1955/04/26 994 n The City C cil of the City of An.heimmet in Regular Session. :r~ I COONe I .. * coo te I eIN TTteNEY: PRES CITY ADMtRtS1RATlVE ,: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. I None. TURNER: Present. ICER, KEtTH A. MURIXDh Present. MlFlS1 The Minute lof the R~ular Meeting held April 12, 1955 and Adjourned 'Refylar Meeting held APril 21, 1955 were approved on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, ,seconded by ouncilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. by the RE LUTION NO. 27 I iCouncilma. Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2732 and moved for its passag and adoption. page A RESOLUTION OF THE tTY COOtClfr. OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVII<<3 ANDDIRECTltJ3 THE PAYMENT OF E . AGAI,NST tHE CITY AS OF APRIL 26, 1955. (Sl'7B.Il~~68). I the foregoing resolution was duly pa6ied and adopted AYES: NOiSa ABSENT: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None. None. n I~.~J The Mayor eclared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. BID PROPOSALS; The ~ ty Clerk "as instructed to open Bid Proposals for the fu~rd.hing of reinfo ~ed concrelt... e steel cylinder pipes and fl ttingst ,1Mluding rubber gaskets for 1 btallatioq, pursuant to Resolution No. 27168Rd,Ltgal Notice duly publish; in the Arlaheim Bulletin, April 15 and 21, 1955, on motion by Councilman Van We bner, secdnded by Councilman Wisser. MOrIONCARRIED. ~IDS RECEIVED $88, ",50 AMlrlcan Pl~e and,C P. O. Box 3428'e: Angeles 54 United Concrete Pi P. o. Box 425, Ba _.9Z.fI) $92,951.33 Southern Pipe and C J>. O. Box C, AIu (All Bid Propos~s were aceompanied by Bid Bonds in the amount df l~) Bids were. rdered referred to the Superintendent of Light, Power and Water for tabulatio and report on motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Van Wago er. MOTION CARRIED. After tab ~ation, Su~erintendent of Light, Power and Water,George Oelkers, reported t . American:'Pipe and Construction Co. to be low bidder aAd recommended the aee tanea of said bid. c RESOWTION NO. 2733 Councilman Schutte offered Resolution No. 2133' and moved for its passage and .doption. Refer to tsolution Jook, pate A RESOWTION OF THE CITY COUN:I:L OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AOCEPTltI; "~:,.1~1IJ) PROPOSAL AND AWARDI A CONTR T TO THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER ,. THE FUR- NISHING TO THE CIn F ANAHEIM OF REINPCRCED COlCRETE STEEL CYLItI>S PIPE MI> FITTIOOS. (AMERIC 'PIPE AND CONSTROCTION CO. $88 9!>4.50 . 1002 n AYES; NOES I ABSENT; Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None. None. The Mayor ~clared the foregoing resolution duly passed and ..opted. TI "lul:' 1 ts pa $$age and iCouncilman Wisser offered Resolution No. 27~ and moved option. " ,Refer' to It rOl~tion ~ok', p~~ .. . . . A MIOLI1tION OF THE. try Ca.nc;IL OF THE Ct.'" OF ANAIii!IMM:x:.'fi~" p.,. CONVEYIr<<; TO THE CI r OF ANAHEliM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FeR AN!A ... fat! ROAD ArI) PUBLIC UTILITY P POSES. (WALTER R. WARD). by the Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None. None. ! I ~ the forego-ing resolution wa.s duly passed andadepted 1:' . . . AYES I NOES: ABSENT : The Mayor tClared the foregoing resOlution duly passed and adopted. p....Ja<<; LOTS; Disc\! lion oWasheld on the present ~onin9 of area d.escri))ed as Lats 25, 26, 27, and is, Block E-5 of the Langenbe%ger Tract with reference to P-l Zoning. ' . n It was lRor the eity Admlnistra ti.tions for the put berger Tract for pub ata satisfactory pt for the acquisition be instructed to wi t CARRIED . by Councilman Schutte, seconded by eouncl1.