1955/07/26 1115 Cl I The City.GouBeil ~ty of An-*ei. met in Regular SessIon. , I PRESENT: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, fl.',','"ry, SChut1"e, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. ABSJ:NT :eOU~ILMElh None. I CITY ATI<JlHEt. PlESTONTUlUtER: p:r ent. CITY ADMIJlIs1ItATIVE OFFICER, KEITH . ~H M>sent. ASSISTANT CI~ AE*INISlRATIVE OFF ,W. F. RIDAY, Present. ~tlfTES: Th-. Mietes. of, theRegul .....109. .ld July 11, ,11M and Adjoumtd: legular MeetIDgheld July 19, 19&0 ere approed on.otlon by Councl~anYan. Wagoner, secM'lded by Councilman S ~tte. KJT ON CARRIJ:D. n'"""".,.', I i .,' AYBS: NOBS : ~NTI I i I 2 L re.olution duly passed ,and adopted. ..JiSOWTIOII ~ 2164: Councilman V >t8ved for i tat pa.s.,. Ind adoption Wagoaer 1ffered Resolution No. 2864 add I I 1 Reier to Resolution Boole A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COOtCIL 0 THE CITY F ANAHEIM APPROVING All) DIRECTING THE PAYMENT OfDIIWI)S AGAINST THE 'ITY AS OF I JULY 26, 195~. ( $199,882.33). Onro11 cell the foregoi the following; vote: resoluti~A was duly pal.ed and adopted ,by I I ! FryJ SChutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. CcmcILMEN: COUtCILMEN: CoolEI LMEN: Th. Mayor declared the f J+D .PRCPOIAbif....._.__!.<JYt._~ . "pursu~n to aesolution No. 2851 and L"tl IJotice duly JIIbllshed. July 15 and 11, 1955, 'e City Clerk .s instncttd to epen Bid prOJlOsals for theconstru .."ion of St: el Cylinder CO,acrete ..tuUtle 1n Crone, Nutlrood aDd Orange AvebU ., Work. . . .r No. 1349, 'on Ilotion by Couneil- ..n Van ..goller, seconded by COUAC ...an Fry. IMJTION CARRIED. l Uni t p"ice $1..' $16,965.00 S E Pipeline Constnctlon CoJllpany ~ Nevada; P. O. Box 131, 13736 E. Mulberry ,rive, Whittier Bejac ConatnICtion COJDpany 1241 Orangethorpe BOUlevard, $1.,23 S14,1'1..',- Graven and Ca.pany 8736 Palm _enue, Bellflower $1.39 $1'~263.eo Peerless Cone-ete Pipe Corp. P. O. Box 384, Santa Ana $1.40 $16,380.00 J. E. Young Pipeline Contractors, 931 East Resecrans, LGS Angeles (All Bid Proposals were ace.. 'ied by B14 Bonds in the :....t'o!..cl.flA). . $1.43 $16,731.00 SaW Bids were referred ,the SUP~; iaterad.ntof ,Light, Powr.. and Water, Georgt Oelkers, for t.abulat ,n and r.ep, ,t o.n .oti~by CoUftclbMn Wisser, seconded by Councilman Sch "te. MOTI, N CARRIED. Af1ier talNl.atlon, Mr. Ge . ,Oelk~report8d the Bejac Construction COJRPany to be low bidder and rec ..nded the .cceptance or said Bid. . JESOLl1TION NQ. 2865. Councilman 5 utte offeted Resolution No. 2865, and moved for its pass~e and .adoption. n ~- 1116 00 P. M. --. I ~TY GOONCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING. $BALED PROPOSAL Alf) AWARDIIA CONTRACT TO THE LCJfEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER"PCJl ntE fUR- NISHING OF ALL PUNT ~LABCR, SSlVlCES, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT AND ALL UTILITIES ANI) TRANSPCETATION II LUDING PO_, FUEL, AND WATER. AND PERFCEMIr<<3 ALL W<liK NECESSARY TO CONSlR AND COltl'l-ETE THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC IMPROVEMaIT.. paN- SlJlUCTION OF A 16" LINE OM THE INTERSEG.TION OF CRONE AND IIJGtID AV!WES WESTERLY ~OtltCRONt! TO TWOOD SmSET THElCE NORTIimLY ALONG NUTWOOD S11lEET TO CR~ AVE THENCE WESTERLY ALONG (RANGE AVENlU;__JO ~LIA AVENUE, IfCRK CRDSt NO. 134Q. ~ ~i $325. GO On roll ca 1 the foretoing resolution was ,duly passed, and adopted by the fOllowing vote: AYES: NOES; ABSENT : Pearson, Fry, Schutte,. Wisser,. and Van laton.r. None. None. The ~yor .clared th_ foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. I Reliolutlon No. 26+4 Ci ty Clerk was inst Chlorine, on motion (;AllRIED. Pursua..t to ~d Legal 't1ce quly Jiublished Ju:1:y 15 and 21, 1955, the 4ted to op,n Bid Proposals for the furnishing .of Liquid t Councilm*n Wisser, seconded by Councilman Fry. MOTION BIDS REC,E lViD Per Hundred John Wiley Jones a~,ny, Inc. Weight 1904 Border Avenue ITorrance $5.~O Lost or D_aged .. .CVli.IId... ~.. ... $925 . (AccClDpanied byt in the amount of $3,300.(0). -'" Tops Ch_ical Compan 1727 Buena Vista, (Accompanied by Bid Bond in the amount of 10%). $5.50 $325 .00 Braun Corporation 2260 East 15th Str .t, Los Angeles $5 ii 50 (Acco,apanied by amount of $3t ICashier's Check, No. 3332519, dated July2=>, 1965"in the ~OO). Bids were ,ferred. to the General Manager of the J.O.S.ift>:r presenta- tion to the Executi v ; Board for tabulation and report as~ecQllllended by City Engineer, George E. 41yoke, on motion by Counci~an Van Wagoner, seconded by Councl1manWisser. TION CARRIED. · Pursuant to ~esolution No. 2800 duly p\Allli,hed in the Cyp ,55 Enterptise and Anaheim Bulletin, ..1"". 