1955/04/12 968 "M. uncil of the City of Anaheim, met in Regular Sea.ion. PRESENT: COUNCI N: Pearson, Fry, SChutte, Wisser, and VanWagoner. AleENT: C0UtJ: N: None. CITY ATT. CRNEY. .' PRE... N TIJRNER: Present. CITY ADMINIS1RATIVPFICER, KEITH A. MURDOCH: Present. ~NUT~I The Minu of the Regular Meeting heldJ4arth 22, 1~5 anclthe Mjourned Regular, tlngs held March 29 and April 5, 1955 wereappro"ad om mOtion by CouncilJn~ VanWagoner, aeGonded by Councilman Wisser. ~10N r CARRIED. $31,1..CX> j Councilman Wisser offered R&solutlon No. 2707 and mo~ed doption. ~ solution Book, page , A U50LUTION OF THJ: ITY COUI<<:;IL OF THE CITY OF ANAHiIM APPROVIl'<<i AJI) DI~T- ING THE PAYMENT OFI . S AGAINST THE CITY AS OF THE 12TH OF APRIL 19S5. ' ( $236.990. ~) . On roll by the following vp . . I 1 the foregoing reso-lut1on was duly pessed andadOpte-t AYSS: NOES : ABSENT : Pearson, Fry, Schutte,Wl$;ser, and V.ft Watoner. None. None. i I eelared the foregoing resolution duly pasaed and.dop~td. Pursuant to Resolution No. 2673 and Legal Notice Anaheim Bulletin, March 25 and April 1, 1915. the Ci Y to open bid proposals on .' the. add1 tion,' s and II terat1.0n ~t the City Park, Job No. 362, on motion by Cow\cilm8 by Councilman Schutt... MOTION CARRIeD. ' BIDS RB:;EIVED c. & H. Cement Co~ 5812 North Kauf $32, 2OQ. GO The Coatra~ting E~ neers Co. 23101- West VernQ Avenue, Los Angeles 43 $35,900.00 v Paddock Pools, Ino j 8400 Santa MonioBlvd., Los Angeles 46 I .. (All Bid PrOPQ 115 were accOJIpanieci by Bid Bonds 1n the amount of 10)>>)' Bids we1 . referred to the City Engin.er for tabulation and reporlt" on motion by Couna man Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Schutte. MCJrlf>H CARRIED. ! After talatlon, the City Englneer, George E. Holyokt, r.ptr~ 'ht PaddocJc Pools, InCl.". .jto be low bidder and recOINIIended the acceptance of sai~.... bl, d. ON NO 7 Councilman Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2709 apd , for its pas$ . e and adoption. . Refer t~ esolutlon Book, page CI,TY courc... .. 1L OF TH....E.. CITY OF ANAHE.l...M ACCEP.......,T. I._ .. $IALI1if."'" "','.' '.'.' ~ TO THE LOWEST RESPO~IBLE BIDD. JQI .!HI" NTt LAIQi, SERVICES, MATERIALS Nt> iQUIPMiIT ~ 0/1:. . CRTATION IOCWDING POWER, FUEL, AND WArm, . AND Pllt. ..' 1 " o GONS1RUC,T AND COMPLETE THE .FOLLOWING PUBUC .1... OV' .. '.. & TIONS TO $WI_It<<; PLAT CITY P JOB NO. 362. (p . NT NT RJND . 969 On roll call the the following vote: resolution was duly palled and adopted by A VIS: NoeS: ABSENT : ~,. ~',rson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van W~er. N e. N e. j egoing resolution duly passed and adopted. COUOCILMEN: Coote ILMEN : COUNCILMEN: n Th. Mayor declared the PUBLIC mitted by L. F. Buchanan, Agent, Palma Avenue and North West Street 5Jab- the northwest corner of La i IWiShed to address the Council on the matter. Ihose addressing the Co ~il in favor of the granting of the Special Use Permit were: Homer KAight, Mt !L. F. Earp, Mr. Buchanan, and Attorney Schulman. j C~unication from pro~ ~ owners who are in the poulj:ry bus'-...., Ronsko, Hil t,acher, and FroehliCh,' ,lling attention to the possible confliet in business operations, was submit ' and read. Thorough discussion was !' Id regarding conditions on which a Special. Use Permit Wltuld be granted and. tp necessary c.pliance thereof prior to the granting of laid Special Use Permi In conclusion, 'the Mayor read to the audience the necessary conditions ior to the consideration of any Special Use Permit for the establishment 0 j hospitals. I Mayor Pearson asked if a one else wished to address the Council; there being no one, declared the h ring closed. n Co.ncilman Van Wagoner... ed. that upon the compllance with the necessary cOAditions and the appr~ 1 by the City Attorney and City Englnee~ that the S 1al Use Permit be r ad. Council.an Schutte seconded the motion. MOTtON CARRIED. After further discussio pf the necessary proeedure, Couneilman Van Wagoner witbfrew his motion. Coun~lman Schutte withdrew his second to the motion. ACtiON WITHDRAWN. RESOLUTION ~, -. 