subject to the follo~n9: ' 1. ving of lots along Baxter Stree~ to the east eAd tract. These lots are 67 .~f..t frontage. II allow 7D-foot frontage to be '&Stablished on subdivisions to thew&st. 2. Mr. in this area. h reported that the annexation has begun on the territory Council asked if anyone in the audience wished to addresl th. r; there being no response, declared the hearing closed. ' R LUTION NO. 6 for its passage a Refer Councilman Schutte offered Resolution No. 2697 and moV'.. adoption. e.olution Book, page 958 962 ~ I Anaheim California time might seem to fie the desirable zone, that due to the rapid changing con- ditions, he was cQ 1dering another use for his property across the street from this propose<li eClassification. Therefore, as a land owner, he did not Qbject to the prop .ed reclassification or the Special Use Permit and recom- mended the City C() tbcil consider the zones and use as requested. The Mayo l,aesk. ed if anyone else wiShed, to address the coun,Cil, and there was no respo . decision seconded Van Wagoner moved the hearing be closed and that the cil be rendered at a later date. Counci~an Wis.er ~ MOTION CARRIED. The Mayor declared the hearing closed. PUBUC HEARING: IEW AND SPECIAl USE PERMIT; Requested by Manley-Kuhns Corporation for p sslon to erect a Drive-In Theatre on property located at the southwest corn > of South Walnut Street and Cerritos Avenue. (Approxima- tely 20 acres). The City recommended to the' anning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 124, ty Council that said Special Use Permit be denied. The Mayo flsked if anyone wished to address the Council, and Mr. Miller stated that ,~woUld like to know how the Disneyland Corporation felt about the proposed ~nstructionof a Drive.ln Theatr& so close to their park. n All perso ~ present and objecting to Reclassification F-54-55-32 felt that this Spet il Use Permit coincided and was in conjunction with the requested zone cham and offered no further comment, thereupon Councilman Schutte moved the h,ring be closed. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. The Mpyor ' eclared the hearing closed, and action by the City Council on the matt to be taken at a later date. C C ! property owners in" remain open were r. ty from the propert ING: PRCPOSED ANOONMENT OF NUTWOOD SIREET: Those ested in obtaining an alley and in having Nutwood Street ested to make arrangements to secure the necessary proper- lowner. All those terested in Nutwood Street remaining open were absent from the meeting, eupon the hearing was continued to April 12, 1955, on motion by Councilma IFry, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MJTION CARRIED. C Submitted by Harvey ,""'1 zoning on property located on the south side Q,f khurst and Nutwood Streets for the establishment by the Company of a maintenance yard. The Mayor ~ed if anyone wished to address the Council. Those add~ .sing the Council in opposition were Mrs. Van Horn and Mr. Tom Boswell. ' n Mr. N. J. ~ehly addressed the Council, urg1ng the approval of .aid . raclassification and +ubmitted a letter dated April 5, signed by Mr. and Mrs. Ernest F. Zimmer, Mr 'and Mrs. Gordon N. Swoffer, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis C. Pope, urging the +classification. Wagoner the hearing closed. Mr. Medar! also addressed the Council. The City P .nning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 73, re'o~ended to the G .y Council that reclassification be denied. isser moved the hearing be closed. Councilman Van i tion. MOTION CARRIED. The Mayor I , ILMAN FRY ENTERBD THE MBETING',(X) P. M. Medaria, essing the Council requesting the rezoning were Mr. Jesse e owner. u At the opposing the rezo lzed Agent, adjou a compromi 5e. On that Mr. Lei.art inclu.1ve, remain be changed becaus to be practical f i-A. estion of Mayor Pearson, a 11mi ted few of the people and the owner of the property, together with the Author- to the office of the 'CIty Entin..!' to try to work out eir return, >the representative of the LeiDtert Co. stated d be willing to have Lot 17 and Lots 24 through 29, Mr. Medaris further advised that the map wauld have to f the lots were changed to R-l, they would be too large that use and as a result concluded that the lots be left Mayor p~ son asked if anyone else wished to addre.s the Council on thia matter; there ing no response, declared the hearing closed. Councilman W1SS.,r Off., r"ed Resolution No. 26,98 gr.nting"tl~ lOwing' frontagea' of 6O-lut DdrilJ1aDh,'oot:>confllritRg a'~ ' . feet area, Tract No. 1607. Refer t A. USOWTION OF T ITY COUlCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM9tMTING V.