-n Pry that and the City Attorney be in~trueted to.c;( ....nc. negp- ase of Lots 25, 26, 27, and 28, Block :E-~ of the Langen- c parking lot use, and if negotl.tions for the ptl%:clase e failed, that proceedings of cond~ation ..c_anced the property, and further, that the Building ~ent ,old building permits pending negotiations. MOTIQrf R~JJU'AI;g BONDS: Ren 11 Bond for Plstusak Pl\.IB\Ding c.ompany and Orange County P11liP1ng Bond were Cj) eredrecelved and filed when approved by theCity:'Attomey on motion by Council n Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. r'1 t I . t .... RB;REATION JlJDGET: t' py of proposed Recreation Budget W..8 given each OIr&uKil... . man for their infoDlt ion in order that action might be ta1cen at the M..tiftg of May 10, 1955. TRASH COLLECTIONz 11 Murdoch, City Administrative Officer, reported on the agreesnent for the op . . .ation of Trash Collection by contract and stated that informal bids had be . received and that the low bidder was unable to enter into agreement becau, of failure to obtain a performance bond as required, and, therefore, withdrew ~s bid. He further advised the S. & H.. Rubbish Hauling, 423 North Townsend 5 .1eet, Los Angeles, California, to be next lowes.tbtdder at 45 cents per res! ntial uoi t and recommended the award of contr.. to -said company for trash pi ,up in the outlying areas. 'Councilman Fry offered aesolution No. 2743 and moved option. olution Book, page A R.ESOLUTION. OF THE t'TY COUl'CIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEI.M .APPROV..I. .NG.. .. .AND......................AITIH.,..... .. CR.:- IZING THE EXECUTION . AN, AaU~pM:NT HTlEIN THE CITY OF AlfAHE~'A..JI . K.. RU_ISH HAUUt<<3 RELA . NG TO THE COLLECTION AN) ,DISPOSAL OF RUllI!" Jlb1tAIH. I I 996 A RESOLUTION OF THE : TY COU~~iL Of THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CJiANTIl<<i VARIAI<<;E NO. .3.QL. On roll ca 1 the for~oing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: n i i ., -,..... AYES: NOES I ABSENT : Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None. . None. The Mayor resolution duly passed and adopted. Was again held . ~. tted by Manley-Kuhns Corporation, requesting that lots shown on p ,posed T . .tive 1IIp~, Tract No. 1647 lying along Ninth Street fQr . depth 0 ! 3 lots .,along Cerrito. Avenue for. depth of I lot be changed fram R-A t9 ~3 to allQw the construc~ion of Multiple Units in this area. The City P~nning Co..-ission, pu~suant to their Resolution No. 119, rec~nded that the teclassifiication be denied. Pulic He .. ng ... hep.d ~ the City Council on the.m&tter, April 5, . 1955 at which time t . hearing .as aeclar8fll closed with decision to be rendered by the Council at a ater date. 1 After~tho gh discus~ion by the Council, the rezoning as requested in Reclassification ',54-~5-32 .as granted on condition that the pr-ope:rty will be used for Mul tiple ~ou$lng in!i accordance with plans previously sw-1'tted to the elty Council, a !further, itthat an Archi,teetural CODaittee will be estab- lished. 7 .eouncilmart Schutte offered Resolution No. 27~ and MOved for its passage and .option, changing the zone Reclassification of F-54-5&-32 sUbject to above con ~ tions. Refer to R ,olution Bpok, page A RESOWTION OF THE TY C(JJt<<:;I~ OF THE CITY. OF ANAHEIM FINDING Af8 DBTlRMINING THAT A OF tIS NECEsslRv IN CERTAIN AREAS' OF THE CITY All> 1'RAT AltTICLE IX,. CHAPTER 2 OF THE .NAHEIM qCIPAL CODE SHanD BE AMENDED TOAOCO.!.ISHSAID CIWaOF ZONE. F- J. 55-32 . AYES: NOES; ABSENT : Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagon,r. None. None. On roll ca 1 the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following votel , UN:: I !..MEN I ~UtCILMEN: t1>UtCI lJEN I l The Mayor .clared the foregoing resolution duly passed and 8ctopted. SPECIAl us~ P~UTT. $ubmitted ~y Manley-Kuhns Corporation requesting permission to establish a Driv tn Theatre' on property consisting of approxi..t.ly 20 acres located at the .outhwest Corner of South Walnut Street and Ce~rltos Avenue. Public Hea1ng was held by the City Council on this matter' ~il 5, 1955, at which time_e hearing was declared closed with the decision to be rendered by the City~ouncil at a later date. 1000 1 '1955 -.7:00 P.M. N: Request ofpropon,nts for the commencement of annexa- ribed as the Lincoln-Dale Annexation (revised bo~aries) ty Council and ordered referred to the City Planning