24 and. July 1, 1955., Public Hearing "6 held otl the proposed annexation of :uninh8bi'ted t.erri- tory designated as + Mah~Rad,r Annexation. Theel ty C trk advised' that no W!'i ttenpl'oteets had beerl received in her office. . ..... The Mayor ,ked if anl'one w~shed to address the Couacil on the matter; there being no one, . declared: the hearing closed. CRDINANCE NO. 1006: Ciouncilman~Van Wagoner offered. Ordimance No. 1006 for first reading and mo td for its passage and adoption. 1117 1 C.J 126 1 AN CJIDI~E.....OF T.HE GITY OF AN. . ABEl .1 APPlloYllIii. THE ANNEXA. . rlON ..TO THE .GITY OF .ANAHEIM OF TIE TlRRIT(JlY KMOWN ANIb,.esIGNAT!D~ AS JlAHR.-.I\.. >>EXATlOR. After heaz,ing re~ in ful : the ti tIel of Ordinance No. 1006 and haYing k. .nOWled. ge. Of:.the CO.' A.' tents therel..nt ~: h.e bounda~', les. the ere .SOf bel. ng outll.ft.ed.. 011.....,. the map by.... Priclay,Councilmtnty moved t e.readiAg i~ full of said ord1~ nance be .ai.eeI. Councilman Wllse ! seconded. he .otlen. Motion unanll1ou$1.v ~arried. ' . n The,Ci ty Pla8Q1nq' Go.lsl f)n, pursu~~ to their Resolution No. 188, recommend.d the approval of said r 'lassificafUon sub~ect to the following condi tions: · 1. The cleedtDg of 20 fe. alOngEuc~id Aveue to tlJe CIty of Anaheim for str.et ideAing.1 . 2. The.. inata.'.11at1on of .. DI and sl~"lis. 3.Pavlng s,"et to exit rag pav_.pt. 4.ingln..rll\g !'equirtll s. I i The Mayor asked if anyone trished to~ddress the Council on the _.tUr. Discussion followed and i. twas cons;'ered that in order to use this property for..,:. one specific use, the ~one ShaUl. be Chan,9ed by varl.ance. There- upon, the.r_lassificationwas den bel to be esw-itted without prejudice as a varlanc~.. I RESOLUTION ft). 28661 Councilman . Wagoner i~ffered ResolutlOft No.' 2866. and moved for i -tl pas sage and adopti on nl'. r f Refer to Resolution Bo~k, pag, A ~SOLUTION OF THE CITY .~tCIL IHG THAT A HBElNAPTIR IEroRIBED. F AlWIElM FIteIIIS.AN[) BEJSlMIN- D IN A CFRTAIN AREA OF THE CITY resolutiqn was duly passed and adopted by , On roll call the foregoi the followi,. vote: AYES: NOS I 4BSINT: COOtCILMEN : CQUtCIlMBN: COUrcIL,MEN: son, Fry,: Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. The Mayor declared the f oing redolution duly pal.sedand adopted. PUBLIC HEARIIG:RiCLA$SI FICATWN structiOftG~ny.requ..t1ng 25 a Road and BrClOkhurst Street be rec of a super ..rket. The City PIa_log ...eo..is recQlIIlended the reclassification n, pursu~ to their a..olution No. 191, . j let to ". following condi tioRI & n'.. ... I ! 1. The filing of Stand Restr1ctions of the 2. The deeding to the C Road .ead~Brookburst ' 3. Engineering requi. HOOD.CotMRCIALD.ed The Mayor asked if anyon ;nshed to laddress the Council on the matter. 1118 ,2 : 1-~5 - 7.. ,OOP .M Discussion .cniowed - altd it ,was cQnsideredtha~ in oxtder .to r.strict the use of this land~o a super ~market, the chan!le should be,'g;rar1tedby variance rather than reclassi ~cation, a~d further that the reclassification should he denied without preju n RESOLUTION NO. 2867: lCouncilmall Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 28'7 and moY~ for its passag land adoption. lution B4ok, page A RESOLUTION OF THE ING THAT A HmEINAFTER DESCRIB . On roll ca the follo.ang vote: the for89oing reso'lution was duly passed .and adopted by AYES: NOES: ABSENT : Pearson,' Fry, Sehtitte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None. None. The Mayor lared thft foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. _ agent of the Arnold Construction' Company entered the 'that the ~eclassiflcation be continued to allow definite [to the CotJncil, and further to allow necessary deed re- i up to re..trict the area to the uses de.ired by the An authori meeting and request plans to be subMltt strictions to be dr Council. r RESOLUTION NO.2.: Councilman Fry offered Resolution No. 2868 and moved-for its passage and adop pn. pa.ge, A RESOLUTION OF THE NO. .7, ENTITLED " FI tl>IIG All> DETERMI TAIN AREA OF THE CI trY COUN::IL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM,.R~OCI~1NqR18~tlITION TIOli OF THE CITY COUIl:;lL OF .THE CITY OP AJfAHEIM THAT A OIWGE OF ZONE SHOUID NOT BE GtANT8) . IMl cm- HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED. It (F-54-55-40). On roll cal the following vote: the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by AYES: NOES: ABSENT : Pearson, Fry, SChutte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. None. None. The Mayor lared the foregoing resolutioo.dUly palled and adopted. n I I PU LIe HURINGIPll 00 P-L ZONES! Purs Public Hearing was h allow further consid Commission, on motio M)TION CARRIED. . ED C<DE IWGES RELATING ]0 THER-2, B-3, ~l, C-2, C-3, . t to the C1 ty PlanningCo_isliol\', Resolution No. 172, .ti and con~inuad to Augusi; 22, . 