2710: Councilman V ~' Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2710 grant- ing a Special Use Permit for the c, struction and maintenance of ahospltal upon certain conditions as set fa in the resolution, and moved for its passage and ,doption. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL PEiMI T FCJi JtE CONSlRUCTION AID S1REET IN THe CITY OF ANANEIM. THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CJtANTING A SPECIAL USE TENMCE OF A HOSP IT AL AT LA P A.LMA AND WEST J I On roll call the forego~ ~ resolution was duly passed and adopted by the follo~ing vote: n AYES: NC8S: ABSENT: COUNCI LMEN: COONClLAEN: COUNCILMEN: rson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. e. The Mayor declared the f regoing resolution duly passed and adopted. PUBLIC HEARIIG: VARIANCE NO. 283~ Submitted by Disneyland, Ine. requestt,~,','..,'".~.' permission to erect a Deluxe Servl. Station near the entrance to the Disn 'J r land Parking Area. 970 .,951 ~ 7.00 .. grant9d laooing Commission, pursuant to_ their Resolution No. 75, e subj ect to; 1. rence between Disneyland, County,and City Engineers he exact location of the service station relative final street and traff.c ,attern. IU tter. aked if anyoaew1shed to address the Council on the believed advised th.t after further study. Disneyland, I.c. location might be more suitable. no one else addr.ssing,tbe Co~~il on the a.tter, the ring closed. OLUTION NO moved for Its pass CouoGllman Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2711 and and adoption. page A RESOWTION OF TH~ ITY COOfCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ~EltYING VARI,*f1EE f<<)~ .2I3..WITHOUT PREJUDtl TO RSSUBMIT F<Ji A DIFFERBHT LOCATION. by the the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted AYES: OOES : ABSENT: Pearson, Fry, SChutte, Wisser, andVaa Wagoner. None. None. ~ I.i~ 'J:~ . n resolution duly passed and adopted. PC. Submitted by Davld Cordesan, 1120We,t North Street, requ~ ing permission to cut two (2) lots from property ~faclng on North West Stre~ g%"an ted anning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution 10. 82, subject to the following conditioner 1. The prop they the C1 That j varla Engin payme and R l~cant bringing ina written petition from ,.... owners to whom he has sold lot~ .tating 'that willing to put in lmprovementsl8J;equlred by Engineer. two (2) particular lots requested by this must be improved as ~r_ by the Ci ty of $25.00 per lot for the acquisition of P&+,k eation Sites. 2. 3. n 1 J A peti tior. ront8ining eight signatures, 8greeins top.y fo..~e lnltallation of curb. and sidewalks upon, along, and over the property abutting said street, was su tted and read. Mayor Pear t'n asked if anyone wished t,o address the Couneilon the matter; there being one, declared the hearing ClOSH-. , - RESOI,!.!TION NO. 27121 I Councilman Schutte offered Resolution No. 2712 ~pproving the granting of theriance upon compliance with conditions as.et forth by the City Planning C~ ission, and moved for its passage and adoption. I tOlution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE ~TY COUOCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM (]iNnING VAR%A~ ~. 287. 