1955/06/13 1047 c IESOWTION ~ . 2789& Couneilman Wagoner offwed Resolution No. 2789 and :'ltDv8d. for it. passage and .d.optio~ A RE~UTI()N OF THE CITY COUlCIL IZIIIi THE iXJEUTI0N OF AN IEPARTMENT OR PtJaIC WCIlKS, DIVISI TO THAT P<JlTI()N OF STA IOOTE VII CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF AMAliEI .. CITY OF AWAHEIM APPROVING AND AUTHCJl;- BE MADE AJI). aNlBRlD ItITO lITH THE OF HIGHWAYS STATE OF CALIfORNIA JtELA~~ 1.-174-MIA All) WHICH EX1EJlDS THROUCIf THE o ~ roll ~all the for.. by the following vbte: resolution _. duly pa.sed and.adbpted AYES: NOES; AJaENT & COOte I LMEN & COUt(;ILMEN I COtJK:I LIEN t SChutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. The Mayor declared the I resolution duly passed and adopted. Councilman Van Wa90ner.~Oftcled Coancilll\an lisser moved! the IIOtioft. IIJTION CARRIED. AIUOl.JIKEI) . S1&EB . o . The Cl ty Council ty of Anabel. met in Special Session. , SctIMtte. and.sau. PRESENT: ABSENT: COUIlCI LMAlI. Van W. CITY ATICltHEY, PRESTON ltJRNER: P CITY MM!N[SaATIVE OFFICiI, KEI-rn Present. Special Meeting was cali and take whatever action necessa~ known as South Anaheim Annexa'tion,: connection ~re1d th and to trans ' before said ..eting. Notice of s of the City Council, June 10, 1955, receipt of said Notice. by Mayor Pearson to receive a request arding proPtJtd ana.xetitp. Qf territory . d to do and perform any other acts in . any other b\lelness that may lawfully C;OIlle Special Meeting was mailed each member. nd all menbers of the Council acknowledged SOUTH ANAHEI'4 ANNEXATION: A requ , .tion proceedings of the t..ri tory! South Anaheim Annexation was submi containing 81 signatures to comm.n~e annex- scribed in Hid request and designatecl as and read. The area proposed for a Map and di.cusion followed r,el~tl area, more particularly the sewer ~ the City Adm1~istr.tive Officer a the prohl.s involved in this areal. On motion by Councilman said request for annexation was r recommendatian and report. K>TION! Councilman Schutte mav the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ADO'OORNED. 51_D. Councilman Wisser seconded xation was outlined by Mr. Murdoch on the to the probl8ta invo lveci In serving this tallation problems. Both Mr. Murdoch, . HOlyoke, the City Engineer, explai~ o seconded by Councilman Wisser, the City Planning Commission fQ~ , I I i