1055, 7:00 0 'clock P.M. to .: tion of 'the zones as recQmmended by the City Planning by Counciliman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Schutte. SANTA AN Pursuant to Resolution No. 2799, the . for Rold VII-QRA-174-ANA was authorized on motion by d by Councilman Schutte. MOTION CARRIED. 1119 Ca P~M. . VARIANCE NO. 374.L. SulilRitted by J 4-Unit ApartMent Building at 3a5 I s. I. elf' r .fQrpeJ'lt1ss1on to erect a 'stVe1W)ll Street. ',' .- , .1 , ,this Iftatt, r July 12, 19$5.t whloh time. " th action '0 be determined at a later dat.~ I Public HeaX'ing WiilS held Q the hearing was declared closed I I The City Planning Commi.. +n, pur'~t to their Resolution No.1", denied said . Variance No. 374, and'.:. fter fu '. er study and. investigation by the City COllncil, the Council sus,ined the ction taken by the City Plan- ning Co..is.ion. i RBSOWIIGN JJ. 286.9: COUll.ilun. ! butte 'Off~r. Resolution No. 2869 ud moved for i Is passage and adQptio .1 o l- I A RESOLUTIOI OF THE CITY CQJNCIL OF THE CITY liPLMDIIHG Ca.ISSION On roll call the foregoin re$Olutio~ ..s duly passed and adopted. by I the following vote: AYEI: HOESl ABSINT : CWNCILMEN: COUIIJILMEN : CQlII;ILMEN: Fry, SChutte, Wisser, and Van ,.goner. i The.Mayor declared the fO; ;going resplution duly pa."ed and ad.opted.- SOUTH A~~IM ANNEXATIONs The fo ~owing certificates relating to the suffi- ciency of tile petition for thea,xatioQ .efe sw.1tted and read in fulll:. "cmtIFIcATE RELAnNG TO AMeXATIOR OF INHABITED STATE OF CAIlFORNIA ) ) sa. COUNTY OF ClM<<iE ) n tFICI. ENC.Y r' F PETITION " FCft . THE RlTCRY TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. t I, BENE M. WILLIAMS, Ci tytlerk of t e City of Anaheim, do hereby certify tha--. upon reoeiving in my .fflce a tit1eft l'equ.stlng the annexa- tion to the. City of Anaheim, of ce~ain terri: ory kn~ andd.,i.gnattd.e ' SOUTH ANAHEIM ANNEXAIION, I have ~ecked sa! petition and have eXaMined the County regiltration of voters :to "~ertain e totaL maber of .alified. electors reaiding within the tar torydesc _ad 1n said petition, and that I have inspected said territory, nd I furt r ~.1"tllyth.t.,f.roJlsuch ex.-1n- ation and s.ch inspection I find at the to, al ntJMber of quali fied eleetors residing in. aa14 ten! tory 15 168 _lectors .d I find that.'. I.ld~ pet1 tion is signed. by 124 persons and that 12 'of the p,*"sons who$e nalles are signed to said petiti~ are qualified elee .ts reSid~i, within the tarrltory described in s~id petition, as sho_ by ttle County r. " stratlonof vqte~s of Orange. County, Callfornia,and I fl.lrt.h c:e:rtify t t saidlast-:..nUoned nu.ber of qualified electors constitutes no . less thanl one-fourth of the qualified elector$ r.~ding.i thin the terr tory proPQ~ed to be annexed1 as shown by such County registriti()n of vote ~ . I farther certify that sa. terri torjy described in said peti tion is contiguous to. the Ci tyof Anahel.tlnd does ~t f01'll1 a part of any other incorporat.. city. DATED: This 25th day of Uly, 1955. n (SEAL) ~t. V Lile~}.a.." '. ',a." ......... '. TV C '. . . . " ITY 0' AM , .' ". . 1120 n I j RELATING 10 SUFFICIENCY OF PETIT!E>N FCIl THE 'F INHABITED TBmITCRY TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. STATE OF CALIFCJiNIA SSe CWNTY OF CliANGE I, B. J. certify that I am tb in the County of Or caus eel to be examin Anaheim for the ann and designated as S qualified electors r shown by the County qualified electors I further ~.r of qualified petition is 168 elee names .are signed to sents one-fourth or tory. .TH, Ceunty Clerk of the CO\lnty of. 'Orange, do her_by jCOUAty officer having charge of the registration of voters 'e aAd I dQ hereby further certify that I have ex..