971 Ci n 11 2 1955 - 7 tOO P.M. On roll call the the following vote: resolution was duly passed and adopted by AYB5: NOiS: ABSENT a COU~ILMEN: COUr<<: I I.MEN : COUftC1LMENa Fry, SChutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. The Mayor declared the ~ resolution duly pasaed and adopted. puBLIC HEARl"': VARIAtCE NO. 305~j Sublal tted by Esko Gardens, requesting a waiver of th. front yard setbacks! om 25 feet to 20 feet on all lots in Tract No. 2440. ! Tn. City Planning Commi~ ~on, pursuant to, tnelr Resolution No. 107, granted said varianee subject to t ~ following conditiona: j 1. Those lots siding or:t est Broadway may use a 2Q...foot fNnt yard setback, but tn side yards along West Broadway must have a 12i-foot req~ ement. 2. The same condition. 11 apply to lots siding on Orange Avenue. 3. Lots facing on Orang Avenue shall take the namal 25-..foot front yard setback. ! The Mayor asked if anyoQ wisbed to'address the Council on the matter; ther. being no one, declaj the hearing closed. AJ:~UJTIO~ NQ. ,27l3: Councilman V j Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2713 on ~,' ondl tlon of the maintenan,c, e of th l*,foot setback on Broadway and further subject to other condiUona,as out ned in the City Planning Commission's Resolution No. 107, and moved for s passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book IjPage A RESOLUTION ~OF THE CITY cctJtCIL G, THE CITY OF ANAHEIM GtANTING VARIAlCE IO~ , 305. ' n AYE: Ne>e:;: ABSENT t On roll call the forego! , reso1ution,was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: 1 COUOCILMEN: COUtCIlMEN: COUNCILMiN: rson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. e. The Mayor declared the f egolng. resolution duly passed and adopted. OF P~TION 0 April 5, 1951 due tc the absence () and again ordered to be c ntinu RCPOSED (;L 100 V rlON OF S1REET:. .It 1IaS aovedby Council. Fry, seconded by Councilman Wisser, that, action on proposed abandonments be ~onsldered April 26, 1955, 7:00 o'clock, P.M. MOTION CARRIED. ORDINNCE NO. 986: CQuncilman W1t ,r offered Ordinance No. 986 for second reading, and moved for its passage .nd adoption. n Refer to Ordinance Book~ ,age I AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEt j AMENDING ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM l4JNICIP AI... CODE RELATING TO HE ESTABLISHMENT OF ZONES IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM A.-> TIirREIN REG.JLATING E USE OF LAND, HEIGHT OF BUILDINGS AND YARD SPACiS: AOOPTING A MAP SHCI'l! THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID ZONES: DHFrNIt13 972 1955 - 7:00P. 'tHE 'TERMS USED THERE PRS&::RIBING PENALTIES IN ceNlUCT 1"HBtEWI TJ:i PROVIDING FCJ\ ADJUSTMENT, AJaNDMlN'f AND :ENR!R~: VIOLATION AND REPEALING ALL SECTIONS CR PARTS OF SECTIONS (F-54-5S-15 - Res, 26(4) r'l . j , ,: After hear~ read in full the title of Ordinance No. 986, and hayins knowledge of the con~ ts thereof, Councilman Fry moved the reading In full of said, Ordinance be .a~, d. ,Counci~n Van Wagoner seGOnded the motion. Motion unanimously carried ij the Council. the foregoing Ordinance No. 986 was duly passed and 9 votea On roll ca~ adopted by the foIl AYES:,. NOES: - ABSENT : Peiurson, J:ry; SChutte,' Wtller and,Yan Wagoner. None.. . None. lared th~ foregoing Ordinance duly passed and adopted. ClIDlNAlCE NO. 9S8: G ncilman Van Wagon.roffered Ordinance No. 988 for aecond reading and m~ for its passage and adoption. ~I ,~ i i ~ I AN ORDINAJ<<;E OF THE~, Y OF ANAHEIM AMfNDIN3 ARTICLE VIII, CHAPTB\ 3"SiCTION 8300.7 OF THE ANAHEI. NICIPAL CODE. (ELECTRICAL - Size of service conduit) After hear~ read in full the-title of Ordin.nce No. 988aRdhaving knowledge of the cont. ts thereof, Councilman Wisser moved the reading 1ft full of said Ordinance be! ived. Councilman Van Wagoner seconded the motion. Motion unanimously c. ied by the-Council. On roll ca~ the foregoing Ordinance No. 988 was duly passed and adopted by the follo "g vote: AYES; NOES: ABSENT : Pearson, Schutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner. Fry. None. CJWIHM:;B NO. ,989 I, and MOVed for its pa lared the foregoing Ordinance duly passed and, adopted. cllman