~INQ. 1.3. On roll, 1 the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by' the following vot~& [J,~ . 1 } AYES: NOES : ABSENT : OON:ILMERa OIDCILMEN: OUtCILMErh Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wlaser, and Van "goner. None. None. IFICATIOH' Ing R-3 zoning on Southern Pacific is presently zoned eclared the foregoing re,olution duly passed and adopted. Subai tted by the Walter H. Lel.ertCo. t requelt- perty bounded by West Broadway, South West Street, the ' road Right-of-Way, and the Santa Ana Frftway. The property 2 and R-A. At the the City Planning the attention of t request of Attorn to April 5, 1955. by a postal card 0: this reclassifica . I h 22 meeting, this reclassification was referred Deck to ission without just cause, and this fact was called to City Council at the meeting held March 29; and at the orningstar, further action by th.Council was continued 1 listed property owners were notified by the City Clerk he intended action by the City Council t April 5, 1955, on The Ci tyj recommended to th~ following: anning COJllJ\ission, pursuant to their aesolution Ro. . 89. .- ty Council that the rezoning be granted subject to the 1. ing of Deed R..trictions incorporating that a of the Architectural CQlllttee be appo1nted by y Council as a representative of the City of to pass on plans submi tted for buildings. entrance! to garages be allowed from 'the street, , all entrances to garages must be from alleys. on asked if anyone in the audience wished to addre.-s the that the action taken on Variance No. 303,would apply,to r;i ~~j 2. Mayor P Council and explai this reclassificat No furth tat ~earin9 closed~ discussion on the matter was held, and the Mayo~ declared 960 960 Cit Anaheim California ILMAN FRY ENTERED THE MBETING .; 00 P. M. Medaris, essing the Council requesting the rezoning were Mr. Jesse he owner. r.1 ,~ ..1 :. ! At the opposing the rezon lzed Agent, adjour a cODtpromise. On that Mr. Leimert inclusive, remain be changed because to be practical fo R-A. gestion of Mayor Pearson, a Itmited few of the people and the owner of the property, together with the Author- to the office of the 'City Engineer to try to work out eir return, 'the representative of the Leimert Co. stated d be willing to have Lot 17 and Lots 24 through 29, · Mr. Medaris further advised that the map would have to If the lots were changed to R-l, they would be too large ~hat use and as a result concluded that the lots be left Mayor Pe this matter; there on asked if anyone else wished to address the Council on ing no response, declared the hearing closed. LUTION NO. 26 Councilman WIsser affe. r,ed, R~Solution, No. 26,98 9r.ntln9"t~ 1Udrance No. 303:t It owing' frontages. of 6O-foot minimum ,.but containing a,y'- \ .101~ of 81005 . feet area, Tract No. l607. Refer to solution Book, page A RHSOWTION OF THE CITY cOUrcIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM GtANTING VAlIAlCE NO. r 303. On roll c ~l the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following votec AYES: NOES: ABSENT : !OUIC, ILMEN. Pearson, Fry, SChutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. OUNCILMEN: None. OUtCILMEN; None. ' The Mayor feclared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. R L IFICATION M 55-28: Subni ttecl by the Walter H. LeimertCo., request- ing R-3 zoning on p perty bounded by West Broadway, South West Street, the Southern Pacific R. road Right-of-Way, and the Santa Ana Freeway. The property is presently zoned ~2 and R-A. At the M4 'h 22 meeting, this reclassification was referred back to the City Planning C ission without just causet and this fact was called to the attention of th !City Council at the meeting held March 29; and at the request of Attorney~orningstar, further action ,by the Council was continued to April 5, 1955.