-ined or 'the peti t.on received by the City Clerk of the Cl ty of 'tion of etrtain territory to said City of Anahei. known ANAHEIM ANNEXATION, to ascertain the total nwnb.r of Iding witHin the territory described in said petition, as istration of voters, and to determine the number of se names ~re signed to said petition. ; tify that from said examiAatlon it appears that the total ectors re~idin9 wi. thin the terri tery ~&Gribed in:eaid s and that the total number of qualified electors whose : d peti tidn is 121 electorst and that sald number repre- re of theiqualified electors residing within, said terri- 25th day of July, 1955. (SEAL) _ Is/ B. J. SlIith.. COUNTYOLSU< OF '. THE, COUNTY Or: CJlANGE " i""'" i REIOWTION NO. 2870: ~ouncilman FFy offered Resolution No." 2870 and moved for its passage and adop Refer to page A RESOLUTION OF THE iTY CoutCI4 OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DECLARING' ITS l!NlENTION TO CAtL A SPECIAL E 'ION. TO SUBMIT TO !Hi ~ALIFI&DEl.ECTaRS RESlBING IN THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIB rERRITCEY THE QUESTION OF ANNEXATION OF SAID. TIRRITCJlY TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. ,( . PUBLIC ImARING, S&PTFM~PR 13, 19~5 7:00 O'CI.t'XX P,. '. TENTATVE DATE OF ELECTION OCTOBER 21. 1955). n i j Pearson, Fry, SChutte,.Wlsser, and Van-Wagon.r. None. None. On roll ca the following vote: the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by AYES: NOES: ABSENT: The Mayor I lared tht1 foregoing resolution duly pass.ed and adopted. Affid~vit of Publication of proponent~t notice'of a petitidn was submitted. ' T intention to circula RElIOLUTIOIf NO. 2871~1 for its passage and ounci~an Wisser offered Resolution No. 2871 and aoved p'tion. . lution BQok, page A RESOLUTION OF THe OF Copy OF I F TION OF TERRI TCBY TO Am APPROVI~ THE cr IfY CDUN:IL Of: ~ CITY O~>>J~IM ACIOlllLEOOINa IU!(~~I~T NTrONO CIICU IE A PETITI N RELATIMJ TO THE 'Af4NBXA- E CITY OF ANAHEIM AND AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION THIREOF, kATION OIt SAID PETITION. (LI1CO~DALE ANNJ4XATION). On roll cal the foreg,oing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the follo~ing vote: 1121 c AYES I NOES: ABSINT : COUK;IUlEN; . COUIEILMEN: COUteI IJIEN: Fry,lScnutte, W1SSR, and Van Wagoner. I The ,Mayor declared the fo ~oing reS~lution duly passed and adopted. pSTON 00. 2 lANNEXATION: The foIl ing certi'icate of the City Clerk relating to the sufficiency of the petition +r annexat~on was sua.itted and read in full: , ,! "CERt.",:IFI. CAli RELAl'l~, TO fFICIE~, y e",i F PET" ITION FQR".. mE, AJlICATION OF UNItllABlTEIl tlHUTCIlY rO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. STAlE OF CALIPH!! ) , ) ss. COONTY OF (JlAJI;E ) n I, Jt&&.. M. WILLI_S, Cl ty lerk of t e City of Anahei..., do hereby ._rtify that tpOn ~ec.1Y1ng a petit n for tati ann.xatio,n~of oertlin ter~~~, ~ and4a,.oat" a.the HOUSTON . 2 AnO,N. wblleht.ni~ry is el.... .u,Hd ialcd' peti tiOR to.be unl . ited, tha I ex.ined said, peti tiOR, the .,glstratl,ontf voters ,of.lheCount I C).f Or.~;aftd the last e~ali:(;ed ass,~&- ..nt roll of the County of Orange, i> ascerta! if said territory is uninhtbl,jed and to ascertain if said p.titio~ 1 s~gned by the owners of not less than one- fourth of the land in the territory by area a d by assessed value, as shown on the last equalized assessment roll f the Coun, y of Orange and that I have in- spected said territo~. I btreby flather "Gel'tify t from s, ob inspection and examinations, 1 find that leas than 12 registered voters res ded within said territory a~ ~e 11.. of tht filing of said petition for annexa: ion and that said territory was tt said tiae unil'\hablted t,rri to"_ ~,I furthe carti fy that frqm such insp~~~n lAd examinatien and frQJD a computa 4>n of the i atal area ~contlined in said territory, I find that said petitio' is sign i by the owners of not less than .....fourth of the land in the terri ,ry, by.a, aAQ by a..esled value as shown on the last equalized assel . troll 0 the County of Orange, and that -.ldpet1 tlon.is suffictlent 1n all' ,spects. ta* this 25th day of Jut', 195!J. n (SEAL) ...JKDene M. ltI. U~~II CI ',' CLEIk OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM"- " 'Ii '. .,~.' PSOWTION NO,. 2872, Councilman Va Wagoner alffered Resolution No. 2872 and ....ved for 1 t.,p~.&age and edoptiQn. Refer to Resolution Book ,pag, It. RESOWTION QF DIE Clrt CCl,J)f;lLO. 0F A PETlnON'"~ THE ANNEUTION'O . OF ANAHEIM, ~SIClfAIINC:l rJli TiIlRll_ ~RIBIJfG tHE ~ARlES ,OF tHE" ,... Jl)TICE OF THE DAY, HCtJR ,AM) PLACE STY WITHIII .~H TlIUUTCJ\Y,SO.PICP CITY COU~IL AND SHOW CAllSI EY SU CITY OF ArWiE1M. (HOUSTON NO. 2 1955, 7:00 O'CLCCK P..M.. . n OnJ'Oll call the foregoi . resoluti+ ... dulyp..aed and odopted ~ the following vote: AYE$: NOat l ABIJNf I, Fry,: SChutte, Wisser, and Vanlagwr. CCl.JICllJEN : CCUCILMEN ; C~IUBI: , . 