Fzy offered Ordinance No. 969 fer first reading ge and adc:nption. AN ORDINNCE OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL SPES) LIMIT - La Pa OF ANAijEIM A,NEtI)ING ARTICLE Ill, CHAPTIR 2 OF THE BY ADDl. A NEW SECTION THBU:TO .TO' BE NtJMBJ!RED 3288. N ( Inhabi;~ territory) Request by p11Oponent.,to - t:QJ:i tory-known as East Sycamore Annexation.. contain1nt roposed annexation, w.s submitted and ordered received y Planning Commission for recommendation, on motion ,by seconded by Councilman Fry. MOTION CARRIED. r (Un1nhabited territory) Orange County Boundary ding the boundaries of the proposed annexatipn to be certain was submitted, read and ordered received and cilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Fry. RESOWTION NO. 2708: for its passage and ouncilman Schutte offered Resolution No. 27-OS ana moved' ption. lution Book, page ... - ' 973 1955 - 7:00 P.M. A RESOLUTIOI OF THE CITY COOK:IL THE CITY OF ANAHEIM URGIM:; LEGISLATIVE RE~ PRESENTATIV'IS TO CFPOSE ENACTMENT F CSRTAIN PftCPOSED AMENI>MENTS TO THE STAMES RELATING TO ANNEXATION OF TERRI TO CITIES. .. :....,',:'1, . I On roll call the foreg~ +g Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the followiog vote; I I ! n AlES: COUK.;ILMEN: Fry, Schutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner. r<<)ES: COUNCILMEN: ABSENT: CoutCILMEN: The Mayor declared the tregOing resolution duly passed and adopted. PLUMBrR IO~: The fOllowing PI er's Bonds .~re ordered. received and filed when approved by the City Attornt on motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Van Wagoner. MOTI~ CARRIED: Walter W. Stavert. ba Johnston and Washer Johnson PIUJ'l\i)ing. Heating Co., Inc. RB:USSIfIC.TION F-54-55-32 a the Manley-Kuhns Corporation, on I and declare4"closed* with action W OF Be S T: Submitted by ien Public Hearings were beld Aprl1 5, 1955- ! 0 be taken by the Council at a later date. I jready to act on the applications at this The City Council was n~ meeting. j 1 FlNAK:IAL All) <PSATING REPCRTS f t the month of March, r~eived an4 filed on ~otion by ~ ,ncifman Van Wagoner. Wisser. MOtION CAlRIBD. \ 1955 were ordered seeonded by Councilman CONTINUED P LIC HEARING: RECL Homes, Inc. requesting property 1 Palma and Placentia Avenues be r. the corner eonsisting of 150 feet allow the erection and operation ! \ F1CATION F- Subndtted by Prudential ated briefly at the southeast corner of La ned from R-A to C-l, with the exception of long both streets to be rezoned C-2 to a Service Station. n The City Planning COlllni ~ion, pursuant to their Resolution No. 72., recommended to the City Council t .t the reclassification be granted subject to the following: 1. The filing of City Anaheim Standard Deed Restrictions. 2. The deeding of 20 f t along North P lacentia and .East La Palma Avenues f() b the widening of these two streets. 3. Engineering requir rnts. Tbe Mayor asked ~ wished to acWress the Council on the utt.et. Those addressing the CO,ncil in favor of the reclassification werea Mr. Elliott Wilmsen and Mr. Harry~. Scholer, representlng the Prudential ~es, Inc. Mr. Scholer stated that thr, of the owners age... the area should 1:>econ- sidered for other than residentia ~ and that Mr. Griffith, owner of the fourth corner, thought a larger area sho ,d be considered. Mr. Scholer further ad- vised that this was a legal and 0 erly procedure and that he did not think future plans should be considered ,t this time; that the Council has before them to con.ider an application f t this area only. n Mr. Griffith addr@ssed ~a Council and stated that he still obj,ected to the recl,ssification and thoug .