ndation and report on motion by Councilman SGhutte, Fry. M:>TION CARRIED. · Petition for the annexation of territory known and Sunkist Annexatien was subnitted and ordered referred to eking on motion,by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Council- ON CARRIED. iIII and d.tmniniRg definite, was submii Councilman Van Wagon Report of the Orange County Boundary CoJllldssion, find- at the boundaries of said annexation are rea*onable and , read, and ordered received and filed on motion by , seconded by Councilman Fry. MJTION CARRIG. rt I INSURAN::E& Renewal Blanket Bond Fai thful Perfomance Public Employees, $42.84 and Honesty B nket Position Bond Public Employees, $65.38, was recom- mended by the City A inistrative Officer and authorized by the City Council on motion by Council n Wisser, seconded by Councilman Schutte. Al>TIONCAlRJED. RESOLUTION l<<). 2737~ Councilman Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 273"'1 and moYed for its passag and adoption. ~olution Book, page i TY COUtCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDIIG ,w)DiTBRMINING .'AND NECESSI1Y REQJIRE nm CONS11Ux:nON ANI' CCIF!.ETION T, TO IITI flU STATION NO. 2 AT THE Itmm~tIO. Qr AVENUES JOB NO 36 Aft) APPROVING THBD18ICII$. PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS FOR 1HE CONSTR.U::TION TMStEQP'1 AU'lHC8- OF SAID PUBLIC IttfJROVEMENT IN ACCORDAtCE WITH SAID PLANS, AN) AUTIicaIZIr<<1 AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH' D PROPOSALS FCJt THE CONS1RUCTION THSiEOF. (BIDS TO BE :00 O'CLCa< P'.M.). On roll ca ~ the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: N'OiS I ABSENT : Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Ilaser, and. V...\W..,Atr. ~M. ' . None. The Mayor- ~clared the foregoing resolution duly pasled and alopted. ! Mayor Pearson appointed Mr. E. D. Seeki"s and Miss to the Anaheim Public Library Board. SaidaPPQlritments ity Council on motion by Councilman Sc:hutt.~secl)ftded by N CARRIED. MONTHLY RJiPCRT: Rep t for the month of March, 1955 of the" flow of s8lftlge of' the several cities a sanitary districts on Sections 2, 3, 4, 5, ana .~ of the J.0.5. and Waste Wat Disposal Company was ordered received and fl1. 'on motion by Councilman ;isser, seconded by Councilman Fry. MOTION CARBm. n RE EASE OF RJNDS tract improvements 11 waiver of the provi$ statements from all; against the City. T NO. 216: Mr. Turner, City Attorney,reported the e been completed and that the subdividers would like a ns of the contract and release of money, and would file ntractors that they had been paid and waive any o~ailt RE$OWTION NO. 2738~ tCouncilmaa Schutte offered Resolution No. 2738 and moVeG for its passage and option. 998 1950- 7:00 P.M. Mr... Murdoc iadvised t~at the study I of the street pattern"wQUld cer- tainly be in order; :at there eJefinitely was a need for access through ,the area and not just to it. n Councilman Schutte mo,ed that the Count~l W~y, this fu~ther study and to try to develop so.thing bef+re action is taken o,l"the closing of any street. Councilman Wisser se dnded the .otion and stated that instead of elimdnating two streets, he knewtull well that there was actually a need for more streets if it could be devis or arran,e<i. K)TION CARRIED. The City P .nning Co~ission is to study the entire area from La Palma Avenue south t Lincoln Ayenue and Center Street and from West Street to Euclid Avenue. Mr. Frau Friesen of the Orange County Expedi ters and lit. Devine of ti j Melrose S gn5f,adeessed the Council requesting ,~ to cOJ16ider variance. f t the erec~ion of, &ign.. in non-confo.ming zones.,.... Friesen and Mr. Devi . stated that approximately nine weeks had elap'sed aAd the proposed uniform ord *ance to be adopted by all Cities within the County had not been accomplish ' The unifo ordinance, was desired by all cities; however, Mr. Murdoch reported that they h ~ not reac~ed a.definite. conclusion but felt that there would be a definite ecommenda~~on before the Council at their MeetiAg of May 10, and that