~1 listed property owners were notified by the City Clerk by a postal card of 1he intended action by the City Council, April 5, 1955, on this reclassificati d. The City ~anning CORlllission, pursuant to their Resolution No. .89, recommended to theity Council that the rezoning be granted subject to the following: ~ I i I j I. The f ~ing of Deed Restrictions incorporating that a Mamb~ !of the Architectural Committee be appolnted by the C ~y Council as a representative of the City of Anahe . to pass on plans submitted for buildings. 2. That entrances to garages be allowed from the street, that " all entrances to garages must be from alleys. Mayor Pea Council and explain this reclassificati n asked if anyone in the audience wished to ac1dre$'s the that the action taken on Variance No. 303 would apply to No furth th, ~earing closed. kilscussion on the matter was held, and the MayoI"' declared t,lm@might 'seem n' ditions, he was c from this propos Qbject to the prop mended the Ci ty Cp I The May~ there was no resPf I Council decision of the C seconded the moti Van Wagoner moved the hearlngbe closed and that the eil be rendered at a later date. Counci1a\an Wi....r MOTION CARRIED. The Mayor declared the hearing closed. lEI AND SPECIAL USE PIIMIT: Requested by Manley-J(uhns ission to erect a Drive-In Theatre on property located at of South Walnut Street and Cerritos Avenue. (Approxima- e the desirable zone. that due to the rapid chanting con- tdering another use for" his property across the street eclassification. Therefore, as a land owner, he did not ed reclassification or the Special Use Permit and recom- cil consider the zones and use as requested. u asked if anyone else wished to address the Council, and e. PUBLIC ING: Corporation for p the southwest cor tely 20 acres). The Ci t recommended to th lanning Commission, pursuant to their, Re$Olut1;n No. 124, ity Council that said Special Us. Permit be dent... asked if anyone wished to address the Council, and Mr. . would like to know how tile Dismeyland Corporation felt onstructionofa Driv~In Theatr. so ~lQ$e .to their park. The May ~ller stated tha 'about the propos All per felt that this Sp requested zone ch Schutte moved the: MOTION CARRIED. s present an~ objecting to Reclassification F-54-55-32 al Use Permit coincided and was in conjunction with the e and offered no further CQmment, thereupon Councilman aring be closed. Councilman Wisser seconded the .otion. u Council declared, the he.rlngclosed, and action by the City r to betaken at a lateT date. property owners i ~ r...ln open were ty freD the prope PRCP NMDT OF NU SIR I T1\o se rested in obtaining an alley and in having NUtWQod Street u@sted. to make arrangements to secure the nK....ry prop.... owner. All tho~ interested in Nutwood Street remaining open were absent from the meeting, ereuponthe hearing was continued to Ap~11 12, 1'05, on motion by Council Fry, seconded by Councilman Wisser. if)TIOJf CAIIIED. o I P. Riggle, reques Ball Road between Southern Counties ~ IFI $ubmitted by Havey "'1 zoning on prop,rty located on theaou>th,ld1t ()f ekhurst and Nutwood Streets, for the e.tablishM.t by the s Company of a maintenance yard. asked if. anyone wished to address the Council. Those a essing the Council in opposition w~e Mrs. VaJ\'Wornan4 Mr. Tom Boswell. Mr. N. rAelal.ification ~ Ernest F. Zimmer,! C. Pope, urging. t Stehly addressed the CO\lAcl1, u:rglngthe approval of aald .. $ubmt t.ted a letter dated April 5, s19'1eC by Atr. and Mrs. · and Mrs. Gordon N. SWoffer, Jr. t and Mr. and Mrs. Lms reclassification. n s also addressed the'Councl1. The Ci t' reco~.oded to th lanning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 73, Ity Council that reclassification be denIed. Wagoner Wisser moved the hearing be closed.. Councilman Van motion. MOTION CARRI&D. declared the hearing closed. 