~ if any rezoning 1s allowed 1n that area. it should be an area large enough to ~ake it worthwhile. He further stated that Mr. Scholer said that they were p ~nning in the future to redesign approximately thirteen acres for commercial use Mayor Pearson asked if ~yone else wished to address the Council on the matter; there being no one, d plared the_ hearing closed. M Councilman Van Wagoner offered Resolution NO. 2714 and and adoption. page ~" ,:;- I '" ' A RESOWTION OF THIf ITY COUIC;XL OF THE CITY ,OF ANAHEIM ..11<<1 AND DETBMIlttNG THAT A IS NECESURY IN CERTAIN AREAS OF THE CITY AND THAT ARTICLE IX, CHAfTER 2 OF T ANAHEIM MUtICIPAL CODE SHOULD Sf AME~ED, TO ACCOAPLISH SAID CH>>r.;E OF ZONE. ' Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. Nen.. None. On roll q the following vote~ foregoing resolution- was -duly pa,ssed and adopted by . '.. ~ AYES: NOE5 : ABSENT t ela'red: the IQI'eg0.1n9 reselutioll duly passed and adopted. Mr. Goodknight and Mr. Elllottac;ldr.s.. the i ssion to purchase ,8 portion of Cl tY-C*ned property t. The gantl_en were advi sed that the Coufteil would a later date. Subdivider Lesser Enterprises, .Ltd. Tract 10- corner- of ROll1neya Drive and, Spadra Road. Contains 104 s\.S.;eet nning Commission voted to approve said tentative ~p ng condltions: '[1,_",_ ;j 1. The, p~ area ~ of the stree~ 2. PaYl'e~ and R' 3. Engin ing of a 20-foot alley at the; re.r of the coavnel'c1al n9 Spadra Road whleh will necessitate a revision ap by allowing 54-foot streets instead,of'60-foot of $2~.OO per lot for the acquisition of Park eation Sites. ing requirements. This tent and action was wi . tentative map was a seconded by Council Ci ty Plai\t11ng Commis ve map came before the Cl ty Counoil,Auguet 24, 11&4, as annexation proceedings had not yet started. !Sald ved by the ,Cl ty Council' on motion by CouncilMan . s.er~ SChutte, subject to the conditions as outlined by the MOTION CARRIED.- - , 7; Subdivider Thos J. Lawless, Jr." located on th of Tract No. 2390 and south of Tract Mo. 2326. Con- n ing Co..tsslon \lGt8d -to ap~ove said tenta-tive..p subject g conditions: 1. payment" ~' f. $25.00 per lort for ,the acquhi ~ion of . Park a ,Recreation Sites. 2. Enginee ng requir.ents. The Ci ty Ct' cil, at their meeting held, March 8, 1955, 9unted VartanceNo. 291, 81. ing a ,waiver of the front yard setback. froll 2tfftt to 20 feet on certain 1$ in said tract. The City P! ~ingCommisSion granted said Variance NO. 291 subject to conditions.. i I On motion b Council..n Van Wagoner, seconded by CounciI.an Fry, Tentative Map of Traq No. 2117 was approved by the City Council subject to conditions as outlinQ by the City Planning Commission. MOTION CARRIBD. 974 975 Ci .M. TENTATIVE, MAl TRIeT NO. 2567: 5 vider Louis H~r$Op and Associate-I, lo- cated betweea Gilbert Street and M aga Street, north of Crescent Avenue. Contains 91 lots. The City Planning Comml$ subject to the following eonditio~ ton voted to approve ~aid tentative lltap " I per lot for the a~s1t1on of puk r~:::vi~:n;~~: ~=~;n .i~: ~:~bs ts. n 1. The payMent of $25. and Recreation Site~ 2. That the subdivider a,s ~"Not a. p.rt 0 f. t and sidewalks. 3. Engineering requir The City Council approv said.:bentative -.p on motion by Council- man SChutte,. seconded by Councilm~ Fry subject to the conditlons as outlined by the City Planning Commission a~ further subject to the requirement that the homes on Gilbert Sue.tbe a imum of 122~. square feet. MOTION CARRIED. 1. ,/ TENTATIVi MIl mAGT NO. 257.3& S approximatel, 660 feet north of R vider Don Hunt, located on Baxter Street .Y" Driye. CQP.~ns, 26 lo~s.. _ , Th.e City Planning CommiJ:j on voted to .pp.rove $f.id tentative,J.Rap, subject to the following condition ~ ! per lot for the acquisi tion of Park 2. The pa)'l'ent of $25. and Recreation Sites Engineering requir V ARIAOCE NO. 316: Pursuant to th~ i ty P lanning C~ls$ion 's Re$olution,;No. 132, Variance No. 316. submitted Donald Hunt, requesting a waiver of the 70-foot frontage and 7200 square t lot areas in Tract No. 2573, "as granted. I i . Tie Ci.ty Council, app~v ~S:aid Ten,tative Map Tract No. 2573 on motion by counCilman, Schutte, seconded b:, ' ouncl1man van, W,agon, ., r subject to the con- ditions as ~tlined by ,tn. CityP~ .ning Commissio~. MOTIO~CARRIED. 