once th ; policy hails been established, variances would not be .necessar..y. Mr. Murd ~h remindeP. tne Council that according to their instruc- tions, no applicatio ~ or variances were being received or considered. r1 ,I I j I c, ,..: After furt er discuss:ion, the ei ty Council, on motion by eouncilman Van. Wag.one~, s_econd by Counci!i1man Schutte, moved ,to accept applleations for variances for said s gns in non-conforming zones. MOTION CARRIED. \ ~ lING Submitted by Middlebrook & Herziger. tor a dir~ctional sign to be located at the northeast tion Df Srookhurst and Orange. Avenue. They, were in- ~cation far a required variance. oqDINANCE NO. 9731 rsuant to Resolution No. 2595 with reference to Reclassi- fication F-54-55-14, ;submitted !iby Hartshorn Bros., deed restrictions for M-l Zone were requested be filed prior to the second reading of said ~n.nce No. 973. Refer to COlmlunica the required restri in Book 3001, Page Hartshorn presented which were ,compared the exception of th Fry offered Ordinan adoption. n from H~rtshorn Bros.,' dated April 22, 195$, ..vised .that ons had been recorded March 18, 1955, 9100 o'clock ~~ '.. of Offic;ial Records of Orange County, California. Mr. edeed tQgether wi tIi ~h. d.eedrestri c.ttons as recorded, the City Clerk and' found to be the same as on file, wi th legal de94. ription of the property. Thereupon, Councilman No. 973 for second reading and moved for its passage and dinance BQok, page - \, Ij 1 AN <JiDINAK:E OF THE :ITY DF.~IM AMENDING ARTICLE IX, .CHAPTfR 2 OP1'HE ANAHlIM MJNICIPAL OE RELATING TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF ZONES IN TIlE CfTY OF ANAHEIM AND TIiBU:INEGULATING THE USE~ OF LAND, HEIGHT OF. .BUIIDltaAJl). YARD SPACES: AIXPTING A SHOWING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID ZONES, DEFINIM:; bU: TERMS USED !HEREIN; PROVI JNG FCE AD.ruSTMENT, AMENDM:NT, AN) ENFORCEMENT; PRI!SCRIBING PENALTIES FCE VIOLA .JON; AND RiP,EALING ALL SECTIONS CIi PARTS OF SR::TIONS IN CONFLICT THB~EWITH. (F-54-55-~4). After hea ~ng read i~ full the title of Ordinance No. 973 and having knowledge of the co 1ents ther,in, Councilman Schutte moved the reading in full of said ordina 4e be waived. Councilman Van Wagoner seconded the motion. Motion unanimously 'rried. 998 - 7100 P II . . Mr... Murdod advised that the study I of the street' patternt.would cer- tainly be in orderJ at there definitely was a need for access through.ithe area and not just to t. ni.'. i. , ' Councilmaq to try to develop s . Councilman Wisser s. two streets, he kneW if it could be devis chutte moved that the CounltlitY~ this further study and thing before action is taken GIIl"'.e closing of any street. nded the motion and stated that instead of eliminating 11 well that there was actually a need for more streets or arranged. )()TION CARRIED. The City P . nning CODlllission is to study the entire area from La Palma Avenue south t ILincoln Avenue and Center Street and from West Street to Euclid Avenue. I NO ana Mr. Devine '0 f t~ cODaider varla~e. ~ Frielen and Mr.D8V~ proposed uniform od not been accomplish Mr. PraAk Friesen of the Orange County Expediters Melrose Slgnst',add..ss4d tne Council requesting ..~ to the erection of. 119M in non-confo.mlng ZO.S~H". stated that approximately nine weeks had el.po.." aAd the ance to be adopted by all Citieswlthin the County had ~ ,..., I j 1 j The unifo iordinance was desired by all cities, however, Mr. Murdoth reported that they h not reached a. definite. conclusion but felt that there would be a definite commendation before the Council at their Meeting of May' 10, a. nd that once th. ...~PO.liCY has b. een established, vari.ances would not be J"tecessar.y. Mr. Murd h reminded. tHe Counci 1 that according to their instruc- tions, no applicatia , or variances were belngreceived or considered. After furt .r discussion, the City Council,on motion by Councilman Van: Wagoner-, s_econd by Councilman Schutte, moved ,to accept appl1cations for variances for said s ns in non-conforming zones. J.