962 958 The City ~lanning CODll\ission, pursuant to their Resolution Mo. 99, granted said varia Fe. ! The MaW I asked if anyone in the audience wished to address the Council on the mat~r. There was no response. [l . Mr. Murii;~h reported on the frontages of Lots Nos. 1 through 7 that' the requested chah. . would come very close to the 70-foot requlr..nt, and tha.t all the other ots in the tract are more. There be ~g no further discussion on the matter, the Mayor declared the hearing closed : RESQLlITION NO. 26 Council.an Van Wagoner offered Resolution No.. 2696 and moved for its pasa e and adoption. 1 Refer to ~esolutlon Book, page A RESOLUTION OF TH1 CITY COUtCIL OF THE' CITY OF ANAHEIM CJtANTING VARIAtCE tV. 290. On roll ~ll the foregoing resolution was duly pused and adopted by the following v tel j AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Pearson, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None. Fry. COUPCILMEN: COUM::ILMEN: COUM::ILMAN : TENATIVE MAP 1R acceptance of Tent declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. O. 23l7: The City Planning CommisslQn recommended the ive Map Tract No. 2317 subject to conditions. n Having a roved Variance No. 290, whlch applies to Tract No. 2S17, the Council approv said tentative map subject to thecOIftpletion of .nnex.... tion. and .further $ ject to necessary engineering requirements, on motion bY . Councilman Van Wat er, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING: IAtCE NO. 292: Submitted by Don Hunt, requ<<tSt1ng a waiver of the 70-foot ire . age to 62.5 foot minimum and from 7200 square feet to 6500 square feet in lot ,reas in Tract No. 1530. This tract is located at the northeast corner 0 iRomneya Drive and Baxter Street. Tentativ IMap of Tract No. l530 came before the Council at their m~eting held March ~, 1955, and action was withheld pending the cOJIIIIencemerit of annexation protftdings by mutual consent. , Variance tio. 292 was granted by the City Planning Coaission pursuant to their ResolutiQ INo. 97, subject to the following: 1. The ~ving of lots along Baxter Street to the east end of t . tract. These lots are 67.5-feot frontage. 2. ThiS till allow 70-foot frontage to be established on fut~ , subdivisions to the west. ~ Mr. in this area. that the annexation has begun on the territory Council iasked if anyone in the audience wished to addre.s the er; there being no response, declared the hearing elosed. . RESOLUTION NO. 26 for its passage Councilman Schutte offered Resolution No. 2697 and moved adoption. ,esolution Book, page 964 Clt A RESOLUTION OF COIIPLHTION AND TH EQUIPMENT AND ALL AND PmlFCRMING At LIC IWROVEMENT: SEERS JOB NO. 1 CITY COUlCIL OF THE CITY Of ANAHEIM FINALLY.A.a;.tIr<<3 THE . NISHING OF ALL PLANT, LAlca, SIRVICES, MA71RIAU AND ILITY AND 1RANSPCETATION INCI..UJj;UfG POUR, FUEL, AID WATiR, ORK NECESSARY TO CONSmUCT Atl>COJ&>LETE THE FOLLOWING PUB- SCENT AVENUE INT~CEPTCE SEWER UNIT"e" OF WEST ANAHEIM u On roll the following votr AYES: I NOES: ! ABSENT: I I I II the foregoing resolution was duly paased and adopted by COUtCIIJIEN: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, W1s..r, and Van Wagoner. COliNGI LMEN: None.. COUPCILMEN: None. d~lared the foregoing resolutioft 4u1 y pas.lda. .dopt.ed~ u RE LUTlON NO. 27 moved for i ts pas Councilman Van Wagoner offered Resolution No,. 2'02 .Ad e and adoption. R:R CONS1RUCTION, PHONE, TELECRAPH, CITY CoutCIL OF THE CITY Of ANAHEIM ~AMTItG.~ .,11IB TILE<Ji H COWANY AM EAtJ~NTOV. CDT,uI,JIIM PRCPBn NTENArCE, Mf) cpmATION OJ: AERIAL AND UMD_ TEll- COMMUNICATION SmOC1URBS. the I On rollL following votr AYES: NOES: ABSENT : COUN:ILME.N: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. COUtCILMEN& None. COUN:ILM!N: None. 11 the foregoing resolution was duly p.ssed and adopted by INSUR~ I Mere South Loara Road when apprQved by INSURANCE. POlic' oraered received declared the foregoing resolution duly paaatd and adopted. 