1 n No action was taken by Council on Variance fJo. 316. TENTATIve 144 TI\~rNO. 230S; .Su Huston Aven. approxi...tely 48Q .f' on the north by the new Huston St v~der Zal~H9mes, In~.t located north of _ ~st' of; Ma.90o.1ia AV~u. _no.: is bounded t Freeway. Contains 56 lots. The City Planning Commi subject to the following conditio on voted to approve said tentative map 1. The payment of $25. per lot for the acquisi tion of Park and Recreation Sites 2. The making of side 10 feet on Lots 32 and 46. 3. Engi~ering requir VARIArL:E NO. 324: The City PIann! No. 133, grantedVari4nC;e ,Net.... 32"" waiver of the 70-foot frontage an 2358. Commi ssion,.. pursuant to their Resolution Uibm1 tteQb~J\aul P:ier.ee, xequesting a 200 square lOot l.ot .areas in Tract No. The City Council grant ject to conditions as outlined by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded ! aid Tentative Map of Tract No. 2358 sub- @ City Planning COOD! ssion on motion D\t- Councilman Wisser. MQ[ION CARRIBD. n No action wa.s Council on Variance No. 324. 976 - 7.00 P M S 7 The Adltlnlstratlv.;Off~c.r rec01l\- f the extension on the conditIon ,that a Pl'ovls1~n 18m" erritos Avenue and Walnut Street to 40 f..t from center Said ext reco~endatlons of seconded by Council on of time was grenteda, requested and .ub~ec;:t. to. the Adainistratlve Office, on .otion by Council..n Schutte, Wisser. 1<<>1100 CARRIED. VARIAfCE NO. 307: for permission to e zoned R-l. 1 tted by Oscar and Grace SCholz, 330 West VerMont Avenue, t a Multlplee..l1ing Unit on said property, presently I The City f nning Commission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 125, gr~ted said varian. subj ec t to the deeding 0 f 20 feet at the rear.f the property for an-all if, and when, the other property OWAers 1n the block agree to deeding the 20 f A petitio containing 11 signatures of proposed property o~. objecting to an al1~ on the rear of thelrprop&rti.s, was submitted and read. Councllman Schutte, seconded by Councilman Fry, Review the City Planning C0lJlJ11ssion was ordered to be held · MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Wisser offered Resolution No. 2715 and JROved option. olution Book, page ;] A RESOLUTION OF THE THAT IT IS NECESSARY JOINT OUTFALL SEER OF A NOTICE INVITING 7:00 O'CLOCK P.M.). IT COUtCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AS DlT.~ o PijRGHASE LIOUID C}-lt~ lIE FCJi USE BY !FIE' (RANGE COUNTY THE HANDLING OF SeWAGE, AND AUTHCRIZING THE "'''lOA TION EALED PRCPOSALS THERSFOO. (CPEN BIJ)SAPRIL 26. 1955, I On roll ca the following vote: the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by AYES: NOES: ABSENT : Pearsonf Fry, SChutte, W1sse, and Van Wagon.r. None. None. The Mayor lared the foregoing re$Olution,~uly pa..ed and adopted. RESOUJTION NO. 2716: for its passage and ouncilman Wisser offered Resolution No. 2716 and moved ption. lution Book, page n j J' A RESOLUTION OF THE C . THAT tHE PURCHASE OF. NECESSARY FOR THE \fA. DIRB;TING PUBLICATION AND FITTINGS. (BIDS i COUrcIL OF THE CIty OF ANAHEIM FINDlOO ANI DlT.MIIIE INFORCED GOK:RETE STJ!EL CYLINDER P"tPEAND FITTINGS IS DEPARTMENT, FIXING THE SPECIFICATIONS _:1ffER~"AIID F NOTICE INVITING BIDS FeR THE FURNISHIt<<,; OP SAIm PIPE BE CFENED APRIL 26, 1955, 7)00 Q'CLOCK P.M.). On roll cal the fOllowlng vote: the foregoing resolution was duly pa$sedand aeopjed by AYES: NOES : ABSENT : Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van WBgoner. None. None. lared the foregoing resolution duly p.aaed ~ adapted. 