1 The Mayor declared the f going re~lution duly pa..ed and adopted~ LNAtCH NO Ordinance No. 1122 Councilman Van. _.gontr'fftred fori'1ts'passag.and.adGption. rn \i ~ [11 ," :J AN CRDINAtCE OF THE ~TY OF ANAfiEIM APPROVIt<<i THE ANNEXATION TO SAID CITY OF ANAHEIM OF CERTAIN I - ABITED TBlRITmYKNOWN ASNCBDi SU*IST'ANNEXAnON. f' After hea~ .9 read ini flofll the title of Ordinance No. 1002. and having nO.ledge of the con ~ts there~n, Councilman Van.Wagonermoved the reatiing in ull of said ordinaa '. be waived,'. Councilman Fry seconded the'DlOtl'On,. .Motion. nanimously carried. . , I On roll ca l the foregoing Ordinance No. 1002 was duly passed and adopted by the folIo ,ng vote; AYES: NOES: ABSENT : Pearson, :Ery, Schutte, Wisser, and Van Wagone~. None. None. The Mayor _clared the foregoing .ordlnanceduly passed and,adopted. ORDlNANCF- NO. 10fi4~ Counci~an Pearson offered Ordinance No. 1004 for final reading and moved fa its passa,. and adoption. " . AN ~I!WI:E OF-THE, ~TY OF ANAllBIMAMENDIl'f(l .TICL! :tv, CHAPTER 2.....t. 6qOF THE ANAHEIM MJNICIP ICCIlE BY .ING NEll SB:TIOHS mERETO, TO BE -10 ' -4291.19 TO 4291.26, H INCWS'VE, RELATIt<<i TO mAW r~; AND RESCINDING ALL CBDI.NilCES CE PARTS CJmINllC!SIN CONFLICT THmEWITH. . On roll ca 1 the foretoing ordinance was 'duly pasted and~adoptedcby the following vote: ....... I I ! ! AYES: NOES: ABSENT : The Mayor It 1 .'. UtCILMEN: Pear.on, . Fry, Schutte, and Van Wagoner. N:ILMAN: Wisser. UtCIUEN:! None. clared the foregoing ordinance duly passed and 'adeptld., ORDINA~E NO. 1~1 ouncilman Van Wagonel'offeredOzdinance 'Ne)'. 1005 for fiaal reading and~ved fo ~its pass.te and adoption. AN CltDlN.N<<;E OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPALC MILE SPEED' LIMIl! ; On roll ca the following vote: n AYES: NOES: ABSENT: The Mayor inance Book, page ,TY OF ANAIJEIM ME.IIG -ARTICLE III, CHlPTIR 2 OP mE BY .ADDI~ A NEW SECTION matETO TO BE NUMBPItED 3289. S1lI>NT' IVI). the foregoing ordinance was duly passed and adopted by Pearson, Fry, SChu't'te, ..i....r, and Vo Wagoner. None. None. larld th. forlQoinQ oMinaneo ttul y pa..~ atW"a<J'p~jd. ClU>IN.AI<<:;E NO. 1007: . uncilman Fry offered Ordinance No. '1007 fo~ first read- ing and moved for it ~assage and adoption. AN CJmINAtCE OF THE TO VACATE. Al'I) AS AND TIIlOOGi nU! HER A HEARING THEREON; CATION OF THIS ORDI try OF ANAltElMDEJ;LARING THE INTENTION OF !H1l C1TYGOUN::IL EAS .PU C U TY P ,p UPON. ALOE, OVIR DE lIED REAL PRCPERTY; FIXING A TIME ~ PLACE Fm DIRECTING THE POSTING OF NOTICES DiamOF All) nfE PUBLI- E. (PUBI.IC HEARING, SEPTEMBER 13, 1955, 7100 O'CLOCK ~,14,J 1123 Final Map of Tract No. 25, was apprpved by the City Council subject to engin..rllQ,requlr8Dents .on.o .0 by Counpl~an Fry, seconded by Councl1- ~n Schutte. MOTION CARRIED. o The City Planning CQmmiss In,pursu-+1t to their Resolution No. 11, Iranted said variance. I , Bill, Iud Dic;k Pebley requestln9 4:J/_. .ents 14 Tract No. 2799.. I IMtIAlCE )I). i90. Subaltt.td by.De waiver of the' 7o-foot frontage *.tion was taken by th IBtTAIlVE .... lI..Am lID.. 2799: Su beated Oft ..t South Street betwe &ontains 34 lets. I i F1 ty COUA11l. 'i viders, t..,,' elm.., Bill,.: and. Dick Pebley. South L nand South Palm Street&. I . o I The ti ty Planning COlIIJ\iss n voted ut approve the tentative map sub- j ect to tJrte 1011owing: 1. The payment of $25ltOO 'er lot fot the acquisl tlon of '.rt aDd '.craatlo~ 9 .8. 2. Engineering requir.. Sai~ Tentative Map of Tra " No. 279911W81 approved by the City CounGl1 Oft IIOtiOl'l by&uncilun Vall Wagone .~ seconded; by CouneilJR~ Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. I . ..:~ FINAL MAPa llII'T NO. 2f4(h Subd1v er, Galnll~.s. Located on thesOlIth .. side of mroa4way, 600 feet east of gnolia Avenue. Tn. eCi ty Engineer,. George '.. Hol YO.kel reported. tp.at all bonds had Men pestC thd all fee. paid aad1c~.nct"'1 tII. aec.,tlnfI. of sl1d final It ...p. Fi~l Map of Tl'aGt .No. 2, '_ aplp l.,_ .thec.1~ COIII'Il:ll subjllCt to engineerillg requlr-.nts on IIOt n by C~lJIan Fry, seconded by Council- _0 Schutte. MOtION CARRIED. FINAL MAP. .T NO. 2358: Subdiv 4er'''.u.t- Pierce. Located on the north side 0' Houston east of ~9ft lia Avenuet I : I TheCi ty Engineer, George'. Ho~qk.~ :reporteel that all bonds had been posted and all fees paid and ,.c~.ndedlthe acceptance of said final up. ' n Pi~lMapof Trac.t No. 2 was apprfved by. the City Council subJ" to engineeriag requir_ents on IIOt 4nby Coun~11..n Fry, seconded by Council.. Nfl Schutte. MOTION CARRIED.' , fINAL MJi', 1lAC.'. T NO. 2577: Subdlv4er, Tedmar.' Development COJftPany. Located in the vicinity of Nutwood adOre e Streets . . I , The City Engineer, George .. HelYOket', r'POrt". tliat. all bands __- been posted and all fees paid andtcomended the ace.tance of said final I aap. fUf~ aQHDO: Plumber Bonds subm tted by Trt-CitY Plumbing and Heating, Inc. and Corneliul8ros. Pl...