()TION CARRIED. .J- I Submi tted by Middlebrook & Herziget'. Building Cozporation or a directional sign to be located at the northeast corner of. the inters ~tion of Bl'ookhurst and Orange- Avenue. They were in- structed to file .pp~cation for a required variance. ORt>IN~ NO.. 9731 6uant to Resolution No. 25~ with reference to Reclassi- fication F-54-55-14, ~ubmitted by Hartshorn Bros., deed restrictions for M-l Zone were requested 'be filed prior to the second reading of said Ordinance No. 973. ...... l , tt I COllnunicat the required restric in Book 3001, Page 2 Hartshorn presented whi ch. were .compared I the exception of the Fry offered Ordinanc adoption. 'n from Hartshorn Bros.,' dated April 22, 195~ad.v1..d,;.t_t ons had been recorded March 18, 1955, 9:00 o.cloclt A*~ , of Official Record$ of Orange County, California. ".'~ e'deed together wi ttt,.the deedrestric,tions as recorded, the City Cl erkandfound to be the 58. as on file, w1 ttl '.. egal description of the property. Thereupol1j Co\:lncilman INo. 973 for second reading and moved for its passage and AN CltDINAtI;f Of THE ANAHEIM ENICIPAL C ANAHEIJd AND THERE.IN SPICES: AOOPTING A USED !HEREIN; PROVID PERALTIE5 FOR VIOLA1 CONFLICT THEREWITH. TY OF. ANMlfIM AMfNDltlJAlTICLE IX.' CHAPT&{ 2!'0". RELATING TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF. ZONES IN 1),11: eft!!' 0F LATING mE USE. QF LAND,- HEIGHT,QF.BUlLDJJIS ~~ YAID SHOWING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID ZONiS; DEFINIM1 'TIE TERIIIS ~ ADJU SntE NT , AMENDMENT J AN) ENFORCEMENT; PRES;RIBltG NJ AND REPEALI~ ALL SECTIONS CR PARTS OF ~TIONS IN F-54-55-l4 . I . After hea~ 9 read in full the title of Ordinance No. 913 and haviRl knowledge of the con nts therein, Councilman Schutte moved the reading in full of said ordinao be waived. Councilman Van Wagoner seconded the motion. Motion unanimously c ied. 1000 1 Report of the Orange County Boundary Commission, find- 1At and determining ~at the botandaries of said annexation are reasonable and definite, was submit~, read, and ordered received and filed on motion by Councilman Van Wa9on~, second~ by Councilman Fry. MOTION CARRIED. INSURMCE: Renewal f Blanket 1)ond Fai thful Performance Public Employees, $42.84 and Honesty B.nket Position Bond Public Employees, $65.38, was recom- mended by the City !inistratiYe Officer and authorized by the City Council on motion by Council n Wisser, seconded by Councilman Schutte. II>TIONCARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 2737, Councilman Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2131 and moved for its pas$ag and adoptIon. page If \ I - ! A RESOLUTION OF THE ITY COUtCI~ OF THE CITY OF ANAMEIM FINDltG All> DETBRMINIM3 THAT PUBLIC CONVENI! "AND NEC~SSITY REQUIRE TIlE CONSmUCTION AND CONFLETION OF A PUBUC IIeFROYEM ,T, TO WIT. FIRE STATION NO.2. AT THE INTE:1U~"~TION OJ: EROOKHJRST AND C AVENUES: JOB NO. 364 AM> APPROVING THB DISIGNi. PLANS, PROFILES, IR'AWINGS, . SPECIFI;: ATIONS FOR lHE CONSTR'OOTION m!REOF; AUtHCIt- IZING THE CONSmUCTI$ OF SAID PUBLIC IW>ROVEMENT IN ACCORDMCE WITH SAID PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, ETC. . AND AUTIicllIZIMJ AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH A NOTICE INVITING S! D PROPOStu.S FeE THE CONS1RUCTION THEREOF. {BIDS TO BE OPENED Y <4 19!>5 :00 otc ; K PI.M.). On roll ca 1 the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES I NOES I ABSENT : Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and 'MtWagoR.r. None. ~ , None. The Mayor resolution duly passed and adopted. LIIRARY BO I Mayor Pearson appointed Mr. E. D. SeeltiAS and Miss Yetta Alden, T;nJstee . tQ the An.helm Public Library Board. Said appointments were ratified by thec:tity Council on motion by Councilman Schutte, se<!onded by Councilman Fry. MOT ~N eARRIED. MONTHLY REPCRT: Reptt for the month of March, 1955 of the- flow of s_ge of" the several cities a4 sanitary districts on Sections 2, ~, 4,5, ana 6 of the J.O.S. and Waste lat, Disposal Company was ordered received and fil_on motion by Councilman'isser, seconded by Councilman Pry. MOTION CARRr!D. r-"I 1 RELEASE OF RJNDS TR 'T NO. 216: Mr. Turner, City Attorney, reported the tract improvements hye been co.pleted and that the subdividers would like a waiver of the provi$~ns of the contract and release of money, and would file statements from all ontractors that they had been paid and waive any c1ai. against the City. RESOWTION NO. 2738& Councilman Schutte offered Resolution No. 2738 and moved for its passage and .option. 