977 WRRESPONrSM:?'; On 'motion ;byCou Schutte, tranSfer of $26,562.50 f Red.ption Fuhd, as requested' by CARRIED. CORRESPGNDEq'l . Request from Un! to soliclt~. during fund cam to place cani.tersand placards ab tlon by Councilman Fry, seconded CCR&I!SPO~~I a_quelt ,submitted] Pool Room at 137 South Los Angeles for recommendation. I , ~CQIU~~.~,: Application of t Utili ty CoIIml.,ion for increase 1n! COftRESPONDEfQ: Request from Anah advertising ~nderland Ho.me$" at Lincoln Avenue ... au_1 tt.., and Van Wagoner, .econded by Councilma JARIAt<<:';E 1<<.).1271 Subml.tted by Pi land owned by Disneyland be all .a~ and indi~ted as Tracts A, B, The City Planning Co_1 granted Variance No. 327 for Tract of a 3-foot ..sonry wall along Kat the front of the wall be landscapetl vision. NQ aetion was VARIANCE r<<J. 328: Submi t ted by Fr . Grocery Store on property descri Avenue, south of La Palu Avenue j The City Planning Commi, ..anted said YaX'16nc,e. subject to .t 1. The installation of 2. The deeding of 20 f Av~' for the'w1. " 1A1IAtCE NO. 329: SUblni tted by Cha €ompany, requesting pe~is$ion to erty described as 112 South Bush S The City Planning Commi ,ranted said yarlance. .M. man Van Wagoner, seconded by CQuncl.lman~", the Gene]!'al Fund to the Bond and Inter...t Ci ty Aud1 tor, was authorized. IDTlON I i CerebJ'al Pala.yMsoc1et1lOn- of :Orange County , May, 19!'6y and also, reque.ting pumiAion the city, .&.' -..tai tted ,alld granted- ion ... ouncilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. n Fr-ed;Atol f'Or peil.'mimon,to condue't' a reet was referred. to the Chief of Police etropolitaa CQach LinN befo-re,t.he Pub~1", tes_s, subml t:teQ and: read.. . Homes, Inc. for permission to erect signs '$outhweat oor-ner of ...Euclid Avenue and Ht was'denied on ,mo'tion by CouncilMan earson. MOTION CARRIED. ylaOO" Inc. requeatlng that 47.~ acres of or additional parkfng .area as shown on . D, and E. on, pursuant to their R.solution No. 127, only, and further subject to the erection a Road" exce,t ,for the openings, and that n accordance with the proposed code re- 1 I nl,,' I · . - City Council. R. Krogman requesting permission to erect briefly as the west side of Magnolia nOl'th of Tract No. 2332. on, pursuant to their Resolution No. 128, f..Q 1 lowing coRdi, tion.: rbs along Magno-lia Avenue. on the west side of Magnolia ~ () f1m! s ,atrMt. Clty Council. F. Jameson, as owner of Scotch ConstrucUon ct a Duplex Apartment at the rear of prop- eta on, pur suant to their R eso 1 uti on Ne. ~!9.', ! ' ~ - No action ~a~ taken by t ~ City Council. 'MRIAOCE NO. 3301 Subld tted by Mrsl Vera I. Ball requesting permlssion to erect a Single Family IMelling on the rea lof property located at 605 South' Lemon (, Street. I] The City Planning Commis ~on, pursuant to their Resolution No. 130, granted said variance. No ac tion was tak en by 978 , I VAIlIAJI:;E NO, 332, tted by Cuatom FUrnl ture 5hPi> for peradsS.."el'tct' Ij',.,',. a 1!>ul1d1ng for the ufac:turing of cabinets' and fUrni~e' on the'im>> .1' property at 225 Nor~ Euclid Avenue. 8 , . granted pursuant to their Resolution No. 131, No s taken by the City Council. The Orange County Master Plan. of Streets tted and ordered to be reviewed by the City PlaMing hearing$on motion by CQUJ'lcllD1an Wisser,. seconded by M)TION CARRIED. PETITION: Pet! tion gnad by resid.ents on Chateau Avenue requesting a sign to indicate "Children.. Play" and also posting of a speed limit of "15 miles per hour" was submitted dread. The Adm1n~ rattve Officer reported that the Chief of Pollee advIsed, according to 473 cvq "Children ,at Play" signs are not permi.tted ;on. .nystreet or highway; further~ 15 miles per hour" zones are only permitted in front of schools and cannot b posted in a residential area. n .J The City q rk was authorized to