1 e and Stock Insurance on J. O. S. shop, 'located a.t 9651 the amount of $1,500.00, was ordered received and filed Ci ty Attorney. f insurance filed by the YellcwGab Taxi Company .s filed when approved by the City Attorn.y. OF CITY LIABILITY INSURAlCE: Tn. Administrative Officer ptance of the renewal of City Liability InauraaC. with the ance Company, M. E. Beebe, Agent, and re~ended the policy, premium $IO,919.56. al was authorized by the City Council, on motion by Council- by CouncilDian Fry. MOrIONCAU.tiD. ' ,_.' *NSlJIUtCE: RENEW reeommended the a United Pacific In purchase of a 3-y Said re man Schutte, seco u , ',ETITION: , petit1~,,! located in the 6- Street, request!n read, and referr for approximate c~ signed by property owne-r. Qf the Anaheim Villag.,Vl'\l~ I,' -, and BOO blocks, Bush Street, VlneStreet, aifI:,.:A11Rtrtl he installation of ornamental $treet lights, .., IuGmltted, o Mr. Oelkers, Superintendent of Light,Ponr, and Water, of such installation. U NI IFCRNIA EDISON COMPANY F ILl I & Mr. George Qelkers, Superintendent of! ght, Power, and Water, recolJlltended the purchaae trom the' South~n Californ~ Edison Company of distribution facilities excluding meter., located on Vermon~ ~enue west of Placentia Avenue. Total cost $2,770.70. Said pu Councilman Wisser. ase was a\lthorized by the City Council on motlon,jby econded by Counci Iman Van Wagoner. MJTlON CARRIID. 956 On roll by the following ~ ill the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted I ' e: n.,.. ,~,I, I~j AYES: NOES; ABSENT: ~OUNCILMEN: Pearson, Schu~te,Wisser, and Van Wagoner. ~OUrcILMEN; None. " COUNCI I..MAN: Fry. . I The Mayo foregoing resolutiol'l: duly passedandadopteci. ~ity Clerk was authorized to open bid proposals on the ovement ~rom Qlive Street to Los Angeles Street, Job No. lution No. 2665 and Legal Notice duly publ1.shed March 23 ; Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by CQuncilman Wisser. BID PRCI'OSALS: T Ball Road Street I 36l pursuant to Re and 30,. on motion MJfION tARRIED. BIDS RECEIVED Cox Bros. Construc: P. O. Box C, St (Bid Bond 1n amo ~134.50 1\,_ J. NQble Compan P. O. Box 620, (Bid Bond in amo $5,803.00 10%), r Sully-Miller Contr ~ing Co. $7,287.35 P. O. Box 432, 0 ge (Certified Check 11, dated April 1, 1955 in the amount 0 1,000.00) On motion ~y Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Schutte, said Bid Proposals re referred to the City Engineer for tabulation and report. MOTION C ED. . After ta ~ation, the City Engineer reported the Cox Bros. Construction Co., $5,134.50, to ' low bidder and recommended acceptance of said bid. ' </,;.. RESOLUTION NO. 269' i Councilman Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2694 and moved for its passa ~ and adoption. ~solution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF TH PROPOSAL AND AW FURNISHING OF ALL P UTILITIBS AND !RAN ALL WCRK NECE.SSARY BALL ROAD 51REET I 361. COX BROS. C by the ~l the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted ~: AYES: NOES: ABSENT : fOUNCILMEN: (:;OUN:ILMEN: (;OUrcI LMAN: Pearson. Schutte, Wisser. and Van Wagoner. None. Fry. [, ; . j 4<-.J1 The Mayor~eclared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted'. BID PRCPOSALS; The ~ity Clerk was authorized to open bid proposals, for the purchase of Cast Ir p, Steel Cylinder Concrete, or T, rans1 te Water Plpeu P, urs.nt to Resolution No.2 t9 and Legal Notice duly published in the Anahetm" Bu11etin March 24 and 31, on ~otion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION C JED. -- 'T--.-~-----__ c .... 7100 P.M WAlVEI OF FILING classification 0 !uclid Avenues wa fee in view of th County for C-l us . I Reque$t by Mr. Halve for waiver 0 f filing Ie. for r... at property located at the nortbeast'corner of K....Ila aNt ubnitted and Mr. Bob Mungallrecommended the.iver of said act that this property had been previously zoned by the rioI' to the inclusion thereof in the Disneyland Annexation. Said wa Councilman Schutt I' of fee was authorized by the Council on motion by seconded by Councilman Wisler~ ,MJTION CAlUfIJID. PAD1Etff 500.00 repair work done been satisfactori wi thheld frOll the NH CONS'l"RIX:TION COMPANY: Mr. George Oelkers reported the the Penn Construction COlftpany to the .ater reservoir had cOIIIpleted, and recommended the payment of the $2,500.00 ntract of the Penn Con$t~tion Company. On motij by Councilman Wisser, seconded by CQuneilman Van Wagoner, payment of balaAc ue in the amount of $2,500. 