-biftg, C.P. . W.80M rMrec.lvM ...fl1ed when ....pprOy.ed. by . the City Attomey on. . .lioo by Co', nc11..n Van Wagoner, seconded .:1\y,Couneilmae Wisser.JI)IlON CARRiD. ptJILDING I. EPnf.....,.. IMENT. At9IJAL REP. CRTl I The .Buila... og Department Ann. ualReport was .w.1 tted a' ordered. reee1ved and;il.. on. . tion by Councilman Van ',Wagoner, seconded. by CeuneiIa.an Wisser. 'ON CARRI' . . . , 1124 n I 1 : Siscussian was h'Id on the proposed the contract as now let])y the Gounty ofOr.n~. ~. Ge~~ the 6O-foot right 0 feet to be used by is developed, and f l~ed to contact tbe J:. .Hol~kth ,:C~ty :En9~n.er, reco.,nded the Council acquire .ay impro'\(lng the street as per contract, leaving the 21 . adjacen~ property owners until such tt.e as the property her to e~ll1d.ri..te the medit.a strip. Mr. Holyoke was author- opertyo~er. relative to this rec~endation. FUlE INSlIR,AN;E: .Fi kI_lntt PQllcyon City 9roperty,prem1wn $lt4:)6.6~, and also Fire Insurance ,licy 6.h'lJtib~'ry Rooks, pr-.ium$B3. 70, were accepted when approved by the Cit ~ttorney Qn motion by Councilman Fry, seconded by Council- man Wisser. JlDTION lED. pmSONNJn.: Appoin CQUAeil on motion MOTION CARRIED. is of thct following personnel were ratified by tM City ouncilmart Van Wagoner, seconded DyCaunellman Wisser. Charles R.,.u.l1er, GJto'Ulldman, Light end Power Deparwent. Dal tonW, GrouncJJnctn~Light and Power Departaent. Donald Bo I, Lineman, Light and Power Department. Doyle S. . on, Depu~y City Patrolman to the Uniform Reserve se \ without pay. r0 1: I' : 11 .} ..0.. S.. MINtJ~S: Meeting, held July motion by Councilm ~inutes of the Joint Outfall Sewer ExeGutlve~C~ttee : 1955, we~e approved and ordered received and filed on Wisser, setconded by Councll.J1lan;.$chutt*..~TION CARRIED. AlDITI Audit by D1 ,Evans ~nd G~y for the periOd of July 1, 1954 to March 31, 1965 was '.red rec~iv" and filed. EllISON COJ,pANY BID: tEstimated cost to replace circul t, break.era and grotlnd bank $5,667.00, of which . or 15 ptr cent will be used for street lighting purposes, was su~lttedand h.se ord.r authorized on motion by CQuncilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Counci Wisser. IIlrION CAlIRIED. paQ.e C(iU~CflJl)~E : C relative to meeting and read. nicatlcn from Orang. County League of Calif.~nia Cities be held July 28, 1955, Huntington Beach, w8ssubmi tted Billing covering prior eerviGe,for the June 30. 1956 in the amoWlt ofS52,334.72 was subn1tted when ap~roved by theClty AttorneyaadAdministrative , Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by. Gouncilsan Wisser. CLSU<:C1ty Clerk,: Dane M. Williams, appointed Mrs. . i ty Clerk. Said appointment was rati.fied by the C1 ty Councilman Schutte, seconded by Councilman Fry. MOTION RESOWTION }I). 2973. moved for 1 ts passa Councilmctn Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2873 and and adoption. Refer to A RESOLUTION OF THE. ~. ~36 ENTITLED:" COMPliNSAIION PLAN \ OF THE CITY OF ElF LOYEES WI THIN TH FR~NGE BENEFITS, P RESOl1fl[QN NOS. 24 .IrY COUN:~L OF THE CITY OF AlAHEIMAMENDING :IEOOLUrIOJf "JtESOLUTIO$ OF THE ..eI TY OFANAHEIM..ESTABliISHING. A:BASIC CERTAIN CUSSES OFSI>LOYMENT INTIII.,JI)NICl'PAL SaVleE AND ESTABLISHING RBWLATIONS FtR nU:PLACJ!ME!IT' OF PRHSENT !WAGE AND ~ALARY SCHEDULES PROVIDED: PROVIDIlf3 IQl CERTAIN lCAL EXAMJNAtIONS, HOLIDAYS AND VICATIONS-AND REP&ALIW ~. 2637, 26:l6, AM) 2718." '\ ! 1125 t J ,On Ittllcall tAe foregoi '" the followDtg vote: 1resolutio~ was 'duly paased and' aci~ted ' , I AYES I tl.)ES;& ABSarr : I fry, ~Seblftte, Wisser, and Van Wagoner. 'I i COU~ILlEN: COUlCI LMEN: COUICltMEN : n The Mayor declared the fo q..A1M F<Jl DAMfl'ASl Ve:rtfied Claw IIr personal !Djurlea by reason of IJ55, in the .ouat of $35,000.00, . ~ . 01"9 re'4lut1on duly palsed and adoptld. n.-g.S~iP..S_tad by Violet Helen Go~ '. acc1dent. on .Qr about the 21st day of May, '. s1.Jbai tt and read. , , 1 Wagoner, 1 seconded by counci..lman Wisser., J.. ithe Cl ty [fOWlC!l and the Clerk 1nltructld .!J.') . I On ~tion by Councilman V uid Claim fo>>, D_g'5 .8 denied b to noti fy the 'clalaaat. MOrION C ~~SSION TO LEAVE THE. STATE: May tile state on .tie By Council.an V .rION CARRIED. Pearson i&sgranted permission to leave Wagoner, ; seconded by CouneilMan Fry. I gcREATION~"IIT& .Joint Itecre. em AgX'...~t l~l906 was held over. ~SOLUTION NO~ 2874: Councilman V !Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2874 and IIDvael. for itspas8age aDd adoptictn. Ref.. to Jlesolution So.It, Jtage A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COOtC;IL OF tW<.1 AN ACIlREUIPT TO BE MADE.At{) DT .., THE ANJHE~ LEGION JUNlQi BASE * CQtCESSION AND T P P I I E CITY!J.ANAHlIM;ADnlCflIZING All) ~ ED . INTO. B d) BETWDN THE CIn OF ~tM L TaJRN I RELATING TO THE OPIRATIONS OF n ..:. On ..,11 call the foregoin resolutio, was duly passed and adopted ..Dy the following vote: AYES: ~1!8: ABSINT : son, Fry, Schutte, Wi__, aBd V. .....er. COUlCILMEN: caBClLEI, COOte I LMEN: The ,Mayor declared the fo~oing res~lutlon.lyp..sed and!ldopt"~ Agr..-ent between the Cit of 'lnah.it and the ....iIl .ericen Lewton Junior Baseha.ll T.ournaJllent CQllDitt. for use 0.' the La 'alMPu)c was .utboil~ed an motion by Councilman Schutte, se .nded by Chuncllman Pry. MOrION CARRIED. IElURN OF FILItIG fEEl Return of 52 f 00 (ReCeiE. t 110. 2111pr,taln1ng to 'Yar1aftce Mo. 393) to MI. s. Clyde B. . Schlund; ~llng fee . n applie-.UOh for varlanc'e O. .'~ property presently 1n the County, .. . authoriz',. Oft motion by Couneilaan ScJ:rtfte, seconded by Councilaan Fry. 1.<<)TI011 tARRIED. . CONVENTIONa Permission.as granted. "ay Swei tz~r to attend "lbe Shade T:re. C. v.ntion" at Santa &rbara, August 2 ;3, and 4 jlubject"to the .pproval~of_"the Administrative Officer on motion by ~ouncil.ani Schutte, seconded by Councilman fry. ltDTION CARRIED. n P.'.ETIT.ION: peu...... tlon p. revloualy fll lr....stln.t.,.. the.. conatn.' cUonof a .f.enG. in ..ference to tracts los. 2450 and 2 8 was ref). rtad upon by tho Ci ty Eft9In..r'j' .Qrg,e E. Holyoke, whoadvlsed the uncil tha the subdivider will build a 6-foot solid itedwood fence around . area. ' . i I Co.lIPany"s:1 report for the 11IO nth of June. 8 ..pe tQ~alin9 944 lota, and lnd1catei. Anaheim ~pproved 35 maps totaling 3,279 .,ILDING: Title Insurance and Tru$ 1955 indicated that Anaheim approv that in the first six months of 195 lots. 1126 ~ 1 ,,J , - 7,00 P F.S repair the sidewalk by Councilman Fry, , An extension of 6O..days to bnting tije McMahan's Furniture Storewas,gr~nt~ on motion onded by Councilman Schutte. MOTION CARRIED. fiP~r AT U~I; PERUIl'l, Subni tted .:by William J._ Wesolek for. pennission to construct a 34-bed convalesc · hospi tal at 1514 East CenterJStreet.. The Ci ty ,. ning Contmission, pursuant to their \ a,solutlon No.6, granted said Special Use Pemi't subject to the fOllowing conditions: 1. tion of a building i~ accordance~th . e$ented. iding of off-street parking as shown on I. 2. No 6 taken 11y the Gi ty Council.-, VARIANCE NO. 385& itted by Mrs. Esther P. O'Donnell requesting perMission to erect a one-bedr .. duplex "lling on property described astbe northwest corner of P..arl and hrleton A"enue. The Ci t.y ,.~J.lAing. COJlJllission, pursuant te tb.ir~ a..olution NO.7, granted said varianc ! subject to the erection of the building in accordance wlth the plans pres ~ed. No s taken qy the City Council. ~ , Y.IDCE NO. 386! S itted b~ Arthur H. Ship)tey requesting .perai."ft to cut 2 lots from property ~.scribed .!as the northeast.'c;oitner of Ealt Syc..t.and North East Streets, hd requesting the waiver of the 70-foot frontage'require- mente ! j The City P _nnlng C~is$ion, pursuant to th.lr'Resolution"No. 8, gJ:anted said variant I subj ect ~ the following conditi.onsl ~. I. The pa : ent of ~.OO per lot for the acquisiction of Pal. and Recreation Si tes. 2. The fi lng of a ~cord of surveymap'wlth the City' of Ana ~im and tb. County 0 f O:tange. - , 3. Deed! Ito the City of Anaheim 5.25 feet for the widen! of EastSyc..ore Street. 4. Engin in9 requirements. NO $ taken.~ the City Council. VARIANCE NO. 388: S itted by Harold Morse and Maurice McAlister requesting ,p...a.si.on w.erect.l.fqodmark~~ with off-sale liquor departlflent~'o'n property dacribed as 2015-2. t Anaheim-OIl ve Road.. . '.' The City fanning COBlIlission, pursuant to their Resolution No.9, denied said variance I~ I .~ i l I. J Noa~t10n.s.taken by the City Council. VARI~ NO. 389: 5 itted by cugenie N. Marvin requesting permission to cut off lot from propert described as 1006-1014 West North Street and further requesting the waive of the 7()'foot frontage requ~rement~ '. , The City P *nning. Co..isslon, pursuant. to their Resolution NO~ '10, granted said varianc 'subject tb the following conditiGfts: ... '7 '. ; 1. The P.. ent ,of $2~.OO p.r lot for the acquisition . of Pa~ . ~nd Recr~tion. Sit.es. . 2. T;lle" ~i .'ng of a record of survey map with- the City ',of .Ana.im and the .County of Orange. . 3. Enginet-ing requi~ements. No action s taken by the City Council. 1127 VMI.AtG, S. . .,......1; Suta.l. ttai .b.Y I.. . .Martin J';'qu.... tin, p.