aeWis. the peti tio".rs that 1t1elr request was beyond ~ liBd tations. " ICE a The City of Buena Park requested ~porary .tar just west of the City li8dts for a ~1odof approxi- until the Metropoli tan Water Distrlctconnec.tlon is ! was authorized by the Ci ty Council.. P EOFC Discussion was held Fullerton, and Mr. would be unable to p by the City of Full S I U Uc . the purchase of capacity rights frQJn tne..,C1 tyof eke, City EngIneer, advised the. Counc11 that. Anahel. hase tnerequested amount due to prior c~i taents made I Mr. Turner, fl ty Attorney, advised that the agreement wi th the Cl ty of Fullerton was bei withheld until a definite amount of cap.city rights could be determined. The City ,_ nistratlve Officer and' the CltyEngtneer we!'e requested to meet with represeh tives of the City of Fullerton to try and come to a definite conclusion. RB90LUTIQN NO. 2717: ~ouncilman Van Wagoner offered Resolution moved. for its passage ~nd adoption. I Refer to R~ tlution Book, page No. 2717 and n A RESOLUTION OF THE ~ AND ISITION OF C PAYMENT THERBOF TO B EXECUTION OF A CONVEY COUtCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHlIM,A1f1JD,........... N R R FCR PUBUC PURPOsEs, AU'1'H(J\IZIJG mE ARTLY IN CASH AND PARTLY IN PROPERTYJ AND AU11IItIIIIG mE E OF SAID PROPERTY. ($2, 76().. 00 MAltTIH-MEJelZ'PIciP.rr). On roll ca! the foregoing resolution was duly pa$sed ,and adopted by the' following vote AYES: NOES; ABSENT : Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van W.goner. None. None. lared the foregoing resolution duly palsed and adlpttd. 979 -, 7aOO P.M. ION 7 7 PROVlS1S& Proposed Legis! and the City Attorney, the Admini ' requested to study the matter and Legislative CDmmittee their findi ion was discussed by the City Council, . tive Officer, and the City Engineer were ommend to our Representatives of the D Councilman Van Wagoner o'clock P.M. Councl1man Schutte 8 ed to adjourn to April 21, 1955, 7;00 nded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED. SIGNED. k- ~~~ Ci ty Clerk C Hall Anah.eim Ca Session. ~ City Council of i ty of Anahei.. met in Adjourned Regular ! ~~1 ~~.:gi~; ;~~;s:~~ ~te, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. CITY A~ PUSTON 11JRNBI: P~ ent. CITY ADMIES1l.ATIYE OffICER, KEITH . MURDOCH; Present. , , 'I11e Meeting, was called nominatil\f ajllayor Pro T.. for th., ted Councl1Mn Van Wagoner Mayor P Fry seconded the nOMination. MOT] tions be eloted. Councllun Fry . ll\an Van Wagon.r was seated as Mayd .order by the City Clerk for the, purpo..~ of Ity 0 fAn.he!... Counci !Man Wisser nOJftin... Tam for the Clty of AnaheIm. Councilman CARRIED. Councilman Wisser moved nomina- onded the motion. K>TION CARRIED. Councl1- Pro Tem of the City of Anaheim. I o AVENUE SE IAFR 1 Pursuant to Legal prii 1 and April 8, 1955 and ResQ ized to open Bid Proposals on moti Itan Fry. M:>TION CARRIED. NT FROM SOIA AVENUE TO MAGNOLIA ice duly publ! shed in the Anahei~ Bulletin tion No. 2680, the City Clerk was authol'- by Councilman Wisser, seconded py Council- i _IDS RECE,IVED Spann & Kenton Construetion Co. 7321 Fulton Avenue, North, Holl $33,757.60 o Anro Construction Company 2480 Ramona Blvd., Los Angeles $43,769.46 Frank Chutuk Construction Co. 5091 A. Street, Ontario $30,817.43 J. S. Barrett P. 0..... '<~26,. s.nla, Ana Nick M. Guho 8335 Atlaniic Bou'1evard, Bell (All Bid Propesals were aceompa 4ed by Bid Bonds in the amount of 10%). $19,295.71 $24,946.94 i Councilman Wisser moved ~hat Bid Proposals be referred to the Engineer- ing Departmetlt for tabulation and,port. Councilman Fry seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. . After tabulation, the i ineering Department reported J. S. Barrett to be low bidder, $19,295.71. Ms. Murdoch, City AdmiB trative Officer, recommended the aeeept- anee of the Jow bid.