00 waa authorized upon the filing by the Pen, onstruction Company of a stat.ent that all charges for labor and materia~ have been paid. MOTION CARRIED. ID page INDUSTRIAL PROCRE advi sed the Indus tf Anaheim will p WEEK: Mr. Moeller of the Anaheim Chamber of Co.eree, al Progress Week to be the second week in May. The City lcipate. P~I Purcha by the Police Depa Disneyland was aut man Fry. MOTION C f two motorcycles with eq\lipMent, $l,306.00 each for use ent in the control of traffic in the vicinity of ized on motion by Councilman Schutte, seconded by Council- lED. ION; Affidavit of publication of notice of intention to filed in the office of the City Clerk, April 5, 1955, CO\lncilman Sc:;hutte offered ResolutIon. No. 270$ and moved doption. Refer to ARESOLUTIOH OF THi ITY COUtCIL OF THE CITY OFAIWIEIM ~11U IEIIPT OF Copy OF NO, TICE 'INTENTION TO CIRCULATE A PETITIONRELAnt<<; TO THI 'A,..... nON OF TERRITCRY THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND AFFIDAVIT OF PUBUCAnox IHEIlEOP, AMD APPROVIMJ THE ULATION OF SAID PETITION. (NORTHSUNKIST ~l1'[O.).. On roll q 1 the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT : Pearson, Fry, SChutte, Wisser, and VaA Wagour. None. None. The Mayor, resolution duly passed and adopted. fl by Councilman Wisle to undertake the 1m to Katella as a Cou but gradually absor* Aid to Citiestt Fund.. On motion by Councilman Van Wagoner. seconded authorization was tranted to the County Road Dtp~tment vement of Harbor Boulevard from Santa Ana Preeway south project. Cost of develo~eRt to be p.id by the County' as a credit against the City allocation from "County MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Murdo~ reported that it Is proposed to have a 4-lane divided highway and ul tilllat a 6-1ane highway from Manchester to KatllHa, with _II widening south of K, lla. 966 954 Anaheim Calif rnia March 29 1955 '-':"" 7 00 P.M. jCOUtl:IIJAEN: !GOUNCILMEN: ICOUNCI LMEN : I Ideclared the AYES: NOES. ABSENT: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wis$er" and Van Wagoner, None. None. foregoing resolQtion dul y"passed and adopted. u Councilman Fry offered Resolution No. 2692 and moved for tion. esolution Book, page I ~ RiSOWTION OF TI{ ITY COUtCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM.ACCSPTING A ~ANTDEED CONVEYING TO THE d Y OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FCR AN EASEMENT Pm SlREET WIDENING P SES. (MANLEY-KUHNS CORPCltATION). On roll the following vote the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by jCOUlCILMEN: jeOUtCILMEN: 1c0UNCI LMEN: AYES: NJES: ABSENT : Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None. None. foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. Request of extension of time by the K~e~er Ion Tracts Nos. 1979 and 1981 will be reported .upon by the ,er at the next meeting. u RESOLUTION CPPD I ILL IN L SL A resolut.ion,from the City .f Long Beach, opposing a b 1 to take away oil properties ownlKi by municipalities, was referred to the Ci ! Attorney for recommendation. ' PROPOS The proposed Harris Bill in Congress, regarding the increase of rates gas sold by producers of natural gas, was referred to Mr. Turner for additio, '1 information. u ELIMINATION OF P-L Council stating t and was concerned status of the pro He was advised, tha consideration in t, HE SOUTH LOS ANGELES T: Mr. Collins addressed the he was the owner of property on South Los Angel.s Street Ith the problem of the P-L Zone. He des-ired to learn the ordinance eliminating the P-L Zone in this district. /the ordinance was being drawn up and would be presented' for . near future. P.M. Schutte moved to adjourn to April 5, 1955, 7:00 o'clock er seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. SIGNED.