~$siol'l to .cut .ff'! · lot 7S feet':.y 130 tot f~ pI'Op ty desGrl ad briefly as East Bmadway, south of the future Lincoln School laygroUftdite. . I The .City P Ianni n.g . Co.dS$ .n, pur$Uafl, t to. their Resolution No. 12, ,ranted said .ariance subject to th ifollowlng!condltionsJ . 1. )I'n.p..,..t of $25..00 !er lot fOt, .the aequisiti. on of Park aDd bcreatioa .$ lea. I 2. .T. .he. filing.... of a re.c.. 0... lof s,:-!rvev.. I map with the City of Anaheia aNI .the .Co_t .,101- Oraaget 3. Engineeri.. requir._ is. I , I No action was ICi ty countuo .IAta lCl. .", 1 Submitted by Reaiy Engine:r' .int.. C..,.., .....tlag a waiver ".'..... '" th. e 7201 s..n l.ot requir-.nt ~n Lots No,. 37 to 73 iftcluI1 ve, Tract No~ 823.' ,. ' . , The.Ci ty Planning CO\8IItl$s nt P'Ul'suat't to theh- aaolation Ifo. :13, lJanted said "r1ance subject to a View. by t... City Gouncil to d.t~ine the .128 and t.,e '., "'lli.,.to be,'. ted 01:1 Lo,. 37 to 73.1nc;l...1 ve. l i I Public Hearing was order Ito be he14 on the -attar AUQust 23. . l~ 7.00 o.clock P.M. on motion by Coun1lJaan SChu1te, seconded by Councilman Wi..er. ~ION CARRIED. ~ FLUn~~N;2S751. Councl1aan Ya lWagoner offered a.solution No. 2875 and, .vlId for Its.....'. aad adeption. ' ,I Ref. to aesolution Book, o n On roll call the forego the following vote: lrr.solut1o~ ... ..1 ypa.... and adopted by AYE.. NOES. ABSBIIT : , ~lL.lt: COOte:: I LIEN: CWlClLEN: lry,!Schutte, .1....,aAd V,.n Wagona. I . The Mayor declared the fo 01ng resqlution duly passed and adopt..,.. .Ql'\TllTION NO. 287(u CouncilJIaD Wi tar offereqj R.solution No. 2876 and moved fir i ts passa~ and adoption. .efer tQ Resolution Book, n I I ,I . ..SOllJTION 0)': Tim CITY COOtCIL OF CITY o~ ANAHEIM FIfI)ING AND DilERMINING ~T PUBLIC C<fIEtU~ AN) lj~ESS.I' f RSeJlIRE COHS1lucrIQJI.~MD ctWLETION OF A PUBLIC I~arEMENT TO IUT: 'ION It).. AT I 10' CRESCENT ENUES JQB. NO. 36 ROVING DESlCiiS, PLANS, PROFILES, Ill... " AN:> SPS;I 'CIONS B:RTHE tOlO. lJ:J AlJTHCRIZING THE CONS1IVCTION OF SAID PUBLICIMPIlOVEMlllT IN E .WITH D PLMS, SPICIFIClnONS, ETC. J .. AtrrHCRIZINI.AlI> ,.DIRBCTINGTH! CI CL.BlK 1d PUBLISH AII)TICE INVITING SEALED PllOPOSALS ~.tHE CONS'IROCnONllBtE~. (BIDSjro_ OPJ!N!D AUClJST 23. 1955. 1100 0 'CLCXl( P ~M. ) . 1128 r-, i J On roll c the following vote: the for~olng resolution was duLy pa$sed and adopted by AYES: NOES: ABSENT : Pearson, Fry, Schutte. Wisser, and Van W~oner. None. None. The Mayor .clared tl1e foregoing 'resolution duly passed and adopted. PSOWTION NO. 2877 J CounGll~n Fry offered aesolutioA" No. 2877 and &lOved for its passage and ado on. Refer to elution Sook~ page A RESOWTION OF THE THAT PUBLIC CONVENI or: A. PUBLIC IMPROV lB ST AVENUE T PROPILES, DRAWINGS THE CONSlRUCTION OF SPiCI PI CATIONS, ETC. A NOTICE INVITING SE OPENED AUGUST 23 1 TV COUOClJiL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AR:>IETSUUNING E AND NB:1ESSITY RE(JJlRE THE CONSlRUCTION AND ~LBrION T TO WITa; THE CRESCEIT. AVENUE StREET iMPlOVIil4l&' .... ILBERT EET JOB NO. 100 APPROVING THE OIS1", PLAItS, SPECIFI .ATIONS :roo THE CONSmUCTION THSlEOFJ Al.J'1'tlQ\IZING . ID PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT IN ACCORDMCE WITH SAID PLANS, All> AUTH~IZING AND DIRECTING THE Cl'TY. CLERK TO PUBLISH ED PROPOSALS R:R THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF. (BIDS TO B~ 7100 O~LOCK P.M. . On roll c the following vote: 1 the forEtgoing resolution was duly passed.. and adopted by AYES: NOES: ABSENT : Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser, aftd Van Wagoner. None. None. 1 '.'.._;jj!"l4 The Mayor clared tl1e foregoing resolution, duly ,passed and adopted. WTION NO. 2878: ,Councilman Fry offered Resolution No. 2878 and IROVed for its passage and ado .on. o r t , j to adjourn. Councilman Wisser seconded the Refer to ,olution Book, pag~ . TY . COUN:~L OF THE; CI TYOF ANAHEIM ,n.ING-: All) DETBUUN:tNG ',All> ~13SSl TY REtJllRE DIE. CON$lRUCCnON, 'A18,co.LiTloR' T TO WITI TIdE EAST ,. smat SJICEIl-,IJ8tQVBME1Jt:a_:al>>IE- AVElIJ JOB NO. 1. ..APPROVING THE lESl_ ~PtA., , SPECIFI AnoNS RJl THE CONSTRuctION THSREOf',AlJTHCJtIZING , PUBLIC) I.aOVEENi' IN: ACCatDAIIJ! 11TH SAID PLANS, AND AUTH(JiIZING M.f!J' DIlECTltG THE CITY CLERK. TO RUBUSH' A PROPOSALS F<E TO CONS1ROCTJ:ON THEREOF. (BIDS TO BE 7 : 00 0 'cLOCK P. M ) it I, 1 :~c On roll c the following vote: the foregoing resolution was duly passed ana adopted by AYES: NOES: ABSENT : lCILMEN: Pearson, Fry, SChutte, Wi$ser, and Van Wagoner. tel LMEN; None. . UtCILMEN: None. The Mayor clared tlie foregoing resolution duly p.s.&edand aclopted. motion. ADJOORNED . SIGNED.