996 1 A RESOLUTION OF THE ,TY COUtCIL OP THE CITY OF ANAHEIM <JI.ANTIlG VIR lAID: NO. .3C.L. ! On roll ca] the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following votel I AYES; NOES a ABSENT : Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None. . NotIe. The Mayor, foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. Was again held S\Jbai tted by Manley-Kuhns CorporatiOA, recau..tlftg that lots shown on csed Tentative 1IIp:_ t....c:t No. 1647 lyingaloftg 1.1nth Street f.r a depth q 3 lots and. along eerritos Avenue for a depth of 1 lot b. changed from R-A t9 3 to allow the construction of Multiple Units in this ar... ~ The City p: nlng eo_i5sion, pursuant to their Resolution No. 119, recouaended that the ,eclassificatienbe dem_. I Ptdtlic He 19$~ at which time by the Council at a , -. held by the City Co~ncil on the matter. April 5, hearing .. aaelarM' closed with deci alon tebe rcel\dered er date. After!tho in Reelassi fication be used for Mul tiplel the eity Council, a lished. h discussion by the Council, the rezoning as ~sted 4-~5-32 was granted on coadition that the p~,.rty will \Ising in accordance with plans previously stdld'ttild to !f~rther, that an Architectval Coteti,ttee will be ..tab- 7 for its passage and subj ect to above co ouncilrnan Schutte offered Resolution No. 2ll!> and IIOV. ption, changing the zone Reclassification of P-54-~5-32 ions. lution Book, page Y caJICIL Qf THE CITY. OF ANAHEIM FItI}ItI; ~ DEtlRMINIM:; S NECES&1RY IN CeRTAIN AliAS-OF THE CITY-AlII..t AlTICLE AHEIM MJMICIPAL CODE SHOOLD BE AMEtI>ED TONXOIM..!'SH sAID 55-32 . On roll cal the follow1ng votea the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted'by AYES: NOES I ABSENT : Pearson, Fry', Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagon,r. None. None. The Mayor lared the foregoing resolution duly passed end-'epted. n SPHeIAL USE PPRMTT! to establish a Driv acres located at the bmitted by Manley-Kuhns Corporation requestJng permission Th@atre on propertyconlilting of approxi..t~y ~O uthwest corner of South Walnut Street and ConW:t Avenue. Public Hea 1955, at which time rendered by the City ~g was held by the City Council on this matttr' Allil '5, hearing was declared closed with the decision to be uncil at a later date. 1002 n AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Yan Wagoner. None. None. The Mayor eclared t~ foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. R TI Councilman Wisser offered Resolution No. 2742 and moved for its passage and. option. page ARJia)WTION OF THE. ~TY COUr<<:I,.. OF THE C~'T~ OF ANAHEIMAOCEPTI.tG,,'A ..~wr pm;t> CONVEYIt<<J TO THE CI 'OF ANAHEI~ CERTAIN REAL PROPeRTY FeR AN EAstUeJlT Pat' ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY P POSES. t~AL1ER R. WARD). by the Pearson, Fry, SChutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None. None. 1 the foregoing resolution was duly passed and .dopted I AYES: NOES: ABSENT : The Mayor eclared the foregoing res()lution duly passed and adopted. P~k"IHG LOTS, Discu ,ion ",as h~ld on the present zoning of area described as Lots 25, 26, 27, and 28, Block E-5 of the Langenbe:rger Tract with reference to P-l Zoning. . n It was mov by Counc~lman Schutte, seconded by Council..n Fry that the City Administratt and the Pity Attorney be inatrueted to~u."..nc, negQ- tiatlons for the pur base of Lots 25, 26, 27, and 28, Block E-!> of the Langen- berger Tract for pub tc parking: lot use, and if negotiations for the puchase atasatisfactory pr te failed, that proceedings of cond~ation .e c-.enced for the acquisition f the prop~rtYf and further, that the Building D4fP8rtltent be instructed to wit hold buildlng permits pending negotiations. MOTION CARRIED . ~IlJMAIm BOtt)S: Ren .1 Bond fot Pastusak Plumbing eompany and Orange County Plumbing Bond were 0 ered rece~ved and filed when approved by the CltyAttorney on motion by Council an Van Wagpner, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. RECREATION BJDGET: Opy of proposed Recreation Budget wa.& given each CrI~il.. , man for their inform tion in order that action might be taken at the Me.ting of May 10, 1955. TRASH COLLECTION: . Murdoch, City Administrative Officer, reported on the agreement for the op*ation of Trash Collection by contract and stated that informal bids had be_ received and that the low bidder was unable to enter into agreement becau e of failure to obtain a performance bond asrequiredJ and, therefore, withdrew 15 bid. H~ further advised the S. & H.. Rubbish Hauling, 423 North Townsend S teet, Los Angeles, California, to be next lowest .b1dder at 45 cents per res! .ntial unit and recommended the award of contNtt.t to said company for trash pi kup in the outlying areas. ~ 1 1 J R for rCouncilman Fry offered Resolution No. 2743 and moved .option. Refer .olution B(i>ok, page A RESOLUTION OF THE ITY COUICIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING AND AUTH~- IZING THE EXECUTION .' AN, A()\~T BETWEEN THE CITY OFAlAHEIMA... ,_ Hf RUBBISH HAULING RELA ~NG TO THE COLLECTION AN:> DISPOSAL OF RUDIS All) "ASH. 994 - 7.00 P The City Co ~cil of the City of Anaheim met in Regular Session. < COUNCI : Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. . COON: I None. CI freeNEY, PRES 1URNER: Present. CITY ADMIltS1RATIVE b ICER, KEITH A. Ml.JRIX);Ha Present. ~JiSI The Minute~ f the Regular Meeting held April 12, 19!'>5 and Adjourned Regular Meeting held ril 21, 1955 were approved on motion by Councll..n Van Wagoner, . seconded by uncilman Wisser. M)TION CARRIED. j RE LUTION NO 27 I (;o\lncilman Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2132 and moved for its passag . ~nd adoption. . ~lution Book, page ! i n A RESOLUTION OF THE THB P AYMIMT OF E , CoolCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVIr<<; Ate DIlECTIII3 AGAI.NST THE CITY AS OF APRIL 26, 1955. (Sl1B-'.li~~).. I the foregoing resolution was duly passed .and adopted I by the AYES: NOi6a ABSENT : Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, and VanWagoner. None. None. The Mayor resolution duly passed and adopted. BID PROPOSALS; The fumfshing of reinfo rubber gaskets for i Notice duly publish by Councilman Van Wa y Clerk was instructed to open Bid Proposals for the concrete steel cylinder pipes and fittings, .4..1udinO allation, pursuant to Resolution No. 2716 _.,....1 n the Anaheim Bulletin, April 15 and 21, 1915, fh. motion er, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. n B~SRECEIVED $8I.,~j5) -,ioan 'lpe and.JaC ,. O. lox 3428 or. ' Angeles 54 s..ga.. Uni tee! Concrete Pipe P. o. Box 425, Bal Southern Pipe and Ca ,P. o. lox C, .\%\1.. $92,951.33 J 1 {All Bid Proposa .~ were accompanied by Bid Bonds in the amount of lei'} Bids were ered referred to the Superintendent of Light, po.er and Water for tabulation nd report on motion by Councilman Wlsser,seconded by Councilman Van Wagon MOTION CARRIED. tion, Superintendent of Light, Power and Water, George Oelkers, reported th American Pipe and Construction Co. to be low btdd~ and recommended the acce ~ance of said bid. i I Q RESOLUTION NO. 2733t Councilman Schutte offered Resolution No. 2133' and moved for its passage and option. Refer to R~olution stok, page A RESOWTION OF THE TY COUN:IL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTIJ<<J I._~D PRCPOSAL AND AWARDI A CONIRAC TO THE LClliST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER ~ THE RJR- NISHING TO THE CITY ANAHEIM OF REINF<JtCED COICRETE STEEL CYLltI)D' PIPE AND FITTltlJS. (AMlRICAN IPE AND CONSTROCnON CO. $88 954 50 .